Design of Reinforced Concrete 1
Design of Reinforced Concrete 1
Design of Reinforced Concrete 1
Concrete Design I
Third Stage
Ass.Lec. Zainab Adel
Chapter One
This chapter presents the main structural properties of concrete and reinforcing
bars. In addition, it illustrates concrete cover and spacing of bars. Also, it includes
the applied loadings and reinforced concrete elements. Many structures are built of
reinforced concrete including bridges, buildings, retaining walls, tunnels, tanks,
conduits, ..etc. Reinforced concrete is a logical union of two materials: plain
concrete, which possesses high compressive strength but a little tensile strength,
and steel bars embedded in the concrete, which can provide the needed strength
in tension. First practical use of reinforced concrete was known in the mid-1800s. In
the first decade of the 20th century, progress in reinforced concrete was rapid.
Since the mid-1950s, reinforced concrete design practice has made the transition
from that based on elastic methods to one based on strength. Understanding of
reinforced concrete behavior is still far from complete. Building codes and
specifications that give design procedures are continually changing to reflect the
latest knowledge.
Chapter One
1.1 Properties of Concrete Materials:
Plain concrete is made by mixing cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate,
water, and frequently admixtures. Structural concrete can be classified into:
• Lightweight concrete with a unit weight from about 13.5 𝑡𝑜 18.5 kN/m3,
produced from aggregates of expanded shale, clay, slate, and slag.
• Normal‐weight concrete with a unit weight from about 18.5 𝑡𝑜 24 kN/m3,
produced from the most commonly used aggregates— sand, gravel, crushed
• Heavyweight concrete with a unit weight from about 32 𝑡𝑜 56 kN/m3,
produced from such materials such as barite, limonite, magnetite, hematite,
iron, and steel punching or shot. It is used for shielding against radiations in
nuclear reactor containers and other structures.
Chapter One
1.1.1 Compressive strength:
Chapter One
1.1.2 Stress-strain relationship:
Typical curves for specimens (150 × 300 mm cylinders) loaded in
compression at 28 days. Lower-strength concrete has greater
deformability (ductility) than higher- strength concrete (length of the
portion of the curve after the maximum stress is reached at a strain
between 0.002 and 0.0025). Ultimate strain at crushing of concrete
varies from 0.003 to as high as 0.005.
• In usual reinforced concrete design fc′ of (24 𝑡𝑜 35 𝑀𝑃𝑎) are used for
non-prestressed structures.
• fc′ of (35 to 42 𝑀𝑃𝑎) are used for prestressed concrete.
•fc′ of (42 to 97 𝑀𝑃𝑎) are used particularly in columns of tall buildings.
Chapter One
Chapter One
1.1.3 Tensile strength:
Concrete tensile strength is about 10 𝑡𝑜 15% of its compressive
strength. The strength of concrete in tension is an important
property that greatly affects that extent and size of cracking in
structures. Tensile strength is usually determined by using:
• Direct Tension Tests, ft′
Direct tension concrete tensile strength, ft′, can be estimated
from the following correlation with concrete compressive
strength, 𝑓c′, as:
ft′ =0.25 𝑡𝑜 0.58 √𝑓c′
Chapter One
1 2 3
Samples of concrete direct tension specimens
Chapter One
1.1.3 Tensile strength:
• Split-cylinder test (ASTM C496). A standard 150 × 300 𝑚𝑚
compression test cylinder is placed on its side and loaded in
compression along a diameter. The splitting tensile strength
fct is computed as
Chapter One
1.1.3 Tensile strength:
Split-cylinder strength, fct, can be estimated based on following relation with
cylindrical compressive strength:
fct = 0.5 𝑡𝑜 0.66 √fc′
• Tensile strength in flexure (modulus of rupture) (ASTM C78 or C293). A plain
concrete beam 150 × 150 𝑚𝑚 × 750 is loaded in flexure at the third points of
600-mm span until it fails due to cracking on the tension face. Modulus of
rupture fr is computed as
Chapter One
1.1.3 Tensile strength:
It is accepted that an average value for fr may be taken as
fr = 0.62 λ √fc′ ( where the value of λ is in accordance with ACI Table
Chapter One
1.1.4 Modulus of elasticity:
The modulus of elasticity of concrete varies, unlike that of steel, with
strength and time. A typical stress-strain curve for concrete in compression
is shown. The initial modulus (tangent at origin), the tangent modulus (at
0.5 ƒc′), and the secant modulus are noted. Usually, the secant modulus at
from 25 𝑡𝑜 50% of the compressive strength, ƒc′ is considered to be the
modulus of elasticity. The empirical formula given by ACI- when,
1440 ≤ 𝑤𝑐 ≤ 2560 𝑘𝑔/m3
Chapter One
1.1.5 Poisons ratio (μ):
It is the ratio of the transverse to the longitudinal strain under axil stress within
the elastic range. This ratio varies between (0.15-0.2) for both normal and light
weight concrete. Poisson ratio is used in structural analysis of flat slab, tunnel,
tanks, arch, dams and other statically indeterminate structures.
μ = ԑ𝒕/ԑ𝒍
1.1.6 Shear strength:
The shear strength of concrete is great. It is about 35% to 80% of the
compressive strength, and it is difficult to separate from other types of
stresses. Shear strength is determined by values lower than the above values
to preserve concrete from tensile stresses that cause bending stresses to
overlap with shear stresses, which are often referred to metaphorically as
shear stresses.
Chapter One
1.1.7 Creep and shrinkage:
Creep and shrinkage are time-dependent deformations that along with cracking
provide the greatest concern for the designer because of the inaccuracies and
unknowns that surround them. Creep means the continuation of deformation
with time under the influence of constant loads and it increases at a decreasing
rate during the loading period. It is affected by several factors including concrete
components, mixing ratio, water to cement ratio, curing conditions, relative
humidity, loading period, amount of applied stress, and surface to volume ratio.
Shrinkage is the volume change during hardening and curing of the concrete. It is
unrelated to load application. The main cause of shrinkage is the loss of water as
the concrete dries and hardens. It is possible for concrete cured continuously
under water to increase in volume. However, the usual concern is with a decrease
in volume. The same factors have been found to influence shrinkage strain as
those that influence creep, e.g., factors related to moisture loss.
Chapter One
1.1.8 Steel reinforcement:
The yield strength of steel reinforcement is about 15 times the compressive
strength of common structural concrete and well over 100 times its tensile
Steel reinforcement may consist of:
• Bars (deformed bars, as in picture below) – for usual construction.
• Welded wire fabric – is used in thins slabs, thin shells.
• Wires – are used for prestressed concrete.
The “Grade” of steel is the minimum specified yield stress (point) expressed in:
• 𝑀𝑃𝑎 for SI reinforcing bar Grades 300, 350, 420, and 520.
• 𝑘𝑠i for Inch-Pound reinforcing bar Grades 40, 50, 60, and 75.
The introduction of carbon and alloying additives in steel increases its strength but
reduces its ductility. The proportion of carbon used in structural steels varies
between 0.2% and 0.3%.
Chapter One
1.1.8 Steel reinforcement:
The steel modulus of elasticity (𝐸s) is constant for all types of steel. The ACI Code
has adopted a value of 𝐸s = 2 × 105 MPa (29 × 106 Psi). The ultimate strength of
steel, fu = 1.25-1.5 fy.
Chapter One
Chapter One
Chapter One
Chapter One
1.1.8 Steel reinforcement:
The bar area is given by:
𝑛 =𝐸s/𝐸c = 2000000/4700√𝑓c’
Chapter One
1.2 Applied Loads:
- Gravity loads:
Dead: own weight of structural elements
Superimposed dead: weight of nonstructural elements
Live: people + furniture
Soil weight
Water weight
- lateral loads:
- Static loads
- Dynamic loads 28
Chapter One
1.2 Applied Loads:
Weight of beam per meter= cross section area x unit weight of concrete
Weight of column per meter= cross section area x unit weight of concrete
Weight of solid slab- m2= thickness of slab x unit weight of concrete
Weight of solid concrete wall- m2= thickness of wall x unit weight of concrete.
Chapter One
1.3 Reinforced Concrete Elements:
Every structure is proportioned as to both architecture and engineering to serve a particular
function. The best structural system is the one that fulfills most of the needs of the user
while being serviceable, attractive, and economically cost efficient. Although most
structures are designed for a life span of 50 years, the durability performance record
indicates that properly proportioned concrete structures have generally had longer useful
lives. Reinforced concrete structures consist of a series of members that interact to support
the loads placed on the structures. The components can be broadly classified into:
• Floor Slabs
Floor slabs are the main horizontal elements that transmit the moving live loads as well as
the stationary dead loads to the vertical framing supports of a structure. They can be:
Slabs on beams, waffle slabs, slabs without beams (Flat Plates) resting directly on columns,
composite slabs on joists. They can be proportioned such that they act in one direction
(one-way slabs) or proportioned so that they act in two perpendicular directions (two-way
slabs and flat plates).
Chapter One
1.3 Reinforced Concrete Elements:
• Beams
Beams are the structural elements that transmit the tributary loads from floor slabs to
vertical supporting columns. They are normally cast monolithically with the slabs and are
structurally reinforced on one face, the lower tension side, or both the top and bottom
faces. As they are cast monolithically with the slab, they form a T-beam section for interior
beams or an L-beam at the building exterior. The plan dimensions of a slab panel determine
whether the floor slab behaves essentially as a one-way or two-way slab.
• Columns
The vertical elements support the structural floor system. They are compression members
subjected in most cases to both bending and axial load and are of major importance in the
safety considerations of any structure. If a structural system is also composed of horizontal
compression members, such members would be considered as beam-columns.
Chapter One
1.3 Reinforced Concrete Elements:
• Walls
They are the vertical enclosures for building frames. They are not usually or necessarily
made of concrete but of any material that esthetically fulfills the form and functional needs
of the structural system. Additionally, structural concrete walls are often necessary as
foundation walls, stairwell walls, and shear walls that resist horizontal wind loads and
earthquake-induced loads.
• Foundations
They are the structural concrete elements that transmit the weight of the superstructure to
the supporting soil. They could be in many forms: Isolated footing (It can be viewed as an
inverted slab transmitting a distributed load from the soil to the column), Combined
footings supporting more than one column, Rafts foundations (which are basically inverted
slab and beam construction, Strip footing or wall footing supporting walls, and Piles driven
to rock.
Chapter One