A Quantitative Research
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School in Magalang (Stand Alone II)
San Pedro II, Magalang, Pampanga
Date of Completion
March 5, 2020
This study focuses on the determination of bio-organic fertilizers and the level of
application that could give a favorable response to the growth of the tomato plant. Bio-
organic farming is a key factor in sustainable agriculture, leading to sustainable
development. The Bio-Organic Fertilizers use in this experimental study are; Fermented
Plant Juice (FPJ) and Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ). The results of this study reveal that
the Fermented Plant Juice (T1) response significantly better in terms of Plant Height
compared to Fermented Fruit Juice (T2), thus in terms of Number of Leaves of the plant
the Fermented Fruit Juice (T2) a better response compared to Fermented Plant Juice
(T1). Over all the Fermented Juices are confirmed to be effective as a type of Organic
Fertilizer. In terms of application level the higher concentration of fermented juices
promotes better results.
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation
Related Literature
Conceptual Framework
Research Hypothesis(es)
Definition of Terms
METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………………………………
Research Design
The Sample
The Instrument(s)
Data Collection
Plan for Data Analysis
REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………….
APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter I
In the Philippines, agriculture has been the traditional bedrock and by far the most
popular form of employment in the country. Organic farming has always been the
method that the Filipino farmer has been using since the beginning. But the changing
world has influenced the market for fruit and vegetable growth. Farmers are required to
use chemical fertilizers in order to have a marketable fruit and vegetable production.
Chemical fertilizers are considered to be pricey. But the use of chemical fertilizers is
also harmful in terms of human health and soil fertility.
According to the local organic group Organic Producers Trade Association (OPTA), the
risk of consuming non-organic food is becoming more perilous to human health as high-
yielding agri-produce or the so-called “green revolution crops” developed in the province
of Los Banos—one of the country’s major agricultural research hubs—have been
identified as one of the causes of brain damage particularly resulting to impaired
intellect to people in poor or third world countries.As chemical farming destroys the
environment, OPTA says beneficial micronutrients in the soil that are needed by a
human body are also killed such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium,
manganese and many others. The absence of these essential health elements in the
planting grounds may cause malnutrition as the soil can no longer produce foods that
are adequately supplied with important nutrients(Far Eastern Agriculture, 2012).
Background of the Study
Bio-organic fertilizers are low cost, renewable sources of plant nutrients which
supplement chemical fertilizers. They can be used either for seed treatment or soil
application. Bio-fertilizers generate plant nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus through
their activities in the soil or rhizosphere and make available to plants in a gradual
manner. Bio-fertilizer is gaining momentum recently due to the increasing emphasis on
maintenance of soil health, minimize environmental pollution and cut down on the use of
a chemical in agriculture. In rainfed agriculture, these inputs gain added importance
given their low cost, as most of the farmers are small and marginal and cannot afford to
buy expensive chemical fertilizer. (Dr. Hari M. et al 2010).
Aside from farm manures there are organic fertilizers such as Fermented Plant Juice
(FPJ) and Ferment Fruit Juice (FFJ) which known to promotes growth and development
of vegetable crops. The usage of fermented plant juice (FPJ) and fermented fruit juice
(FFJ) as foliar fertilizer along with the fertigation system is expected to increase and
improve the yield and quality of the tomato. The foliar application becomes promptly
available to the crops because the form of nutrient application is better than direct
fertilization (Naz et al. 2011).
Fermented Plant Juice or FPJ is made from axillary buds and young fruits, fast-growing
plants, young leaves of plants and grasses. Mixed with crude sugar or molasses, the
juice is extracted and fermented after storing it for a while. The liquid is applied to plant's
leaves and growing points, soil around the plant, compost heap and animal beddings to
fortify microbial activities (Agribusiness, 2018).
Fermented Fruit Juice (FPJ) is a liquid fertilizer made from plant material/ fast-growing
plants. The juice contains rich microorganisms which give strength to the plants and
animals. Nowadays most Filipino Farmers are using organic concoction as fertilizer to
the plants or as a water additive supplemented to animals/livestock (Solraya, 2010).
The major aim of this study is to determine the response of FPJ and FFJ to the growth
development of the Tomato plant(Lycopersicumesculentum). The results of this study
may provide appropriate effective low-cost alternative fertilizers for the farmers
Statement of the Problem
a. Main Problem
b. Specific Problem
If the results of this study are significantly positive, schools with Gulayan in their garden
can use this study to perform an alternative and cost-effective fertilization method for
their crops.
All TLE and Agriculture teachers in Senior High School Stand Alone II can use this
study as a guideline in using Bio-Organic Fertilizers in planting crops.
Rodolfo V. Feliciano Memorial High School students are the main beneficiaries of this
report. This research will extend and improve their ability to plant crops using alternative
methods of plant fertilization.
If the results of this study are substantially positive, the researchers hope that this study
will help farmers to bear the high cost of industrial and chemical fertilizers.
Future Researchers
Potential researchers can use this report as a guideline, a source of information and a
data base for their analysis.
Scope and Delimitation
The purpose of this study is to determine the response of Fermented Plants Juice and
Fermented Fruit Juice to the growth development of the tomato plant
(Lycopersicumesculentum). The experiment was performed at Senior High School in
Magalang Stand Alone II. There were only a total population of 3 plots and 30, 2 weeks
old tomato plants monitored for 3 weeks. The limitations of this study include
extraneous variables such as environmental factors, biological interference, soil acidity,
and composition.
Chapter 2
Related Literature
A study was conducted to determine the impact of organic fertilizers on the growth of
different vegetables and to find out which of the different vegetables would produce the
best yield when used with organic fertilizers. The study was conducted by ASIST [ Abra
State Inst.] from October 2009 to February 2010. Sciences and Technology] Central
Campus, Lagangilang, Abra [Philippines]. The experiment was developed following a
Randomized Complete Block Design. The five separate vegetables were tomato, mung,
cowpea, pepper, and eggplant arranged in three blocks of each treatment. The different
treatments are as follows: T1–Farmers Practice, T2–Organic Fertilizer, T3–Fermented
Plant Juice (Spiny Amaranthus). Based on the results of the study, no significant results
were observed between the different fertilizers in terms of initial height, plant height at
flowering and number of days to be harvested from tomato, mung, cowpea, pepper, and
Nevertheless, the statistical analysis revealed a very important effect on the number of
days of pepper setting applied with fermented plant juice relative to other treatments.
There was no significant effect of the different fertilizers on the number of commercially
available fruits and the weight of commercially available fruits on tomato, mung,
cowpea, and pepper, except for eggplants, which showed that the plants used with
fermented plant juice produced the highest number and the highest weight of
commercially available fruits. In terms of the measured yield per hectare, the statistical
analysis showed an insignificant result on the yield per hectare of tomato, mung bean,
and pepper, but a very important result was observed on the yield per hectare of
cowpea and eggplant used in fermented plant juice. The finding in this study is
supported by other researchers that the fermented plant juice contains rich nutrients
that can easily be absorbed by plants and bioactive substances that can support plant
growth. As a result, cowpea and eggplant used with fermented plant juice of spiny
amaranth provided the largest number of fruits and the heaviest weight of marketable
fruit resulting in higher yields per hectare(Pagluanan&AnicalAbra State Inst. of Sciences
and Technology, Lagangilang, Abra (Philippines), n.d.).
This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of various bio-input products as
organic foliar fertilizers in the growth and floral development of dendrobium and to
recommend the best organic orchid foliar fertilizer. The results of the study showed that
dendrobium orchid was highly responsive to various bioorganic foliar fertilizers.
Dendrobium fertilized with Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) was significantly the earliest
form of active roots, the longest root length, the largest increase in pseudobulb, the
earlier start of flower, the greater flower diameter and the higher flowering percentage
compared to other bio-organic foliar fertilizers. The use of fermented plant juice (FPJ) in
a ratio of 2:1 (2 tablespoons: 1 liter of water) is recommended as the best bio-organic
foliar fertilizer, while fermented fish extract and Vermi tea are recommended as growth
enhancers and rooting hormones for phalaenopsis orchids such as dendrobium.
(Mante&Mante, 2016)
Conceptual Framework
The Diagram above shows the Malunggay leaves, Oregano, Banana, Papaya, and
Squash underwent processes of extraction, fermentation, storage, and application. It
then produced Fermented Plant Juice and Fermented Fruit Juice.
Research Hypothesis(es)
1. Is there a significant difference between the plant height and number of leaves
after treatment?
2. Is there a significant relationship between the plant height and number of leaves
after treatment?
Definition of Terms
According to Shairanada (2018), The Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) is used in solutions
for seed and soil treatments and plant nutrition.
Merriam Webster defined Tomato as usually large, rounded, edible, pulpy berry of an
herb (genus Solanum) of the nightshade family native to South America that is typically
red but may be yellow, orange, green, or purplish in color and is eaten raw or cooked as
a vegetable.
FPJ- in this study FPJ represents the word Fermented Plant Juice which will be use as
one of the treatments in this experimental study.
FFJ- in this study FFJ represents the word Fermented Fruit Juice which will be use as
one of the treatments in this experimental study.
Research Design
Posttest Only Controlled Group Design was used in this experimental study. The
samples were randomly assigned to the groups. The experimental group received the
treatment while the control group does not. A posttest was given to both groups.
The Sample
This study was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments.
The different treatments are as follows:
T1- Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)
T2- Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)
T3- Water (Control)
The Instrument(s)
Throughout this experimental research the researchers used physiological instruments
such as; measuring tape, ruler weighing scale, and hand tools.
Researchers purchased 2 weeks old 30 tomato seedlings from the local Agricultural
Store in Magalang. After that, the researchers prepared a land on where to plant the
seedlings. The researchers arranged the land on where the seedlings were
grown.Then10 tomato plants received the fermented plant juice (FPJ) and 10 tomato
plants received the fermented fruit juice (FFJ) and 10 tomato plants received just water
for the control group. The tomato seedlings was cared for and maintained and the
researchers observed and measured the height and numbers of the leaves per plant.
Land Preparation
The researchers prepared 3 plots with a width of 1 meter and a length of 3 meters.
2 weeks old of tomato seedlings was purchased by the researchers in the local
agricultural store in Magalang. The seedlings were transplanted into their designated
plots with 12 inches apart and 12 inches apart in rows. The seedlings were placed 1
inch below the surface covered with soil and water.
Fertilization Formulation
The fertilizer was formulated a week before the planting of the seedlings. For the
Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ) one kilo of banana, papaya, and squash were chopped and
then mixed, adding one kilo of molasses to the mixture and stirring thoroughly. Once the
slimy texture has been obtained, it was then placed in a cloth just enough to enclose it
the mixture was stored in a 6-gallon container with a heavy object on top of it to
squeeze out the juices. It was enclosed not too tightly to allow the mixture to breathe
and was kept in a room undisturbed for a week. The same processwas carried out on
the same day for fermented plant juice made up of 1 kilo of Malungay leaves and
After, about a week of fermentation.The fermented fertilizers are now ready for
application.7 spoonfuls of Fermented Plant Juice was diluted into one gallon of water
and applied with treatment 1. Another 7 spoonfuls of Fermented Fruit Juice was diluted
into one gallon of water and applied with treatment 2. And for the (control), no treatment
at all.
Data Collection
Data on plant height and number of leaves was collected every Monday for 3 weeks. It'
was done in every plant under every treatment. And the data collected was tabulated
and interpreted.
Plan for Data Analysis
Analysis of Variance (AnoVa) and T-test were used as the statistical treatment in this
The t test is one type of inferential statistics. It is used to determine whether there is a
significant difference between the means of two groups. With all inferential statistics, we
assume the dependent variable fits a normal distribution. When we assume a normal
distribution exists, we can identify the probability of a particular outcome(Del Siegle,
Anova: Single
Averag Varianc
Groups Count Sum e e
71.3333 7.13333 3.04197
T0 10 3 3 5
109.833 10.9833 0.64475
T1 10 3 3 3
89.8333 8.98333 0.42648
T2 10 3 3 1
Source of P-
Variation SS df MS F value F crit
27.0409 3.57E- 3.35413
Between Groups 74.15 2 37.075 3 07 1
Within Groups 9 27 1.37107
Total 9 29
Table 1 show that there is a significant difference in terms of Plant Height at 0.05 level,
thus the Calculated Value 27.04 is greater than the Critical Value which is 3.35.
Therefore, accept H1 and Reject Ho.
Ha: μ0≠μ1≠μ2
Table 2 show that there is a significant difference in terms of Number of Leaves at 0.05
level, thus the Calculated Value 7.90 is greater than the Critical Value which is 3.35.
Therefore, accept H1 and Reject Ho.
Ha: μ0≠μ1≠μ2
Table 2: Number of Leaves
Number of leaves
sample T0 T1 T2
1 18.67 21 19
2 19.33 21 20
3 19.67 21 21.33
4 21.00 21 19.67
5 20.00 21 21.67
6 15.67 21 19.67
7 18.67 21 23.67
8 19.00 21 25
9 18.33 21 23
10 19.67 21 23.33
Anova: Single
Averag Varianc
Groups Count Sum e e
T0 10 190 19 09
210.33 21.033 1.0728
T1 10 33 33 4
216.33 21.633 4.1839
T2 10 33 33 51
Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
38.096 19.048 7.9015 0.0019 3.3541
Between Groups 3 2 15 02 88 31
Within Groups 89 27 2.4107
Total 52 29
Axis Title
19.00 Linear (T1)
9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50
Axis Title
Pearson r= -0.18481
In terms of form, there is a negative linear association between the two variables. In
terms of direction, there is a negative correlation because the points seem to go down
from left to right. In terms of strength, there is a weak association because the points
are not clustered together. Thus, the scatter plot of the height of seedlings versus the
number of leaves has a weak negative linear association. Therefore, it can be
concluded that as the height of the seedlings increases, the number of leaves
Axis Title
10 Linear (T2)
8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11
Axis Title
Pearson r=0.357208
In terms of form, there is a weak positive linear association between the two variables.
In terms of direction, there is a weak positive correlation because the points seem to go
up from left to right. In terms of strength, there is a weak positive association because
the points are slightly clustered together. Thus, the scatter plot of the height of seedlings
versus the number of leaves has a weak positive linear association. Therefore, it can be
concluded that as the height of the seedlings increases, the number of leaves slightly
In terms of Fermented application it was concluded, when it comes in Plant Height,
Fermented Plant Juice performed better than the Fermented Fruit Juice. This argument
was similar to Juane, C.G (2004), when he said that applying the FPJ to vegetable
crops would give good growth and vitality to plants.
Thus, in terms of Number of leaves of the plants, the Fermented fruit juice showed a
slightly positive effect rather than the Fermented Plant Juice. A similar finding by
(Tagotong&Corpuz, 2015), he mention that Fermented Fruit Juice promotes and
develop more number of pechay leaves compared to Fermented Plant Juice.
Plant Height
Anova: Single
Groups Count Sum Average e
71.3333 7.13333 3.04197
T0 10 3 3 5
109.833 10.9833 0.64475
T1 10 3 3 3
89.8333 8.98333 0.42648
T2 10 3 3 1
Source of
Variation SS Df MS F P-value F crit
27.0409 3.57225E- 3.35413
Between Groups 74.15 2 37.075 3 07 1
Within Groups 9 27 1.37107
Total 9 29
Number of Leaves
Anova: Single
Groups Count Sum Average e
T0 10 190 19 9
210.333 21.0333
T1 10 3 3 1.07284
216.333 21.6333 4.18395
T2 10 3 3 1
Source of SS Df MS F P-value F crit
19.0481 7.90150 0.00198842
Between Groups 38.0963 2 5 2 1 3.354131
Within Groups 9 27 2.4107
Total 2 29
Therefore, the researchers would like to recommend the use of Fermented Plant Juice
when it comes to Plant Height. Thus, if the beneficiaries want their plant to increase its
number of leaves, therefore, the researchers recommend the use of Fermented Fruit
Juice. The researchers also recommend increasing the number of spoons diluted in the
tomato seedlings to 10 full spoonfuls. For the care and maintenance of the plants,
researchers recommend not to overwater the plants, because it may cause the roots of
the plants to die.
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T0 Controlled Group