CB Juice
CB Juice
CB Juice
Capacity of the unit : 10000 bottles /shift
Working : 300 days per annum
Fruit juice/pulp extracted from mature ripe fruits is used for the production of carbonated
fruit juice beverages. Almost all varieties of the pulpy fruits can be used for the extraction and
preparation of fruit juice base. The fruits to be used for the production are processed and used
for the production. The pulp/juice can either be extracted at the unit or purchased from other
manufacturers, further processed, formulated and converted into a base suitable for
carbonation plant. The fruit pulp/juice is pretreated and stabilized with selected pretreatments
and process. The fruit juice beverage base is used for the production of carbonated fruit juice
beverages. Carbonated soft drinks (CSD) bottles (200-300 ml) are to be obtained periodically
depending upon the sales volume.
The fruit juice base containing fruit pulp/juice is pretreated, blended and processed to
achieve the desired quality. The fruit juice base is homogenized, carbonated and bottled
under controlled conditions. The sealed bottles are labelled, coded, and bulk packed either in
shrink wrap or in corrugated carton boxes. After inspection and quality check, the beverages
are marketed. The unit has to be operated and maintained with good manufacturing practices and
HACCP protocols.
Technology Transfer & Business Development Department
CFTRI, Mysore - 570 020
Phone: 0821 – 2514534 ; Fax: 0821 - 2515453;
E-Mail: ttbd@cftri.res.in; Webpage: www.cftri.com