Leadership and Management Prelims - Docx 2024 1
Leadership and Management Prelims - Docx 2024 1
Leadership and Management Prelims - Docx 2024 1
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NCM 119 - Leadership and Management
Ms. Santos newly graduated nurse and she was hired as staff nurse in CLDH and
assigned to work in the Medical ward unit After 6 months of duty in the said area, She
was given a task by the supervisor to lead her co workers in the unit.
1. Ms Santos , based on the situation she was assigned as
A. Manager C. Leadership
B. Leader D. Management
2.Because Ms. Santos ability she was able to influence her co workers to the said
assignment. So she has the capacity of
A.Leader C. Leadership
B.Manager D.Management
4. Ms. Santos was given position in the unit, the position is called
A. Informal leadership C. Formal leadership
B. Voluntary D. Involuntary
5 What makes nurses as leaders enable them to create a difference to health organization?
A. Through their expert knowledge and leadership
B. Active participation in the development of leadership
C. With consideration which motivates the followers the followers to their task
D. With guiding Vision that provides direction towards the preferred future.
Mr. Gomez was assigned as supervisor in the operating room theater for 3 years. Up to
the present.by the Nursing Administrator.
6. Mr. Gomez on the hierarchy of position in the organization .he was assigned as
A. Formal supervisor C. Informal supervisor
B. Voluntary supervisor D. Involuntary supervisor
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8.Mr. Gomez being the head in the operating theater ,.he wants that the output of his
People is considered their ,
A. Achievement C. Result .
B.Rewards D. Incentive
9. The following are the the function of Mr. Gomez in the operating room theater.
A.Planning, Organizing, directing and cont trolling the unit
B. Creating a positive and performance ,oriented culture
C. Select.mentoring.motivating the subordinate
D.They are not interested to participate to other health care services
!0. As head of the operating room theater Mr.. Gomez play an important role in the
orientation of a new employee. Which of the following is not true about orientation
A It minimizes likelihood of rule violations.
B.It fosters feeling of belonging and acceptance
C. It provides the new employee an opportunity for promotion
D.It promotes enthusiasm and morale.
B. Choose and write the letter of the best answer on the space provided …
11._______ He was identify father of management theory
12._______ He advocated a system based on standardized procedures and clear chain of
13._______ He conducted an experiment by giving them several “Perks” rest breaks, free
meals, shorter work days, which showed an increase productivity
14.________ Managers should train workers and audit the workers performance to
ensure that the adapted scientific methods are being properly performed.
15.________ Emphasized stability of tenure of personnel
16.________ Known father of theory of social and economic organization
17.________ He point out that the employee should receive proper incentives and
18.________ The right to give orders and power to exact obedience
19.________ He described the line of authority which is formal chain of command
running from the top to bottom of the organization
20. ________ He proposed that filling managerial position should be more highly skilled
C. Choose and write the letter of the best answer on the space provided …
Situation: Nurse Irish, a new graduate was newly hired by Tarlac Provincial Hospital and was
assigned to work at the Medical Unit. The ward has a total capacity of 50 beds and with 4 nurses
assigned during AM and PM shifts and 3 nurses during the night shift. The following questions
refer to this situation.
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25. If you are the head nurse of this unit, which of the following would be your priority
responsibility for Nurse Irish?
26.As the head nurse of the unit, you play an important role in the orientation of a new employee.
Which of the following is NOT true about orientation program?
27. Nurse Irish told the head nurse that she really enjoyed the tour of the hospital’s physical plant.
This means:
28.Nurse Irish will see the relationship in the organizational structure of the hospital in the form
of document called :
M. Flow chart
N. Hospital’s chart
O. Institutional chart
P. Organizational chart
29.. After studying the organizational chart of the hospital nurse Irish now aware of her
relationship with her head nurse which is:
A. Informal C. Coordinated
B. Formal D. Delegated
30. Nurse Irish was told that in communications, she should exercise assertive behavior. Which
of the following is true about assertive communication?
32. The vertical solid line position between individuals in the organizational chart that best
describes the concept of one person/one boss indicates:
A. Chain of command
B. Span of control
C. Unity of command
D. Scalar chain
33. Critical thinking leads to which type of power?
A. Information power
B. Expert power
C. Connection power
D. Legitimate power
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34. The Nurse Supervisor recalls that organizing is necessary because people accomplish more
work that could be done individually. The number of people reporting to him as nurse supervisor
represents his:
A. Unity of command
B. Scope of responsibility
C. Span of control
D. Degree of authority
35. As a nurse supervisor, Nurse Juvy should understand the interrelationships among authority,
responsibility and accountability. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
36. Nursing is a profession, as professional you should be described with all of the following.
Which of this would mean that you are responsible for your own conduct and responsible for
their practice decisions:
A. Professional competence
B. Autonomy
C. Accountability
D. Discipline
37. Never mind task excellence, if people are satisfied it makes him feel good, highly considerate
of subordinates feelings. Who is this leader/manager?
A. 1,1 C 9,1
B. 1,9 D 5,5
38. She thinks she is the only expert on the job, wants maximum production, and has little
concern for thoughts, attitude or feelings of subordinates. The subordinate’s reaction is to
eliminate this boss on the battlefield. Who is this leader/manager?
C. 1,1 C. 9,1
D. 1,9 D. 5,5
39. Prone to tentativeness when making decision and resorts to majority ruling. According to
managerial grid model who is this manager?
E. 1, 1 C. 9,1
F. 1,9 D 5,5
40. A registered nurse identifies that a postoperative patient is hemorrhaging. The nurse directs
another registered nurse to immediately call the surgical resident and sends a nurse aid to gather
specific equipment from the clean utility room and then proceeds and implements measures to
stop the bleeding. What style of leadership did the nurse use in this situation?
G. Situational
H. Contingency
I. Autocratic
J. Democratic
41. Autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire and managerial grid model are theories of leadership
falling under what specific theory of leadership?
K. Contemporary approaches
L. Contingency approaches
M. Behavioral approaches
N. trait theory
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42. . A professional nurse set aside her own concern and problems and ill feelings at work
possesses what trait of a nursing leader?
44. What level of power that is evident when nurses are making decisions that their lives and
work are organized to accomplish what they want to obtain for themselves and their patients.
A. Professional level
B. Personal level
C. Organizational level
D. All of the above
A. Informal leadership
B. Formal leadership
C. Leadership
D. Management
A. The head nurse was reprimanded by the head nurse due to misconduct. large
B. The employee was promoted due to his excellent performance.
C. The staff nurse complied with the request of her supervisor due to her title.
D. None of the above.
49 . This is the ability to obtain followers compliance or request and one of the major components
of the power triangle:
A Influence C. Responsibility
B. Vision D. Authority
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Essay :
2. Do you think that they have same importance for the future of nursing? (5 pts.)
3.How can a novice nurse managers learn important managements functions and develop
leadership skills (10 pts. )
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This study source was downloaded by 100000893555011 from CourseHero.com on 11-11-2024 06:26:04 GMT -06:00