Doing Business in VN From CEEC-2024
Doing Business in VN From CEEC-2024
Doing Business in VN From CEEC-2024
business in
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t Cit
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Chi M Silver Corporate Partners
Capital Hanoi
Population 99,497,680
National Flag
National Emblem
Welcome to the 2024 edition of our "Doing Business in The country's economic outlook remains robust, with
Vietnam" guide, crafted specifically to light up the path for numerous opportunities emerging despite global
Central and Eastern European enterprises eager to explore disruptions. Every day, our member countries and
and thrive in this vibrant market. The Central and Eastern businesses uncover new avenues for cooperation and
European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (CEEC) growth within Vietnam. We firmly believe that the potential
continues to uphold a unique position among European here is vast, and CEEC is dedicated to equipping you with
Chambers globally. Our countries share a rich history and the insights, advice, and tools necessary to capitalize on
profound friendship with Vietnam, forming a solid foundation these opportunities.
for mutual growth and collaboration. This guide aims to provide you with an essential overview of
Since its inception a decade ago, CEEC has been at the key sectors and practical advice to help you navigate your
forefront of fostering strong connections between Central entry into the Vietnamese market successfully. Consider
and Eastern Europe and Vietnam. Our chamber has not only this guide as the beginning of an ongoing dialogue and
gained significant recognition from Vietnamese authorities partnership.
and the international business community but has also We look forward to welcoming you to Vietnam and to
successfully supported numerous companies in navigating exploring the exciting prospects that lie ahead. Together,
the complexities of the Vietnamese market. We are proud of let us seize the opportunities and foster a prosperous future
our self-sustaining operations, achieved without external for Central and Eastern European businesses in Vietnam.
subsidies, which underscore our commitment and capability.
Vietnam presents a challenging yet immensely rewarding
environment for businesses. It demands not only patience
and perseverance but also innovation, high-quality products,
and services. Despite fierce competition, Vietnam is
increasingly recognized as a prime destination for trade,
investment, and service industries.
Chairman Vice-Chairman Vice-Chairman Treasurer KOZLOWSKI Board Member
Board Member
KRASSOVICS Board Member MASALSKA-LASKA Board Member Executive Director Office Assistant
Board Member Board Member
We can be contacted in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, with the contact information as below:
Hanoi Office
Floor 14, Peakview Tower, No.36 Hoang Cau, O Cho Dua, Dong Da
Hien Trinh Thu (Ms.) - Office Assistant
OUTLOOK 2024-2025
Recent years have seen major economic changes in Vietnam. Supportive monetary and fiscal policies. Average headline
In 2023, the country slowed after years of rapid growth. inflation fell to 3.25% by 2023 as the economy cooled. The
Early 2024 has seen indications of recovery, bringing State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) slashed discount and
enterprises and investors opportunities and difficulties. This refinancing rates by 150-200 basis points across four policy
article forecasts Vietnam's economic development and its rate decreases in 2023. Despite these cuts, loan growth in
ramifications for investors using the latest World Bank, ADB, 2023 was 13.7%, below the SBV predictions. The government
National Statistical Office, etc. reports. operated a light expansionary fiscal policy in 2023.
Recent years have seen major economic changes in Vietnam. Compared to 2022, government revenue fell 5.4% and tax
In 2023, the country slowed after years of rapid growth. receipts 13.8%. Total spending rose 12.8%, mostly owing to
Early 2024 has seen indications of recovery, bringing governmental investment.
enterprises and investors opportunities and difficulties. This With balanced risks, Vietnam's economic growth prospects
article forecasts Vietnam's economic development and its are good. GDP should grow by 5.5% in 2024. Manufacturing
ramifications for investors using the latest World Bank, ADB, exports will revive due to rising global demand, according to
National Statistical Office, etc. reports. this projection. The real estate market should strengthen in
The first quarter of 2024 showed promising signs. Low late 2024 and early 2025. Investors and consumers will gain
export base impact drove GDP up 5.66% year over year. confidence as exports and the real estate market recover,
Goods exports rose 17.2% year-over-year. With quarterly boosting domestic demand.
growth rates of 4.9% and 4.7%, consumption and investment Total real investment and private consumption are predicted
improved more slowly. In particular, US and Eurozone to increase by 5.5% and 5.0%, respectively. Inflation is
merchandise exports rose 25.5% and 16.3%, respectively. forecast to rise slightly from 3.2% in 2023 to 3.5% in 2024,
The first quarter of 2024 saw domestic consumption rise owing to an increase in government-administered prices
4.9%, up from 3.0% the year before. Real investment such as education and health care. The CPI is predicted to
climbed 4.7% year over year due to substantial FDI, while decline to 3.0% in 2025 and 2026, with commodity and
private investment remained low. energy prices remaining constant.
A cooling economy affected the labor market and income
growth. Employment growth plummeted from 2.2% in Q1
2023 to 0.3% in Q1 2024. From 8.3% in 2017-19 to 1.3% in
2022-23, average monthly real incomes stagnated. The 2023
consumer poll found a drop in expenditures on durable
goods like appliances, gadgets, and cars.
In 2023, Vietnam's external position improved despite global
issues. Current account surplus rose to 6.7% of GDP from
0.3% in 2022. Balance of payments surplus was 1.3% of GDP.
However, that image has risks. Slower-than-expected
The end of 2023 will see $93.3 billion in international
growth in advanced nations and China may diminish
reserves, 3.3 months of imports. This gain was driven by a
Vietnam's export demand. Increased geopolitical conflicts
significant product trade surplus, strong remittance inflows,
and climate disasters pose risks. A delayed real estate
and a narrowing services trade deficit as foreign tourism
market revival may affect investor optimism and private
recovered to over 12.6 million visitors in 2023, up from 3.7
sector investment domestically.
million in 2022. Imports fell 14.1%, outpacing exports (-8.5%),
fueling the merchandise trade imbalance.
INVESTMENT INCENTIVES AND GURANTEES A visa can be replaced by a temporary residence card
(“TRC”) which grants the foreigners the right to temporarily
Investment incentives reside in Vietnam for a certain length of time up to 3 years or
Foreign investors are entitled to investment incentives 10 years (for Investment TRC only) provided some
based on sectors and geographical locations. Highlighted requirements are satisfied.
sectors eligible for investment incentives are high-tech
activities, high-tech ancillary products, waste collection, Work Permit
treatment, recycling or re-use, medical examination and As the case may be, foreigners must obtain a Work Permit
treatment, education. (“WP”) or a Certificate of Work Permit Exemption (“CoWPE”)
to legally work in Vietnam. Term of a WP or a CoWPE shall
Areas eligible for investment incentives are disadvantaged not exceed 2 years. Notably, the WP is only allowed to be
areas and extremely disadvantaged areas; industrial parks, extended once with the validity term of 2 years for the
export-processing zones, hi-tech zones and economic zones; maximum.
or other areas as decided by the Government.
Moreover, special investment incentives are given to certain In some special cases, neither WP nor CoWPE is required
projects exerting significant socio-economic effects. such as when foreigners enter Vietnam to work no more than
3 times per year and working period of each entry is under
Investment guarantees 30 days, or in case of an owner of a limited liability company
The Government also provides some basic investment owning a capital contribution valued of at least VND 3
guarantee commitments towards foreign investors, for billion. However, a report to the competent labor authority in
instance, guarantee for asset ownership, transfer of foreign such cases is still required.
investors’ assets overseas or business investment upon
change of laws. PROFIT REMITTANCE
LAND AND RESIDENTIAL HOUSES Foreign investors are only permitted to transfer after-tax
profits abroad (tax on remittance of profits abroad is not
FIE may lease land from or is allocated land with land use applied) either at the end of the fiscal year or upon
levy by the State, as well sub-lease land from the industrial termination of the direct investment activities in Vietnam.
zone infrastructure developers. Land rent incentives (rent
exemptions and reductions) apply to investment projects TAXATION
satisfying certain conditions.
Value-Added Tax (VAT)
Foreign organizations and individuals are allowed to Generally, goods and services used for production, business
purchase and own residential houses/apartments in Vietnam and consumption in Vietnam are subject to VAT. Different
subjecting to certain conditions. VAT rates (0%, 5% and 10%) or VAT exemption are applied
to different kinds of goods and services. According to the
LABOR AND IMMIGRATION draft VAT law, the application of VAT rates for product
groups may be changed to consistent with the orientation of
Visa & temporary residence card reforming the tax system, moving towards applying a
common tax rate.
Except when being exempted from visa, foreigners are
allowed to enter Vietnam by obtaining a visa with single
entry or multiple entries, which is categorized into different
types subjecting to the entry purpose, or by electronic visa
whose term now is up to 90 days.
The fiscal year applicable to FIEs in Vietnam is normally a
calendar year i.e., 1 January – 31 December. FIEs may notify
the local tax authority about their own 12-month fiscal year,
commencing from the first day of a quarter and ending on
the last day of the previous quarter in the following year. For
the first/last fiscal year (i.e. the year of company
establishment and closure), the accounting period can be
more than 12 months but must not be longer than 15 months.
Every enterprise is required to employ a Chief Accountant
Foreign-invested enterprises (collectively “FIEs”) doing who must satisfy the criteria and conditions stipulated by
business in Vietnam are required to comply with the VAS, the Law on Accounting, except for micro businesses. The
the Vietnamese Enterprise Accounting System (not enterprise can also outsource a chief accountant position
applicable for credit institutions) and interpretive guidance from an authorized accounting service company in Vietnam.
when preparing their financial statements. The annual financial statements of FIEs must be audited in
accordance with the Law on Independent Audit. The audit
The initial VAS were modelled on earlier versions of must be carried out by an independent auditing company
International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International permitted to operate in Vietnam.
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Vietnam’s approach
included modifications and selective adoption of IAS or IFRS, YOUR CONTACTS
influenced by local regulatory interpretations that differed Huyen Nguyen
from global standards. Unlike the dynamic and evolving Managing Partner, Forvis Mazars in Vietnam
nature of IFRS, VAS has remained static since their initial
issuance. This divergence has created disparities in Minh Nguyen
accounting practices between Vietnam and international Partner, Head of Advisory, Forvis Mazars in Vietnam
standards, affecting financial reporting and analysis within
the global context.
Source: pixabay
Vietnam's economy is expected to maintain rapid growth As a member of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC),
through 2024 and beyond, driven by advancements in the Vietnam enjoys tariff-free shipment of nearly all goods to
digital economy, manufacturing, exports, and foreign direct most other Southeast Asian countries. In the last 15 years,
investment. By investing in infrastructure, developing human agreements between ASEAN and various countries have
capital, and continuing economic reforms, Vietnam aims to expanded access to more regional markets. Regional
achieve equitable and sustainable growth in the future. The Comprehensive Partnership (RCEP) has reinforced the
nation is positioned as a key player in the ASEAN region and effectiveness of these deals. Two of the most important are
an attractive destination for foreign investors, thanks to its the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-
favorable demographics, strategic location, and youthful Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the EU-Vietnam Free Trade
workforce. Agreement (EUVFTA).
The nation is positioned as a key player in the ASEAN region In the first half of 2024, Vietnam's products export turnover
and an attractive destination for foreign investors, thanks to was assessed at 190.08 billion USD, gaining 14.5% year on
its favorable demographics, strategic location, and youthful year and increasing the country's trade surplus to 11.63
workforce. Over the last few years, Vietnam has significantly billion USD, according to the General Statistics Office.
integrated into the global supply chain, becoming a favored Imports also increased steadily, up 17% year on year to
destination for international companies as manufacturing 178.45 billion USD. The domestic economic sector added
shifts from China to Vietnam. As of 2024, Vietnam's 65.74 billion USD to import turnover, representing a 22.3%
economy has continuously grew at one of the fastest rates increase. Raw materials for production were the largest
among ASEAN countries. Its GDP growth rate has exceeded import category, making up a substantial 94% share, valued
that of some of its ASEAN counterparts, averaging between at 167.73 billion USD. The United States remained Vietnam's
6 and 7% annually. Furthermore, Vietnam's industrial sector, leading export market, with an expected turnover of 54.3
particularly in electronics, textiles, and footwear, has made billion USD.
important contributions to the country's economic progress.
Vietnam has successfully integrated into global supply
chains by leveraging its competitive labor costs and
favorable trade agreements. As a result, the country has
become a major exporter of commodities both within ASEAN
and internationally.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) remains crucial for Vietnam In summary, Vietnam's economy showed mixed signs of
to support post-COVID economic recovery and advance the recovery in 2023 and early 2024 according to the World
government's goal to achieve middle-income status by 2045. Bank (2023). On the one hand, given its significant openness
Foreign enterprises invested over 15.19 billion USD in the and deep integration into the global economy, Vietnam was
Vietnamese economy in the first six months of 2024, unable to escape the effects of the ongoing war between
indicating a 13.1% increase over the same period last year. Russia and Ukraine. Additionally, the country is facing
Additionally, in the first 6 months of the year, about 10.84 challenges such as environmental concerns, infrastructure
billion USD worth of FDI capital was disbursed, an increase gaps, and regulatory issues. These factors could affect
of 8.2% over the same period in 2023. Meanwhile, Singapore long-term sustainability and require continued government
emerged as the top investor USD, which represents nearly intervention and active participation from the private sector.
36.7% of total foreign capital into Vietnam and shows an On the other hand, Vietnam's economic forecast remains
86% year-on-year growth. It was followed by Japan, Hong positive, with ongoing growth fueled by manufacturing,
Kong (China), the Republic of Korea, and China. exports, and foreign investment. Aligning strategically with
global trade agreements and growing digital economy
sectors will further bolster its position as a key player in
Southeast Asia's economic landscape. Lastly, embracing the
Green Economy offers a sustainable path forward
sustainable growth and development, enabling responsible
and environmentally conscious business practices.
Huyen Nguyen
Managing Partner, Forvis Mazars in Vietnam
Minh Nguyen
Partner, Head of Advisory, Forvis Mazars in Vietnam
Sustainability remains the key growth sector in Vietnam. Economic opportunities: investments in renewable energy
This is driven by several factors - economic growth, climate projects, including wind and solar farms, sustainable
change, and Vietnam's commitment to net-zero carbon agriculture, and eco-tourism, have created economic
emissions by 2050. opportunities and green jobs, driving development and
environmental protection.
International commitment: at the UN Climate Change
Conference in Glasgow (COP26) in 2021, Prime Minister Already now, Vietnam’s share of electricity produced by
Pham Minh Chinh announced the country’s commitment to solar energy has increased from practically zero to nearly
phase out coal power generation by the 2040s and achieve 13%, higher than in other economies such as France or Japan,
net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. On July 26, 2022, in its making it the 10th largest solar power producer in the world.
National Strategy on Climate Change, Vietnam announced a
43.5% emissions-reduction target by 2030, sector-specific However, moving from coal to renewable energy requires a
emissions targets for 2030 and 2050, and qualitative serious shift in planning, production, and distribution. The
suggestions for achieving these goals. At COP28 in country will need to invest in enabling infrastructure—such
December 2023, Vietnam extended its climate commitments as transmission and distribution grids, as well as utility-scale
by joining the Global Cooling Pledge, which aims to reduce storage—to integrate renewables into the grid, bridge
greenhouse emissions from the cooling industry by at least short-term supply shortages, and cover distances between
68% by 2050. power plant sites and demand centers.
Vietnam's 2014 Law on Environmental Protection penalizes This economic shift should go hand-in-hand with the
violators, while the Revised Law on Environmental implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. In May
Protection, effective January 1, 2022, emphasizes community 2017, Vietnam promulgated the National Action Plan for the
involvement and business responsibility. Decision 450/QD- Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
TTg promotes circular economy development and waste Development (NAP 2030). General policies for the
management till 2030 to protect the environment. implementation of the SDGs in Vietnam have been issued in
synergy with the Resolutions and Directives of the
Public support: in March 2024, TGM Research, in Government. The National Socio-Economic Development
collaboration with PRO Vietnam, has conducted the Waste Strategy for the period 2021-2030 has fully integrated 17
Segmentation in Vietnam report, offering invaluable insights SDGs into its directions, tasks, and solutions.
into consumer awareness, attitudes, and actions regarding
reduce, reuse, and recycle practices. Vietnamese individuals Vietnam has made remarkable progress towards some
across various cities exhibit a high level of environmental targets, but more efforts are needed to stay on course for
consciousness: goals related to GreenTech, including goal #6 Clean Water
95% of Vietnamese surveyed show interest in and Sanitation, goal #7 Affordable and Clean Energy, goal
environmental issues, #9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, goal #11
80% express concern about waste, with dust and air Sustainable Cities and Communities, and goal #12
pollution also being significant concerns, Responsible Consumption and Production.
83% believe the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) positively
impact the environment, however only 51% personally
sort all their waste.
Areas of focus for further development: include This creates big opportunities for CEEC countries to enter
wastewater treatment management, increasing the share the Vietnamese market, bring innovations, and ensure long-
of renewable energy, infrastructure development, urban term assurance from the Government, aligned with the
solid waste collection and treatment, environmental country strategy and international commitments.
pollution reduction, and the execution of sustainable
practices. Here is what General Manager of ALPLA, Marco Fritsche
shared on this topic:
For that, the Vietnamese government sees a big role played As a leading plastic processing company from Austria, with a
by international companies and investors. On March 14th, plant in Dong Nam Industrial Park, we offer our customers in
2024, during the Annual Vietnam Business Forum, Prime Vietnam attractive packaging solutions. Sustainability and
Minister Pham Minh Chinh stressed the importance of FDI green tech are very important aspects of our company
in promoting green growth. He also said that the processes. We see many opportunities in plastic recycling to
Government will focus on three guarantees (political complete the full cradle-to-cradle process. To enable this,
stability, social order and safety, and energy security), further development of waste collection infrastructure and
three breakthroughs (in institutions, laws, mechanisms and feedstock management is required, supported by
policies; in infrastructure development; and in administrative reforms and business incentives. This will
administrative reform and human resource development), provide an additional boost and attract more international
and three enhancements (enhancing the trust of investors.
enterprises, improving transparency and equality, and
strengthening support for enterprises in green and Tatiana Masalska – Laska
sustainable growth) to create favorable conditions for Chief Experience Officer at TGM Research
stable and sustainable enterprise development in Vietnam.
04 05 06
Fintech Healthcare Education
07 08 09
Agriculture Transportation Tourism
Real Estate
Vietnam has emerged as one of Asia’s great success stories, Vietnam has transformed into an exportoriented
backed by stable political system, commitment to manufacturing country as it embraced globalization and
sustainable growth, relatively low inflation, strong FDI trade liberalization over the past decade. There are many
inflows, youthful and digital population, and strong reasons which make Vietnam be considered the emerging
manufacturing sector. In addition, the country has a large manufacturing powerhouse in the region such as
domestic market and a growing middle class. These dynamic connectivity with supply chains, labor-intensive sectors and
factors have created an extraordinary opportunity for low production costs, trade partnerships with the world’s
international investors to take advantage of the regional largest trade organizations and significant regional and
growth prospective and focus their attention on Vietnam, global free-trade agreements, to name a few.
particularly in the manufacturing sector.
In 2023, Vietnam's economy continued to flourish with a GDP
growth rate of 5.05%, despite the global uncertainty. This Top position to leverage on regional Manufacturing
rate surpassed the global average of 2.7%. Last year, the Diversification Strategies
country experienced progressively robust economic growth
throughout each quarter, culminating in a remarkable This strategy has enabled Vietnam to capture a substantial
performance in the fourth quarter where it emerged as the amount of the production expansion from China and other
top-performing economy, expanding by 6.7%. This growth regional peers, due to its economic policies focused on
was largely propelled by significant contributions from key foreign investment support, infrastructure development.
service sectors, particularly tourism. The view for 2024 is
cautiously optimistic, the government is forecasting better According to the World Trade Organization, Vietnam ranked
performance with the GDP growth rate of 6%. 23rd among the world’s leading exporters in merchandise
trade in 2023, with a total export value of 354 billion USD.
These economic achievements make the country one of the
few economies globally to grow amidst turbulent times. Oxford Economics experts predict that Vietnam’s share of
global electrical exports will continue to grow, reaching
Vietnam’s manufacturing accounts for more than 20% of the approximately 4% by 2025.
country’s GDP. It means faster manufacturing growth will
boost GDP growth. Progressive taxation and FDI support policies
Production location Investors may be eligible for various tax, fee, and accounting
incentives depending on the location of their project. These
Manufacturing enterprises are typically permitted to may include:
establish production facilities in areas designated according • CIT incentives, such as the application of a lower corporate
to state and provincial planning. These areas are generally income tax rate than the standard rate for a definite term or
divided into two categories: (i) those located in industrial for the entire duration of the investment project, tax
zones, such as industrial parks, economic zones, export exemptions or reductions, and other incentives in
processing parks, and high-tech parks, and (ii) those located accordance with the law on corporate income. Some specific
outside of industrial zones, such as in industrial clusters, incentives include a 17% tax rate instead of the standard
residential areas, and urban areas. 20% rate, tax exemption for up to 2 years, and a 50%
reduction in tax payable for up to the next 4 years.
However, the general policy of the Vietnamese government • Exemption from import tax on goods imported to create
and local authorities is to require factories to be located fixed assets, raw materials, supplies, and components
within industrial parks. This is because industrial parks have imported for production in accordance with the law on
the necessary infrastructure and facilities for manufacturing import and export tax.
activities, including factories, electricity and water supply, • Exemption or reduction of land use levy, land lease, and
industrial waste treatment, limited environmental impact, land use tax.
and convenient transportation systems (such as proximity to • Accelerated depreciation, increasing the amount of
highways, ports, warehouses, and supply partners). expenses that can be deducted when calculating taxable
As a result, it is currently quite difficult and often not
possible to establish a manufacturing facility outside of an For projects which are not located in investment preferential
industrial zone or a similar structure. areas, the regular CIT rate of 20% will usually be applied,
unless they fall into the fields of investment incentives as
Environmental protection prescribed by prevailing tax and investment laws.
Vietnam places a high priority on environmental protection
by minimizing production activities that have negative “Vietnam offers many advantages that attract foreign direct
impacts on the environment and avoiding the use of outdated investment in manufacturing, including a stable business
technology that depletes resources. The country prioritizes environment, openness to new-generation Free Trade
production activities that use high technology and are Agreements, and an abundant labor force. The country’s
environmentally friendly. preferential policies for foreign investors, which include
reducing some administrative procedures for investment,
Based on factors such as the scale of land, sea, and water further demonstrate its openness to foreign investment.
surface use, the scale of resource exploitation, and
environmental sensitivity, the Law on Environmental However, the procedures for obtaining operational and
Protection divides investment projects into four groups (I, II, manufacturing licenses can still be quite complicated. To
III, IV), each with different requirements. Specifically: enter the market legally and avoid potential problems,
• Group I includes projects with a high risk of adverse investors should carefully consider legal factors and develop
impacts on the environment. of clear understanding of prevailing regulations and the
• Group II includes projects with a risk of adverse impacts on commercial best practices in Vietnam”.
the environment.
• Group III includes projects with a low risk of adverse
impacts on the environment. Vlad Savin
• Group IV includes projects with no risk of adverse impacts Partner at Acclime Vietnam
on the environment.
The digital economy in Vietnam has exhibited remarkable The Vietnamese Government recognizes digital
growth and vitality, outpaced traditional GDP metrics and transformation as a crucial driver for sustained economic
now presents an enticing window of opportunity for growth and prosperity. Currently, various agencies are
investors seeking dynamic markets with significant charged with supporting and regulating different facets of
potential for returns. This rapid expansion is driven by a Vietnam's digital economy.
convergence of factors including robust technological
infrastructure, increasing internet penetration, and a young, Over the years, the Vietnamese government has enacted
tech-savvy population eager to embrace digital innovations. several laws to oversee the digital economy. The
Sectors such as e-Commerce, fintech, digital media, and implementation of these laws is governed by decrees and
technology-driven services have flourished, fueling job decisions that provide specific guidance. Notably, Decision
creation, entrepreneurship, and economic development. No.411/QD-TTg approving the national strategy for the
digital economy and society development by 2025, and the
Increasing digitalization of the economy and society is Decision No. 749/QD-TTg 2020 national digital
changing the ways people act and interact worldwide. In transformation program through 2025, as well as other
recent years, Vietnam has been also witnessing the rapid Vietnam's Free Trade Agreements such as ASEAN, CPTPP.
growth of digital sectors with double-digit CAGR which has
presented the potential to transform the country into Asia’s VIETNAM DIGITAL GROWTH PROFILE.
next high-income economy, and to bring up the living
standards of all of Vietnam’s citizens over the coming With an average GDP of US$ 4,284 per capita, Vietnam is
decades. the lower middle-income economies. The country has
generally been focused on resilience and sustainability than
DIGITAL GROWTH WAS UPENDED WITH THE ONSET OF richer economies but room to improve on inclusiveness and
COVID-19. innovativeness.
Unlocking the Fintech Opportunity in Vietnam. alongside US$495 million directed towards financial
services. This influx of capital underscores the growing
Vietnam remains one of the most attractive markets in the dynamism of the sector within the country.
region for investors interested in the fintech sector, and the
potential for value creation is significant. To surf on the Recently, MFast successfully secured US$6 million in
Fintech wave, entrants should be aware of the complex funding to tackle the financial services disparity in
regulatory framework, take advantage of the digital Vietnam's rural regions. With banking services
workforce as well and understand potential challenges predominantly concentrated in urban areas, a significant
ahead to build successful and sustainable products for portion of the rural population remains underserved. MFast's
consumers in Vietnam. initiative aims to bridge this gap, enhancing financial
inclusivity across the nation.
TRANSFORMATION. According to Statista, Vietnam is currently home to over 260
fintech startups, offering a diverse array of services such as
“Cashless transactions in 2023 were valued at 23 times the digital payments, alternative finance, wealth management,
GDP, estimated at US$9,890 billion, while Vietnam's GDP and blockchain technology. The market is characterized by
reached approximately US$430 billion (State Bank of intense competition, reflecting its vibrant and rapidly
Vietnam)” evolving landscape.
In the first four months of 2024, non-cash payments This transition is evidenced by the impressive growth rates
continued to show solid year-on-year growth. Cashless in non-cash payment and digital banking activities during
transactions increased by 57.11% in number and 39.49% in the first two months of 2024, with QR code payment
value, with internet transactions rising by 47.48% in number transactions skyrocketing by 846.41% and 1,146.14%
and 30.20% in value, and mobile transactions growing by compared to the same period in 2023.
59.26% in number and 35.91% in value.
The year 2023 marked a pivotal moment with the official
FUNDING AND THE NUMBER OF FINTECH FIRMS. launch of a bilateral cross-border QR payment link between
Vietnam and Cambodia. This initiative enables citizens to
The Vietnam Innovation & Tech Investment Report 2024 conveniently scan QR codes for payments in either country
reveals that from 2013 to 2023, a substantial US$1.04 billion using their local currencies, enhancing financial
has been invested in payment FinTech startups in Vietnam,
HEALTHCARE SECTOR OVERVIEW Currently, healthcare facilities in Vietnam are crowded and
The healthcare sector is one of the fastest-growing understaffed, and there is a need for equipment
industries in Vietnam. Per capita spending is increasing, development. Vietnam is laying the foundation for a digital
along with the booming middle class. healthcare industry, with a roadmap set in 2019 by the
Ministry of Health to digitalize patient records at hospitals
Key facts: and establish smart hospitals.
Health insurance coverage rate: 92%
Source: BMI Fitch – Vietnam Healthcare Report
Health expenditure CAGR: 14 %
In 2022, Vietnam's health expenditure reached USD 21 EuroCham's sector committee for the innovative pharma
billion, with strong growth over the last decade, and a industry advocates for faster and sustainable access to
forecasted compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14% in innovative drugs in Vietnam, focusing on key topics such as
the next five years. Comparing to ASEAN countries, per sector development, health financing, regulatory issues,
capita health expenditure in Vietnam is still behind. Just procurement, and legal and ethics compliance.
under half of the health expenditure is represented by
pharmaceuticals, a similar amount for medical services,
while medical devices have a smaller share.
Education, Innovation and Technology. WHAT IS THE BEDROCK OF VIETNAM EDTECH GROWTH?
High internet penetration: 79.1% of total population.
In recent years, a significant number of investors have The Government of Vietnam’s commitment to Edtech is
shifted their focus towards the education sector in search of demonstrated through policies, master plans, and
more opportunities in Vietnam, and specifically towards the national initiatives.
EdTech market vertical, which is still at its early stages in Vietnam's population is predominantly young and digital
the country. As estimated, the EdTech Market in Vietnam natives.
may value up to USD 3 billion. In addition, the Vietnamese The middle class has been on the rise and growing
authorities have promoted E-learning initiatives, enabling increasingly diverse. People of Gen X and Gen Y who
parents and students to switch their attention towards have a good education background and high income, are
online learning and digital resources. starting to become parents and they are willing to spend
more to let their children access the required knowledge
Funding in Edtech by years.
Vietnamese citizens are increasingly recognizing the
benefits of digital education platforms, whether for learning Million USD
new languages, gaining exposure to STEM subjects, or
upskilling to improve job prospects. Access to the latest
data from United Nations Population Fund, the country
boasts a young and vibrant demographic with 68% of its
population aged 15-64. This tech-savvy generation is eager
for high-quality education and readily embraces innovative
learning solutions.
Source: pixabay
Market entry guide
Market entry scenarios and licensing prerequisites If the Edtech company provides a technological solution
to support classroom-related tasks such as checking
In the Vietnam market entry process, investors are generally attendance; assigning and marking homework; keeping
required to register all business lines corresponding to the track of the study progress; providing a library of study
day-to-day services they are seeking to provide: materials, etc, it may only need to register the
Educational services Technology correspondent business lines.
Technology services
Trading services “In 2024, the digital education sector in Vietnam is poised
for growth, being one of the most active in regard to funding
Depending on the specific field of operations, the Edtech and innovative startups capturing market value. As
investor will select and apply for suitable business lines education is one of the cornerstone strategic development
which will allow the investor to operate in Vietnam in a pillars for the Vietnamese authorities to ensure a
compliant manner: competitive position within the global landscape, we expect
If the Edtech company creates its online courses and the digital education sector to be at the forefront of the
provides e-learning activities to the users, it should Vietnamese economic transformation and drive consistent
register business lines to cover the educational and growth in the next decade. “
technology activities.
In case the Edtech company distributes online Vlad Savin
courses/packages of a third party to users but doesn’t Partner, Acclime Vietnam
create its lectures/programs or provide an ecommerce
platform for education, it may only need to register
business lines to cover the technology and trading
activities, provided that the curriculum it distributes
meets all the legal requirements.
Vietnam has a long-rooted tradition in agriculture as the Although the FDI attraction of the sector has been
country's economy was heavily depended on the sector for sufficiently encouraging, the structure of investments has
centuries. T industrialization triggered by the Doi Moi failed to match the sector’s development orientation. It has
brought down the sector's share in the GDP from 40% to to date primarily focused on wood processing and exports,
11.88% in 2022, the overall GDP value has been steadily animal husbandry, and the coffee and pepper trade and
increasing in recent years. In 2023, the country's export exports (2009-21, foreign investors only registered under
turnover (agriculture, forestry, and fisheries) exceeded 53 2,000 projects, accounting for just 5.7% of all projects in
billion U.S. dollars (surplus of 12.07 billion dollars) 2023 was Vietnam, with 17.64 billion USD worth of investment, or 4.3%
a historical peak in rice exports at 8.3 million tons, of total investment, with majority of from Asian countries,
meanwhile Viet Nam’s agricultural exports rank second in mainly investing in areas surrounding the capital city of
Southeast Asia and 15th in the world. In over 3 decades the Hanoi and the Mekong Delta).
country has managed the transition from a net importer
position to become a global leading exporter of agricultural
commodities: rice, coffee, pepper, rubber, walnuts.
Moreover, Vietnam's strategic geographical location has Recognizing the industry's potential, Vietnam has made
positioned it as a crucial hub for regional and international concerted efforts to invest in vocational training and
trade routes, further bolstering the growth of its logistics education tailored to logistics. This strategic focus has led
industry. The government's proactive approach in promoting to a steady increase in the pool of well-trained
logistics development through initiatives like the National professionals, equipped with the necessary expertise in
Logistics Development Master Plan has played a pivotal role supply chain management, warehouse operations, and
in fostering a conducive environment for industry growth. As transportation logistics.
a result, multinational companies have increasingly looked
to Vietnam as a manufacturing and distribution base, driving
demand for sophisticated logistics services. Looking ahead,
the ongoing expansion of infrastructure and continued
improvements in regulatory frameworks are expected to
sustain the momentum of Vietnam's logistics industry,
making it a key player in Southeast Asia's logistics
Source: a. hartrodt
Administrative easements have played a crucial role in Connectivity to overseas markets has been a cornerstone of
facilitating the growth of Vietnam's logistics industry by Vietnam's logistics industry growth, supported by strategic
streamlining bureaucratic processes and reducing investments in transportation infrastructure and trade
regulatory burdens. The government's initiatives to simplify agreements. Vietnam boasts a network of modern ports such
licensing procedures, customs clearance, and transportation as Hai Phong, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City, which serve as
permits have significantly improved operational efficiency vital gateways for international trade. These ports have
for logistics firms. These administrative reforms have not undergone extensive upgrades to accommodate larger
only minimized red tape but also fostered a more business- vessels and increase handling capacity, facilitating
friendly environment, encouraging both domestic and smoother import and export activities. Furthermore, the
foreign investments in the sector. By enhancing development of integrated logistics hubs around these ports
transparency and predictability in administrative has enhanced efficiency in cargo handling and distribution,
procedures, Vietnam has successfully attracted more making Vietnam an attractive transshipment hub for goods
players to its logistics market, thereby bolstering its destined for markets across Asia and beyond.
competitiveness regionally and globally.
In addition to maritime infrastructure, Vietnam has invested
Sector committees of the CEEC and EUROCHAM are actively in enhancing air cargo capabilities, with major airports like
involved in shaping the legislative framework by Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City and
participating in talks and cooperation with the authorities. Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi serving as key logistics
nodes. These airports have expanded their cargo facilities
and connectivity to global air routes, enabling swift and
reliable transport of time-sensitive goods. The country's
participation in free trade agreements such as the
Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the
EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) has further
bolstered connectivity to overseas markets by reducing
tariffs and trade barriers, promoting greater integration into
global supply chains. As Vietnam continues to improve its
connectivity infrastructure and trade relations, its logistics
industry is poised to play an increasingly pivotal role in
regional and international trade dynamics
Lukasz Kozlowski
CEO & Co-Founder of MakeYourAsia
Source: VIR
Foreign Direct Investment disbursement reached 10.84 Vietnam's retail sector is robust, driven by rising occupancy
billion USD, highlighting the country's growing appeal to rates and rental growth, with active participation from
international investors. Infrastructure development, Chinese retailers in F&B and lifestyle brands.
particularly in the southern region, continues to be a key
driver of industrial growth. The southern area accounted for In Hanoi, the retail market maintains a 90% occupancy rate,
69% of total expressway completion between 2023 and the indicating strong consumer interest and retailer confidence.
forecast for 2025. The city anticipates adding 270,000 square meters of retail
space by 2026, attracting foreign retailers focused on F&B,
In the industrial real estate market, land rentals have seen fashion, and cosmetics. This expansion is set to diversify
mild growth as absorption rates moderate. Ready-built Hanoi's retail offerings, bolstering its appeal to both local
factories continue to enjoy healthy occupancy, with more and international shoppers and highlighting its growth
evident rental increases. The warehouse segment recorded potential in the coming years.
strong performance in southern markets during the first six
months of the year. In Ho Chi Minh City, retail expansion in both the central
business district (CBD) and secondary areas is fueled by a
Major manufacturers such as Samsung, LG, Foxconn, and dynamic young population, a burgeoning middle class, and
Goertek have shown increased commitment to Vietnam. rising affluence, contributing to a 93% occupancy rate. By
While the expansion of Vietnam's logistics sector is 2026, the city anticipates the introduction of 188,000 square
expected to benefit warehouse demand, there may be a meters of new retail space to support the needs of its
temporary oversupply in the short term. expanding youthful demographic and growing middle class.
New industrial land supply remains limited in the south, Sources: W Business Center, NAI Vietnam, CBRE Vietnam,
which could impact future development opportunities. Savills Vietnam, Knight Frank Vietnam, VnExpress
Despite some challenges, the overall outlook for Vietnam's
industrial sector in 2024 remains positive, with continued
growth expected across various segments. Tsvyatko Kabahchiyski
COO of W Business Center