BK Paper Pattern

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Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and

Higher Secondary Education, Pune

Sub. : Book Keeping and Accountancy
Std. XII


Marks Marks
Q. Nature of question per
No. Que. without with
option option

1. From the following types of sub questions

any 4 will be asked.
A. Select the correct option and rewrite 1 5
the sentence.
B. Give one word/Phrase term. 1 5
C. State true or false with reasons. 2½ 5
D. Find the odd one 1 5
E. Complete the sentences. 1 5 20 20
F. Answer in one sentence only. 1 5
G. Do you agree or disagree? with the 1 5
following statements.
H. Calculate the following. 1 5
I. Give Specimen of Bill of Exchange 5 5
J. Complete the following table 1 5
2. Solve any one from the following 10 10 20
Admission of a partner/Retirement of Partner
3. Solve any one from the following 10 10 20
Dissolution of Partnership firm/Bill of Exchange
4. Solve any one from the following 8 8 16
Issue of shares/Computer In Accounting
5. Solve any one from the following 8 8 16
Death of a partner/Analysis of financial statements
6. Problem On ‘Not for Profit Concern’ 12 12 24
7. Problem On ‘Partnership Final Accounts’ 12 12 24
Total 80 116
* Units Indicated For Self Study But For Evaluation
Book Keeping & Accountancy /7
Book Keeping & Accountancy 6

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