SST 1994 Answers

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Nurture your
1994 answer
Dr. Bbosa Science

1. Opio is walking towards the northern direction.
2. The Sebei around Mt. Elgon wear thick clothes (heavy) because the weather conditions are
very cold but the Karamajong wear light clothes because the weather conditions are very hot.
3. Ghana unlike Uganda has a seacoast. Ghana's climate is therefore influenced by the coastal
monsoon winds that blow parallel to the coast.
4. The weather condition on Wednesday was sunny and windy.
5. The weather condition on Tuesday was cloudy and rainy without any sunshine whereas that
on Saturday was cloudy and rainy with little sunshine.
6. Thursday was likely to be more humid because it had cloud cover with some little sunshine
but Monday was full of sunlight
7. Friday recorded little sunshine due to the fact that Thursday was cloudy with little sunshine.
The trend could have continued to morning hours of Friday.
8. Donkeys provide transport especially in mountainous areas.
9. (i) Oppression of Africans.
(ii) Germans discriminated against Africans when it came to the job opportunities.
ii) Germans were overtaxing and ruthless collection of taxes from Africans
iii) Africans were fade up of forced labour
10. (i) Through taxation of imports, exports and other trade merchandise in the country
(ii) Through participating in business for instance government buildings
(iii) Through donor assistance.
11. (i) By providing more teachers with quality education.
(ii) By providing enough text books and other scholastic materials to all primary schools.
(iii) By increasing teachers' salaries and improving other conditions of service.
(iv) By constructing enough class room blocks in order to reduce the number of pupils per
teacher and congestion in classrooms.

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(v) By encouraging parents to support their children like feeding where possible.
12. (i) It enables Uganda to import and export her goods easily than it would be with one sea-
(ii) When one of the routes breaks down, Uganda doesn’t get stuck totally.
13. (i) The establishment of Lugazi sugar works that promotes and supports sugar growers, and
buying their sugarcanes afterwards. The industry also provides social services to people.
(ii) presence of railway terminal and a major road.
14. (i) long horned cattle.
(ii) Cow hide sandals.
(iii) Iron articles such as hoes and spears.
(iv) Bark cloth.
15. (i) The court of arms symbolizes a country's belief
Or: The court of arms symbolizes a country's economic activities and attributes.
16. It enables people to engage in agriculture which increases produce to sell to urban areas, raw
materials and for export.
17. (i) The EACSO facilitated transport and communication among the three member states.
(ii) Promoted peace and security in the region and more so along the common boarders
which enabled traders to move freely without hindrance.
(iii) Promoted immigration policies among member states which enabled traders to move
freely without hindrance.
18. Irrigation is reliable whereas rainfall seasons are unreliable
19. The Gold Coast came to be known as Ghana after getting her independence from the Britain.
The name came from that of the primitive empire of Ghana, on the upper Niger River
20. When coffee production in Brazil declines, there is an increase in demand for coffee on the
world market which raises the price, of coffee on the world market which enables Ugandan
farmers to sell coffee at higher prices to the world market.
21. River Nile enables Uganda to generate hydroelectricity power, and for tourist attraction.
22. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned because he came out openly to oppose apartheid in South
23. By terracing the land, strip cropping, or planting a forest.
24. (i) The rift valley affected the construction of the Uganda railway in a way that the builders
needed special construction equipment due to steep sides which caused delays.
(ii) The rift valley increased the cost of construction
25. They move out to the neighboring districts in search of water and pasture for their animals.

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26. Captain Fredrick Lugard signed treaties with Kabaka Mwanga of Buganda in 1890,
Omukama Kasagama of Toro in 1891 and Omugabe Ntare of Ankole in 1891 which helped
to establish the IBECOs authority over those kingdoms.
27. The Constituency Assembly drafts laws that govern the country while the NRC governs the
28. Tourism is called an industry because it fetches Uganda foreign exchange, provides
employment, or source of revenue.
29. i) Radios are very cheap and affordable almost to every Ugandan.
(ii) Radios broadcast in local languages which helps both the literate and illiterate people to
understand what is being said.
(iii) Radio signal coverage is stronger in Uganda than any other means of communication.
30. Smuggling of goods causes the government to lose taxes from imports.
31. Kenya is nearer to Uganda than Nigeria. Therefore is cheaper to transport goods to and from
Kenya than from Nigeria
32. An increase in human population between 1950 and 1980 led to large scale decrease in tree
33. From 1980 there was an increase in population of trees.
34. The curve for population of trees starts to rise after 1980 due to afforestation.
35. I.K. Masaazi is considered a national hero because he founded the first political party in
Uganda in 1952 (UNC) which was intended to fight for Uganda's independence.
36. EITHER: Adam and Eve disobeyed God, which made Him punish man.
OR: Adam and Hawa disobeyed Allah and that made Him punish them.
37. EITHER: The three wise men from the East gave expensive gifts to baby Jesus to show that
Jesus was the new bon King to the world.
OR; The value of prayer is getting closer to God and blessings as it is the pillar of Islam.
38. EITHER: God sent Jesus for man's salvation (save man from sins)
OR: After Prophet Muhammad married Khadijah a very rich widow, she assisted him by using
her wealth to look after the earliest converts to Islam. She also influenced the rich
merchants/traders to convert to Islam.
39. EITHER: The Pentecost day is considered as the beginning of the church because the
apostles got the courage and started preaching.
OR: Fasting is the pillar of Islam thus it brings Muslims closer to Allah and get blessing from
40. EITHER; The story of creation in Genesis proves the existence of God
OR: (i) Creation of the Earth (ii) Creation of man himself

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41. (i) They taught and spread the Christian religion.
(ii) They built schools and taught people how to read and write.
(iii) They built hospitals for the sick.
(iv) They taught practical skills such as carpentry and building.
(v) They taught new methods of farming and introduced new crops like cotton.
(vi) They introduced European cultures such as music, dance, dressing and languages.
42. (i) By encouraging constitutional reform talks between the different liberation movements
and the then minority regime.
(ii) By mobilizing the international community to impose economic and military sanctions
against the minority regime.
(iii) By assisting the liberation movements through its liberation committees.
(iv) By mobilizing the then frontline states to boycott economic links with the white minority

43. Nilotes Acholi

Nilo hamites Karamojong
Bantu Chagga
Sudanic Lugbara
44. a) Fishing b) Water transport
b) (i) Bad fishing methods like immature fish and fish poisoning.
(ii) Lack of cold storage facilities to preserve the fresh fish for up and country markets.
(iii) Water hyacinth on some lakes makes fishing and navigation difficult,
(iv) Lack of enough capital to buy modern fishing equipment and water transport
45. (a) (i) Indirect rule was very cheap and convenient.
(ii) The centralized system that existed in Buganda served as an example (model).
(iii) They wanted to avoid resistance (rebellions) by not ruling directly.
(iv) The British lacked enough work force.
(v) There was a language barrier that would make communication difficult in some areas
(b) (i) Both were captured and exiled to the Seychelles islands in 1899.
(ii) Their kingdoms were weakened.
46. (a) The highland marked D is Moroto.
(b) Arabica coffee
(c) (i) Farming (Irish potatoes)
(ii) Farming (Tobacco growing), Trade with neighboring Congo, Lumbering

47. (a) (i) Ethiopia was not attractive to the colonialists.

(ii) There was unity among the various groups of the people in the country.
(iii) The Ethiopians had strong and able leaders.
(iv) The country had a strong and well-organized army.

Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
(b) (i) Emperor Haille Sellassie gave his country a constitutional government.
(ii) He was one of the founder members of the OAU and modernized many institutions in
(c) Eritrea broke away from Ethiopia as an independent state.
48. (a) (i) UNICEF ensures that basic nutrition, health, and education needs of children are met.
(ii) UNTCEF gives children the opportunity to expand their potential.
(b) (i) Both UNTCEF and Red Cross provide relief aid such as food, medication, clothes to
needy populations especially war victims and children,
(ii) The Red Cross only comes in during emergency situations like wars or calamities unlike
UNICEF which serves where ever there is need even without wars/conflicts.
(iii) The Red Cross serves all ages while UNICEF serves all young, mature arid old.
49. (a) (i) Railway transport can carry bulky goods such as timber and cement unlike air
(ii) Railway transport is very cheap over long distances unlike road transport.
b) (i) The level of demand of railway transport.
(ii) The quantity and type of goods from Kabale (whether perishable or not).
50. (a) (i) The advent (discovery) of synthetic fibres which have reduced the price of cotton.
(ii) There is lack of good transport facilities in the productive rural areas.
(iii) Cotton production involves a lot of labour and yet farmers are paid very little which
discourages production
(iv) The farmers lack modern technical knowledge and skills in their work.
(v) In some areas of the country, climatic conditions have become unfavorable such as
prolonged drought and unexpected long rain seasons have led to decline in
(b) (i) Government should improve on the road network in the productive rural areas to facilitate
easy movement of farmers to areas where there is market.
(ii) Government should give subsidies to farmers in order to improve and increase their
production levels.
(iii) Government should provide facilities for irrigation farming instead of farmers depending
on natural rains which are very unreliable
(iv) Government should assist farmers to get farm implements e.g. chemicals and drugs at
subsidized prices.
51. (a) (i) The East African cooperation would promote trade through increasing a free-trade
(ii) It would promote peace and security in the region.
(b) Hydro electricity power
(c) Sisal is used to make ropes, carpets, ropes and sacks which are sold to Uganda
52. (a) i) Shortage of farmland leading to land fragmentation.
ii) High crime rate
(iii) Traffic congestion in urban areas
Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309
(iv) Low standards of living due to inadequate social services and mass poverty.
v) Over exploitation of natural resources such as forests and animals.

(b) (i) The government should give incentives such as free medical care to small families.
ii) Encourage people to use family planning methods to reduce birth-rates.
iii) By educating the rural population about the dangers of high population.
(iv) Encourage formal education to delay early marriage
(a) (i) The seeds that fell on the rocks germinated but dried up due to lack of enough soil and
(ii) The term seeds refer to God's word.
(b) It refers to people who hear God's word, receive it in their hearts and spread it to other people
to expand the kingdom of God.
(i) Because prophet Muhammad was reported to have come to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
and ascended to heaven from a rock on the site.
(ii) They changed to facing the city of Mecca because it is where the Kaaba is located (it is the
direction of Qibla).
(iii)(a) It enables Muslims to fulfill the fifth pillar of Islamic practice thus get rewards and
blessings from Allah.
(b) Strengthens Muslims brotherhood as they meet with fellow Muslims from other parts of
the world.
(a) (i) He asked his brother Aaron to cast down his rod and it turned into a big serpent (snake)
(ii) He changed the waters of R. Nile into blood.
(iii) He commanded the death of all first born (both humans and beasts) all over Egypt.
(iv) He stretched out his rod towards heaven and caused thunder and hails in the land of
Egypt, (v) He commanded swarms of flies to cover all the land of Egypt
(vi) He commanded all the livestock of Egyptians to die.
(b) It was necessary for Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt because they were being
mistreated as slaves.
(c) Moses hit the water with his stick and the Red sea divided itself to allow the Israelites walk
across it.
(d) God punished the Pharaoh and his army by letting the water of the Red sea come together and
swallow them up.
(a) (i)Holy communion is done in memory of Jesus' death on the cross as an atonement sacrifice
for man's sin.
(ii) Holy communion is sacrament, which symbolizes union of Christ with the faithful
(b) (i) One must have repented his sins.
(ii) One must be mature in Christianity and aware of the Christian values.
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(c) Confirmation is meant for people who can speak for themselves the Eucharist prayer, but a
child of 2 years cannot speak for him/herself.

(a) Islam is the total submission to the will of Allah or peace and obedience to Allah.
(b) Khalima is the word of God (The Quran and Hadith)
(c) (i) Guides mankind on how to live good life
(ii) Helps people to discover/know more about God

Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309

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