What is a drug?
A drug is any natural or artificial chemical that causes changes in the body or the mind or both
when taken into the body.
On the other hand, medicines are drugs that are used to treat or prevent illness.
All medicines are drugs but not all drugs ire medicines.
Essential medicines
Essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority health care needs of the population.
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Proper use of medicine
1. Take medicine only according to a doctor’s instructions (in the right amount or dose).
2. Not drink directly from the medicine bottle but make use of spoons so that it is easy to
measure the amount taken. The amount taken should be as prescribed by the doctor.
3. Take medicine at the right time and keep the intervals as recommended.
4. Not share medicine given with another person even if both think they are suffering from
similar diseases.
Medicine is needed to keep us in good health. Medicine can go bad if not stored properly. Medicine
that has gone bad because of overstaying or being kept under poor conditions cannot cure the
intended diseases. Such medicine is said to be expired. It can be dangerous (poisonous) to your
health. Good storage of medicine is very important.
1. Medicine should be kept away from children. Children should not play with medicine as
they can accidentally consume it and poison them.
2. Medicine should be stored in a cool dry place unless it is indicated otherwise on the
container label or in the doctor's instructions. Exposure of some medicines to sunlight
may affect the medicine.
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Safety measures when handling chemicals at home
There are many chemicals used at home. Which chemicals do you use in your home or school?
• Chemicals are used in the farm (applied on crops and livestock), in the house (to keep away
pests), and in schools too. Chemicals are dangerous and therefore care should be taken
when handling them. Some safety measures include: Store chemicals away from children,
away from food, water, animals and from fire.
• Always wear protective clothing like gloves, masks and overcoat or overall when handling
or spraying chemicals. After spraying you should take a bath, wear fresh clothes and
immediately wash the ones you used.
Should an accident occur involving chemicals, the victim should be taken to the nearest health
centre together with the chemical container after administering the appropriate first aid.
Always use the chemicals following the instructions given on the chemical container label.
• Chemicals should never be transferred into other containers like juice or soft drink bottles
because people may drink them, mistaking them for the drinks that the container should
• All people including children could be informed that chemicals or their containers are
as dangerous as the chemicals themselves.
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What is drug misuse and drug abuse?
Drug misuse is the use of drugs for any purpose other than that for which they are medically
Drug abuse
This means taking drugs classified as illegal such as cocaine, bhang, madrax and heroin
Excessive use of drugs that lead to addition such as tobacco and alcohol
Commonly abused drugs
(i) Smoking
(ii) Chewing
(iii) Sniffing
(a) Tar – is a sticky dark-brown substances that cause cancer of the mouth, lips, throat, and cancer.
(b) Carbon monoxide poison hemoglobin
(c) Nicotine –is a stimulant that cause addiction
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(i) Active smokers- people smoke intentionally
(ii) Passive smokers- people than inhale smoke when a smoke smokes
Alcoholism is when one can no longer control their use of alcohol, compulsively abuse alcohol,
despite its negative ramifications, and/or experience emotional distress when they are not drinking.
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The family and social effects of alcoholism and drug abuse
(a) School dropout due to drug abuser failing to pay fee or attend classes
(b) Rape- drug abuser have a tendency to rape people
(c) Self-neglect of a drug abuser
(d) Loss of income – drug addicts do not perform their duties or work punctually.
(e) Drug induced accidents
(f) Marital conflicts
(g) Fighting and violence- drug addicts have a tendency of fighting and being violent.
(h) Defilement
(i) Robbery
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Revision Questions
1. (a) What is an essential drug
Essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority health care needs of the
(b) Give an example of an essential drug.
Panadol, spirin, coetum
(c) Why are prescriptions important in the treatment of sickness?
To give proper treatment
To prevent overdose or underdose
2. Bbosa is suffering from severe malaria. Why would you not advise him to take medicine than
that prescribed by a medical doctor?
It may lead to overdose
He may take a wrong drug
3. What is drug abuse?
Taking drugs classified as illegal
4. Give any one reason why it is not advisable to buy and use medicine from local shops?
Drugs may be expired
One may take wrong dose
One may buy wrong drug
5. Most of our problems can be solved without use drugs. Suggest any four ways in which this can
be done.
- Maintaining proper hygiene
- Feeding on balanced food
- Regular exercises
- Keeping proper sanitation
7. (a) Give any one two ways which drug dependence can affect an individual
(i) Self-neglect
(ii) neglect of the job
(iii) death
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(iv) loss sleep
8 | Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0753802309