9300 Vector..
9300 Vector..
9300 Vector..
com - Lenze
System Manual
efesotomasyon.com - Lenze
Contents i
1 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1−1
1.1 How to use this System Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1−1
1.1.1 Information provided by the System Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1−1
1.1.2 Document history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1−2
1.1.3 Products to which the System Manual applies . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1−3
1.2 Legal regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2−1
1.3 Conventions used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3−1
1.4 Notes used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4−1
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efesotomasyon.com - Lenze
i Contents
ii EDSVF9383V EN 6.0−11/2009
efesotomasyon.com - Lenze
Contents i
6 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6−1
6.1 Before switching on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1−1
6.2 Selection of the correct operating mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2−1
6.3 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3−1
6.3.1 Commissioning example in V/f characteristic control mode 6.3−1
6.3.2 Commissioning example in vector control mode . . . . . . . . . . 6.3−5
6.4 Controller inhibit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4−1
6.5 Changing the assignment of the control terminals X5 and X6 . . . . . . 6.5−1
6.5.1 Free configuration of digital input signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5−1
6.5.2 Free configuration of digital outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5−3
6.5.3 Free configuration of analog input signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5−4
6.5.4 Free configuration of analog outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5−6
6.6 Adjusting the motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6−1
6.6.1 Entry of motor data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6−1
6.6.2 Motor selection list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6−4
6.6.3 Motor temperature monitoring with PTC or thermal contact 6.6−9
6.6.4 Motor temperature monitoring with KTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6−11
6.6.5 Current limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6−15
6.6.6 Automatic collection of motor data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6−16
6.7 Setting the speed feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7−1
6.7.1 Incremental encoder with TTL level at X8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7−2
6.7.2 Incremental encoder with HTL level at X9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7−3
6.8 Operating mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.8−1
6.8.1 V/f characteristic control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.8−4
6.8.2 Vector control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.8−8
6.9 Switching frequency of the inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9−1
6.10 Acceleration, deceleration, braking, stopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10−1
6.10.1 Speed range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10−1
6.10.2 Setting acceleration times and deceleration times in
speed mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10−3
6.10.3 Quick stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10−4
6.10.4 Changing the direction of rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10−5
6.11 Optimising the operating behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11−1
6.11.1 Slip compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11−1
6.11.2 Oscillation damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11−3
6.11.3 Boost correction with V/f characteristic control . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11−5
6.11.4 Motor magnetising current with vector control . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11−9
i Contents
8 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8−1
8.1 Important notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1−1
8.2 Function blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2−1
8.2.1 Diameter calculator (DCALC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2−1
8.2.2 Master frequency input (DFIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2−5
8.2.3 Master frequency output (DFOUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2−8
8.2.4 Master frequency ramp−function generator (DFRFG) . . . . . . 8.2−13
8.2.5 Master frequency processing (DFSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2−18
8.2.6 Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control
(MCTRL1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2−25
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) . . . . . . 8.2−40
8.3 Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−1
8.3.1 Fault responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−1
8.3.2 Monitoring times for process data input objects . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−2
8.3.3 Maximum speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−3
8.3.4 Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−3
8.3.5 Controller current load (I x t monitoring) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−4
8.3.6 Motor temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−5
8.3.7 Heatsink temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−6
8.3.8 DC−bus voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−7
8.3.9 External error (EEr) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3−7
8.4 Overview of monitoring functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4−1
8.5 Code table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5−1
iv EDSVF9383V EN 6.0−11/2009
efesotomasyon.com - Lenze
Contents i
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efesotomasyon.com - Lenze
i Contents
14 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14−1
14.1 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1−1
14.1.1 Terminology and abbreviations used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1−1
14.2 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2−1
vi EDSVF9383V EN 6.0−11/2009
efesotomasyon.com - Lenze
1 Preface
Target group This System Manual is intended for all persons who design, install,
commission, and adjust the 9300 vector frequency inverter.
Together with the System Manual (extension), document number
EDSV9383V−EXT and the catalog it forms the basis for project planning for
the manufacturer of plants and machinery.
Contents The System Manual is the basis for the description of the 9300 vector
frequency inverter. Together with the System Manual (extension),
document number EDSVF9383V−EXT, a complete System Manual is
ƒ The features and functions are described in detail.
ƒ Examples describe how to set the parameters for typical applications.
ƒ In case of doubt, the Operating Instructions enclosed with the 9300
vector frequency inverter always apply.
Contents of the System Manual Contents of the System Manual (extension)
1 Preface 1 Preface
2 Safety ˘
3 Technical data ˘
4 Installing the basic device ˘
5 Wiring the basic device ˘
6 Commissioning ˘
7 Parameter setting ˘
8 Configuration 2 Configuration
8.1 Description of the function blocks 2.1 Configuration with Global Drive
Diameter calculator (DCALC) Control
Digital frequency input (DFIN)
Digital frequency output (DFOUT) 2.2 Basic configurations
Digital frequency ramp function
generator (DFRFG) 2.3 How to use function blocks
Digital frequency processing 2.4 Function blocks
(description of the other function
Internal motor control with V/f blocks)
characteristic control (MCTRL1)
Internal motor control with vector 2.5 Monitoring
control (MCTRL2)
8.2 Code table
8.3 Selection lists
8.4 Table of attributes
9 Troubleshooting and fault elimination ˘
10 DC−bus operation ˘
11 Safety engineering ˘
12 Braking operation ˘
˘ 3 Application examples
˘ 4 Signal flow diagrams
13 Accessories ˘
14 Appendix 5 Appendix
How to find information Use the System Manual as the basis. It contains references to the
corresponding chapters in the System Manual Supplement:
ƒ Each chapter is a complete unit and comprehensively informs about a
ƒ The Table of Contents and Index help you to find all information about
a certain topic.
ƒ Descriptions and data of other Lenze products (Drive PLC, Lenze geared
motors, Lenze motors, ...) can be found in the corresponding catalogs,
Operating Instructions and manuals. The required documentation can
be ordered at your Lenze sales partner or downloaded as PDF file from
the Internet.
Documentation and software updates for further Lenze products
can be found on the Internet in the "Services & Downloads" area
Controller type
EVF Frequency inverter
– 400 V – –
V030 400 V · –
V060 400 V – ·
V110 400 V · ·
V210 400 V / 500 V – –
V240 400 V / 500 V · –
V270 400 V / 500 V – ·
V300 400 V / 500 V · ·
Hardware version
Software version
EVF 93xx ˘ E V Vxxx 1x 8x
Product series
EVF Frequency inverter
EVM... EVL...
EVM: Master of EVF
EVL: Slave of EVF
Made in EC
Type Type: EVF
Master Slave
E Built−in unit EVM EVL
V Vector−controlled frequency inverter 1
X: Slave L
H a n s - L e n z e - St r a s s e 1
D-31855 Aerzen
Made in EC
Variant Integrated RFI filter A Prod.-No.:
Integrated brake Input:
33 . 9335VE . 1A . 70 . V030
– 400 V – –
V030 400 V · –
V060 400 V – ·
V110 400 V · ·
V210 400 V / 500 V – –
V240 400 V / 500 V · –
V270 400 V / 500 V – ·
V300 400 V / 500 V · ·
Hardware version
Software version
– Slave (no software version)
Liability The information, data, and notes in this System Manual met the state of the
art at the time of printing. Claims on modifications referring to controllers
and components which have already been supplied cannot be derived from
the information, illustrations, and descriptions.
The specifications, processes, and circuitry described in this System Manual
are for guidance only and must be adapted to your own specific application.
Lenze does not take responsibility for the suitability of the process and circuit
The specifications in this System Manual describe the product features
without guaranteeing them.
Lenze does not accept any liability for damage and operating interference
caused by:
ƒ Disregarding the System Manual
ƒ Unauthorised modifications to the controller
ƒ Operating errors
ƒ Improper working on and with the controller
Warranty See terms of sales and delivery of the Lenze Automation GmbH.
Warranty claims must be made to Lenze immediately after detecting the
deficiency or fault.
The warranty is void in all cases where liability claims cannot be made.
The following pictographs and signal words are used in this documentation
to indicate dangers and important information:
(characterises the type and severity of danger)
(describes the danger and gives information about how to
prevent dangerous situations)
electrical voltage.
Danger! Reference to an imminent danger that may result in
death or serious personal injury if the corresponding
measures are not taken.
Danger of personal injury through a general source of
Danger! Reference to an imminent danger that may result in
death or serious personal injury if the corresponding
measures are not taken.
Danger of property damage.
Reference to a possible danger that may result in
Stop! property damage if the corresponding measures are
not taken.
UL−approved device in UL−approved systems.
Warnings! Possibly the drive system is not operated in
compliance with UL if the corresponding measures are
not taken.
Safety or application note for the operation of a
UR−approved device in UL−approved systems.
Warnings! Possibly the drive system is not operated in
compliance with UL if the corresponding measures are
not taken.
Safety instructions 2
2 Safety instructions
2.1 General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers . . . . . . . . . 2.1−1
2.2 General safety and application instructions for Lenze motors . . . . . . 2.2−1
2.3 Residual hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3−1
Safety instructions 2
General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers 2.1
For your personal safety Disregarding the following safety measures can lead to severe injury to
persons and damage to material:
ƒ Only use the product as directed.
ƒ Never commission the product in the event of visible damage.
ƒ Never commission the product before assembly has been completed.
ƒ Do not carry out any technical changes on the product.
ƒ Only use the accessories approved for the product.
ƒ Only use original spare parts from Lenze.
ƒ Observe all regulations for the prevention of accidents, directives and
laws applicable on site.
ƒ Transport, installation, commissioning and maintenance work must
only be carried out by qualified personnel.
– Observe IEC 364 and CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100 and IEC
report 664 or DIN VDE 0110 and all national regulations for the
prevention of accidents.
– According to the basic safety information, qualified, skilled personnel
are persons who are familiar with the assembly, installation,
commissioning, and operation of the product and who have the
qualifications necessary for their occupation.
ƒ Observe all specifications in this documentation.
– This is the condition for safe and trouble−free operation and the
achievement of the specified product features.
– The procedural notes and circuit details described in this
documentation are only proposals. It is up to the user to check
whether they can be transferred to the particular applications. Lenze
Automation GmbH does not accept any liability for the suitability of
the procedures and circuit proposals described.
ƒ Lenze controllers (frequency inverters, servo inverters, DC speed
controllers) and the accessory components can include live and
rotating parts − depending on their type of protection − during
operation. Surfaces can be hot.
– Non−authorised removal of the required cover, inappropriate use,
incorrect installation or operation create the risk of severe injury to
persons or damage to material assets.
– For more information, please see the documentation.
ƒ High amounts of energy are produced in the controller. Therefore it is
required to wear personal protective equipment (body protection,
headgear, eye protection, ear protection, hand guard).
2 Safety instructions
2.1 General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers
Application as directed Controllers are components which are designed for installation in electrical
systems or machines. They are not to be used as domestic appliances, but
only for industrial purposes according to EN 61000−3−2.
When controllers are installed into machines, commissioning (i.e. starting of
the operation as directed) is prohibited until it is proven that the machine
complies with the regulations of the EC Directive 98/37/EC (Machinery
Directive); EN 60204 must be observed.
Commissioning (i.e. starting of the operation as directed) is only allowed
when there is compliance with the EMC Directive (2004/108/EC).
The controllers meet the requirements of the Low−Voltage Directive
2006/95/EC. The harmonised standard EN 61800−5−1 applies to the
The technical data and supply conditions can be obtained from the
nameplate and the documentation. They must be strictly observed.
Warning: Controllers are products which can be installed in drive systems of
category C2 according to EN 61800−3. These products can cause radio
interferences in residential areas. In this case, special measures can be
Transport, storage Please observe the notes on transport, storage, and appropriate handling.
Observe the climatic conditions according to the technical data.
Installation The controllers must be installed and cooled according to the instructions
given in the corresponding documentation.
The ambient air must not exceed degree of pollution 2 according to
EN 61800−5−1.
Ensure proper handling and avoid excessive mechanical stress. Do not bend
any components and do not change any insulation distances during
transport or handling. Do not touch any electronic components and
Controllers contain electrostatically sensitive devices which can easily be
damaged by inappropriate handling. Do not damage or destroy any
electrical components since this might endanger your health!
Safety instructions 2
General safety and application notes for Lenze controllers 2.1
Electrical connection When working on live controllers, observe the applicable national
regulations for the prevention of accidents (e.g. VBG 4).
The electrical installation must be carried out according to the appropriate
regulations (e.g. cable cross−sections, fuses, PE connection). Additional
information can be obtained from the documentation.
The documentation contains information on the installation according to
EMC (shielding, earthing, arrangement of filters, and installation of the
cables). Also observe this information with regard to drive controllers
labelled with CE marking. The manufacturer of the system or machine is
responsible for the compliance of the limit values required in connection
with EMC legislation. In order to observe the limit values for radio
interference emissions effective at the installation site, you have to mount
the drive controllers into housings (e. g. control cabinets). The housings have
to enable an EMC−compliant structure. Particularly observe that, for
instance, control cabinet doors preferably are metallically connected to the
housing in a circumferential manner. Reduce openings or apertures through
the housing to a minimum.
Lenze controllers can cause a DC current in the PE conductor. If a residual
current device (RCD) is used for the protection in the case of direct or indirect
contact on a three−phase supplied controller, only one residual current
device of type B is permissible on the current supply side of the controller. If
the controller is supplied with one phase, also a residual current device (RCD)
of type A may be used. Apart from the use of a residual current device (RCD)
also other protective measures can be used, like for instance isolation from
the environment by double or reinforced insulation or isolation from the
supply system by a transformer.
Operation If necessary, systems including controllers must be equipped with additional
monitoring and protection devices according to the valid safety regulations
(e.g. law on technical equipment, regulations for the prevention of
accidents). The controllers can be adapted to your application. Please
observe the corresponding information given in the documentation.
After the controller has been disconnected from the supply voltage, all live
components and power connections must not be touched immediately
because capacitors can still be charged. Please observe the corresponding
stickers on the controller.
All protection covers and doors must be shut during operation.
Notes for UL−approved systems with integrated controllers: UL warnings are
notes that only apply to UL systems. The documentation contains special UL
Safety functions Special controller variants support safety functions (e.g. "safe torque off",
formerly "safe standstill") according to the requirements of appendix I
No. 1.2.7 of the EC Directive "Machinery" 98/37/EC, EN 954−1 category 3 and
EN 1037. Strictly observe the notes on the safety functions given in the
documentation on the respective variants.
Maintenance and servicing The controllers do not require any maintenance if the prescribed operating
conditions are observed.
Disposal Recycle metals and plastics. Dispose of printed circuit board assemblies
according to the state of the art.
The product−specific safety and application notes given in these instructions
must be observed!
Safety instructions 2
General safety and application instructions for Lenze motors 2.2
General Low−voltage machines have hazardous live and rotating parts and possibly
also hot surfaces.
Synchronous machines induce voltages at open terminals during operation.
All operations concerning transport, connections, commissioning and
maintenance must be carried out by qualified, skilled personnel (EN 50110−1
(VDE 0105−100) and IEC 60364 must be observed). Inappropriate use creates
the risk of severe injury to persons and damage to material assets.
Low−voltage machines may only be operated under the conditions that are
indicated in the section "Application as directed".
The conditions at the place of installation must comply with the data given
on the nameplate and in the documentation.
Application as directed Low−voltage machines are intended for commercial installations. They
comply with the harmonised standards of the series EN60034 (VDE 0530).
Their use in potentially explosive atmospheres is prohibited unless they are
expressly intended for such use (follow additional instructions).
Low−voltage machines are components for installation into machines as
defined in the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Commissioning is
prohibited until the conformity of the end product with this directive has
been established (follow i.a. EN 60204−1)
Low−voltage machines with IP23 protection or less are only intended for
outdoor use when applying special protective features.
The integrated brakes must not be used as safety brakes. It cannot be ruled
out that factors which cannot be influenced, such as oil ingress due to a
defective A−side shaft seal, cause a brake torque reduction.
Transport, storage Damages must be reported immediately upon receipt to the forwarder; if
required, commissioning must be excluded. Tighten screwed−in ring bolts
before transport. They are designed for the weight of the low−voltage
machines, do not apply extra loads. If necessary, use suitable and adequately
dimensioned means of transport (e. g. rope guides).
Remove transport locking devices before commissioning. Reuse them for
further transport. When storing low−voltage machines, ensure a dry,
dust−free and low−vibration (veff £ 0.2 mm/s) environment (damages while
being stored).
2 Safety instructions
2.2 General safety and application instructions for Lenze motors
Installation Ensure an even surface, solid foot and flange mounting and exact alignment
if a direct clutch is connected. Avoid resonances with the rotational
frequency and double mains frequency which may be caused by the
assembly. Turn rotor by hand, listen for unusual slipping noises. Check the
direction of rotation when the clutch is not active (observe section "Electrical
Use appropriate means to mount or remove belt pulleys and clutches
(heating) and cover them with a touch guard. Avoid impermissible belt
The machines are half−key balanced. The clutch must be half−key balanced,
too. The visible jutting out part of the key must be removed.
If required, provide pipe connections. Designs with shaft end at bottom must
be protected with a cover which prevents the ingress of foreign particles into
the fan. Free circulation of the cooling air must be ensured. The exhaust air
− also the exhaust air of other machines next to the drive system − must not
be taken in immediately.
Electrical connection All operations must only be carried out by qualified and skilled personnel on
the low−voltage machine at standstill and deenergised and provided with a
safe guard to prevent an unintentional restart.This also applies to auxiliary
circuits (e. g. brake, encoder, blower).
Check safe isolation from supply!
If the tolerances specified in EN 60034−1; IEC 34 (VDE 0530−1) − voltage ±5 %,
frequency ±2 %, waveform, symmetry − are exceeded, more heat will be
generated and the electromagnetic compatibility will be affected.
Observe the data on the nameplate, operating notes, and the connection
diagram in the terminal box.
The connection must ensure a continuous and safe electrical supply (no
loose wire ends); use appropriate cable terminals. The connection to the PE
conductor must be safe. The plug−in connector must be bolt tightly (to stop).
The clearances between blank, live parts and to earth must not fall below
8 mm at Ur £ 550 V, 10 mm at Ur £ 725 V, 14 mm at Ur £ 1000 V.
The terminal box must be free of foreign particles, dirt and moisture. All
unused cable entries and the box itself must be sealed against dust and
Safety instructions 2
General safety and application instructions for Lenze motors 2.2
Commissioning and operation Before commissioning after longer storage periods, measure the insulation
resistance. In case of values £ 1 kW per volt of rated voltage, dry winding.
For trial run without output elements, lock the featherkey. Do not deactivate
the protective devices, not even in a trial run.
Check the correct operation of the brake before commissioning low−voltage
machines with brakes.
Integrated thermal detectors do not provide full protection for the machine.
If necessary, limit the maximum current. Parameterise the controller so that
the motor will be switched off with I > Ir after a few seconds of operation.
especially at the risk of blocking.
Vibrational severities veff £ 3.5 mm/s (Pr £ 15 kW) or 4.5 mm/s (Pr > 15 kW)
are acceptable if the clutch is activated.
If deviations from normal operation occur, e.g. increased temperatures,
noises, vibrations, find the cause and, if required, contact the manufacturer.
In case of doubt, switch off the low−voltage machine.
If the machine is exposed to dirt, clean the air channels regularly.
Shaft sealing rings and roller bearings have a limited service life.
Regrease bearings with relubricating devices while the low−voltage machine
is running. Only use the grease recommended by the manufacturer. If the
grease drain holes are sealed with a plug, (IP54 drive end; IP23 drive and
non−drive end), remove plug before commissioning. Seal bore holes with
grease. Replace prelubricated bearings (2Z bearing) after approx.
10,000 h − 20,000 h, at the latest however after 3 − 4 years.
The product−specific safety and application notes given in these instructions
must be observed!
Safety instructions 2
Residual hazards 2.3
Protection of persons ƒ Before working on the controller, check that no voltage is applied to
the power terminals:
– The power terminals U, V, W, +UG, −UG, BR1, BR2 and 101 ... 104
remain live for at least five minutes after disconnecting from the
– The power terminals L1, L2, L3, U, V, W, +UG, −UG, BR1, BR2 and
101 ... 104 remain live when the motor is stopped.
ƒ The leakage current to earth (PE) is >3.5 mA. EN 50178 requires a fixed
ƒ The heatsink of the controller has an operating temperature of > 80 °C:
– Direct skin contact causes burns.
ƒ During the parameter set transfer, the control terminals of the
controller can assume undefined states.
– For this reason, the connectors X5 and X6 have to be unplugged
before the transfer is executed. This ensures that the controller is
inhibited and all control terminals are in the defined state LOW".
Device protection ƒ Frequent mains switching (e.g. inching mode via mains contactor) can
overload and destroy the input current limitation of the controller.
– Thus, at least five minutes have to pass between two switch−on
– In case of frequent, safety−related disconnections use the
"safe torque off" safety function (STO).
Motor protection ƒ Certain drive controller settings can overheat the connected motor:
– E. g. long−time operation of the DC injection brake.
– Long−time operation of self−ventilated motors at low speeds.
Protection of the ƒ Drives can reach dangerous overspeeds (e. g. setting of high output
frequencies in connection with motors and machines not suitable for
this purpose):
– The drive controllers do not provide protection against such
operating conditions. For this purpose, use additional components.
Technical data 3
3 Technical data
Technical data 3
General data and operating conditions 3.1
Noise emission EN 61800−3 Cable−guided, up to 50 m motor cable length with
RFI filter: Category C2.
Radiation, with RFI filter and installation in control
cabinet: Category C2
Interference IEC/EN 61800−3 Category C3
3 Technical data
3.1 General data and operating conditions
Mounting conditions
Mounting place In the control cabinet
Mounting position Vertical
Free spaces 4−1
Technical data 3
Weights 3.2
3.2 Weights
Technical data 3
Open and closed−loop control 3.3
Field Values
Control methods V/f characteristic control (linear, square), vector control
Switching frequency 1 kHz, 2 kHz or 4 kHz
Torque behaviour in case of vector
Maximum torque 1.5 × Mr for 60 s if rated motor power = rated 9300 vector power
Setting range to 1:10 in the range of 6 ... 100 % fr
(1 : 20 with feedback)
Speed control without feedback
Min. mechanical motor frequency 1 % fr Torque 0 ... MN
Setting range 1 : 100 relating to fr and Mr
Accuracy ± 0.5 % fN in the range of 6 ... 100 % fN
Speed control without feedback
Min. mechanical motor frequency 0.1 % fN Torque 0 ... MN
Setting range 1 : 1000 relating to fr and Mr
Accuracy ± 0.1 % of fr
Output frequency
Field − 300 Hz ... + 300 Hz
Absolute resolution 0.06 Hz
Standardised resolution Parameter data: 0.01 %,
Process data: 0.006 % (= 214)
Digital setpoint selection
Accuracy ± 0.005 Hz (= ± 100 ppm)
Analog setpoint selection
Linearity ± 0.15 % signal level: 5 V or 10 V
Temperature sensitivity ± 0.1 % 0 ... 50 Nm
Offset ± 0.1 %
Analog inputs/outputs l 2 inputs (bipolar)
l 2 outputs (bipolar)
Digital inputs/outputs l 6 inputs (freely assignable)
l 1 input for controller inhibit
l 4 outputs freely assignable)
l 1 incremental encoder input (500 kHz, TTL level); Design: 9−pole Sub−D socket
l 1 digital frequency input (500 kHz, TTL level or 200 kHz, HTL level); type: 9−pole Sub−D
socket; can be alternatively used as incremental encoder input (200 kHz, HTL level)
l 1 master frequency output (500 kHz, TTL level); Design: 9−pole Sub−D socket
Cycle times
Digital inputs 1 ms
Digital outputs 1 ms
Analog inputs 1 ms
Analog outputs 1 ms (smoothing time: tt = 2 ms)
Operation in generator mode Integrated brake transistor (optional)
fr rated motor frequency
Mr rated motor torque
Technical data 3
Safety relay KSR 3.4
Technical data 3
Rated data (devices in 400V design) 3.5
Technical data 3
Rated data (devices for 400/500V mains) 3.6
Rated data for 400 V mains voltage 3.6.1
Types EVF9335 ... EVF9383 for 400 V/500 V mains voltage are
suitable for DC supply or DC−bus operation together with
controllers of the 9300 series.
3.6.1 Rated data for 400 V mains voltage
3 Technical data
3.6 Rated data (devices for 400/500V mains)
3.6.2 Rated data for 500 V mains voltage
Technical data 3
Fuses and cable cross−sections 3.7
Mains supply 3.7.1
For fusing the mains supply you can use the following fuses (gRL) and cable
9300 vector Installation in accordance with EN 60204−1
Fuse Cable cross−sections
L1, L2, L3 PE
Type [A] [mm2] [mm2]
EVF9335−EV 150
250 95
EVF9335−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9336−EV 150
315 95
EVF9336−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9337−EV 150
315 95
EVF9337−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9338−EV 240
400 150
EVF9338−EVVxxx 2 × 95 1)
Master Slave Master Slave Master Slave
EVF9381−EV 150 150
315 315 95 95
EVF9381−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1) 2 × 50 1)
EVF9382−EV 150 150
315 315 95 95
EVF9382−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1) 2 × 50 1)
EVF9383−EV 240 240
400 400 150 150
EVF9383−EVVxxx 2 × 95 1) 2 × 95 1)
1) Multiple conductor; both conductors must have the same cross−section
We recommend to use semiconductor fuses (gRL).
3 Technical data
3.7 Fuses and cable cross−sections
3.7.2 DC supply
3.7.2 DC supply
A DC supply is only possible for the variants V210, V240, V270, V300.
ƒ Only use semiconductor fuses (gRL).
ƒ On principle, fuse DC cables as 2−pole (+UG, −UG).
Technical data 3
Fuses and cable cross−sections 3.7
Notes for mains and motor cables 3.7.3
Observe all national and regional regulations for the cables.
You can use single and multi−core cables. If a cable consists of several cores
per phase, it can be necessary to connect the controller by means of common
cable glands.
Maximum cable cross−section for power connections (screw terminals):
9300 vector Maximum cable cross−section
L1, L2, L3 +UG, −UG PE
U, V, W, BR1, BR2
Type [mm2] [mm2] [mm2]
EVF9335−EV 150 150
EVF9335−EVxxx (2 × 50) 1) (2 × 50) 1)
EVF9336−EV 150 150
EVF9336−EVxxx (2 × 50) 1) (2 × 50) 1)
EVF9337−EV 150 240
EVF9337−EVxxx (2 × 50) 1) (2 × 95) 1)
EVF9338−EV 240 240
EVF9338−EVxxx (2 × 95) 1) (2 × 95) 1)
Master Slave Master Slave Master Slave
EVF9381−EV 150 150 150 150
95 95
EVF9381−EVxxx (2 × 50) 1) (2 × 50) 1) (2 × 50) 1) (2 × 50) 1)
EVF9382−EV 150 150 240 240
95 95
EVF9382−EVxxx (2 × 50) 1) (2 × 50) 1) (2 × 95) 1) (2 × 95) 1)
EVF9383−EV 240 240 240 240
150 150
EVF9383−EVxxx (2 × 95) 1) (2 × 95) 1) (2 × 95) 1) (2 × 95) 1)
1) Multiple conductor; both conductors must have the same cross−section
Mains cable, DC cable It is not necessary to shield the mains cable. In DC−bus operation or with DC
supply we recommend shielded cables.
Motor cable It is not necessary to fuse the motor cable. For EMC reasons we recommend
shielded motor cables. You can use common metal clamps to connect the
ƒ Lenze recommends to install an air lock. It serves to dissipate
the heated cooling air directly from the control cabinet.
– Order no. E93ZWL
ƒ A drilling jig for marking the bore holes is available as dxf−file
on the Internet in the "Download" area under www.Lenze.de.
4.2.1 Dimensions
a2 c
0 0
b2 d
b b1
Type a a1 a2 b b1 b2 c d
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
EVF9336−EVVxxx 9
500 450 225 1145 1005 15 436
EVF9337−EV (8×)
Fig. 4.2−2 Bore holes in the mounting plate for fixing the controller
a1 a2 a3 b d
450 mm 340 mm 225 mm 1005 mm 9 mm (12x)
1. Mark the bore holes on the mounting plate according to the figure.
2. Drill the holes into the mounting plate.
Risk of injury due to the high weight of the controller.
The controller has to be carried using the eyebolts and an
adequate lifting tool.
0 3
ƒ Lenze recommends to install an air lock. The air lock serves to
dissipate the heated cooling air directly from the control
– Order no. E93ZWL2
ƒ A drilling jig for marking the bore holes is available as dxf−file
in the Internet in the "Download" area under www.Lenze.de.
4.3.1 Dimensions
a2 a3 c
0 0 0
b2 d
b b1
Type a a1 a2 a3 b b1 b2 c d
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
EVF9382−EV 9
1050 450 225 50 1145 1005 15 436
EVF9382−EVVxxx (16×)
a2 a2
a1 a1
Fig. 4.3−2 Bore holes in the mounting plate for fixing the controller
a a1 a2 a3 b d
550 mm 450 mm 340 mm 225 mm 1005 mm 9 mm (24x)
1. Mark the bore holes on the mounting plate according to the figure.
2. Drill the holes into the mounting plate.
2 2
3 3
3 3
2 2
Risk of injury due to the high weight of the controller.
The controller has to be carried using the eyebolts and an
adequate lifting tool.
0 0 4
1 2
The drive controller contains electrostatically sensitive
The personnel must be free of electrostatic charge when carrying
out assembly and service operations.
Before working on the controller, check that no voltage is applied
to the power terminals:
ƒ The power terminals U, V, W, +UG, −UG, BR1, BR2 and
101 ... 104 remain live for at least five minutes after
disconnecting the mains.
ƒ The power terminals L1, L2, L3, U, V, W, +UG, −UG, BR1, BR2 and
101 ... 104 remain live when the motor is stopped.
Pluggable terminal strips All pluggable terminals must only be connected or disconnected when no
voltage is applied!
Electrical isolation The terminals X1 and X5 have a double (reinforced) insulation in accordance
with EN 61800−5−1. The protection against accidental contact is ensured
without any further measures.
ƒ Terminals X3, X4, X6, X8, X9, X10, X11 have a single basic
insulation (single isolating distance).
ƒ Protection against accidental contact in case of a defective
isolating distance is only guaranteed through external
measures, e.g. double insulation.
ƒ If an external DC 24 V voltage source is used, the insulation
level of the controller depends on the insulation level of the
voltage source.
24 VDC
W X3 X4 X6 X8 X9 X10 X11
Fig. 5.1−1 Electrical isolation between power terminals, control terminals and housing
Double (reinforced) insulation
Basic insulation
Replacing defective fuses Only replace defective fuses in the deenergised state to the type specified.
Disconnecting the controller Only carry out the safety−related disconnection of the controller from the
from the mains mains via a contactor on the input side or a manually operated toggle switch.
To avoid bearing currents, Lenze recommends to use motors
with insulated non−drive end bearings. Optionally, motor chokes
can be used to reduce bearing currents.
5.2.1 Shielding
Mounting plate requirements ƒ Only use mounting plates with conductive surfaces (zinc−coated or
ƒ Painted mounting plates are not suitable even if the paint is removed
from the contact surfaces.
ƒ If several mounting plates are used, ensure a large−surface connection
between the mounting plates (e.g. by using earthing strips).
Mounting of the components ƒ Connect the controller and the chokes to the grounded mounting plate
with a surface as large as possible.
Optimum cable routing ƒ The motor cable is optimally installed if
– it is separated from mains cables and control cables,
– it crosses mains cables and control cables at right angles.
ƒ Always install cables close to the mounting plate (reference potential),
as freely suspended cables act like aerials.
ƒ Lead the cables to the terminals in a straight line (avoid tangles of
ƒ Use separated cable channels for motor cables and control cables. Do
not mix up different cable types in one cable channel.
ƒ Minimise coupling capacities and coupling inductances by avoiding
unnecessary cable lengths and reserve loops.
ƒ Short−circuit unused cores to the reference potential.
ƒ Install the positive and negative wires for DC 24 V close to each other
over the entire length to avoid loops.
Earth connections ƒ Connect all components (controller, chokes) to a central earthing point
(PE rail).
ƒ Set up a star−shape earthing system.
ƒ Comply with the corresponding minimum cable cross−sections.
Barrier without
Communication cables
Cable duct
Measuring cables
Analog cables
Control cables
Power cables
Observe the notes given in chapter "Basics for wiring according
to EMC"!
F1 … F3 S2
K10 S1 K10
IN3 K32
EVF9335-EV …
+ ST1 63
DC 24 V
ST2 7
39 62
A1 7
A2 4
A3 3
A4 2
PES PES 59 1
3~ 3~
The user is responsible for sufficient strain relief!
L1 L2 L3 PE BR1 BR2 PE U V W
M8 40 mm
L1, L2, 25-30 Nm
L3 221-264 lb-in
PE 15-20 Nm
133-176 lb-in
Fuses and cable cross−sections 9300 vector Installation in accordance with EN 60204−1
for the mains connection
Fuse 2) Cable cross−sections
L1, L2, L3 PE
Type [A] [mm2] [mm2]
EVF9335−EV 150
250 95
EVF9335−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9336−EV 150
315 95
EVF9336−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9337−EV 150
315 95
EVF9337−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9338−EV 240
400 150
EVF9338−EVVxxx 2 × 95 1)
1) Multiple conductor; both conductors must have the same cross−section
2) Lenze recommends to use fuses of the gRL utilisation category
Observe the national and regional legislation
5.3.3 Supply and fan connection of the controller for 400 V/500V mains voltage
The user is responsible for sufficient strain relief!
Mains connection
M8 40 mm
L1, L2, 25-30 Nm
L3 221-264 lb-in
PE 15-20 Nm
133-176 lb-in
Fuses and cable cross−sections 9300 vector Installation in accordance with EN 60204−1
for the mains connection
Fuse 2) Cable cross−sections
L1, L2, L3 PE
Type [A] [mm2] [mm2]
EVF9335−EV 150
250 95
EVF9335−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9336−EV 150
315 95
EVF9336−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9337−EV 150
315 95
EVF9337−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9338−EV 240
400 150
EVF9338−EVVxxx 2 × 95 1)
1) Multiple conductor; both conductors must have the same cross−section
2) Lenze recommends to use fuses of the gRL utilisation category
Observe the national and regional legislation
Connection to the DC bus ƒ For compliance with EMC requirements, Lenze recommends to use
(+UG, −UG)
shielded DC−bus cables.
ƒ Shield clamps are not included in the scope of supply.
0 max.
300 mm
PE 15-20 Nm
133-176 lb-in
+U G
25-30 Nm
-U G 221-264 lb-in
40 mm
Fuses and cable cross−sections 9300 vector Installation in accordance with EN 60204−1
for DC−bus connection
Fuse 2) Cable cross−sections
Type [A] [mm2] [mm2]
EVF9335−EVV2xx 150
315 95
EVF9335−EVV300 2 × 50 1)
EVF9336−EVV2xx 150
350 95
EVF9336−EVV300 2 × 50 1)
EVF9337−EVV2xx 240
400 95
EVF9337−EVV300 2 × 95 1)
EVF9338−EVV2xx 240
500 150
EVF9338−EVV300 2 × 95 1)
1) Multiple conductor; both conductors must have the same cross−section
2) Only use fuses of the gRL utilisation category
Observe the national and regional legislation
Fan connection when Lay a bridge between the terminals when a controller is operated on a mains.
controller is supplied with
mains voltage AC 340 ... 440 V AC 440 ... 577 V
(when being delivered)
L1 L2 L1 L2
9300vec044 9300vec045
0 1 1
L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2
AC 340 … 440 V AC 440 … 577 V
9300vec160 9300vec046 9300vec047
Exchange defect fuse In case of an external voltage supply the fan is protected by a fuse integrated
in terminal 104.
L1 L2
The user is responsible for sufficient strain relief!
40 mm max.
300 mm
U, V, W 25-30 Nm
M6 221-264 lb-in
PE 15-20 Nm
133-176 lb-in
Motor with PTC thermistor or Wire T1, T2 only if the motor is equipped with a PTC thermistor or thermal
thermal contact (NC contact) contact (NC contact).
ƒ An "open" cable acts like an antenna and can cause faults on the drive
ƒ All control terminals only have basic insulation (single
isolating distance) after connecting a PTC thermistor or a
thermal contact.
ƒ Protection against accidental contact in case of a defective
isolating distance is only guaranteed through external
measures, e.g. double insulation.
15 V
2.7 k
7.4 k
3.3 k
T1 T2 PE U V W +UG -UG
9300vec139 9300std328
Fig. 5.3−7 Connection of PTC thermistor or thermal contact (NC contact) at T1, T2
X8 X8/8
T1 T2 PE U V W +UG -UG
Observe the notes given in chapter "Basics for wiring according
to EMC"!
F1 … F3 F4 … F6 S2
IN3 K32
EVM9381-EV … EVL9381-EV …
+ ST1 63
DC 24 V
ST2 7
39 62
A1 7
A2 4
A3 3
A4 2
PES PES 59 1
Z1 Z2
Important notes
Danger of personal injury! Destruction of the controller!
Damaged control cables in the controller (master and slave) may
cause a faulty control of the output stage.
Possible consequences:
ƒ When switching on the mains voltage, high energies may
discharge like an explosion.
ƒ Explosive noises may damage your hearing. A shock by an
unexpected and loud explosion may cause distress.
ƒ The controller will be destroyed.
Protective measures:
ƒ When working with the DC busbars, make sure that you do
not damage any internal connectors and cables.
ƒ Before attaching the cover again:
– Check all plugs selected in Fig. 5.4−5 for damage and correct
– Check all cables involved for damages.
– If the plugs do not fit correctly, or the plugs or cables are
damaged, commissioning is prohibited. Contact the Lenze
Preliminary work
0 1
ƒ Remove the upper cover from the master and the slave to access
the power sections. Each cover is fastened with 4 screws.
3 3
8 4
5 4
5 5
6 5
6 6
7 7
0 1 0
0 1
4 DC-
5 3
Fig. 5.4−4 Connection of the control cables between master and slave
How to connect the control 1. Installation and connection of the ribbon cable :
By default the ribbon cable is inside the master. The plug is already
attached to the Drive Board.
– Route the ribbon cable from the master to the Drive Board
connection in the slave, inserting the ribbon cable into the cable
ducts .
– Plug the ribbon cable plug into the socket at the Drive Board.
2. Laying and connecting 2−core cables with plugs :
By default the cable is inside the master. The corresponding cable with
socket is in the slave.
– Lay the two−core cable from the master to the socket in the slave.
– Connect the 2−pole plug with the 2−pole socket in the slave.
3. Laying and connecting 10−core cables with plugs :
By default the cable is inside the master. The corresponding cable with
socket is in the slave.
– Lay the two−core cable from the master to the socket in the slave.
– Connect the 10−pole plug with the 10−pole socket in the slave.
Final works
1. Check the control cables (plugs and cables) for correct fit and possible
damages. ()
– If the plugs do not fit correctly, or the plugs or cables are damaged,
commissioning is prohibited. Contact the Lenze service.
0 1
The user is responsible for sufficient strain relief!
ƒ Both, the master and the slave must be supplied!
0 1
M8 40 mm M8 40 mm
L1, L2, 25-30 Nm L1, L2, 25-30 Nm
L3 221-264 lb-in L3 221-264 lb-in
M6 M6
PE 15-20 Nm PE 15-20 Nm
133-176 lb-in 133-176 lb-in
Fuses and cable cross−sections 9300 vector Installation in accordance with EN 60204−1
for the mains connection
Fuse 2) Cable cross−sections
L1, L2, L3 PE
Type [A] [mm2] [mm2]
Master Slave Master Slave Master Slave
EVF9381−EV 150 150
315 315 95 95
EVF9381−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1) 2 × 50 1)
EVF9382−EV 150 150
315 315 95 95
EVF9382−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1) 2 × 50 1)
EVF9383−EV 240 240
400 400 150 150
EVF9383−EVVxxx 2 × 95 1) 2 × 95 1)
1) Multiple conductor; both conductors must have the same cross−section
2) Lenze recommends to use fuses of the gRL utilisation category
Observe the national and regional legislation
5.4.4 Supply and fan connection of the controller for 400 V/500V mains voltage
The user is responsible for sufficient strain relief!
Mains connection ƒ Both, the master and the slave must be supplied!
0 1
M8 40 mm M8 40 mm
L1, L2, 25-30 Nm L1, L2, 25-30 Nm
L3 221-264 lb-in L3 221-264 lb-in
M6 M6
PE 15-20 Nm PE 15-20 Nm
133-176 lb-in 133-176 lb-in
Fuses and cable cross−sections 9300 vector Installation in accordance with EN 60204−1
for the mains connection
Fuse 2) Cable cross−sections
L1, L2, L3 PE
Type [A] [mm2] [mm2]
Master Slave Master Slave Master Slave
EVF9381−EV 150 150
315 315 95 95
EVF9381−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1) 2 × 50 1)
EVF9382−EV 150 150
315 315 95 95
EVF9382−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1) 2 × 50 1)
EVF9383−EV 240 240
400 400 150 150
EVF9383−EVVxxx 2 × 95 1) 2 × 95 1)
1) Multiple conductor; both conductors must have the same cross−section
2) Lenze recommends to use fuses of the gRL utilisation category
Observe the national and regional legislation
Connection to the DC bus ƒ For compliance with EMC requirements, Lenze recommends to use
(+UG, −UG)
shielded DC−bus cables.
ƒ Shield clamps are not included in the scope of supply.
ƒ Both, the master and the slave must be supplied!
0 1
2 max.
300 mm 2 max.
300 mm
M6 M6
PE 15-20 Nm
133-176 lb-in
+U G
25-30 Nm
3 PE 15-20 Nm
133-176 lb-in
+U G
25-30 Nm
-U G 221-264 lb-in -U G 221-264 lb-in
40 mm 40 mm
Fuses and cable cross−sections 9300 vector Installation in accordance with EN 60204−1
for DC−bus connection
Fuse 2) Cable cross−sections
Type [A] [mm2] [mm2]
Master Slave Master Slave Master Slave
EVF9381−EVV2xx 150 150
350 350 95 95
EVF9381−EVV300 2 × 50 1) 2 × 50 1)
EVF9382−EVV2xx 240 240
400 400 95 95
EVF9382−EVV300 2 × 95 1) 2 × 95 1)
EVF9383−EVV2xx 240 240
500 500 150 150
EVF9383−EVV300 2 × 95 1) 2 × 95 1)
1) Multiple conductor; both conductors must have the same cross−section
2) Only use fuses of the gRL utilisation category
Observe the national and regional legislation
Fan connection
Connect the fan to the master and the slave.
Fan connection when Lay a bridge between the terminals when a controller is operated on a mains.
controller is supplied with
mains voltage AC 340 ... 440 V AC 440 ... 577 V
(when being delivered)
L1 L2 L1 L2
9300vec044 9300vec045
0 1 1
L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2
AC 340 … 440 V AC 440 … 577 V
9300vec160 9300vec046 9300vec047
Exchange defect fuse In case of an external voltage supply the fan is protected by a fuse integrated
in terminal 104.
L1 L2
The user is responsible for sufficient strain relief!
Parallel connection of master In order to connect the motor cables of master and slave to the motor, the
and slave (motor side)
outputs must be connected in parallel.
It is important for the parallel connection of the inverter outputs that the
outputs are decoupled by means of an inductance between master and
slave. The length of the motor cables determine whether the inductance of
the cables is sufficient for a decoupling.
2 motor connections ensure sufficient decoupling.
ƒ Decoupling via motor chokes
If the single motor cable length is £ 10 m, master and slave must be
connected in parallel via chokes on the motor side to achieve a sufficient
decoupling between master and slave.
ƒ Decoupling via motor cables
If the single motor cable length is > 10 m, the motor cables of master and
slave can be connected in parallel at the motor to achieve a sufficient
decoupling between master and slave.
Decoupling via motor chokes Decoupling via motor cables
Z1 Z2
£10 m
>10 m
3~ PE 3~
9300VEC026 9300VEC008
Fig. 5.4−11 Variants for parallel connection of master and slave (motor side)
Z1, Z2 Motor choke for controller
ELM3−0003H275 EVF9381
ELM3−0002H320 EVF9382
ELM3−0002H410 EVF9383
Motor connection
0 1
40 mm max. 40 mm max.
300 mm 300 mm
2 2
U, V, W
25-30 Nm 3 M6
U, V, W
25-30 Nm 3
221-264 lb-in 221-264 lb-in
PE 15-20 Nm PE 15-20 Nm
133-176 lb-in 133-176 lb-in
Motor with PTC thermistor or Wire T1, T2 only if the motor is equipped with a PTC thermistor or thermal
thermal contact (NC contact) contact (NC contact).
ƒ An "open" cable acts like an antenna and can cause faults on the drive
ƒ All control terminals only have basic insulation (single
isolating distance) after connecting a PTC thermistor or a
thermal contact.
ƒ Protection against accidental contact in case of a defective
isolating distance is only guaranteed through external
measures, e.g. double insulation.
15 V
2.7 k
7.4 k
3.3 k
T1 T2 PE U V W +UG -UG
9300vec139 9300std328
Fig. 5.4−13 Connection of PTC thermistor or thermal contact (NC contact) at T1, T2
X8 X8/8
T1 T2 PE U V W +UG -UG
The control card will be damaged if
ƒ the voltage between X5/39 and PE or X6/7 and PE is greater
than 50 V,
ƒ the voltage between voltage source and X6/7 exceeds 10 V
(common mode) in case of supply via external voltage source.
Limit the voltage before switching on the drive controller:
ƒ Connect X5/39, X6/2, X6/4 and X6/7 directly to PE or
ƒ use voltage−limiting components.
Fig. 5.5−1 Connection of the cable shield with shield clip and strain relief with cable binder
Shield sheet
Fasten shield sheet with two screws M4 × 12 mm at the bottom of the
control card
Connect cable shield with shield clip to the shield sheet
Provide a strain relief of the control cable at the shield sheet by means of a
cable binder
Terminal data
ƒ Connect or disconnect the terminal strips only if the controller
is disconnected from the mains!
ƒ Wire the terminal strips before connecting them!
ƒ Unused terminal strips must also be plugged on to protect the
62 7
63 7
K31 K32 33 34
Safety instructions for the ƒ The installation and commissioning of the Safe torque off" function
installation of the "Safe
torque off" function
must be carried out by skilled personnel only.
ƒ All safety−relevant cables (e.g. control cable for the safety relay,
feedback contact) outside the control cabinet must be protected, for
instance by a cable duct. Short circuits between the single cables must
be ruled out!
ƒ Wiring of the safety relay KSR with insulated wire end ferrules or rigid
cables is absolutely vital.
ƒ The electrical reference point for the coil of the safety relay KSR must be
connected with the protective conductor system (DIN EN 60204−1
paragraph 9.4.3). Only this measure guarantees that the operation is
protected against earth faults.
A complete description can be found in the chapter "Safe torque
Supply via internal voltage ƒ If a freely assignable digital output (e.g. X5/A1) is assigned
permanently to HIGH level, it serves as an internal voltage source. Every
output has a maximum load capacity of 50 mA.
– The relay KSR and two digital inputs (X5/28 and e.g. X5/E1) can be
supplied with voltage via a digital output.
– Two digital outputs must be connected in parallel and assigned
permanently to HIGH level in order to obtain the maximum wiring
(relays KSR and X5/E1 ... X5/E5, X5/ST1).
ƒ For the supply of the analog inputs (X6/1, X6/2 and X6/3, X6/4) you
have to set a freely assignable analog output (e. g. X6/63) permanently
to HIGH level.
+5 V GND2 +24V
X3 4
6 242R
S1 S2
1 2 3 4 7 AOUTx
10k 10k
Fig. 5.5−3 Wiring of digital and analog inputs/outputs with active "Safe torque off" function
and internal voltage source
S1 Deactivate pulse inhibit (1st disconnecting path)
S2 Enable controller (2nd disconnecting path)
Z1 Programmable logic controller (PLC)
The PLC monitors the ˜Safe torque off˜ function
X5/A4 Feedback via a digital output (e. g. DIGOUT4)
NO contact or NC contact
Minimum wiring required for operation
Terminal assignment in the Lenze setting: 5.5−9
If you load a basic configuration C0005 = xx1x (e.g. 1010 for
speed control with control via terminals), the following terminals
are switched to a fixed signal level:
ƒ Terminal X5/A1 to FIXED1 (corresponds to DC 24 V).
ƒ Terminal X6/63 to FIXED100% (corresponds to 10 V).
+5 V GND2 +24V
X3 4
6 242R
S1 S2
1 2 3 4 7 AOUTx
– + 10k 10k
DC 24 V
(+18 V … +30 V)
Fig. 5.5−4 Wiring of digital and analog inputs/outputs with active "Safe torque off" function
and external voltage source
S1 Deactivate pulse inhibit (1st disconnecting path)
S2 Enable controller (2nd disconnecting path)
Z1 Programmable logic controller (PLC)
The PLC monitors the ˜Safe torque off˜ function
X5/A4 Feedback via a digital output (e. g. DIGOUT4)
NO contact or NC contact
Minimum wiring required for operation
Terminal assignment in the Lenze setting: 5.5−9
Supplying the digital inputs via an external voltage source
enables a backup operation in the case of mains failure. After
switching off the mains voltage, all actual values are continued
to be detected and processed.
ƒ Connect the positive pole of the external voltage source with
X5/59 to establish the backup operation in the event of mains
ƒ The external voltage source must be able to supply a current
³ 1 A.
ƒ The starting current of the external voltage source is not
limited by the controller. Lenze recommends the use of
voltage sources with current limitation or with an internal
impedance of Z > 1 W.
If the function "Safe torque off" is not made use of, the safety
relay KSR must be energised permanently to ensure the tension
supply of the power output stage.
Supply via internal voltage ƒ If a freely assignable digital output (e.g. X5/A1) is assigned
permanently to HIGH level, it serves as an internal voltage source. Every
output has a maximum load capacity of 50 mA.
– The relay KSR and two digital inputs (X5/28 and e.g. X5/E1) can be
supplied with voltage via a digital output.
– Two digital outputs must be connected in parallel and assigned
permanently to HIGH level in order to obtain the maximum wiring
(relays KSR and X5/E1 ... X5/E5, X5/ST1).
ƒ For the supply of the analog inputs (X6/1, X6/2 and X6/3, X6/4) you
have to set a freely assignable analog output (e. g. X6/63) permanently
to HIGH level.
+5 V GND2 +24V
+ 3
X3 4
6 242R
1 2 3 4 7 AOUTx
10k 10k
Fig. 5.5−5 Wiring of digital and analog inputs/outputs with function "Safe torque off"
deactivated, given an internal voltage source
S1 Controller enable
NO contact or NC contact
Z Load
Minimum wiring required for operation
Terminal assignment in the Lenze setting: 5.5−9
If you load a basic configuration C0005 = xx1x (e.g. 1010 for
speed control with control via terminals), the following terminals
are switched to a fixed signal level:
ƒ Terminal X5/A1 to FIXED1 (corresponds to DC 24 V).
ƒ Terminal X6/63 to FIXED100% (corresponds to 10 V).
+5 V GND2 +24V
+ 3
X3 4
6 242R
1 2 3 4 7 AOUTx
– + 10k 10k
DC 24 V
(+18 V … +30 V)
Fig. 5.5−6 Wiring of digital and analog inputs/outputs with function "Safe torque off"
deactivated, given an external voltage source
S1 Controller enable
NO contact or NC contact
Z Load
Minimum wiring required for operation
Terminal assignment in the Lenze setting: 5.5−9
Supplying the digital inputs via an external voltage source
enables a backup operation in the case of mains failure. After
switching off the mains voltage, all actual values are continued
to be detected and processed.
ƒ Connect the positive pole of the external voltage source with
X5/59 to establish the backup operation in the event of mains
ƒ The external voltage source must be able to supply a current
³ 1 A.
ƒ The starting current of the external voltage source is not
limited by the controller. Lenze recommends the use of
voltage sources with current limitation or with an internal
impedance of Z > 1 W.
A1 A2 A3 An
93XX 93XX 93XX
120 120
Connect a 120 W terminating resistor to the first and last bus
We recommend the use of CAN cables according to ISO 11898−2:
CAN cable according to ISO 11898−2
Cable type Twisted pair with shielding
Impedance 120 W (95 ... 140 W)
Cable resistance
Cable length £ 300 m £ 70 mW/m
Cable length £ 1000 m £ 40 mW/m
Signal propagation delay £ 5 ns/m
ƒ We recommend to use Lenze system cables for wiring.
ƒ For self−made cables only use cables with shielded cores
twisted in pairs.
Installation material required from the scope of supply:
Description Use Quantity
Protective cover Protection for unused Sub−D connections 4
< 50 m
B X8
8 Z
9 Z
< 50 m
B X9
7 B
+ 8
9 Z
Connecting the two−track incremental encoder without inverse
signals (at HTL level):
ƒ Set signal A on pin X9/2 (A) and signal B on pin X9/9 (B).
ƒ Wire pin X9/3 (A) and X9/1) (B) with the positive pole of the
external voltage source for the incremental encoder.
ƒ We recommend to use Lenze system cables for wiring.
ƒ For self−made cables only use cables with shielded cores
twisted in pairs.
< 50 m
X10 X9
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
6 6 A
7 7
Enable (EN) 8 8 control (LC) B
9 9 Z
Fig. 5.8−1 Connection of digital frequency input (X9) / digital frequency output (X10)
X9 Slave drive Signals for CW rotation
X10 Master drive Cores twisted in pairs
Handling Plug the communication module onto the AIF interface (X1) or pull it off from
the interface. The communication module can also be
connected/disconnected during operation.
Commissioning 6
6 Commissioning
Commissioning 6
Before switching on 6.1
ƒ Observe the corresponding switch−on sequence.
ƒ In the event of faults or errors during commissioning, see
chapter "Troubleshooting and fault elimination".
To avoid injury to persons and damage to material, check ...
... before connecting the mains voltage:
ƒ Wiring for completeness, short−circuit, and earth fault
ƒ The supply of the internal fan in case of the variants V210, V240, V270
and V300.
– The bridge position depends on the mains voltage applied
ƒ The function "emergency−off" of the total system.
ƒ The motor circuit configuration (star/delta) must be adapted to the
output voltage of the controller.
– E. g. the in−phase connection of the motor.
ƒ The direction of rotation of the incremental encoder
... the setting of the main drive parameters before enabling the controller:
Only the variants V210, V240, V270, V300:
ƒ Adapt the DC bus voltage threshold to the mains voltage via
– The Lenze setting of C0173 = 1 (OU = 770 V) is only
permissible for controller operation with a mains voltage of
400 V.
ƒ Only the variants V210, V240, V270, V300:
Adapt the brake transistor threshold to the mains voltage via C0174. The
Lenze setting of code C0174 = 3 (UBr = 885 V) is valid for operating the
controller on a 500 V mains voltage.
ƒ Is the V/f rated frequency adapted to the motor connection?
ƒ Are the drive parameters relevant for your application set correctly?
ƒ Is the configuration of the analog and digital inputs and outputs
adapted to the wiring?
Commissioning 6
Selection of the correct operating mode 6.2
Description The control mode of the controller can be selected via the operating mode.
You can select between the following modes:
ƒ V/f characteristic control
ƒ Vector control
Selection of the correct The V/f characteristic control is the classic operating mode for standard
operating mode applications.
When using the vector control you will achieve improved drive features
compared to the V/f characteristic control due to:
ƒ Higher torque via the complete speed range
ƒ Higher speed accuracy and higher concentricity factor
ƒ Higher efficiency
nN n
6 Commissioning
6.2 Selection of the correct operating mode
Recommended operating The frequency inverter is mainly designed for the applications listed in the
modes below table.
The table helps you to select the correct operating mode for your application:
ƒ C0006 = 5: V/f characteristic control with constant Vmin boost
ƒ C0006 = 1: Vector control
Power range 110 ... 400 kW Selection of the operating mode in C0006
Motor cable Motor cable
shielded £ 100 m shielded > 100 m
unshielded £ 200 m unshielded > 200 m
Applications with asynchronous recommended alternatively recommended alternatively
Single drives
Drives with constant load 5 1 5 −
Drives with heavy start 1 5 5 −
Travelling drives, conveyor belts 5 1 5 −
Pump drives, fan drives 1) 5 − 5 −
Extruder drives 5 1 5 −
Drives for wire drawing 5 1 5 −
Drives for rolling machines 5 1 5 −
Drives for rewinders with 1 5 − −
Group drives 5 − 5 −
(the resulting motor cable
length is decisive Ires)
l res + Ǹ(i @ (l 1 ) l 2 ) AAA ) l i))
1) A square voltage characteristic (C0014 = 1) is recommended for this application
Commissioning 6
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 6.3
Commissioning example in V/f characteristic control mode 6.3.1
The example describes how to commission a speed control for the controller
with power−related three−phase asynchronous motor.
Switch−on sequence Note
1. Insert the keypad
2. Ensure that the controller is inhibited after
switching on the mains } 59
Terminal X5/28 = LOW
(see chapter "Commissioning"
®"controller inhibit")
3. Ensure that no external error is active Terminal X5/E4 = HIGH
4. Switch on
A The control card is supplied via an external voltage:
Switch on the external DC 24 V supply voltage ON
B The control card is supplied via the internal voltage:
Switch on the mains. The controller provides the
DC 24 V supply.
5. After approx. 2 s the controller is initialised and the
keypad is in the operating level and displays the dcbBA
current speed (C0051) 0050 00
0.00 Hz
0 %
6. Change to the "Terminal I/O" menu and configure Use C0002 = 0 to restore the Lenze
the function of the control terminals to adapt them setting
to your application. (see chapter "Commissioning"
Lenze setting: C0005 = 1000 (basic configuration ®"Change assignment of the control
"speed control") terminal X5 and X6")
7. For quick commissioning select the menu "Short The submenu "Setup V/f" contains the
setup" dcbBA codes that are required for
SHPRG p Menu
4 2 commissioning a standard application.
Quick start The digital inputs are configured in the
A Use to change to the menu level Lenze setting:
V/f quick
9371BC007 X5/E1: Deactivate CW rotation/quick
B Use to change to the menu "Short setup" stop
and then to the submenu "Setup V/f" X5/E2: Deactivate CCW rotation/quick
C Use to change to the code level to parameterise X5/E3: Activate fixed setpoint 1 (JOG1)
z dcbBA
X5/E4: Set error message (TRIP SET)
your drive Y Z
SHPRG p Menu
0034 00
y 0
X5/E5: Reset error message (TRIP
AIN1 range
9371BC008 RESET)
(see chapter "Parameter setting")
8. Adapt the controller to the mains (C0173)
Lenze setting: 1 (400 V mains voltage)
9. Only for the variants V060, V110, V270, V300 in the See code table
power range of 110 ... 400 kW:
Adapt the brake transistor threshold (C0174)
Lenze setting: 3 (500 V mains voltage, 885 V brake
10. Enter the motor data See motor nameplate and chapter
"Commissioning" ® "Adapt motor
A If you use a Lenze motor: The data of the Lenze motors are saved
Select the motor type connected under C0086. under C0086.
B If you do not use a Lenze motor:
Enter the data of the motor nameplate
l Rated motor power (C0081)
– Lenze setting: device−dependent
6 Commissioning
6.3 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
6.3.1 Commissioning example in V/f characteristic control mode
12. If required, adapt the slip compensation (C0021) Due to changes in C0086, C0087, C0089
Lenze setting: Rated slip in [%] with regard to Nmax the rated slip is recalculated and
in C0011. The value is calculated from the data of automatically entered into C0021
the nameplate and is thus suitable for the majority (see chapter "Commissioning" ®"Slip
of applications. compensation")
13. For protecting the motor, set the current limit Power range 0.37 ... 90 kW:
values "Imax current" (C0022, C0023) For dissipating the regenerative energy,
Guide value £ 2−fold rated motor current use a brake chopper or feedback
module, if necessary
A In motor mode and generator mode (C0022) Power range 110 ... 400 kW:
For dissipating regenerative energy, use
a brake resistor, if necessary
B Additional limitation in generator mode (C0023) (see chapter "Commissioning" ®
Condition: C0023 < C0022 "Motor adjustment" ® "Current limit
14. Set the operating mode "V/f" (C0006) (see chapter "Commissioning"
Lenze setting: 5 (V/f characteristic control) ®"Operating mode" ® "V/f
15. Set the V/f characteristic (C0014) characteristic control")
Lenze setting: 0 (linear characteristic)
A Linear characteristic (C0014 = 0) Uout
100 %
0 1 n
0 1 n
Commissioning 6
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 6.3
Commissioning example in V/f characteristic control mode 6.3.1
0% 100%
T ir T if
26. Enable controller X5 Terminal X5/28 = HIGH
59 28 (see chapter "Commissioning"
misc009 ®"controller inhibit")
27. Enter the setpoint Analog setpoint
−10 ... +10 V via
potentiometer at X6/1
and X6/2
Fixed speed: JOG 1 is parameterised in C0039/1
Activate JOG 1 with
X5/E3 = HIGH
6 Commissioning
6.3 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
6.3.1 Commissioning example in V/f characteristic control mode
In the "Diagnostic" menu you can monitor the most important
drive parameters
Commissioning 6
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 6.3
Commissioning example in vector control mode 6.3.2
The example describes how to commission a speed control for the controller
with power−related three−phase asynchronous motor.
Switch−on sequence Note
1. Insert the keypad
2. Ensure that the controller is inhibited after
switching on the mains } 59
Terminal X5/28 = LOW
(see chapter "Commissioning"
®"controller inhibit")
3. Ensure that no external error is active Terminal X5/E4 = HIGH
4. Switch on
A The control card is supplied via an external voltage:
Switch on the external DC 24 V supply voltage ON
B The control card is supplied via the internal voltage:
Switch on the mains. The controller provides the
DC 24 V supply.
5. After approx. 2 s the controller is initialised and the
keypad is in the operating level and displays the dcbBA
current speed (C0051) 0050 00
0.00 Hz
0 %
6. Change to the "Terminal I/O" menu and configure Use C0002 = 0 to restore the Lenze
the function of the control terminals to adapt them setting
to your application. (see chapter "Commissioning"
Lenze setting: C0005 = 1000 (basic configuration ®"Change assignment of the control
"speed control") terminal X5 and X6")
7. For quick commissioning select the menu "Short The submenu "Setup vector" contains
setup" dcbBA the codes that are required for
SHPRG p Menu
4 2 commissioning a standard application.
Quick start The digital inputs are configured in the
A Use to change to the menu level Lenze setting:
V/f quick
9371BC007 X5/E1: Deactivate CW rotation/quick
B Use to change to the menu "Short setup" stop
and then to the submenu "Setup vector" X5/E2: Deactivate CCW rotation/quick
C Use to change to the code level to parameterise X5/E3: Activate fixed setpoint 1 (JOG1)
z dcbBA
X5/E4: Set error message (TRIP SET)
your drive Y Z
SHPRG p Menu
0034 00
y 0
X5/E5: Reset error message (TRIP
AIN1 range
9371BC008 RESET)
(see chapter "Parameter setting")
8. Adapt the controller to the mains (C0173)
Lenze setting: 1 (400 V mains voltage)
9. Only for the variants V060, V110, V270, V300 in the See code table
power range of 110 ... 400 kW:
Adapt the brake transistor threshold (C0174)
Lenze setting: 3 (500 V mains voltage, 885 V brake
10. Enter the motor data See motor nameplate and chapter
"Commissioning" ® "Adapt motor
A If you use a Lenze motor: The data of the Lenze motors are saved
Select the motor type connected under C0086. under C0086.
B If you do not use a Lenze motor:
Enter the data of the motor nameplate
l Rated motor power (C0081)
– Lenze setting: device−dependent
l Rated motor speed (C0087)
– Lenze setting: device−dependent
6 Commissioning
6.3 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
6.3.2 Commissioning example in vector control mode
D Enable controller X5 Terminal X5/28 = HIGH
59 28 The identification starts:
misc009 l The segment goes off
l "WRK run" is displayed
l The motor is energised and
l The motor does not rotate
E If after approx. 1 ... 2 min the segment is active
again, inhibit the controller } 59
Terminal X5/28 = LOW
The identification is completed. The
following values have been detected
and entered into the codes:
l Inverter error characteristic
l Rotor resistance "Mot Rr" (C0082)
l Stator resistance "Mot Rs" (C0084)
l Leakage inductance "Mot Lss"
l Stator inductance "Mot Ls" (C0092)
14. Set the operating mode "vector ctrl" (C0006) (see chapter "Commissioning" ®
Lenze setting: 5 (V/f characteristic control) "Operating mode" ® "Vector control")
15. Set the switching frequency "fchop" (C0018) See chapter "Commissioning" ®
Lenze setting: "Switching frequency of the inverter"
Power range 0.37 ... 90 kW: 6 (8/2 kHz sin)
Power range 110 ... 400 kW: 6 (4/2 kHz sin)
16. Set your type of the speed feedback system See chapter "Commissioning" ®
"Feedback type" (C0025) "Setting of speed feedback"
Lenze setting: 1 (no feedback)
A When using a TTL encoder:
Select the encoder used under C0025
Commissioning 6
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 6.3
Commissioning example in vector control mode 6.3.2
0% 100%
T ir T if
24. Enable controller X5 Terminal X5/28 = HIGH
59 28 (see chapter "Commissioning"
misc009 ®"controller inhibit")
25. Enter the setpoint Analog setpoint
−10 ... +10 V via
potentiometer at X6/1
and X6/2
Fixed speed: JOG 1 is parameterised in C0039/1
Activate JOG 1 with
X5/E3 = HIGH
6 Commissioning
6.3 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
6.3.2 Commissioning example in vector control mode
In the "Diagnostic" menu you can monitor the most important
drive parameters
Commissioning 6
Controller inhibit 6.4
Description If the controller inhibit is active, the power outputs are inhibited.
ƒ The drive coasts in zero−torque mode.
ƒ Status display of keypad: Pulse inhibit
ƒ Status display at the controller: The green LED is blinking.
Do not use the "controller inhibit" function (DCTRL1−CINH) for
emergency−off. The controller inhibit only inhibits the power
outputs and does not disconnect the controller from the mains!
The drive could start again any time.
ƒ The sources for controller inhibit are ANDed, i.e. the drive only
restarts if the controller inhibit signals of all signal sources
have been eliminated.
ƒ The restart starts with zero speed. If centrifugal masses are
still rotating, this can lead to an overcurrent.
Commissioning 6
Changing the assignment of the control terminals X5 and X6 6.5
Free configuration of digital input signals 6.5.1
If you select a configuration in C0005, the signal assignment of
the inputs and outputs will be overwritten with the
corresponding basic assignment!
ƒ Adapt the signal assignment to your wiring!
Description ƒ Internal digital signals can be freely linked with external digital signal
sources. This serves to establish a freely configurable control of the
drive controller.
– Digital inputs X5/E1 ... X5/E5
ƒ A signal source can be linked with several targets. Ensure reasonable
linkages for not activating functions that are mutually exclusive (e. g.
linking a digital input with quick stop and DC injection braking at the
same time).
6 Commissioning
6.5 Changing the assignment of the control terminals X5 and X6
6.5.1 Free configuration of digital input signals
Linking signals The internal digital signal can be linked with an external signal source by
entering the selection figure of the external signal into the configuration
code of the internal digital signal.
ƒ C0787/2 =53 ð signal source for JOG2 is terminal X5/E3
X5 C0780
28 1 C0046
C0114/1...6 DIGIN2 NSET-JOG*1 0
E2 NSET-JOG *2 JOG1...15
0 DIGIN3 C0787/2 0
E3 1 DIGIN4 NSET-JOG *8 3 15
1 C0787/4
ƒ A list with all selection figures is included in the chapter
"Configuration" ® "Selection lists".
ƒ For signal linkage we recommend the function block editor in
Commissioning 6
Changing the assignment of the control terminals X5 and X6 6.5
Free configuration of digital outputs 6.5.2
Description ƒ The digital outputs X5/A1 ... X5/A4 can be freely linked with internal
digital signals.
ƒ One signal source can be linked with several targets.
Linking signals The digital outputs can be linked with internal digital signals by entering the
selection figure of the internal signal into corresponding subcode of C0117.
ƒ C0117/2 = 505 ð signal source for X5/A2 is the status message
"direction of rotation" (DCTRL−CW/CCW)
Signal level ƒ Terminals (X5/A1 ... X5/A4):
– HIGH = +12 V ... +30 V
– LOW = 0 V ... +3 V
ƒ Response times: 1 ms
Inverting the signal level In C0118 you can define the active signal level (HIGH level active or LOW level
active) for the terminals X5/A1 ... X5/A4.
ƒ C0118/2 =1 ð With LOW level at X5/A2 the motor rotates in CW
direction (with in−phase motor connection)
6 Commissioning
6.5 Changing the assignment of the control terminals X5 and X6
6.5.3 Free configuration of analog input signals
Description ƒ Internal analog signals can be freely linked with external analog signal
– Analog inputs X3/1, X3/2 and X3/3, X3/4
ƒ One signal source can be linked with several targets.
C0027 −199.99 {0.01 %} 199.99 Free control code FCODE 27/1 and
1 FCODE (gain) 100.00 Gain AIN1 (X6/1, X6/2)
l 100 % = gain 1
2 FCODE (gain) 100.00 Gain AIN2 (X6/3, X6/4)
l 100 % = gain 1
C0034 Mst current 0 0 −10 V ... +10 V Voltage / current range for analog 5.5−9
1 4 mA ... 20 mA signals at input X6/1, X6/2
l Observe jumper position of X3 6.5−4
2 −20 mA ... +20 mA
Linking signals The internal analog signals can be linked with an external signal source by
entering the selection figure of the external signal into the configuration
code of the internal analog signal.
ƒ C0780 = 50 ð signal source for the main setpoint (NSET−N) is terminal
X6/1, X6/2
C0034 AIN1
2 + +
C0402 C0400
C0010 DMUX
C0404/1 NSET-JOG*1 0
C0787/2 0
C0403 NSET-JOG *4
NSET-JOG *8 3 15
C0404/2 C0787/4
Fig. 6.5−2 Linking analog signal NSET−N with terminal X6/1, X6/2
ƒ A list with all selection figures is included in the chapter
"Configuration" ® "Selection lists".
ƒ For signal linkage we recommend the function block editor in
Commissioning 6
Changing the assignment of the control terminals X5 and X6 6.5
Free configuration of analog input signals 6.5.3
Different settings in C0034 and of X3 result in a wrong input
6 Commissioning
6.5 Changing the assignment of the control terminals X5 and X6
6.5.4 Free configuration of analog outputs
Description ƒ The analog outputs (X6/62, X6/63) can be freely linked with internal
analog process or monitoring signals. The controller outputs a voltage
proportional to the internal signal at the analog outputs.
ƒ One signal source can be linked with several targets.
Linking signals Analog outputs can be linked with internal analog signals by entering the
selection figure of the internal signal into the code of C0431 (AOUT1, X6/62)
or C0436 (AOUT2, X6/63).
ƒ C0436 = 5006 ð signal source for X6/63 is the actual motor voltage
ƒ A list with all selection figures is included in the chapter
"Configuration" ® "Selection lists".
ƒ For signal linkage we recommend the function block editor in
Adjustment Set gain (C0108) and offset (C0109) to adapt the output signal to the
With an internal signal of 100 % and a gain of 1, a voltage of 10 V is output
at the terminal.
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Entry of motor data 6.6.1
Description The vector control mode requires considerably more motor data than the V/f
characteristic control mode.
Basically all motor data should be entered independent of the operating
mode. This enables the controller to detect further data as e.g. slip
compensation (C0021), maximum torque (C0057), number of motor pole
pairs (C0059) always conclusively and enter them into the corresponding
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.1 Entry of motor data
Does C0086 contain
the motor?
Choose similar motor
in C0086 according to the
criteria circuit configuration
and rated motor power
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Entry of motor data 6.6.1
Lenze motor which is included By selecting the motor in C0086 all required motor data are automatically
in C0086
entered into the following codes.
Code Description Code Description
C0022 Limit current for operation in motor mode C0087 Rated motor speed
C0023 Limit current for operation in generator C0088 Rated motor current
C0081 Rated motor power C0089 Rated motor frequency
C0082 Motor rotor resistance C0090 Rated motor voltage
C0084 Motor stator resistance C0091 Power factor cos j
C0085 Motor leakage inductance C0092 Motor stator inductance
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.2 Motor selection list
Three−phase asynchronous The following table contains all asynchronous motors, which can be selected
via C0086.
The "reference list of asynchronous motors" contains the asynchronous
motors, the data of which must be entered manually. ( 6.6−6)
0 1
Lenze type C0081 C0087 C0088 C0089 C0090 Motor type Temperature sensor
PN nN Ir [A] fN [Hz] UN [V]
[kW] [rpm]
9 DSGA56−22−100 SDSGA056−22−100 0.24 2790 0.8 100 390 Asynchronous KTY
inverter − motor
(Star connection)
10 MDSKA56−140 MDSKAXX056−22 0.80 3950 2.4 140
11 MDFKA71−120 MDFKAXX071−22 2.20 3410 6.0 120
12 MDSKA71−140 MDSKAXX071−22 1.70 4050 4.4 140
13 MDFKA80−60 MDFKAXX080−22 2.10 1635 4.8 60
14 MDSKA80−70 MDSKAXX080−22 1.40 2000 3.3 70
15 MDFKA80−120 MDFKAXX080−22 3.90 3455 9.1 120
16 MDSKA80−140 MDSKAXX080−22 2.30 4100 5.8 140
17 MDFKA90−60 MDFKAXX090−22 3.80 1680 8.5 60
18 MDSKA90−80 MDSKAXX090−22 2.60 2300 5.5 80
19 MDFKA90−120 MDFKAXX090−22 6.90 3480 15.8 120
20 MDSKA90−140 MDSKAXX090−22 4.10 4110 10.2 140 350
21 MDFKA100−60 MDFKAXX100−22 6.40 1700 13.9 60
22 MDSKA100−80 MDSKAXX100−22 4.00 2340 8.2 80 390
23 MDFKA100−120 MDFKAXX100−22 13.20 3510 28.7 120
24 MDSKA100−140 MDSKAXX100−22 5.20 4150 14.0 140 330 Asynchronous servo
25 MDFKA112−60 MDFKAXX112−22 11.00 1710 22.5 60
26 MDSKA112−85 MDSKAXX112−22 6.40 2490 13.5 85 390
27 MDFKA112−120 MDFKAXX112−22 20.30 3520 42.5 120
28 MDSKA112−140 MDSKAXX112−22 7.40 4160 19.8 140 320
30 DFQA100−50 MDFQAXX100−22 10.60 1420 26.5 50
31 DFQA100−100 MDFQAXX100−22 20.30 2930 46.9 100
32 DFQA112−28 MDFQAXX112−22 11.50 760 27.2 28
33 DFQA112−58 MDFQAXX112−22 22.70 1670 49.1 58
34 DFQA132−20 MDFQAXX132−32 17.00 555 45.2 20 360
35 DFQA132−42 MDFQAXX132−32 35.40 1200 88.8 42
40 DFQA112−50 MDFQAXX112−22 20.10 1425 43.7 50
41 DFQA112−100 MDFQAXX112−22 38.40 2935 81.9 100
42 DFQA132−36 MDFQAXX132−32 31.10 1035 77.4 36
43 DFQA132−76 MDFQAXX132−32 60.10 2235 144.8 76 340
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Motor selection list 6.6.2
Lenze type C0081 C0087 C0088 C0089 C0090 Motor type Temperature sensor
PN nN Ir [A] fN [Hz] UN [V]
[kW] [rpm]
210 DXRAXX071−12−50 DXRAXX071−12 0.25 1410 0.9
211 DXRAXX071−22−50 DXRAXX071−22 0.37 1398 1.2
212 DXRAXX080−12−50 DXRAXX080−12 0.55 1400 1.7
213 DXRAXX080−22−50 DXRAXX080−22 0.75 1410 2.3
214 DXRAXX090−12−50 DXRAXX090−12 1.10 1420 2.7
215 DXRAXX090−32−50 DXRAXX090−32 1.50 1415 3.6
216 DXRAXX100−22−50 DXRAXX100−22 2.20 1425 4.8
217 DXRAXX100−32−50 DXRAXX100−32 3.00 1415 6.6 50 400 inverter − motor Thermal contact
218 DXRAXX112−12−50 DXRAXX112−12 4.00 1435 8.3 (Star connection)
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.2 Motor selection list
Lenze type C0081 C0087 C0088 C0089 C0090 Motor type Temperature sensor
PN nN Ir [A] fN [Hz] UN [V]
[kW] [rpm]
440 MDXMAXM−071−12−87 MDXMAXM−071−12 0.43 2510 1.40 87 400
441 MDXMAXM−071−32−87 MDXMAXM−071−32 0.64 2510 2.10 87 400
442 MDXMAXM−080−12−87 MDXMAXM−080−12 0.95 2510 2.80 87 400
443 MDXMAXM−080−32−87 MDXMAXM−080−32 1.30 2490 3.50 87 400
444 MDXMAXM−090−12−87 MDXMAXM−090−12 2.00 2520 4.50 87 400
445 MDXMAXM−090−32−87 MDXMAXM−090−32 2.70 2530 6.10 87 400 Asynchronous
inverter − motor Thermal contact
446 MDXMAXM−100−12−87 MDXMAXM−100−12 3.90 2510 9.70 87 400 (Delta connection)
447 MDXMAXM−100−32−87 MDXMAXM−100−32 5.40 2510 12.70 87 400
448 MDXMAXM−112−22−87 MDXMAXM−112−22 7.10 2540 14.80 87 400
449 MDXMAXM−112−32−50 MDXMAXM−112−32 5.50 1440 12.50 50 400
450 MDXMAXM−132−22−50 MDXMAXM−132−22 7.50 1460 16.80 50 400
451 MDXMAXM−132−32−50 MDXMAXM−132−32 9.20 1450 19.50 50 400
Reference list of The motors listed under "motor nameplate" are not available in
asynchronous motors
Global Drive Control (GDC) and the device software.
1. Enter the corresponding value listed under C0086 into the code C0086.
2. Compare the codes for the motor data with the values in the table.
– If necessary, adapt the values in the controller to the values in the
3. If necessary, optimise the dynamic behaviour of your machine via the
codes C0070 and C0071.
Information on the motor Motor data
Field C0086 C0022 C0081 C0084 C0085 C0087 C0088 C0089 C0090 C0091 C0070 C0071 C0075 C0076
C86 Type Imax Pr Rs Ls nN IN fr Ur cos j Vpn Tnn Vpi Tni
[A] [kW] [W] [mH] [rpm] [A] [Hz] [V]
1006 MDXMAxx−071−12 210 1.28 0.25 39.90 157.20 1355 0.85 50 400 0.70 6 300 3.6 2
1007 MDXMAxx−071−12 250 2.25 0.47 39.90 157.20 2475 1.50 87 400 0.66 6 300 2 2
1008 MDXMAxx−071−32 211 1.73 0.37 25.03 122.60 1345 1.15 50 400 0.74 6 300 3.4 2
1009 MDXMAxx−071−32 251 3.00 0.67 25.03 122.60 2470 2.00 87 400 0.70 6 300 2.5 2
1010 MDXMAxx−080−12 212 2.40 0.55 20.69 89.00 1370 1.60 50 400 0.78 6 300 3.2 2
1011 MDXMAxx−080−12 252 3.90 1.00 20.69 89.00 2480 2.60 87 400 0.73 6 300 1.6 2
1012 MDXMAxx−080−32 213 2.85 0.75 11.69 65.20 1390 1.90 50 400 0.80 6 300 3.5 2
1013 MDXMAxx−080−32 253 4.95 1.35 11.69 65.20 2510 3.30 87 400 0.77 6 300 1.9 3
1014 MDXMAxx−090−12 214 3.90 1.10 10.01 40.20 1405 2.60 50 400 0.80 6 300 2.5 2
1015 MDXMAxx−090−12 254 6.75 2.00 10.01 40.20 2520 4.50 87 400 0.77 6 300 2 2
1016 MDXMAxx−090−32 215 5.25 1.50 5.85 28.80 1410 3.50 50 400 0.78 6 300 2 2
1017 MDXMAxx−090−32 255 9.15 2.70 5.85 28.80 2525 6.10 87 400 0.76 6 300 1 2
1018 MDXMAxx−100−12 216 7.20 2.20 2.90 20.00 1425 4.80 50 400 0.80 6 300 1 1.5
1019 MDXMAxx−100−12 256 12.45 3.90 2.90 20.00 2535 8.30 87 400 0.76 6 300 0.8 1.5
1020 MDXMAxx−100−32 217 9.75 3.00 2.10 17.00 1415 6.50 50 400 0.81 6 300 2.5 1.5
1021 MDXMAxx−100−32 257 17.10 5.40 2.10 17.00 2530 11.40 87 400 0.78 6 300 1.4 1.8
1022 MDXMAxx−112−22 218 12.45 4.00 1.50 11.00 1435 8.30 50 400 0.82 6 300 2 2
1023 MDXMAxx−112−22 258 21.45 7.10 1.50 11.00 2545 14.30 87 400 0.83 6 300 1 2
1024 MDXMAxx−132−12 219 16.50 5.50 0.86 13.00 1450 11.00 50 400 0.84 6 300 1.5 2
1025 MDXMAxx−132−12 259 28.65 9.70 0.86 13.00 2555 19.10 87 400 0.83 6 300 1.3 2
1026 MDXMAxx−132−22 220 21.90 7.50 0.80 11.00 1450 14.60 50 400 0.85 6 300 1.5 2
1027 MDXMAxx−132−22 260 38.10 13.20 0.80 11.00 2555 25.40 87 400 0.84 6 300 0.95 1.8
1028 MDXMAxx−160−22 221 31.50 11.00 0.50 7.00 1460 21.00 50 400 0.85 6 300 1.9 2.2
1029 MDXMAxx−160−22 261 54.75 19.30 0.50 7.00 2565 36.50 87 400 0.85 6 300 1 2
1030 MDXMAxx−160−32 222 41.70 15.00 0.40 5.50 1460 27.80 50 400 0.87 6 300 1.7 2.5
1031 MDXMAxx−160−32 262 72.60 26.40 0.40 5.50 2565 48.40 87 400 0.86 6 300 1 1.8
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Motor selection list 6.6.2
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.2 Motor selection list
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Motor temperature monitoring with PTC or thermal contact 6.6.3
Description PTC resistors according to DIN 44081 and DIN 44082 can be connected via
the terminal inputs T1 and T2. The motor temperature is measured and
integrated into the drive monitoring.
A thermal contact (NC contact) can also be connected to T1 and T2. Lenze
three−phase AC motors provide thermal contacts as default.
When using motors equipped with PTC resistors or thermostats, we
recommend to always activate the PTC input. This prevents the motor from
being destroyed by overheating.
ƒ The motor temperature monitoring may only be connected to
T1, T2 if the cable is terminated with a PTC or thermal contact
(NC contact) on the motor side.
– An "open" cable acts like an antenna and can cause faults on
the drive controller.
– Input signals at T1, T2 are processed with a delay of 2 s.
ƒ The drive controller can only evaluate one PTC resistor! Do not
connect several PTC resistors in series or in parallel:
– The motor temperature would be measured incorrectly.
– The motors could be destroyed by overheating.
ƒ If you operated several motors on a drive controller, use
thermal contacts (NC contacts) for motor temperature
monitoring and connect these in series.
ƒ To achieve full motor protection, an additional temperature
monitoring with separate evaluation must be installed.
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.3 Motor temperature monitoring with PTC or thermal contact
ƒ In the Lenze setting the motor temperature monitoring is
switched off!
ƒ If you work with several parameter sets, the monitoring must
be activated separately in each parameter set!
1. Connect the monitoring circuit of the motor to T1 and T2.
– With 1.6kW < R < 4kW, the monitoring responds.
2. Set the controller reaction:
– C0585 = 3: Temperature monitoring of the motor is switched off.
– C0585 = 0: TRIP error message (display of keypad: OH8 )
– C0585 = 2: Warning signal (display of keypad: OH8 !)
Function test Connect the PTC input with a fixed resistor:
ƒ R>4kW: The fault message OH8 must be activated.
ƒ R<1kW: Fault message must not be activated.
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Motor temperature monitoring with KTY 6.6.4
Description Via the incremental encoder connection X8 a KTY resistor can be connected
to pin X8/5 and X8/8. The motor temperature is detected and integrated in
the drive monitoring.
The KTY resistor is monitored with regard to interruption and short circuit.
We recommend to always activate the KTY input when using motors which
are equipped with KTY resistors. This serves to prevent the motor from being
destroyed by overheating.
ƒ The controller can only evaluate one KTY resistor! Do not
connect several KTY resistors in series or parallel:
– The motor temperature would be measured incorrectly.
– The motors could be destroyed by overheating.
ƒ If several motors are operated on one controller, use thermal
contacts (NC contacts) connected in series for motor
temperature monitoring.
ƒ To achieve full motor protection, an additional temperature
monitoring with separate evaluation must be installed.
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.4 Motor temperature monitoring with KTY
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Motor temperature monitoring with KTY 6.6.4
ƒ In the Lenze setting, the motor temperature monitoring is
switched off!
ƒ If you work with several parameter sets, the monitoring must
be activated separately in each parameter set!
Use C0594 = 0 or C0594 = 2 to activate the motor temperature monitoring
via X8. In addition, the connection is monitored for short circuit and
1. Connecting the monitoring circuit of the motor to X8/5 and X8/8.
2. Setting controller reaction to short circuit or interruption of the
– C0594 = 3: Monitoring is switched off.
– C0594 = 0: TRIP error message (display of keypad: Sd6 )
– C0594 = 2: Warning signal (display of keypad: Sd6 !)
Adjustment Monitoring with a fixed operating temperature (150 °C)
1. Set response of the controller:
– C0583 = 3: temperature monitoring of the motor switched off.
– C0583 = 0: TRIP error message (keypad display: OH3 )
– C0583 = 2: warning signal (keypad display: OH3 !)
Monitoring with a variable operating temperature (45...150 °C)
1. Set the operating temperature in C0121.
2. Set response of the controller:
– C0584 = 3: temperature monitoring of the motor switched off.
– C0584 = 2: warning signal (keypad display: OH7 !)
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.4 Motor temperature monitoring with KTY
Adjustment of KTY operating The temperature and resistance range can be adapted to the KTY used.
ƒ C1190 = 0: Fixed operating range for KTY in Lenze motors (Lenze
ƒ C1190 = 1: Adjustable operating range
R [O h m ]
R 2
(C 1 1 9 2 /2 )
R 1
(C 1 1 9 2 /1 )
T 1 T 2 T [° C ]
(C 1 1 9 1 /1 ) (C 1 1 9 1 /2 )
Fig. 6.6−3 Setting of the operating range for the KTY (C1190 = 1)
The operating range is specified by means of limit values and is in the almost
linear section of the graph (a). The operating values are determined by
C1191/1 Setting of the lower and upper temperature value (T1, T2)
C1191/2 corresponding to the KTY used.
C1192/1 Setting of the lower and upper resistance value corresponding to
C1192/2 the KTY used.
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Current limits 6.6.5
Description The controllers are provided with a current limit value control which
determines the dynamic behaviour under load. The resulting utilisation is
compared to the current limit value set under C0022 for motor load and
under C0023 for generator load. If the current limit values are exceeded, the
controller changes its dynamic behaviour.
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.6 Automatic collection of motor data
Adjustment ƒ Set the acceleration and deceleration times so that the drive can follow
the speed profile without reaching Imax of the controller.
ƒ A correct current control during operation in generator mode is only
possible with an external brake resistor.
ƒ Drive behaviour with motor or generator overload (C0054 > C0022 or
– The controller reduces the speed up to 0min−1 .
– The controller cancels the change of the speed if the load falls below
the limit value again.
ƒ When operating with switching frequency > 2 kHz, C0022 and C0023
must be adapted to the permissible output currents (derating).
ƒ A correct current control (C0075, C0076) in generator mode is only
possible with a connected brake resistor or in DC bus connection with
energy exchange.
Description The motor data identification serves to detect the required motor data and
influences of the motor cable.
Before executing the identification you must manually enter the motor data
from the motor nameplate into the corresponding codes.
Vector control (C0006 = 1)
In the vector control mode the motor data identification must be executed
before initial commissioning.
ƒ In case of vector control without temperature feedback, the heating of
the motor in the motor model is not taken into consideration.
ƒ In case of vector control with thermal sensor KTY a motor temperature
of 20 °C in the motor model is considered.
Important: The temperature feedback must be activated (C0594 = 0 or
C0594 = 2) before you execute the motor data identification.
V/f characteristic control (C0006 = 5)
In the Lenze setting, the controllers are defined for a power−adapted motor
with 10m of motor cable. Therefore the motor data identification is not
ƒ The identification of the motor data also influences the smooth
running behaviour. When identifying the motor data for this operating
mode, you can optimise the smooth running behaviour at low speeds.
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Automatic collection of motor data 6.6.6
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.6 Automatic collection of motor data
Commissioning 6
Adjusting the motor 6.6
Automatic collection of motor data 6.6.6
Adjustment The identification is only executed for the parameter set which is activated
at the moment:
ƒ If you want to identify the motor data for another parameter set, you
must switch to this parameter set and restart the identification.
ƒ During the identification the motor is supplied with current.
The motor does not rotate.
ƒ The load machine can remain to be connected. Existing
holding brakes can be kept in the braking position.
ƒ If the motor is idling, a small phase offset may occur at the
motor shaft.
1. Enter C0087, C0088, C0089, C0090 and C0091 of your motor (see
– It is vital to enter the correct values since these entries influence
important parameters such as slip compensation and no−load
– Enter the values according to the connection method (star or delta)
for the rated motor current (C0088) and rated motor voltage (C0090).
Manual motor data 1. Inhibit the controller. Wait until drive stands still.
identification (C0148)
2. Select C0148 = 1, confirm with ".
3. Enable the controller. The identification starts.
– The green LED at the controller is blinking very fast.
– "WRK run" is displayed at the keypad.
– The rotor resistance is calculated and saved in C0082.
– The motor stator resistance is detected and saved in C0084.
– The motor leakage inductance is measured and saved in C0085.
– The inverter compensation characteristic is calculated from the
measured motor stator resistance and saved in C1751/1 ... C1751/17.
– The motor stator inductance is calculated from the entered data and
saved in C0092.
– The identification takes approx. 1 ... 2 min (dependent on the rated
motor power).
– The identification is completed when the green LED at the controller
is lit (keypad, GDC: is active).
4. Inhibit the controller.
If the motor data identification has been completed incorrectly
If the identification is incorrect, the fault ID1 or ID2 is displayed.
ƒ If the motor data identification is incorrect, the process must be
repeated from step 2.
6 Commissioning
6.6 Adjusting the motor
6.6.6 Automatic collection of motor data
Automatic motor data The automatic motor data identification is suitable for standard and
identification (C0149)
replacement devices which are pre−parameterised in the workshop and
commissioned on site:
ƒ Enter the motor data of the motor nameplate, set C0149 = 1 and save
the settings.
ƒ The motor data identification is started with the first controller enable.
After a successful identification the settings are automatically saved in
the parameter set 1.
1. Inhibit controller (X5/28 = LOW).
2. Switch on the mains.
3. Select a Lenze motor under C0086 or enter motor data of the
4. If required, select C0149 = 1 and confirm with ".
5. Enable the controller. The identification starts.
– The green LED at the controller is blinking very fast.
– "WRK run" is displayed at the keypad.
– The rotor resistance is calculated and saved in C0082.
– The motor stator resistance is detected and saved in C0084.
– The motor leakage inductance is measured and saved in C0085.
– The inverter compensation characteristic is calculated from the
measured motor stator resistance and saved in C1751/1 ... C1751/17.
– The motor stator inductance is calculated from the entered data and
saved in C0092.
– The identification takes approx. 1 ... 2 min (dependent on the rated
motor power).
– The identification is completed when the green LED at the controller
is lit (keypad, GDC: is active).
– Controller is inhibited.
– If required, select C0149 = 0 and confirm with ". The automatic
motor data identification is deactivated.
6. Inhibit the controller.
If the motor data identification has been completed incorrectly
If the identification is incorrect, the fault ID or ID is displayed.
1. Acknowledge fault with TRIP RESET or switch the mains.
2. Enable the controller. The identification restarts.
Commissioning 6
Setting the speed feedback 6.7
Description For speed monitoring, the feedback signal via incremental encoder can
either be supplied via input X8 or X9.
ƒ At input X8 you can only attach an incremental encoder with
ƒ Incremental encoders with HTL−level can only be connected to input
The incremental encoder signal can be output for slaves at the digital
frequency output X10.
The master frequency input (DFIN) and master frequency output (DFOUT)
are described in the chapter "Function library".
You can use maximally two of the three interfaces X8, X9, X10 at
the same time. This may lead to the fact that the incremental
encoder input cannot be activated or the master frequency input
or master frequency output does not work.
ƒ This does not apply if the input signal at X8 or X9 is directly
output to master frequency output X10 (C0540 = 4 or 5).
ƒ To deactivate the master frequency input, the internal signal
connection of function block DFIN to the following function
block must be removed. Remove the function block DFIN from
the processing table.
6 Commissioning
6.7 Setting the speed feedback
6.7.1 Incremental encoder with TTL level at X8
On X8, only incremental encoders with TTL level can be operated. Wiring
diagram and pin assignment of X8 are described in chapter "Wiring of the
standard device" ® "Wiring of the feedback system".
Activation ƒ C0025 = 100. In addition, you have to set the number of increments in
ƒ C0025 = 110, 111, 112 or 113. The number of increments (512, 1024,
2048 or 4096) is automatically set.
Adjustment The incremental encoder is supplied with voltage by the drive controller.
If the supply voltage is too high, it may destroy the incremental
Under C0421 you can adjust the supply voltage VCC (5 V) of the incremental
encoder in order to compensate for the voltage drop along the incremental
encoder cable (if required).
Calculation of the voltage drop
R[W] l Length of the incremental encoder cable
DU [ l[m] @ @ I Inc[A]
R Resistance of the incremental encoder cable
IInc Current consumption of the incremental
Commissioning 6
Setting the speed feedback 6.7
Incremental encoder with HTL level at X9 6.7.2
On X9, incremental encoders with HTL level can be operated. Wiring diagram
and pin assignment of X9 are described in chapter "Wiring of the standard
device" ® "Wiring of the feedback system".
Activation ƒ C0025 = 101. In addition, you have to set the number of increments in
Adjustment The incremental encoder must be operated with an external supply voltage.
C0421 has no influence.
ƒ Incremental encoders with HTL level require DC 8 ... 30 V supply
voltage. Please observe the information by the manufacturer.
Commissioning 6
Operating mode 6.8
Description The control mode of the controller can be selected via the operating mode.
You can select between the following modes:
ƒ V/f characteristic control
ƒ Vector control
Selection of the correct The V/f characteristic control is the classic operating mode for standard
operating mode applications.
When using the vector control you will achieve improved drive features
compared to the V/f characteristic control due to:
ƒ Higher torque via the complete speed range
ƒ Higher speed accuracy and higher concentricity factor
ƒ Higher efficiency
6 Commissioning
6.8 Operating mode
-nN nN n -nN nN n
2 3 2 3
9300vec092 9300vec093
Vector control
without feedback with feedback
1 0 1 0
-nN nN n -nN nN n
2 3 2 3
9300vec095 9300vec094
Commissioning 6
Operating mode 6.8
Recommended operating The frequency inverter is mainly designed for the applications listed in the
modes below table.
The table helps you to select the correct operating mode for your application:
ƒ C0006 = 5: V/f characteristic control with constant Vmin boost
ƒ C0006 = 1: Vector control
Power range 110 ... 400 kW Selection of the operating mode in C0006
Motor cable Motor cable
shielded £ 100 m shielded > 100 m
unshielded £ 200 m unshielded > 200 m
Applications with asynchronous recommended alternatively recommended alternatively
Single drives
Drives with constant load 5 1 5 −
Drives with heavy start 1 5 5 −
Travelling drives, conveyor belts 5 1 5 −
Pump drives, fan drives 1) 5 − 5 −
Extruder drives 5 1 5 −
Drives for wire drawing 5 1 5 −
Drives for rolling machines 5 1 5 −
Drives for rewinders with 1 5 − −
Group drives 5 − 5 −
(the resulting motor cable
length is decisive Ires)
l res + Ǹ(i @ (l 1 ) l 2 ) AAA ) l i))
1) A square voltage characteristic (C0014 = 1) is recommended for this application
Only switch between the operating modes if the controller is
6 Commissioning
6.8 Operating mode
6.8.1 V/f characteristic control
Description The output voltage of the controller follows a defined characteristic. At low
output frequencies, the characteristic can be boosted. It can be adapted to
different load profiles.
ƒ Linear characteristic for drives with constant load torque over the
ƒ Quadratic characteristic for drives with quadratic load torque over the
– Quadratic V/f characteristics are preferably used in centrifugal pump
and fan drives. However, it must be checked whether your pump or
fan drive can be operated in this operating mode!
– If your pump or fan drive cannot be used for the operation with a
quadratic V/f characteristic, the linear V/f characteristic or vector
control mode must be used.
Uout Uout
C0089 C0089
100 % 100 %
C0090 C0090
0 0
0 1 n 0 1 n
nN nN
9300vec085 9300vec086
Commissioning 6
Operating mode 6.8
V/f characteristic control 6.8.1
6 Commissioning
6.8 Operating mode
6.8.1 V/f characteristic control
Set Umin boost Load−independent boost of the motor voltage for output frequencies below
the V/f rated frequency. This serves to optimise the torque behaviour.
C0016 must be adapted to the asynchronous motor used. Otherwise the
motor may be destroyed by overtemperature or the controller may be
operated with overcurrent:
1. Operate the motor in idle state at 5 ... 10 % of the rated speed (nN):
2. Increase Vmin until you reach the following motor current:
A Motor in short−time operation up to 0.5 nN:
– For self−ventilated motors: Imotor » IN motor
– For forced ventilated motors: Imotor » IN motor
B Motor in continuous operation up to 0.5 nN:
– For self−ventilated motors: Imotor » 0.8IN motor
– For forced ventilated motors: Imotor»IN motor
Observe for all adjusting processes the thermal behaviour of the
connected asynchronous motor at low speeds:
ƒ Usually, standard asynchronous motors with insulation class B
can be driven for a short time with its rated current in the
speed range up to 0.5 nN.
ƒ Contact the motor manufacturer for getting the exact setting
values for the max. permissible motor current of
self−ventilated motors in the lower speed range.
Uout Uout
C0089 C0089
100 % 100 %
C0090 C0090
0 0
0 1 n 0 1 n
nN nN
9300vec085 9300vec086
Commissioning 6
Operating mode 6.8
V/f characteristic control 6.8.1
Optimising V/f characteristic In general the V/f characteristic control can be operated without any further
control measures. The V/f characteristic control must only be optimised in case of
the following drive behaviour:
Drive behaviour Remedy
Does not rotate concentrically at low Executing motor identification
speeds, especially when operating
with long motor cables
Problems in case of high starting Adjusting the voltage increase (C0016).
duty (high mass inertia), in extreme l Set C0016 so that with an enabled controller and
cases, the error message OC1 occurs 5 ... 10 % of the rated speed an approx.
0.8−fold ... single rated motor current flows
l 6.8−6
The set voltage increase (C0016) Adapting the voltage increase with boost correction
does not result in the desired current ( 6.11−5)
flow (controller has problems at high
starting duty, error message OC1
during acceleration).
Drive does not follow the speed l Increasing acceleration / deceleration time
setpoint. l Consider sufficient magnetising time of the motor.
Reason: The current controller the magnetising time amounts to 0.1 ... 2 s
intervenes in the rated field depending on the motor power
frequency to limit the controller l Increase permissible maximum current (C0022,
output current to the maximum C0023)
current (C0022, C0023)
For operation without speed l Increase slip compensation (C0021). Important:
feedback (C0025 = 1): unstable drive due to overcompensation!
Lack of speed stability at high load l In case of cyclic load impulses (e.g. centrifugal pump)
(setpoint and motor speed are not a smoother motor characteristic can be achieved by
proportional anymore) smaller values in C0021 (maybe negative values)
Note: The slip compensation is only active for operation
without speed feedback.
Error messages OC1 or OC3 with l Increase gain of the Imax controller (C0075)
short acceleration times (C0012) l Reduce integral−action time of the Imax controller
compared with the load (controller (C0076)
cannot follow the dynamic l Increase acceleration time (C0012)
Mechanical resonances at certain The function block NLIM1 serves to suppress those
speeds speed ranges in which resonances occur (see chapter
"Function library").
Speed oscillations in no−load The oscillation damping minimises speed oscillations
operation at speeds > 1/3 rated (see "Optimising operational performance" in chapter
speed "Commissioning")
6 Commissioning
6.8 Operating mode
6.8.2 Vector control
Description Compared to the V/f characteristic control, the vector control serves to
achieve a considerably higher torque and lower current consumption in idle
ƒ The connected motor may be maximally two power classes
smaller than the motor assigned to the drive controller.
ƒ The motor data identification is essential.
Commissioning 6
Operating mode 6.8
Vector control 6.8.2
6 Commissioning
6.8 Operating mode
6.8.2 Vector control
When setting the vector control mode, the slip compensation
(C0021) is automatically set to 0.0 %.
ƒ When you switch back to the V/f characteristic control mode,
the slip compensation must be re−adapted.
Prepare the motor data The motor data of the motor nameplate must be entered:
ƒ Rated motor speed (C0087)
ƒ Rated motor current (C0088)
ƒ Rated motor frequency (C0089)
ƒ Rated motor voltage (C0090)
ƒ Motor cos j (C0091)
Executing the motor data Execute the motor data identification. ( 6.6−16)
Commissioning 6
Operating mode 6.8
Vector control 6.8.2
Optimising vector control In general the vector control can be operated without any further measures.
The vector control must only be optimised in case of the following drive
Drive behaviour Remedy
Operation without feedback: 1. Optimise setpoint for the motor magnetising
l The current consumption in idle current. ( 6.11−9)
state differs widely from the 2. Stator inductance (C0092) must be adapted after
rated magnetising current (ImR » motor parameter identification.
IN × sin j) . Calculate sin j from The calculation of the stator inductance by the
the cos j of the motor motor data identification is based on the motor data
nameplate. entered before and does not consider the physical
l The drive has an uneven starting leakage of the motor and the inductive reactance of
performance the motor cable.
+15 %
92 C00
C00 92
-15 %
0,37 22 90 400 PN [kW]
Commissioning 6
Switching frequency of the inverter 6.9
Description The switching frequency of the inverter influences the smooth running
behaviour, the power loss in the controller and the noise generation in the
connected motor. The Lenze setting is the optimal value for standard
applications. The following general rule applies:
The lower the switching frequency, the
ƒ lower the power loss.
ƒ higher the noise generation.
ƒ better the concentricity factor.
You can select between two switching frequency modes:
Code sine−wave modulated (sin) flat−top modulated (f_top)
C0018 1, 2, 4, 6 3
ƒ The concentricity factor at low speeds is lower with flat top
modulation than with sine−wave modulation. For standard
application a sine−wave modulated switching frequency is
ƒ The maximum output frequency of the controller depends on
the selected switching frequency (see C0018).
ƒ With C0018 = 6, the switching frequency will be automatically
changed depending on the output current of the controller.
ƒ Please observe that the output current must be reduced when
operating with high switching frequencies to prevent an
impermissible heating of the controller (derating).
ƒ Adapt the current limit values (C0022 and C0023) so that the
currents specified in the technical data are not exceeded.
Moreover, you can adjust whether it is switched to a lower switching
frequency when the heatsink temperature reaches an adjustable limit value.
This prevents the drive from being inhibited by the error "overtemperature"
and the motor coasts without torque.
6 Commissioning
6.9 Switching frequency of the inverter
Commissioning 6
Acceleration, deceleration, braking, stopping 6.10
Speed range 6.10.1
Description The speed range required for the application is set in the codes C0010 and
ƒ The minimum speed (C0010) corresponds to a speed setpoint selection
of 0 %.
ƒ The minimum speed (C0011) corresponds to a speed setpoint selection
of 100 %.
0% 100 %
Fig. 6.10−1 Relation between setpoint and minimum and maximum output frequency
6 Commissioning
6.10 Acceleration, deceleration, braking, stopping
6.10.1 Speed range
Set C0011 so that the maximum motor speed is not exceeded.
Otherwise the motor can be destroyed.
Adjusting tips Observe the internal speed limits (p = number of motor pole pairs):
ƒ Switching frequency 2/4kHz: nmax = 36000/4p min−1
ƒ Switching frequency 1kHz: nmax = 36000/4p min−1
Commissioning 6
Acceleration, deceleration, braking, stopping 6.10
Speed range 6.10.2
Description The acceleration and deceleration times determine the controller response
time after a setpoint change.
Adjustment ƒ The acceleration and deceleration times refer to a speed change from
0min−1 to the max. speed set in C0011.
ƒ Calculate the times Tir and Tif, which you can set under C0012 and
n [min-1]
tir tif
Tir Tif
T ir + t ir @ nC0011 tir and tif are the desired times for the change
2 * n1 between n1 and n2
T if + t if @ nC0011
2 * n1
If the acceleration and deceleration times are set too short and
under unfavourable operating conditions the controller can be
switched off with TRIP OC1 or OC3. In these cases, the
acceleration and deceleration times must be set so that the drive
can follow the speed profile without Imax reaching a drive
6 Commissioning
6.10 Acceleration, deceleration, braking, stopping
6.10.3 Quick stop
Description Quick stop brakes the drive to standstill with the deceleration time set in
ƒ DC−injection braking (GSB) has priority over quick stop.
Commissioning 6
Acceleration, deceleration, braking, stopping 6.10
Changing the direction of rotation 6.10.4
Description In the basic configurations (C0005) the direction of rotation of the motor is
reversed in a fail−safe way via the X5/E1 and X5/E2 and the function block
R/L/Q. Thus, only the main setpoint is changed.
The reversing time depends on the ramp times set for the main setpoint or
quick stop.
When the direction of rotation is changed, the drive brakes along the
deceleration ramp (C0013) and accelerates along the acceleration ramp
(C0012) into the other direction of rotation.
Direction of rotation with in−phase connection:
Direction of Signal level at Notes
X5/E1 X5/E2
CCW rotation LOW HIGH
CW rotation HIGH LOW
Quick stop LOW LOW
Unchanged HIGH HIGH l During operation: The direction
of rotation results from the signal
which was active first.
l At mains connection: The
controller activates quick stop
Commissioning 6
Optimising the operating behaviour 6.11
Slip compensation 6.11.1
Description The speed of an asynchronous machine decreases when being loaded. This
load−dependent speed drop is called slip. By setting C0021 the slip can be
partly compensated.
In the V/f characteristic control mode the slip compensation is only active at
operation without feedback (C0025 = 1).
6 Commissioning
6.11 Optimising the operating behaviour
6.11.1 Slip compensation
When operating synchronous or reluctance motors, C0021 must
be set to 0.
Vector control
Use C0021 to change the influence of the rotor resistance (C0082)
ƒ Reduce the value in C0021 at an increasing speed (negative values)
ƒ Increase the value in C0021 at a decreasing speed
When setting the vector control mode, the slip compensation
(C0021) is automatically set to 0.0 %.
ƒ When you switch back to the V/f characteristic control mode,
the slip compensation must be re−adapted.
Commissioning 6
Optimising the operating behaviour 6.11
Oscillation damping 6.11.2
6 Commissioning
6.11 Optimising the operating behaviour
6.11.2 Oscillation damping
Restricted effect with vector control
ƒ The oscillation damping has no influence on the drive
behaviour at low tendency to oscillation of the speed
ƒ Especially for drives > 55 kW with a tendency to oscillation it
may be necessary to deactivate the oscillation damping
(C0234 = 0 %).
ƒ For operation with feedback the oscillation damping has no
Commissioning 6
Optimising the operating behaviour 6.11
Boost correction with V/f characteristic control 6.11.3
Description In the V/f characteristic control mode (C0006 = 5), a constant voltage boost
(in [%] von C0090) can be preset in code C0016 at low speeds or motor
If due to the setting in C0016 no current or a nonuniform current flows, the
voltage boost can be further increased via the boost correction to inject a
sufficiently high and uniform current into the motor.
If the voltage boost is insufficient, the following drive behaviour occurs:
ƒ The required torque is not achieved at standstill.
ƒ When the load is accelerated from standstill, the current overshoots as
the motor had not been magnetised sufficiently before. OC1 can trip.
If the motor magnetising current is too low, Lenze recommends
to operate the controller with sine−wave modulated switching
frequency (C0018 = 0, 1, 4, 5 oder 6) only.
6 Commissioning
6.11 Optimising the operating behaviour
6.11.3 Boost correction with V/f characteristic control
A longer operation of the motor in standstill may destroy the
motor by overheating, especially in case of small motors.
ƒ Connect the thermal contact (NC contact), PTC, or KTY of the
motor and activate the motor temperature monitoring of the
ƒ Operate self−ventilated motors with a blower, if required.
Commissioning 6
Optimising the operating behaviour 6.11
Boost correction with V/f characteristic control 6.11.3
6 × Umin
3 × Umin
0 0.5 0.99
Increase the value in C0080 step by step and observe the effect on the
current injection with an oscilloscope, if required.
– If the boost correction is to high, this can cause current overshoots
when the current injection starts.
5. Set the adaptation of the boost correction in C1583.
100 %
0 0.5 fout fout
Enter the output frequency in C1583 until which the boost correction is
to have an effect.
– At an output frequency of 0 Hz the boost correction has the influence
defined in C0080 and is 100 percent efficient. An increasing output
frequency reduces the influence linearly to 0.
6 Commissioning
6.11 Optimising the operating behaviour
6.11.3 Boost correction with V/f characteristic control
3 × Umin
0 0.5 0.99
Commissioning 6
Optimising the operating behaviour 6.11
Motor magnetising current with vector control 6.11.4
This chapter describes how to optimise the setpoint for the motor
magnetising current (C0095) via the codes C0080 and C1583 in case of
vector control without feedback.
ƒ In case of vector control with feedback the setpoint for the motor
magnetising current is only determined by C0095. An optimisation is
not required. The codes C0080 and C1583 have no effect.
The motor current consists of the exciting and active part. The
magnetisation of the motor is determined by the excitation current
(magnetising current). To create a torque the motor needs active current.
In the vector control mode (C0006 = 1) a magnetising current is injected into
the motor after controller enable. The current level is detected by the
controller from the motor data.
If a too low motor magnetising current is injected after controller enable, the
following drive behaviour occurs:
ƒ The required torque is not achieved at standstill.
ƒ When a high load is accelerated from standstill, the current overshoots.
OC1 can be activated.
ƒ The machine runs irregularly as the motor is underexcited.
If the motor magnetising current is too low, Lenze recommends
to operate the controller with sine−wave modulated switching
frequency (C0018 = 0, 1, 4, 5 oder 6) only.
6 Commissioning
6.11 Optimising the operating behaviour
6.11.4 Motor magnetising current with vector control
Commissioning 6
Optimising the operating behaviour 6.11
Motor magnetising current with vector control 6.11.4
A longer operation of the motor in standstill may destroy the
motor by overheating, especially in case of small motors.
ƒ Connect the thermal contact (NC contact), PTC, or KTY of the
motor and activate the motor temperature monitoring of the
ƒ Operate self−ventilated motors with a blower, if required.
Basic setting
1. Enter the motor data of the motor nameplate and execute the motor
identification. ( 6.6−16)
2. For magnetising the motor, consider enough time. The motor is being
magnetised between controller enable and motor start.
A delayed start of the motor can be achieved using e.g. the quick stop
– Activate quick stop. Enable the controller and wait until the motor is
magnetised sufficiently. Deactivate quick stop for the motor to start.
The bigger the motor the longer the time for magnetisation. A motor with
the power of 90 kW requires up to 2 s.
If the desired continuous current does not flow, the magnetisation of the
motor can be optimised using the codes C0080, C0095 and C1583.
6 Commissioning
6.11 Optimising the operating behaviour
6.11.4 Motor magnetising current with vector control
3. If required, select a setpoint for the motor magnetising current in
– The value in the Lenze setting has been evaluated by the controller
from the entered motor data of the motor nameplate.
4. The influence, the setpoint of the motor magnetising current is to
have, can be set in C0080.
– A P controller which increases or reduces the setpoint can be
parameterised via C0080.
– Increase the value in C0080 step by step and observe the effect on
the current injection with an oscilloscope, if required.
– When C0080 = 0 the P controller is deactivated. No setpoint is
selected for the motor magnetising current.
5. Set the adaptation of the setpoint for the motor magnetising current in
100 %
0 0.5 fout fout
Fig. 6.11−4 Adaptation of the setpoint for the motor magnetising current
Adaptation of the setpoint
Characteristic when C1583 = 100 % (Lenze setting). The output
frequency corresponds to half the rated motor frequency in C0089.
Characteristic when C1583 = 199.99 %. The output frequency
corresponds to the rated motor frequency in C0089.
When C1583 = 0 % the adaptation is deactivated. No setpoint is selected for the
motor magnetising current.
Parameter setting 7
7 Parameter setting
Parameter setting 7
Important notes 7.1
Adapting the controller The controller functions can be adapted to your applications by means of
functions to the application parameterisation. You can either parameterise via keypad, PC or via the
parameter channel of a bus system.
The function library contains a detailed description of the functions, the
signal flow diagrams contain all configurable signals.
Parameters and codes The parameters for the functions are stored in numbered codes:
ƒ Codes are marked in the text with a "C" (e.g. C0002).
ƒ The code table provides a quick overview of all codes. The codes are
sorted according to their numbers and can be used as reference.
( 8.5−1)
Parameter setting via keypad A quick parameter setting is provided by the keypad XT. Moreover, it serves
as status display, error diagnosis and transfer of parameters to other drive
Keypad XT
Can be used with 8200 vector, 8200 motec, starttec, Drive PLC,
9300 vector, 9300 servo
Operator buttons 8
Plain text display yes
Menu structure yes
Configurable menu (user menu") yes
Predefined basic configurations yes
Non−volatile memory for parameter transfer yes
Password protection yes
Diagnosis terminal Keypad XT in handheld design, IP 20
Installation in control cabinet no
Type of protection IP 20
Detailed description 7.2−1
7 Parameter setting
7.1 Important notes
Parameter setting via PC You need the parameter setting / operating software »Global Drive Control«
(GDC) or »Global Drive Control easy« (GDC easy) and an interface for
ƒ Interface for system bus (CAN) (preset in GDC):
– PC system bus adapter
ƒ Serial interface for LECOM:
– Communication module LECOM−A/B (RS232/RS485)
The parameter setting /operating software of the Global Drive Control
family are easy−to−understand and tools for the operation, parameter
setting and diagnostics or Lenze drive controllers.
GDC easy GDC
Supply Free download from the Program package must be
internet at charged for
Operation in interactive mode yes yes
Comprehensive help functions yes yes
Menu "Short setup" yes yes
Monitor windows for displaying yes yes
operating parameters and for
diagnostic purposes
Saving and printing of parameter yes yes
settings as code list
Loading of parameter files from the yes yes
controller to the PC
Storing of parameter files from the PC yes yes
in the controller
Function block editor no yes
Technology functions for 9300 Servo no yes
Oscilloscope function for 9300 Servo no yes
and 9300 vector
Detailed description Online help of the Online help of the
program program
Parameter setting via bus Detailed information can be found in the documentation of the
system corresponding bus system.
Parameter setting 7
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 7.2
General data and operating conditions 7.2.1
SHPRG p Menu
0050 00
a c
Feature Values
Width a 60 mm
Height b 73.5 mm
Depth c 15 mm
Environmental conditions
Storage IEC/EN 60721−3−1 1K3 (−25 ... +60 °C)
Transport IEC/EN 60721−3−2 2K3 (−25 ... +70 °C)
Operation IEC/EN 60721−3−3 3K3 (−10 ... +60 °C)
Enclosure IP 20
7 Parameter setting
7.2 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
7.2.2 Installation and commissioning
B 00
b 50
c 00 Hz
d p
Para .0 dcbBA
SHP 50 T
U SHPRG p Menu
NO 0050 00
TR 50.00_Hz
Yy z
0050 00
0050 00 0 BA
50.00 Hz
20 %
y 2 3
0050 00
50.00 Hz
20 %
0 4
1 dcbBA 5
SHPRG p Menu
0050 00
2 50.00_Hz
z 8
Fig. 7.2−2 Display elements and function keys of the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
Parameter setting 7
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 7.2
Display elements and function keys 7.2.3
7 Parameter setting
7.2 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
7.2.4 Changing and saving parameters
Function keys
Shortcuts with (:
Press and hold the ( key, then press a second key.
Key Function
Menu level Code level Parameter level Operating level
Change to the Change to the Change to the code
parameter level operating level level
Load predefined Accept parameters
configurations in if SHPRG ' or
the "Short setup" SHPRG are
menu displayed
Change between Change the code Change the digit
) menu items number via cursor
Quick change
( Quick change of Quick change of
between menu
code number digit via cursor
Change between main menu, Cursor to the right
* submenus, and code level Cursor to the left
Deactivate the function of the + key, the LED in the key goes out
+ Inhibit the controller, the LED in the key is lit
Reset the fault 1. Eliminate the cause of malfunction
(TRIP reset): 2. Press +
3. Press
1) Only active if standard devices of the 8200 vector or 8200 motec series are used
Your settings have an effect on the current parameters in the
main memory. You must save your settings in a parameter set so
that they are not lost when the mains are connected.
If you only need one parameter set, save your settings as
parameter set 1, since parameter set 1 is loaded automatically
after mains connection.
Parameter setting 7
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 7.2
Changing and saving parameters 7.2.4
7 Parameter setting
7.2 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
7.2.5 Loading a parameter set
The keypad serves to load a saved parameter set into the main memory
when the controller is inhibited. After the controller is enabled, it operates
with the new parameters.
ƒ When a new parameter set is loaded, the controller is
reinitialised and acts as if it had been connected to the mains:
– System configurations and terminal assignments can be
changed. Make sure that your wiring and drive configuration
comply with the settings of the parameter set.
ƒ Only use terminal X5/28 as source for the controller inhibit!
Otherwise the drive may start in an uncontrolled way when
switching over to another parameter set.
ƒ After switching on the supply voltage, the controller always
loads parameter set 1 into the main memory.
ƒ It is also possible to load other parameter sets into the main
memory via the digital inputs or bus commands.
Parameter setting 7
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 7.2
Transferring parameters to other standard devices 7.2.6
Parameter settings can be easily copied from one standard device to another
by using the keypad.
For this purpose use the "Load/Store" menu
During the parameter transfer from the keypad to the standard
device the control terminals can adopt undefined states!
Therefore the plugs X5 and X6 must be disconnected from the
standard device before the transfer takes place. This ensures that
the controller is inhibited and all control terminals have the
defined state "LOW".
7 Parameter setting
7.2 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
7.2.6 Transferring parameters to other standard devices
Parameter setting 7
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 7.2
Activating password protection 7.2.7
ƒ If the password protection is activated (C0094 = 1 ... 9999), you
only have free access to the user menu.
ƒ To access the other menus, you must enter the password. By
this, the password protection is annulled until you enter a new
ƒ Please observe that the password−protected parameters can
be overwritten as well when transferring the parameter sets
to other standard devices. The password is not transferred.
ƒ Do not forget your password! If you have forgotten your
password, it can only be reset via a PC or a bus system!
7 Parameter setting
7.2 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
7.2.8 Diagnostics
7.2.8 Diagnostics
In the "Diagnostic" menu the two submenus "Actual info" and "History"
contain all codes for
ƒ monitoring the drive
ƒ fault/error diagnosis
In the operating level, more status messages are displayed. If several status
messages are active, the message with the highest priority is displayed.
Priority Display Meaning
1 GLOBAL DRIVE INIT Initialisation or communication error between
keypad and controller
2 XXX − TRIP Active TRIP (contents of C0168/1)
3 XXX − MESSAGE Active message (contents of C0168/1)
4 Special device states:
Switch−on inhibit
5 Source for controller inhibit (the value of C0004 is displayed simultaneously):
STP1 9300 servo: Terminal X5/28
ECSxS/P/M/A: Terminal X6/SI1
STP3 Operating module or LECOM A/B/LI
STP5 9300 servo, System bus (CAN)
ECSxS/P/M: MotionBus (CAN)
STP6 C0040
6 Source for quick stop (QSP):
QSP−term−Ext The MCTRL−QSP input of the MCTRL function block is on
HIGH signal.
QSP−C0135 Operating module or LECOM A/B/LI
QSP−CAN 9300 servo, System bus (CAN)
ECSxS/P/M: MotionBus (CAN)
7 XXX − WARNING Active warning (contents of C0168/1)
8 xxxx Value below C0004
Parameter setting 7
Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad 7.2
Menu structure 7.2.9
7 Parameter setting
7.2 Parameter setting with the XT EMZ9371BC keypad
7.2.9 Menu structure
Identify Identification
Drive Software version of standard device
Op Keypad Software version of keypad
Configuration 8
8 Configuration
Configuration 8
Important notes 8.1
System Manual The "Configuration" chapter in the System Manual contains the following:
ƒ Monitoring
ƒ Monitoring functions
ƒ Description of the following function blocks:
– Diameter calculator (DCALC)
– Digital frequency input (DFIN)
– Digital frequency output (DFOUT)
– Digital frequency ramp function generator (DFRFG)
– Digital frequency processing (DFSET)
– Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1)
– Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
ƒ Code table
ƒ Selection lists
ƒ Table of attributes
System Manual (extension) The "Configuration" chapter in the System Manual (extension) contains the
ƒ Notes on the configuration with Global Drive Control
ƒ Description of the basic configuration
ƒ Use of function blocks
ƒ Description of the other function blocks for the 9300 vector frequency
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Diameter calculator (DCALC) 8.2.1
Description The function block calculates the current reel diameter in winding drives.
C1326/1 C1300
C1327/1 * b
C1322/1 b DCALC1-OUT
C1327/2 C1302 C1305 C1308 C1310
C1322/2 C1303 C1306 C1309
C1304 C1307
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.1 Diameter calculator (DCALC)
Setting the initial value The signal at DCALC1−Set is set as initial value.
ƒ With DCALC1−LOAD = 1 the initial value is accepted.
ƒ The initial value is accepted unfiltered.
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Diameter calculator (DCALC) 8.2.1
Calculating the diameter By division of the speed signals at DCALC1−N−LINE and DCALC1−N−WIND, the
current diameter is calculated.
ƒ The signal at DCALC1−N−LINE has to correspond to the circumferential
speed of the reel.
ƒ The signal at DCALC1−N−WIND has to be proportional to the reel speed.
ƒ You have to adapt the signal at DCALC1−N−LINE in C1300 and C1301, so
that the value calculated corresponds to the actual diameter. The
nominal reel diameter dmax is entered in C1304.
– For operation with the nominal reel diameter dmax you have to enter
the value at input DCALC1−N−WIND in C1300 and the value at input
DCALC1−N−LINE in C1301.
ƒ The input signals are integrated cyclically. In C1302 you alter the
integration interval (calculation cycle):
Great value in C1302 Þ high resolution
Low value in C1302 Þ low resolution
ƒ If the integrator overflows, DCALC1−OVFL is set to HIGH. The integrator
is reset internally and starts again with the calculation of the last
correct value.
ƒ A first−order low pass filters the values calculated. The filter time
constant is set via C1303.
Displaying the diameter In C1328 the current diameter is displayed.
ƒ For the conversion of the scaled calculated value to the absolute value
[mm], the reference diameter dmax has to be entered via C1304.
ƒ At DCALC1−D−OUT the current diameter is output. The signal is scaled
to the value in C1304.
Maintaining/saving the With DCALC1−HOLD = HIGH the last diameter value calculated is
current value maintained and the integrators are reset.
ƒ When the controller is switched off, the current diameter value is
saved. When it is switched on, the last value saved is loaded.
Setting/displaying the In C1305 the minimum diameter (dmin) in [mm] is entered. dmin is reached
diameter when DCALC1−DMIN switches to HIGH.
In C1306 the maximum diameter (dmax) in [mm] is entered. dmax is reached
when DCALC1−DMAX switches to HIGH.
In C1307 a hysteresis for resetting the display signal is set. The entry in [%]
relates to the absolute values in C1305 and C1306.
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.1 Diameter calculator (DCALC)
Converting the diameter (d) In configurations with a speed forward control it is common to multiply the
to 1/d precontrol signal with the reciprocal value of the diameter (d). This value is
output at DCALC1−OUT.
ƒ C1308 = 0: DCALC1−OUT = d
ƒ C1308 = 1: DCALC1−OUT = 1/d
For the conversion to 1/d the reference value for the diameter has to be
defined in C1309, for which the signal at DCALC1−OUT is to be 100 %.
ƒ Normally C1309 corresponds to the minimum diameter in C1305
In order to ensure a continuous transition when setting new diameter
values, a ramp function generator is activated if C1310 > 0 s.
Web break monitoring A window comparator compares the corresponding newly calculated value
to the value last filtered.
ƒ In C1311 the maximum difference in [%] between the two values is
ƒ DCALC1−I=0 is set to LOW if the maximum difference is exceeded.
Formulas for calculation Current diameter (C1328)
The value at DCALC1−OUT is limited by the maximum reel
diameter (C1306) and the minimum reel diameter (C1305).
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency input (DFIN) 8.2.2
Description The function block calculates a speed signal from the rectangular signals at
X9. TTL signals and HTL signals can be connected. The zero track can be
selected as an option.
The edge changes are detected every 1 ms and result directly in the output
C0427 DFIN
C0425 C0426
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.2 Master frequency input (DFIN)
Evaluating input signals In C0427 the different modes for the evaluation of the input signals can be
C0427 = 0 (phase−displaced signal sequence)
Fig. 8.2−5 Control of speed and direction of rotation via track A or track B
Clockwise Track A transmits the speed and direction of rotation (positive
rotation value at DFIN−OUT)
Track B = LOW
Counter−clock Track B transmits the speed and direction of rotation (negative
wise rotation value at DFIN−OUT)
Track A = LOW
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency input (DFIN) 8.2.2
Adjusting the output signal In C0425 the output signal can be adapted:
ƒ To the encoder at X9 or
ƒ To the upstream controller with master frequency cascade/master
frequency bus.
Transfer function
Calculating the output signal:
DFIN−OUT[rpm] + f[Hz] @ 60
The input frequency amounts to 200 kHz, the number of increments
corresponds to 2048 inc/rev. (C0425 = 3).
If a master frequency is output to DFOUT−AN−IN or DFOUT−DF
(C0540 = 0 or C0540 = 1) and an incremental encoder is
evaluated via X8, the function block DFIN cannot be used
If the input signals at X8 or X9 are output to X10, (C0540 = 4 or
C0540 = 5), this restriction does not exist.
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.3 Master frequency output (DFOUT)
Description The function block creates rectangular signals from an analog signal or
speed signal, which are output via X10. Alternatively, you can set the master
frequency output to a signal output at X8 or X9.
C0544 C0540
0 X10
X5 E5
C0545 2
X9 3
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency output (DFOUT) 8.2.3
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.3 Master frequency output (DFOUT)
The settings C0540 = 0 and C0540 = 1 are not possible when a
connection to the master frequency input X9 (DFIN) was
established and an incremental encoder was connected via X8
(C0025 = 100, 110 ... 113).
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency output (DFOUT) 8.2.3
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.3 Master frequency output (DFOUT)
Signal at X8 is directly output ƒ The input signals at X8 are amplified electrically and output directly.
at X10
ƒ The signals depend on the assignment of the input X8.
ƒ The codes C0030, C0545 and the output DFOUT−OUT have no function.
ƒ The zero track is only output if it is connected to X8.
Signal at X9 is directly output ƒ The input signals at X9 are amplified electrically and output directly.
at X10
ƒ The signals depend on the assignment of the input X9.
ƒ The codes C0030, C0545 and the output DFOUT−OUT have no function.
ƒ The zero track is output if it is connected to X9.
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency ramp−function generator (DFRFG) 8.2.4
Description The function block creates acceleration and deceleration ramps for the
operation with master frequency, thus leading the drive to the master
frequency with angular synchronism.
C0751 DFRFG1
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.4 Master frequency ramp−function generator (DFRFG)
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency ramp−function generator (DFRFG) 8.2.4
Profile generator
Do not operate the drive with this function at the torque
limitation Mmax, Imax.
The profile generator creates ramps which automatically compensate the
resulting phase displacement. If you do not need this compensation, set
C0751 C0751
When the actual angle has reached its setpoint and the output signal
corresponds to the input signal, the drive runs in synchronism and the
output DFRFG1−SYNC is set to HIGH. At the same time the profile generator
is switched to the inactive state.
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.4 Master frequency ramp−function generator (DFRFG)
Quick stop (QSP) Quick stop takes the drive out of the system and brings it to standstill.
Setpoints and actual values are continued to be detected.
C0751 C0751
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency ramp−function generator (DFRFG) 8.2.4
Monitoring the phase The profile generator can accept a phase difference between the set phase
difference and the actual phase of up to ±2140000000 inc (= 32000 revolutions).
ƒ A limit value can be set for the permissible phase difference via C0754.
ƒ If the limit value is reached, DFRFG1−FAIL is set to HIGH and the value is
ƒ DFRFG1−FAIL is only set to LOW with DFRFG1−RESET = HIGH.
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.5 Master frequency processing (DFSET)
Description The function block prepares the master frequency for the controller. You can
select values for the stretching and gearbox factor and carry out a speed or
phase trimming.
C0525 C0546
C0538/1 X5 C0531
1 C0528/1
C0532 C0535
C0536/1 a
C0520 * b * b +
C0539 b b C0530
C0533 C0033 C0252 C0253
0 + + + DFSET-PSET
1 -
+ +
C0527 C0528/2
C0523 * C0529
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency processing (DFSET) 8.2.5
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.5 Master frequency processing (DFSET)
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency processing (DFSET) 8.2.5
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.5 Master frequency processing (DFSET)
When calculating the stretching factor, the input signal at
DFSET−VP−DIV is not processed in a scaled mode. A signal of
100 % corresponds to a count value of 16384.
Gearbox factor
The gearbox factor defines the ratio by means of which the drive speed can
be changed additionally.
The setpoint at DFSET−IN, multiplied by the stretching factor, is evaluated.
The result is output at DFSET−NOUT [in % of nmax (C0011)].
When calculating the gearbox factor, the input signal at
DFSET−RAT−DIV is not processed in a scaled mode. A signal of
100 % corresponds to a count value of 16384.
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Master frequency processing (DFSET) 8.2.5
Phase corrections are only reasonable if the controller is
operated with incremental encoder feedback and the calculated
following error is used for correcting the speed setpoint. The
following error is output to DFSET−PSET.
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.5 Master frequency processing (DFSET)
Selection of synchronisation
C0532 = 1 (zero pulse) The synchronisation is performed on the zero track of the
digital frequency input X9 and the zero track of the feedback
system set under C0490.
C0532 = 2 (touch probe) The synchronisation is performed using the terminals X5/E4
(actual pulse) and X5/E5 (setpoint pulse).
Touch probe initiators can have delay times which cause a speed−dependent
phase offset.
Set the correction for the phase offset under C0429.
Drive synchronisation is only reasonable if the controller is
operated with incremental encoder feedback and the calculated
following error is used for correcting the speed setpoint. The
following error is output to DFSET−PSET.
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1) 8.2.6
Description The function block MCTRL1 controls the motor. It is always carried out so that
it does not need to be entered into the processing table.
In the Lenze setting, the controller is set to V/f characteristic control
(C0006 = 5). Without other settings and with analog setpoint selection via
X6/1, X6/2 and connected asynchronous standard motor (50 Hz/400 V)
commissioning can be executed immediately.
The V/f characteristic control is suitable for single drives, multi−motor drives,
synchronous motors, reluctance motors and asynchronous motors.
C0900 Auto-GSB
C0907/3 C0019 >
C0893 n.c. n.c.
C0892 n.c.
C0906/3 C0056 MCTRL-MACT
C0899 n.c. oscillation damping
C0902 n.c.
MCTRL-I-SET C0907/4 C0235 C0054 MCTRL-IMAX
C0901 n.c.
C0234 C0236
C0105 C0906/5
±100% Imax V/f PWM
C0890 slip compensation
active MCTRL-IXT
MCTRL-VP-N-ADAPT current C0022 C0014 C0018
C0910 C0078 C0023 C0015 C0142
C0087 C0064
C0911 C0021 C0075 C0036 C0143
MCTRL-BOOST C0089 C0076 C0089 C0148
C0903 C0086 MCTRL-FACT
C0090 C0909
C0906/6 speed control C0912
MCTRL-M-ADD 1 C0086 C0058
C0891 n.c.
C0906/2 -
C0071 C0074 C0025
X8 Encoder
Fig. 8.2−15 Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1)
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.6 Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1)
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1) 8.2.6
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.6 Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1)
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1) 8.2.6
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.6 Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1)
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1) 8.2.6
Speed setpoint selection ƒ The signal at the input MCTRL−N−SET is the setpoint speed in [%] and
always refers to the maximum speed (C0011).
ƒ In most basic configurations, MCTRL−N−SET is connected to the function
block NSET (speed setpoint conditioning).
– You can also connect MCTRL−N−SET to any other analog output signal
of a function block.
Speed setpoint limitation ƒ The speed setpoint at MCTRL−N−SET is always limited to ±100 % of the
maximum speed nmax (C0011).
ƒ The motor control converts the speed setpoint into a frequency
setpoint, which is limited to a maximum output frequency, depending
on the switching frequency fchop
Switching frequency fchop Maximum output frequency
2 kHz 150 Hz
4 kHz 300 Hz
Setting of the V/f The motor voltage characteristic is set via the input of the motor ratings.
Via the input MCTRL−BOOST the motor voltage can be raised. The input is
connected to C0016 (freely configurable) in all basic configurations.
ƒ To adapt the motor voltage boost to your application, you can also
connect the input with other function blocks.
Speed control With feedback operation, a PI controller will control the slip.
Activating the speed control
The speed control is activated when you select an incremental encoder in
Parameter setting
Code Function
C0070 Gain Vp
C0071 Integral−action time Tn
C0074 Influence of the speed controller at operation with incremental encoder.
Reference is nmax (C0011).
If the speed controller influence is adapted to the motor slip to
be expected, the motor cannot accelerate in an uncontrolled way
when the incremental encoder fails.
Adaptation of the speed controller
The gain of the speed controller can be changed online via the input
MCTRL−VP−N−ADAPT. The set gain in C0070 is the reference value for an input
signal of 100 %.
ƒ You can influence the gain (C0070) by adapting a function block (e.g.
ƒ The adaptation is switched off in the Lenze default setting.
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.6 Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1)
Limitation of the output The limitation of the output current is mainly used for the protection of the
current controller and the stabilisation of the control.
When the maximum permissible motor load is exceeded, you can adapt the
max. output current of the controller accordingly.
Parameter setting
Code Function
C0022 Maximum current in motor mode
C0023 Maximum current in generator mode
If you select a motor (via C0086), the maximum current of which is clearly
lower than the output current of the controller, the maximum motor current
(C0022) is limited automatically to 200% of the rated motor current.
Mode of operation
In the V/f characteristic control mode, a PI controller (Vp = C0075,
Tn = C0076) prevents an excess of the max. permissible motor current by
reducing (motor overload) or increasing (generator overload) of the output
The N controller is not active in the V/f characteristic control mode without
ƒ The motor cannot follow the speed setpoint.
ƒ MCTRL−IMAX is set to HIGH
ƒ When selecting the automatic switching frequency setting (C0018 = 0
or 6), the controller switches to a lower switching frequency so that a
disconnection is not required.
Automatic speed detection
after controller enable − flying
restart circuit Note!
Due to physical regularities, the operability of the flying restart
circuit depends on the application, the motor and the motor
ƒ With EVF9335 ... EVF9338 and EVF9381 ... EVF9383 devices,
the operability of the flying restart circuit can therefore not be
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1) 8.2.6
Quick stop (QSP) After a signal request, the motor is decelerated to standstill when an internal
ramp function generator has been activated.
Mode of operation
ƒ Quick stop is active
– The control word DCTRL−QSP is applied
– DC injection braking (GSB) is not active (GSB has priority over quick
ƒ If quick stop is active, the motor brakes to standstill with the
deceleration time set in C0105. MCTRL−QSP−OUT is set to HIGH.
Manual DC injection braking ƒ After a signal, the motor is braked by injecting a DC current.
ƒ Braking in generator mode must be used for controlled brake ramps.
ƒ The hold time (C0107) has no influence. The motor remains braked
until MCTRL−GSB is set to LOW.
Manual DC injection braking has priority over quick stop.
Selection Code Description
DC braking current C0036 DC braking current with which the motor is braked
An excessive DC braking current and braking time can thermally
overload the motor. Special care must be taken when using
self−ventilated motors.
The input MCTRL−GSB in the function block MCTRL is triggered with HIGH
ƒ MCTRL−GSB = HIGH: Function is activated
ƒ MCTRL−GSB = LOW: Function is not activated
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.6 Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1)
Function procedure
5 C0036
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1) 8.2.6
Automatic DC injection When the speed falls below a settable speed setpoint threshold, the function
"DC injection braking" is activated.
Automatic DC−injection braking has priority over quick stop.
Selection Code Description
DC braking current C0036 DC braking current with which the motor is braked
Speed setpoint threshold C0019 If the values fall below the threshold, DC−injection
braking is released
Hold time C0107 Duration of DC−injection braking. After the hold time,
pulse inhibit is set.
An excessive DC braking current and braking time can thermally
overload the motor. Special care must be taken when using
self−ventilated motors.
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.6 Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1)
Function procedure
Automatic DC injection braking provides two function procedures, each
with a different reaction of the controller. The parameter setting is identical
for both function procedures.
Function procedure 1:
ƒ After the hold time has elapsed (C0107), the controller automatically
sets pulse inhibit .
5 C0036
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1) 8.2.6
Function procedure 2:
ƒ If you define a speed setpoint > speed threshold (C0019) before the
hold time elapses, DC−injection braking is deactivated and the drive
follows the speed setpoint. If the speed falls below the threshold again,
DC−injection braking is reactivated and the hold time is restarted.
5 C0036
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.6 Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1)
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with V/f characteristic control (MCTRL1) 8.2.6
Slip compensation The speed of an asynchronous machine decreases when being loaded. This
load−dependent speed drop is called slip. By setting C0021 the slip can be
partly compensated.
In the V/f characteristic control mode the slip compensation is only active at
operation without feedback (C0025 = 1).
V/f characteristic control
The slip compensation (C0021) is automatically calculated from the rated
motor speed (C0087) and the rated motor frequency (C0089). The entered
slip constant [%] is the rated slip of the motor in [%] relating to the
synchronous speed of the motor.
ƒ Calculating the slip compensation and entering it into C0021:
When operating synchronous or reluctance motors, C0021 must
be set to 0.
Inhibiting the direction of If the motor may only rotate in one direction, you can limit the output
rotation voltage generation to one direction of rotation via C0909.
Code Description
C0909 = 1 The motor rotates in both directions
C0909 = 2 Motor rotates clockwise, "positive direction of rotation"
(View of the motor shaft)
C0909 = 3 Motor rotates counter−clockwise, "negative direction of rotation"
(View of the motor shaft)
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Description The function block MCTRL2 controls the motor. Since it is always executed,
it does not need to be entered into the processing table.
Compared with the V/f characteristic control the vector control (C0006 = 1)
has a much higher torque efficiency at the same motor current. The motor
is monitored and controlled via an internal motor model. This serves to
achieve an optimum operating behaviour of the motor at any time.
The vector control can be used for single drives, asynchronous motors and
multi−motor drives of the same type with rigid coupling.
C0900 Auto-GSB
C0907/3 C0019 >
C0902 C0054 MCTRL-IMAX
C0105 C0906/5 C0053
0 + 0
C0890 - + 1
C0910 C0070 C0022 C0018
C0071 C0023 C0021
C0911 C0081 C0036 C0064
C0086 C0087 C0075
C0903 n.c. C0088 C0076
C0089 C0143
C0906/6 C0090 C0234 C0058
C0091 C0235 MCTRL-VACT
C0891 C0082 C0236
C0084 C0909 C0052
C0906/2 C0148
C0912 KTY
C0421 C0063
X8 Encoder
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
Speed setpoint selection ƒ The signal at the input MCTRL−N−SET is the setpoint speed in [%] and
always refers to the maximum speed (C0011).
ƒ In most basic configurations, MCTRL−N−SET is connected to the function
block NSET (speed setpoint conditioning).
– You can also connect MCTRL−N−SET to any other analog output signal
of a function block.
Speed setpoint limitation ƒ The speed setpoint at MCTRL−N−SET is always limited to ±100 % of the
maximum speed nmax (C0011).
ƒ The motor control converts the speed setpoint into a frequency
setpoint, which is limited to a maximum output frequency, depending
on the switching frequency fchop
Switching frequency fchop Maximum output frequency
2 kHz 150 Hz
4 kHz 300 Hz
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Speed control A PI controller compares the speed setpoint with the actual speed of the
motor model and creates a torque setpoint from the speed variation.
ƒ the actual speed is output as an analog signal (in [%] of nmax (C0011))
Parameter setting
Code Function
C0070 Gain Vp
C0071 Integral−action time Tn
A longer−lasting braking operation with very low speed can lead
to an unstable vector control. Remedy:
ƒ Passing through the critical speed range more quickly.
ƒ Using speed feedback.
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
Temperature detection
For motors with temperature detection (KTY83−110) the controller can
consider temperature changes in its motor model. The accuracy and stability
of the vector control are improved considerably.
ƒ Sensor connection:
– X8/5 = −KTY (rt/ws/bl)
– X8/8 = +KTY (br/gr/sw)
You can also use the thermal sensor (KTY) without speed
ƒ When monitoring SD6 (C0594) is activated, temperature feedback is
activated at the same time.
ƒ First, activate the temperature feedback and then start the motor
identification to consider the motor temperature.
ƒ In addition, you can activate and parameterise the monitoring
functions OH3 (C0583) and OH7 (C0584).
ƒ The current motor temperature can be displayed via C0063.
Setting integral action component
To initialise the speed controller with a starting torque, the integral action
component of the speed controller can be described via MCTRL−I−SET
(starting value) and MCTRL−I−LOAD (control signal).
Input signal Effect
MCTRL−I−LOAD = HIGH l The speed controller transmits the value at MCTRL−I−SET to its
integral action component
l The P component is switched off
MCTRL−I−LOAD = LOW The speed controller is active
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Torque limitation in the field The function is suitable for applications which also require a constant torque
weakening range in the field weakening range.
ƒ With quick stop (QSP) the torque limitation becomes inactive.
ƒ When the motor torque reaches the defined limit, the drive cannot
follow the speed setpoint anymore and the output MCTRL−MMAX is set
to HIGH.
External setting of torque limits
If the maximum torque reached in the field weakening operation is too low,
the torque limits can be changed via the inputs MCTRL−HI−M−LIM and
ƒ MCTRL−HI−M−LIM defines the upper torque limit in [%] of the maximum
torque displayed in C0057.
Maximum possible input value: 199.99 %
ƒ MCTRL−LO−M−LIM defines the lower torque limit in [%] of the maximum
torque displayed in C0057.
Minimum possible input value: −199.99 %
The maximum possible torque displayed under C0057refers to
the basic speed range (zero speed to rated speed of the motor)
and is calculated from the nameplate data and the setting of the
maximum motor current under C0022.
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
199 %
100 %
80 %
nN 2 nN 3 nN n
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Limitation of the output The output current is mainly limited for protecting the controller and
current stabilising the drive control.
If the maximum permissible motor load is exceeded, the maximum output
current of the controller must be adjusted accordingly.
Parameter setting
Code Function
C0022 Maximum current in motor mode
C0023 Maximum current in generator mode
If you select a motor via C0086 the maximum current of which is much lower
than the output current of the controller, the maximum current in motor
mode (C0022) is automatically limited to the double rated motor current.
Mode of functioning
In the vector control mode the limit values are complied with by means of
the automatic limitation of the speed controller.
The speed controller is limited if the motor current has reached the limit set
under C0022 or C0023 (the controller supplies the max. output current). In
this status
ƒ The motor cannot follow the speed setpoint.
ƒ MCTRL−IMAX is set to HIGH.
ƒ When selecting the automatic chopper frequency setting (C0018 = 0 or
6) a switch−over to a lower chopper frequency is carried out, so that the
unit will not be switched off.
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
Torque control with speed As an alternative to the speed control, the vector control can be switched to
limitation torque control with speed limitation.
In the basic configurations C0005 = 4xxx the torque control with
speed limitation is already set.
ƒ When MCTRL−N/M−SWT = HIGH, the torque control with speed
limitation is active.
– The torque control with torque setpoint selection via MCTRL−M−ADD
is active.
– MCTRL−M−ADD acts as a bipolar torque setpoint.
– The sign of the speed limitation value at MCTRL−N−SET is
automatically created from the sign of the torque setpoint at
MCTRL−M−ADD. Thus, the speed limitation value acts in both
directions of rotation.
– The actual torque is output as analog signal (in [%] of Mmax (C0057))
If the motor is to create a holding torque at standstill, the torque
setpoint must not fall below a certain limit.
ƒ Depending on the motor type and accuracy of the identified
motor parameters, the vector control can become unstable if
the torque setpoint <10 % ... 20 %.
ƒ Operate the motor with speed feedback when the required
holding torque is within the critical region.
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Quick stop (QSP) After a signal, the motor is decelerated to standstill when an internal ramp
function generator has been activated.
Mode of operation
ƒ Quick stop is active
– The control word DCTRL−QSP is applied
– DC injection braking (GSB) is not active (GSB has priority over quick
ƒ When quick stop is active:
– the motor decelerates to standstill with the deceleration time set in
– A torque control is deactivated and the motor is controlled by the
speed controller.
– The torque limitations MCTRL−LO−M−LIM and MCTRL−HI−M−LIM are
– MCTRL−QSP−OUT is set to HIGH.
When the motor is at standstill, the field current is injected into
the motor.
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
Manual DC injection braking ƒ After a signal, the motor is braked by injecting a DC current.
ƒ Braking in generator mode must be used for controlled brake ramps.
ƒ The hold time (C0107) has no influence. The motor remains braked
until MCTRL−GSB is set to LOW.
Manual DC injection braking has priority over quick stop.
Special features of vector control with feedback
ƒ If the DC braking current (C0036) £ than the motor magnetising
current, the motor magnetising current is injected.
ƒ If the DC braking current (C0036) > than the motor magnetising
current, the DC braking current is injected.
Selection Code Description
DC braking current C0036 DC braking current with which the motor is braked
An excessive DC braking current and braking time can thermally
overload the motor. Special care must be taken when using
self−ventilated motors.
The input MCTRL−GSB in the function block MCTRL is triggered with HIGH
ƒ MCTRL−GSB = HIGH: Function is activated
ƒ MCTRL−GSB = LOW: Function is not activated
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Function procedure
5 C0036
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
Automatic DC injection When the speed falls below a settable speed setpoint threshold, the function
"DC injection braking" is activated.
Automatic DC−injection braking has priority over quick stop.
Special features of vector control with feedback
ƒ If the DC braking current (C0036) £ than the motor magnetising
current, the motor magnetising current is injected.
ƒ If the DC braking current (C0036) > than the motor magnetising
current, the DC braking current is injected.
Selection Code Description
DC braking current C0036 DC braking current with which the motor is braked
Speed setpoint threshold C0019 If the values fall below the threshold, DC−injection
braking is released
Hold time C0107 Duration of DC−injection braking. After the hold time,
pulse inhibit is set.
An excessive DC braking current and braking time can thermally
overload the motor. Special care must be taken when using
self−ventilated motors.
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Function procedure
Automatic DC injection braking provides two function procedures, each
with a different reaction of the controller. The parameter setting is identical
for both function procedures.
Function procedure 1:
ƒ After the hold time has elapsed (C0107), the controller automatically
sets pulse inhibit .
5 C0036
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
Function procedure 2:
ƒ If you define a speed setpoint > speed threshold (C0019) before the
hold time elapses, DC−injection braking is deactivated and the drive
follows the speed setpoint. If the speed falls below the threshold again,
DC−injection braking is reactivated and the hold time is restarted.
5 C0036
8 Configuration
8.2 Function blocks
8.2.7 Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2)
Restricted effect with vector control
ƒ The oscillation damping has no influence on the drive
behaviour at low tendency to oscillation of the speed
ƒ Especially for drives > 55 kW with a tendency to oscillation it
may be necessary to deactivate the oscillation damping
(C0234 = 0 %).
ƒ For operation with feedback the oscillation damping has no
Configuration 8
Function blocks 8.2
Internal motor control with vector control (MCTRL2) 8.2.7
When setting the vector control mode, the slip compensation
(C0021) is automatically set to 0.0 %.
ƒ When you switch back to the V/f characteristic control mode,
the slip compensation must be re−adapted.
Inhibiting the direction of If the motor may only rotate in one direction, you can limit the output
rotation voltage generation to one direction of rotation via C0909.
Code Description
C0909 = 1 The motor rotates in both directions
C0909 = 2 Motor rotates clockwise, "positive direction of rotation"
(View of the motor shaft)
C0909 = 3 Motor rotates counter−clockwise, "negative direction of rotation"
(View of the motor shaft)
Configuration 8
Monitoring 8.3
Fault responses 8.3.1
8.3 Monitoring
8 Configuration
8.3 Monitoring
8.3.2 Monitoring times for process data input objects
Each process data input object can monitor whether a telegram has been
received within a time set. As soon as a telegram arrives, the corresponding
monitoring time (C0357) is restarted ("retriggerable monoflop" function).
The following assignments are valid:
Setting the response to the monitoring:
ƒ C0591 for CAN1_IN ("CE1")
ƒ C0592 for CAN2_IN ("CE2")
ƒ C0593 for CAN3_IN ("CE3")
The following can be set:
ƒ 0 = error (TRIP) − controller sets controller inhibit (CINH)
ƒ 2 = warning
ƒ 3 = monitoring is switched off
You can also use the signals as binary output signals, e. g. for the assignment
of the output terminal.
Bus off If the controller disconnects from the CAN bus due to faulty telegrams, the
"BusOffState" (CE4) signal is set.
"BusOffState" can trigger an error (TRIP) or warning (like CE1, CE2, CE3). You
can also switch the signal off. The response is set via C0595. You can also
assign the terminal output.
Reset node Changes with regard to the baud rates, the CAN node addresses, or the
addresses of process data objects are only valid after a reset node.
The reset node can be effected by:
ƒ A reconnection of the low−voltage supply
ƒ Reset node via the bus system
ƒ Reset node via C0358
Configuration 8
Monitoring 8.3
Maximum speed 8.3.3
Destruction of the drive!
ƒ If the fault is triggered, the drive is without torque.
ƒ In the event of an actual speed value encoder failure it is not
guaranteed that the monitoring responds.
Protective measures:
ƒ Use a mechanical brake if necessary.
ƒ Special, system−specific measures are to be taken.
8.3.4 Motor
Overcurrent in the motor Fault OC1 is triggered if the motor current exceeds the 2.25−fold rated
cable (OC1)
controller current.
If a fault occurs, TRIP OC1 is triggered. Other responses cannot be set.
Overload during acceleration Fault OC3 is activated in the case of a too great load during acceleration. The
or deceleration (OC3)
acceleration times or deceleration times (C0012, C0013, C0105) are set too
short in proportion to the load.
If a fault occurs, TRIP OC3 is activated. Other responses cannot be set.
8 Configuration
8.3 Monitoring
8.3.5 Controller current load (I x t monitoring)
Failure of a motor phase (LP1) If a current−carrying motor phase fails, a motor winding is broken or the
current limit value set in C0599 is too high, the LP1 fault is triggered.
The monitoring is not appropriate for field frequencies > 480 Hz and when
synchronous servo motors are used. Deactivate the monitoring at these
The response to exceeding the thresholds can be set under C0597.
The monitoring can only be activated if the function block MLP1
is entered in the processing table (C0465).
200 %
150 %
100 %
70 %
The I × t monitoring monitors the current load of the controller. The current
load is calculated from the mean value of the motor current over the
acquisition period of 180 s.
The monitoring is set in such a way that the following operation modes are
ƒ Continuously with device output current = Ir.
ƒ £ 60 s with device output current £ 1.5 x Ir.
A fault initiates TRIP OC5. Other responses cannot be set.
Configuration 8
Monitoring 8.3
Motor temperature 8.3.6
With the setting C0583 = 3, monitoring is deactivated. The
motor temperature in C0063 shows 0 °C, even if C0584 = 2
(warning) is set.
Monitoring of the KTY at X7 The SD6 fault is triggered if there is a short or open circuit between X7/8 and
or X8
X7/9 or X8/5 and X8/8.
The response can be set under C0594.
PTC thermistor or thermal The motor temperature is monitored with a PTC thermistor or thermal
contact (NC contact) at T1, T2
contact. Wire the temperature sensor to T1, T2.
ƒ Fixed warning threshold (OH8)
– The switch−off threshold and the hysteresis depend on the
temperature sensor (DIN 44081).
The response to exceeding the threshold can be set under C0585.
Motor could be destroyed!
ƒ If the responses "Warning" or "Off" are set, the motor could be
destroyed by overload.
Protective measure:
ƒ Set the response "TRIP".
8 Configuration
8.3 Monitoring
8.3.7 Heatsink temperature
Configuration 8
Monitoring 8.3
DC−bus voltage 8.3.8
In C0173 the mains voltage and DC−bus voltage are set. From this the
switching thresholds for overvoltage and undervoltage result.
EVF9335 ... EVF9338 Selection Mains Operation Message LU Message OU
EVF9381 ... EVF9383 voltage with brake (undervoltage) (overvoltage)
C0173 set reset set reset
[V AC] [V DC] [V DC] [V DC] [V DC]
ExV210 0 < 400 yes / no 285 430 770 755
ExV240 1 400 yes / no 285 430 770 755
2 460 yes / no 328 473 770 755
3 480 no 342 487 770 755
4 480 yes 342 487 800 785
5 500 yes / no 342 487 900 885
Ex read 400 yes / no 285 430 700 685
ExV060 only
C0173 = 1: Lenze setting
Overvoltage If the DC−bus voltage exceeds the upper switch−off threshold set in C0173,
warning OU is activated.
Undervoltage If the DC−bus voltage falls below the lower switch−off threshold set in C0173,
the LU message is triggered.
ƒ An undervoltage message > 3 seconds is interpreted as an operating
state (e.g. mains switched off) and entered in the history buffer. The
entry is, however, deleted as soon as the cause has been eliminated
(e.g. mains switched on again).
This operating state can occur if the control module is already supplied
externally via terminals X5/39 and X5/59, but the mains voltage is not yet
switched on.
ƒ An undervoltage message < 3 seconds is interpreted as a fault
(e.g.mains fault), entered in the history buffer and saved.
EDSVF9383V EN 6.0−11/2009
The responses of monitoring functions can be partly parameterised via codes ˘ in GDC in the parameter menu under
Monitoring ˘.
Monitoring Possible responses
l Lenze setting
ü Setting possible
Error message Description Source CoDe TRIP Message Warning Off
with C0357/1)
x063 CE2 Communication error at process data input object CAN2_IN (monitoring time can be set CAN2_IN C0592 ü ü l
with C0357/2)
x064 CE3 Communication error at process data input object CAN3_IN (monitoring time can be set CAN3_IN C0593 ü ü l
x054 OH4 Heatsink temperature > C0122 MCTRL C0582
x057 OH7 Motor temperature > C0121 MCTRL C0584 l ü
x058 OH8 Motor temperature across inputs T1 and T2 is too high. MCTRL C0585 ü ü l
Please note: In the case of "Warning" (C0585 = 2) or "Off" (C0585 = 3), the drive can be
destroyed if the fault is not eliminated in time!
x086 Sd6 Thermal sensor error at motor (X7 or X8) MCTRL C0594 ü ü l
x110 H10 Thermal sensor error at heatsink FWM C0588 l 1) 1)
x111 H11 Thermal sensor error in the device interior FWM C0588 l 1) 1)
efesotomasyon.com - Lenze
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
3 CAN−IN2 Id
5 CAN−IN3 Id
C0356 0 {1 ms} 65000 System bus time settings
1 CAN boot−up 3000 Required for CAN
interconnection without master
2 OUT2 cycle 0 0 = event−controlled process
data transfer
3 OUT3 cycle 0 >0 = cyclic process data transfer
4 CAN delay 20 When the NMT state
"Operational" (after
"Pre−operational" or "Stopped")
has been reached, the delay
time ˜CANdelay˜ is started.
After the delay time has e;apsed,
the PDO´s CAN−OUT2 and
CAN−OUT3 are sent for the first
C0357 0 {1 ms} 65000 System bus monitoring times
l After a fault message, the
CAN objects remain in receive
1 CE1monit 3000 CAN−IN1
2 CE2monit 3000 CAN−IN2
3 CE3monit 3000 CAN−IN3
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
2 Warning
3 Bus off
C0360 0 65535 Telegram counter
l Read only
l For count values > 65535 the
counter starts at 0
1 Message OUT All telegrams sent
2 Message IN All telegrams received
3 Message Telegrams sent on CAN−OUT1
4 Message Telegrams sent on CAN−OUT2
5 Message Telegrams sent on CAN−OUT3
6 Message Telegrams sent on parameter
POUT1 channel1
7 Message Telegrams sent on parameter
POUT2 channel2
8 Message IN1 Telegrams received from
9 Message IN2 Telegrams received from
10 Message IN3 Telegrams received from
11 Message PIN1 Telegrams received from
parameter channel1
12 Message PIN2 Telegrams received from
parameter channel2
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
C0859 DIS: OUT.D1 −2147483648 {1} 2147483647 32−bit phase signal, function See System
block AIF−OUT (extension)
l Display of the signal linked in
l 1 rev. = 65536
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Code table 8.5
8 Configuration
8.5 Code table
Configuration 8
Selection lists 8.6
Selection list 1: Analog output signals 8.6.1
8 Configuration
8.6 Selection lists
8.6.1 Selection list 1: Analog output signals
Parameter Analog output signal () Parameter Analog output signal ()
019513 FCODE−109/2 019552 FCODE−473/2
019515 FCODE−141 019553 FCODE−473/3
019521 FCODE−472/1 019554 FCODE−473/4
019522 FCODE−472/2 019555 FCODE−473/5
019523 FCODE−472/3 019556 FCODE−473/6
019524 FCODE−472/4 019557 FCODE−473/7
019525 FCODE−472/5 019558 FCODE−473/8
019526 FCODE−472/6 019559 FCODE−473/9
019527 FCODE−472/7 019560 FCODE−473/10
019528 FCODE−472/8 020101 CAN−IN1.W1
019529 FCODE−472/9 020102 CAN−IN1.W2
019530 FCODE−472/10 020103 CAN−IN1.W3
019531 FCODE−472/11 020201 CAN−IN2.W1
019532 FCODE−472/12 020202 CAN−IN2.W2
019533 FCODE−472/13 020203 CAN−IN2.W3
019534 FCODE−472/14 020204 CAN−IN2.W4
019535 FCODE−472/15 020301 CAN−IN3.W1
019536 FCODE−472/16 020302 CAN−IN3.W2
019537 FCODE−472/17 020303 CAN−IN3.W3
019538 FCODE−472/18 020304 CAN−IN3.W4
019539 FCODE−472/19 025101 AIF−IN.W1
019540 FCODE−472/20 025102 AIF−IN.W2
019551 FCODE−473/1 025103 AIF−IN.W3
Configuration 8
Selection lists 8.6
Selection list 2: Digital output signals 8.6.2
8 Configuration
8.6 Selection lists
8.6.2 Selection list 2: Digital output signals
Parameter Digital output signal (,) Parameter Digital output signal (,)
015018 MONIT−OH4 019545 FCODE−471.B24
015019 MONIT−OH7 019546 FCODE−471.B25
015020 MONIT−OH8 019547 FCODE−471.B26
015022 MONIT−SD3 019548 FCODE−471.B27
015026 MONIT−CE0 019549 FCODE−471.B28
015027 MONIT−NMAX 019550 FCODE−471.B29
015028 MONIT−OC5 019551 FCODE−471.B30
015029 MONIT−SD5 019552 FCODE−471.B31
015030 MONIT−SD6 019751 FCODE−135.B0
015032 MONIT−H07 019752 FCODE−135.B1
015033 MONIT−H10 019753 FCODE−135.B2
015034 MONIT−H11 019755 FCODE−135.B4
015040 MONIT−CE1 019756 FCODE−135.B5
015041 MONIT−CE2 019757 FCODE−135.B6
015042 MONIT−CE3 019758 FCODE−135.B7
015043 MONIT−CE4 019763 FCODE−135.B12
015044 MONIT−OC3 019764 FCODE−135.B13
015045 MONIT−ID1 019765 FCODE−135.B14
015046 MONIT−ID2 019766 FCODE−135.B15
015047 MONIT−OC6 020001 CAN−CTRL.B0
015048 MONIT−OC8 020002 CAN−CTRL.B1
019500 FCODE−250 020003 CAN−CTRL.B2
019521 FCODE−471.B0 020005 CAN−CTRL.B4
019522 FCODE−471.B1 020006 CAN−CTRL.B5
019523 FCODE−471.B2 020007 CAN−CTRL.B6
019524 FCODE−471.B3 020008 CAN−CTRL.B7
019525 FCODE−471.B4 020013 CAN−CTRL.B12
019526 FCODE−471.B5 020014 CAN−CTRL.B13
019527 FCODE−471.B6 020015 CAN−CTRL.B14
019528 FCODE−471.B7 020016 CAN−CTRL.B15
019529 FCODE−471.B8 020101 CAN−IN1.B0
019530 FCODE−471.B9 020102 CAN−IN1.B1
019531 FCODE−471.B10 020103 CAN−IN1.B2
019532 FCODE−471.B11 020104 CAN−IN1.B3
019533 FCODE−471.B12 020105 CAN−IN1.B4
019534 FCODE−471.B13 020106 CAN−IN1.B5
019535 FCODE−471.B14 020107 CAN−IN1.B6
019536 FCODE−471.B15 020108 CAN−IN1.B7
019537 FCODE−471.B16 020109 CAN−IN1.B8
019538 FCODE−471.B17 020110 CAN−IN1.B9
019539 FCODE−471.B18 020111 CAN−IN1.B10
019540 FCODE−471.B19 020112 CAN−IN1.B11
019541 FCODE−471.B20
019542 FCODE−471.B21
019543 FCODE−471.B22
019544 FCODE−471.B23
Configuration 8
Selection lists 8.6
Selection list 2: Digital output signals 8.6.2
Parameter Digital output signal (,) Parameter Digital output signal (,)
020113 CAN−IN1.B12 020223 CAN−IN2.B22
020114 CAN−IN1.B13 020224 CAN−IN2.B23
020115 CAN−IN1.B14 020225 CAN−IN2.B24
020116 CAN−IN1.B15 020226 CAN−IN2.B25
020117 CAN−IN1.B16 020227 CAN−IN2.B26
020118 CAN−IN1.B17 020228 CAN−IN2.B27
020119 CAN−IN1.B18 020229 CAN−IN2.B28
020120 CAN−IN1.B19 020230 CAN−IN2.B29
020121 CAN−IN1.B20 020231 CAN−IN2.B30
020122 CAN−IN1.B21 020232 CAN−IN2.B31
020123 CAN−IN1.B22 020301 CAN−IN3.B0
020124 CAN−IN1.B23 020302 CAN−IN3.B1
020125 CAN−IN1.B24 020303 CAN−IN3.B2
020126 CAN−IN1.B25 020304 CAN−IN3.B3
020127 CAN−IN1.B26 020305 CAN−IN3.B4
020128 CAN−IN1.B27 020306 CAN−IN3.B5
020129 CAN−IN1.B28 020307 CAN−IN3.B6
020130 CAN−IN1.B29 020308 CAN−IN3.B7
020131 CAN−IN1.B30 020309 CAN−IN3.B8
020132 CAN−IN1.B31 020310 CAN−IN3.B9
020201 CAN−IN2.B0 020311 CAN−IN3.B10
020202 CAN−IN2.B1 020312 CAN−IN3.B11
020203 CAN−IN2.B2 020313 CAN−IN3.B12
020204 CAN−IN2.B3 020314 CAN−IN3.B13
020205 CAN−IN2.B4 020315 CAN−IN3.B14
020206 CAN−IN2.B5 020316 CAN−IN3.B15
020207 CAN−IN2.B6 020317 CAN−IN3.B16
020208 CAN−IN2.B7 020318 CAN−IN3.B17
020209 CAN−IN2.B8 020319 CAN−IN3.B18
020210 CAN−IN2.B9 020320 CAN−IN3.B19
020211 CAN−IN2.B10 020321 CAN−IN3.B20
020212 CAN.IN2.B11 020322 CAN−IN3.B21
020213 CAN−IN2.B12 020323 CAN−IN3.B22
020214 CAN−IN2.B13 020324 CAN−IN3.B23
020215 CAN−IN2.B14 020325 CAN−IN3.B24
020216 CAN−IN2.B15 020326 CAN−IN3.B25
020217 CAN−IN2.B16 020327 CAN−IN3.B26
020218 CAN−IN2.B17 020328 CAN−IN3.B27
020219 CAN−IN2.B18 020329 CAN−IN3.B28
020220 CAN−IN2.B19 020330 CAN−IN3.B29
020221 CAN−IN2.B20 020331 CAN−IN3.B30
020222 CAN−IN2.B21 020332 CAN−IN3.B31
8 Configuration
8.6 Selection lists
8.6.3 Selection list 3: Angle signals
Parameter Digital output signal (,) Parameter Digital output signal (,)
020400 CAN−SYNC−OUT 025111 AIF−IN.B10
025001 AIF−CTRL.B0 025112 AIF−IN.B11
025002 AIF−CTRL.B1 025113 AIF−IN.B12
025003 AIF−CTRL.B2 025114 AIF−IN.B13
025005 AIF−CTRL.B4 025115 AIF−IN.B14
025006 AIF−CTRL.B5 025116 AIF−IN.B15
025007 AIF−CTRL.B6 025117 AIF−IN.B16
025008 AIF−CTRL.B7 025118 AIF−IN.B17
025013 AIF−CTRL.B12 025119 AIF−IN.B18
025014 AIF−CTRL.B13 025120 AIF−IN.B19
025015 AIF−CTRL.B14 025121 AIF−IN.B20
025016 AIF−CTRL.B15 025122 AIF−IN.B21
025101 AIF−IN.B0 025123 AIF−IN.B22
025102 AIF−IN.B1 025124 AIF−IN.B23
025103 AIF−IN.B2 025125 AIF−IN.B24
025104 AIF−IN.B3 025126 AIF−IN.B25
025105 AIF−IN.B4 025127 AIF−IN.B26
025106 AIF−IN.B5 025128 AIF−IN.B27
025107 AIF−IN.B6 025129 AIF−IN.B28
025108 AIF−IN.B7 025130 AIF−IN.B29
025109 AIF−IN.B8 025131 AIF−IN.B30
025110 AIF−IN.B9 025132 AIF−IN.B31
Configuration 8
Selection lists 8.6
Selection list 5: Function blocks 8.6.5
Configuration 8
Table of attributes 8.7
The attribute table describes the properties of the codes used. It enables you
to create your own communication programs for the controller.
8 Configuration
8.7 Table of attributes
Configuration 8
Table of attributes 8.7
8 Configuration
8.7 Table of attributes
Configuration 8
Table of attributes 8.7
8 Configuration
8.7 Table of attributes
Configuration 8
Table of attributes 8.7
8 Configuration
8.7 Table of attributes
Configuration 8
Table of attributes 8.7
8 Configuration
8.7 Table of attributes
Configuration 8
Table of attributes 8.7
8 Configuration
8.7 Table of attributes
Configuration 8
Table of attributes 8.7
8 Configuration
8.7 Table of attributes
Configuration 8
Table of attributes 8.7
8 Configuration
8.7 Table of attributes
Description Important operating parameters are measured by the controller. They can
be displayed with the keypad or PC.
Some operating data can be calibrated to be displayed or selected directly
with the unit of the process quantity (e.g. pressure, temperature, speed).
The calibration always affects all specified codes simultaneously.
Codes for parameter setting
9.1.2 Diagnostics
9.2 Troubleshooting
Detecting breakdowns A breakdown can be detected quickly via the LEDs at the controller or via the
status information at the keypad.
Analysing errors Analyse the error using the history buffer. The list of fault messages gives
you advice how to remove the fault. ( 9.5−1)
Retracing faults Faults can be retraced via the history buffer. Fault messages are stored in the
8 memory locations in the order of their appearance.
The memory locations can be retrieved via codes.
The controller responds differently to the three possible fault types TRIP,
message, or warning:
Fig. 9.4−1 Output current when starting a motor with high load (shown with the
oscilloscope in GDC)
Clamp threshold
Output current
1. When the output current reaches 2.25 × Ir, a software clamp is
2. The controller sets pulse inhibit for a short time. The motor current
decreases as a function of the inductance in the motor circuit.
– An internal counter is increased by the value one.
3. After max. 250 ms the pulse inhibit is deactivated.
4. If a software clamp reoccurs within 2 s, the internal counter is again
increased by the value one. Otherwise the counter is set to zero.
– If the counter reaches the value 4300, OC3 (TRIP) is activated.
Description If the DC−bus voltage (UDC) exceeds the switch−off threshold OU, pulse
inhibit will be set. At the same time, an internal timer for a delay time
(C0912) will be started.
Pulse inhibit will be reset, if the voltage falls below the switch−on threshold
OU and the delay time has elapsed.
Adjustment UDC 0 1
t < C0912
t ³ C0912 t = C0912
ƒ The delay time in [ms] is set under C0912. The Lenze setting can be
changed by the factor 0.5 ... 2.
If the system error is retrieved via the system bus (CAN), the error
messages are displayed as numbers (see column "Error message
˘ No." of the below table).
DC−bus operation 10
10 DC−bus operation
DC−bus operation 10
Function 10.1
10.1 Function
DC−bus operation 10
Conditions for trouble−free DC−bus operation 10.2
Possible combinations of Lenze controllers in a network of several drives 10.2.1
ƒ Only connect controllers with the same ranges for mains
voltage or DC−bus voltage.
ƒ Adapt switching threshold of braking unit or brake transistor.
ƒ Operate all input modules only with the mains choke specified
( 10.3−1)!
ƒ Use the controllers EVx9335 ... EVx9338 and EVx9381 ... EVx9383 in
variants V210, V240, V270 and V300. They are suitable for DC−bus
For the subject "DC−bus operation", read the documentations of
the other devices used within the interconnection.
DC−bus operation 10
Mains chokes for DC−bus operation 10.3
In DC−bus operation mains chokes in front of every input module
are a basic precondition for trouble−free operation.
Mains chokes specified for the input modules in DC−bus operation:
Controller Mains choke
Type Rated mains current Rated current Inductance Order No.
[A] [A] [mH]
EVx9335 200 200 0.14 ELN3−0014H200
EVx9336 238 270 0.11 ELN3−0011H270
EVx9337 285 300 0.09 ELN3−0009H300
EVx9338 356 370 0.09 ELN3−0009H370
EVx9381 475 2 × 270 2 × 0.11 2 × ELN3−0011H270
EVx9382 570 2 × 300 2 × 0.09 2 × ELN3−0009H300
EVx9383 713 2 × 370 2 × 0.09 2 × ELN3−0009H370
DC−bus operation 10
Fuses and cable cross−sections 10.4
Mains supply 10.4.1
For fusing the mains supply you can use the following fuses (gRL) and cable
9300 vector Installation in accordance with EN 60204−1
Fuse Cable cross−sections
L1, L2, L3 PE
Type [A] [mm2] [mm2]
EVF9335−EV 150
250 95
EVF9335−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9336−EV 150
315 95
EVF9336−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9337−EV 150
315 95
EVF9337−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1)
EVF9338−EV 240
400 150
EVF9338−EVVxxx 2 × 95 1)
Master Slave Master Slave Master Slave
EVF9381−EV 150 150
315 315 95 95
EVF9381−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1) 2 × 50 1)
EVF9382−EV 150 150
315 315 95 95
EVF9382−EVVxxx 2 × 50 1) 2 × 50 1)
EVF9383−EV 240 240
400 400 150 150
EVF9383−EVVxxx 2 × 95 1) 2 × 95 1)
1) Multiple conductor; both conductors must have the same cross−section
We recommend to use semiconductor fuses (gRL).
10 DC−bus operation
10.4 Fuses and cable cross−sections
10.4.2 DC supply
10.4.2 DC supply
A DC supply is only possible for the variants V210, V240, V270, V300.
ƒ Only use semiconductor fuses (gRL).
ƒ On principle, fuse DC cables as 2−pole (+UG, −UG).
DC−bus operation 10
Basic dimensioning 10.5
Conditions 10.5.1
10.5.1 Conditions
The input powers specified in the tables are only valid if the following
requirements for DC−bus operation are observed:
ƒ Central supply only via EVx9335 EVx9338, EVx9381 EVx9383, or
9360 DC power supply unit.
ƒ Connection to the three−phase system only via mains chokes specified.
ECSxAxxxC4Baxis modules Required DC power relating to the maximum current of the ECS axis
Type PDC Type PDC
[kW] [kW]
ECSxA004C4B 1.5 ECSxA032C4B 12
ECSxA008C4B 3.0 ECSxA048C4B 18
ECSxA016C4B 6.0 ECSxA064C4B 24
PDC DC power required
10 DC−bus operation
10.5 Basic dimensioning
10.5.3 Dimensioning examples
How to calculate the input 1. If devices EVx9321 EVx9333 or 8200 vector are used in the drive
power required:
Look for the rated powers of the connected motors in the table and write
down the corresponding powers PDC.
2. If devices ECSxAxxxC4B are used in the drive system:
Look for the connected axis modules in the table and write down the
corresponding powers PDC.
3. If required, determine the power PDC additionally available for the
devices EVx9335 EVx9338, EVx9381 EVx9383 in the drive system
by means of a rough estimate:
Device power ˘ rated power of the motor connected
4. Add all powers PDC from steps 1. and 2. and subtract the power PDC
that is additionally available.
– The result is the input power required.
5. Select the 9360 DC power supply units to provide the input power.
DC−bus operation 10
Distributed supply (several supply points) 10.6
Block diagram
F1 … F3 F4 … F6
Z1 Z2
EVx9335 9360 EVx9321 … EVx9333 8200 vector
3~ 3~ 3~
DC−bus operation 10
Braking operation in the network 10.7
Safety engineering 11
11 Safety engineering
Safety engineering 11
Important notes 11.1
In the case of the devices EVF9335 ... EVF9383 of variants V060,
V110, V270, and V300, the integrated brake transistor is
deactivated if the "Safe torque off" function is active.
The controllers support the safety functions "Safe torque off" (former
designation "Safe standstill"), "Protection against unexpected start−up", in
accordance with the requirements of control category 3 of ISO 13849−1
(former EN 954−1). Depending on the external interconnection, a standard
up to "category 3" in accordance with ISO 13849−1 is achieved.
In order to comply with control category 3 in accordance with
ISO 13849−1 (former EN 954−1), the two methods "Pulse inhibit
via safety relay KSR" and "Controller inhibit", which are
independent of each other, have to be used.
ƒ Only qualified personnel may install and commission the Safe torque
off" function.
ƒ All control components (switches, relays, PLC, ...) and the control
cabinet must comply with the requirements of EN ISO 13849−1 and
EN ISO 13849−2. This includes among other things:
– Control cabinet, switches, relays in enclosure IP54!
– All other requirements can be found in EN ISO 13849−1 and
EN ISO 13849−2!
ƒ Wiring with insulated wire end ferrules or rigid cables is absolutely
ƒ All safetyrelevant cables (e.g. control cable for the safety relay,
feedback contact) outside the control cabinet must be protected, e.g.
by a cable duct. It must be ensured that short circuits between the
individual cables cannot occur!
ƒ With the Safe torque off" function no emergency stop can be effected
without additional measures:
– There is neither an electrical isolation between motor and controller
nor a service or repair switch!
– An "Emergency stop" requires the electrical isolation of the conductor
to the motor, e.g. by means of a central mains contactor with
emergency stop wiring.
ƒ If in the case of the "Safe torque off" a force effect is to be expected
from outside, (e.g. sagging of hanging loads), additional measures are
required (e.g. mechanical brakes).
11 Safety engineering
11.1 Important notes
ƒ After the installation the operator has to check the function of the
"Safe torque off" circuit.
– The functional test must be repeated at regular intervals.
– Basically, the inspection intervals depend on the application, the
related risk analysis, and the overall system. The inspection intervals
must not be longer than 1 year.
Safety engineering 11
Operating mode 11.2
X11/33 K SR
X5/28 W
Fig. 11.2−1 Internal connection of the "Safe torque off" function with 3 electrically isolated
Area : Pulse inhibit via safety relay KSR; forcibly guided feedback for
monitoring the safety relay
Area : Controller inhibit (X5/28), optional feedback via a digital output
Area : Power output stage
11 Safety engineering
11.2 Operating mode
Activating "Safe torque off" The "Safe torque off" status is activated via two different disconnecting
paths which are independent of each other:
1. disconnecting path: Pulse inhibit via safety relay KSR (terminal X11/33,
ƒ In the case of LOW level at terminals X11/33, X11/34, the safety relay
KSR is deactivated.The driver supply of the power section drivers is
interrupted. The inverter no longer receives pulses.
ƒ The disconnection of the safety relay KSR has to be monitored
externally, so that a failure of this disconnecting path can be detected.
X11/K31, X11/K32 is a forcibly guided break contact, i. e. if the safety
relay KSR has been deactivated ("Safe torque off" activated), the
contact is closed.
2. disconnecting path: Controller inhibit by input signal at terminal X5/28
ƒ The input signal at X5/28 is fed to the microcontroller system and the
PWM unit. In the case of LOW level at terminal X5/28, the output of
pulses to the inverter is inhibited in the microcontroller system.
ƒ The disconnecting path "Controller inhibit" can be evaluated optionally
via a digital output. Further information can be gathered from the
chapter "Functional test" ( 11.4−1).
"Safe torque off" is activated if both disconnecting paths are on LOW level.
Deactivating "Safe torque An AND operation of the disconnecting paths prevents the drive from
off" restarting if only one disconnecting path is enabled.
"Safe torque off" is deactivated if both disconnecting paths are on HIGH
Safety engineering 11
Safety relay KSR 11.3
Technical data
Terminal data Regulation for wiring of the terminals X11/34, X11/33, X11/K32, X11/K31,
Cable type Wire end ferrule Cable Tightening Stripping
cross−section torque length
2.5 mm2
Rigid —
(AWG 14) 0.5 ... 0.6 Nm
5 mm
With plastic 2.5 mm2 (4.4 ... 5.3 lb−in)
sleeve (AWG 14)
11 Safety engineering
11.3 Safety relay KSR
Faulty operation in case of earth faults possible
The correct functioning of the safety function is not ensured if an
earth fault occurs.
Possible consequences:
ƒ A failure of the safety function can lead to death, severe
injuries or damage to material.
Protective measures:
The electrical reference point for the coil of the safety relay KSR
must be connected to the PE conductor system (EN 60204−1,
paragraph 9.4.3)!
K SR + 34 +
3 3
K 3 1 K 3 2 3 3
33 –
K 3 2 DC 24 V
K 3 1
Safety engineering 11
Functional test 11.4
Important notes 11.4.1
Unexpected start−up of the machine possible
The "Safe torque off" safety function provides protection against
an unexpected start−up of the drive and therefore is an
important item within the safety concept for a machine. It has to
be ensured that this function works correctly.
Possible consequences:
ƒ Death, severe injury, or damage to material assets, when the
safety function fails.
Protective measures:
After the installation and at regular intervals, the operator has to
check the function of the "Safe torque off" circuit.
ƒ When doing this, check both disconnecting paths separately
with regard to their disconnection capability.
ƒ The functional test can be carried out manually or
automatically via the PLC.
ƒ Basically the inspection interval depends on the application
and the corresponding risk analysis, as well as on the system
as a whole. It should not exceed 1 year.
ƒ If the functional test shows impermissible states,
– the drive or the machine has to be shut down immediately.
– commissioning is not permitted until the safety function
operates correctly.
11 Safety engineering
11.4 Functional test
11.4.2 Manual safety function check
The individual tests are passed if the correct states given in the table result.
Safety engineering 11
Functional test 11.4
Monitoring the safety function with a PLC 11.4.3
DC 24 V
Z1 S2 S1
IN 1 X11/34
IN 2 X11/33 K SR
IN 3 X11/K32
IN 4 X11/K31
Fig. 11.4−1 Circuit diagram for monitoring the safety function with a PLC
S1, S2 Separate disconnection options of the two disconnecting paths
KSR Safety relay
X11/34 Safety relay control
X11/33 Safety relay control (GND)
X11/K32 Forcibly guided feedback contact (24 V)
X11/K31 Forcibly guided feedback contact
DIGOUT Digital output for evaluating the motor current
X5/28 Controller inhibit
Z1 Programmable logic controller (PLC)
IN 1 − 4 Digital inputs
11 Safety engineering
11.4 Functional test
11.4.3 Monitoring the safety function with a PLC
Example: Parameterising a In the following we will show you a possibility of parameterising a digital
digital output
output, so that a conclusion with regard to the motor current is provided.
Sequence Parameter Note
1. Configure function block CMP3
l Connect CMP3−IN1 to C0693/1 = 5004
l Connect CMP3−IN2 to C0693/2 = 19521
l Configure the function IN1 < IN2 C0690 = 3
2. Configure output signal of CMP3 C0117/4 = 10660
l Connect DIGOUT4 to CMP3−OUT
3. Enter function block CMP3 in the
processing table
l Select a free space in the C0465/2 = 10660
processing table
In the Lenze setting, for instance
space 2 of the processing table is
4. Set the current threshold C0472/1 = 2.00 IMotor = 0 ® DIGOUT4 = HIGH
l Set the current threshold for IMotor ¹ 0 ® DIGOUT4 = LOW
Irated_FI to 2 %
Safety engineering 11
Functional test 11.4
Monitoring the safety function with a PLC 11.4.3
Functional test within the For the functional test, check both disconnecting paths separately.
inspection interval
1. disconnecting path: Pulse inhibit via safety relay KSR
The individual tests are passed if the correct states given in the table result.
Specification Correct status
Individual test Input relay activation (X11/34) Output feedback (X11/K31)
Pulse inhibit LOW HIGH
Pulse enable HIGH LOW
Braking operation 12
12 Braking operation
Braking operation 12
Brake operation with external brake resistor 12.1
Selection of the brake resistors 12.1.1
Field Description
Active load Can move without being influenced by the controller (e.g.
Passive load Decelerates to standstill without influence of the controller
(e.g. horizontal traversing drives, centrifuges, fans)
VDC [V] Threshold for brake transistor
Pmax [W] Max. brake power determined by the application
With EVF9381−EV, EVF9382−EV, EVF9383−EV only calculate
with Pmax/2 since these devices dissipate the brake energy
evenly via master and slave. If the brake power is lower, the
brake energy can also be dissipated via the master or the
slave; use Pmax for the calculation.
he Electrical efficiency (controller + motor)
Guide value: 0.94
hm Mechanical efficiency (gearbox, machine)
t1 [s] Braking time
tcycl [s] Cycle time = time between two braking processes
(= t1 + break)
Rmin [W] Lowest permissible brake resistance (see rated data for the
integrated brake transistor)
Braking operation 12
Lenze brake resistors 12.2
Rated data 12.2.1
Field Data
Resistance R 15 W
Continuous power 1) 4.0 kW
Thermal capacity 600.0 kWs
Switch−on cycle Braking for max. 19/15/14/11 s, then at least
131/135/136/139 s break 2)
Cable cross−section to be 6 mm2
connected AWG 10
Mass 12.5 kg
Order No. ERBD015R04K0
Observe the national and regional legislation
1) The continuous power is a reference value for the selection of brake resistors. Braking at peak
brake power (V2DC/R).
2) More information on the switching threshold V
DC (685 V, 755 V, 785 V, 885 V) of the brake
transistor can be found in chapter 12.1
As standard the brake resistor is equipped with a temperature
switch (NC contact max. AC 250 V, 0.5 A).
12 Braking operation
12.2 Lenze brake resistors
12.2.2 Dimensions
12.2.2 Dimensions
6.5 x 15.5 a4
> 25 mm
> 100 mm
> 200 mm
c2 > 25 mm
c3 c1
Type a a1 a2 a3 a4 b b1 c c1 c2 c3 e e1
ERBD015R04K0 273 266 240 152 64 233 229 640 550 526 66.5 51 53
All values in [mm]
12.2.3 Selection
The value must not fall below the lowest permissible resistance.
Connect several brake resistors of type ERBD015R04K0 in parallel to get the
brake resistance that matches your application.
The number of resistors to be connected in parallel is calculated with 1/4 x
of the required continuous power (round the result).
Braking operation 12
Lenze brake resistors 12.2
Connection of external brake resistor 12.2.4
Important notes ƒ Brake resistors can get hot and under certain conditions a brake
resistor can even burn down. For this reason, the brake resistors must
be mounted so that the possibly high temperatures cannot cause any
ƒ Provide a safety shutdown in the event the brake resistor overheats.
ƒ Use the thermal contacts of the brake resistor (e.g. T1 / T2) as control
contacts to disconnect the controller from the cable!
ƒ Only use shielded brake resistor cables.
ƒ Connect the shield close to the controller and close to the brake resistor
with a surface as large as possible to the mounting plate by using a
shield clamp.
ƒ The shield of the control cables for digital signals (temperature
monitoring T1 / T2) must be connected at both sides (controller and
brake resistor).
ƒ Unshielded cables between shield clamp and connection terminals
must not be longer than 40 mm.
Braking operation 12
Rated data of the integrated brake transistor 12.3
Rated data for types EVF93xx−EVV060 and EVF93xx−EVV110 at 400 V rated mains voltage
12 Braking operation
12.3 Rated data of the integrated brake transistor
Rated data for types EVF93xx−EVV270 and EVF93xx−EVV300 at 400 V or 460 V rated mains voltage
Braking operation 12
Rated data of the integrated brake transistor 12.3
Rated data for types EVF93xx−EVV270 and EVF93xx−EVV300 at 480 V rated mains voltage
12 Braking operation
12.3 Rated data of the integrated brake transistor
Rated data for types EVF93xx−EVV270 and EVF93xx−EVV300 at 500 V rated mains voltage
Braking operation 12
Braking operation in the network 12.4
F1 … F3 F4 … F6
Z1 Z2
EVx9335 EVx9335
3~ 3~ RB
Fig. 12.4−1 Controller with decentralised supply in DC−bus operation and with brake resistor
F1...F6 Mains fuses ( 3.7−1)
F7 ... F14 Fuses on DC level ( 3.7−2)
Z1, Z2 Mains choke ( 10.3−1)
Z3 Brake resistor
K10 Mains contactor
S1 Mains "ON"
S2 Mains "OFF"
12 Braking operation
12.4 Braking operation in the network
12.4.1 Selection
12.4.1 Selection
ƒ Set the DC−bus voltage thresholds of the controllers to the
same value under C0173.
ƒ Set the brake transistor thresholds for the controllers under
Important notes Provide a safety switch−off in the event of overheating if you use a brake
resistor. Use the temperature switches of the brake resistor to
ƒ disconnect all controllers from the mains.
ƒ set controller inhibit in all controllers (terminal X528 = LOW).
Accessories (overview) 13
13 Accessories (overview)
Accessories (overview) 13
General accessories 13.1
13 Accessories (overview)
13.1 General accessories
Documentation and software updates for further Lenze products
can be found on the Internet in the "Services & Downloads" area
Accessories (overview) 13
Type−specific accessories 13.2
Appendix 14
14 Appendix
Appendix 14
Glossary 14.1
Terminology and abbreviations used 14.1.1
14.1 Glossary
AC AC current or AC voltage
CE Communauté Européene
DC DC current or DC voltage
EN European standard
IPC Industrial PC
L [mH] Inductance
14 Appendix
14.1 Glossary
14.1.1 Terminology and abbreviations used
R [W] Resistance
UL Underwriters Laboratories
Appendix 14
Index 14.2
14.2 Index
Acceleration, 6.10−1 Basic function, 8.5−2
Brake operation, with external brake resistor, 12.1−1
Acceleration time Tir, additional setpoint of NSET, 8.5−19
Brake resistors, Selection, 12.1−1
Accessories, 13−1
Brake transistor, 12.3−1
− external brake resistor, 12.1−1
Braking, 6.10−1 , 12−1
− General, 13.1−1
Braking operation, 12−1
− Type−specific, 13.2−1 − in the network, 10.7−1 , 12.4−1
Activating the incremental encoder, 6.7−1 Bus off, 8.3−2
Actual motor current, 8.2−27 , 8.2−42 , 8.5−7 , 9.1−1
Actual motor voltage, 8.2−27 , 8.2−42 , 8.5−6 , 9.1−1 Cable
Actual speed value, 8.2−27 , 8.2−42 , 8.5−6 , 9.1−1 − For control connections, 5.2−3
− For motor connection, 5.2−2
Additional setpoint, 8.5−6
Cable cross−sections, 3.7−1
Ambient conditions
Calibration, Application datum, 9.1−1
− climatic, 3.1−2
CAN bus identifier, 8.5−23
− electrical, 3.1−2
CE conformity, 1.2−1
− mechanical, 3.1−2
CE−typical drive system, 5.3−1 , 5.4−1
Analog inputs Changing parameters
− setting input range with jumper X3, 5.5−9 − EMZ9371BC keypad, 7.2−7 , 7.2−8
− Signals, 6.5−4 − Keypad EMZ9371BC, 7.2−4 , 7.2−6 , 7.2−9
− terminal assignment, 5.5−9 Changing the direction of rotation, 6.10−5
Analog outputs Clamp operation, 9.4−2
− Configuration, 6.5−6 Code, 7.1−1
− Signals, 6.5−6 Code table, 8.5−1
− terminal assignment, 5.5−9 Commissioning, 6−1
− before switching on, 6.1−1
Application, as directed, 1.2−1
− Entry of motor data, 6.6−1
Application as directed, 1.2−1 Communication modules, 5.9−1
Application datum, Display, 9.1−1 Compensation equipment, Interaction with, 5.1−4
14 Appendix
14.2 Index
Configuration, 8−1 D
− Analog input signals, 6.5−4
DC bus
− Analog output signals, 6.5−6
− Cable cross−sections for the, 5.3−5 , 5.4−9
− Analog outputs, 6.5−6
− Cable selection, 3.7−3
− changing the direction of rotation, 6.10−5
− connection to the, 5.3−5 , 5.4−9
− Code table, 8.5−1
− Fuses for the, 5.3−5 , 5.4−9
− Controller inhibit (DCTRL1−CINH), 6.4−1
DC busbars, installation between master and slave, 5.4−4
− Current limits, 6.6−15
− Digital input signals, 6.5−1 DC injection braking (GSB)
− Digital output signals, 6.5−3 − automatic, 8.2−35 , 8.2−57
− Digital outputs, 6.5−3 − manual, 8.2−33 , 8.2−55
− Display functions, 9.1−1 DC supply, 5.2−1
− Maximum field frequency, 6.10−1 DC−bus cable, shielding, 5.3−5 , 5.4−9
− Minimum field frequency, 6.10−1
DC−bus connection
− Monitoring
Current load of controller (Ixt monitoring), 8.3−4 − Distributed supply, 10.6−1
Heatsink temperature, 8.3−6 − Possible combinations, 10.2−1
Monitoring times for process data input objects, 8.3−2
DC−bus operation, 10−1
− monitoring, 8.3−1
bus off, 8.3−2 − Braking operation in, 10.7−1 , 12.4−1
DC−bus voltage, 8.3−7 − Conditions, 10.2−1
motor temperature, 8.3−5 − Several drives, 10−1
reset node, 8.3−2
DC−bus voltage, 8.2−27 , 8.2−42 , 8.3−7 , 8.5−6 , 9.1−1
− monitoring functions
overview, 8.4−1 − monitoring, 8.3−7
responses, 8.3−1 − overvoltage, 8.3−7
− motor data collection, 6.6−16 − Undervoltage, 8.3−7
− Oscillation damping, 6.11−3 Deceleration, 6.10−1
− Quick stop (QSP), 6.10−4
Deceleration time Tif, additional setpoint of NSET, 8.5−19
− Relay output, 6.5−3
− Slip compensation, 6.11−1 Definition of notes used, 1.4−1
− switching frequency of inverter, 6.9−1 Definitions, Terms, 14.1−1
− Table of attributes, 8.7−1 Derating, 6.6−16 , 6.9−1 , 6.11−3 , 8.2−38 , 8.2−60
− Umin boost, 6.8−6
device control, 8.5−2
Conformity, 1.2−1
Device protection, 2.3−1
Control cable, 5.2−3
Diagnostics, 7.2−10 , 9.1−1 , 9.1−2
Control cables, connection between master and
Diameter calculator (DCALC1), 8.2−1
slave, 5.4−5
Digital frequency input, connection to X9, 5.8−1
Control terminals, 5.5−1
− Changing the assignment of X5, 6.5−1 Digital frequency output, connection to X10, 5.8−1
− Changing the assignment of X6, 6.5−1 Digital input signals, 6.5−1
Control word (AIF), 8.5−13 Digital inputs, Terminal assignment, 5.5−9
Controller Digital inputs/outputs, Terminal assignment, 11.3−2
− application as directed, 1.2−1 Digital output signals, 6.5−3
− in clamp operation, 9.4−2
Digital outputs
− labelling, 1.2−1
− Configuration, 6.5−3
Controller inhibit, Drive behaviour, 6.4−1 − terminal assignment, 5.5−9
Current limits, 6.6−15 Dimensions, 3.1−2 , 4.2−1 , 4.3−1 , 12.2−2
Current load of controller, Ixt monitoring, 8.3−4 Direction of rotation, inhibiting, 8.2−39 , 8.2−61
Appendix 14
Index 14.2
14 Appendix
14.2 Index
L Monitoring functions
− Overview, 8.4−1
Labelling, controller, 1.2−1
− responses, 8.3−1
LED display, 9.2−1
Monitoring times for process data input objects, 8.3−2
Legal regulations, 1.2−1
Motor, thermal monitoring, with PTC thermistor, 6.6−9 ,
Liability, 1.2−2 6.6−11
Light−emitting diodes, 9.2−1 Motor cable, 5.2−2
− length, 3.1−2
M − Selection of, 3.7−3
Mains cable, Selection of, 3.7−3 − shielding, 5.3−7 , 5.4−12
Appendix 14
Index 14.2
Motor stator inductance, 6.6−17 , 6.8−9 , 8.2−44 , 8.5−10 Output current, limiting, 8.2−32 , 8.2−52
14 Appendix
14.2 Index
Appendix 14
Index 14.2
© 12/2009
F Lenze Automation GmbH Service Lenze Service GmbH
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