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ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643

Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022


Erina Ayu Lestari
English Language Education Department, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia

English Language Education Department, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Juhansar (Corresponding author)

Informatics Department, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia

APA Citation: Lestari, E. A., Budiarti., & Juhansar. (2022). Utilizing clustering technique to enhance students’
English writing performance. English Review: Journal of English Education, 10(2), 439-452.
Received: 01-02-2022 Accepted: 28-04-2022 Published: 30-06-2022
Abstract: This present study aims at exploring the utilization of the clustering technique to enrich students’
performance in writing a descriptive text in English, discovering students’ participation in learning-teaching
descriptive text writing using the clustering technique, and finding out the improvement of students’ English
writing performance using the clustering technique. This research implies a Mixed-Method Action Research
design where researchers act as teachers. The respondents consisted of 30 Vocational High School students.
This research uses qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were obtained by observing the
learning-teaching process of writing descriptive text using the clustering technique and interviewing students.
Quantitative data were acquired through the pre-test, post-test I, and post-test II. The results show that
implementing the clustering technique in the learning-teaching process enriches students’ performance and
attracts students’ participation, attention, activeness, motivation, and seriousness in learning English writing.
Pre-test and post-tests prove that the clustering technique enhances students’ English writing performance. The
technique helps students to express ideas in English text writing. Students gain 67.49 in the pre-test, up to 75 in
the post-test I, and up to 79.87 in the post-test II. The mean improvement percentage shows about 16.6%
enhancement from the pre-test, 36.6% from the post-test I, and 86.6% from the post-test II.
Keywords: clustering technique; learning-teaching; English writing; students’ performance.

INTRODUCTION produce the language before it becomes good

Writing is one of the four language skills which writing by determining the subject and revising it.
difficult to learn for second and foreign language Writing is a process of expressing thoughts and
learners (Manegre, 2021). The difficulties are not ideas in a paragraph in which every sentence relates
only in generating and organizing ideas but also in one to another (Nemati, Alavi, & Mohebbi, 2019).
translating ideas into readable texts. Writing is the Writing in this research means putting words into
most challenging skill to learn for students who sentences that relate to one another to build
regard English as a second language or the foreign paragraphs in a descriptive text.
language. It has brainstorming, planning, drafting, Descriptive text is one of the functional texts
revision, editing, to proofreading process (Fadhly, that students should master. Descriptive text is a
Emzir, & Lustyantie, 2018). Writing is a form to part of factual genres that functions to describe a
produce language, the same as when you speak, but particular person, place, or thing (Potradinata,
the writing needs more time to think about the 2018). It means a factual genre of text that says
subject and revise your work to achieve good what a person, a thing, or place is like to be
sentences and paragraphs (Hassanzadeh & described. Besides, descriptive text is a text that
Fotoohnejad, 2021). Writing takes more time to helps the readers to imagine what they have read or

Erina Ayu Lestari, Budiarti, & Juhansar
Utilizing clustering technique to enhance students’ English writing performance

helps the reader to visualize something of what they exploring the clustering technique improves the
have read about something that has been described students’ writing ability in descriptive text. These
(Sari, Pulungan, & Husein, 2020). The text gives studies show that students understand more to make
the reader information about the physical descriptive sentences and make the descriptive
appearance and the nature of the object described. It sentences into a descriptive text. The activity makes
means the descriptive text is the text that gives the the student interested in describing the pictures or
readers visualize to imagine what they read about objects, and students are more active and more
the information of the physical appearance and the enthusiastic in the writing learning process. These
nature of the object described (Hasanah & Aziz, studies conclude that the clustering technique can
2021). The definitions mentioned earlier show that positively improve the students’ writing ability
descriptive text is a part of factual genres that helps (Megawati, 2019; Sari & Wahyuni, 2018; Suryani
the readers visualize something about the physical & Apriliani, 2021; Widiyanti, Fiki, Susilawati,
appearance and the nature of the object described. Endang, Rosnija, 2018). Second, some other studies
The social function describes a particular person, focus on the effect of the clustering technique to
place, or thing. increase students’ ability in English writing. These
Teachers have to use the appropriate technique studies were quasi-experiment (Dewi & Ayunisa,
to engage students’ involvement in the English 2020; Hanafiawi, Muharam, & Parmawati, 2020;
writing learning-teaching process. The appropriate Sumartini, Puspita, & Zahrida, 2018). Sumartini et
technique is used to accomplish the objectives with al. (2018) showed that the clustering technique
a consistent method and a harmony with an affects students’ writing ability. It shows that the t-
approach that the teacher uses, which takes place in count was 2.07 and the t-table was 2.01. The T-
a classroom. The technique is manifested by count of the organization was 2.56, the t-count of
specific activity consistently, which is in harmony content was 3.62, and the t-count of coherent was
with an approach in the classroom (Khoiriyah, 3.47. Since the t-count was higher than the t-table,
Waris, & Juhansar, 2019). The technique is one H1 was accepted.
specific activity that is very important in the Those aforementioned studies have similarities
learning-teaching process in the classroom in which with this research in terms of research variables,
the method is implemented or manifested dependent and independent variables, and
consistently and in harmony with the approach to significant differences with this current research,
achieve the goal (Anggraini, 2020). Teaching including research setting, respondents, data
descriptive text English writing needs effective collecting and analysis techniques, and research
techniques such as clustering to overcome students’ design. The design of this research is different from
problems. The clustering technique is like other studies; classroom action research,
diagramming or mapping ideas to visually generate quantitative research, and experimental research,
material for a paragraph by making the lines, boxes, whereas this present study uses the mixed methods
arrows, and circles to show the relationships among action research design proposed by (Ivankova &
the ideas. The clustering technique is one strategy Wingo, 2018) to see the implementation of the
for expressing the relationship among facts and clustering technique to increase students’
ideas that require preliminary preparation time to performance in writing descriptive text; to discover
divide the topic broadly (Herniyastuti & Rahmi, students’ participation in learning-teaching
2020). In other words, the clustering technique is a descriptive text using clustering technique; to find
preliminary preparation in writing and strategy to out the improvement of students’ performance in
cluster the topic broadly through expressing the writing descriptive text using the clustering
relationship of ideas and the facts that relate to one technique.
another using lines, boxes, arrows, and circles to This current research is expected to enrich
generate the sentences into a good paragraph. learners’ English writing performance by utilizing
So far, several studies related to clustering the clustering technique and offer novelty related to
techniques and English writing have been the implementation of the clustering technique in
conducted by scholars. First, some studies the learning-teaching process by discovering
concerned the use of Classroom Action Research students’ participation and their performance scores
(Arifuddin, 2019; Herniyastuti & Rahmi, 2020) in improvement. The utilization of the clustering

ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022

technique in the learning-teaching process is help students explore and express ideas and
required through an action research approach to experiences through English writing using the
explore holistically how students or learners are clustering technique.
experiencing the technique implementation. This research has two kinds of data, qualitative
Therefore, this present study is also expected to and quantitative data. Qualitative data are collected
bring constructive contribution both theoretically in words, pictures, and documentation (Aspers &
and practically to students, teachers, and further Corte, 2019). Quantitative data refer to numerical
researchers. Theoretically, this research provides information that includes standardized test scores to
information on utilizing the clustering technique in measure educational outcomes (Arias, Arias, &
the English writing learning-teaching process, so Rodríguez-Medina, 2021). To collect qualitative
teachers-students and further researchers have data, the researchers use observation and
preliminary preparation and understanding before interviews. Meanwhile, English writing tests, pre-
implementing and researching the technique. test, and post-test, are used to collect quantitative
Practically, this research could help students data. Qualitative data intend to discover the
improve their English writing performance through implementation of the clustering technique and
clustering technique utilization. Students-teachers students’ participation in the learning-teaching
could cluster words into boxes, arrows, and circles process using the clustering technique. Quantitative
using lines to connect, build, organize, and generate data aim to determine students’ performance and
ideas into good English sentences, paragraphs, or improvement in writing descriptive text using the
text. clustering technique.
In analyzing the qualitative data, the researchers
METHOD describe the observation and interview data findings
This research relies on Mixed Methods Action by reviewing and exploring the data collected using
Research (MMAR) design proposed by Ivankova & the observation checklist and interview transcripts
Wingo (2018). It was used to give information on during the learning-teaching process using the
the changing of the classroom practices and the clustering technique. In reviewing observation and
learning-teaching quality by diagnosing and solving interview data, the researchers describe the result of
the problems in the learning-teaching activity data into a descriptive explanation. Furthermore, the
through need analysis in the pre-implementation researchers calculate quantitative data to see
techniques, planning and (re)planning, acting, students’ performance and improvement in writing
observing, reflection, and creativity and innovation. descriptive text in English using the clustering
The technique implementation was conducted in technique. The researchers analyze the results of
two cycles where every cycle has three meetings. quantitative data (pre-test, post-test I, and post-test
This research design was used to seek the II) using holistic scoring rubrics.
implementation of the clustering technique in the
learning-teaching process and the results of the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
learning-teaching process itself, including students’ Pre-implementation
participation in the English writing learning- Before implementing the clustering technique using
teaching process using the clustering technique. The the Mixed Methods Action Research design in the
participants of this present study were 30 students learning-teaching process of English writing, the
of grade X Fashion Department students of researchers conducted some stages. In the first
Vocational High School Muhammadiyah Berbah stage, the researchers observed the learning-
located in Sleman Regency, Daerah Istimewa teaching process to know students’ difficulties in
Yogyakarta (DIY), Indonesia. This school was English writing descriptive text learning-teaching.
appointed as the research setting since students have Besides, the researchers also conduct a pre-test to
problems writing descriptive text in English. measure students’ pre-understanding and English
Students find it difficult to express and explore writing performance. It is conducted to seek how
ideas and experiences in written form using deep their understanding of the descriptive text is as
English. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a consideration in applying the clustering technique
research at this school using Mixed Methods Action in the classroom action research. Another aspect
Research (MMAR) to solve the problems and to that becomes the consideration in applying the

Erina Ayu Lestari, Budiarti, & Juhansar
Utilizing clustering technique to enhance students’ English writing performance

technique is to know the result of students’ tests, calling the students’ names one by one. After that,
i.e., writing components (content, organization, the researchers also convey to the students the
vocabulary, punctuation, grammatical), generic material learned.
structures, and language features of descriptive text. In the main activity, the researchers stimulate
The second stage is the researchers’ interview students by giving an example of descriptive text.
students and teacher(s) before preparing the lesson Then, ask questions to the students related to the
plan, the material, and the clustering technique in example of the descriptive text before explaining
the learning-teaching process. the material. Furthermore, the researchers measure
students’ pre-understanding of descriptive text
The implementation of clustering technique: cycle I orally. The researchers engaged the students in the
Planning learning-teaching process by giving the stimulation;
The researchers plan and prepare everything before then, the researchers used PowerPoint as the media
conducting learning-teaching activities in this stage. to explain the descriptive text. After explaining the
In this stage, the researchers use the appropriate material, the researchers ask them about their
clustering technique, appropriate material, and understanding of the presented material.
media to be taught and used in the learning-teaching Furthermore, the researchers explore another
process based on the English syllabus of tenth-grade example of descriptive text for each student to
students of Vocational High School analyze the difference between the new example of
Muhammadiyah Berbah. The researchers use descriptive text and the previous one. After that, the
descriptive text as the appropriate material, researchers ask students individually about the
clustering technique as the appropriate technique, differences between both examples of descriptive
and PowerPoint and pictures as the media to teach. text. After the students understand and differentiate
Besides, the researchers also make the lesson plan both the example of descriptive text, the researchers
and consult it with the English teacher before explain the material using the clustering technique.
applying it in the classroom. After getting the lesson Moreover, to relate the material and the clustering
plan ready, the researchers prepare the material of technique explained before, the researchers ask
descriptive text and the clustering technique, students to make the clustering before they write the
including the research instruments for collecting the descriptive text according to the question of the task
data. individually. The researchers ask the students to
write and practice English writing through the
Acting clustering technique on the piece of paper and then
Before conducting the first cycle, the researchers submit it to the researchers as teachers.
ask students to write the descriptive text to measure To end the learning-teaching process in post-
students’ pre-understanding and English writing activity, the researchers evaluate students’ work and
performance levels. The researchers give the pre- understanding by asking about their difficulties
test before conducting the learning-teaching through the clustering technique. After that, the
process. After giving a pre-test, the researchers researchers return the students’ works and ask them
conduct learning-teaching the next day in the to bring them to the next meeting. Besides, the
classroom. One of the researchers acts as a teacher researchers summarize the material and then
and explains the material of the descriptive text, explain the next material to learn and discuss.
starting with the definition of descriptive text to the Moreover, the researchers ask students to prepare
generic structures using the clustering technique and learn for the post-test I in the next meeting.
before asking them to write. The learning-teaching Lastly, the researchers end the meeting by reciting
process is divided into three activities, i.e., pre- thank you for students’ attention and cooperation.
activity, main activity, and post-activity. The This first activity similarly is also conducted in the
researchers begin the learning-teaching process in next meeting.
the pre-activity by greeting the students. After
greeting the students, the researchers ask them to Observing
pray together by asking the class chairman to lead In the first cycle, the learning-teaching process of
the praying. Furthermore, the researchers continued descriptive text using clustering runs well. The
by starting to check the students’ attendance by implementation of the clustering technique engages

ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022

students’ interest in the learning-teaching process. questions during the learning-teaching process. It is
Although not all students are active in since they are in line with the study conducted by Utami,
still confused and ashamed to ask the researchers Pabbajah, & Juhansar (2018), stated that some
who act as teachers, some students are active in the students are active and others are not in English
learning-teaching process and curious about how to writing using jumbled sentences. It proves that the
make clustering before writing descriptive text. implementation of the clustering technique in the
Students’ interest in clustering technique could be learning-teaching process is not satisfactory since
seen in the following quotation: some students find it difficult to translate unfamiliar
Student A : “Sir, should I cluster the word based vocabularies when describing a place. Furthermore,
on its part of speech in English, e.g., some students also struggle to differentiate between
verbs, nouns, adjectives, and so the identification and description in writing a
forth?” descriptive text. It indicates that the researchers
Researcher(s) : “No, word(s) clustering may not be
need to revise the planning creatively and
based on the part of speech. It is free,
as long as the meaning connects one innovatively to achieve better results in learning-
another.” teaching descriptive text using the clustering
technique and overcome students’ difficulties.
Furthermore, a student also asks about the
identification and description of the descriptive text. Creativity and innovation in the learning teaching
Some students have difficulties writing based on the process
generic structures of descriptive text. They are still As a consequence of the cycle I result, the
confused to distinguish between writing researchers revised the learning-teaching planning.
identification and description of the descriptive text. The planning aspects should be revised in the
A student asks researchers about some vocabularies learning-teaching process, such as students’
related to the place they described when writing a participation and understanding of descriptive text
descriptive text about the place. Some students are and clustering techniques. The researchers changed
still confused when describing a place because of and modified the clustering technique from
many unfamiliar English words. One of the individual to group settings so that students could
difficulties is described in the following quotation: discuss together within the group to solve their
Student B : “Mom, I don’t know what to write problems and be more active in learning-teaching
in the identification and description. activities. Besides, in the previous cycle, students
Sometimes, I cannot differentiate found difficulties when the researchers ask them to
them.” describe a place. They do not know how to write in
Researcher(s) : “In the identification, you should English. It challenges the researchers to change the
write the identified thing you are “thing” identification from a “place” to a “person.”
interested in. In the description
section, you should explain it in
The implementation of clustering technique: cycle II
more detail based on what you
identified before. Re-planning
Student C : Mom, how to write in English “seni In line with the result of cycle I, the researchers
ukir” and “arca”?” revise the planning of the learning-teaching process
Researcher(s) : “The English for “seni ukir” or “seni creatively and innovatively. In this stage, the
pahat” is “sculpture,” and the researchers also revise the lesson plan in cycle II. In
English for “arca” is “statue.” Please revising the lesson plan, the researchers changed the
bring your dictionary to the next clustering technique’s implementation from
meeting.” individual to the group so that students could
discuss, share ideas, and solve problems within the
Reflecting group. They could share their understanding of the
The results of the cycle I show that students have a material delivered in the learning-teaching process.
high interest in learning English writing descriptive Besides, the researchers also explained more deeply
text using the clustering technique. However, some the material in the learning-teaching process.
students cannot be active in the learning-teaching Furthermore, the researchers also change the
process, even though others are active by asking “thing” to write, from a “place” to a “person.”

Erina Ayu Lestari, Budiarti, & Juhansar
Utilizing clustering technique to enhance students’ English writing performance

in the identification part, for

Acting example, describing a singer artist.
In this meeting, the researchers ask students about You can identify the general things
understanding the previous meetings’ material. like their name.”
Student F : “Sir, is it free to cluster the words in
After that, the researchers asked them to make a
every cycle?”
group so that students could discuss everything Researcher(s) : “Yes, it is free as long as each word
related to material delivered in the learning- in the circle is related.”
teaching process. The researchers not only ask Student G : “Mom, may I write a descriptive text
students about their understanding of the material about a person, but I write about
but also ask them about their difficulties in the post- “where she or he was born” or
test I. Students’ responses show that they are still “where she or he lives” before
confused in identifying and describing the “thing” writing it in detail?”
that they are writing about, as in the following Researcher(s) : “Absolutely, you can. It should be
quotations: so, from general to specific.”
Student D : “Sir, I am still confused in writing a
“place” description in the Data above show that the students understand
identification part. I am still descriptive text in describing “person” and through
confused because I wrote a little clustering technique. Guiding students in clustering
information in this part and directly the words to write descriptive text make them enjoy
explained the detail.” the learning-teaching process and be more active.
Researcher(s) : “You can try clustering the words As a result of the observation after implementing
maximally. The general information the creativity and innovation, most students are no
that you will write later becomes a
longer confused to start writing descriptive using
part of the identification section. In
clustering the words, you need to the clustering technique, including how to cluster
relate one word to another to get the words, how to organize the sentences related to
more ideas. In the identification part, the generic structure of descriptive text than in
you only explain the general cycle I. Changing the implementation from
information, not in detail, because individual to group proves that students enjoy the
the detailed information is explained learning-teaching process and be more active than
in the description part.” in cycle I since they can share and discuss ideas
within group.
The data above show how students are still
confused in writing the identification part of Reflecting
descriptive text on “place.” Therefore, the The observation results show that students’
researchers explain the material more and give more participation, understanding, and writing
exercises to students about “person” as a part of development of descriptive text using the clustering
research creativity and innovation. In this session, technique are better than previously. The students
the researchers divide the learning-teaching process understand more about descriptive text and its
into three sessions as in the previous cycle: pre- generic structure and language features.
activity, main activity, and post-activity. Furthermore, students enjoy the learning-teaching
process through intensive guidance from the
Observing researchers. Similarly, Hanafiawi et al. (2020), Sari,
The observation in this cycle is related to creativity Sutapa, & Sada (2021); Suryani & Apriliani (2021);
and innovation as the development activity from Ullah & Dharma (2019) also stated similar ideas as
cycle I. In this cycle, the implementation of the this present study results. It means that
clustering technique makes students more active implementing the clustering technique in the
than in the previous cycle. The following quotations learning-teaching process help students in
prove it: organizing ideas into the sentences in a generic
Student E : “Mom, how to write the structure of a descriptive text, express the ideas in
identification part in describing the sentences, and bringing up the ideas into a good
and correct paragraph. The change of the instruction
Researcher(s) : “You can identify the general things

ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022

command from “place” to “person” supports

students to be easier in clustering words and writing Students’ participation in the learning-teaching
descriptive text in English. The change process using clustering technique
implementation technique from individual to group Using the clustering technique, the researchers use
makes students enjoy the learning-teaching process an observation checklist to discover students’
since they can share ideas and discuss within the participation in the descriptive text English writing
group and be more active. Besides, discussions learning-teaching process. The results of the
within the group help students solve problems or observation checklist can be seen in the following
difficulties in clustering words and writing table 4:
descriptive text in English.

Table 4. Students’ participation in the learning-teaching process

No Point of Observation Cycle I Cycle II
Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4
1 The students’ participation in asking a √ √ √ √
2 The students’ participation in suggesting √ √ √ √
3 The students’ participation in responding √ √ √ √
to the question.
4 The students’ participation in √ √ √ √
accomplishing the task.
5 The students’ participation in being √ √ √ √
enthusiastic in implementing the clustering
6 Giving attention to the researchers’ √ √ √ √
explanation and instructions.
7 Actively having discussions with the √ √ √ √
8 Making comments or asking questions √ √ √ √
about the explanation or instruction.
9 The students are easy to understand √ √ √ √
descriptive text and clustering.
10 The students use a dictionary to check √ √ √ √
unfamiliar English words.
11 The students enjoy making sentences. √ √ √ √
12 Students’ participation in the group: √ √ √ √
Actively involved in a discussion.
a. Students’ participation in the group: √ √ √ √
b. Helping their friends when they find
difficulties or problems.
c. Students’ participation in the group: √ √ √ √
d. Helping their friends to understand the
instruction and material.
Note: H means high participation; M refers to medium participation; L means low participation
Accordingly, table 4 shows students’ with the research conducted by Jenkins (2021) who
participation in learning descriptive text using the showed students participation in asking questions in
clustering technique in cycles I and II. The first the learning-teaching process. However, after the
point is about the students’ participation in asking researchers changed the implementation setting
questions during the learning-teaching process. from individual learning to group learning,
Students who ask questions are in low and medium students’ participation in asking questions increased
levels in the first and second meetings. It is in line significantly during the third and fourth meetings. It

Erina Ayu Lestari, Budiarti, & Juhansar
Utilizing clustering technique to enhance students’ English writing performance

shows that students become more active in the was at a medium level, but it was at a high level in
learning-teaching process in a group setting, and the second, third, and fourth meetings. It shows a
most if not all students are active in asking change in students’ attention to the researchers’
questions. In the second point, students still have explanation and instruction by paying attention and
low and medium participation in the first and seeing the researchers in front of the class when the
second meetings. Still, it changes to a high level in researchers give explanation and instruction.
the third and fourth meetings. It proves a change in Furthermore, it shows from the next point about
students’ participation in the third and fourth making comments or asking questions on the
meetings. explanation or instruction. It is related to one
The third observation point shows a change in another. It shows that giving attention to the
students’ participation in responding to the researchers’ explanation and instruction is proven
question. The first meeting is at the medium level. It by the next point of students’ participation in
is caused by students’ understanding of the material making comments or asking questions about the
delivered in the learning-teaching process. In the explanation and instruction. It means students give
second, third, and fourth meetings, after the attention to the researchers’ explanation and
researchers explained more about the material and instruction.
asked students to make a group, most students Point eight shows a change from the medium to
responded to the question as seen in meeting two, the high level. It shows that most students are more
three, and four. It indicates that students are more active. Besides, those two points are related to point
active and understand the materials explained by the seven, which students actively discuss with the
researchers (teachers). The next point is about researchers. Those points above show that most
students’ participation in accomplishing the task at students discuss with the researchers. The last point
a high level from the first to the fourth meeting. All is about students’ participation in the group
students are enthusiastic and serious about discussion. The students are actively involved in a
participating in the learning-teaching descriptive group discussion with their friends; it is shown in
text using the clustering technique. Besides, this the next point when their friends are having
point relates to point tenth on students use difficulties. Others help them make their friends
dictionaries to check unfamiliar English vocabulary. understand the materials or the instruction by
Students’ enthusiasm and seriousness in explaining and discussing the materials and the
implementing the clustering technique in writing instruction of the researchers (Maranzano, Bento,
descriptive text. & Manera, 2022. In short, the observation checklist
Point five shows that students tend to have a points show that students are serious and more
medium level in the first meeting since only half active in learning to write descriptive text in
students understand the materials. Besides, some English using the clustering technique.
students are still confused and not enthusiastic
about giving questions about the clustering The result of pre-test
technique to the researchers. It is similar to the In conducting a pre-test, the researchers ask
research conducted by Iatrellis et al., (2021); students to write a descriptive text about a place,
Makruf, Lubna, Khasanah, Sulaeman, & Harahap, i.e., the Prambanan temple. The researchers conduct
(2020). Furthermore, it is related to point nine about the research in 30 minutes in the classroom with 30
students understanding descriptive text easily students. To understand the pre-test results clearly,
because most students’ responses show that they the researchers provide the table to measure their
understand the descriptive text and clustering easily. pre-understanding related to descriptive text before
Students’ participation was high in the second, implementing the clustering technique in the
third, and fourth meetings because most of them learning-teaching process. The following table 5
understood the material by asking the researchers shows some aspects of descriptive text English
(teachers) questions about the clustering writing, such as Writing Components (WC),
implementation. Point six is about giving attention Generic Structure (GS), and Language Features
to the teachers’ explanation and instruction. In the (LF).
first meeting at this point, students’ participation

ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022

Table 5. The students’ scores of pre-test

Score on Each Aspect
No Students’ ID Total Score Pre-Test Score
1 Student 1 67.2 100 66.5 233.7 77.9*
2 Student 2 68.7 100 65 233.7 77.9*
3 Student 3 74.5 50 75.3 199.8 66.6
4 Student 4 78.8 50 65 193.8 64.6
5 Student 5 100 50 89 239 79.6*
6 Student 6 75.8 50 85 210.8 70.2
7 Student 7 65 50 75 190 63.3
8 Student 8 80 50 85 215 71.6
9 Student 9 75.7 50 65 190.7 63.5
10 Student 10 85.6 50 85 220.6 73.5
11 Student 11 53 50 44 174 58
12 Student 12 67.8 50 65 182.8 60.9
13 Student 13 83.3 50 70 203.3 67.7
14 Student 14 67.3 50 60 177.3 59.1
15 Student 15 63 50 73 186 62
16 Student 16 80 50 85 215 71.6
17 Student 17 88 100 75 263 87.6*
18 Student 18 75.7 50 67 192.7 64.2
19 Student 19 75 50 65 190 63.3
20 Student 20 67.8 50 65 183 61
21 Student 21 65 50 66 181 60.3
22 Student 22 75 50 85 210 70
23 Student 23 65 50 67 182 60.6
24 Student 24 75 50 70 195 65
25 Student 25 75 50 65 190 63.3
26 Student 26 67.3 50 60 177.3 59.1
27 Student 27 78 50 70 198 66
28 Student 28 75 50 70 195 65
29 Student 29 73 50 75 198 66
30 Student 30 78 100 78 256 85.3*
Amount 2.218.5 1.700 2.130.8 2.024.7
Mean 73.95 56.66 71.02 67.49
Note: symbol * refers to a student who passed the KKM
The calculation data of the pre-test shows that researchers use the clustering technique to
the mean score of the pre-test is 67.49. Only five overcome the cycle I and cycle II problem.
students, or 16.6%, pass the score above the
Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM- Kriteria The result of post-test I
Ketuntasan Minimal). Meanwhile, the other 25 After calculating the pre-test result, the researchers
students were below the criterion. Besides, the found that students still have low performance in
result of the pre-test about three aspects: Writing writing descriptive text and less understanding of
Components (WC) is 73.95, Generic Structure (GS) descriptive text writing. Therefore, the researchers
is 56.66, and Language Features (LF) is 71.02. conduct the post-test I to seek and increase the
Furthermore, it shows that most students still have results of students’ performance in writing
very low scores on each aspect of descriptive text descriptive text, including students’ understanding
writing in English. After analyzing the result of the of writing descriptive text in English. Besides, the
preliminary study, the researchers conclude that post-test I show an improvement in students’
most students have low skills in writing descriptive performance in writing descriptive text using the
text and low understanding of writing skills clustering technique from pre-test to post-test I.
performance. Therefore, it needs to find out a Post-test I is conducted after implementing the
solution to overcome this problem. Thus, the clustering technique in cycle I. The students are

Erina Ayu Lestari, Budiarti, & Juhansar
Utilizing clustering technique to enhance students’ English writing performance

asked to write a descriptive text about the performance improvement from the pre-test to post-
Borobudur temple. The following table 6 shows test I:
students’ scores on post-test I to discover students’
Table 6. The students’ score of post-test I
Score on Each Aspect Total
No Students’ ID Post-Test I Score
WC GS LF Score
1 Student 1 80 100 76 256 85.3*
2 Student 2 63 100 70 233 77.6*
3 Student 3 76 50 84.3 210.3 70.1
4 Student 4 88.3 50 80 218.3 72.7
5 Student 5 78.2 100 70 248.2 82.7*
6 Student 6 83 50 87 220 73.3
7 Student 7 85 50 85 215 71.6
8 Student 8 85 50 85 215 71.6
9 Student 9 85 50 88 223 74.3
10 Student 10 75.3 100 65 240.3 80.1*
11 Student 11 85 50 85 215 71.6
12 Student 12 99.7 100 75 274.7 91.5*
13 Student 13 85 50 86.3 221.3 73.7
14 Student 14 74.2 50 75 199.2 66.4
15 Student 15 75.8 50 85 210.8 70.2
16 Student 16 70.3 50 76.5 196.8 65.6
17 Student 17 88.7 100 76 264.7 88.2*
18 Student 18 83 50 78 211 70.3
19 Student 19 85.3 50 84.5 219.8 73.2
20 Student 20 75 50 85 210 70
21 Student 21 85.6 50 83.5 219.1 73
22 Student 22 73.5 100 68.7 242.2 80.7*
23 Student 23 65.3 100 60 225.3 75.1*
24 Student 24 87.3 50 86.7 224 74.6
25 Student 25 82.3 50 78.3 210.6 70.2
26 Student 26 66.3 100 60 226.3 75.4*
27 Student 27 80.5 50 85.6 216.1 72
28 Student 28 78 50 83.5 211.5 70.5
29 Student 29 88.6 50 86.5 225.1 75*
30 Student 30 83.6 100 73 256.6 85.5*
Amount 2.411.8 2.000 2.362.4 2.252
Mean 80.39 66.66 78.74 75
Note: Symbol *refers to a student who passed the KKM
Data above show that the mean score of post-test the next cycle to make the performance
I is 75. Eleven students, or 36.6%, get scores above improvement in every aspect.
the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM).
Meanwhile, the other 19 students have scores below The result of post-test II
the criterion. After analyzing the result of 3 aspects: The result of the post-test I implies that one aspect
Writing Components (WC) score is 80.39, Generic has not fulfilled Minimum Mastery Criterion
Structure (GS) is 66.66, and the Language Features (KKM). Therefore, it needs creativity and
(LF) is 78.74, it implies that Generic Structure has innovation in the next cycle. The researchers give
not fulfilled the Minimum Mastery Criterion post-test II as the last test to increase the better
(KKM). It has the lowest mean score, 66.66, below result of students’ English writing performance.
the criterion. Although the mean score of the post- Students were asked to write a descriptive text
test I pass the KKM, the aspect of Generic Structure about the artist “Iqbal CJR” or another well-known
in the post-test I need creativity and innovation in person like “Dilan” in the post-test II. Below is the
table of students’ post-test II results to see the

ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022

performance improvement from post-test I to post- in learning-teaching.

test II after implementing creativity and innovation

Table 7. Students’ performance score in post-test II

Score on Each Aspect
No Students’ ID Total Score Post-Test II Score
1 Student 1 84 100 80 264 88*
2 Student 2 78.3 100 73.2 251.5 83.8*
3 Student 3 85 50 100 235 78.3*
4 Student 4 76 100 80 256 85.3*
5 Student 5 88 100 78 266 88.6*
6 Student 6 74.2 100 68.3 242.5 80.6*
7 Student 7 85.3 50 86.3 221.6 73.8
8 Student 8 78.3 100 64.2 242.5 80.8*
9 Student 9 85 50 100 235 78.3*
10 Student 10 75 100 67 242 80.6*
11 Student 11 86.6 50 85.7 222.3 74.1
12 Student 12 99.5 100 95 294.5 98.1*
13 Student 13 92.5 50 100 242.5 80.8*
14 Student 14 100 50 85 235 78.3*
15 Student 15 62.5 100 63.5 226 75.3*
16 Student 16 85 50 100 235 78.3*
17 Student 17 95.2 100 75 270.2 90*
18 Student 18 60.5 100 65 225.5 75.1*
19 Student 19 100 50 85 235 78.3*
20 Student 20 65.5 100 62 227.5 75.8*
21 Student 21 64.8 100 62 226.8 75.6*
22 Student 22 100 50 90.5 240.5 80.1*
23 Student 23 88.7 50 86.5 225.2 75*
24 Student 24 88 50 85.5 223.5 74.5
25 Student 25 85.6 50 85 220.6 73.5
26 Student 26 100 50 85 235 78.3*
27 Student 27 78.5 100 62.5 241 80.3*
28 Student 28 62 100 65.8 227.8 75.9*
29 Student 29 88.7 50 86.8 225.5 75.1*
30 Student 30 83.7 100 73.4 257.1 85.7*
Amount 2.412.6 2.300 2.396.2 2.396.2
Mean 80.42 76.66 79.87 79.87
Note: Symbol * refers to students who passed the KKM
Table 7 shows that the mean score of post-test II The tests result, as mentioned previously, shows the
is 79.87. There are twenty-six students, or 86.6% of improvement in students’ performance in writing
students get scores above the Minimum Mastery descriptive text. Implementing the clustering
Criterion. Meanwhile, the other four students’ technique helps students enhance their English
scores are below the criterion. From the post-test I writing performance. Students’ performance
up to post-test II, there are better results than before, improvement mean percentage from the Minimum
from 36.6% to 86.6%. In the post-test II, the result Mastery Criterion (KKM) (75). There are five
of every aspect: the Writing Components (WC) is students above the KKM or 16.6% in the pre-test, in
80.42, the Generic Structure (GS) is 76.66, and the the post-test I, there are 11 students above the KKM
Language Features (LF) is 79.87. or 36.6%, and in the post-test II, there are26
students above the KKM (the Minimum Mastery
The analysis clustering technique implementation in Criterion) or 86.6%. It indicates that students’
the learning-teaching process performance improved from the pre-test to the post-
test I and II. Although there is performance

Erina Ayu Lestari, Budiarti, & Juhansar
Utilizing clustering technique to enhance students’ English writing performance

improvement in the pre-test up to post-test I from (GS), and Language Features (LF), whereas the
67.49 up to 75, the performance improvement score mean is less than 75.
has fulfilled the minimum mastery criterion. After implementing the clustering technique in
However, one aspect of writing descriptive text still the learning-teaching process, the researchers
has not been fulfilled. The mean aspect of Generic conduct a post-test I to measure the improvement of
Structure is 66.66, which has not fulfilled the students’ performance in English writing, whether it
minimum mastery criterion. The minimum mastery is improving or not. After implementing the
criterion is 75. The researchers conduct the clustering technique, the researchers compare the
creativity and innovation in cycle II to increase the pre-test and post-test results. Based on the results,
students’ mean performance. Based on the there is an improvement in students’ descriptive text
creativity and innovation result in cycle II, there is a writing. In table 9, one aspect still has not been
performance improvement in students’ mean on fulfilled yet, the Minimum Mastery Criterion in the
Generic Structure from 66.66 in the post-test I up to post-test I. Although the mean score of the post-test
76.66 in the post-test II. It means that creativity and I have fulfilled the KKM, one of the mean aspects
innovation have succeeded in cycle II. Besides, the of writing descriptive text has still not fulfilled the
clustering technique enhances students’ KKM. The Writing Components in post-test I have
performance in writing descriptive text. mean aspect about 66.66. It means the post-test I
The improvement percentage of students’ still need the creativity and innovation in the
performance mean score calculation, from post-test learning-teaching process. Furthermore, the
I to post-test II. The calculation of post-test I is researchers modify the process of learning-teaching
11%. In post-test II, there is an improvement creatively and innovatively in cycle II to enhance
percentage up to 18.3%. The clustering technique students’ mean score performance. In cycle II, the
helps the students improve their English writing researchers conduct post-test II to discover the
performance. Indeed, the implementation of the usefulness of the clustering technique towards
clustering technique helps students enhance their students’ performance in writing English text. The
skills in writing descriptive text. To make it clear, results of post-test II show that no students get less
the following table 8 becomes the comparison mean than a 75 performance score. In other words, the use
aspect of students’ English writing performance of the clustering technique is effective in helping
improvement: students enhance their English writing performance.

Table 8. The improvement of students’ mean score CONCLUSION

performance in writing descriptive text of English This research indicates that implementing the
No Aspects Mean clustering technique in the learning-teaching
Pre- Post- Post- process enhances students’ English writing
Test Test I Test II performance, especially in writing descriptive text.
1 Writing The clustering technique makes students’
73.95 80.39 80.42
Components participation more active, serious, and motivated in
2 Generic the learning-teaching descriptive text, as seen in the
56.66 66.66 76.66
results of the observation checklist. The clustering
3 Language
71.02 78.74 79.87 technique not only helps and attracts students’
Overall Mean 67.21 75.26 78.98 attention and participation in the learning-teaching
% Improvement 12% 18% descriptive text but also shows the improvement of
Table 8 shows the improvement of students’ students’ performance in writing a descriptive text
mean score performance in writing the descriptive in English. Furthermore, students’ performance
text in English. The table shows a 12% performance means score percentage is 36.6% in the post-test I
improvement from pre-test to post-test I and 18% from the pre-test 16.6%. It proves that the students’
from post-test I to post-test II. In the column pre- mean scores on the tests increased from 67.49 in the
test, three aspects belong to the category that not pre-test to 75 in the post-test I. Although those
fulfilled the KKM because all of the aspects, results increase from pre-test to post-test I, they do
Writing Components (WC), Generic Structures not pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM).
One aspect of writing descriptive text has not

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Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022

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