TI Learning Task 7
TI Learning Task 7
TI Learning Task 7
Performance Task 1
Assisting the Cooperating Teacher to create assessment materials related to the
lessons, applicable to various learning modalities.
Complete the matrix by identifying the modes of assessment which are
constructively aligned with the learning outcomes and teaching- learning activities. Get
the learning outcomes from the subjects you are teaching.
Learning Outcomes Teaching- Learning Activities Modes of Assessment
Create a simple play about Group Work Play about the given
the lesson for the day topic wit scoring topic
Performance Task 2
Designing template for various assessment tools with suitable scoring rubrics
Design an original template of a scoring rubric for a simple performance using
the given template.
Descriptors/ Excellent Very Satisfactory Fair Needs
Items/Criteria 5 Satisfactory 3 2 Improvement
4 1
Performance Task 3
Designing templates for reflection activities on the teaching- learning process.
Areas of Strengths
Areas of Improvement
Plans for Action
Performance Task 4
Assisting the Cooperating Teacher in Checking students’ outputs, what do you need to
consider and remember?
Things to Consider and Remember When Checking Students’ Outputs
PLUS (P) What you MINUS (M) What needs Interesting (I) What
liked best in this to be improved in this struck me most in this
learning Task learning task learning task
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3. After explaining the lesson on the part of plants, Ms. Asuncion gave a short quiz to find
out how well the students understood the lesson, what type of assessment was given?
a. Achievement test c. Formative test
b. Diagnostic test d. Summative
Signature of College Supervisor