Zoos are a quintessential school experience for many young people. Children
love learning about animals up-close in a safe environment — in fact, education
is possibly the biggest advantage of modern zoos. Many programs, like school
presentations, guided tours, informational exhibits, and talks with zookeepers
can trigger a lifelong love of animals in children.
Rebuttals: As the {?] speaker said that zoo help educate children about
animals, But zoos aren’t perfect in this regard. According to a study of zoo
visitors in the UK, only 34 percent of children learned more about animals at
zoos (the result was slightly better when the children were given a guided tour).
Worse, children did not feel empowered to help with conservation efforts after
visiting a zoo. Zoo argue that they serve an educational purpose, this
argument does not justify the imprisonment of the individual animals. They
may also argue that spending time with the animals inspires people to
protect them, but their idea of protecting the animals consists of taking
them out of the wild to confine them in cages and pens. Furthermore,
animal advocates would argue that the main lesson taught by the zoo is that
we have the right to imprison animals for humans to gawk at. Zoos love to
use the old, tired argument that when children see an animal, they will have
an affinity for it and want to protect it. But here's the thing, every kid on
earth loves dinosaurs but not one kid has ever seen a dinosaur.
Breeding programs
The world is facing an extinction crisis, and many people are doing the best
they can to save at-risk species. Captive breeding and release will become an
increasingly important tool to save species from extinction,” Dr Stojanovic
“But our review shows that breeding animals in captivity may sometimes result
in unexpected changes that could disadvantage them after their release to the
wild. If animals change in captivity to the point that they have difficulty
surviving and breeding in the wild, then we need to take a closer look at why
this problem arises and work out how to fix it.” He said.
What is the point of the breeding program if the animals are not returned to the wild because of
the changes caused by the breeding program?
Rebuttals: As the [?] speaker mentioned that Zoo save endangered species .Many
participate in breeding programs for endangered species,t. But imprisoning a
small number of individuals for the sake of the species violates the rights of
the individual. A species does not have rights because it is not sentient.
"Species" is a scientific category designated by people, not a sentient being
capable of suffering. The best way to save endangered species is by
protecting their habitat. This is an effort everyone has to get behind because
we are in the middle of the sixth mass extinction, and we are losing animals
at a terribly rapid rate.
Going to the Zoo Is Affordable More ethical ways of engaging with animals
without removing them from their natural habitats — like whale watching,
safaris, hikes, or excursions — are usually expensive or inaccessible for many
people. Zoos tend to be relatively cheap for the average family that wants to
learn about animals.
Rebuttals: As the [?] speaker mentioned that zoo is more affordable way of engaging with animals
than other activities that is more expensive, but as I or my team mate said that As we go beyond
evolving technologies , we can freely search the animals that we want to know more without going to
the zoo, or even watch documentaries. IMDB website have more than 20 documentaries about
animals and you can watch it for free. Researh from Hannah Goldstein Shows that captivity has
an impact on animals’ brains and the way they behave. Which means that u cant really learn
about animals and their natural behaviours in the zoo.
A good zoo provides an enriched habitat in which the animals are never bored,
are well cared for, and have plenty of space. Seeing an animal in person is a
much more personal and more memorable experience than seeing that animal
in a nature documentary and is more likely to foster an empathetic attitude
toward animals.
Rebuttals: As the [?] speaker mentioned, A good zoo provides an enriched habitat in
which the animals are never bored are well cared for but base on our research