Amal 25 Oct 18
Amal 25 Oct 18
Amal 25 Oct 18
Competency Area E G S M U
The activities in this section were pertinent to the LOs and did help students to build a
stronger understanding of the LO. Resources were well thought out. You should think about
how it can be made more student-centred, more hands-on minds-on, and given students time
to use more process skills. Maybe students could have been:
1. given maybe data about animals who live in different habitats (like a reading), along
with sticky pictures and a board, students would extract information and build a
collage of the habitat and animals who live there.
2. It is useful to link habitats and features of animals as well.
3. Finally, asked to justify why they put each element in each habitat and to report this
on a worksheet..
A useful powerpoint that provided the responses to the varied worksheets/activities.
Useful information in the powerpoint that extended information about the different animals,
The formative evaluation was suited to the task.
The summative assessment of describing an animal was fun but it is necessary to test the day’s LOs.
Go back and look at what these were on your lesson plan.
Good planning
Quality and relevant resources
A good amount of recycling of the concept so that students had time to become
familiar with it.
Students had many opportunities to explore the concept in a variety of ways through
the lesson including, the video, making the poster, investigating the model animals.
Sequencing towards the LOs was relevant
Areas for development:
More higher ordered activities and questions.
More student centred activities that use more science process skills.
During seat work, help students towards the task by asking them what they understood or
didn’t understand (not just the task, but the theory that was taught).
Classroom management
Focus for next lesson:
More student-centred activities that use more science process skills during the exploration phase of
the lesson.