Grade 6 CRE Lesson Notes
Grade 6 CRE Lesson Notes
Grade 6 CRE Lesson Notes
What we want to do in the future is our plan. Plan helps us to do what God created
us for. These plans are our purposes.
The plans that God has for us are His purpose for our lives.
We should live according to God’s plan in order to fulfill His purpose for our lives.
It is a natural ability to do something Talent is a
special a special gift from God Examples of talents
• Music
• Art
• Athletics
- Are skills that enable us to do things well.
- We should use the God given abilities and Talents well
- Learners should seek advices how to use talents and abilities well.
- They should pray to God to help them use their talents and abilities responsibly
- Learners can use various values to nurture their talents; these values include
love, respect, integrity and unity.
- We can use also nurture our talents by serving others and practicing daily
2. Leaners read in turns Exodus 31:3 and share the teaching with the teachers and
3. What are the benefits of serving others?
• Christian marriage
• Customary marriage
• Civil marriage
1. Christian marriage – starts with a commitment before God to be faithful to each other.
2. Customary marriage - it takes place according to the custom of the community
3. Civil marriage- is a marriage that takes place in front of magistrate and a marriage
certificate issued
NOTE; Learners in pairs read the Book of Genesis 2:20-24 and discuss the bible teaching on
Reasons for discouraging early marriage
God rested on the seventh day because all that he had created was goo
Leaners in turns Read Genesis 2:1-3 and discuss why God rested Learners Read 1 Timothy
5:13 outline the importance of leisure
Leisure- is a time when you are not working or you are not occupied
Leisure time was a gift from God
- Swimming
- Hiking and playing
- Watching television
1. Passive leisure
2. Active leisure
Importance of leisure
1. Lowers depression
2. Improve good qualities of life
3. Lowers stress
- Gossiping
Christians can use their leisure time to visit the orphanage, sick in the hospital and also
participate in church activities
The values that can help Christian to use their leisure time properly includes
- Humility
- Honesty
- Hard work
- Respect
- Love
In Groups learners Watch a video clip on positive leisure activities and mention examples of
leisure activities.
It contains the word of God which is useful for teaching the truths and rebuking the wrongs
Bible helps us correct faults and backslides in our daily life activities
The bible was written by different authors that were inspired by the Holy Spirit
In Groups Learners read the book of 1 Timothy 3:16-17 and explain the meaning of the text
to class
- Moses
- Peter
- Paul
- Solomon
- Luke
- Genesis
- Numbers
The bible is different from other books because it contains the word of lord and was written
by authors that were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Books wrote by Paul includes:
Bible translation
Help to put the Word of God intro language where local people could understand
The message of the missionaries was able to reach large volume of people because the
language of communication was familiar
• More Africans learnt how to read and write hence were able to read the bible by
• Lead to the spread of Christianity
1. Use digital devices to search on reasons that led to translation of the
Bible to local languages and present the finding to the class
2. Identify the author of the following books
i. Deuteronomy
ii. Nehemiah
iii. Philemon
iv. Habakkuk
The first four commandment of Moses explains how we should relate to God The fifth
commandment to the tenth commandment teaches Christians how to relate to each other
for harmonious living
The ten commandment teachers us different values and skills as Christians
Some of the important values include
- Respect
- Love
- Purity
Faith in God
The story of Elisha an axe- head teaches Christian to have faith in God
Elisha recovered an exe- head because he had faith in God
When we have faith in good we experience great things
We should be persistence in prayer to make our faith get stronger day by day
Learners in groups read the story of Elisha recovering an axe head from the book of 2 kings
Learners use digital device to watch how Elisha recovered an axe head through the YouTube
link below –and discuss in class
Joseph was so persistent in prayers that he got blessings
As Christians we should be persistence in prayers. The story of Jacob wresting with God
teaches us to always remain in prayer
The story of Jacob wrestling with angel is Jacob wrestling with the angel is described in
Genesis (32:22–32; also referenced in Hosea 12:3–5).
Learners read in turns Mark 1:16- 20 and narrate the call of the first disciples by Jesus Christ
A disciple is a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ
The first two disciples of Jesus Christ were Simon and his brother Andrew
The other two disciples who were later called were James and John
James and John were sons of Zebedee
Jesus called the fishermen and told them to leave their work and follow him
The disciples left their boats without hesitating and follow Jesus
Learners in groups to use digital devices to watch the call of the first disciples through the
YouTube link below and discuss in class
Learners in group compose and narrate the song of calling of the first disciple of Jesus
We can serve God at homes, school, and church and in the community
In groups learners read in turns Luke 4.1-13 and discuss the temptations of Jesus Christ
He refused to give in to the devil temptation to get wealth for selfish reason
Jesus relied on the word of God even during his time of temptation
Jesus prayed to God to help him
If you are the son of God, order this stone to turn into bread and eat it, Jesus answered by
saying man shall not live with bread alone but by the word of God
“I will give you all this power and wealth if you worship me” Jesus answered the scripture
says worship the Lord your God and serve him only!
If you are Gods son. Throw yourself down from here. For the scripture say God will order his
disciples to take good care of you. It also says. They will hold you up with their hands so that
not even your feet will be hurt on the stones
Jesus answered by saying “do not put the load your God at test
Miracle of Jesus Christ
Learners in group read Luke 8:43-48 and narrate the miracle of of healing of the bleeding
woman in class
The woman had being experiencing the blood issue for twelve years,
All this much time he spent in a physicians, neither could be healed of any
When Jesus was on a walk he came and touched the border of the Jesus garment and
immediately hear issue if blood stanched
Learners in group use digital devices to watch videos on healing of bleeding woman by Jesus
through the YouTube link below
We learn from the healing of the woman with blood issue to have faith and remain
persistence in prayer
With the guardians of the parent discuss the miracle of healing of the woman with blood
issue and present your findings to class
The roman officer believed that Jesus had the power to heal his servant
Learners in group in turns read the book of Mathew 8:5-13 and discuss the healing of the
Roman servant in class
• Humility
• Love
• Kindness
Christian should have faith in God and always ask him to heal the sick.
The church and the government are training medical personnel and building many medical
facilities such as dispensaries and Hospitals
They also provide them with various medical facilities and necessary equipment
When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead it shows that he had power over depth
Christian should always have faith in God as Martha and Mary believed that
Jesus would raise their brother Lazarus from the dead
Practical activities
Learners to design poster with massages show the importance of taking care of girls with
menstrual problem
Learners in group in turns read the story of Jesus raisaing Lazarus from the dead from the
book of John 11:1-44 Lazarus was a friend of Jesus
He was a brother to Mary and Martha
Jesus was ministering when a messenger appeared to him
He requested him to come immediately to a nearby town where Lazarus was living (Bethany)
Bethany was two miles from the city of Jerusalem
Jesus had previously visited the siblings and had enjoyed the family’s hospitality
Jesus laid his departure two days which make disciples afraid
Jesus reached Bethany and found Lazarus had been buried four days ago
He has where he was buried
Jesus wept and after that he asked the stone of the grace to be removed
Lesson learn from the miracle of the raising of Lazarus by Jesus The raising of Lazarus
teaches us another lesson though. When God seems to be doing nothing, He may be doing
more than you could ever imagine. Jesus had declared that Lazarus' sickness was for the
glory of God. Jesus knew God would be totally glorified in the situation at hand We learn
that Jesus is never too late to our troubles
Jesus came to have a relationship with everyone not only Jews Jesus is a teacher
Learners use digital device to watch the story of raising Lazarus from the dead by Jesus
through the YouTube link below and discuss in class
Jesus and Lazarus family at the tomb
Jesus uses the parable of the hidden treasure to teach people about the value of the
kingdom of God.
The kingdom of God will be prepared for those who are willing to make the right choice of
He reveals Himself to us and the wonder of eternal life exceeds any earthly value and is
worth everything we have.
Eternal life requires believers to give up our own wishes and desires, but the benefits
outweigh anything we can imagine.
Learners in groups in turns Read the parable of the rich man and Lazarus from the book of
Luke 16:19-31 and narrate the story in class
Lazarus used laid in the gate of a rich man waiting for food refused from the rich man table
He had wounds all over his body and dogs came to lick Lazarus sore
The rich man didn’t bother giving Lazarus food regardless of his wealth status
The time came when Lazarus died and the angel carried him to Abraham’s side
In hades, when he was in a torment he looked up and down and saw Abraham far away with
Lazarus in his side
He pity Abram to send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and bring him to cool his
tongue because he was in agony in the fire
Abraham replied to him to remember when his lifetime was full of good times when Lazarus
received bad things
Lazarus was comfortable where he was when rich man was on fire.
When Lazarus was poor and sick the rich man did nothing to help Lazarus a poor beggar
Lessons learnt from the parable of Lazarus and the rich man
The Apostles’ Creed
A creed – is a set of belief which guide someone actions
The apostle creed outlines the truth of Christian faith
It contains teaching that guides us on the way we should live as Christians
Learners in groups and in turns read the Christian suffering from the book of 2
Corinthians 6: 3-7 and discuss in class
Paul teaches Christian to accept and endure suffering because it strengths their faith in
From the teaching of Paul on Christian suffering we learn values such us;
• Respect
• Purity
• Truthfulness
• Love
• Kindness
• Endurance
When Christian suffer, they share in the suffering of Jesus Christ
Christian should persist in prayer to overcome various challenges Jesus suffers by
dying on the cross to relieve Christians from the bondage of sins.
Church unity is the coming together of the church of Christ.
Learners in groups in turns read in turns; Matthew 16:18, John 17:2023 and Galatians
Jesus Christ called peter the rock onto which he would build a church that no gate of
hell would overcome
Participating in church activities promote church unity and togetherness
This promote peaceful co- existence among church members in the society
The church demonstrate unity by sharing the word of God and praying together
Church unity foster peaceful co –existence by helping the needy and teaching the
people to develop peace by spreading the value of peace to members
A citizen is a person who, by place of birth, nationality of one or both parents, or
naturalization is granted full rights and responsibilities as a member of a nation or
political community
Citizenship – is the legal right of an individual to belong to a given country
The bible teaches us that good citizens should be submissive to the authority,
He/ she must endeavour to do well and not to cover any evil but expose it
He or she must owner God and remain patriotic to his own country
He or she must respect everyone and love others
Christians can live Godly lives on earth by honouring and respecting the authority and
promoting peace in various ways
• Alcohol
• Lack of assertiveness
• Negative peer pressure
Some skills needed to overcome irresponsible sexual behaviour includes
• Assertiveness
• Decision making
• Good interpersonal relationship
• Effective communication
• Critical thinking
• Creative thinking
Sanctity of Life
Human life is sacred and we should respect it
No one should take away human life
Practices that violate the rights to life for human being include
Violation of the right to life cause death, conflict, suffering and stress
We should value the gift of the life and ensure every human being enjoys it
A virtue is a behaviour or attitude that shows high moral standard
Some of the virtues that can be practised to maintain sanctity of life are