Laser Beat Wave Terahertz Generation in A Clustered Plasma in An Azimuthal Magnetic Field
Laser Beat Wave Terahertz Generation in A Clustered Plasma in An Azimuthal Magnetic Field
Laser Beat Wave Terahertz Generation in A Clustered Plasma in An Azimuthal Magnetic Field
Terahertz generation via optical rectification of x-mode laser in a rippled density magnetized
Physics of Plasmas 16, 103105 (2009);
Terahertz generation from laser filaments in the presence of a static electric field in a plasma
Physics of Plasmas 18, 123106 (2011);
4pix NL c2 @ 1 @ NL @ NL
SðrÞ ¼ 2 Jr þ 2 rJ þ Jz :
c x e @r r @r r @z
We solve this equation iteratively. First we ignore the source
term and it takes the t, z variation of Er as exp
½iðxt kzÞ , we get
@ 2 Er 1 @Er 2 1
þ þ a 2 Er ¼ 0; (21)
@r 2 r @r r
Er ¼ AJ1 ðarÞeiðxtkzÞ ; (22) FIG. 1. (Color online) Variation of normalized wave number qc=xp0 with
normalized THz frequency x=xp0 :
" # The normalized amplitude of the terahertz wave can be writ-
2 x2 x2p0 x2pe 4p 3
3 nc0 rc0 ten as
a ¼ 2 1 2 2 : (23)
c x x x2pe =3
A ize2 a20 ðk1 k2 Þðar0 Þ3 pxr0
Next we include the right hand side of Eq. (19) and assume A10 8mx1 x2 kc2
" #
the radial mode structure and fast t, z dependence of Er to 4p 3 ncq0 noq a2 r2 =4
remain the same, but F acquiring a slow t, z dependence. r ne0 þ e 0
3 c0 ðx2 x2pe =3Þ x2
Substituting Er from Eq. (22) in Eq. (21), multiplying the
resulting equation by J1 ðarÞrdr, and integrating over r from xc0 xc0 2c2 2c2 x 2 2
þ 2 2
þ q eðtz=cÞ =s ;
0 to 1, we obtain a a x er0 xer0 c
@A 1 @A 2 2
þ ¼ Reðtz=vg0 Þ =s ; (24)
@z vg @t here a20 ¼ eA20 =mxp0 c.
In Fig. 1 we have plotted normalized wave number
where vg ¼ @x=@k is the group velocity of the terahertz qc=xp0 as a function of normalized terahertz frequency
wave, and take vg0 ¼ c, x=xp0 : As the terahertz frequency increases, the normalized
wave number decreases gradually. In Fig. 2 we have plotted
ie3 A10 A20 ðk1 k2 Þðar0 Þ3 pxr0 4p 3 normalized terahertz amplitude (A=A10 ) with normalized time
R¼ r n e0
8m2 x1 x2 kc2 3 c0 (t=s) for the following parameters: ncq0 =n00 ¼ 0:01,
ncq0 noq a2 r2 =4 a20 ¼ 0:01, zxp0 =c ¼ 30; axp0 =c ¼ 1, ne0 rc0 ¼ 1000,
2 þ e 0
ðx x2pe =3Þ x2 ar0 ¼ 1, xp0 s ¼ 5, for r0 xp0 =c ¼ 2. The typical laser spot
size a 20 lm. So for our parameters xp0 ¼ 17 1012 rad=s,
xc0 xc0 2c2 2c2 x
þ þq ; xc0 ¼ 1:7 1012 rad=s, and xpe ¼ 2 1015 rad=s, terahertz
a a x2 er02 xer02 c
A rippled density clustered plasma can resonantly excite
terahertz waves when the terahertz frequency x xpe = 3.
The requisite phase matching is provided by the density rip-
ple which gives rise to high values of power conversion effi-
ciency. The terahertz power depends strongly on the cluster
parameter ne rc3 .
Here we consider two collinear lasers of frequencies x1
FIG. 3. (Color online) Variation of normalized terahertz amplitude (A=A10 ) and x2 with x1 x2 in the terahertz range. It may be men-
with terahertz frequency (x=xp0 ) for the normalized parameters same as in tioned that two long laser pulses are not required for THz
Fig. 2 for r0 xp0 =c ¼ 2; 3, and 4. generation. Instead one could employ a single laser pulse of
duration comparable to the inverse of the frequency of the
frequency x is equal to 6 THz. The terahertz amplitude THz. Bhasin and Tripathi21 have considered a scheme of res-
increases sharply at t=s ¼ 6 due to plasma resonance. For onant THz radiation generation by the optical rectification of
t=s ¼ 6 in Eq. (28), the exponential term tends to zero and it a picosecond laser pulse in a rippled density magnetized
gives the maximum amplitude of terahertz wave. We also see plasma. They have shown that the resonant THz radiation
that, as the laser spot size increases, the terahertz amplitude generation could be achieved by the process of beating of the
decreases sharply. In Fig. 3 we have plotted normalized tera- two laser pulses as well as by the different frequency compo-
hertz amplitude (A=A10 ) with terahertz frequency (x=xp0 ) for nent present in a single laser pulse. Both the processes are ef-
the normalized parameters ncq0 =n00 ¼ 0:01, a20 ¼ 0:01, ficient in generating THz radiation resonantly, showing the
zxp0 =c ¼ 30; axp0 =c ¼ 1, ne0 rc0 ¼ 1000, ar0 ¼ 1, xp0 s ¼ 5 equivalence of both methods in a detailed manner for gener-
for r0 xp0 =c ¼ 2; 3, and 4. In this case we have ignored the ve- ating the THz radiation. The physics of the process as
locity mismatch. As the normalized terahertz frequency described by them is as follows: The pulse exerts a quasi-
increases, the normalized terahertz amplitude increases gradu- static ponderomotive force F p on plasma electrons. The elec-
! !
ally. From the figure we also see that as the laser spot size tron response to Fp and the self-consistent THz field E is
increases, the terahertz amplitude decreases significantly. In governed by the equation of motion. By using the Fourier
Fig. 4 we have plotted normalized terahertz amplitude (A=A10 ) transformation, we find the nonlinear velocity and this veloc-
with normalized distance (zxp0 =c) for the normalized parame- ity couples with the density ripple to produce a nonlinear
ters ncq0 =n00 ¼ 0:01, a20 ¼ 0:01, axp0 =c ¼ 1, ne0 rc0
¼ 1000, current. By inverse transforming the wave equation, one
ar0 ¼ 1, xp0 s ¼ 5 for x=xp0 ¼ 2; 3, and 4. As the normalized obtains the electric field amplitudes of the THz waves.
distance increases, the terahertz amplitude increases linearly. The above treatment is limited to small electron excur-
However on increasing terahertz frequency, corresponding ter- sion when compared to cluster radius. However we have not
ahertz amplitude increases gradually. Equation (28) has a com- considered the effect of Rayleigh scattering24 which could
bination due to both cluster and plasma components. There is a be significant at higher cluster density. We have also ignored
the effect of absorption of laser energy by the cluster and
assumed cluster expansion time to be slower than a terahertz
One of the authors, Deepak Tripathi, is thankful to the
University Grants Commission, India for financial support.
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