Music PDF
Music PDF
Music PDF
M2 Artistic Interpretation:
Level 1
Immersion in Examples and Opportunities (Attend to the big picture, Learn to recognize basic patterns)
1. Why study music? Bring out statements on how music relates to science, math, foreign language, history,
social studies and art. I also point out that music affects our emotions and helps us become more human and
sensitive to others and more in touch with our emotions.
2. Have students brainstorm a list of virtues or values - list all answers on board. Lead them towards covering
many of the virtues covered in list from “Nurturing Character in the Middle School Classroom” booklet
Level 2
Attention to Facts and Skills (Focus on detail and prototypical examples, Build knowledge)
Using the Student/Parent survey (attachment #1), have students fill out questions 1-6 on own. Students will then
take the survey home to finish it with parents in order to help all students understand their own family
backgrounds and family value systems better.
Level 3
Practice Procedures (Set goals, Plan steps of problem solving, Practice skills)
1. Tabulate survey results. Discuss results of surveys paying attention to collected data with no mention of
names. Also tabulate how many parents had, for instance, honesty as a high family value. Through this
combined group survey, students see where their families are similar and also may differ from others in
classroom with all material being confidential concerning individual answers.
2. Students examine all data and choose which 5 values or virtues out of large lists from previous units they
would like to own or work towards in their own life.
3. Students’ five values are written down and handed in to teacher, keeping a copy for themselves (students
know answers are kept confidential).
Level 4
Written assignment:
1. Choose one of your values to use for the assignment.
2. Write the name of the musical selection you chose to support your value.
3. Write the group, soloist or composer of the musical selection and one paragraph about them or him/her.
(Classroom material is available to help you research many artists. Ask teacher.)
4. What cultural setting was this piece of music written in? Does your piece of music relate to what is
happening in the culture of the artist at the time? If so, how?
5. Write why you chose the music you did to support the value written on line one. Use lyrics of the song or
what sounds you heard to show how the music supports your value.
6. Bring a CD or recording of your selection to share with class (can also be a video clip).
*This assignment has been developed during the previous 2 years and classroom tested. Survey findings and
samples are available.
Attachment #1
Student / Parent Survey
Note to parent: As we have been learning, Music is art and allows us opportunity to develop as human beings
with feelings and emotion. As the handout “Why We Make Music.” says: We make and study music not
because we expect to major in music, but so we can become more human and sensitive to others and their
cultures. We also want to have fun, relax and develop skills in a discipline that helps us become more aware of
that part of our musical roots and therefore, also ourselves.
1. Name: _______________________________________
7. Write an old proverb, saying or poem that you were taught as a child:
8. Parent: Please do the following exercise with your child: Rate these personal attributes by the importance
they have to you and your family values:
______ Adaptable ______ Faith ______ Honesty ______ Patient ______ Self control
______ Citizenship ______ Fairness ______ Kindness ______ Peaceful ______ Self-reliance
______ Commitment ______ Friendship ______ Lifelong Learner ______ Persistent ______ Self-
______Compassionate______ Happy ______ Loving ______ Respectful ______ Smart
______ Courageous ______ Hard working ______ Loyal ______ Rich ______ Spiritual
______ Creative ______ Helpful ______ Optimistic ______ Responsible ______ Trustworthy
9. Parent: Which values do you place as the most important to encourage in your child? Please choose only 5
for our survey purposes and list them below. You may use words from the above list or write in your own