A system call is a mechanism that allows user-level programs to request services from the
operating system's kernel. Since user programs typically run in a restricted environment (user
mode), they cannot directly access hardware or critical resources (such as file systems, memory
management, or process control). To interact with the system resources, they need to switch to
kernel mode through system calls.
Hit Ratio is a performance metric used in caching systems to measure how often requested data is
found in the cache. It represents the proportion of cache "hits" (when the data is successfully
retrieved from the cache) to the total number of data access attempts (hits + misses).
• If a cache system is accessed 100 times, and the data is found in the cache 80 times, the hit
ratio is 80100=0.8\frac{80}{100} = 0.810080=0.8 or 80%.
A higher hit ratio indicates better cache performance, as more data is retrieved from the cache
rather than the slower main memory or storage.
Dual Mode Operation is a feature in modern computer systems that enables the operating system
to protect critical resources and ensure system stability by running in two distinct modes:
1. User Mode:
o The CPU has limited access to hardware resources to prevent errors or malicious
actions from harming the system.
2. Kernel Mode:
o The operating system runs in this privileged mode with full access to hardware
o It handles tasks like process management, memory allocation, and I/O operations.
Dual mode operation helps protect the system by distinguishing between trusted (kernel) and
untrusted (user) operations, preventing user programs from performing unauthorized actions that
could crash or harm the system
Q.Benefits of Multithreading
1. Increased Efficiency:
o Threads can share the same memory space, reducing the overhead associated with
creating and managing multiple processes. This leads to better CPU utilization.
2. Faster Execution:
3. Improved Responsiveness:
• It avoids race conditions, where the outcome of a program depends on the order of
execution of threads.
• It ensures data consistency and prevents conflicts when multiple threads try to modify
shared data simultaneously.
In a banking system, mutual exclusion ensures that when one process is updating an account
balance, no other process can read or write to that balance until the update is complete.
A Critical Section is a part of a program where shared resources (such as variables, files, or
memory) are accessed by multiple processes or threads. Since these resources are shared, the
critical section must be executed in such a way that only one process or thread uses it at a time to
avoid conflicts.
Key Features:
• Exclusive Access: Only one thread or process can execute the critical section at a time to
ensure data consistency.
• Potential for Problems: Without proper synchronization (like using locks or semaphores),
multiple threads might enter the critical section simultaneously, leading to issues like race
If two threads try to update a shared bank account balance simultaneously, one update could
overwrite the other, causing incorrect results. A critical section ensures that the updates happen
one after the other.
Q. What is Spooling?
How It Works:
• The printer then accesses the spool at its own pace and prints the jobs in order, without
holding up the CPU.
• Efficient resource utilization: The CPU can continue working on other tasks while the
printer processes queued jobs.
• Job management: Allows multiple tasks (like print requests) to be organized and executed
This is commonly used in printing, where several print requests can be spooled and handled by the
printer sequentially.
An Operating System (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware and software
resources and provides common services for computer programs. It acts as an intermediary
between the user and the hardware, making it easier to execute programs and manage tasks. The
OS handles essential functions like process management, memory management, file systems, and
I/O operations, allowing users to interact with the computer in a user-friendly manner.
The development of operating systems can be categorized into distinct phases, from simple
systems to the sophisticated, multi-functional operating systems we use today.
o The earliest operating systems were batch processing systems, designed to run a
series of jobs in a queue without user interaction. Programs (jobs) were prepared
on punch cards and submitted to the computer for sequential execution.
o Example: IBM's early systems.
o These systems began to automate job sequencing, allowing the CPU to process
jobs in batches without constant human intervention.
• Introduction of Multiprogramming:
o Advancements:
• Interactive Systems:
o Example: UNIX.
o Benefits:
▪ Multi-user environment.
o With the rise of personal computers (PCs) like the Apple II and IBM PC, there was a
shift towards OSs designed for single-user machines.
o Microsoft DOS (Disk Operating System) and Mac OS emerged as the first operating
systems for personal use.
o Advancements:
• Introduction of GUI:
o The development of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) made operating systems far
more accessible by allowing users to interact with the system through visual
elements like windows, icons, and menus rather than text-based commands.
o Examples:
▪ Mac OS: Apple introduced the Macintosh in 1984 with a GUI-based OS.
o Advancements:
o Modern OSs support preemptive multitasking, where the OS can interrupt and
manage multiple processes efficiently, along with networking capabilities, allowing
multiple devices to communicate and share resources.
o Enhanced security features like user permissions, encryption, and firewalls became
standard to protect against modern threats.
▪ macOS: Known for its sleek design, integration with Apple’s ecosystem, and
▪ Linux: Open-source and used extensively for servers, cloud computing, and
even personal desktops with distributions like Ubuntu and Fedora.
▪ iOS: Apple’s mobile operating system known for its security and
optimization for Apple hardware.
o As smartphones and tablets became widely adopted, OSs optimized for mobile
devices emerged, focused on touch-based interfaces, mobility, and app
o Examples:
▪ iOS: Apple’s mobile operating system known for its smooth user
experience and strict app ecosystem.
o Advancements:
2. Security:
o Features like user authentication, encryption, and access control to protect system
3. Networking:
o Supports connectivity and resource sharing between devices over the internet or
local networks.
4. Virtualization:
o Allows the creation of virtual machines, enabling multiple OSs to run on the same
physical machine.
Operating systems have evolved from simple batch processing systems to complex, multitasking,
multi-user systems with graphical user interfaces. Today’s popular OSs like Windows, macOS,
Linux, Android, and iOS are feature-rich, focusing on multitasking, security, networking, and user-
friendliness, reflecting the needs of modern computing environments ranging from personal
computers to mobile devices. The evolution of OSs continues with trends like cloud computing, AI
integration, and edge computing, shaping the future of how we interact with technology.
A Resource Allocation Graph (RAG) is a graphical representation used to describe the state of a
system with respect to resource allocation in operating systems. In this graph:
o A directed edge from a resource to a process shows that the resource is allocated to
that process.
If the graph has no cycles, no deadlock exists. However, a cycle may indicate the possibility of
Starvation in operating systems occurs when a process is perpetually denied access to necessary
resources. This can happen in scheduling algorithms where higher-priority processes continuously
prevent lower-priority ones from executing. In other words, a process waits indefinitely, unable to
execute because other processes are continuously given preference.
1. Mutual Exclusion:
o At least one resource must be held in a non-shareable mode, meaning only one
process can use the resource at a time. If another process requests the resource, it
must wait.
3. No Preemption:
o Resources cannot be forcibly taken away from a process. They must be released
voluntarily by the holding process.
4. Circular Wait:
o A set of processes form a circular chain where each process is waiting for a resource
held by the next process in the chain.
These four conditions together result in a deadlock situation, where none of the processes can
A context switch is the process where the operating system saves the state (context) of a currently
running process and restores the state of another process. It occurs during multitasking when the
CPU switches between processes. The saved state includes register values, program counters, and
memory information. Context switching is essential for time-sharing in OS but incurs overhead.
The characteristics of deadlock are derived from the four necessary conditions for its occurrence:
2. Hold and Wait: Processes hold allocated resources while waiting for others.
4. Circular Wait: There exists a circular chain of processes, each waiting for a resource held by
the next.
2a. What do you mean by a real-time operating system? Explain details about each of its types
with an appropriate example.
A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is designed to serve real-time applications that process data
as it comes in, typically without buffer delays. These systems ensure that responses to inputs are
made within strict time constraints. If a system doesn’t meet these timing constraints, it could result
in system failure. Real-time systems are crucial in applications where timing and precision are vital,
such as in aviation, medical devices, and industrial control systems.
o Definition: In hard real-time systems, completing tasks within a defined time frame
is critical, and missing deadlines can lead to catastrophic consequences.
o Use Cases: Medical devices like pacemakers, industrial robotics, nuclear power
o Definition: Soft real-time systems are more flexible. Missing a deadline may not
result in system failure but could degrade the quality of the system's output.
o Example: Video streaming systems. If frames are delayed, it might result in slight
lags, but the video will still play.
A Process Control Block (PCB) is a data structure in the operating system that contains information
about a specific process. Every process is assigned a PCB, which the OS uses to track process
2. Process State: The current state of the process (new, ready, running, waiting, terminated).
3. Program Counter: The address of the next instruction that the process will execute.
6. I/O Status Information: Information on the I/O devices allocated to the process.
7. Accounting Information: Data on CPU usage, process execution time, and process priority.
Process Lifecycle (PLC)
2. Ready: After creation, the process is moved to the ready queue, waiting for CPU allocation.
3. Running: The process is assigned the CPU and is actively executing instructions.
4. Waiting: If the process needs to wait for a resource (like I/O), it moves to the waiting state.
5. Terminated: After the process finishes execution, it is terminated and removed from
A context switch occurs when the CPU transitions from one process to another. During this, the
process’s state is saved in its PCB, allowing it to resume execution from the point where it was
2c. Describe the difference among short-term, medium-term, and long-term scheduling.
In operating systems, scheduling determines the order in which processes are executed. There are
three types of scheduling based on how long a process remains in a queue and its state:
1. Short-Term Scheduling:
o Purpose: Determines which process in the ready queue should be executed next by
the CPU.
o Example: Round Robin, FCFS, and SJF are commonly used in short-term scheduling.
2. Medium-Term Scheduling:
o Function: Deals with processes that have been waiting for a long time (I/O
completion, memory swap-in) and places them back into the ready queue when
o Example: If too many processes are running, some can be swapped out to disk until
more memory becomes available.
3. Long-Term Scheduling:
o Example: A batch system might decide to load only a certain number of jobs into
memory to maintain system performance.
2d. Differentiate between multilevel queue and multilevel feedback queue scheduling.
o Structure: The system is divided into multiple fixed queues, and each queue has its
own scheduling policy. Processes are permanently assigned to one queue based on
their type (e.g., system processes, interactive processes, batch jobs).
o Example: A system where processes are divided into foreground (high priority, short
bursts) and background jobs (low priority, long bursts), each with its own scheduling
o Feedback Mechanism: A process that consumes too much CPU time might be
demoted to a lower-priority queue, while shorter processes may be promoted to
higher-priority queues. This system ensures a balance between high-priority tasks
and fair treatment of all processes.
o Use Case: Systems where you need to adaptively manage process priorities based on
their actual CPU usage.
We need to calculate the average turnaround time, waiting time, and response time for the
following scheduling algorithms:
4. Priority Scheduling.
P₀ 0 4 1
P₁ 1 3 2
P₂ 2 7 1
P₃ 3 5 3
P₀ 0 4 0 4 4 0 0
P₁ 1 3 4 7 6 3 3
P₂ 2 7 7 14 12 5 5
P₃ 3 5 14 19 16 11 11
P₀ 0 4 0 4 4 0 0
P₁ 1 3 4 7 6 3 3
P₃ 3 5 7 12 9 4 4
P₂ 2 7 12 19 17 10 10
This is a preemptive version of SJF where the process with the least remaining time is executed next.
Process Arrival Time Burst Time Completion Time Turnaround Time Waiting Time Response Time
P₀ 0 4 4 4 0 0
P₁ 1 3 7 6 3 3
P₂ 2 7 19 17 10 10
P₃ 3 5 12 9 4 4
4. Priority Scheduling
Processes are executed based on priority (lower priority number = higher priority).
P₀ 0 4 1 0 4 4 0 0
P₂ 2 7 1 4 11 9 2 2
P₁ 1 3 2 11 14 13 10 10
P₃ 3 5 3 14 19 16 11 11
An interrupt is a signal to the processor emitted by hardware or software indicating an event that
needs immediate attention. It temporarily halts the CPU’s current activities, saves its state, and
transfers control to a predefined interrupt handler or service routine to address the event. Once the
interrupt is handled, the CPU resumes its previous tasks from where it was interrupted.
3. Resuming Operations: After the ISR has completed its task, the CPU restores the saved state
and continues with the interrupted task.
Interrupts play a crucial role in improving the efficiency of a system by allowing the CPU to manage
multiple tasks effectively without constantly polling devices or checking for input/output (I/O)
Types of Interrupts
Interrupts can broadly be categorized into hardware interrupts and software interrupts. These are
further classified into different types based on the source of the interrupt.
1. Hardware Interrupts
Hardware interrupts are generated by external hardware devices, which require the attention of the
CPU. The CPU halts its current execution and attends to the interrupt by invoking the appropriate ISR.
a. Maskable Interrupt
• Definition: A maskable interrupt can be delayed or ignored by the CPU if it is not ready to
handle the interrupt. These interrupts are usually lower priority and can be temporarily
"masked" or disabled.
• Example: I/O device interrupts (e.g., when a disk drive is ready to transfer data).
• Use Case: Maskable interrupts are used when it’s not critical to service the interrupt
immediately, such as in a system where data is being transferred from an I/O device.
• Definition: A non-maskable interrupt is one that the CPU must handle immediately, and it
cannot be ignored. These interrupts are critical and often indicate severe hardware failures
or important system events.
• Use Case: NMIs are used in situations where the system must respond to the interrupt
immediately to prevent damage, such as when a power failure is detected, requiring the
system to initiate a shutdown sequence.
Key Differences:
Software interrupts are generated by executing a special instruction in the software (often called a
system call) that triggers an interrupt in the CPU. They are generally used for communication
between user programs and the operating system.
a. System Calls
• Definition: A system call is a request made by a program for a service provided by the
operating system, such as file management, process control, or device management.
• Use Case: A program may use a system call to request the OS to read data from a file. This
initiates a software interrupt to switch the CPU to kernel mode to handle the request.
b. Traps/Exceptions
• Definition: Traps or exceptions are software-generated interrupts that occur when an error
or specific condition is detected during program execution. These can be intentional or
• Use Case: When a program attempts to divide by zero, the CPU raises a trap, halts execution,
and invokes the appropriate interrupt handler to address the error.
Apart from the source of interrupts (hardware vs. software), interrupts can also be classified based
on the type of event they represent:
a. I/O Interrupts
• Use Case: I/O interrupts allow the CPU to perform other tasks while waiting for data from
I/O devices, improving system efficiency.
b. Timer Interrupts
• Use Case: Timer interrupts are critical for maintaining system performance by ensuring that
the CPU switches between processes and handles tasks at regular intervals.
• Example: The system receiving a signal that power is about to be lost and saving all unsaved
• Use Case: Used in real-time systems and mission-critical applications where data loss could
be disastrous, ensuring minimal damage in case of a power outage.
d. Program Interrupts
• Use Case: Program interrupts ensure the system handles errors gracefully by stopping the
erroneous program and preventing it from crashing the system.
1. Interrupt Signal Detection: The CPU detects the interrupt signal sent by hardware or
2. Saving the Current State: The CPU saves the current state (program counter, registers, etc.)
so that it can resume its work after handling the interrupt.
3. Invoking the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR): The CPU transfers control to a predefined ISR
based on the type of interrupt.
4. Handling the Interrupt: The ISR performs necessary operations (such as reading data from
an I/O device or processing an error) and clears the interrupt.
5. Restoring the CPU State: After the ISR has handled the interrupt, the CPU restores the saved
state and resumes the interrupted task.
5. Prioritization of Interrupts
In modern systems, there are often multiple interrupts occurring at the same time. To handle this,
interrupts are assigned priorities. Higher-priority interrupts can preempt lower-priority ones.
• Interrupt Priority: Each interrupt is assigned a priority level, and the CPU handles higher-
priority interrupts before lower-priority ones.
• Nested Interrupts: If an interrupt is triggered while another interrupt is being processed, the
new interrupt will be handled only if it has a higher priority than the current one.
6. Advantages of Interrupts
• Efficient CPU Utilization: Interrupts allow the CPU to be more efficient by not wasting time
polling devices or waiting for events.
• Multitasking: Interrupts allow the CPU to switch between different tasks, improving
multitasking capabilities.
• Immediate Attention: Critical events can be handled immediately, ensuring the system
responds promptly to time-sensitive tasks (e.g., power failures).
7. Disadvantages of Interrupts
• Overhead: Handling an interrupt involves context switching, which adds overhead and can
slow down system performance.
• Interrupt Latency: There is always some delay (latency) between when the interrupt occurs
and when it is serviced, which can be problematic in time-critical applications.
Interrupts are essential in modern computer systems, enabling efficient CPU management and real-
time responses to critical events. They allow a system to handle multiple tasks and events
simultaneously by temporarily suspending ongoing processes and attending to more urgent tasks.
However, careful management is required to ensure that the interrupt system doesn’t negatively
impact performance or cause excessive latency.