Croatian WaterAdventure
Croatian WaterAdventure
Croatian WaterAdventure
1.1. The event will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
1.2. WS Appendix UF (Attachment C) for umpired fleet racing will apply.
1.3. Rules 62.1(a), (b) and (d) are deleted.
1.4. The rules for the handling of boats (Attachment B) will apply. Class rules will not apply.
1.5. No Croatian Sailing Federation prescriptions will apply.
1.6. RRS 40.1 applies and will be changed as follows: All competitors shall wear their own personal flotation devices that comply with
ISO12402-5 or higher standard at all times while racing, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment.
Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices.
1.7. If there is a conflict between languages the English text shall take precedence.
2.1. Notices to competitors will be posted on the online Official Notice Board (ONB) located on the following link:
2.2. Complementary information may be communicated through a social media channel. The link to join the channel will be published on
5.1. From the first warning signal until the end of the last race of the day, except in an emergency, a boat shall not make voice or data
transmissions and shall not receive voice or data communication unavailable to all competitors.
7.1. A non-refundable entry fee of 350 € per team shall be paid in cash at registration. Entry fee include accommodation, boat rent and
invitations to the Opening Ceremony and Prize giving.
7.2. An initial damage deposit of 500 € shall be paid in cash at registration.
7.3. Each team is responsible for the damage or loss to their boat unless responsibility is otherwise assigned by the umpires or PC. The
damage deposit is the limit of liability of each team for each incident. If a deduction from the damage deposit is decided by the OA, it
may require that the deposit be restored to its original amount before the team will be permitted to continue in the event.
8.1. The total number of crew (including skipper) shall be four (4). All registered crew shall sail all races.
8.2. All crew members shall be younger of 23 years during event.
8.3. There will be no crew weight limit.
9.1. OA will provide 4 Melges 20 type boats and will allocate them by draw. Each boat will have the following sails: Mainsail, Jib and
11.1. Team will be divided into the groups according the number of entries received. Each group will have maximum of 4 teams.
11.2. Event will constitute of 6 qualification races and 3 final races.
11.3. After qualification stage 4 top ranked teams will advance to final stage.
12.1. The event will be held from 24th to 27th October 2024.
15.1. 1, 1a, 2s, 2p will be self-positioning orange conical buoys.
15.2. The starting marks will be the RC vessels at the starboard-end and self-positioning orange conical buoy at port-end.
15.3. The finishing marks will be the RC vessel at the port-end and an orange self-positioning conical buoy at the starboard-end.
29.1. Each participating team shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of 1.500.000 € per event
or the equivalent.
32.1. The first three teams will be awarded.
32.2. Additional Prizes may be given at the discretion of the OA.
B1 [SP] General
The technical committee can check the boats for any changes that are in breach of NoR B2 or B6 on a random basis. If they find such a
change, they will inform the PC. PC may penalize the boat with one additional point without a hearing. This changes RRS 63.1, A5.1 and
B3 [NP] Repairs
Substitution of damaged or lost equipment and repairs may only be done by the repair service of the OA, or under their management.
B4.2 The cockpit lines may be used with the exception that hanging on to the cockpit lines from the outside is prohibited.
B4.3 The crew shall not stand, sit on the cockpit lines or the pushpits.
B5 [NP] Bowsprit
B5.1 Having the bowsprit extended, except when in the process of setting, flying or taking down the Gennaker is prohibited. The bowsprit
shall be fully retracted at the first reasonable opportunity after taking down the Gennaker. A boat that does not retract the bowsprit
fully may be warned and given an opportunity to correct the error.
B5.2 Extending the bowsprit before getting on the new leg of the course, after entering the zone of a rounding mark without a Gennaker
set is prohibited.
B6 [DP][NP] Shrouds and forestay
It is prohibited to adjust shroud and forestay tension at all times while afloat. Backstay tension may be adjusted while racing.
Attachment C - WS Appendix UF
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Umpired fleet races shall be sailed under The Racing Rules of Sailing as changed by this appendix. Races shall be umpired. The rule changes in
UF1 have been approved by World Sailing under Regulation 28.1.5(b) on the condition that only the provided options are used. This appendix
applies only when it is referred to in the Notice of Race and made available for all competitors.
UF 5.4 The time limit defined in rule UF5.3 also applies to protests under rule UF5.10 and UF5.11. The protest committee shall extend the
time limit if there is good reason to do so.
UF 5.5 The race committee will promptly inform the protest committee about any protests or requests for redress made under rule UF5.3.
UF 5.6 The third sentence of rule 61.1(a) and all of rule 61.1(a ) (2) are deleted.
UF 5.7 The first three sentences of rule 64.2 are changed to: ‘When the protest committee decides that a boat that is a party to a protest
hearing has broken a rule, it may impose penalties other than disqualification, and may make any other scoring arrangement it
decides is equitable. If a boat has broken a rule when not racing, the protest committee shall decide whether to apply any penalty
to the race sailed nearest in time to that of the incident or make some other arrangement.’
UF 5.8 Hearings
Except for a hearing under rule 69.2
(a) Protests and requests for redress need not be in writing.
(b) The protest committee may inform the protestee and schedule the hearing in any way it considers appropriate and may
communicate this orally.
(c) The protest committee may take evidence and conduct the hearing in any way it considers appropriate and may communicate
its decision orally.
(d) If the protest committee decides that a breach of a rule has had no effect on the outcome of the race, it may impose a scoring
penalty of points or fraction of points or make any other arrangement it decides is fair, which may be to impose no penalty.
(e) If the protest committee penalizes a boat in accordance with rule UF5.7 or if a standard penalty is applied, all other boats will
be informed about the change of the penalized boat’s score.
UF 5.9 The race committee will not protest a boat.
UF 5.10 The protest committee may protest a boat under rule 60.3. However, it will not protest a boat for breaking rule UF3.6 or rule 28, a
rule listed in rule UF3.3 (a), or rule 14 unless there is damage or injury.
UF 5.11 The technical committee will only protest a boat under rule 60.4 when decides that a boat or personal equipment does not comply
with the class rule, rule 50, or the rules in the equipment regulations of the event, if such exist. In such a case, the technical
committee shall protest.
UF 5.12 Rule 66.2 is changed to ‘A party to the hearing under this appendix may not request a reopening.’