Module 4 Lesson 1 To Lesson 6
Module 4 Lesson 1 To Lesson 6
Module 4 Lesson 1 To Lesson 6
“ICT is a skill which is essential in the world we live in. Our pupils need to use the latest
technology to offer them an effective education in the twenty-first century.”
- Jane Rosser-
As teachers in the 21st century, we tend to become more resourceful in the usage of ICT
tools in the teaching-learning process. Learning the different tools available will help us to be
equipped in providing quality education to our students. Together with conventional and non-
conventional learning and the materials available, the modalities and platforms in distance learning
will also give us more options in delivering our course contents effectively.
With the upsurge of the 21st century, the whole world has seen a period of extraordinary
change in all territories, regardless of whether it is instruction, worldwide exchange, and economy,
innovation, or society. As of late, the COVID-19 pandemic is likewise hurling difficulties for a
person to adapt to its effects. Usually, for such occasions, an alternate range of abilities is required
that would empower an individual to adapt up and prevail with regards to confronting the
difficulties, all things considered, prompting his/her comprehensive advancement.
These abilities are tended to as 21st Century Skills/Learning Skills/Transversal
Competencies and so on. The 21st Century Skills are the aptitudes that are required by a person
for his/her all-encompassing turn of events with the goal that he/she can add to the advancement
and improvement of the general public/country and world.
Effective instruction in 21st-century literacies takes an integrated approach, helping students
understand how to access, evaluate, synthesize, and contribute to the information. As a
forthcoming teacher of the 21st century, you need to be familiar with the latest literacies, or new
fields of learning that you need to illustrate and prioritize while managing teaching and learning
activities. But first, these literacies need to be established yourself before you can pass them on to
your students.
To extend the information about the lesson, address the following issue
● Why is it essential, as a teacher, to learn the expertise, skills, attitudes and values required
to respond to 21st-century demands?
● Characterize and briefly describe some of the core literacies of the 21st century.
● Explain a person who is: information and communications technology (ICT) literate and
media literate.
● Why is needed to incorporate the 21 st Century Literacy Skills agenda into an education
delivery system?
● Cite evidence do you have that says 21st-century skills improve teaching and learning.
Where is this impacting teaching and learning?
● 21st-century skills are all critical for your students to master to achieve success in the
future. You now try to review the descriptions of each skill and think of
A. What could it mean in your subject and grade level in the future?
B. How can you integrate these skills into your lesson plan?
The word ‘abilities of the 21st century’ refers to a wide range of believed expertise, skills,
work habits, and character traits by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers,
and others to be critically important to success in today’s world. 21st Century Skills refer to the
skills that are required to enable an individual to face the challenges of the 21st-century world that
is globally-active, digitally transforming, collaboratively moving forward, creatively progressing,
seeking competent human-resource and quick in adopting changes.
Wagner (2010) and the Change Leadership at Harvard University identified another set of
competencies and skills. Informed by several hundred interviews with business, non- profit and
education leaders, Wagner stressed that the students need seven survival skills to prepare for life,
work and citizenship in the 21st century: Critical thinking and problem
solving, collaboration and leadership, agility and adaptability, initiative and entrepreneurialism,
effective oral and written communication, accessing and analyzing information, curiosity and
Global Awareness
● Make use of expertise from the 21st century to consider and fix global problems
● Learning from and engaging with people who represent various cultures, religions, and
lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialog in personal, work and community
● Knowing other nations and traditions through the use of languages other than English
Civic Literacy
● Being able to engage efficiently in public life by learning how to remain updated and
respecting policy processes
● Exercising citizenship rights and responsibilities at the local, state, national and global
● Understanding the consequences of local and global political decisions
Health Literacy
● Obtaining, interpreting and recognizing basic health knowledge and resources and using
them in ways that improve health
● Knowing preventive steps for physical and mental health include a healthy diet, nutrition,
exercise, disease avoidance, and stress management
● Usage of available information to make reasonable decisions to safety
● Establishing and managing personal and family wellbeing priorities
● Understanding regional and international facets of public health and safety
Environmental Literacy
● Demonstrate awareness and understanding of the environment and the conditions and
circumstances that affect it, especially about air, atmosphere, land, food, energy, water and
● Show experience and awareness of the effect of society on the natural environment ( e.g.,
population growth, economic development, rate of resource use, etc.)
● Investigate and evaluate environmental issues, and draw definite conclusions on possible
● Take individual and collective action to tackle environmental problems ( e.g., global action,
approaches that encourage action on environmental issues)
Increasingly, learning and creativity skills are recognized as those that distinguish students
who are prepared for ever more dynamic living and working environments in the 21st century, and
those who are not. To prepare students for the future, a focus on innovation, critical thinking,
communication, and teamwork is essential.
Think Creatively
● Using a large variety of methods to generate concepts (such as brainstorming)
● Creating new and exciting innovations (both revolutionary and incremental)
● Create, refine, evaluate and assess your thinking to improve and optimize creative efforts
Implement Innovations
● Act on new ideas to make a concrete and meaningful difference to the area where the
invention takes place
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Reason Effectively
● Using the different forms of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.) according to the situation
Solve Problems
● Solve different forms of unknown issues, both conventionally and innovatively
● Identify and ask essential questions which explain different perspectives and lead to better
Communicate Clearly
● Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively in several ways and contexts using vocal, written
and nonverbal communication skills
● Hear to decode meaning effectively like information, beliefs, attitudes, and intentions
● Using contact for a variety of purposes (for example, educating, instructing, motivating
and persuading)
● Using various media and technologies, and know-how to determine their performance a
priori and their effect
● Effectively interact in can contexts (including multi-lingual ones)
Information Literacy
Media Literacy
Analyze Media
● Know how and why media messages are created, and for what purposes
● Examine how people understand terms differently, how principles and opinions are
integrated or omitted, and how media can affect attitudes and behaviors
● Apply a clear understanding of ethical/legal problems related to access and use of media
Create Media Products
● Know-how and why media messages are created, and for what purposes
● Examine how people understand terms differently, how principles and opinions are
integrated or omitted, and how media can affect attitudes and behaviors
● Apply a clear understanding of ethical/legal problems related to access and use of media
Life and work environments today need much more than analytical skills and knowledge
of content. In the globally competitive knowledge age, the ability to manage the diverse living and
work environments requires students to pay close work in improving appropriate life skills and
career skills.
Flexibility and Adaptability
Adapt to Change
● Respond to diverse tasks, employment, schedules and contexts
● Work successfully in an uncertain world and with shifting goals
Be Flexible
● Effectively integrate feedback
● Addressing praise, failures, and criticism
● Understand, negotiate and balance different views and beliefs for achieving workable
solutions, particularly in multicultural environments
Work Independently
● Track, describe, prioritize and execute tasks without direct supervision
Be Self-directed Learners
● Go beyond the necessary skills or curricula to develop and enhance one’s learning and
● Demonstrate commitment to developing skills to professional level
● Demonstrate dedication to Lifelong Learning
● A critical reflection on past experiences to guide future development
Manage Projects
● Set and achieve targets, particularly when faced with challenges and conflicting pressures
● Prioritize, schedule and execute work to achieve the desired outcome
Produce Results
● Demonstrate added qualities associated with the development of high-quality outputs.
Including the ability to work positively and ethically, efficiently manage time and tasks,
multi-task, participate actively, be consistent and prompt, present yourself professionally
and with a proper mark, collaborate and cooperate with teams, value, and appreciate the
diversity of groups and be responsible for outcomes.
Be Responsible to Others
● Act professionally with broader group values in mind
● Freedom of expression
● Facility to use it as per likings
● Multiple resources of information
● Open interaction
● Blend of work and play
● Connecting and collaborating
● Exploring and Innovating
Tabular presentation of the basis, purpose, and strategy in the digital classroom.
Basis • Accessing Information
• Collaborating
• Communicating
• Using Information
• Analysing Information
• Interpreting Information
• Creating New Information
Purpose IMT makes the learning environment more exciting than
a traditional classroom environment and helps the
students perform better in their respective careers.
Strategy Digital classroom • With traditional blackboard, digital interactive boards
should be placed in the classroom.
• This will aid in the teaching-learning process. In
of lesson related to space, teachers can show videos of
space to children for long-lasting memories.
The teacher must show the children how to
look for the details and where to look. Then the
teacher will give them topics to explore and will
see how children are seeking and if they were
following her instructions or not.
Design an App
Students will be asked to identify a problem
(environment/ societal /school-related) and
design an App using ICT to offer a viable solution
to it. Even if they do not have the technical know-
how to create an App, they will plan it on paper
by preparing a detailed write-up on the why,
what, how, etc. of the App. This would also
enhance their critical thinking and decision
Designing a Blog, Website, PPT
Ask children to design a PPT or blog and see how they do that. Tell them what all can be
done in the PPT or blog. This will help children to get information about how to use Powerpoint
and Microsoft word etc.
Would you love to find out how much the module has taught you? Start this mission,
and complete it.
Identify the literacy areas in which you are great, right, or weak. Then build a personal life
plan to fix the places where you are still weak and strengthen those you already are good or strong.
In writing your Own Lifelong Learning Plan (PLLP), you can use the template in the activity as a
reference, which includes the following:
Congratulations! It shows that you are already familiar with the contents of this lesson.
You can now proceed to the next experience of this module.
Lesson 2
Learning Outcomes
As an aspiring teacher, you are being exposed to various techniques and strategies in the
teaching-learning process. With this, you were able to be given a chance to choose different
instructional models that you may think is the best model in your teaching. In this lesson, you will
understand better how these instructional models work and their appropriateness in the topic given.
~If you could turn the clock fast and see yourself in a classroom as a teacher, who are you as a
teacher? Let’s find out and try to fill in the information on the semantic web.
My Future Your presence as
a teacher
To extend the information about the lesson, address the following issue
Informing Learners of the ● Describe what they will be able to do after the session
objective (s)
● Describe the required performance and its criteria
● Explain how the learning will benefit them
Bloom’s Level
of Cognitive
Learning Outcome Verbs
Remember cite, define, describe, identify, label, list, match, name, outline, quote, recall,
report, reproduce, retrieve, show, state, tabulate, and tell.
Apply apply, calculate, carry out, classify, complete, compute, demonstrate, dramatize,
employ, examine, execute, experiment, generalize, illustrate, implement, infer,
interpret, manipulate, modify, operate, organize, outline, predict, solve, transfer,
translate, and use.
Analyze analyze, arrange, break down, categorize, classify, compare, connect, contrast,
deconstruct, detect, diagram, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, divide,
explain, identify, integrate, inventory, order, organize, relate, separate, and
Evaluate appraise, appraise, argue, assess, compare, conclude, consider, contrast, convince,
criticize, critique, decide, determine, discriminate, evaluate, grade, judge, justify,
measure, rank, rate, recommend, review, score, select, standardize, support, test,
and validate.
Evaluation Design
Implementation Development
1. Analysis phase- this phase introduces the focus of the lesson-the goals and objectives;
also, learning environment, learner’s prior knowledge, cognitive level, and learning style
2. Design phase -is a systematic and specific phase wherein the different parts in the process
of learning such as crafting learning objectives, assessment instruments, as well as
appropriate contents and materials to name a few, will be taken into consideration
3. Development phase -is the output of the design phase where content will be assembled
where the developers create and assemble the content assets that were created in the
design phase
4. Implementation phase-a procedure for training the facilitators and the learners is
developed. The facilitators’ training should cover the course curriculum, learning
outcomes, method of delivery, and testing procedures. Preparation of the learners includes
training them on new tools (software or hardware), student registration.
Implementation Your courses are live in the LMS and learners can start to take and complete courses
Evaluation An evaluation report and actionable changes for the current or future courses
Integration Activation
Application Demonstration
2. Activation: The purpose of the activation phase is to create activities that build on
existing knowledge before exposure to new information. Activating prior knowledge
prepares your learners to connect new incoming information with existing knowledge.
4. Application: The purpose of the application phase is to create activities that give your
learners opportunities to apply what they are learning. Application of new information
provides the learner's opportunities to do something, such as practice a procedure, play
a game, answer a question, etc.
5. Integration: The purpose of the integration phase is to create activities that help your
learners select and express what they learned and how they may use it. Integrating new
knowledge helps the learners connect what they are learning to their work or their lives.
Illustrate the (a) presence and (b) the importance of the different Instructional models
in a classroom setting.
Understanding the basic concept of the Instructional Design models is like finding
the blueprint in the teaching-learning process. With it, you, as an aspiring teacher, will be able to
have in-depth knowledge of not just what to teach but how to teach, exploring endless possibilities
and wonderful experience inside the classroom. Thus, creating an unforgettable holistic teaching-
learning experience together with your excellent students in the near future. In this lesson, along
with your grasping the concepts of the different models, allows you to have a glimpse of who you
will be. Good luck, future teacher!
Hi! Welcome to Lesson 1. I assumed that you already understood the previous module.
This lesson will give you background and perspectives on Technology-Enhanced Teaching.
Are you ready? Let’s begin!
Try this!
To extend the information about the lesson, address the following issue
Technology provides numerous tools that teachers can use in and out of the classroom to
enhance student learning. This page provides an introduction to some of the most common.
1. Blackboard
Teachers might use the course management system
Blackboard. It focuses on online learning delivery but supports a range of uses, acting as a platform
for online content, including courses, both asynchronous based and synchronous based.
(You can use the short, engaging Blackboard that helps your students get comfortable in
Blackboard. Your students can do training and learning gaps, utilizing analytical data and reporting
and choose which ones they want, or they can view multiple videos in a row about a particular
Flipping the Classroom: Simply Speaking (video gives clear demonstration and examples).
6. Games
What could be more engaging than a good game, a game may lead to deeper learning and
give some examples of their use in higher education.
Ex. Reacting to the Past (Elaborate games set in the past, in which students are assigned roles
informed by classic texts in the history of ideas).
Synchronous learning is instruction and collaboration in “real time” via the Internet. It
typically involves tools, such as:
● Live chat
● Audio and video conferencing
● Data and application sharing
● Virtual "hand raising"
Asynchronous learning methods use the time-delayed capabilities of the Internet. It
typically involves tools, such as:
● E-mail
● Threaded discussion
● Newsgroups and bulletin boards
Let us test your learnings from the lesson. You will generate ideas to provide a
presentation by using a teaching and learning tool that is available to your local places. Your
teacher will give allotted time to prepare your presentation and will be graded using the given
The implementation of technology in schools helps close that gap. Technology can
enhance relationships between teachers and students. Technology helps make teaching and
learning more meaningful and fun. Students are also able to collaborate with their classmates
through technological applications.
Learning Outcomes
This lesson will help you understand the implications of both conventional and non-
conventional ICT materials to the teaching and learning process. Are you excited to learn? If yes,
let us start!
Let us activate your prior knowledge!
3. Do you think that using these conventional learning materials enhances learning and
teaching? Why or why not?
● What conventional learning materials you remember you and your teachers used in your classes?
● Based on the activity above, describe what conventional learning materials are.
● What do you think are the difference between conventional learning materials and non-
conventional learning materials?
Conventional or traditional learning refers to a learning method wherein
teachers and students interact face-to-face and is limited to the corners of the
classroom. This type of learning is teacher-centered, meaning the students in a
conventional classroom passively receive the information being provided by the teachers.
Learning and teaching are more meaningful, efficient, and fun if we incorporate the usage
of learning or instructional materials.
These learning or instructional materials may come in different forms. One of these
mentioned groups is called conventional or non-digital learning tools.
Source: Educational Technology 2 by Mark Jay Peña
Source: Education 2.0: Blueprint for the 21st-century classroom by Amol Aurora
1. Textbooks
Textbooks are a collection of contents and information in a
particular subject and level that are printed and published.
Books are designed to aid both the students and the teachers in
the lessons and topics of the subject/s.
6. Worksheets
7. Blackboards/Chalkboards/Whiteboards
8. Bulletin Boards
12. Models
Models are three-dimensional representation or replicas of the
actual/real things being taught. It may be smaller, more significant, or even the
same size as the exact thing. Models are used in teaching since they simulate
first-hand experience/s. They can be viewed, examined, and manipulated by
both the learners and the students.
13. Diorama
2. Slideshow Presentation
3. E-Books
E-books are an electronic copy of published books. E-
books are present in applications or downloadable materials
that can be accessed using devices like tablets, laptops, mobile
phones, etc.
4. Radio
Mobile phones and tablets are handheld devices that are very useful in learning. These
devices can be used to access the internet, almost all applications, even e-books and can be used as
a calculator, map, converter, etc.
Great job! You have just finished Lesson 4 of this module. If there are parts of the lesson which
you need clarification, please ask your instructor during your face-to-face sessions.
Now, if you are ready, please proceed to Lesson 5 of this module, which will discuss distance
learning. Kudos!
Lesson 5
Distance Learning
Learning Outcomes
Picture Analysis.
Instructions: Analyze the picture below and answer the questions provided.
3. What are some of the disadvantages and advantages you can point to form the picture?
Distance learning is also known as remote learning, is a form of education wherein
there is little or no face-to-face learning or what we call residential learning between
the students and their teachers. Distance learning can be done anywhere, usually at home.
There are a lot of reasons why people choose or practice distance or remote
learning. Here are some of the examples:
● Borderless learning. Students can enroll in
programs being offered online by schools
● Self-paced learning. Learners can accomplish their modules/tasks at a convenient time, pace,
and whenever they are ready without being forced.
● Numerous programs and course offerings. There are a lot of programs and courses being
offered by schools for distance learners. They have the same standards and quality as on-site
● Increase employability. Since most of the schools that offer distance learning are well-known
and provides quality education, earning certificates from the courses or programs finished by
these institutions will give an advantage to your curriculum vitae and increase your chance to
be employed.
● Back up during calamities and emergencies. Due to natural calamities and or health
emergencies, learning institutions resort to distance learning to continue the education of the
students when face-to-face or residential learning cannot be practiced.
● High chances of distraction. Students most likely to be distracted during distance learning
since most of their homes are not suitable or conducive for learning. Losing focus and losing
track of deadlines is also a big problem since there are no teachers or students at their side to
remind and motivate them.
● Hidden costs. Even if courses and programs offered in distance learning by schools are much
cheaper than residential learning, there are some hidden costs involved. For example, buying
gadgets, installing computers or internet routers, paying electricity bills, and others.
● Access to technology. Since most of the platforms in distance education require gadgets and
digital tools, some students cannot access them due to the lack of these said gadgets. Students
coming from the low-income sectors of the community don’t have any access to devices
needed for this type of learning.
● Compromised quality. Since distance education promotes self-paced learning, the quality of
education can be compromised since individual students cannot exhibit some of the outcomes
of the lessons. Some needed to be collaborative, and some required actual laboratory
experience, and some needed the supervision of the instructors
● Problems on the network. Some areas have limited source of internet connection or network
service. Since some of the activities in distance learning need to be done online, the difficulty
will arise when there is no sufficient network signal or internet connection.
● Production of materials and resources. Learning institutions must prepare materials to be
used in distance learning. Problems will arise if there is an emergency or a calamity wherein
materials are not developed due to the nature of unpreparedness on the given situations.
It is used to access e-
Proquest and books, online journals, and
E-brary other online learning
Reflective Journal
What made you choose modular learning Are you effectively learning using modular
over synchronous online learning? distance learning?
What distance learning platform would best suit you if you haven’t chosen modular
Great work! Lesson 5 of this lesson you've just started. If you need clarification
regarding parts of the experience, please ask your instructor during your face-to-face
If you're ready now, please proceed to this module's Lesson 6. Kudos, you guys!
Lesson 6
Hello and welcome to another lesson of this module! This lesson introduces the Relevance
and Appropriateness in the use of Technology in Teaching and Learning. Technology can do so
much in the teaching and learning process. It can enhance the teacher-student relationship, it helps
the teaching and learning process fun and more engaging, and it facilitates collaboration to the
students. However, some things need to be considered in using technology for it to be useful in the
teaching and learning process. This lesson will help you have a better understanding of the use of
technology in teaching and learning, which would greatly help you in future endeavors. So, what
are you waiting for? Let’s buckle up and enjoy the lesson!
Think of a text book that you like the most and answer the following questions by
filling out the blank.
After answering the activity above, you now have a rough idea about our lesson. But
before we proceed to abstraction, consider the following questions below:
1. Why do you think it is essential for a teacher to have a deep understanding of how to utilize
technology in the teaching and learning process appropriately?
2. Why do you think it is essential to consider the relevance and appropriateness of using
technology in teaching?
4. The textbook is an example of instructional material. What do you think are the things that
we need to consider in selecting instructional materials like books?
Interview at least three (3) teachers (through text, messenger, email, and other
means available) and ask the following questions below. Consolidate the data after the interview
and make a conclusion and reflection based on the data collected.
1. Do you often use technology in teaching?
2. In your own opinion, why is it essential to utilize appropriate technology in the teaching
and learning process?
3. Have you ever been on a dilemma in selecting which instructional material is best for the
class? How do you solve that dilemma?
4. What are the factors that you always consider before selecting appropriate instructional
material for the class?
Well-done! I am so happy because you were able to answer the activities and tasks
for this lesson. I’m sure that you have gained some insights and experiences from this lesson. Now
you are ready to move on to the next part of this coursepack. Enjoy the lesson and keep up the
excellent work!