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Short term plan: term 2

Unit 3 Holidays and travel

Lesson 30
Teacher name:
Abzhekenova Bekzada
Date: 15.11.2024

Grade: 7 Number present: absent:

Lesson title Reading: Travelers’ tales
Learning objectives understand with little support some of the implied meaning in
extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar
general and curricular topics develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- predict the content of a text
- read for specific information
- consolidate new vocabulary
Value links Generosity – This may be a core value of yours if you cherish people who
will give their time and resources to people in need. You may consider
yourself to be a generous person if you find joy and meaning in giving to

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment criteria Resources


Beginning Organization moment : The aim: To develop pupils The teacher to

of the 1.Greeting. speaking skills and create assess learners for
lesson Ask about the weather. friendly atmosphere
their ability.
The teacher sets the lesson Efficiency: By wishing each “Good job! Pictures
up objectives, letting students know other they feel better and Well done!”
what to anticipate from the lesson. feel the support of others Formative
Warming up Students of the class are Assessment
Where are you from? listed.
3 min How old are you? Students' attention is
What color is it? drawn to the lesson.
How many students are
Determines the topic and
there in class? Good job!
purpose of the lesson
What day of the week Descriptor:
Pre- today? • Learners talk about - talk about favourite worksheet
learning Revise the language of the favourite dayprevious day
«Brainstor previous lesson. Total: 1 point
lesson vocabulary
method Lead – In
7 min. Assessment criteria
- Learners have met
Students say different the learning
words from the picture and objectives
count one to hundred Student’s
Middle of Pupils answer the Descriptor:
the lesson
Ex:1 P:34 question. Tell the class.
a)• Elicit a variety of answers from - answer the
Presentati ANSWERS question. Tell the
on part. Ss around the class Student’s own answer class Card
30 min Worksheet
Total: 2 point
Pupils look at the
b)• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures.
pictures. Elicit Ss' guesses as to ANSWERS
what the story can be about and I see snakes and a Students
what they think happened to the suitcase in the pictures. book
traveller. I think the story is about
snakes. Perhaps a Self assessment
traveller hid snakes in
his luggage on a flight. Descriptor:
- answer the
Ex: 2 P: 34 Pupils read the text and question. Tell the
• Allow Ss some time to read the for questions choose the class
text and answer the questions. correct answers. Total: 3 point
Direct Ss to the Word List to look ANSWERS
up the meanings of the words in 1C Descriptor:
the Check these words box. 2B - choose the
3C correct item. Check
Check Ss' answers around the class 4B your answer in the
Ex: 3 P: 35 text
• Explain the task. Ss complete the Pupils choose the Total: 3 point
task and check their answers in the correct item. Check your
answer in the text. pupils are
ANSWERS evaluated by
1 about (para 1)
Ex: 4 P: 35 2 of (para 1) collecting colour
• Consolidate new vocabulary Give 3 in (para 3) pencils
Ss time to complete the task, then 4 with (para 5)
check Ss' answers around the class.
Pupils fill the gaps.
Conclusion during the lesson some 1 missed
tasks differentiated by outcomes of 2 lost
the students and by their abilities. 3 board -Make CCQ
4 break questions Yes / No
S import Total: 10 point
6 take
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:

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