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Constructivism and post-constructivism:

The methodological implications of employing a post-constructivist

research approach.

Trial lecture (as part of the fulfilments for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor)
25 March 2011

Maaike Knol

Two weeks ago I was asked to prepare this trial lecture on the relationship between
constructivism and post-constructivism, and to elaborate on the methodological implications
of employing a post-constructivist research approach. This is a very challenging title, not least
because it relates to philosophical issues that have a long history in the social sciences. In this
lecture I will try to provide insight into what unites constructivists, and what unites post-
constructivists, as both can be seen as umbrella-approaches and not as fully-fledged theories.
I will try to create order into these rather confusing concepts, which can both be
considered labels for a variety of theoretical approaches. After a brief history of
constructivism, I will put my main focus on how post-constructivism developed partly out of
a critique of the social constructivist works in sociology. Post-constructivists have been
particularly occupied with the study of science and scientific practices, which is a relatively
new object for sociological research. I will present the unifying characteristics of the various
post-constructivist approaches. The first can be described as the turn to materiality, which can
be illustrated with the metaphor of the construction-site. The second unifying characteristic of
post-constructivist works relates to its desire to explain science, nature and politics together.
I will then discuss the methodological implications of a post-constructivist approach in
four parts. I will first comment briefly on the practicalities of method, relating to the
techniques of empirical inquiry. Then I will argue that it is a post-constructivist challenge to

connect – analytically – micro- and macro-scales. Subsequently, I will argue that a post-
constructivist account studies science and practice, rather than as knowledge. Finally, I argue
that it is important to consider the performativity of science in shaping the world. This counts
for the sciences that are being studied, as well as for the post-constructivist researcher.

Social constructivism (and its critiques)

Constructivism is a meta-theoretical label that has been used in a wide variety of disciplines
including philosophy, sociology, art, mathematics, and architecture, having different
meanings in each of these disciplines. Since constructivism can be considered as a label that is
given to a variety of research approaches and philosophies about reality and truth, it is
unhelpful to start out with an all-embracing definition of the concept. What unites
“constructivist” scholars, though, is that they have moved away from trying to explain an
objective reality. Constructivism can rather be considered as a critique of naïve realism,
emphasizing that reality is always constructed and contingent on the observer’s standpoint.
With reference to science and scientific knowledge, social constructivists argue that science
does not discover a given reality, but constructs subjective representations of reality, which
are dependent on the observer’s interpretation and standpoint.
With Berger and Luckman’s “the social construction of reality” (1966), constructivism
was introduced in sociology. They showed how people – individuals and groups – participate
in the construction of a reality about a specific object or fact. They argued that phenomena are
created, known and institutionalized through social interaction. Social construction is an on-
going process that is maintained and reproduced by people who act on their interpretation and
their knowledge. After Berger and Luckman’s work, there was an ascendance of social
constructivist literature in the social sciences.
Social constructivist approaches have long had a liberating effect, in particular when
studying the “traditional” objects that sociology is occupied with, such as race, gender, and
culture. These works reminded us that ideas and meanings were not fixed and inevitable, but
were the product of historical events, social forces and ideology.
The social construction literature within sociology knows different variants, where
some are more philosophical, while other works have a more political agenda. The 1980s saw
a peak in the social construction literature with a more political agenda: to raise consciousness
over issues. At the same time, there was an increase in the number of social studies of
scientific knowledge: science studies became a new area that social scientists entered into.

With this emergence of science studies, a small group of scholars wanted to move
beyond the traditional opposition of the natural sciences and the social sciences. While the
natural sciences traditionally believe in the discovery of truth – or an objective reality -, the
social scientists were criticized for reducing everything to the social and for completely
detaching subjective realities from the world “out-there”. A number of scholars wanted to
move beyond these two polarized positions, and to show that the natural sciences and the
social sciences do not necessarily have to stand in strong opposition in their claims about
In The Social Construction Of What Ian Hacking (1999) depoliticizes constructivism
by arguing that objects and ideas of these objects may interact. Hacking’s title is not only to
express his amazement over the answers given to this question (the social construction of
what?) and the wide variety of socially constructed objects and things, but also as a clue to
understanding the issue and to understanding the messages of the social construction literature.
At the same time, he is very critical to the idea that everything has become socially
constructed in the social sciences, and thus to the trend that everything has become reduced to
the social. Andrew Pickering (1989) and Bruno Latour (2004) share this critique of social
reductionism. Hacking argues that objects may be real and constructed at the same time. He
distinguishes between the object in itself, and the ideas and categories that have been built
around this object (1999). Thus, Hacking, but also Latour, is particularly critical of a group of
constructionist authors that do not distinguish between objects – say X - , and the idea of X,
which they use a weapon to show that X is quite bad as it is, that it needs to be changed.

Latour argues that for “the critical mind to become relevant again”, social scientist researchers
need a new realist attitude (Latour 2004). This requires a renewed empiricism for our studies.
Although I would rather not generalize such a statement for the entire field of sociology as
Latour does, I support the call to move beyond the social construction – realism dichotomy
when we study, for example, controversies in environmental governance. Outlining a post-
constructivist approach gives the social scientist researcher a clue of how to do this, and why
it is relevant.
“Post-constructivism” might be a confusing concept, partly because this is yet another
“post-something” (post-structuralism, post-modernism, etc), and partly because – in my
view – it should not necessarily be seen as a reaction or response to social constructivism. It is

something different, and it is applied to issues that are inherently different form the traditional
sociological research objects.
Why then using this label for a number of different approaches, when the word
“construction” has become so value-laden in the philosophy of (social) science? I will show
that the metaphor of construction applies particularly well to those scholars and approaches
that can be argued to reside under the umbrella of post-constructivism. Among these are
actor-network theory, Andrew Pickering’s pragmatic realism, and the feminist science studies
of Donna Harraway. The co-production idiom developed in STS, in particular in the work of
Sheila Jasanoff, can also be said to fall under this heading. ANT and the work of Jasanoff,
which I think offers intelligible complements to ANT, have mostly inspired me. What these
scholars and approaches have in common is that they are interested in the practices of science
and their role in society.

What unites post-constructivists?

Materiality: A return to the construction metaphor

What unites post-constructivists is their desire to include material stuff into explanation of the
making of reality. Reality cannot solely exist in social – that is human - interaction. Latour is
perhaps strongest in his call for a return to the metaphor of the construction site. He argues
that when something is said to be constructed, “it is not a mystery that has popped out of
nowhere” (2004). We are actually able to follow processes of construction, and to look into
the different elements and materials that are part of these construction works. It would make
no sense to explain the construction of a building when only looking into the social
interactions. There is a wide range of elements that go into the construction of a building:
from drawings and calculations, to materials and human practices. If one of the elements had
been different, than the outcome had been different. Following the construction of things,
Latour argues, allows the analyst to realize that the construction could turn out totally
differently, and could even fail. When following construction practices, the important
questions that can be raised refer to the actual design, the solidness of the construction and its
durability and reliability.
In their early work “Laboratory Life: the construction of scientific facts” Latour and
Woolgar (1986) followed the construction of scientific realities, and accounted for all the
elements that were needed to shape these realities: models, formulas, inscriptions devices, etc.

One of the important arguments in their story is that without the devices that scientists use,
they would not be able to establish their facts. In itself, it is not interesting to say that water
freezes at 0 degrees. In order to establish such facts, measuring devices had to be developed,
as well as calibrating devices. This required an enormous amount of work, meetings,
congresses, and industries to fabricate instruments. Latour has set it as his task to trace the
networks and relations between human and non-human objects through which knowledge is
Thus, in order to explain reality, it is emphasized that there are different human and
non-human elements incorporated into the process of making that reality. Reality can
therefore not be explained as existing “out-there”, detached from discursive and material
practices. It is not sufficient to say that this reality is socially constructed either, because that
doesn’t allow for an explanation of how that reality could have been different, had different
materials and measuring devices been used. Hence, by tracing processes of construction, it is
emphasized that with the use of different elements, methods, materials, the outcome of these
practices could be totally different.

Explaining nature, politics and science together

Apart from this material turn, what unites post-constructivist scholars is their aim to theorize
and explain society, science and nature together, rather than to leave these in their individual
domains. In contemporary society, it is difficult, if not impossible and undesirable to think of
science and politics as two separate domains, divided by clear boundaries. It is the analyst’s
task to trace the associations between “natural objects”, such as the ozone hole or the polar
bear, and “social” objects such as experts and governments. We could consider the polar bear
as purely “nature”, but once we start thinking of the polar bear as an endangered species that
needs to be taken care of, a whole apparatus of political and scientific instruments to prevent
its extinction is set in motion.
Similarly, prior to 1985 the particularly rapid “natural” depletion of ozone particles
above the Antarctic was for some time dismissed as a measurement error in science. But when
in 1985 British scientists suddenly showed that there was a substantial “hole”, this was widely
reported in the press and taken seriously. This immediately resulted in the mobilization of
large scientific and political programs in order to monitor developments and to minimize
further ozone depletion. It was when nature was made visible through scientific instruments
and practices that there was a strong mobilization of politics. The establishment of the right
methods and measuring devices played an important part in this mobilization.

A post-constructivist approach, taking into account material elements, is particularly
fit for following this type of co-production processes in environmental governance, in which I
have been particularly interested. It provides room to ask questions about the ways in which
environmental knowledge production is incorporated into governance, and in turn, how
governance influences knowledge production. Building upon the co-production idiom within
science and technology studies, and with a post-constructivist (ANT-inspired) approach, such
an analysis attempts to make visible those connections that processes of co-production render

Notes on the practicalities of method

I have been asked to elaborate on methodological implications of employing a post-
constructivist approach. Post-constructivist works are rather silent on the practicalities of
method; the techniques of empirical inquiry. However, as scholars in STS study the practices
of science and technology, they can surely be asked to make explicit their own methods and
assumptions. One of the reasons why there are no systematic accounts on practical
methodological implications – those pertaining to the techniques of empirical inquiry – is
because we are exactly dealing with very different objects in the making, that, in order to
follow and study them, require a variety of different practical approaches.
Nevertheless, we could generalize somewhat, and argue that most post-constructivist
studies, in their aim to follow the co-production of science, nature and society, follow an
ethnographic case-study method, that is mobile (it can be transferred to similar studies), multi-
sited (it moves in between sites of construction), and materially sensitive (Blok 2010). While
ANT might be compatible with certain forms of quantitative methods, its stressing a
situational, relational and dynamic view of social life nevertheless favors less-formalized,
more adaptable, more flexible research practices. These are often associated with ‘doing
fieldwork’ (Blok 2010).
We must follow these objects in the making in real time, while uncertainties
proliferate, and values are conflicting. It is in these ‘critical situations’ that actors are forced to
render their social worlds and values explicit and observable (Blok 2010). With this in mind, I
will move on to some ‘higher-level methodological implications’, which are located on the
verge of theory and method.

Connecting scales
The implication of the question posed earlier (How is environmental knowledge-making
incorporated in governance, and, in reverse, how do practices of governance influence the
making and use of knowledge?) is that a post-constructivist research approach is
simultaneously local and global, and aims to build systematic connections between the micro-
worlds of scientific practice and the macro-categories of political thought (Jasanoff 2004).
Traditional sociology works with the distinctions of micro and macro scales, and
implies that the researcher chooses to carry out her study at either one of these scales;
constrained by existing structures in society. Where Jasanoff speaks of building systematic
connections, Latour speaks of tracing associations in a landscape that is flattened out, undone
from its hierarchical structures (Latour 2005). When we speak of climate science and politics,
we can think of a highly connected global entity, which remains local at the same time, and
which we can study through looking at individual and local scientific practices.
In a study on the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
Miller (2004) shows how global climate politics started out with local weather models, which
indicated local changes that were long detached from any global climate knowledge. For most
of the 20th century, the development of climatology as a field of scientific inquiry took place
as part of the broader field of meteorology, and stemmed form the interests of meteorologists
to understand long-term weather patterns. These weather patterns were until the 1980s not
seen as posing any risk on a larger than local scale.
It was with the development of more sophisticated computer models in the early 1980s
that the various local weather patterns could be aggregated. Based on computer models of the
general circulation of the atmosphere, climate scientists increasingly represented the Earth’s
climate as an integrated global system. Scientists and policymakers increasingly viewed
climate change as posing risks to a “global” environment, which led to the establishment of
the IPCC in 1988. Climate change became a global risk. The example illustrates how local
scientific practices and the development of models and technology developed into an issue of
global concern. The study shows how the global – macroscopic – outlook is made possible
through local networks. Hence, this global outlook always remains local at the same time.

Study science as on-going practice

When we want to study how environmental knowledge is incorporated into governance, and
how the micro and the macro scales are connected, we have to study science in the making.

That is, we have to study science as on-going practice, rather than as final product - as
knowledge. When considering “science as knowledge” the analyst would look into the final
product – the passive mode - , not knowing whether its construction is durable, reliable and
solid and not allowing tracing its further development.
When studying science as practice, we enter into the active mode, which enables us to
study processes of transformation. This requires the researcher to be near, or rather at, the
construction site to study situated material and discursive practices (Wehling 2006). Being at
the construction site means travelling through a heterogeneous landscape that transforms
while we are in it, as a result of the enrolment of new actors and practices.
I have been interested in the seemingly abstract concept of “knowledge gaps” in
environmental governance (Knol 2010). It appeared to me that environmental governance is
as much dependent on environmental knowledge production, as on environmental non-
knowledge production: that is, on the construction of knowledge gaps. These abstract holes
become only interesting when we look at them as a practice, rather than as a product. How are
they constructed, where are they constructed, and by whom? How do they get translated as
knowledge need? This is also a story about prioritization, and who prioritizes: that is, which
knowledge gap is transformed and becomes the object of new research?
The study of science as a final product, as passive knowledge, is not necessarily
interesting in itself. It becomes interesting when we start looking into what the product means,
and how it is developed further outside of the laboratories, in the political space. Thus, in
order to understand how knowledge transforms governance, and how governance influences
the making of knowledge, it is particularly interesting to study the transformation of
apparently abstract notions as knowledge gaps, and their role as active agents in the
governance network.

Consider performativity
In the beginning of this lecture I argued that it is the post-constructivists’ desire to explain
how nature, science and politics are co-produced. This implied that we have to leave behind
our pre-established notions of these three. If nature, science, and politics are co-produced, this
means that there is no such thing as “nature” existing out-there – at least not a Nature that is
interesting for our sociological framework to understand environmental or ecosystem
governance (Latour 2004; Asdal 2008). This implies that we should be aware of the
performative agency of science and politics to enact an ecosystem or environmental reality.

This performativity of scientific practices can be summarized briefly – as I have also
shown in an example of the making of a political zoning system, and will show in the next
presentation – that before an ecosystem can be made governable, it has to be made readable
and measurable through the practices of science.
The construction of an ecosystem – the search for order in a particular geographic area
- does not start before there is some form of human interest in that area. By defining an area
as an ecosystem, experts and spokespersons create a space where they can speak on behalf of
nature (Asdal 2003; Asdal 2008).
It is through practices of classifying and categorizing that an ecosystem comes into
existence. This involves simplifications based on actor’s choices about what is relevant, and
this shows, again, that the actual construction could have turned out differently at different
times, in different places. It always involves a wide variety of possible choices.
Processes of classification and categorizing provide the “boundary infrastructures”
(Bowker and Star 1999) upon which ecosystem governance is built. Such boundary
infrastructures can be a map showing extra valuable areas within an ecosystem, or a
monitoring system that consists of ecosystem indicators, normal levels, and critical limits. The
stabilization of boundary infrastructures solidifies the choices made during the process of
categorizing and classifying, and reinforces governance practices.
In European marine governance, the delimitation of the Dogger Bank currently
provides a good example of the co-production of nature, science and politics. The Dogger
Bank is an area in the North Sea, shared by four countries (The UK, the Netherlands,
Germany and Denmark). The area is permanently submerged by water, but it is a shallow area,
and has been an important fishing ground throughout centuries. With new EU policy on the
move, the Dogger Bank – for being a sandbank - potentially qualifies as a Marine Protected
Area under the EU Habitats Directive. This could have enormous consequences for
commercial activities in this area. Scientists in each of the involved countries have now
acquired the task to delimit the boundaries of the Dogger Bank in their specific countries.
With their practices of drawing ecological boundaries, they have performative roles in the
enactment of what we might call new “eco-political” realities1.

See forthcoming work by Ditte Degnbol.

Ontological politics
The ways in which science is mobilized in the making and stabilization of eco-political
realities is a question of governance. Through the kind of questions that are asked in a post-
constructivist study, the social scientist can offer insight into how such processes of
governance work, and along which terms of reference science co-produces nature and politics.
It is through the particular methods, assumptions and practices, which I have tried to outline
in this lecture, that a post-constructivist study can render insight into how science and politics
co-produces realities of nature.
In the words of Annemarie Mol and John Law (Mol 1999; Law 2004), science is
involved with ontological politics; that is, science is not only in the business of theorizing,
modeling, representing nature, it also enacts nature. Through a study of scientific practices,
materials and processes of categorization, a post-constructivist approach can make visible the
connections between local practices and macro-level political thought, which is maintained in
locally produced networks. A post-constructivist approach thus provides tools to study and
analyze the workings of governance.
Through providing such insights, and by analyzing the potential solidness and
durability of the construction of eco-political realities, the social scientist – as much as the
natural scientist – is part of this process of co-production. Through the accounts on the ways
in which nature, politics and science are interlinked and produced together, the social scientist
is similarly involved in ontological politics. Just as the scientific practices he/she studies, the
post-constructivist researcher is part of shaping the world that we (wish to) live in.


Asdal, K. (2003). "The problematic nature of nature: The post-constructivist challenge to

environmental history." History and Theory 42(4): 60-74.
Asdal, K. (2008). "Enacting things through numbers: Taking nature into account/ing."
Geoforum 39(1): 123-132.
Berger, P. L. and T. Luckmann (1966). The social construction of reality: a treatise in the
sociology of knowledge. London, Penguin.
Blok, A. (2010). Divided socio-natures: Essays on the co-construction of science, society and
the global environment (PhD thesis) PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen.
Bowker, G. C. and S. L. Star (1999). Sorting things out: classification and its consequences.
Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press.
Hacking, I. (1999). The social construction of what? Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University
Jasanoff, S. (2004). States of knowledge: the co-production of science and social order.
London, Routledge.
Knol, M. (2010). "Constructing knowledge gaps in Barents Sea management: how
uncertainties become objects of risk." MAST 9(1): 61-79.
Latour, B. (2004). Politics of nature: how to bring the sciences into democracy. Cambridge,
Mass., Harvard University Press.
Latour, B. (2004). "Why has critique run out of steam? From matters of fact to matters of
concern." Critical Inquiry 30: 225-248.
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Oxford University Press.
Latour, B. and S. Woolgar (1986). Laboratory life: the construction of scientific facts.
Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
Law, J. (2004). After Method: Mess in Social Science Research. London, Routledge.
Miller, C. A. (2004). Climate science and the making of a global political order. States of
knowledge: The co-production of science and social order. S. Jasanoff. London,
Mol, A. (1999). Ontological politics: a word and some questions. Actor Network Theory and
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Pickering, A. (1989). Living in the Material World: On Realism and Experimental Practice.
The uses of experiment. D. Gooding, T. Pinch and S. Schaffer. Cambridge, Cambridge
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Wehling, P. (2006). "The situated materiality of scientific practices: postconstructivism – a
new theoretical perspective in science studies?" Science, Technology and Innovation
Studies Special Issue 1: 81-100.


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