Country Parks and
Country Parks and
Country Parks and
Hoi Ha Visitor Centre, which is adjacent to the Hoi Ha Wan popularise earth science, and promote the natural and cultural
Marine Park, has an exhibition hall which provides visitors with heritage of the geopark, in furtherance of green tourism and
information about the marine park and the rich marine the sustainable development of the geopark communities.
biodiversity in Hong Kong. The marine reserve is strictly
protected for nature conservation, scientific research and Networking: Hong Kong Geopark participates actively in
educational studies, hence no recreational activities are exchanges with other UNESCO global geoparks, hosting
allowed. exchange forums, and organising workshops and training
programmes for global and Asia Pacific geoparks.
Hong Kong Geopark is located in the east and northeast parts CONSERVATION
of Hong Kong, comprising the Sai Kung Volcanic Rock Region The nature conservation policy is to regulate, protect and
and the Northeast New Territories Sedimentary Rock Region, manage natural resources that are important for the
with a total land area of over 150 km2. conservation of biodiversity of Hong Kong in a sustainable
The Sai Kung Volcanic Rock Region is the relic of a 140- manner, taking into account social and economic
million-year old supervolcano. Among the diverse geoheritage considerations, for the benefit and enjoyment of the present
in the region, the most important is the rhyolitic volcanic and future generations of the community. The first city-level
hexagonal columnar rock formation. The rock columns are 1.2 Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Hong Kong was
metres in diameter, on average, with the biggest ones published in December 2016, to step up conservation efforts
measuring three metres across, and they are tens of metres and support sustainable development.
high above ground, with a land-and-sea distribution of The proportion of land area put under the protected area
approximately 100 km2. The distribution, column size and rock system in Hong Kong compares favourably with other
type of the formation are globally rare. In combination with the cities/places at similar stage of economic development.
diverse coastal erosion landforms in the area, the rock Moreover, despite its small size and rapid development over
columns form a magnificent natural landscape. The columnar the years, Hong Kong still enjoys a rich biodiversity. The
rock formation is selected as one of the First 100 International AFCD, through its territory-wide survey programme, identifies
Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) Geological Heritage and monitors the important components of biodiversity in
Sites in 2022, which recognizes its international importance. Hong Kong. The AFCD also publishes field guides and
The major geosites in the Sai Kung Volcanic Rock Region are maintains the Hong Kong Biodiversity Online
the High Island Reservoir East Dam, Tai Long Wan and Sharp (, Hong Kong Biodiversity Information
Island. High Island, Kau Sai Chau and Yim Tin Tsai are the Hub (
rural communities in this region. Nat and Instagram pages) to
The Northeast New Territories Sedimentary Rock
Region is home to a complete sedimentary rock sequence,
formed 400 to 55 million years ago, from the Palaeozoic to the Habitat Protection: About 40 per cent of land in Hong Kong
Cenozoic. It is a rich showcase of sedimentary rocks, has been designated as country parks and special areas
geological structures and fossils. This region also offers a host which provide statutory protection for the habitats of diverse
of diverse habitats, which support high biodiversity. The flora and fauna. In addition, 67 Sites of Special Scientific
Hakka and fishing villages distributed across the region pride Interest (SSSIs) have been listed to recognise the scientific
themselves on their rich history and cultural heritage. The importance of these sites. For example, Ma On Shan and Sha
main geosites are Ma Shi Chau, Lai Chi Chong, Lo Tung have been listed as SSSIs in recognition of the
and Tung Ping Chau, and the main rural communities are Lai presence of the diverse populations of azaleas and
Chi Wo, Kat O and Ap Chau. dragonflies in Hong Kong respectively. Due consideration to
conservation is given when developments in or near these
Conservation, Education and Sustainable Development: sites are proposed.
Hong Kong Geopark has worked closely with all stakeholders The AFCD also implements active conservation
to conserve the geological and ecological heritage in the area programmes to enhance important habitats. These include the
and organise a wide range of education activities to popularise implementation of Plantation Enrichment Programme in
earth science. The geopark communities are also engaged in country parks and management of vegetation in forests,
a cultural and intangible heritage conservation project to egretries and SSSIs.
explore and preserve the vibrant local history and culture. The
project not only enhances our promotional and educational Flora: The flora of Hong Kong is diverse in character and
contents, but also provides new resources for local green surprisingly rich in species. Many typical species of the
tourism. Southeast Asian tropical flora are seen here at the limit of their
Hong Kong Geopark has designed 13 land excursion northern distribution range. More than 3 300 species and
routes and two boat tour routes, and established a geopark varieties of vascular plants have been recorded in Hong Kong,
visitor centre, a volcano discovery centre, a geoheritage approximately 2 100 of which are native and the rest are
centre and five geopark community story rooms. All these introduced or of exotic origin.
GovHK Website: Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department
Information contained in this publication may be freely used. Home Page address:
January 2024
No acknowledgement is necessary.
Hong Kong Herbarium: Established in 1878, the AFCD's Birds: Hong Kong is a major stopover point for migratory birds
Hong Kong Herbarium is responsible for the systematic in East Asia. The wide variety of local habitats including
collection, identification and curation of plant specimens of the wetlands, grasslands, woodlands, seashores and farmlands
Hong Kong flora. The Herbarium also publishes the Check List contributes to the diversity of birds. There are over 578
of Hong Kong Plants, herbarium leaflet series and other species of wild birds including residents, winter visitors,
related technical publications (e.g. Flora of Hong Kong). It passage migrants, summer visitors, occasional visitors and
plays a significant role in supporting the studies on taxonomy, vagrants, recorded in Hong Kong. Over 60 of them are
ecology and conservation of Hong Kong flora. Currently it globally threatened or near-threatened species. About 100
houses approximately 50 000 plant specimens and is resident species have been recorded breeding in the territory.
equipped with a specialised library and a plant database The Mai Po Marshes are listed as a Restricted Area
( to support its function. under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance and access is
restricted to permit holders. This area comprises extensive
Conservation of Flora: Efforts have been made to conserve mudflat, mangrove and gei wais, forming the richest wetland
native flora in Hong Kong. In addition to habitat protection, habitats for migratory birds in Hong Kong. The Marshes forms
they are also conserved through the following approaches. part of the 1 500-hectare Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site
Species Protection: Under the Forests and which has been listed as a Wetland of International
Countryside Ordinance, damaging plant in any forest or Importance under the Ramsar Convention since 1995. The
plantation on government land is prohibited. Some rare and Asian-Australasian
attractive species such as Camellia species, Enkianthus
quinqueflorus, Iris speculatrix and Impatiens hongkongensis, communication and cooperation in the conservation of
are specifically listed in the Forestry Regulations to control migratory waterbirds. About 400 species of birds, including a
their sale and possession. number of endangered species (e.g. Black-faced Spoonbill,
Propagation: Various methods such as seed collection, Spoon-billed Sa
cutting, air layering, etc, have been used to propagate Hong been recorded in the Ramsar Site.
Spiny Rat and Musk Shrew are commonly encountered in Insects: Hong Kong has a rich insect fauna. There are 245
rural areas, whereas bats, which constitute almost half of the species of butterflies, including the eye-catching Swallowtails.
terrestrial mammal species in Hong Kong, are often found With wings that span up to 30 centimetres, Atlas Moth is
near caves and water tunnels. Common species include outstanding for its large size among the numerous species of
Himalayan Leaf-nosed Bat, Chinese Horseshoe Bat and moths found in Hong Kong. With 132 species recorded so far,
Greater Bent-winged Bat. the dragonfly fauna in Hong Kong is diverse, comprising the
GovHK Website: Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department
Information contained in this publication may be freely used. Home Page address:
January 2024
No acknowledgement is necessary.
globally threatened Chinese Tiger and Anaciaeschna martini,
the latest additions to .
park by taking the Light Rail at Tin Shui Wai MTR Station. The
standard admission fee to the park is $30. Concessionary
tickets, including those for students, seniors (aged 65 or
above) and people with disabilities, are also offered at $15.