Intensive Listening
Intensive Listening
Intensive Listening
1. Work in small group consist of 3 to 5 members and discuss the questions below.
1. Do you think it is important to look after animals? Why?
Yes, because animals are living creatures just like us humans. Caring for animals can foster a
sense of empathy and compassion, as well as foster a sense of responsibility. By taking care
of animals, we can help our environment from diseases in case if they get sick. In
conclusion, taking care of animals is important not only for the well-being of the animals
themselves but also for humans and the environment.
2. Do you think some animals are more important than others? Why/ Why not?
Each animal has an important role in its own way, some animals have a more significant
impact on human life than others. For example, animals such as cows, buffalo, goats, camels
and donkeys provide milk which is an important daily food for children and adults. Likewise,
many types of animal meat are consumed as part of our diet. For example, animals such as
chickens, ivory, fish, and others. Animal fur is used to make woolen clothing, shawls, and
blankets. For example sheep. Animals are also used to extract useful drug molecules. So,
some animals are more important, depending on the benefits of the animal.
3. What can people do to take better care of animals?
1. schedule a check-up at the vet
2. provide high quality and nutritious food
3. bathe and clean the animal regularly
4. keep the cage clean
2. Read the statement below. Do you agree or disagree with them? Work alone and make notes.
Think of reasons for your opinion. Then discuss it with your group.
1. In the modern world, there is no longer any need to use animals for work. We have
developed technology that can replace them. Their situation is similar to using children to
work in factories.
Yes, I agree because nowadays technology is increasingly developing. For example, in the
past people used buffalo to plow fields. Now with the development of technology, tractors
have emerged to replace the role of the buffalo. Animals must also have rights. Even though
they were not what would be considered honorable humans, they still deserved to be
treated well. They can also feel physical pain, it can make them die, it's not fair.
2. People often care more for animals than the poor.
I don't agree because there are still many people who still like to help poor people by
distributing basic necessities. The government even has a social assistance program for the
poor. The government also provides scholarships for poor students to support their learning
1. Work with your group members. Discuss the questions below.
1. What are some important traditions from your country?
Several important traditions in Indonesia:
1. Mappasikarawa tradition, namely the Bugis traditional wedding which is
preserved in South Sulawesi. This tradition is that the groom touches certain
parts of the woman as a symbol that it is legal and lawful for the two to touch.
This traditional procession is carried out when the marriage contract has been
carried out.
2. Rambu Solo' is a traditional funeral ceremony from the Toraja tradition in South
Sulawesi which requires the family of the deceased to hold a farewell ritual as a
tribute to the deceased. The ceremony must be carried out in a festive manner
and the family must provide pigs and buffalo to be slaughtered and distributed
to local residents.
2. Do you know any traditions from your grandparent’s time have now disappeared?
1. Wayang Beber: A traditional form of storytelling that uses painted scrolls to
depict scenes from ancient epics and legends. Wayang is now almost
dissepeared because of technology that can make movies, people prefer to
watch movies rather than Wayang.
3. Do you know any traditions or customs that have changed over the last 20
1. Herbal Medicine
In the past, if children were sick or injured, parents would provide treatment
with the help of natural medicines. For example, galangal rice to heal bruises,
as well as oil and garlic rub to treat flu and colds.
2. Mutual cooperation
Local wisdom can also concern the welfare of the people in an area. In the
past, the culture of mutual cooperation was still strongly embedded in society,
especially those living in villages. Village residents usually carry out patrols in
turns every day to maintain collective security.
3. Traditional dance
Traditional dance was abandoned because it was considered plebeian and not
in line with the lifestyle of today's young people. This is evidenced by the lack of
participation of young people in participating in traditional dance arts. For
example, traditional dance performances are less competitive with modern
dance from Korea or what is usually called "K-pop". Not only dance, drama
performing arts have also experienced a decline over time. Examples include
ketoprak, ludruk, wayang performances and others.