Inbound 6373237641114387033
Inbound 6373237641114387033
Inbound 6373237641114387033
After answering your own formulated problems. The following questions should
be answered.
1. How did you formulate your own problem from the 3 topics mentioned?
Answer: By watching the example videos and analyzing how they answer it, then I tried
my best to make my own.
2. How did you determine that your own constructed problem is aligned in the 3
topics mentioned? Answer: I determine that my own constructed problem is aligned in
the 3 topics mentioned by double checking it and identifying if my own constructed
problem is related to the 3 topics.
3. What do you think of the level of difficulty you encountered upon
constructing the problem? Answer: in my own experience on how I make my problem
is so hard because I need to double check if it is related to the topics.
4. How did you arrive at your answers.
Answer: By solving it and trying hard to get the correct answers.
5. Enumerate the steps you follow upon answering your constructed problems.
Answer: First: I watch videos on how they answer it
Second: Using my mind to solve the problems.
Third: Using a calculator.