As For Me and My House
As For Me and My House
As For Me and My House
Our aim: To highlight and outline the importance of ’home’ and ’family’ to God. God’s pattern for ’family’ and His
principles for blessing in the home. To challenge the modern trends that endanger the truly Christian family and
Joshua 24:11-15 ....... "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord" (:15)
Joshua made a choice for his home. His choice was for his household to serve one God only, to worship one God
only. A choice against idolatry and for faithfulness. Regardless of the choices of others Joshua’s wife and children
knew which way he would lead them.
The challenges of Joshua’s day are no less than those we live among today. We have to choose to live according to
God’s design for us IN OUR HOMES and FAMILIES.
Jacob also made a clear decision for the spiritual direction of his family - GENESIS 35:2-5
Is my home His home? - It’s no good saying ... ’well of coarse it is because I’m a Christian’ - it involves much more
than that. There is a secular pressure on Christian homes today to compromise our highest spiritual values.
Do we behave at home as we do at church? - We are surrounded daily with opportunities to offer greater worth
(worship) to other things and people more than God.
I am left with the undying influence of Parents who sought to make Jesus the centre of our home. Who taught us
and modelled for us an authentic relationship with God whatever the happy or difficult situations we faced as a
2 Samuel 6:9-11 ..... "The Lord blessed him and his entire household" (:11)
In most of our homes there is a box which is the focal point. The furniture points toward it and too often
our attention is too focussed upon it. It has the power to shape our home life, form our children, corrupt
our values, disturb our relationships and control our diaries. In many Christian homes the TV Times is
read more often than the Bible. (This is not an anti-TV message, because I enjoy TV)
The box at the centre of Obed-Edoms house brought blessing. It reminded them DAILY of God’s
presence and goodness to Israel, His faithfulness, promises, covenant, power and glory.
Each of these I believe should be represented in our homes, and when they are we too, like Obed-Edom
will be blessed.
Is there an altar in our home? - Not a construction of gold or stone put a heart to love and worship God.
Hebrews 11:7 ...... By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save
his family.
Noah did all he could to save his family from the impending judgement on the earth. He could not drag
them into the ark - but he warned them and built their way of escape in his home.
The salvation of our homes is of paramount importance. We cannot save our families only God can. But
we can build in our homes what God has given us the design of and that is a home that always points our
families to Jesus, the Saviour.
Our kids will make their own choices - but we must point them in the right way.
So where do we begin?
How do we initiate God’s for our home?