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TI Learning Task 7

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Name: Albie Keen Q.

Barros Year and Section:

BEED 4-2

Learning Task 7 Using Assessment Practices

Performance Task 1
Assisting the Cooperating Teacher to create assessment materials related to the
lessons, applicable to various learning modalities.
Complete the matrix by identifying the modes of assessment which are
constructively aligned with the learning outcomes and teaching- learning activities. Get
the learning outcomes from the subjects you are teaching.
Learning Outcomes Teaching- Learning Activities Modes of Assessment
Create a simple play about Group Work Play about the given
the lesson for the day topic wit scoring topic

Performance Task 2
Designing template for various assessment tools with suitable scoring rubrics
Design an original template of a scoring rubric for a simple performance using
the given template.
Descriptors/ Excellent Very Satisfactory Fair Needs
Items/Criteria 5 Satisfactory 3 2 Improvement
4 1

Performance Task 3
Designing templates for reflection activities on the teaching- learning process.
 Areas of Strengths
 Areas of Improvement
 Plans for Action
Performance Task 4
Assisting the Cooperating Teacher in Checking students’ outputs, what do you need to
consider and remember?
Things to Consider and Remember When Checking Students’ Outputs



PLUS (P) What you MINUS (M) What needs Interesting (I) What
liked best in this to be improved in this struck me most in this
learning Task learning task learning task
__________________ ___________________ __________________
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1. Why is there a need to assess your students’ learning?

a. To promote learning c. To rate teacher’s performance
b. To promote students d. To complete the records of the school

2. Which of the most ideal type of a traditional assessment?

a. Alternative response c. Enumeration type
b. Completion type d. Multiple choice type

3. After explaining the lesson on the part of plants, Ms. Asuncion gave a short quiz to find
out how well the students understood the lesson, what type of assessment was given?
a. Achievement test c. Formative test
b. Diagnostic test d. Summative

4. What is the purpose of a diagnostic test?

a. To assess where the students are at.
b. To gauge how to improve their performance
c. To measure their abilities and capabilities of students
d. To measure their abilities and capabilities to know what they have achieved at the
end of the lesson

5. How will you prevent subjectivity in rating authentic tasks?

a. Use peer assessment c. Use scoring rubric
b. Invite resource speakers d. Ask someone to validate your grades
Place or put a screenshot of your (1) formative and one (1) summative task.

Meets Approaching Meets Does Not Meet

INDICATORS Standard of Standards of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Excellence Standard Standard
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Performance Have all the Have some Have minimal No aspect of work
Tasks aspects of aspects of work aspects of work meets level of
work that that exceed level that meet level expectations
excess level of expectations of expectation
of Have errors,
expectation. Demonstrate With some omissions and
solid errors and misconceptions
Show performance MASTERY is
exemplary and not thorough
performance understanding
Checking for With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Mastery answers answers answers correct answers
Learning ALL the The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of
Artifacts pieces of evidence is/are evidence of evidence of
evidence of aligned with learning is/are learning is/are
learning are SOME of the aligned with NOT aligned with
aligned with learning ONE of the the learning
learning outcomes. learning outcomes.
outcomes. outcomes.
Creativity and The learning The learning The learning The learning
Resourcefulness tasks are tasks are done tasks are done tasks are poorly
done very creatively and quite done and need
creatively resourcefully creatively and improvement
and resourcefully
Submission of The assigned The assigned The assigned The assigned
Requirements learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks are
are submitted are submitted a are submitted 2 submitted 3 days
on or before day after the days after the or more after the
the deadline. deadline. deadline. deadline.

Signature of College Supervisor

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