Journaling Guide
Journaling Guide
Journaling Guide
However the more you repeat it, the more progress you see.
If you don’t know what a habit is then let me explain before
we continue further.
Make It Easy
Pro tip: Most people have the same problem. Their home is
always on a noisy state. To solve that, you must build a habit
of waking up early everyday.
You need to have a clear vision and a clear goal that you
want to achieve through journaling. When you have these
two, you can use journaling in the way you want to. However
if you just go into journaling blindly, then it will take some
time until you learn what works for you.
Since most of you that are reading this guide are here
because you want to know how to journal, I won’t be wasting
any of your time. I’ll keep this chapter short and jump
straight to the point.
There are several ways on how you can journal. There are
different methods you can choose, depending on your goal.
I’ll be explaining some of them below:
Rather than writing a to-do list, you can plan your day. For
example, you can write a certain task you’re gonna do at a
certain time of the day and at a certain place.
Summary: Write a to-do list on your journal. Write a plan on
your journal.
Then I write a to-do list for the day with tasks, such as
workout, meditation and other similar habits.
And at the end of the day, I write how the whole day went so
I can see what I can improve tomorrow.
In the front cover of the journal, you can write your name,
the current year and then the goals you want to achieve
during that year. What I do is also write how many followers I
want to reach on instagram, so it depends on your life and
how you choose to use the front cover and the back cover of
the journal.
Then you can write the skills you want to learn throughout
the year and a few quotes that you think can motivate you to
keep pushing forward while you read them.
You don’t have to copy what I do. Pick something you like
and modify it.
Your Style
of Journaling
Before you finish this guide, I have one more thing to say to