Sailing Instructions
Han Htoo Zaw, MM013, 4775
Whilst the benefit of doubt remains with the competitor, once the
Safety umpires are sure of an infringement, they will act promptly to protect the
All boats must carry sufficient personal flotation devices for each crew fairness of the competition. A boat that acknowledges and enforces
member. These must be worn at all times whilst racing. Wet or dry suits their own penalty for breaking a rule must get well clear of other boats
are not acceptable as substitutes. Competitors must not wear or carry as soon after the incident as possible, make one turn, including one
clothing or equipment for the purpose of increasing their weight. The tack and one gybe. A boat that is penalised by an umpire must promptly
maximum weight for clothing and equipment is 8 kilograms. The race get clear of other boats and then make two turns in the same direction,
committee can inspect any boat or personal equipment at any time for including two tacks and two gybes. A boat that is penalised by an
compliance with the sailing instructions and class rules. umpire, but fails to take a penalty when instructed, may be required to
First aid facilities are located at the clubhouse. In the event of an make one or more additional penalty turns, or may be black flagged
incident that involves personal injury or severe illness, or where the boat from the race.
is in danger and needs assistance, crews should contact the race
committee on VHF Channel 16. They will initiate the appropriate action. Protests
Boats that break a rule must take a penalty on the water. If they do not,
Prizes the boats that were fouled can protest. To make a valid protest against
Prizes will be awarded to the top three placings in each race. Class another boat you must promptly hail ‘Protest!’ and fly a red protest flag
trophies will be awarded to: at the other boat involved. The other boat must be in no doubt about
your protest and have the chance to acknowledge and exonerate the
overall team with the lowest score error by taking a penalty. If your protest is disputed or ignored, then you
top female team can formally protest at the end of the race.
top junior team (must all be born in 2003 or later). Requests for redress must be given in writing and delivered to the race
All prizes will be awarded at the closing ceremony at 16:00 on the final officer within the 60 minutes protest time at the end of a race. Protests
day. will be heard by the protest committee as soon as possible in the order
they were received. Protest notifications will be posted 30 minutes after
On-The-Water Penalties the protest time limit to inform the parties involved, and those named as
witnesses, when and where the hearing will be heard. A boat that is
Sailing is a self-policing sport and relies on the good faith of competitors
found to have broken a rule will receive a penalty of 40% of their race
to do the right thing by completing penalty turns if they interfere with
score with a minimum of 3 points. However, if the boat caused injury or
another boat. Those that deliberately take unfair advantage of this, or
serious damage, or gained a significant advantage by her breach, the
behave in an inappropriate manner either on or off the water, can
penalty will be retirement. Decisions of the protest committee are final.
expect official action to be taken against them.
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. Tawara Sailing Club will not accept any liability for material damage, personal injury or
death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. Each participating boat must be insured with valid third-party liability insurance
with a value of not less than £3,000,000. Failure to comply with this instruction will lead to disqualification from all races.