Boukir 2020
Boukir 2020
Boukir 2020
[10]. However, the verification was partial and performed for one time Petri nets, and on state space analysis methods. Another study
application which does not guarantee an exhaustive verification of [24] of modeling an OSEK/VDX application and the core part on its
the scheduler. Our rational in this paper is to rather use the previ- kernel have been proposed, it uses UPPAAL[7] to perform rigorous
ously achieved implementation and conduct a modular verification timing analysis. Bodeveix et al. [8] used also model-checking to
approach on it based on specific requirements. These requirements verify some scheduler properties within BOSSA framework [4] as
are identified in accordance with the expected behavior of the im- well as several safety properties of the OS. This formal method
plementation and demonstrated to be significant for it. They are has been also applied in hardware and software verification. For
verified using model-checking to ensure that the implementation instance, Intel has been using it since 1990 to build industrial verified
is compliant with the scheduler’s specifications. To do so, verifica- systems [2, 17]. It has also reported the success of this technique to
tion engines are elaborated to generate all possible scenarios for detect programming errors that would have been escaped all the
activating and executing a given task set. verification tools.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses Our rationale for employing formal verification is quite different
related works. Section 3 provides a review of the initial work of from the works presented above: given a scheduler implemented
this study. Section 4 explains the choice of requirements to be inside an RTOS kernel, we aim at checking the correctness of its
verified for the implementation. Section 5 presents our approach implementation formally based on a model. By correctness, we
for conducting verification of these requirements and Section 6 mean not only the absence of programming errors that are likely to
illustrates some of its results. crash the OS, but also the accuracy of the scheduling operations and
decisions. It is a similar objective that can be found in [20]. In the
2 RELATED WORKS context of a meta scheduler for implementing real-time scheduling
There have been a number of works using formal methods to verify algorithms on POSIX compliant RTOS, model-checking is used to
real-time operating systems regarding various problems. Funda- ensure that the outputs from a scheduling algorithm using the meta
mentally two main approaches are being used: scheduler framework conform to the scheduling decisions of its
native version implemented inside the kernel. This study however,
Theorem proving: is a formal method characterized by describing does not consider the multicore/multiprocessor constraints, and
the specification of a system in a mathematical reasoning system, the verification is conducted on one application. Our verification
which consists of a set of axioms and a set of inference rules that can work on the other hand, aims to verify the implementation of a
be used to derive new theorems. In the field of OS kernel verification, global multiprocessor scheduling policy regardless of any specific
this approach has been used to verify SeL4 [19] and CertikOS [18]. task. It is rather in line with the work of Tigori et al [23] where the
Both are certified OSs using interactive theorem proving although whole platform independent source code of Trampoline is modeled
they don’t support real-time applications. SeL4 is a micro-kernel as a network of extended finite automata. By adding an application
that uses the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL [21]. CertikOS uses the model and doing a reachability analysis, the operating system can
Coq proof assistant [14] for its certification. be configured so that all the dead code is removed. In [6] the model
The theorem proving was also used in numerous works that are is extended with observers to verify the OSEK/VDX conformance
interested in studying the schedulability within a real-time operat- of the configured operating system.
ing system. The work around Prosa for instance [13] addresses the
response time analysis for global fixed priority and EDF schedulers 3 BACKGROUND
and provides a flexible foundation for formally proven schedula-
This section provides a summary of the work previously carried
bility analysis based on mechanized proofs. This work does not
out [9, 10] to implement and model a G-EDF scheduler within
match with our objective since we are interested in the verification
Trampoline RTOS [5].
of implementations and not in the analytical aspects of real-time
3.1 Implementation of G-EDF
The aforementioned verification approaches require user guid-
ance and the specification of many lemmas and a large number of Trampoline1 [5] is an open source real-time operating system that
commands. This demands a significant expertise in the field and a implements the OSEK/VDX and AUTOSAR standards. It was devel-
large human investment to prove small theorems, which gets worse oped in the Real-Time Systems group at LS2N in Nantes (France).
in the event of proving sophisticated properties. Initially, it supported partitioned scheduling in multicore. Trampo-
line’s scheduler is implemented at the kernel level. This means that
Model-checking: is an automated formal verification approach multiple components and functions of low-level are involved in
that allows the exploration of all possible states that the verified calculating the scheduling decision and they define the scheduling
system can go through and checking desirable properties over its perimeter. These components are detailed below (cf. Fig. 1).
state-space. Thanks to its advantages, model-checking has been Task Manager: it gathers low-level functions that are responsi-
successfully applied in numerous research works related to the ble for activating and terminating jobs.
field of real-time systems. Those related to scheduling have as Time Manager: it handles the calculation, the representation
their objective either to verify the schedulability of a system [16], and the comparison of absolute deadlines.
or to build a scheduler tailored to a particular system using the Task List Manager: it handles all the operations related to the
paradigm of controller synthesis [1]. For the most part, they are insertion and extraction of ready jobs into task lists on the request
based on the theory of timed models such as timed automata or
Requirement specification and model-checking of a RT scheduler implementation RTNS 2020, June 9–10, 2020, Paris, France
of Task Manager or the Scheduler. It also takes in charge of sorting by core. Each one contains the running, elected and need_switch
these lists. fields: - running gives the identifier of the running task, - elected
Scheduler: it is responsible for determining the scheduling se- contains the identifier of the task that is selected by the Scheduler
quence according to G-EDF policy. It is called by Task Manager and, - need_switch indicates if a context switching must take place.
whenever a job is activated or terminated. Note that in the multi-core version of Trampoline, there is only
Context Switch Manager: performs the context saving of the one instance of the OS that runs sequentially in the cores in which
job that is preempted and restores the context of the one that gains the OS should be executed. Thus, the access to the kernel by a core
the CPU following the Scheduler’s decisions. is sequentialized due to a global lock that prevents competition
between cores. It is important to note that the main purpose of
this paper is not to propose an implementation of G-EDF scheduler.
Thus, for more details about this implementation please refer to
[9, 10].
3.1.2 Scheduling procedure. In our implementation of G-EDF,
only basic and independent tasks are considered. Meaning that
we do not focus on tasks that can wait for events or share re-
sources. Thus, the scheduler is triggered only for job activation or
completion. The steps for making the scheduling decision within
Trampoline are summarized below:
Figure 1: Interactions of G-EDF scheduler with other Tram- 1. When a scheduling event occurs and it is a new job activation
poline’s components. of a task 𝜏𝑖 , the absolute deadline of the job is computed by the Time
The scheduling decision is calculated by the Scheduler using Manager. If the activation count indicates that there is already an
the informations provided by the Task List Manager and the active job for that task, the Task Manager calls the Task List Man-
Time Manager ager in order to store the new activated job in the PendingJobList𝑖
along with its absolute deadline. Otherwise, the job is stored in the
ReadyList according to its absolute deadline and the Task Manager
3.1.1 Some Trampoline features. In Trampoline’s G-EDF sched- puts the task 𝜏𝑖 in the READY state. If the scheduling event is a termi-
uler, an absolute deadline is computed whenever a job is activated nation, the PendingJobList𝑖 of the terminated task 𝜏𝑖 is checked. If
by adding its corresponding relative deadline to the current time. there is a pending job, it is removed from the PendingJobList𝑖 and
The time in Trampoline is represented on a circular time model stored in the ReadyList according to its absolute deadline. In that
with 32-bit variable and 1𝜇s resolution. The comparison of dead- case the state of the task is changed to READY, otherwise it becomes
lines is performed using the ICTOH algorithm (for Circular Timer’s SUSPENDED. In the end, the Task Manager calls the Scheduler.
Overflow Handler) [12].
Trampoline OS allows successive activations of the same task 2. When the Scheduler is called, it selects the highest priority
up to a statically fixed limit that is called the maximum activation jobs by consulting the ReadyList and the absolute deadlines of
count. This means that the release of a new job of a task may occur jobs calculated by the Time Manager. In the implementation, the
ReadyList is sorted in an increasing absolute deadlines order. There-
even if the previous one did not terminate. The number of jobs
activated for a task and not yet completed is called the activate fore, the Scheduler must only select the 𝑚 jobs from the head of the
ReadyList to be executed on the 𝑚 free processors. To do so, two
count. However, two jobs of the same task should not be executed
at the same time and the priority of execution shall be attributed tests are iteratively performed: 1) is there a free processor while the
ReadyList is not empty? 2) does the job at the head of the ReadyList
to the oldest released job. For this purpose, two types of ready job
lists are considered: 1) the ReadyList: to store the oldest released has a higher priority than the running one? In the first case, the
and non-terminated ready jobs of each task that we call active jobs. job at the head of the list is extracted to be executed on the free
It is implemented as a min heap in which absolute deadlines of jobs processor. In the second case, the running job is preempted, put
are used as keys (values of the nodes). If several jobs have the same back in the ReadyList and its state is changed to READY. Then, the
deadline, they are attached as a linked list to the same heap node. higher priority task is extracted and scheduled for execution.
2) the second type is used to store new released jobs of a task while 3. When the scheduler decides that a context switch shall take
the previous one is not terminated. They are called pending jobs. place on a core, it updates elected and sets need_switch in the
Each task 𝜏𝑖 has its own list PendingJobList𝑖 . It is implemented as a corresponding tpl_kern. Then, the Context Switch Manager saves
FIFO according to the task activation order and it stores its pending the context of the task identified in running, loads the context of
job absolute deadlines. the one given by elected, copies the value of elected into running
In Trampoline, the scheduling operations always take place on and the state of the task becomes RUNNING.
the core where the scheduling triggering event occurs. However,
rescheduling may lead to a preemption and a context switching
that have to be achieved on another core. So as to separate jobs
that are considered by the scheduler from the actual ones that are
running on processors, the tpl_kern structures are available, one
RTNS 2020, June 9–10, 2020, Paris, France K.Boukir, et al.
Context Switch Manager: to check that the context switching 5.1 Observer models
is always performed based on the Scheduler’s command. Then, we The previously presented requirements are complex and some of
can simply verify that: them depend on the implementation choices. The expression of a
• the context switching shall be performed according to the Sched- CTL formula verifying one of them quickly becomes complicated
uler decisions. and requires the nesting of several sub-formulas into a single one
with an exponential size. Especially when dealing with a ReadyList
5 VERIFICATION APPROACH of 𝑛 tasks and 𝑛 PendingJobLists at most. Therefor, we choose to
check them using observer models and express properties on their
Our approach consists of checking the implementation correctness
during the execution of the OS model over a time interval driven
The observer models are EFAs with committed states. These
by the Timer Model. The complete model (OS + Timer) is stimulated
states are priority states, which means that if there are several
using task activation and termination scenarios generated by what
fireable transitions, the transition related to the committed states is
we call verification engines (cf. 5.3). The verification of the complete
fired before the others. This makes it possible to check the system
model is carried out by checking the requirements introduced in
without the risk of altering its evolution.
section 4.2. They are checked using observers that run in parallel
Each observer describes a set of requirements used to check an
with the complete model to observe its behavior. Since our goal is
OS component. All the observers inserted in our model have the
to carry out the verification in a modular way, an observer per OS
same structure shown in Fig. 5. The execution of an observer is
component is elaborated (cf. 5.1). Then, reachability properties are
launched when receiving a synchronization Trigger_synch? from
expressed in CTL (Computation Temporal Logic) and checked on
the system notifying that the corresponding component ended its
the observer states to verify that the system is behaving as required.
execution. The Verification Box is the part of the observer that helps
The properties are all expressed in a identical way, they are stated
checking the desired requirements using a set of test functions.
in Section 5.2. A combination of observer models and the complete
Each requirement is translated to a test function that returns true
system model is formed and inserted as input to the UPPAAL model-
or false depending on the result of meeting the requirement. When
checker (VerifyTA) along with expressed properties. The model-
a requirement does not hold, the corresponding output transition
checker verifies if the given properties describing the expected
leads to a Bad state of the system. On the other hand, if all the
behavior hold, or else it generates a counterexample scenario with
requirements are satisfied, output transition leads to a Good state
the corresponding execution trace (cf. Fig. 4).
and the observer goes back to its initial state to wait for the next
Figure 6 shows the observer used to verify the Scheduler. It is
called to check if the two intrinsic requirements of G-EDF scheduler
hold: the priority and the idleness check.
For the verification of the first requirement concerning the prior-
ity, the observer uses the synchronization end_run_elected[core_id]?
to wait for the function tpl_run_elected() to be executed. This syn-
chronization is to ensure that the observer does not permanently
check the associated requirements since there are system states that
are not significant for it. Note that the tpl_run_elected() function
changes the state of the task elected by the scheduler to RUNNING
state and load its context for execution. Thus, at the end of the
execution of this function, the observer checks whether the task
Figure 4: Formal verification process that is being set for execution has a shorter deadline than any
other task in the ReadyList or in a PendingJobList. This function is
Requirement specification and model-checking of a RT scheduler implementation RTNS 2020, June 9–10, 2020, Paris, France
the activation of multiple jobs for the same task even if the
oldest ones are not yet terminated.
Figure 8 presents an example an automaton that can activate
several jobs for 3 tasks at anytime and in random order.
Some possible activating scenarios using this template are
presented in the following:
scenario 1: only jobs of 𝜏0 are activated in different dates
{𝑡 1, 𝑡 2, ..., 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 } such that {1 ≤ 𝑡 1 < 𝑡 1 < ... < 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≤
𝑉𝑇 𝐼 }.
scenario 2: no job is activated which can be a possible sce-
nario as well.
execution engine: it’s a task model which is introduced to de-
scribe an indeterministic task behavior. Our purpose is not to pro-
vide a model that accurately describes how a task runs during its
execution, but to develop a model that covers as many cases of exe-
cution scenarios as possible. To this end, each task is abstracted by a
timed automaton that gathers all the states in which a basic task can
be (cf. Fig. 9). In the Main state of the automaton, a task can either
be SUSPENDED, READY or RUNNING. When it is activated by one of the
Figure 7: activate_once template
previous activation engines (Fig. 7, 8), the task is considered READY
but stays in the Main state. When it is selected for execution by the
Scheduler, the task becomes RUNNING and the function IS_RUNNING()
returns true. The execution time of the task is indeterministic, the
model handles all the possible cases where a task can be executed
between 1 and VTI time units as long as it is in the Main state. For
termination, the task can finish its execution at any time before
the expiration of VTI. To do so, it goes to the Termination state
using a transition which is guarded by the IS_RUNNING() function.
This guard is used to avoid calling the TerminateTask automaton
while the task is not running or preempted. The execution can be
performed in a best case scenario in which a task runs for zero time
units and the worst case scenario in which it runs for VTI time
units. All scenarios in between are treated as well. This widens the
scope of verification and allows multiple task configurations to be
Figure 8: activate_several_jobs template verified.
required to conclude that the verified component is behaving cor- (5) for the Context Switch Manager: the consideration of a single
rectly with the respect to its requirements. For example, to verify task in a 𝑉𝑇 𝐼 greater than its maximum activation count can
that the scheduler is called when an activation occurs, we just need be relevant to check the context switching requirement after
a task to be activated and check the corresponding property in the the activation and the termination of the task.
component observer in question. Such a task can be activated using
the activate_once engine and a VTI of one time unit is sufficient to 6 DETECTED SCHEDULING ERRORS
observe the activation. The same logic is used for every requirement To apply our verification approach, the scenarios described above
to chose the values of VTI in the following. were tested on the complete OS model. Reachability tests on the
(1) for the Task Manager: checking its requirements can be suf- observers bad states were carried out to check the requirements
ficient by specifying an application with one task that can introduced in Section 4.2 (E <> Observer.Bad). If this property holds,
run in an interval allowing multiple activations of it using it means that the expected behavior of the corresponding compo-
the activate_several_jobs template (Fig. 8). Activating sev- nent is not achieved. The counterexample sequence execution is
eral jobs of a task before terminating the old one allows generated along with the sequence variable to indicate the branch
the checking of requirements related to the activation count that led the system to the Bad state. This check allowed us to find
incrementation/decrementation, the switching between the out some implementation errors in the scheduling perimeter source
ReadyList and the PendingJobList and also if the Scheduler code which are mainly the consequence of Trampoline’s transition
is called for every scheduling event (activation/termination). from partitioned to global scheduling. These errors were detected
Since the automaton allows job activations that are sepa- by analyzing the generated counterexample scenarios.
rated by one time unit minimum, it is necessary to have
1. In the initial version of Trampoline, in which partitioned
𝑉𝑇 𝐼 > 𝑚𝑎𝑥_𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛_𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 + 1 in order to consider the
scheduling was supported, each task is statically assigned to a
case of activating all the jobs of the task.
single core for its execution. Thus, if a task 𝜏𝑖 is preempted, there
(2) for the Time Manager: the purpose is to calculate and com-
is no possibility that it will be selected to be executed on another
pare successfully deadlines of different tasks. Thus, the VTI
core. Therefore, in the initial implementation of the Trampoline’s
to verify the requirements of the Time Manager must be
scheduler, a preempted task is only put back into the ReadyList at
higher than the maximum value that a deadline can take
the end of context switching.
in a cycle. If an absolute deadline is represented on 𝑛 bits,
When moving to global scheduling, Some call sequences of OS
the maximum value that it can have is 𝑃 = 2𝑛 − 1. Thus, it
functions has been preserved which conducted to the following
is possible to consider a VTI of 8 time units for deadlines
error. A task 𝜏𝑖 which is preempted on a core 𝐶𝑖 , might have a
that are represented on 3 bits in order to exceed the timer’s
higher priority than a task 𝜏 𝑗 running on a core 𝐶 𝑗 . However, if
period and cover the case of two deadlines represented on
𝜏𝑖 is only put back in the ReadyList at the context switching level
two different cycles. An example of a task configuration
(after the scheduling), the Scheduler can not take it into account
can be: 2 tasks to be executed on 2 processors with activa-
while taking its decision. As a result, the running task 𝜏 𝑗 will have
tions generated by the activate_once template. A possible
a lower priority than the ready task 𝜏𝑖 .
scenario of this task configuration can be the activation of
the two tasks at the same time. This necessarily leads to a Counterexample scenario. The aforementioned error was de-
deadline calculation first and comparison since the 2 tasks tected under the scenario intended to verify the Scheduler’s require-
are compared before being stored in the ReadyList. ments (cf. 5.4): 3 tasks: 𝜏0 , 𝜏1 , and 𝜏2 to be executed on 2 cores that
(3) for the Task List Manager: to check the heap property for the are denoted 𝐶 0 and 𝐶 1 . Each task 𝜏𝑖 has relative deadline denoted by
ReadyList, 2 tasks are needed. To cover the case of having 𝐷𝑖 . The activation is performed using the activate_several_jobs
two jobs linked in the same heap node, we consider that 2 template since each task 𝜏𝑖 have a maximum activation count equal
tasks have the same relative deadline. In order to check the to 2. The considered VTI is 7 time units. The counterexample sce-
PendingJobLists we consider that the tasks have a maximum nario that was generated by UPPAAL model-checker is described
activation count of 3 which covers the case of having one below:
active job per task in the ReadyList and 2 pending jobs per • at 𝑡 1 , 𝐽11 and 𝐽21 are released. Their absolute deadlines are
task in their PendingJobLists. calculated: 𝑑 11 = 𝐷 1 + 𝑡 1 and 𝑑 21 = 𝐷 2 + 𝑡 1 such that 𝑑 11 < 𝑑 21 .
(4) for the Scheduler: considering that the execution is carried Thus, 𝐽11 is scheduled to be executed on core 𝐶 0 and 𝐽21 on
out on two cores, at least two running tasks are needed. In core 𝐶 1 .
order to check the priority requirement, a third task with dif- • at 𝑡 2 > 𝑡 1 , 𝐽01 is released, its absolute deadline is calculated:
ferent deadline must be considered to compare with the other
𝑑 01 = 𝐷 0 + 𝑡 2 such that 𝑑 01 < 𝑑 11 < 𝑑 21 . 𝐽01 is put in the
two tasks. The requirement asserts that a running job shall
ReadyList and the Scheduler is called. Since 𝑑 01 < 𝑑 11 , the
have a lower deadline that any other job in the ReadyList
or any of the PendingJobList. Thus, pending jobs must be Scheduler preempts 𝐽11 and extracts 𝐽01 from the ReadyList to
considered for the three tasks. In that case, an application be executed on core 𝐶 0 .
composed of 3 tasks with a maximum activation count of • after the context switching, 𝐽11 is put back in the ReadyList.
two each is proposed. This scenario violates the requirement of the priority according
to G-EDF policy. At 𝑡 2 in the execution, job 𝐽11 is stored in the
RTNS 2020, June 9–10, 2020, Paris, France K.Boukir, et al.
ReadyList while 𝐽𝑖2 which has a lower priority is running on core Note that in addition to the requirements presented in Section
𝐶1 . 4.2, the complete model was also previously checked using the
property "AG not deadlock" in order to conduct our approach on a
2. As mentioned before, in the partitioned scheduling version
deadlock free system. This property means that deadlock does not
of Trampoline, a task is statically assigned to a core. The identifier
occur for any path of the model, globally.
of this core is initialized in an API layer function that does not
belong to the scheduling perimeter. In some specific cases, such
as the case of AUTOSTART tasks 2 , a macro of the Context Switch
Manager is called through the API aforementioned function taking We proposed a formal method to verify the implementation of
the wrong identifier of the core and ignoring the global scheduling scheduling policies based on model-checking. The approach was
decision. This leads to two possible situations where the G-EDF tested on an implementation of G-EDF scheduler within Trampo-
decision is not respected: (i) the first one involves executing a task line. To do so, a first step of modeling Trampoline’s components
on a core other than the one indicated by the G-EDF scheduler; (ii) that are involved in the scheduling decision was conducted. Models
The second, which is the most serious, is to execute a non-priority abstracting the functioning of these components were elaborated
task according to EDF on the core saved by the API function. using Extended Finite Automata and integrated to an existing model
of the OS. The variables, the actions and the conditions manipulated
Counterexample scenario. This error was detected for the pre- in the models are those present in the source code of Trampoline’s
viously presented scenario of the Scheduler verification, but also components. Thus, these models are very close to the actual source
under a scenario intended to verify the Context Switch Manager. code due to the similarity between the semantics of C language and
3. Other minor errors were also detected using our scenarios: UPPAAL language which makes the verification on those proposed
(i) saving the context of a terminating task by calling the wrong models reliable. The elaborated models were combined with a timer
Context Switch Manager function; (ii) request loading the context of models that abstracts the time progress in the OS to form a com-
a newly activated task which is a consequence of the previous error plete model (OS model + timer). The second step was to establish
; (iii) not updating the size of the PendingJobList after removing a requirements that are sufficient to verify on the elaborated models.
pending job. These requirements were defined according to the expected behav-
This approach allowed us to fix the found :errors in the imple- ior of the scheduler. They are used in observers that are inserted
mented scheduler and ensure its correctness. Due to verification in parallel with the complete model to observe its behavior during
engines, several non-deterministic scenarios of task activation and the execution. The execution of the model was stimulated using
termination were tested in the model. Throughout the development verification engines which provide non-deterministic scenarios of
of this experiment some limitations were encountered. One notable activation and termination of jobs. Therefore, the scenarios that are
issue is the exponential growth of state space during the execution able to trigger the scheduler in accordance with the requirement
which limits the interval 𝑉𝑇 𝐼 during which the verification can to be checked were proposed. This process allowed us to identify
be conducted. Still, thanks to the scenarios discussed in Section some implementation errors and fix them. So far, the proposed
5.4, the requirements were successfully verified. Table 2 shows the approach showed promising results for the given scenarios. Some
verification performances of the approach using a machine of 128 constraints were noted, namely the combinatorial explosion of the
Mbytes of memory and 282428 MHz of CPU. state space beyond a certain verification time since most formal
methods have this property. In order to remedy this problem, our
model is abstracted as much as possible. The model has only 2 clock
2 Tasks that should start automatically and synchronously with the OS start. variables for time progression, the path interleaving is avoided
Requirement specification and model-checking of a RT scheduler implementation RTNS 2020, June 9–10, 2020, Paris, France
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