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Math 10 3RD Quarter W8

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Grade Level Grade 10

GRADES 1-12 Teacher MARIA FE M. GALARPE Learning Area Mathematics
DAILY LESSON LOG MTWThF 9:07-9:54, 10:08-10:58, 10:58-11:45, 1:50-2:40, 2:40-3:30
Teaching Date and Time April 3-7, 2023
Quarter Third
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons,
I. OBJECTIVES exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment Strategies. Valuing objectives support
the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
Standards understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key
concepts of combinatorics concepts of combinatorics concepts of combinatorics concepts of combinatorics concepts of combinatorics
and probability. and probability. and probability. and probability. and probability.
B. Performance The learner is able to use The learner is able to use The learner is able to use The learner is able to use The learner is able to use
Standards precise counting precise counting precise counting technique precise counting precise counting technique
technique and probability technique and probability and probability in technique and probability and probability in
in formulating conclusions in formulating conclusions formulating conclusions and in formulating conclusions formulating conclusions and
and making decisions. and making decisions. making decisions. and making decisions. making decisions.
Learning Competency: Learning Competency: Learning Competency: Learning Competency: Learning Competency:
Solves problems involving Solves problems involving Solves problems involving Solves problems involving Solves problems involving
probability. (M10SP-IIIi-j- probability. (M10SP-IIIi-j- probability. (M10SP-IIIi-j-1) probability. (M10SP-IIIi-j- probability. (M10SP-IIIi-j-1)
1) 1) Learning Objectives: 1) Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives: Learning Objectives: 1. Solve problems involving Learning Objectives: 1. Solve problems involving
1. Solve problems 1. Solve problems probability of dependent 1. Solve problems conditional probability.
C. Learning
involving probability of involving probability of and independent events. involving conditional 2. Work cooperatively in
compound events. mutually exclusive and not 2. Work collaboratively in probability. groups.
2. Apply counting mutually exclusive events. groups. 2. Work cooperatively in 3. Show neat and accurate
techniques, permutation 2. Demonstrate groups. solutions.
and combination. appreciation of the 3. Show neat and accurate
2. Show neat and concepts of probability in solutions.
accurate solving problems.
II. CONTENT Problem Solving involving Problem Solving involving Problem Solving Involving Problem Solving involving Problem Solving involving
probability of Compound Mutually Exclusive or Not Independent and Conditional Probability Conditional Probability
Events Mutually Exclusive Events Dependent Events
III. LEARNING teacher’s guide, learner’s teacher’s guide, learner’s teacher’s guide, learner’s teacher’s guide, learner’s teacher’s guide, learner’s
RESOURCES module, module, markers, manila module, markers, tape, module, manila papers, module, manila papers,
papers and tape manila papers markers and tape markers and tape
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Pages 293-294 Pages 293-294 Pages 298-299 Pages 301-304 Pages 301-304
2. Learner’s
Pages 338 Pages 337-338 Pages 342-345 Pages 347- 351 Pages 347- 351
3. Textbook
4. Additional
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning e-Math (Advanced Algebra e-Math IV (Advanced e-Math IV (Advanced e-Math IV (Advanced e-Math IV (Advanced
Resources and Trigonometry, Revised Algebra & Trigonometry) Algebra & Trigonometry) by Algebra & Trigonometry) Algebra & Trigonometry) by
Edition by Oronce and by Orlando Oronce and Orlando Oronce and Marilyn by Orlando Oronce and Orlando Oronce and Marilyn
Mendoza; Marilyn Mendoza; pages Mendoza; pages 499-500 Marilyn Mendoza; pages Mendoza; pages 508
502-503 508

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that pupils/students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the pupils/
students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing pupils/students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice the
IV. PROCEDURES learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each
A. Review previous Review: Describe a situation in Identify if the following Review: Review:
lesson or 1. How does a simple your life that involves events listed below is If a card is drawn from an If a card is drawn from an
presenting the event differ from a events which are mutually dependent or independent. ordinary deck of 52 cards, ordinary deck of 52 cards,
new lesson compound event? exclusive or not mutually 1. A bag contains 4 blue, 3 find the probability of find the probability of
exclusive. Explain why the white, and 5 red marbles. getting a diamond or a getting a diamond or a face
Any event which consists events are mutually Two marbles are drawn at face card? card?
of a single outcome in the exclusive or not mutually random with replacement.
sample space is called an exclusive. Answer: Answer:
elementary or simple Possible Answers: Answer: Independent 13 13
event. On the other hand, The children of two P (diamond) = P (diamond) =
2. Marvin was confident 52 52
events which consist of different families are that he had correctly
more than one outcome mutually exclusive answered all the questions 12 12
are called compound because it is impossible for on a math test except for P (face card) = P (face card) =
events. A compound both families to have a those questions in which he 52 52
event consists of two or common child. had guessed. P (diamond face card) P (diamond face card) =
more simple events. You and your friends are 3 3
= ( 1 king, 1 ( 1 king, 1
aeting in a restaurant. The Answer: Independent 52 52
event that you and your 3. Use the bag of marbles in queen, 1 jack) queen, 1 jack)
friends ordering the same 1. Two marbles are drawn at Therefore. Therefore.
food or drinks (e.g. rice, random without P ( diamond or a face P ( diamond or a face card)
drinks) may not be replacement. card) = P (diamond) + P = P (diamond) + P (face
mutually exclusive (face card) – P (diamond card) – P (diamond face
because you may be Answer: Dependent face card) card)
ordering the same drink. 4. A green die and a red die
Let students give their are rolled. Find the 13 12 3 13 12 3
own situation. = + − = + −
probability that an odd 52 52 52 52 52 52
number is rolled on the
green die and a multiple of 3
is rolled on the red die. 22 22 22 22
= or . = or .
52 26 52 26
Answer: Independent
Tell students that they The teacher lets the The teacher will emphasize Although the addition rule Although the addition rule
have to apply what they students realize that the difference of dependent can be applied to many can be applied to many
have learned in real-life recognizing mutually and independent events. different situations, there different situations, there
B. Establishing a situations. The next exclusive events and not She may ask students to are still other problems are still other problems that
purpose for the activity will make them mutually exclusive events give their own example. that the said rule will not the said rule will not work.
lesson demonstrate their are important skills to work. Here is a situation Here is a situation where
understanding of solve problems involving where the addition rule the addition rule cannot be
probability of compound probability. cannot be applied. applied.
C. Presenting Example: ( Activity 7: The teacher discusses with The teacher will discuss the Let us consider again the Let us consider again the die
examples/ Counting Techniques and the students the following following example. die experiment. If we let A experiment. If we let A the
instances of the Probability of Compound problem as an example. On a popular television the event of getting an event of getting an odd
new lesson Events on page 338 of LM) game show, contestants can odd number and B the number and B the event of
1. There are a total of 48 Mutually Exclusive Events win a house and lot if they event of getting a number getting a number greater
students in Grade 10 All humans have one of draw the seven digits of the greater than 3 , then than 3 , then
Charity. Twenty are boys the four different blood price of the house and lot
and 28 are girls. If a types: A, B, AB or O. before they draw the three 3 3
teacher randomly selects a Statistics on the strikes. Once a digit or strike P(A) = P(A) =
6 6
student to represent the distribution of blood types is drawn, it is not replaced. 3 3
class in a school meeting, is different in other parts Find the probability that a and P(B) = . and P(B) = .
what is the probability of the world. The chart at contestant draws two 6 6
that a the right below shows the strikes in the first two
a.) boy is chosen? distribution of blood types draws. Suppose that after we toss Suppose that after we toss
b.) girl is chosen? in certain country. the die, we are informed the die, we are informed
Solution: that B has occurred. That that B has occurred. That is,
Note: Guide the students Blood Type P (strikes on the is, a face which shows a face which shows more
more than 3 dots comes than 3 dots comes up. What
so they can point out the O 3
problems in this activity first draw) = up. What is the probability is the probability of A?
A 10
which involves concepts of of A? When B has When B has occurred, the 6
B The results of
combination and occurred, the 6 possible possible outcomes, {1, 2, 3,
ABthe first draw affect the
permutation. Then, let outcomes, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6} 4, 5,6} reduce the number
According to the table, probability of the second reduce the number of of possibilities to only 3 {4,
them use these concepts what is the probability draw.
in determining the sample possibilities to only 3 {4, 5, 5, 6}. Since one of these
that a randomly selected P(strikes on the 6}. Since one of these corresponds to the
space and in determining blood donor will have 2
the events. second draw) = corresponds to the occurrence of A {5}, we say
either type O or type A 9 occurrence of A {5}, we that the probability of
Answers: blood? say that the probability of getting an odd number
20 5 Since a person can have
1. a. or getting an odd number given a number greater than
48 12 only one blood type, the given a number greater 1
events of two different To find the
3 has occurred is . In
probability of 2 strikes in a 3
28 7 blood types are called row, multiply the probability 1 symbols,
b. or mutually exclusive events. of a first strike and a second than 3 has occurred is . 1
48 12 3 P (A/B) = , read as “the
Mutually exclusive events strike. In symbols, 3
are events in which one or P (strike, then 1 conditional probability of A
the other of the two 3 2 6 1 P (A/B) = , read as 1
events, but not both, can strike) = · = ∨ 3 given B is equal to .”
10 9 90 15 “the conditional 3
occur. So, the
The probability is 0.31 + probability of A given B is
1 1
0.38 = 0.69. So, on the probability is or about equal to .”
average, 69 times out of 15 3
100, a randomly selected 7%.
donor will have type O or
type A blood.
D. Discussing new By pair, let students The teacher lets the Group Activity: Use Activity Group Activity: (Carousel Method)
Group Activity: (Carousel Method)
concepts and answer the following: students in groups of 3 Which events are Prepare the problems ahead Prepare
of time. the
it on a ahead
practicing new 2. if a committee of 3 three, work on the Independent? And Activity different stations inside the classroom.
different stations
Allot 5 minutes
inside theforclassroom
each sta
skills #1 students is formed, what following problems. 4: Probability of groups move one station to another
groups tomove
to another to
is the probability that The Red Cross ran a Independent and Refer to Activity 2: More Problems
Refer toonActivity
2: MoreProbability
Problems o
a.) all are girls? blood drive at the Geom Dependent Events on page LM and Activity 3: ConditionalLM Probability
and Activity
of Independent
3: ConditionalEvents
b.) two are boys and one is Corporation. Fifty 344 of LM. LM LM
a girl? employees gave blood 1. A proficiency examination 1. for
A proficiency
certain technical
skills was
for ce
which these results. Create 5 groups in the class. employees of a manufacturingemployees
firm. The breakdown
of a manufacturing
of the examinati
firm. Th
Answer: Assign each member the the employees are shown in the thetable
below.are shown in the table b
819 Blood O following roles: Leader,
2. a. = 0.189 Type Material Manager, Note-
4324 Male (M) Male (M)
Number 26 taker or Secretary, Pass (P) Pass (P)
5320 Giving Observer, Presenter and Fail (Q) Fail (Q)
b. =0.308 Time-keeper.
17296 1. A toy box contains 12
What is the probability of a. Find the probability that thea.employee
Find the probability
passed thethat
the blood type for a toys, 8 stuffed animals, and
randomly selected donor? 3 board games. Maria a male. Answer: a male. Answer: P (P/M) =
a. Type O blood? randomly chooses 2 toys for
b. Find the probability that the
b. employee
Find the probability
was a male,that
the th
b. Type A blood? the child she is babysitting
grade was received. grade was received.
c. Type B blood? to play with. What is the
d. Type AB blood? probability that she chose 2 Answer: Answer: P (P/M) =
e. Type A or Type B? stuffed animals as the first
f. Type A, B or O two choices? c. Find the probability that the
c. employee
Find the probability
was a female,
that given
the emth
blood? Answer: The grade was received. grade was received.
g. not Type AB blood? events are dependent. Let P
Answer: Answer: P (F/P) =
(a,a) be the event that 2
Answers: stuffed animals are chosen: 2. Consider the table below showing
2. Consider
A as the
the table
age group
30 yA
26 13 purchases 2 different brands of
shoes. 2 different brands of shoes.
a. =
50 25
8 7 28 Age Group Age Group
16 8 P (a, a) = · = .
23 22 253 A (under 30 years old) A (under 30 years old)
b. =
50 25 A’ (30 years and other) A’ (30 years and other)
2. A basket contains 6 Total Total
6 3 apples, 5 bananas, 4 a. What is the probability thata.aWhat
person is chosen
the probability
at randomthatpurc
c. = oranges, and 5 guavas. X? X?
50 25
Dominic randomly chooses b. What is the probability thatb.aWhat
person is chosen
the probability
at random
one piece of fruit, eats it, X and is under 30 years old? X and is under 30 years old?
2 1 c. What is the probability thatc.a What
personis chosen
the probability
at random
a pe
d. = and chooses another piece
50 25 of fruit. What is the given that he or she is under 30
he or she is under 30 years o
probability that he chose a
8 3 24 Answer: P (X/A) =
banana and then an apple?
e. + =
25 25 25 Answer: The
events are dependent. Let P
8 3 13 24 (b,a) be the event that =
f. + + = Dominic chose a banana,
25 25 25 25 then apple: 3. A family has two children. 3.What
A family
is probability
has two that
the younger
What is cp
given that at least one of the children
given thatis aatgirl?
least one of the children i
1 24 5 6 3
g. 1 - = P (b, a) = · = .
25 25 20 19 38
There are three outcomes which There are
are (B,
G), outcomes
(G, B), andwhich(G,
3. Nick has 4 black pens, 3 probability that the younger child
is a girl,
(B, G) child
and (G,
is aG
blue pens, and 2 red pens in are 2 out of three possible outcomes.
are 2 out of three possible outcomes.
his school bag. Nick 4. At a basketball game, 80% of4. At
cheered game,
for team
80% A.of In
randomly picks two pens 20% of the fans were waving20% banners
of theandfanscheering
were waving
for Team
out of his school bag. What probability that a fan waved aprobability
banner given thatthat
a fan
fan cheered
a banner forg
is the probability that Nick Let W = the event that a fan Let waved
W =athebanner,
thatA a= fan
chose two blue pens, if he cheered for team A cheered for team A
replaced the first pen back 0. 20 0. 20
So, P (W/A) = So, P (W/A) =
in his pocket before 0. 80 0. 80
choosing a second pen?
Answer: The 5. The probability that Arnel5.studies
The probability
and passesthat
his Arnel
math studies
test is
events are independent. Let probability that he studies isprobability
0.80, whatthat
is the
he probability
studies is 0.80,
that w
P (blue, blue) be the event math test, given that he has studied?
math test, given that he has studied?
that Nick’s pick ia a blue pen P (studies and passes math) = P0.45
(studies and passes math) =
in either the first or second P (studies) = 0.80 P (studies) = 0.80
pick: Thus, Thus,
P (passes math test/he studied)
P (passes
= math test/he studie
4 4 16
(blue, blue) = · =
9 9 81 6. The probability that Bobet will
6. The
be probability
late for workthat
is 0.38.
be lat
. coordinator will find out, givencoordinator
that he is late,
will find
is 0.75.
the he
Bobet will be late for work today
for work today
finds and
4. A bag of jelly beans
contains 10 red, 6 green, 7 Let us denote that the event that
Let us
will that
be late
A an
yellow, and 5 orange jelly that the coordinator finds out.that
Thenthe coordinator finds out. Then
beans. What is the P (A) = 0.38 P (A) = 0.38
probability of randomly P (B/A) = 0.75 P (B/A) = 0.75
choosing a red jelly bean, Thus, Thus,
replacing it, randomly P ( A∧B) P ( A∧B)
choosing another red jelly P (B/A) = P (B/A) =
P( A) P( A)
bean, replacing it, then
Since we are looking for P ( A and
looking for
( A and
B), w
randomly choosing an
P ( A and B) = P (B/A) · P (A) P ( A and B) = P (B/A) · P (A)
orange jelly bean?
= (0.75)(0.38) = (0.75)(0.38)
= 0.285. = 0.285.
10 Thus, P 9 A and B) = 0.285. Thus, P 9 A and B) = 0.285.
(red, orange) = ·
10 5 125
· = .
28 28 5488

5. Rene and Cris went to a

grocery store to buy drinks.
They chose from 10
different brands of juice
drinks, 6 different brands of
carbonated drinks, and 3
different brands of mineral
water. What is the
probability that Rene and
Cris both chose juice drinks,
if Rene randomly chose first
and liked the first brand he
picked up?
10 9 10
(juice, juice) = · =
19 18 38
or .

E. Discussing new Practice: The teacher discusses with Presentation of group Discussion of the activity
concepts and 3. Suppose that a team of the students the process outputs after 10 minutes. by groups. Assign each
practicing new 3 students is formed such of arriving at the answer Ask the students how they group one problem to
skills #2 that it is composed of a of the given problem. come up with the answer. explain to class.
team leader, a secretary, The teacher will add to the Supplement students’
and a spokesperson. What discussion of the each discussion if needed.
is the probability that a group.
team formed is composed
of a girl secretary?

3. = 0.609

Working in pairs, the Let the students try to solve Practice: By pair, let the Practice: By pair, let the
teacher lets the students the problem below: students solve the students solve the problem
answer the problem A green die and a red die problem below: below:
below: are rolled. Find the In a two-die experiment,
What is the probability probability that an odd what is the probability In a two-die experiment,
of drawing a queen or a number is rolled on the that the sum of the what is the probability that
king from an ordinary deck green die and a multiple of 3 numbers falling is 8 if it is the sum of the numbers
of cards? is rolled on the red die. known that one of the falling is 8 if it is known that
Answer: P (queen or numbers is 5? one of the numbers is 5?
king) = P (queen) + P (king) 3 Let A denote Let A denote
F. Developing P (odd, multiple of 3) = ·
6 the event that the sum of the event that the sum of
mastery (leads
4 4 8 2 the numbers falling is 8 the numbers falling is 8 and
to formative = + = = 2 6 1
assessment 52 52 52 13 = or and let B denote the event let B denote the event that
6 36 6 that one of the numbers is one of the numbers is a 5.
a 5.
2 36
36 P (A/B) = =
P (A/B) = 11
11 36
36 2
2 11
G. Finding practical The teacher asks the
applications of following questions on
concepts and page 338 of LM.
skills in daily Reflect:
living a. How did you answer
each question?
b. In finding the
probability of each event
above, what concepts are
c. Differentiate the event
required in question 1 as
compared to questions 2
and 3.
d. Compare the events in
questions 2 and 3. What
necessary knowledge and
skills did you need to get
the correct answer? How
did you compute for the
probability of an event in
each case?
a. The use of counting
techniques, permutation,
and combination.
b. Questions 2 and 3 can
be solved using
permutation and

H. Making Solve the following The teacher reiterates the Two events are The probability that an The probability that an
generalizations problem: following concepts: independent if the event will occur given that event will occur given that
and abstractions 1. There are 6 girls and 5 If A and B are occurrence of one of the another event has already another event has already
about the lesson boys on the school paper mutually exclusive, then events gives us no occurred is called a occurred is called a
staff. A committee of 5 P (A or B) = P information about whether conditional probability. conditional probability. The
students is being selected (A) + P (B). or not the other event will The formula for formula for conditional
at random to design the If two events, A occur; that is, the events conditional probability is probability is given by:
editorial illustration of the and B, are not mutually have no influence on each given by: If A and B are any events,
pilot issue. What is the exclusive, then the other. If A and B are any then
probability that the probability that either A or If two events A and B, are events, then
committee will have: B occurs is the sum of independent, then the P ( A∧B)
a.) 3 boys? their probabilities probability of both events P(A/B) = P(A/B) =
P (B)
b.) 4 boys? decreased by the occurring is the product of P ( A∧B)
c.) all boys? probability of both the probability of A and the or P(A/B) = P ( A ∩B)
P (B) or P(A/B) =
d.) all girls? occurring. In symbols, probability of B. In symbols, P( B)
Answers: P (A or B) = P(A) P (A and B) P ( A ∩B)
150 + P(B) – P(A and B) = P (A) · P (B) P( B)
1. a. = 0.32 When the outcome of
one event affects the
130 outcome of another event,
b. =0.06 they are dependent events.
462 If two events, A and B,
are dependent, then the
1 probability of both events
c. =0.002
462 occurring is the product of
the probability of A and the
6 probability of B after A
d. =0.013 occurs. In symbols,
P (A and B)
= P (A) · P ( B following A)

Practice: The teacher lets the Solve the following Let the students solve the Let the students solve the
3. Suppose that a team of students answer problems. problem below. problem below.
3 students is formed such individually the formative 1. A bag contains 4 blue, 3 1. The probability that 1. The probability that Rose
that it is composed of a assessment. white, and 5 red marbles. Rose will visit the parlor will visit the parlor and the
team leader, a secretary, Consider each problem Two marbles are drawn at and the doctor today is doctor today is 0.15. If the
and a spokesperson. What below. Determine random with replacement.. 0.15. If the probability that probability that she visits
is the probability that a whether the events are Find the P (red, then blue). she visits the doctor is the doctor is 0.55, what is
team formed is composed mutually exclusive or not An 0.55, what is the the probability that she
of a girl secretary? mutually exclusive. Then, swer: 1. P (red, then blue) = probability that she visits visits the parlor, given that
Answer: find the probability. 5 1 5 the parlor, given that she she has visited the doctor?
1. Mario has 45 red chips, · = has visited the doctor? P (visits parlor and
12 3 36
63,168 12 blue chips, and 24 P (visits parlor and visits doctor) = 0.15
3. = 0.609 white chips. What is the visits doctor) = 0.15 P (visits doctor) = 0.55
103,776 2. There are seven white
probability that Mario socks and four black socks in P (visits doctor) = Therefore,
randomly selects a red a bag. 0.55 P ( visits parlor/visits
chip or a white chip? a. What is the probability Therefore, doctor) =
Answer: that you can pull out a white P ( visits parlor/visits P (visits parlor∧doctor )
Mutually exclusive event: doctor) =
sock? P(visits doctor)
I. Evaluating b. If you pull 1 sock out of P (visits parlor∧doctor )
Learning 23 the bag and then another, P(visits doctor)
P (red or white) = 0.15
27 what is the probability that =
2. Of 240 students, 176 you pull out 2 white socks?
are on the honor roll, 48 An =
are members of the varsity swer: 2. a. P (white, then
0.55 = 0.27.
team, and 36 are in the 7 Thus, P (visits parlor/visits
honor roll and are also white) = = 0.27. doctor) = 0.27.
11 Thus, P (visits parlor/visits
members of the varsity
team. What is the doctor) = 0.27.
probability that a
randomly selected student 7
b. P (red, then red) = ·
is on the honor roll or is a 11
member of the varsity 6 42 21
= or .
10 100 55
Answer: Not
mutually exclusive
P(honor roll or Varsity) =
J. Additional
activities or
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress. What works? What else needs to be done to help the pupils/students learn? Identify what
VI. REFLECTION help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/ discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


MATH Teacher Grade 10 Curriculum Chairperson School Principal

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