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12th SP Paper Time Management March 2022

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Subject - Secretarial Practice


✓ Unit wise distribution

✓ Question paper pattern
✓ Detailed study of Question paper
✓ Unit wise distribution
Unit no. Chapter no. Name of the chapter Marks Marks with
1 1 Introduction to Corporate Finance 17 25
2 Sources of Corporate Finance
2 3 Issue of Shares 24 35
4 Issue of Debentures
5 Deposits
3 6 Correspondence with Members 13 18
7 Correspondence with Debenture holders
8 Correspondence with Depositors
4 9 Depository System 07 11

5 10 Dividend and Interest 09 13

6 11 Financial Market 10 14
12 Stock Exchange
Total 80 116
Evaluation Scheme
HSC Board exam
• A) Application Based Test 20 Marks
(Internal Assessment)
• B) Written exam 80 Marks

• Total 100 Marks

• Final result will based on marks obtained in board exam i.e. A+B
Application Based Test Pattern-
Marks-20 Time-1 Hour
Question no. Question Marks

1 Correct the underlined word and rewrite 04

the Following Sentence.
2 Complete the sentences. 04
3 Find the odd one OR Arrange in proper 03
4 Study the following case/situation and 09
express your opinion (Any Three out of
Total 20
Q. Questions Marks per Q No. of Q Marks Marks with Time
NO. Attempt without option required
options (Minutes)

1 Objective type questions 5 04 20 20 20

2 Explain the terms/concepts 2 Any 4 08 12 30

Out of 6
3 Study the following case/study and express your 3 Any 2 06 09 20
opinion. Out of 3
4 Distinguish between 4 Any 3 12 16 30
Out of 4
5 Answer in brief 4 Any 2 08 12 20
Out of 3
6 Justify the following statement 4 Any 2 08 16 20
Out of 4
7 Attempt the following.(Letter writing) 5 Any 2 10 15 30
Out of 3
8 Answer the following.(Long Question) 8 Any 1 08 16 30
Out of 2
80 116 200
Rechecking +10
Q.1 Questions Marks
A A) Select the correct answer from the option given below and rewrite 05
the statements
B) Match the pairs 05
C) Write a word or a term or a phrase which can substitute each of 05
following statements.
D) State whether the following statements are true or false . 05
E) Find the odd one. 05
F) Complete the sentences 05
G) Select the correct option from the bracket 05
H) Answer in one sentence 05
I)Correct the underlined word/s and rewrite the following sentences 05
J) Arrange in proper order. 05


Q. 2 Explain the terms/concepts Any 4 Out of 6 (08Marks)
(Minimum 2 points including meaning is expected, write 3 points)
1.Owned Capital=
Ans-It is the capital which is contributed by shareholders.
This capital is collected by issue of equity shares and preference shares.
3.Deposit Receipt.
4.Stock Exchange.
5.Investment decision.
6.Debenture Certificate
7. Ploughing back of profit
8. Overdraft.
9. Borrowed Capital.
10. Financing Decision.
Q.3 Study the following case/study and express your
opinion. (Any 2 Out of 3) (06Marks)
1. Gold Company Ltd. has recently come out with it’s public offer through FPO.
Their issue is oversubscribed .The Board of Directors now wants to starts the
allotment process.Please advise the Board on

a)Should the company set up the allotment committee?

b)How should the company inform the applicants to whom the company is
allotting shares?
c)Within what period should the company issue share certificate?

Ans-a) Yes
b) By issuing Allotment letter.
c) Company should issue share certificate within 2 months from the date of
allotment of shares.
Q .4. Distinguish between ( Any 3 Out of 4) (12Marks)
1.Equity Shares and Preference Shares
Points Points Equity Shares Preference Shares

1. Meaning Shares that are not preference shares are Preferences shares are Shares that carry
called equity shares i.e. these shares do preferential right as to payment of : a)
not have preferential right for payment of Dividend and b) Repayment of capital
dividend and repayment of capital

2.Rate of Equity shares are given dividend at Preference shareholders get dividend at fixed
Dividend fluctuating rate depending upon the profits rate.
of the company
3. Voting Equity shareholders enjoy normal voting Preference shareholder do not enjoy normal
Right right. They participate in the management voting right. They can vote only on matters
of their company affecting their interest.
4. Nature of Equity capital is known as 'Risk Capital. Preference capital is ‘Safe Capital’ with
capital stable return
Total 13 distinguish between are in the S,P.Text book.
(4 will be asked in the Board Examination)
( Minimum 4 points with explanation is expected, write 5 points)
1. Fixed capital and working capital.
2. Share and debenture
3. Equity share and preference share
4. Owned capital and borrowed capital
5. Initial public offer and further public offer
6. Fixed price issue and book building
7. Rights shares and bonus shares
8. Transfer of shares and transmission of shares
9. Dematerialization and Rematerialization
10. Final dividend and interim dividend
11. Dividend and interest
12. Primary market and secondary market
13. Money market and capital market
Q.No. 5 Answer in brief (Any 2 Out of 3) (08Marks)
( Minimum 4 points with explanation is expected, write 5 points)
1.Explain Employee Stock Option Scheme.

Ans- Meaning
Provisions of ESOS.(Pg.No.46)

2.Discuss any four features of Dividend.

Ans-In text book 14 features are given .Students can write any 4 or 5 features.

3.State functions of SEBI

Ans-Establishment of SEBI-1992.
In text book 10 functions are given. Students can write any 6 or 7 functions.
Q. 6 Justify the following statement Any 2 Out of 4 (08Marks)
( Minimum 4 points with explanation is expected, write 5 points)
1) Equity shareholders are real owner and controller of company.

Ans. 1) Given statements are always True.

2) You should pick important word of phrase.

3) Explain this word or phrase with examples.

4)Conclude your answer.

Justify the following:
1) There are various factors affecting the requirement of fixed capital.
2) There are various factors affecting the requirement of Working capital.
3) The debentures are secured by charge on assets of the company.
4) Equity share capital is risk capital.
5) To Issue Bonus shares, a company has to fulfil certain provisions.
6) The Board of Directors can refuse transfer of shares.
7) A company has to create charge on its assets for issuing secured debentures.
8) Company has to fulfil certain provisions related to issue of circular or advertisement.
9) While issuing secured deposits, company has to appoint Deposit Trustee.
10)Company issuing deposit must open Deposit Repayment Reserve Account.
11) Unpaid dividend cannot be used by the company.
12) A member of public company can transfer of shares.
13)There is a limit or restriction on the amount that a company can collect as Deposits.
14)Capital market is useful for corporate sector.
15)SEBI is the regulator for the securities market in India.
All companies cannot accept deposits from the public.
a) Eligible public companies having net worth of rupees one crore or turnover of
rupees 5 crore can only accept deposits from the public. Government companies
can also accept deposits from the public.
b) Whereas a public company can accept deposits from its members and directors
A private company can accept deposits from its member directors or relatives of
directors only.
c) An eligible public company can invite or accept deposits from the public only
after the publication of an advertisement.
d) Advertisement invite deposit must be published in English and vernacular
The advertisement has to be signed by the majority of directors / their authorized
Thus, all companies cannot accept deposits from public
Q.7 Attempt the following. Any 2 Out of 3 (10Marks)
(Letter writing)
(one letter each from chapter 6, chapter 7 and chapter 8 should be
asked. So focus on only 2 any chapters from 6, 7 & 8 for question
of letter.)
1.Write a letter to a member for the issue of a share certificate

2. Draft a letter of allotment to debenture holders.

3. Draft a letter to depositor regarding payment of his deposits

Important Note-
1.Layout—01and half marks
2.Matter / content of the letter—03 and half marks.
3. No marks / zero marks should be given . If only layout is written.
Q 8Answer the following (Long Que.) (08Marks)
(Any 1 Out of 2)
Meaning /Definition---02 Marks
Features /Types /Provisions ----06 marks
1.Discuss the importance of Corporate Finance.
2.What is equity share? Explain its features.
3. What is share ? and state its features.
4. Define preference shares. What are the different types of preference shares.
5. What is debenture? Discuss the different types of debentures.
6. What Is preference shares? state its features.
7. Define debenture and explain the features of debentures.
8.Explain the statutory provisions for Allotment of share.
9.Briefly explain the provisions of companies Act, 2013 for issue of debentures.
10.Explain the two methods a company can use to make its public offer of shares.
11. Explain briefly the different types of shares offered by a company to its existing Equity shareholders.
-----------Best of Luck -----

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