EPISODE 1 (Freely?)

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Student Profile

Name: Freely joy R. Nacion

Address: Imelda Labason Zamboanga Del Norte
Date of Birth: October 14,2002
Place of Birth: Liloy Zamboanga del Norte
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Bible Baptist Church
Age: 21 years old
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Mobile number: 09610283239
Hobby: Listening to music and eating
Motto in Life: “ For with God nothing is impossible.”
Name: Freely joy R. Nacion Name of School: Southern Peninsula College
Course and Year: BSED 4 – English School Address: Gil Sanchez Labason Z.N
EPISODE 1 Date of Visit: July 23, 2024


1. Describe the School Campus. (Colors, Condition of the building, Facilities etc.) The
school Campus of Southern Peninsula College.

Answer: The School Campus of SOUTHERN PENINSULA COLLEGE is a nice

environment for students to learn where its color also it’s very calm in the eyes, I love the
color combination which is the color (green, red, and white). The condition of its building
has a strong foundation and also there’s a lot of facilities there like new equipment for
learning, the faculty and staff also committed to create a supportive and enriching
environment for their students.

2. How do the School Campus and the classroom in particular impact on the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
Answer: The school campus and classroom environment play a significant role in shaping
a student’s learning experience. These spaces can either enhance or hinder a student’s
ability to learn, focus, and thrive academically. Schools are always changing, and they
need to keep up with those changes to help students learn best. It’s like a living thing that
needs to grow and adapt to stay healthy.

3. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? or Why not?
Answer: I think for me, its yes because as what I’ve observed most of students and
teachers there is very approachable and friendly, I feel like I’m comfortable and belong to
them even if I’m not a “Peninsularian”. It seems like it is a place where students and
teachers can truly learn and grow together.

4. What kind of School Campus and classroom is conducive to learning?

Answer: The kind of School Campus and classroom is conducive to learning is a
“School Nature” it means that, it is a positive and supportive school culture it can create a
sense of belonging and safety, which are essential for student success. Students who feel
connected to their school and their peers are more likely to be engaged in learning and
also for those teachers who create a supportive and engaging classroom environment can
motivate students, build their confidence, and help them develop a love of learning.

Prepared by: Freely joy Nacion

Submitted to: Sir Gerwil Descallar

1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences
when you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the
learners you observed?

Answer: While I’m observing the learners, they remind me a lot of myself at that age.
We were both figuring out who we were, trying new things, and making lots of
friends. It’s pretty cool to see that part of life is kind of the same for everyone. But
there are some differences too. I think kids today have way more technology than we
did back then. They’re always on their phones, which is something we didn’t have
much of. And maybe they have more pressure to do well in school than we did. At
the same time I’m happy watching them because I observed that all of them are
enjoying learning.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did
she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social,
cognitive)? How did it affect you?

Answer: I remember my Grade 7 teacher, she was a bit strict but adorable. She always
made sure everyone felt comfortable and safe in class. If someone was having a
tough day, she’d talk to them and offer a kind word or a hug. She really cared about
us, not just as students but as people. She made me feel like I could do anything. I
still remember how proud I felt when I got a good grade on a writing essays because
of her help. She taught me that it’s okay to make mistakes and that learning is a
journey. She made me feel loved and supported, and I’ll never forget her.

3. Share your other insights here.

Answer: Teachers are superheroes: Teachers have a really tough job, but they make
such a difference in the lives of their students. They help students learn, grow, and
become the best versions of themselves.

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