Tor Iom Youth Strategy Advisory Group

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Term s of R eference

IOM Youth Strategy A dvisory Group

B ack grou nd Inform ation

Youth engagement is a priority for the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Current
demographic trends showcase the largest youth population ever, with 1.2 billion people aged between 15
to 24 years old, accounting for 16 percent of the overall global population. Persons under the age of 30
constitute around 31 percent of the international migrant stock. Supporting youth in accessing
opportunities through migration can positively impact individual lives and contribute to global goals like
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ensuring that no one is left behind.

Through its role in the UN system, IOM contributes to the implementation of the Youth2030: The UN
Youth Strategy. The strategy helps guide the Organization’s work with and for youth. Furthermore,
youth is recognized as a priority in the IOM Strategic Plan 2024-2028 and is included in the
Organization’s cross-cutting priorities. To improve programmatic and policy-level outcomes for youth
and support fruitful partnerships with youth-actors, IOM has committed to creating an IOM Youth
Strategy. The strategy will aim to strengthen policies and practices to address needs and challenges of
young people, supporting the full participation by youth on the move in social, economic and political life
of their communities. The strategy will also showcase the roadmap for youth engagement in IOM’s internal
policy processes.

P u rpose
To ensure the inclusion of diverse youth voices in its internal processes, IOM has prioritized youth
participation from the initial stages of the IOM Youth Strategy development. To this end, the IOM Youth
Strategy Advisory Group will be established as an opportunity for young people’s involvement in shaping
the IOM’s approach to youth engagement and programming.

The Advisory Group will be formed by 10-15 diverse youth leaders and representatives of youth-led
organizations from across the world. It will be established to support and co-shape the IOM Youth
Strategy development process and act as a guidance and sounding board to IOM International Partnerships
Unit and the IOM’s internal Youth Strategy Working Group.

Last updated: 27 September 2024

The draft IOM Youth Strategy is expected to be finalized by the second quarter of 2025. In autumn 2025,
the final draft will be submitted for the review and approval of IOM governing and decision-making bodies.

M an date and functions

The Group Members will be expected to advise on the IOM Youth Strategy development process taking
into consideration issues affecting diverse youth groups. Members are expected to work in a collaborative
and inclusive way. Specifically, they will be required to:
- Actively participate in the virtual Group meetings which will be convened at least once a month
by i.e. proposing agenda items, providing feedback on the ideas and approaches proposed by
Group members, taking initiative on agreed action points.
- Develop and submit collective commentaries to the draft versions of the IOM Youth Strategy.
- Provide feedback to the forthcoming IOM Consultation Guide, outlining the IOM approach to
delivering consultations during the Strategy development process.
- Contribute to youth consultations, including by helping to identify relevant stakeholders for focus
group discussions.
- Provide inputs to the forthcoming communication and advocacy plan for the Youth Strategy.
- Discuss and contribute to ad-hoc issues and requests in line with evolving needs of the Group.
- Fulfill the Group’s reporting obligations:
- Submit a medium-term report six months before the end of the mandate detailing
activities, key recommendations, and progress of the Group.
- Submit a final report one month before the end of the mandate, detailing undertaken
activities, final recommendations, and progress made by the Group.

The Group Members will serve a one-year mandate, until the end of the IOM Youth Strategy
Development process. Members will fulfill their functions remotely and be required to engage for 8 hours
per month on a voluntary basis.

The m andate is unpaid . However, eligible members may be provided with support to meet their
accessibility needs, in particular sign language interpretation, a support person, or other relevant products
and services. The level of support will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and may involve e.g.
reimbursement of the potential internet connectivity costs for youth in migrant centers or adjusting the
meeting format to address the needs of youth with disabilities. The support may be provided upon written
request of a Member.

The scope and length of mandate may be amended by IOM in consultation with the Group to reflect the
evolving needs of the Youth Strategy development process.

IOM ’s role and responsibilities

IOM will facilitate the work and support the Group’s activities providing relevant information on the IOM
Youth Strategy and support to its members. Specifically, IOM will:

- Serve as the secretariat to the Advisory Group.

- Provide the IOM Youth Strategy Advisory Group with information and documentation on IOM
activities which relate to the fulfillment of the Group’s functions.
- Provide timely updates on the Youth Strategy development process and planned activities, as well
as invite the Group members to the meetings of IOM internal working group on Youth Strategy
wherever feasible.
- Provide access to virtual meetings capability to support the Group meetings and facilitate
accessibility of the meetings for all Group Members
- Taking notes and attendance at the Group meetings.
- Address and reply to the Group feedback submissions on the Youth Strategy development
process, including providing information if something is not feasible.
- Propose agenda items for the Group’s consideration.
- Provide support to the Group’s ideas and initiatives, within the scope of this ToR and the
Organization’s capacities.
- Foster synergies and linkages between the Advisory Group and other IOM programmes and
initiatives where relevant.
- Submit the final draft of the IOM Youth Strategy for an internal organizational review.

Selection procedure and eligibility criteria

The IOM Youth Strategy Advisory Group is to bring representative voices and diverse perspectives from
different areas of interest and expertise, gender, socio-economic background and geographies. Members
should have a proven record of leadership and engagement on migration issues within youth communities,
organizations, or networks. Overall, the Group will have a balanced gender representation, equitable
geographical distribution, and include members from marginalized or under-represented groups.

Eligibility criteria
- be between the age of 18-35 at the end of the application period;
- have a track record of leadership in the areas of youth engagement and participation;
- demonstrate experience or high interest in migration issues including a good understanding of the Global
Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration (GCM) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- be available to commit at least 8 hours per month to the Group throughout the entire duration of the
mandate (12 months);
- have a good command of English as the main language of the Group;
- have good analytical and writing skills to contribute to the drafting process of IOM Youth Strategy;
- have a good understanding of the IOM mandate, strategic vision, and programming priorities (desirable).
To ensure that the Group members contribute not only from their personal experience but are
representative voices that can speak on behalf of the wider youth community, candidates should
demonstrate belonging to at least one of the below categories, providing adequate supporting documents:

1. Young representativ es: Youth who represent the perspectives and needs of different groups and
communities engaging on migration issues, including youth organizations and networks, vulnerable or
marginalized groups such as indigenous peoples, disabled people, LGBTQI+, among others. Each
organization / group / network shall nominate one representative only who will be the main focal point.
Supporting docum ents required : 1 letter of nomination issued by your organization / group /
network; 1 reference letter from a professional acquaintance explaining how you qualify for this category.

2. Young adv ocates, activ ists, journalists on m igration: Young thought leaders who raise
awareness and mobilize action on migration issues through various media and communication platforms,
such as social media, podcasts, videos, media engagement, etc.
Supporting docum ents required: 2 reference letters from professional acquaintances explaining how
you qualify for this category.

3. Young researchers on m igration: Youth who have conducted research on migration issues and
can provide evidence-based recommendations for youth policy development with evidence showcasing
published research work in peer-reviewed journals or young career researchers in PhD/post doc who are
conducting research on migration issues.
Supporting docum ents required: 2 reference letters from professional acquaintances explaining how
you qualify for this category

Definition: Professional acquaintances is defined as current or recent supervisors at work, academic

supervisors, and if you are a volunteer then it could be your mentor/manager, or if you are working on a
project with another professional, then they could write a professional reference letter as a collaborator.
The reference letter should be from someone who is either working with you currently or within the last
3 years maximum. Reference letters from family members or other personal acquaintances will not be

A pplications should be subm itted in English, French, or Spanish v ia this interest form .

Decision - m ak ing
Decisions will be made by consensus where possible. If consensus cannot be reached, decisions will be
made by a simple majority vote. Each Member shall have one vote.
External advisors/observers, if and when invited, and IOM staff will have observer status and no voting

The Group Members are encouraged to self-organize their work, e.g. by nominating a chairperson,
notetaker, establishing Working Sub-groups etc.

Eth ics an d conduct

The Group Members shall adhere to the highest professional standards of conduct. Upon their
appointment, IOM will share relevant standards, including guidelines on confidentiality of information
relevant to internal IOM discussions.

Rem ov al and retirem ent of M em bers

If a member resigns or does not satisfactorily fulfill their responsibilities (including remaining in contact
with both IOM and the IOM Youth Strategy Advisory Group for a period of two months without a
reasonable explanation), IOM will consult with the group to remove and replace the member. The
Member may be replaced by a candidate from the IOM Youth Strategy Advisory Group reserve list held
by IOM.

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