PhysRevAccelBeams 23 082803
PhysRevAccelBeams 23 082803
PhysRevAccelBeams 23 082803
The Advanced Photon Source plans to upgrade to a multibend achromat (MBA) lattice that will
dramatically decrease the electron beam emittance, thereby enhancing the x-ray brightness by two to three
orders of magnitude. Electron beam focusing in the MBA requires small-aperture vacuum components that
must also have a small impedance so as to minimize rf-heating and collective instabilities. As part of this
effort, this paper focuses on coupling impedance measurements and analysis of certain critical Advanced
Photon Source Upgrade vacuum components. Impedance measurements of accelerator components have
traditionally been done with the coaxial wire method, which is based on the fact that the Transverse Electro-
Magnetic (TEM) mode of the coaxial cable can mimic the Coulomb field of a particle beam; however this
measurement technique has various limitations. This paper describes our approach to measure the coupling
impedance using a Goubau line (G-line), which is essentially a single wire transmission line designed to
propagate Sommerfeld-like surface waves whose fundamental Transverse Magnetic (TM) mode mimics
the Coulomb field of a relativistic particle beam. We describe in detail the measurement procedure that we
have developed for the G-line, including the measurement setup and proper definition of a reference,
measurement procedure and advantages, and our experience regarding how to reduce systematic
experimental error that we learned over the course of the measurements. Starting with our initial suite
of measurements and simulations designed to benchmark and validate the novel G-line based measurement
technique, we present the measured results for several Advanced Photon Source Upgrade vacuum
components, including those of two rf-gasket designs and the beam position monitor-bellows assembly.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.23.082803
and each of these horns are connected to a vector network γ 2d − γ 20 ¼ k2d − k20 ¼ k20 ðϵr − 1Þ: ð3Þ
analyzer using two coaxial cables.
The G-line has been used by several groups to character- The guided wave solutions are fully specified by
ize beam position monitors (BPMs) and current transform- enforcing the continuity of μEz =Bϕ at both interfaces.
ers [15,17,19,26]. Simulations showing the G-line’s Inside the perfectly conducting wire we have Ez ¼ 0, so
potential to assess vacuum component impedance were that the boundary matching to (1c) at r ¼ a implies that
described in Refs. [13,25], while the first experimental m ¼ −J0 ðγ d aÞ=Y 0 ðγ d aÞ. Outside the wire the bounded,
impedance measurements from a G-line were reported in cylindrically symmetric solutions are given by the Hankel
Ref. [18]. The latter experimental setup differs from ours ð1Þ ð1Þ
functions of first kind H0 and H 1 , and we have
in that Ref. [18] replaced the receiver cone in Fig. 1 with
rf-absorbers, and determined the impedance from the S11 ð1Þ
Ez μ ωγ H 0 ðγ 0 rÞ
reflection coefficient; typically, measurements based on the ¼ 0 2 0 ð1Þ if r ≥ b: ð4Þ
S11 is not as accurate as those that employ the S21 Bϕ =μ k0 H ðγ 0 rÞ
transmission coefficient [8].
Equating (4) at r ¼ b to the same ratio from (1) results in
A. Brief theory of G-line surface waves
γ d J0 ðγ d bÞY 0 ðγ d aÞ − J 0 ðγ d aÞY 0 ðγ d bÞ
The mathematical theory describing surface waves on a ϵr J1 ðγ d bÞY 0 ðγ d aÞ − J 0 ðγ d aÞY 1 ðγ d bÞ
dielectric-coated wire can be found in many places (see, ð1Þ
e.g., [15,16,19,22]). In this section we will review that part γ 2d b b H0 ðγ 0 bÞ
≈− ln ¼ γ 0 ð1Þ : ð5Þ
of the theory that is relevant to understanding the design of ϵr a H1 ðγ 0 bÞ
our experimental apparatus, paying particular attention to
the extent to which the fields mimic a relativistic electron The second line employs a useful approximation to the
beam and fall off ∼1=r, where r is the radial distance from Bessel functions which is valid when the surface wave
beam axis. After a certain radial distance, the fields decay phase velocity is very close to the speed of light c. This
exponentially as illustrated in the Ref. [15]. condition is fulfilled when either the dielectric thickness is
We consider a metallic wire with radius a that is coated much smaller than the wire radius, d ≪ a, or when d ≲ a
with a thin dielectric material of thickness d ¼ b − a, so and the radius a is very small compared with the wave
that the outer radius of the coated wire is b. We adopt length [16]; both of these criteria are satisfied for our
cylindrical coordinates and assume periodic solutions in z. G-line setup.
Inside the dielectric, the radial solution is given by a sum of Solving Eqs. (3) and (5) will give the surface wave
the Bessel function J n ðxÞ and the Neumann function Y n ðxÞ, parameters γ 0 and γ d as a function of frequency ω, which
so that for a ≤ r ≤ b the electromagnetic fields are [16] we can then use to study the free-field solutions Bϕ ∼ Er ∼
H1 ðγ 0 rÞ. In particular, we would like to compare these
l fields in the vicinity of the wire to the known 1=r behavior
Er ¼ A ½J1 ðγ d rÞ þ mY 1 ðγ d rÞe−iðωt−lzÞ ð1aÞ
γd of a relativistic electron beam. We did this for our G-line
design by numerically solving (3) and (5) in Mathematica
k2d for a wire with inner radius a ¼ 143.5 microns that is
Bϕ ¼ A ½J ðγ rÞ þ mY 1 ðγ d rÞe−iðωt−lzÞ ð1bÞ coated with 20 microns of a ϵr ¼ 3.5 dielectric film (so that
ωγ d 1 d
b ¼ 163.5 microns). We found that at 10 GHz the deviation
of Er and Bϕ from the desired 1=r behavior was less than
Ez ¼ iA½J0 ðγ d rÞ þ mY 0 ðγ d rÞe−iðωt−lzÞ ; ð1cÞ
10% out to a distance of 12.3 mm, while at 5 GHz the
discrepancy at 11 mm was ∼2.5%. Since the nominal
where A is an amplitude factor and m is a function that will radius of the tested APS-U vacuum chamber components is
be determined by the boundary conditions. Equation (1) 11 mm, the surface waves appropriately model the 1=r
defines the solutions in terms of the frequency ω and properties of the electron beam over the 1 to 10 GHz
propagation constant l, whose relation to other quantities is frequency range of our measurement.
given by We also verified this 1=r behavior of the G-line with CST
simulations. Figure 2 shows a contour plot of the magni-
γ 2d ¼ k2d − l2 ¼ μd ϵd ω2 − l2 ¼ ϵr k20 − l2 ; ð2Þ tude of Ey at the plane x ¼ 0 for the frequency of 2 GHz,
while Fig. 3 plots the radial electric field extracted from this
where the relative dielectric constant ϵr ¼ ϵd =ϵ0 , the contour plot on a log-log scale, showing that the field falls
dielectric permeability μd ¼ μ0 for a nonmagnetic material, off as 1=r out to the radial distance of about 65 mm, which
and k0 ¼ ω=c. In free space outside the wire we similarly agrees quite well with the semi-analytic result of 66.6 mm.
define γ 20 ¼ k20 − l2 , which we see results in Note that 65 mm also happens to be the size of the
FIG. 2. Contour plot obtained from CST simulation showing the localized electric fields, y-component, at 2.0 GHz in the G-line.
launching and receiving horns, and that at 2 GHz ∼ 95% of mode size that one wants to transmit (i.e., the mode size at
the surface wave energy is contained within a cylinder of the minimum frequency of interest), while the ratio of the
the cone radius. At 1 GHz about 80% of the field energy is diameter to length should be small enough for smooth
in this same distance, giving sufficient launching and matching, but is ultimately limited by reasonable length
receiving efficiency over the entire 1 to 10 GHz range. constraints; previous works have chosen this ratio in the
range between 0.4 and 1.0 [14,27].
B. Description of the G-line setup designed The G-line system designed at Argonne National Lab is
at Argonne National Lab shown in Fig. 4. The launching and receiving horns are
The previous section described steady-state surface made of aluminum with an opening diameter of 130 mm
waves that could in principle be used for impedance that allows for good coupling to surface waves above
measurements. Goubau [27] showed that these waves 1 GHz, and a tapered length of 210 mm to provide good
can be efficiently excited using launching and receiving impedance matching; these dimensions are similar to those
“horns” that are tapered, conical structures which serve to described by Goubau in his seminal paper [16] on surface
minimize the impedance mismatch between the coaxial wave propagation. Within each horn is a central brass taper
cables and the single-wire transmission line. In other that connects the coaxial cable to the central wire. To
words, the horns effectively convert the TEM mode of smoothly match the impedance, the brass taper is transi-
the input coaxial cable into the fundamental TM surface tioned from its maximum diameter of 7.35 mm at the
wave mode of the dielectric coated wire and back again coaxial line to its final diameter of 1.05 mm at the wire over
[14]. These horns are actually transmission line tapers a total of six 1.05 mm steps. The brass tapers are covered in
matching the coaxial cable impedance (50 Ω) to the wave Fig. 4 by teflon spacers (the white circles at the opening of
impedance of the Goubau line [28,29]. A properly designed each horn), which serve both to position the brass taper
horn will limit coupling to higher-order modes that can lead along the central axis and to help to damp higher order
to deviations in the mode wave-front [22,27]. The diameter modes. Finally, the brass tapers are connected to the single
of the horn opening is determined by the largest effective wire transmission line, which we have chosen to be a
927 mm long magnet wire with dimension of 29 American
Wire Gauge (diameter ∼287 microns) that has a 20 μm
polyimide coating with dielectric constant of 3.5.
Theoretically, the G-line surface waves have a lower
FIG. 3. Graph showing Ey from contour plot with radial FIG. 4. Experimental G-line setup designed at the Argonne
distance (red dots), and a fitted line (black dots) to the field National Laboratory to measure the coupling impedance
data displaying 1=r characteristic of a relativistic particle beam. of a DUT.
FIG. 5. A screen-shot image showing the TDR measurement C. Impedance measurement procedure
(S11 plot with respect to time) at the single ended mode by placing using the G-line system
a DUT in the middle of the G-line setup and terminating the Experimentally determining the impedance of any vac-
receiver horn with a 50 Ω load. uum component requires inserting the device under test
(DUT) into the G-line test apparatus, calibrating the net-
work analyzer with an appropriate reference, and measur-
cut-off frequency of zero, but the launcher geometry ing the response of the DUT. For the first step, we place the
introduces certain practical limitations that for our geom- DUT directly between the two horns, thread through the
etry set a lower frequency of around 0.5 GHz. Simulations magnet wire, and solder the wire to the horns. We then
have shown that this should be sufficient for the APS-U position the DUT vertically with knobs and horizontally
structures, while the 10 GHz maximum, which is set by the with positioning screws so that the wire passes directly
1=r characteristics of the chosen magnet wire, is well above down the chamber axis, and finally fix the DUT to the
the 3 sigma frequency f ≈ 6.8 GHz set by the APS-U optics board with holding clamps and screws.
minimum bunch length of 50 ps. In addition, the quality Once the DUT is properly positioned, we set the
of coaxial cables and connectors that we have are not good reference by inserting a flexible, 0.1 mm thin brass sleeve,
enough to measure above 10 GHz due to very high shown in Fig. 6(a). This sleeve forms an effective reference
attenuation of rf-signals. chamber by virtue of its precise fit and good rf contact with
Our first test of the G-line performance was to measure the nominal 22 mm APS-U chamber as shown in Fig. 6(b).
the time domain reflectometry (TDR) to evaluate the Furthermore, the sleeve can be easily inserted and removed
impedance matching from the coaxial cable to the wire without disconnecting the central wire or disturbing the
and through a DUT. TDR measures the reflection coef- experimental setup. Having established the reference, we
ficient (S11 -parameter) with respect to time, from which then calibrate the network analyzer so that the S21 -signal
one can determine the degree of impedance mismatch at becomes completely flat, gently remove the sleeve, and
any point along a transmission line. Our TDR measurement then record the S21 parameter of the DUT. This measure-
is in Fig. 5, which shows a smooth impedance transition ment yields the normalized response SN21 ¼ SDUT REF
21 =S21 that
from the 50 Ω coaxial cable to that of the dielectric coated we can then convert to an impedance using appropriate
wire, and then to the characteristic impedance of the DUT at formulas, as we discuss later. Our measurements will focus
the middle of the G-line. There are small variations where
the DUT is located which we believe can be attributed to
mode conversion from TM to TEM modes at the entrance
and back again at the exit. As we discuss in the next section,
use of the reference sleeve should normalize out these
effects. We do not completely understand why the TDR
measurement indicates an impedance above 50 Ohm after
the receiver cone. One potential explanation is related to the
fact that multiple changes in impedance along a line result
in multiple reflections that need to be taken into account
[30]. For example, if the impedance changes from, say, FIG. 6. Brass sleeve; (a) without inserting into DUT, and
50 Ω to 100 Ω and then back to 50 Ω, the measured (b) partially inserted into the DUT of a nominal APS-U diameter
reflection from the second impedance step would be of 22.0 mm.
FIG. 16. (a) Plane view of a CST CAD model showing a FIG. 17. (a) A typical brass washer used to fill the gap
0.4 mm longitudinal gap (cyan color) between the Be-Cu comb between rf-fingers and the flange wall. (b) Comparison
rf-gasket and the side wall of QCF flange. (b) Comparison between the measured responses of the beryllium copper comb
between measured (red curve) and simulated response (black gasket with good rf-contact (dark blue curve), and poor rf-contact
curve) due to this 0.4 mm gap. (red curve).
design alleviates fears of a poor vacuum seal and/or the rf-gap with the brass washers, having the same
introduction of virtual leaks. internal diameter as that of nominal APS-U beam pipe
Surprisingly, our initial S21 measurements of the beryl- of 22 mm, one of which is shown in Fig. 17(a) and
lium-copper rf-gasket showed a resonance peak between remeasured the transmission coefficient. In this case, we
4 and 5 GHz as shown in Fig. 15(b), which was in contrast found a nearly flat S21 -parameter shown as the dark blue
to our simulation predictions. After a careful investiga- line in Fig. 17(b).
tion of this gasket, we found that the comb fingers were not Finally, we proceed to compute the complex impedance
fabricated according to specifications: the fingers were from the measured S21 -parameter for Be-Cu comb gasket
shorter than designed, which led to a ∼0.4 mm gap when there was a gap between the gasket and the flange
between the fingers and the flange wall. wall, which we compare to simulation results from CST
To verify that this lack of rf-contact was a main cause wakefield solver in Fig 18. The red line is computed from
behind the observed resonance peak, we added a 0.4 mm the experimental data using the Hahn-Peterson formula for
gap into the CST model as shown by the cyan colored area the lumped impedance structure, while the black line is
in Fig. 16(a), and compared the new simulation result with simulated impedance obtained from CST. The measured
the measured one. Figure 16(b) shows this comparison, and simulated results are in good agreement with each
where the red curve represents the measured data and the other, and all show an impedance characteristic of a cavity
black curve represents the simulated data. Comparison that is qualitatively similar to the benchmark cavity of the
shows both resonance peaks at the same frequency though previous section.
simulation overestimates the peak amplitude. We have seen that the comb gasket could be suitable
We then wanted to show that the observed resonance from an impedance perspective provided it has proper
peak could be eliminated by making a good rf-contact tolerances to ensure good rf-contact. On the other hand, the
between the rf-fingers and the flange. For this, we filled the APS-U is looking to limit its reliance on beryllium-copper,
FIG. 18. Comparison between measured and simulated imped- FIG. 19. (a) A QCF flange fabricated without proper tolerance
ances for the Be-Cu rf-gasket: (a) Real part, and (b) Imaginary showing a circular groove at the joint surface between flange and
part. The red curve represents measured plot using the HP beam pipe. (b) Comparison between measured (red curve) and
formula, and the black curve represents simulated plot using simulated (black curve) responses for the single conflat gasket
CST wakefield solver in both (a) and (b). with flanges having grooves.
and there are some lingering concerns regarding its ease of as shown in Fig. 19(a). These two grooves prevented the
installation. Hence, at present this gasket is not the first gasket from making a good rf-contact with the flange,
choice. which in turn led to electromagnetic coupling between the
beam pipe and the flange cavity.
2. Single conflat gasket We measured the radial dimension of the circular groove
The single conflat gasket is designed to provide both to be 0.5 mm, and estimated its width to be approximately
rf-and vacuum seals. This gasket has two triangular-shaped the same. We then included this cavitylike groove in the
edges at its inner diameter, called A-joints or lips, which original CAD design and reran the simulation to cross
provide an rf-contact between gasket and flange. The check our previously measured result. In Fig. 19(b) we
circular knife-edge on the inner surface of the flange bites show that the measured resonance peak (red) is similar to
the gasket near its outer diameter and hence provides that observed in the simulation (black), except the ampli-
vacuum seal. The A-joint contains a couple of small tude of the simulated peak is smaller and at a slightly lower
notches (holes), which allow vacuum pumping between frequency than that measured. Additional simulations
the inner gasket ring and the outer knife edge. showed that a 0.5 mm difference in the radial position
The initial measurement of transmission coefficient for of knife edge can explain this discrepancy; we observed a
the single conflat gasket also showed a resonance peak similar situation for the benchmarking cavity in Section III.
between 8 GHz and 9 GHz plotted with the red curve in Later on, we tested the performance of the single piece
Fig. 19(b), which was not predicted by CST simulation. gasket using the properly designed flange without circular
After disassembly we found a small circular groove at the groove shown in Fig. 20(a). The first test used a gasket
inner welding surface between the flange and the beam pipe whose rf lip (A-joint) was chosen to be 2.7 mm wide.
We have described how the novel G-line can be used to
measure the coupling impedance of a wide array of vacuum
components. After a brief theoretical background we have
FIG. 22. (a) Comparison between measured, and simulated explained our measurement procedure in some detail,
S21 -parameter of a prototype BPM-bellows assembly, where the including the measurement setup and proper definition
green curve represents the average data of three measured trials, of a reference, advantages over the traditional coaxial wire
and the red curve represents the simulated data. (b) Comparison method, and our experience regarding how to reduce
between the measured responses of the same BPM-bellows systematic experimental error that we learned over the
assembly; initial central position (black curve), and 10 mm off course of the measurements. After benchmarking the
longitudinally with respect to initial central position (red curve). G-line measurement technique both from simulation
and experiment, we presented the measured results for
internals of the DUT, the signal is not purely noise, and the APS-U rf-gaskets and BPM-bellows assembly, and
seems to indicate that it is related to reflections and gave a brief summary of impedance considerations and
distortions associated with the placement of the DUT itself. measurements for the gate valve liner and pumping cross.
These effects may ultimately limit the sensitivity of the The measured results showed that the APS-U BPM-bellows
G-line impedance measurement, and warrant further analy- assembly, gate valve liner, and the pumping cross have
sis in the future. been properly designed and manufactured to specifications,
with no observable resonance peaks. On the other hand,
C. Other components impedance evaluations of several flange designs have
displayed resonances that we subsequently attributed to
We have also measured the impedance of other APS-U improper machining and/or poor tolerance control, and we
vacuum chamber components including a gate valve liner have worked to ensure future designs can be made to
and a pumping cross. The details of these components and specifications. Finally, we showed that the G-line is a
their measurement results can be found in Ref. [35]. Here, relatively simple tool to measure vacuum component
we merely give an overview of the components and impedance over a broad frequency range.
summarize the results.
An important part of the APS-U gate valve is its rf-liners,
which ideally serve to electromagnetically shield the
electron beam from the large opening that houses the gate The authors would like to thank X. Sun for CST help,
valve doors. The gate valve liners have a 20 micron-thick B. Stillwell and J. Carter for providing the .stl simulation
silver coating on top of stainless steel liners. The whole files and for ordering the measurement and test equipment,
A. Brill for TDR measurement help, and H. Cease for [14] J. Musson, K. Cole, and S. Rubin, Application of Goubau
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work. Mr. Sangroula is very thankful to his advisor of diagnostic beamline elements, Technical report, Thomas
Prof. Carlo Segre at Illinois Institute of Technology for Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News,
VA (United States), 2009,
providing this research opportunity, and invaluable
mentoring during his Ph.D. program. This work was
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