IIUC Application Teacher
IIUC Application Teacher
IIUC Application Teacher
Affix two
copies of
Kumira, Chattogram-4318, Bangladesh.
5. (a) Date of birth and present age: 8th March, 1989 (35 year 8 months)
6. Permanent Address:
Mobile: 01856291729
E-mail: imamhossainsbl@gmail.com
7. Married/Unmarried: Married
9. Educational Qualifications (mention in chronological order):
Duration Performance
From To Class/Div / Positi Year of
Examinations School/College/University CGPA Specialization
on/ passing
(Masters in
Bank BIBM 2019 2020 3.42 2024 DIGITAL
Management) (out of 4) BANKING
# PGD in IPM
HRM 2014 2014 FIRST 2014 HRM
b. Published Papers (additional sheet may be used): Pl. attach copies of papers.
Title of papers Journal, Vol, Pages Year
c. Unpublished work:
Title Field of Research Pages
b. Subjects taught:
19. Names and address of 2 (two) referees who are not your relatives:
Signature of the Candidate
Date ____________
1. 10 (Ten) sets of application along with all certificates and marks sheet are to be sent to the
Registrar’s Office.
2. The candidates already in service must apply through proper channel.
3. Additional sheets, if necessary, may be used.
4. A bank draft/pay order/money receipt of Tk.500/- in favor of Registrar IIUC is to be attached
with the original application form.
5. Birth Registration Certificate/ NID number is to be attached with the original application form.
6. Incomplete Application Form will not be entertained.