Laser Beat Wave Terahertz Generation in A Clustered Plasma in An Azimuthal Magnetic Field

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Laser beat wave terahertz generation in a

clustered plasma in an azimuthal magnetic

Cite as: Phys. Plasmas 18, 053109 (2011);
Submitted: 09 February 2011 . Accepted: 25 April 2011 . Published Online: 27 May 2011

Lalita Bhasin, Deepak Tripathi, R. Uma, and V. K. Tripathi


Terahertz generation by nonlinear mixing of laser pulses in a clustered gas

Physics of Plasmas 18, 053105 (2011);

Terahertz generation via optical rectification of x-mode laser in a rippled density magnetized
Physics of Plasmas 16, 103105 (2009);

Terahertz generation from laser filaments in the presence of a static electric field in a plasma
Physics of Plasmas 18, 123106 (2011);

Phys. Plasmas 18, 053109 (2011); 18, 053109

© 2011 American Institute of Physics.

PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 18, 053109 (2011)

Laser beat wave terahertz generation in a clustered plasma in an azimuthal

magnetic field
Lalita Bhasin,1 Deepak Tripathi,2,a) R. Uma,2 and V. K. Tripathi1
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
Center for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
(Received 9 February 2011; accepted 25 April 2011; published online 27 May 2011)
Laser beat wave excitation of terahertz radiation in a rippled density clustered plasma, in the
presence of an azimuthal magnetic field, is investigated. The lasers exert a beat ponderomotive
force on cluster electrons, imparting them an oscillatory velocity with a significant transverse
component due to the azimuthal magnetic field. The oscillatory velocity beats with the cluster
density ripple and produces a nonlinear current, driving terahertz radiation. The terahertz field
turns out to have ring shaped distribution. Its amplitude is enhanced by the cluster plasma
resonance when 4p 3 2 2 2 V
3 nc0 rc0 ne =ðx  xpe =3Þ > n0 =x .
C 2011 American Institute of Physics.


I. INTRODUCTION review of experimental techniques for plasma based THz

generation. Nonlinear dielectrics are also attractive contend-
There is a widespread interest in terahertz radiation
ers for THz generation via optical rectification of sub-pico-
due to their potential applications in medical imaging, mate-
seconds laser pulses.
rial characterization, spectroscopy, explosive detection, and
Recently Nagashima et al.,23 have observed terahertz
outer space communication.1–4 A number of schemes5–14
pulse radiation from argon clusters irradiated by intense fem-
have emerged for their generation. In a laser based scheme,
tosecond laser pulses. The cluster size is smaller than the
an intense sub-picosecond laser pulse irradiates a space peri-
laser wavelength. It is observed that average power of the ter-
odically dc biased semiconductor,15,16 where it produces a
ahertz pulses from cluster targets is larger than that from
moving electron-hole plasma front with the fast rising trans-
unclustered gas targets. The enhancement appears to be due
verse current. The front emits THz radiation. Hamster
to a surface plasmon resonance associated with nanoparticles.
et al.,17 observed a high power terahertz radiation from a
In this paper, we study the resonant terahertz generation
short pulse laser produced plasma, employing 1 TW, 100 fs
via optical rectification of an intense laser pulse in a clus-
laser beam focused onto gas and solid targets. Antonsen
tered plasma in the presence of an azimuthal magnetic field.
et al.,18 proposed a scheme of ponderomotive force induced
The clusters act as plasma balls and couple resonantly to the
resonant terahertz generation in a ripple density plasma
laser when the laser frequency equals the frequency of space
channel. The terahertz power scales as the square of laser in-
charge oscillations. In Sec. II, we obtain the ponderomotive
tensity. Gildenburg and Vvedenskii19 have put forward a
force experienced by the cluster electrons due to the laser
novel scheme of employing a femtosecond laser pulse on a
pulse and study their response in the presence of an azi-
low-density gas jet target to produce an oscillating plasma
muthal magnetic field. The nonlinear velocity perturbation in
cylinder that emits terahertz radiation. The laser quickly tun-
conjunction with a pre-existing density ripple gives rise to a
nel-ionizes the gas in the axial region. The electrons born
nonlinear current. In Sec. III, we solve the wave equation
inside the pulse retain finite transverse momentum after the
and obtain an expression for radiated power output. A dis-
passage of the pulse and set in oscillations of the electron
cussion of results is given in Sec. IV.
plasma cylinder with respect to the ion cylinder, p producing
THz radiation at the frequency of oscillation, xp = 2, where II. NONLINEAR CURRENT
xp is the plasma frequency of the cylinder. Liu and Tripa-
thi20 have addressed the issues of tunability and directivity Consider a cooled gas jet of deuterium or argon emerg-
of terahertz radiation in this scheme by applying a static ing from a structured nozzle. We presume that adiabatic
magnetic field and a density ripple. Bhasin and Tripathi21 cooling produces nanoclusters of radius rc0 and space peri-
have recently examined a scheme of terahertz generation via odic density
optical rectification of a laser pulse in a rippled density mag-
netized plasma. At laser intensity of 3  1015 W=cm2 , in a nc ¼ nc0 þ ncq
0.01% critical density plasma with 30 kG magnetic field and ncq ¼ ncq0 eiqz ; (1)
30% density ripple, one may have power conversion effi-
ciency of 0.04%. Thomson et al.,22 have given an elegant where q is the ripple wave number. A laser prepulse (of in-
tensity 1014 W=cm2 ) impinged on the jet, converts it into a
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: plasma embedded with plasma balls. The electron density inside each ball is ne0 , while outside plasma has

1070-664X/2011/18(5)/053109/5/$30.00 18, 053109-1 C 2011 American Institute of Physics

053109-2 Bhasin et al. Phys. Plasmas 18, 053109 (2011)

n0 ¼ n00 þ nq ðxc0 r=aÞ Fpz

r ¼ ; (10)
nq ¼ nq0 e ; iqz
(2) ½x2  x2pe =3 m
ix Fpz
where nq is the ripple density. The plasma also has an azi- vNL
z ¼ : (11)
½x2 2
 xpe =3 m
muthal magnetic field
^ s0 r=a;
~s ¼ /B The nonlinear velocity couples with density ripple to gener-
B (3)
ate a nonlinear terahertz current density
where a is of the order of spot size of the prepulse.  
!NL ncq 4p 3 !NL
The plasma balls expand on the time scale of rc0 =cs , Jc ¼  ne0 rc0 ev
2 3
where cs is the ion sound speed [cs  ðTe =mi Þ1=2 ; with Te as  
the electron temperature and mi as the ion mass], under 4p 3 ncq Fp0 ðix^z þ r^xc0 r=aÞ
¼ rc0 ne0
hydrodynamic pressure. For rc0  100A0 , cs  106 cm=s, 3 2mðx2  x2pe =3Þ
rc0 =cs  1 ps. As the cluster radius rc increases, the electron 2 =r 2 2
=s2 iðxtkzÞ
3  er 0 eðtz=vg0 Þ e ; (12)
density inside it falls as ne  rc0 .
After a significant time delay, when the plasma fre- where k ¼ k1  k2  q ¼ x=vg0  q. pffiffiffi
quency xpe ¼ ð4pne0 e2 =mÞ1=2 inside each cluster has gone The current is resonantly enhanced when xpe  3x.
down significantly, we launch two collinear laser pulses in The nonlinear current density due to the plasma electrons
the plasma, 3
can be recovered from Eq. (12) by replacing ð4p=3Þrc0 ne0 by
2 2 2
2 1, ncq by n0q , and ðx  xpe =3Þ by x .
~j ¼ y^Aj ðrÞeðtz=vg0 Þ =2s2 eiðxj tkj zÞ ;
E (4)
!NL n0q Fp0 ðix^z þ r^xc0 r=aÞ r2 =r2 ðtz=vg0 Þ2 =s2 iðxtkzÞ
A2j ¼ A2j0 er
; JP ¼ e 0e e :
* (13)
Bj ffi ck~j  E
~j =xj ; j ¼ 1; 2; (5)
Thus the total nonlinear terahertz current density,
where x21 ; x22  x2pe =3, x1 ; x2  xc0 ¼ eBs0 =mc is the
cyclotron frequency, e and m are the electron charge and J ¼ Jc þ JP : (14)
mass, c is the speed of light in vacuum, vg0  @x1 =@k1
 @x2 =@k2 represent the group velocity of laser pulses, and
s is the pulse duration. The lasers impart oscillatory velocity III. TERAHERTZ GENERATION
to cluster electrons The wave equation governing the terahertz wave, for
! x  xc , can be written as
! eEj
vj ¼ ; (6) ! ! x2 ! 4pix !NL
mixj r2 E  rðr:EÞ þ eE ¼  J ; (15)
c2 c2
and exert a difference frequency ponderomotive force on
" #
! m ! ! e ! ! !
x2p0 x2pe 4p 3
3 nc0 rc0
Fp ¼ 
! !
ðv1 :rv2 þ v2 :rv1 Þ  ðv1  B2 þ v2  B1 Þ;
! e¼ 1 2  2 (16)
2 2c x x  x2pe =3
2 2 2 2
zFp0 er =r0 eðtz=vg0 Þ =s eiðxtðk1 k2 ÞzÞ ;
ffi^ (7) 4pn0 e2 1=2
and xp0 ¼ m0 represent the equilibrium plasma
Taking r: of this equation and ignoring the spatial vari-
Fp0 ffi ie2 A10 A20 ðk1  k2 Þ=2mx1 x2 : (8) ation of e, one obtains
! 4pi !NL
The electron response to ponderomotive force, in the r:E ¼  r:J : (17)
presence of an azimuthal magnetic field, is governed by the
equation of motion Substituting Eq. (17) into Eq. (15) and simplifying, one
d2 D ! e !NL ! x2pe ! ! x2 ! 4pix !NL 4pi !NL
m 2 ¼ Fp  v  B/  m D; (9) r2 E þ e:E ¼  J  rðr:J Þ: (18)
dt c 3 c2 c2 xe
where D! is the displacement due to electron excursion, The x component of this equation, using Ex ¼ Er cos / and
v NL ¼ dD=dt and mx2pe D=3 is the restoring force experi-
~ taking Er to be independent of /, gives
enced by the cluster electrons when the electron sphere of a  2 
@ 2 Er @ 2 Er 1 @Er x 1
cluster is displaced with respect to the ion sphere. We assume þ þ þ e  Er ¼ SðrÞeiðxtkzÞ ;
that xpe decreases with time on a slower time scale than @z2 @r 2 r @r c2 r2
2px1 and x2  x2c0 , where x ¼ x1  x2 then Eq. (9) gives (19)
053109-3 Laser beat wave terahertz generation in a clustered … Phys. Plasmas 18, 053109 (2011)

4pix NL c2 @ 1 @  NL  @ NL
SðrÞ ¼  2 Jr þ 2 rJ þ Jz :
c x e @r r @r r @z
We solve this equation iteratively. First we ignore the source
term and it takes the t, z variation of Er as  exp
½iðxt  kzÞ , we get
@ 2 Er 1 @Er 2 1
þ þ a  2 Er ¼ 0; (21)
@r 2 r @r r

giving Bessel function solution,

Er ¼ AJ1 ðarÞeiðxtkzÞ ; (22) FIG. 1. (Color online) Variation of normalized wave number qc=xp0 with
normalized THz frequency x=xp0 :
" # The normalized amplitude of the terahertz wave can be writ-
2 x2 x2p0 x2pe 4p 3
3 nc0 rc0 ten as
a ¼ 2 1 2  2 : (23)
c x x  x2pe =3
A ize2 a20 ðk1  k2 Þðar0 Þ3 pxr0
Next we include the right hand side of Eq. (19) and assume A10 8mx1 x2 kc2
"  #
the radial mode structure and fast t, z dependence of Er to 4p 3 ncq0 noq a2 r2 =4
remain the same, but F acquiring a slow t, z dependence.  r ne0 þ e 0
3 c0 ðx2  x2pe =3Þ x2
Substituting Er from Eq. (22) in Eq. (21), multiplying the  
resulting equation by J1 ðarÞrdr, and integrating over r from xc0 xc0 2c2 2c2 x 2 2
þ 2 2
þ q eðtz=cÞ =s ;
0 to 1, we obtain a a x er0 xer0 c
@A 1 @A 2 2
þ ¼ Reðtz=vg0 Þ =s ; (24)
@z vg @t here a20 ¼ eA20 =mxp0 c.
In Fig. 1 we have plotted normalized wave number
where vg ¼ @x=@k is the group velocity of the terahertz qc=xp0 as a function of normalized terahertz frequency
wave, and take vg0 ¼ c, x=xp0 : As the terahertz frequency increases, the normalized
  wave number decreases gradually. In Fig. 2 we have plotted
ie3 A10 A20 ðk1  k2 Þðar0 Þ3 pxr0 4p 3 normalized terahertz amplitude (A=A10 ) with normalized time
R¼ r n e0
8m2 x1 x2 kc2 3 c0 (t=s) for the following parameters: ncq0 =n00 ¼ 0:01,
ncq0 noq a2 r2 =4 a20 ¼ 0:01, zxp0 =c ¼ 30; axp0 =c ¼ 1, ne0 rc0 ¼ 1000,
 2 þ e 0
ðx  x2pe =3Þ x2 ar0 ¼ 1, xp0 s ¼ 5, for r0 xp0 =c ¼ 2. The typical laser spot
   size a  20 lm. So for our parameters xp0 ¼ 17  1012 rad=s,
xc0 xc0 2c2 2c2 x
 þ  þq ; xc0 ¼ 1:7  1012 rad=s, and xpe ¼ 2  1015 rad=s, terahertz
a a x2 er02 xer02 c

R is significant when a 4=r02 : If one uses a ¼ 4=r02 in Eq.

(24), one obtains the requisite ripple wave number for reso-
nant THz generation,
" #1=2
x2  x2p0 x2 x2pe 4p 3
3 nc0 rc0 4 x
q¼    : (25)
c2 c2 x2  x2pe =3 r02 c

We introduce two new variables n ¼ z and g ¼ t  z=vg . Eq.

(24) takes the form
h i2
@A  gþn v1g 1c =s2
¼ Re : (26)

If the group velocity mismatch is ignored, i.e., when

x2  x2p0 and vg ; vg0  c, Eq. (26) gives FIG. 2. (Color online) Variation of normalized terahertz amplitude (A=A10 )
with normalized time (t=s) for the normalized parameters ncq0 =n00 ¼ 0:01,
=s2 a20 ¼ 0:01, zxp0 =c ¼ 30; xp0 s ¼ 5, axp0 =c ¼ 1, ne0 rc0 ¼ 1000, ar0 ¼ 1,
A ¼ zReðtz=cÞ : (27) for r0 xp0 =c ¼ 2.
053109-4 Bhasin et al. Phys. Plasmas 18, 053109 (2011)

resonant enhancement in the terahertz due to cluster. For a

plasma with higher cluster electron density and/or radius of
atomic clusters, there is approximately sixfold increase in nor-
malized terahertz amplitude.

A rippled density clustered plasma can resonantly excite
terahertz waves when the terahertz frequency x  xpe = 3.
The requisite phase matching is provided by the density rip-
ple which gives rise to high values of power conversion effi-
ciency. The terahertz power depends strongly on the cluster
parameter ne rc3 .
Here we consider two collinear lasers of frequencies x1
FIG. 3. (Color online) Variation of normalized terahertz amplitude (A=A10 ) and x2 with x1  x2 in the terahertz range. It may be men-
with terahertz frequency (x=xp0 ) for the normalized parameters same as in tioned that two long laser pulses are not required for THz
Fig. 2 for r0 xp0 =c ¼ 2; 3, and 4. generation. Instead one could employ a single laser pulse of
duration comparable to the inverse of the frequency of the
frequency x is equal to 6 THz. The terahertz amplitude THz. Bhasin and Tripathi21 have considered a scheme of res-
increases sharply at t=s ¼ 6 due to plasma resonance. For onant THz radiation generation by the optical rectification of
t=s ¼ 6 in Eq. (28), the exponential term tends to zero and it a picosecond laser pulse in a rippled density magnetized
gives the maximum amplitude of terahertz wave. We also see plasma. They have shown that the resonant THz radiation
that, as the laser spot size increases, the terahertz amplitude generation could be achieved by the process of beating of the
decreases sharply. In Fig. 3 we have plotted normalized tera- two laser pulses as well as by the different frequency compo-
hertz amplitude (A=A10 ) with terahertz frequency (x=xp0 ) for nent present in a single laser pulse. Both the processes are ef-
the normalized parameters ncq0 =n00 ¼ 0:01, a20 ¼ 0:01, ficient in generating THz radiation resonantly, showing the
zxp0 =c ¼ 30; axp0 =c ¼ 1, ne0 rc0 ¼ 1000, ar0 ¼ 1, xp0 s ¼ 5 equivalence of both methods in a detailed manner for gener-
for r0 xp0 =c ¼ 2; 3, and 4. In this case we have ignored the ve- ating the THz radiation. The physics of the process as
locity mismatch. As the normalized terahertz frequency described by them is as follows: The pulse exerts a quasi-
increases, the normalized terahertz amplitude increases gradu- static ponderomotive force F p on plasma electrons. The elec-
! !
ally. From the figure we also see that as the laser spot size tron response to Fp and the self-consistent THz field E is
increases, the terahertz amplitude decreases significantly. In governed by the equation of motion. By using the Fourier
Fig. 4 we have plotted normalized terahertz amplitude (A=A10 ) transformation, we find the nonlinear velocity and this veloc-
with normalized distance (zxp0 =c) for the normalized parame- ity couples with the density ripple to produce a nonlinear
ters ncq0 =n00 ¼ 0:01, a20 ¼ 0:01, axp0 =c ¼ 1, ne0 rc0
¼ 1000, current. By inverse transforming the wave equation, one
ar0 ¼ 1, xp0 s ¼ 5 for x=xp0 ¼ 2; 3, and 4. As the normalized obtains the electric field amplitudes of the THz waves.
distance increases, the terahertz amplitude increases linearly. The above treatment is limited to small electron excur-
However on increasing terahertz frequency, corresponding ter- sion when compared to cluster radius. However we have not
ahertz amplitude increases gradually. Equation (28) has a com- considered the effect of Rayleigh scattering24 which could
bination due to both cluster and plasma components. There is a be significant at higher cluster density. We have also ignored
the effect of absorption of laser energy by the cluster and
assumed cluster expansion time to be slower than a terahertz

One of the authors, Deepak Tripathi, is thankful to the
University Grants Commission, India for financial support.
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