DLL Mapeh G4 Q2 W2
DLL Mapeh G4 Q2 W2
DLL Mapeh G4 Q2 W2
K to 12 Curriculum Learning
Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and September 30 – October 4,
Time: 2024 (Week 2) Quarter: 2ND Quarter
“Target Me”
Materials Needed:
1. Soft clay (If not available, improvise it with
crumpled paper mold like a ball).
2. Meter stick for measuring
3. A printed copy of a target is to be posted on the
The students will be divided into 2 groups which
consist of 10 to 15 members. Students will form a
line, hold a ball of clay, and face the target, which
is located on the bulletin board 3-5 meters away
from the starting line. When the teacher whistled,
the first student in each line needed to throw the
clay and strike the center of the target board one
by one until all the members had done throwing
the clay. The team with the most successful throws
of the clay ball towards the center of the board will
be declared the winner.
Image source:
Answer key:
Bendian Shape Tapis Solibao Time 1. What did you notice with the picture?
Bahag 2. How are they related to each other?
Color Line Space Form Texture 3. Can you name them one by one?
Word Association
• Family - a group of one or more parents
Since words to be unlock are local/ indigenous terms, and their children living together as a unit.
let the pupils think of a word that rhymes with the (Dictionary)
word to be unlock for easy retention. • Health - the state of being free from illness or
injury. (Oxford Dictionary)
Example: INUSHUGAN (hinusgahan) • Healthy Family - relationships where people
trust and rely on each other for support, love,
1. PINESBEKAN affection, and warmth. (San Jose-Muyot et al.,
2. SALAWASAO 2017)
During the Lesson/Lesson Proper
D. Reading the Key LET US LEARN!! LET US LEARN!!
Relating faiths and beliefs based on the To understand the discussion, students will watch
representations of local creative works with the video. The video “Families and family
basic concepts and principles of music, theater, relationships for kids [Positive family
dance and visual element relationships]”
Do you also have local practices or beliefs in your 4. A healthy family consists of members who share
family? Can you tell me more about it? household chores and participate in positive
5. A healthy family practices positive
Symbols and Representations are used in the communication every day.
Bendian Dance 6. A healthy family provides ongoing support and
➢ When both arms are extended above the head, stays involved in each other's lives to meet each
while the hands are flipped up and down, it other's physical, emotional, mental, and social
symbolizes progress, bountiful harvest, etc. What health needs.
dance step is this? Show the photo below.
(3rd picture from the left)
(4th picture from the left)
the right arm is bent. It is moved forward and back
with the palms facing upward; the left arm is
extended forward. The action mimics planting.
(5th picture from the left)
B. Father. Protector, teacher, and
both arms are raised slightly over the head, encourager; a person who picks you up when you
resembling the position of surrender. It means to ask fall, brushes you off, and lets you try again;
kabunyan to bless and protect their crops admired and much loved; often referred to as a
son's first hero and daughter's first love.
(6th picture from the left) Roles and responsibilities of a father:
1. Motivator. As a dad, you are at times a helper,
The dancers maintain their positions as in Inoshongan a coach, and a friend. One of your jobs is to
but this time the reverse direction. At another point motivate your children toward daily productivity
the men face the women and vice versa. It means and healthy growth. I
turn and reverse to confuse the enemy find that my kids are not always self-
motivated to reach their full potential in character,
7. PINAJOSAN discipline, and spiritual growth. So when I see that
(7th picture from the left) potential, this is where I often find the need to
come in, sometimes creatively and other times
both arms are clipped at the back of the waist with firmly, to motivate them. Sometimes this is with
hands facing upwards, the body is bent forward ideas, incentives, schedules, or simply clear
8. INNABAYA 2. Enforcer. Fatherlessness is a great concern in
(8th picture from the left)’ our society today. One of the greatest
disadvantages many kids in fatherless homes face
The upper arm is clipped to the side while the lower is the lack of male presence and leadership they
arm is extended forward with hands facing upward. It need. A huge part of having a father in the home is
symbolizes the receiving of blessings such as crops having an enforcer in the home. Like it or not, kids
and livestock naturally respond differently to male leadership,
especially in the family. Dad being the main
enforcer of family rules and boundaries at home
also makes a mother’s job so much easier.
3. Encourager. Because children are born with a
desire for their father’s approval and attention, one
of the best ways to encourage them is to be their
biggest cheerleader and their greatest fan. Giving
them regular compliments and positive
reinforcement in the areas of their strengths can
go a long way. I personally have seen the
demeanor of my children change when I say
encouraging things like, “You’re doing a great job”
or “I’m so glad you’re mine.” Every child loves
positive fatherly encouragement.
4. Trainer. There are lessons and life skills your
child will never learn apart from being taught. Part
of the role of fatherhood is training our children to
be good at life. From learning how to ride a bike to
knowing how to manage good relationships with
the opposite sex, and everything in between, your
child needs your intentional investment. Yes, it
takes time and a bit of inconvenience, but it’s so
worth it in the long run.
5. Counselor. Kids struggle too. Sometimes, as
adults, it’s easy to forget this because their
problems seem so small. Do you remember how
small things were big things as a kid? Children
don’t naturally know how to navigate the issues of
life that are thrown at them. That’s because
they’re kids—they’re adults in training. They
regularly need direction, answers, and advice. Dad,
strive to be your children’s chief counselor, their
go-to for advice. Because they will get it from
somewhere, so why not from you?
I. Additional
Activities for Assignment:
Application or
Remediation (if A. Interview family members and ask what
applicable) tasks they have inside and outside your house.
B. Use the column below for their answer: