5 - File I O and CSV Module
5 - File I O and CSV Module
5 - File I O and CSV Module
This document contains useful information on how to read, write, and parse
Note: The terminology included in this document and a basic understanding of file I/O is course
content and therefore may be included on exams or quizzes.
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Terminology 3
References 11
CSV files
Comma-separated-value files, or CSV files, are text files that store information in an easy-to-read,
tabular format. Every piece of data in these files are distinguishable from each other because they
are separated by commas, or some other delimiter (despite its name, CSV files don’t necessarily
have to use commas to separate each piece of data). Each row represents some sort of individual
record of the data, and each column will represent an attribute of each record. For example, suppose
we want to go to the beach for spring break, and we’ve created a CSV file that holds information
about different vacation homes (see image below). Each row would hold information regarding a
different house, and each column would hold information about particular attributes for each of
those houses, such as the number of bathrooms, the number of bedrooms, or the location of the
CSV file - stands for Comma-Separated Value file; a text file that holds data that is stored in a
tabular format, a common format for importing and exporting spreadsheets and databases
TSV file - stands for Tab-Separated Value file; a text file that holds data that is stored in a
tabular format where each feature is delimited by a tab
Delimiter - the character (or series of characters) that separates each feature throughout the
file. By default, the delimiter in CSV files is a comma
Encoding - a parameter that may need to be specified when opening a CSV file as a file object. In
short, it is the way that a computer stores characters as bits. For this class, most of the time you
will either need to include encoding = “utf8” or encoding = “iso-8859-1” when
opening a file.
File Object - an object in Python that we can create to read, edit, and manipulate data from a file
Parse - analyze and subdivide text (in this case a CSV file) into logical syntactic components
Cursor - tells the read function (and many other I/O functions) where to start from. To set
where the cursor is, you use the seek() function (found below).
Access Modes
To determine what action you want to take with a file, Python has access modes. These are passed
into the parameter of the open() method.
If you don’t specify an access mode as a parameter, Python will assume you are reading text (“r”).
Open any text file using the open() method. There are two ways to use it:
1. fin = open(“file_name.txt”, “r”)
text = fin.read()
Files must be closed in order to keep any changes made. You only need to use this method when you
are using the first method to open the file.
This method returns one long continuous string of the entire file, including all whitespace. We
typically use strip() with File I/O methods to remove the whitespace.
This method returns a string of one line at a time, including all whitespace. If you only call it once, it
will return one line. If you call it again, it will return the next line.
This method returns a list of every line as a string, including all whitespace.
read(), readline(), and readlines() all depend on the cursor object, which dictates where you are in
your file. If you call read() or readlines(), you are reading the entire file so if you try to call read() or
readlines() again right after, you will get an empty string or list because your cursor is at the very
bottom of the document. readline() will return one line at a time, moving the cursor by one every
time you call it.
The Python file method seek() sets the file's current position at a certain position. We use a cursor
object to keep track of our location. The seek method utilizes the following syntax.
fileObject.seek(offset[, whence])
The fileObject will be the name of any object that you assign the open variable to. The offset variable
is required and denotes the position of the read/write pointer within the file that you are “seeking”.
The whence argument is optional and defaults to 0, which means absolute file positioning, other
values are 1 which means seek relative to the current position and 2 means seek relative to the file's
end. Below are a few examples with different optional arguments.
The above line would move the cursor to 45 bytes/letters after the beginning of the file.
This above line would move the cursor to 10 bytes/letters after the current cursor position.
This above line would move the cursor to 77 bytes/letters before the end of the file (notice the
negative sign before the 77)
that when we read from the CSV file, all data will be read in as STRINGS. You will need to cast the
data to the appropriate types if you wish to manipulate them later.
With CSV reader, we can translate a CSV file into a list of lists, where each list will represent a row of
data. Using the vacation homes example from above, we want the csv reader to return something
that looks like the following image:
This is useful in that each row will represent a particular item (in this case, a house), and the order
of items in a list will stay the same, thus we can index the inner list to get particular values. For
example, to get the number of bathrooms we would take the 1st index of each list, and to know if the
house has a pool or not, we look at the 3rd index.
The code to translate a CSV file into this list of lists is very simple:
with open(“csvFileName.csv”, “r”) as fin:
reader = csv.reader(fin)
readerList = [line for line in reader]
The general outline for reading a csv file using the csv.reader function is as follows,
1. Open the file for reading as a file object (you can use the context manager or create a file
object, then close the file later)
2. Create a reader object using the csv.reader() function
○ Don’t forget to import csv!
○ Note that the csv.reader() function returns a csv reader object. It is iterable
(you can use it in a for each loop), but NOT subscriptable (you can’t index into it)
○ See section “Optional Parameters”
3. Cast the reader object to be a list
○ Since we cannot index into the reader object it is necessary to create a list of lists
representing the contents of the csv file
i. This can be accomplished by either casting the reader object to a list (e.g.
readerList = list(reader))
○ If there are particular columns or rows that contain data you don’t need, you may
eliminate the extra lines by:
i. selectively indexing the areas of importance (e.g. readerList = [i[0]
for i in reader] will only retrieve the first column)
ii. adding an if statement to your list comprehension when you iterate through
the reader object to check a condition
iii. use the next function to skip the header row (e.g. headers =
next(reader)) or slice readerList to only include the rows you need
(e.g. readerList[1:] will eliminate the header line)
As mentioned above, there are times when the data we are
given starts with a header line that may not seem important to
include in our data structures. However, the
csv.DictReader() constructor puts the header line to good
use, using them as keys for dictionaries that represent each
This time, if we want to access each house’s number of bathrooms, we will need to index each inner
dictionary using the ’Bathrooms’ key..
The application of the csv.DictReader() is very similar to that of csv.reader with some
slight adjustments:
with open(“csvFileName.csv”, “r”) as fin:
dictReader = csv.DictReader(fin)
listOfDicts = [dict(line) for line in dictReader]
The general outline for reading a csv file using the csv.DictReader constructor is as follows,
1. Open the file for reading as a file object (same as reader)
2. Create a DictReader object using csv.DictReader() constructor
○ The D and first R MUST be capitalized
○ Don’t forget to import csv!
○ Note that the csv.DictReader() constructor creates a csv DictReader Object. It
is iterable, but NOT subscriptable (you can’t index into it)
3. Convert the DictReader object to a list of dictionaries
○ In Python 3.7, if we do not cast each line to be a dictionary, each line will by default
be an OrderedDict object, which does not behave the same as a Python dict type.
Therefore, we will have to cast each line to a dictionary using Python’s built-in
dict() constructor for further use and manipulation.
Optional Parameters
When creating a csv reader or DictReader, there are optional parameters that we can specify to
better suit the data in the CSV file we are dealing with. These are just a couple of common ones you
might have to deal with
fieldnames = (“Location, “Bathrooms”, ...),
quotechar = “‘”,
delimiter = “;”
Used only in DictReader()
Suppose you are trying to create a DictReader. In the event that your CSV has no header line, and
therefore you have no header values to act as the keys of your dictionaries, you can define your own
inside the fieldnames parameter, which can take in a sequence of your desired header values in
the order that they appear in your CSV. If the fieldnames parameter is not specified, the values in
the first row of the file will be used as the header values.
Used in both reader() and DictReader()
As mentioned earlier in this unit, the default delimiter when reading a CSV is the comma character.
However, not all CSV files use commas to separate their data. Some might use a semicolon, or even a
number or a letter. In these cases, you can specify exactly what the delimiter of the CSV file you’re
reading is in the delimiter parameter.
Used in both reader() and DictReader()
As an example, let’s say the delimiter of your CSV file is a space. In the CSV file, you have a name
attribute, and for one person’s name happens to have a space in it, such as Hannah Ann. If you leave
the name as it is, the name might be mistranslated to be “Hannah” rather than Hannah Ann. To avoid
this misalignment of data, we can surround her name in double quotes: “Hannah Ann”. In this case,
the “ is our quotechar, and it happens to be the default quotechar for CSV’s.
csv.writer() is more useful if your data is currently stored in a list or a list of lists. The first two
steps of using a csv writer object consist of creating a file object for writing, and then creating a
writer object using csv.writer().
We add the newline parameter when creating the file we are writing to to indicate that each row
written to this file should be one after the other, with no gap or empty line between them.
Following the creation of our writer object, we can write lines to the CSV in one of two ways:
Way #1: .writerow()takes in a list of the data you would like to write (order of the data matters,
and should be consistent throughout the file to maintain the tabular nature of a CSV) and writes one
new row of data in your outfile . You will need to repeat this line of code for as many rows of data
you wish to write. You could also include this line in a for loop to reduce lines of code.
Way #2: .writerows()takes in a list of lists, where each inner list will be a new row/entry in the
CSV, and writes multiple lines of data in your outfile. Once again, order of the data matters, and
should be consistent throughout the file.
csv.DictWriter() is more useful if your data is currently stored in a dictionary or a list of dictionaries.
Like with the previous functions in this section, we must first create a file object, this time for
writing, and then we can create our DictWriter object using csv.DictWriter (again note the D and the
W must be capitalized)
When creating the DictWriter object, fieldnames is a required parameter that we must specify. As
mentioned in the DictReader section, the keys in the list of dictionaries correspond to the headers of
the CSV file. The fieldnames parameter will be exactly that: the header line of the CSV file you’re
writing to. For this parameter you can pass in a list of hardcoded values, or if your headers can
already be found in the keys of a dictionary of your data, you can use the aDict.keys().
Once we have the fieldnames defined, writing the header line in the CSV file is really easy:
We can also use .writerow() and .writerows() for a DictWriter object, however the usage is
slightly adjusted. For the writer, the .writerow() function took in a list, however for the
DictWriter, it will take in a dictionary, where each dictionary represents one item/entry, the keys are
the headings, and the values are the corresponding data. Similarly, for the DictWriter, .writerows()
will take in a list of dictionaries.
Python CSV Module Documentation (Python 3.7)
http://kunststube.net/encoding/ - for “encoding” definition