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San Mateo Zoning Ordinance

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Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page i




ARTICLE I Title of the Ordinance 2

ARTICLE II Declaration of Principles 2

ARTICLE III Authority and Purpose 2

ARTICLE IV Definition of Terms 3

ARTICLE V Zone Classification 9

ARTICLE VI Zone Regulations 28

ARTICLE VII General District Regulations 44

ARTICLE VIII Innovative Techniques 47

ARTICLE IX Miscellaneous Provisions 48

ARTICLE X Mitigating Devices 48

ARTICLE XI Administration and Enforcement 49


ANNEX A Zoning Map

ANNEX B Zone Classification

ANNEX C Point Graph Map

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page i


AO Administrative Order
ATO Air Transport Office
BLISS BagongLipunan Improvement of Sites and Services
CARP Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
CARPER Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms
CBD Central Business District
CBFM Community Based Forest Management
CBFMA Community Based Forest Management Agreement
CLOA Certificate of Land Ownership Awards
CSC Certification of Stewardship Contract
CUMRBLMP Comprehensive Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape
Management Plan
DAR Department of Agrarian Reform
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMB Environmental Management Bureau
FAR Floor Area Ratio
FLMA Forest Land Management Agreement
GIS Geographic Information System
HLURB Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
IFMA Industrial Forest Management Agreement
IFP Industrial Forest Plantation
ISF Integrated Social Forestry
LAD Land Acquisition and Distribution
LOI Letter of Instruction
LZBAA Local Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals
MGSB Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau
NPC National Power Corporation
PD Presidential Decree
PFDA Private Forest Development Agreement
PFPD Private Forest Plantation Development
PHIVOLCS Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
PLA Pasture Lease Agreement
RA Republic Act
SB Sangguniang Bayan
SWIS Small Water Impounding Structure
UDHA Urban Development and Housing Act

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page ii



Series of ____



Be it ordained enacted by the Sangguniang Bayan of San Mateo:

WHEREAS, the implementation of Comprehensive Land Use Plans would require the enactment of
regulatory measures to translate its planning goals and objectives into reality; and a Zoning Ordinance is
one such regulatory measure which is an important tool for the implementation of the Comprehensive Land
Use Plan;

WHEREAS, the Local Government Code authorizes local government units to enact Zoning Ordinances
subject to and in accordance with existing laws;

WHEREAS, the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board has spearheaded and now assists in and
coordinates the activities of local governments in comprehensive land use planning;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Sangguniang Bayan of San Mateo, insession assembled hereby adopts the
following Zoning Ordinance.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 1



SECTION 1.TITLE OF THE ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall be known as the Zoning
Ordinance of the Municipality of San Mateo, Province of Rizal and shall be referred to as the Ordinance.



SECTION 1. Land is a limited national resource and as such must be managed for the welfare of
all in accordance with the Comprehensive Development Plan or Comprehensive Land Use Plan of San

SECTON 2. The environment provides man with life-supporting system and as such it must be
conserved and developed on a sustainable basis to enhance the quality of life of present and future

SECTION 3. Man’s well-being is the ultimate consideration of development. This being the case,
there is a need for regulatory measures which shall ensure the protection of his immediate environment.

SECTION 4. Land must be used in a most beneficial, rational and most efficient manner so as to
prevent the incompatibility of land uses, environmental hazards, urban blight, congestion and artificial
scarcity of land resources. Thus, there is a need for regulatory measures which shall promote the desired
patterns of land use and development.

SECTION 5. This Zoning Ordinance is one such regulatory measure which is enacted to identify
the various land uses in the districts, designate the allowable uses therein and prescribed physical
standards based on the development plan for the Municipality of San Mateo and on Zone and District Plans
prepared by its Municipal Planning and Development Office and adopted by the Sangguniang Bayan
through a resolution.



SECTION 1. AUTHORITY . This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to Section 16, 20, 447 and 458 of
R.A. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991, authorizing cities and municipalities to
adopt an Integrated Zoning Ordinance subject to the approval of the Sangguniang Bayan and Executive
Orders 72 and 648 authorizing cities and municipalities to prepare their respective comprehensive land use
plans and the necessary zoning ordinance to implement said plans.

SECTION 2. PURPOSES. This Ordinance is enacted for the following purposes:

(a) Guide, control and regulate future growth and development of the municipality of San Mateo in
accordance with its development and land use plan;

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 2

(b) Protect the character and stability of residential, commercial, industrial, institutional,
agricultural, parks and open spaces within the locality and promote the orderly and beneficial
development of the area;
(c) Promote and protect the health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience and general welfare of
the inhabitants of San Mateo;
(d) Provide adequate light, air, privacy and convenience of access to property;
(e) Prevent undue concentration of population and properties; and
(f) Regulate the location and use of buildings and lands in such a manner as to obviate the
danger to public safety caused by undue interference with existing prospective traffic
movements on such streets and thoroughfares.

SECTION 3. GENERAL ZONING PRINCIPLES. This Zoning Ordinance is based on the

development plan for San Mateo, and on the land use plan and zoning maps prepared by its Municipal
Planning and Development Office and adopted by the Sangguniang Bayan through a resolution.

SECTION 4. DECLARED ZONING PRINCIPLES. Zoning is the division of the municipality into
land use zones, the specification of pattern, nature, and characteristics of uses, and the provision of density
and environment regulations geared towards promoting the most beneficial, efficient, and harmonious land
uses in consonance with the approved development plans and strategies, as well as land use policies and
objectives of the community which have been prepared by the Municipal Planning and Development Office
and adopted by the Sangguniang Bayan.



SECTION 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS. The definition of technical terms used in the Zoning
Ordinance shall carry the same meaning given to them in already approved codes and regulations, such as
but not limited to the National Building Code, Water Code, Philippine Environmental Code and other
Implementing Rules and Regulations, promulgated by the HLURB. The words, terms and phrases
enumerated hereunder shall be understood to have the meaning correspondingly indicated as follows:

1) Accessory Use: A use incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the building and/or
2) Additions, Alterations, Repairs: Changes in an existing building involving interior or exterior
work and/or increase or decrease in its area.
3) Apartment: A room or suite of two or more rooms, designed and intended for, or occupied by
one family for living, sleeping, and cooking purposes.
4) Apartment Hotel: An apartment which may furnish living room service and other services for
the exclusive use of its tenants.
5) Boarding House: A house with several sleeping rooms where boarders are provided with
lodging and meals for a fixed sum paid by the week or month.
6) Boundary Line: The abstract line formed by the technical description of bearing and distances
given on the Certificate o Title of the property as defined therein.
7) Buffer Strip: A strip established to separate one type of land use from another, for example,
as a screen to objectionable noise, smoke or visual aspects of an industrial zone adjacent to a
residential zone.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 3

8) Building: A constructed edifice designed to stand more or less permanently, covering a space
of land, usually conferred by a roof, more or less ensured by walls and supported by columns,
and serving as a dwelling, factory shelter for animals, etc.
9) Building, Existing: A building erected prior to the adoption of this Ordinance or one for which
a legal building permit has been issued.
10) Building Area: The remaining space in a lot after deducting the required minimum open
11) Building Accessory: A building subordinate to the main building, and located on the same lot,
the use of which is necessary or incidental to the use and enjoyment of the main building.
Examples: servants’ quarter, garage, etc.
12) Building Height Limit: the maximum height allowed for structures or buildings as specified in
the conditions of this Ordinance.
13) Building, Main: The principal structure wherein the prime use of land on which it is situated is
14) Built-up Area: A contiguous grouping of ten (10) or more structures.
15) Central Business District (CBD): Areas designated principally for trade, services and
business purposes.
16) Certificate of Non-Conformance: Certificate issued by the Zoning Officer to all uses existing
prior to the approval of Zoning Ordinance which do not conform in a zone per provision of the
said Ordinance.
17) Certificate of Zoning Compliance: A permit issued by the Zoning Office in accordance with
the provisions of this Ordinance.
18) Compatible Uses: Uses of land activities capable of existing together harmoniously, e.g.,
residential use and parks and playground.
19) Conflicting Uses: Uses of land activities with contrasting characteristics sited adjacent to
each other, e.g., residential units adjacent to industrial plants.
20) Conforming Use: a use which is in conformity with the zone classification as provided for in
the Ordinance.
21) Cottage Industry: Any establishment or firm which conforms to the varying numerical
standards set forth by the Department of Trade and Industry. Ordinarily, it refers to an industry
based on the family unit as a labor force in which workers using their own equipment at home
process goods either belonging to them or to a merchant employer.
22) Dominant Land Use: Land use which accounts for at least seventy percent (70%) of the area
within one thousand (1,000) meters radius from the periphery of the lot being applied for.
23) Dormitory: A building where many persons are provided with board and lodging facilities in
common halls for compensation.
24) Dumping Site: A lot or land or part thereof used primarily for the disposal by dumping, burial
burning, or any other means and/or whatsoever purpose of garbage,sewerage, trash, refuse,
junk, discarded machinery, vehicles, or parts thereof, or waste materials of any kind.
25) Dwelling: Any building or any portion thereof intended or designed to be built, used, rented,
leased, let or hired out to beoccupied, or which are occupied for living or residential purposes.
26) Dwelling, One-family detached: A one-family house having one party wall and two side

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 4

27) Dwelling, One-family Semi-detached: A one-family dwelling as defined above except that it
is provided with one side yard.
28) Dwelling, Two-family, Detached: A house or structure divided into two separate and
independent living quarters by a wall extending from the floor to the ceiling and provided with
two side yards. Each portion provides complete living facilities for one household.
29) Dwelling, Two-family, Semi-detached: A two-family dwelling as defined above except that it
is provided with one side yard.
30) Dwelling, Multi-family: A building used as a house or residence of three (3) or more families
living independently from one another, each occupying one or more rooms as a single
housekeeping unit.
31) Easement: An encumbrance imposed on an immovable for the benefit of another immovable
to a different owner.
32) Environmentally Critical Area: Refers to those areas which are environmentally sensitive
and are listed in Proclamation 2146 dated 14 December, 1981.
33) Environmentally Critical Projects: Refers to those projects which have high potential for
negative environmental impacts and are listed in Presidential Proclamation 2146 dated 14
December 1981.
34) Exception: A device which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of a Zoning
Ordinance where because of the specific use would result in a particular hardship upon the
owner, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience or a desire to make more money.
35) Family: A group of individuals related by blood, living under one roof and considered as part of
single housekeeping unit.
36) Filling Station:Any area of land, including structures thereon, that is used or designed to be
used for the supply of gasoline or oil or other fuel for the propulsion of motor vehicles and
which may include facilities used or designed to be used for polishing, greasing, washing,
spraying dry cleaning or other cleaning or servicing such motor vehicles.
37) Floor Area Ratio (FAR): The ratio between the Gross Floor Area of a building and the area of
the lot on which it stands; determined by dividing the Gross Floor Area of the building and the
area of the lot. The Gross Floor Area of any building should not exceed the prescribed floor
area ratio( FAR) multiplied by the lot area. The FAR of any zone should be based on its
capacity to support development in terms of the absolute level of density that the transportation
and other utility networks can support.
38) Garage: A building or portion thereof in which motor vehicle(s) is/are stored, repaired, or kept.
39) Garage, Private: A building or portion thereof of a building in which only motor vehicles used
by the tenants of the building or building on the premises are stored or kept.
40) Gross Floor Area (GFA) : The GFA of a building is the total floor space within the perimeter of
the permanent external building walls, occupied by: Office areas; Residential areas; Corridors;
Lobbies; Mezzanine; Vertical penetrations which shall mean stairs, fire escapes, elevator
shafts, pipe shafts, vertical ducts, and the like and their enclosing walls; Machine room and
closets; Storage rooms and closets; Covered balconies and terraces; and Interior walls and
columns, and other interior features.
41) Guard House: An accessory building or structure used by a security guard while on duty.
42) Hometel: Any establishment offering room and board usually for tourists and transients on a
daily or monthly basis.
43) Home Occupation: An occupation or business conducted within the dwelling unit.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 5

44) Hospital: An institution providing health service, primarily for in-patients, and medical or
physical care of the sick or the injured, including, as integral parts thereof, such related
facilities as laboratories, out-patient department, training facilities, and staff offices.
45) Hotel: A building or a part thereof with rooms occupied or intended to be occupied for hire as
temporary place of abode of individuals. It is usually provided with a general kitchen and public
dining room service without provision for cooking in any individual suite or room.
46) Innovative Design: Introduction and/or application of new/creative designs and techniques in
development projects, e.g., Planned Unit Development, New Town, etc.
47) Locational Clearance: Clearance issued upon compliance with specific guidelines and
standards set by the granting officer or unit, and within the4 Zoning Ordinance Provisions.
48) Lot: a Parcel of Land where a principal building and its accessories placed or may be placed
together with the required open spaces.
49) Lot, Depth of: The average horizontal distance between the front and the rear lot lines.
50) Manufacturing Industry: An Industry which involves the chemical and mechanical
transformation of inorganic products whether kit is done in a factory or worker’s house.
51) Mitigating Device: A means to grant relief in complying with certain provisions of the
52) Motel: Any structure with several separate units with sufficient parking space primarily located
along the highway or close to a highway where a motorist may obtain lodging and, in some
instance, meals.
53) N.E.C.: Acronym for “not elsewhere classified”.
54) New Town: A Town deliberately planned and built which provides, in addition to houses,
employment, shopping, education, recreation, culture and other services normally associated
with a city or town.
55) Non-Conforming Use:Existing non-conforming use establishments in an area allowed to
operate in spite of the non-conformity to the provisions of the Ordinance, subject to the
conditions stipulated in this Zoning Ordinance.
56) Nursery/Day Care Center: A place where children are temporarily cared for and trained in the
parents’ absence.
57) Museum: A non-profit, non-commercial establishment operated as a repository or a collection
of natural, scientific, literary or cultural objects of interest such as works of art. This does not
include the regular sale or distribution of the objects collected.
58) Park: A pleasure ground set apart for the recreation of the public to promote its health and
59) Open Space: An unoccupied space open to the sky on the same lot with the building.
60) Parking Building: A building of several floors used for temporary parking of motor vehicles
which may be provided with services allowed for service station.
61) Parking Lot: An off-street open area, principally used for parking motor vehicles, whether for
compensation or not, by the public clients or customers.
Percentage of Land Occupancy (PLO): Defined as a percentage of the maximum allowable
area of any building at any floor level to the total lot size.
62) Planned Unit Development (PUD): A land development scheme wherein a project site is
comprehensively planned as an entity via a unitary site plan which permits flexibility in planning
or design and building sitting.
63) Private Pet House: A building or structure for keeping domestic pets, for the enjoyment as
well as protection of the resident family members.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 6

64) Professional Office: The office of a person engaged in any occupation, vocation or calling,
not purely commercial, mechanical, or agricultural, in which a professed knowledge of skill in
some department of science or learning is used to serve the interest or welfare of others by its
practical application.
65) Public Warehouse: A structure in the business of performing warehouse services for others,
for profit.
66) Purified Water Refilling Station:a space within a building where processing and retailing of
bottled drinking water is done.
67) Recreational Center: A place, compound or building or a portion thereof open to the public for
recreational and entertainment purposes.
68) Required Open Space: Any, side or rear yards, courts, usable open space or off-street
parking space provided about a building in order to meet the requirements of this Ordinance.
69) Rezoning:A process of introducing amendments to or a change in the text and maps of the
Zoning Ordinance. It also includes amendment or change in view of reclassification under
section 20 of RA 7160.
70) Rural Area: An area outside of a designated urban area.
71) Service Station: A building and its premises where gasoline, oil, tires and car accessories
may be supplied and dispensed at retail and where, in addition, the following services may be
rendered among others:
71.1 Sale and servicing of sparkplugs, batteries and distributors;
71.2 Tire Servicing and repair but not recapping or re-grooving;
71.3 Radiator Cleansing and flushing;
71.4 Washing and polishing, and sale of automotive washing ad polishing materials,
greasing and lubrication;
71.5 Sale of Soft drinks, packaged foods, tobacco and similar convenient goods for service
station customers as accessory and incidental to the principal operations; and
71.6 Provisions of road maps and other informational materials as well as provisions of the
Rest room facilities.

Major mechanical and body work, straightening of body parts, painting, welding, storage of
automobiles which are not in operating condition, or other works involving noise, glare, fumes,
smoke or other characteristics to any extent greater than normally found in service stations are
not permitted at a service station.

72) Setback: The open space left between the building and lot lines.
73) Shopping Center: A group of not less than 15 contiguous retail stores, originally planned and
developed as a single unit with immediate adjoining off-street parking facilities.
74) Socialized Housing Zone (SHZ): Shall be used principally for socialized housing/dwelling
purposes for the underprivileged and homeless as defined in Republic Act 7279 (Urban
Development and Housing Act or UDHA).
75) Store: A building of structures devoted exclusively to the retail sale of a commodity or
76) Street: A public thoroughfare including public roads or highways which afford principal means
of access to abutting property.
77) Theater: A structure used for dramatic, operatic, motion picture and other performances for
admission to which entrance fee or money is received but no audience participation and meal
service are allowed.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 7

78) Tourist Inn or Pension House: Any building or structure regularly catering to tourists and
travelers, containing several independent rooms, providing common facilities such as toilets,
bath rooms, living and dining rooms and kitchen, and where a combination of board and
lodging may be provided.
79) Transportation Terminal: A station where vehicles discharge and receive passengers and
where the vehicles are stationed, repaired and maintained within its own premises outside of
any street.
80) Urban Area: Barangay/or portion of which comprising the Central Business District (CBD) and
the built-up area, including its urbanizable land in and adjacent to the CBD.
81) Urbanizable Land: Area designated as suitable or urban expansion by virtue of land use
studies conducted.
82) Variance: A Special Locational Clearance which grants a property owner relief from certain
provisions of a Zoning Ordinance where, because of the particular physical surroundings,
shape or topographical conditions of the property, compliance on height, area, setback, bulk
and/or density would result in a particular hardship upon the owner, as distinguished from a
mere inconvenience or a desire to make more money.
83) Warehouse: Any building, the primary purpose of which is the storage of goods, wages,
merchandise utilities and/or other personal belongings.
84) Zoning Officer: A municipal government employee responsible for the
implementation/enforcement of its Zoning Ordinance.
85) Zoning Ordinance: A local legal measure which embodies regulations affecting land use.


The words and terms employed in this Ordinance shall be interpreted and understood liberally in he generic
sense unless otherwise indicated and shall, as far as practicable, be construed in favor of applicants
seeking to comply with the provisions hereof. The listing of uses shall, unless otherwise indicated, be
similarly construed. In addition, the following rules shall be observed.

a) Generic terms, such as “others,” “like,” etc. shall be construed to mean as including all specific
terms similar to or compatible with those enumerated;
b) The singular include the plural, subject to density regulations;
c) The present tense includes the future tense;
d) The word “person” includes both natural and juridical persons;
e) The word “lot” includes the phrase “plot parcel”;
f) The term “shall” is always mandatory; and
g) The word “used” or “occupied” as applied to any land or building shall be construed to include
the words “intended”, “arranged,” “designed to be used or occupied”.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 8



SECTION 1. DIVISION ZONES. To effectively carry out the provisions of this Ordinance, the
municipality is hereby divided into the following zones or districts and delineated in the Official Zoning Map
(ANNEX A) and as described in Annex B.

a) Residential Zone
1) Medium Density Residential Zone (R-2)
2) Socialized Housing Zone (SHZ)
3) High Density Residential – Mixed Use Zone (R-3-MUZ)
b) Commercial Zone
1) Minor Commercial – Mixed Use Zone (C-1-MUZ)
2) Major Commercial – Mixed Use Zone (C-2-MUZ)
3) Major Commercial Zone (C-2)
c) Industrial Zone
1) Medium Industrial Zone (I-2)
2) Heavy Industrial Zone (I-3)
d) Institutional Zone
1) General Institutional Zone (GIZ)
2) Special Institutional Zone (SIZ)
3) Institutional Research Zone (IRZ)
e) Special Use Zone
1) Special Urban Development Zone (SUDZ)
2) Special Reserved Zone (SRZ)
f) Parks and Recreation Zone (PRZ)
g) Agricultural Zone (AGZ)
h) Forest Zone (FZ)
i) Water Zone (WZ)
j) Buffer Zone (BZ)
k) Cemetery Zone (CZ)

SECTION 2. ZONING MAP.1. It is hereby adopted as an integral part of this Ordinance Official
Zoning Map (ANNEX A) duly prepared by the San Mateo Municipal Planning and Development Office,
wherein the designation, location, and boundaries of the different land uses and zones herein established
are shown and indicated. Such an Official Zoning Map shall be signed by the local chief executive and duly
authenticated by the Sangguniang Bayan.

In the case of loss, damage, and/or destruction of the Official Zoning Map, the Sangguniang Bayan
may, by resolution, adopt a new Official Zoning Map which likewise shall be in accordance with the
development plan of the community. Provided that all prior maps or any significant parts thereof left shall be
preserved together with all available records pertaining to their adaptation and/or amendment.

SECTION 3. ZONING BOUNDARIES.As indicated in the Official Zoning Map, the locations and
boundaries of the above-mentioned various zones into which the municipality of San Mateo has been
divided are identified and specified below. The points marking the zone boundaries are actually recorded

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 9

in the database of the Geographic Information System (GIS) as specific point geographic coordinates that
also indicate bearings and distances and which can be retrieved as the need arises.

1) R-2 • The Large portion starting from point 253 in Brgy. Silangan going southeast to point
254 in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 255,
east to point 550, southeast to point 551, northeast to point 316, northeast to point 317,
northeast to point 318, southeast to point 319, southeast to point 320, southwest to point
321, east to point 375, north to point 376, northwest to point 377, northwest to point 378,
northwest to point 379, southwest to point 380, northwest to point 381, northeast to point
382, northwest to point 383, southwest to point 384, northwest to point 385, southwest to
point 386, northwest to point 387, north to point 388, and northwest to point 253.

• The portion starting from point 256 in Brgy. Silangan going north to point 552 in the
southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 553, northeast to
point 554, south to point 555, southwest to point 556, northwest to point 557, southwest
to point 558, northwest to point 559, and northeast to point 256.

• The portion starting from point 87 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going southeast to point
521 in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 517,
south to point 518, southeast to point 88, southeast to point 89, northeast to point 90,
southeast to point 91, southwest to point 92, southeast to point 93, northeast to point 94,
south to point 95, southwest to point 96, northwest to point 97, north to point 98,
northeast to point 99, northwest to point 100, southwest to point 101, northwest to point
102, southwest to point 103, northwest to point 104, northwest to point 519, northwest to
point 520, northwest to point 105, southwest to point 251, south to point 252, southeast
to point 389, northeast to point 390, southeast to point 391, southwest to point 392,
south to point 393, southeast to point 394, northeast to point 395, northeast to point 396,
southeast to point 397, northeast to point 398, northwest to point 399, north to point 400,
southwest to point 401, and southwest to point 87.

• The portion starting from point 19 in Brgy. Dulong Bayan II going northeast to point 20
in the northern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 21,
northeast to point 22, southeast to point 23, northeast to point 24, southeast to point 60,
southwest to point 58, southwest to point 78, and northwest to point 19.

• The small portion starting from point 16 in Brgy. Malanday going southeast to point 17
in the northern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southwest to point 18,
northwest to point 79, northeast to point 57, and southeast to point 16.

• The portion starting from point 353 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan II going northeast to point
354 in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 355,
northeast to point 352, southeast to point 359, northwest to point 360, northwest to point
361, northwest 362, southwest to point 363, northwest to point 364, southwest to point
365, northwest to point 366, and southeast to point 353.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 10

2) SHZ • The portion starting from point 255 in Brgy. Silangan going east to point 550 in the
southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 551, southwest
to point 315, southeast to point 314, southwest to point 303, southwest to point 304,
northwest to point 305, west to point 306, southwest to point 308, west to point 309,
southwest to point 310, southwest to point 311, southwest to point 312, west to point
313, northwest to point 257, northeast to point 559, southeast to point 558, northeast to
point 557, southeast to point 556, northeast to point 555, north to point 554, southwest
to point 553, northwest to point 552, and north to point 255.
3) R-3-MUZ • The large portion starting from point 136 in Brgy. Gulod Malaya going southeast to
point 137 in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southwest to point
138, southwest to point 548, southeast to point 547, southwest to point 546, northwest to
point 545, southwest to point 544, south to point 543, southeast to point 278, south to
point 277, southeast to point 276, southwest to point 275, southeast to point 274,
southeast to point 273, southwest to point 272, southeast to point 271, northeast to point
270, east to point 269, southeast to point 268, southeast to point 257, northwest to point
258, northeast to point 259, north to point 260, northwest to point 261, northwest to point
262, northwest to point 263, southwest to point 264, northwest to point 265, and
southwest to point 136.

• The portion starting from point 139 in Brgy. Gulod Malaya going northwest to point 140
in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: northwest to point 141,
northwest to point 142, southwest to point 192, northwest to point 193, southwest to
point 194, northwest to point 144, southwest to point 145, southeast to point 297, south
to point 296, southeast to point 295, northeast to point 294, north to point 293, southeast
to point 292, northeast to point 291, northwest to point 290, east to point 289, southeast
to point 288, southeast to point 287, northeast to point 286, southeast to point 285,
southwest to point 284, southeast to point 283, southeast to point 282, northeast to point
281, north to point 280, northeast to point 279, southeast to point 542, northeast to point
541, northeast to point 540, southeast to point 539, north to point 538, northwest to point
549, and southwest to point 139.

• The portion starting from point 146 in Brgy. Banaba going northeast to point 147 in the
southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: northwest to point 190, northeast to
point 189, southeast to point 148, northeast to point 149, northeast to point 150,
northwest to point 151, north to point 152, west to point 229, southeast to point 230,
southwest to point 231, northwest to point 232, northeast to point 233, northwest to point
234, southwest to point 300, southeast to point 299, southwest to point 298, and
southeast to point 146.

• The portion starting from point 180 in Brgy. Banaba going southeast to point 181 in the
southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: north to point 485, north to point
486, northeast to point 487, northwest to point 488, northwest to point 489, southwest to
point 185, southeast to point 191, and southwest to point 180.

• The portion starting from point 129 in Brgy. Ampid I going southeast to point 130 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northwest to point 476, northwest to

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 11

point 477, north to point 478, northwest to point 479, north to point 480, west to point
481, northwest to point 482, southwest to point 483, south to point 484, and southwest
to point 129.

• The portion starting from point 71 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going southwest to point
182 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 128,
northeast to point 498, southeast to point 497, southwest to point 119, southeast to point
490, northeast to point 491, northeast to point 492, southeast to point 493, southwest to
point 494, southeast to point 495, northeast to point 496, north to point 127, southeast to
point 126, east to point 205, southeast to point 216, southeast to point 215, northeast to
point 214, southeast to point 134, southwest to point 133, southeast to point 132,
southwest to point 131, southwest to point 475, northwest to point 474, northwest to
point 473, north to point 472, northwest to point 471, northwest to point 470, southwest
to point 469, northwest to point 468, northwest to point 467, northwest to point 466,
northeast to point 184, northeast to point 183, northeast to point 465, and northeast to
point 71.

• The small portion starting from point 118 in Brgy. Guitnanng Bayan I going southeast to
point 123 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point
122, southwest to point 121, northwest to point 120, northwest to point 500, northwest to
point 499, and northeast to point 118.

• The portion starting from point 154 in Brgy. Sta Ana going southeast to point 155 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 514, northwest to
point 515, northeast to point 510, southeast to point 511, northeast to point 156,
northwest to point 157, southwest to point 187, southeast to point 188, and southwest to
point 154.

• The portion starting from point 68 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going southwest to point
69 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southwest to point 512,
southwest to point 513, southwest to point 70, northeast to point 463, southeast to point
464, southeast to point 72, northeast to point 73, north to point 74, northwest to point 75,
and northwest to point 68.

• The portion starting from point 109 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going northwest to point
110 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northwest to point 111,
southwest to point 112, northwest to point 113, northeast to point 114, northwest to point
115, southwest to point 116, southwest to point 117, southeast to point 124, southeast to
point 125, northeast to point 195, southeast to point 196, northeast to point 197,
northeast to point 198, northeast to point 199, southeast to point 200, southwest to point
201, southeast to point 206, northeast to point 207, southeast to point 208, southeast to
point 209, northeast to point 210, northeast to point 211, southeast to point 212,
southwest to point 213, southeast to point 267, and northeast to point 109.

• The portion starting from point 19 in Brgy. Dulong Bayan II going northeast to point 20
in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 21,

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 12

northeast to point 22, southeast to point 23, northeast to point 24, southeast to point 60,
northeast to point 61, northwest to point 62, southwest to point 63, southwest to point
64, northwest to point 65, southwest to point 66, southwest to point 67, southeast to
point 76, southeast to point 77, northeast to point 78, and northwest to point 19.

• The portion starting from point 160 in Brgy. Sta Ana going northeast to point 161 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 162, northeast to
point 220, southeast to point 218, south to point 164, northeast to point 165, northeast to
point 166, northeast to point 167, northwest to point 168, southwest to point 223,
southwest to point 224, northwest to point 225, southwest to point 226, southwest to
point 227, southwest to point 217, and southeast to point 160.

• The portion starting from point 1 in Brgy. Guinayang going southwest to point 2 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northwest to point 3, northwest to
point 4, southwest to point 5, southwest to point 6, southeast to point 7, southwest to
point 8, southwest to point 9, northwest to point 10, southwest to point 11, northeast to
point 236, northeast to point 237, southeast to point 238, northeast to point 239,
northeast to point 240, northeast to point 241, northeast to point 242, northwest to point
222, northeast to point 221, southeast to point 243, northeast to point 244, northeast to
point 245, southeast to point 246, southwest to point 247, southwest to point 248,
southwest to point 171, southeast to point 172, northeast to point 173, northeast to point
174, northeast to point 175, northeast to point 176, northeast to point 177, northeast to
point 178, northwest to point 15, and south to point 1.

• The portion starting from point 16 in Brgy. Dulong Bayan II going southeast to point 17
in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southwest to point 18,
northwest to point 79, southwest to point 80, southeast to point 502, northeast to point
501, southeast to point 504, southwest to point 503, southeast to point 81, southeast to
point 82, south to point 83, west to point 84, south to point 85, southeast to point 86,
northeast to point 402, northwest to point 30, northeast to point 31, northwest to point
32, southwest to point 33, northwest to point 34, northwest to point 35, west to point 36,
southwest to point 37, northwest to 38, northeast to point 39, northwest to point 40,
northeast to point 25, northwest to point 302, southeast to point 301, northwest to point
179, southwest to point 51, southwest to point 52, southwest to point 53, southeast to
point 54, southwest to point 55, northwest to point 56, southwest to point 59, southwest
to point 57, and southeast to point 16.

4) C-1-MUZ • The large portion starting from point 51 in Brgy. Guinayang going southwest to point 52
in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southwest to point 53,
southeast to point 54, southwest to point 55, northwest to point 56, southwest to point
59, southwest to point 57, southwest to point 79, southwest to point 80, southeast to
point 502, southeast to point 503, southeast to point 81, southeast to point 82, southeast
to point 83, southwest to point 84, south to point 85, southeast to point 86, southeast to
point 87, southeast to point 521, northwest to point 516, southwest to point 520,
northwest to point 105, northwest to point 106, northwest to point 107, northeast to point
108, northwest to point 109, northwest to point 110, northwest to point 111, southwest to

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 13

point 112, northwest to point 113, northeast to point 114, northwest to point 115,
southwest to point 116, southwest to point 117, southeast to point 124, southeast to
point 125, southwest to point 567, west to point 127, northwest to point 568, north to
point 120, southeast to point 121, northeast to point 122, northwest to point 123,
northwest to point 118, northwest to point 71, northwest to point 465, southwest to point
183, southwest to point 184, southwest to point 466, southeast to point 467, southeast to
point 468, southeast to point 469, southeast to point 471, southeast to point 472, south
to point 473, southeast to point 474, southeast to point 475, northeast to point 131,
northeast to point 132, northwest to point 133, northeast to point 134, northeast to point
135, southeast to point 136, southeast to point 137, southwest to point 138, southwest to
point 548, southeast to point 547southwest to point 546, northwest to point 545,
southwest to point 544, southwest to point 543, northwest to point 542, northeast to
point 541, northeast to point 540, southeast to point 539, northeast to point 538,
northwest to point 549, southwest to point 139, northwest to point 140, northwest to
point 141, northwest to point 142, northwest to point 143, southwest to point 144,
southwest to point 145, northwest to point 146, northeast to point 147, northeast to point
148, northeast to point 149, northeast to point 150, northwest to point 151, northeast to
point 152, northeast to point 153, northeast to point 154, southeast to point 155,
northeast to point 514, northwest to point 515, northeast to point 510, southeast to point
511, northeast to point 156, northwest to point 157, northeast to point 158, southeast to
point 159, northeast to point 160, northeast to point 161, southeast to point 162,
southeast to point 163, northeast to point 219, northeast to point 164, northeast to point
165, northeast to point 166, northeast to point 167, northwest to point 168, northwest to
point 169, northeast to point 170, southeast to point 171, southeast to point 172,
northeast to point 173, northeast to point 174, northeast to point 175, northeast to point
176, northeast to point 177, northeast to point 178, southeast to point 179, and
southwest to point 51.

• The small portion starting from point 560 in Brgy. Silangan going east to point 561 in
the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 562,
southeast to point 563, southwest to point 564, northwest to point 565, northwest to
point 566, and north to point 560. Lots adjoining the new public cemetery up to B.
Mariano St.

• 20-meter strips on both sides of M.H. del Pilar St GB1 & 2,DB2,J. F. Diaz St., Ampid I,
Miguel Cristi St., Ampid II, Cattleya and St. Matthew St., Gulod Malaya, Sampaguita St.,
Sto Nino and Langka St. AFP Village, Silangan (except for the establishment of funeral
parlor, junkshop, gravel and sand and filling station).
• 50-meter strips on both sides of San Mateo-Batasan Rd. Extension.

5) C-2-MUZ • The portion starting from point 157 in Brgy. Sta Ana going northeast to point 158 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 217, northeast to
point 227, southwest to point 228, south to point 229, southeast to point 152, northeast
to point 153, northeast to point 154, northeast to point 188, northwest to point 187, and
northeast to point 157.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 14

6) C-2 • The portion starting from point 47 in Brgy. Guinayang going southeast to point 48 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southwest to point 49, southwest to
point 50, and northeast to point 47.

7) I-2 • The large portion starting from point 25 in Brgy. Maly going northeast to point 26 in the
northern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 27, northeast to
point 28, southeast to point 29, northeast to point 403, southwest to point 402, northwest
to point 30, northeast to point 31, northwest to point 32, southwest to point 33, northwest
to point 34, northwest to point 35, southwest to point 36, southwest to point 37,
northwest to point 38, northeast to point 39, northwest to point 40, and northeast to point

• The small portion starting from point 449 in Brgy. PintongBukawe going northeast to
point 450 in the northern part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point
451, north to point 452, northwest to point 453, northwest to point 454, southwest to
point 455, southeast to point 456, southeast to point 457, southwest to point 458,
southwest to point 459, south to point 460, and east to point 449.
8) I-3 • The portion starting from point 221 in Brgy. Dulong Bayan I going southwest t point 222
in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 242,
northeast to point 243, and northwest to point 221.

9) IRZ • The portion starting from point 329 in Brgy. PintongBukawe going southeast to point
330 in the eastern part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 331,
southeast to point 332, southwest to point 333, northwest to point 334, northwest to
point 535, northeast to point 536, north to point 325, southeast to point 326, southeast to
point 327, southeast to point 328, and southwest to point 329.

• The portion starting from point 337 in Brgy. PintongBukawe going northwest to point
338, northwest to point 339, northwest to point 340, northwest to point 341, northeast to
point 342, northeast to point 343, northeast to point 344, southeast to point 345,
southwest to point 346, and southwest to point 337.
10) GIZ • The Large portion starting from point 347 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going west to point
348 in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southwest to point 349,
southwest to point 350, southwest to point 351, northwest to point 374, north to point
372, northeast to point 371, northeast to point 370, northeast to point 369, north to point
368, northeast to point 367, east to point 366, southeast to point 353, and southwest to
point 347.

• The portion starting from point 201 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going southwest to point
202 in the western part of municipal boundary, then going southwest to point 203,
southwest to point 204, southwest to point 205, southeast to point 216, southeast to
point 215, northeast to point 214, southeast to point 134, northeast to point 135,
northeast to point 213, northeast to point 212, northwest to point 211, southwest to point
210, southwest to point 209, northwest to point 208, northwest to point 207, southwest to
point 206, and northwest to point 201.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 15

• The portion starting from point 41 in Brgy. Maly going northwest to point 46 in the
northern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southwest to point 45, west to point
44, northeast to point 43, northwest to point 42, southwest to point 47, southeast to point
48, and northeast to point 41.

• The portion starting from point 158 in Brgy. Sta Ana going southeast to point 159 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going northeast to point 160, northwest to
point 217, and southwest to point 158.

• The portion starting from point 162 in Brgy. Sta Ana going southeast to point 163 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 219, northeast to
point 164, northeast to point 218, northwest to point 220, and southwest to point 162.

•The small portion starting from point 67 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan II going southwest to
point 68 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going southeast to point 75,
northeast to point 76, and northwest to point 67.

• All existing institutional establishments.

11) SIZ • The portion starting from point 435in Brgy. Maly going southeast to point 436, north to
point 437, west to point 438, and southwest to point 435.

12) SUDZ • The portion starting from point 147 in Brgy. Banaba going northeast to point 148 in the
southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: northwest to point 189, southwest
to point 190, and southwest to point 147.

• The portion starting from point 180 in Brgy. Banaba going northwest to point 186 in the
southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 185, southeast to
point 191, and southwest to point 180.

• The portion starting from point 142 in Brgy. Banaba going northwest to point 143 in the
southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southwest to point 144, southeast
to point 194, northeast to point 193, southeast to point 192, and northeast to point 142.

• The portion starting from point 168 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan II going northwest to point
169 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 170,
southeast to point 171, northeast to point 248, northeast to point 247, northeast to point
246, northwest to point 245, southwest to point 244, southwest to point 243, southwest
to point 242, southwest to point 241, southwest to point 240, southwest to point 239,
southwest to point 238, northwest to point 237, southwest to point 236, southwest to
point 235, south to point 234, southeast to point 233, southwest to point 232, southeast
to point 231, northeast to point 230, northwest to point 229, north to point 228, northeast
to point 227, northeast to point 226, east to point 225, southeast to point 224, northeast
to point 223, and northeast to point 168.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 16

13) SRZ • The portion starting from point 439 in Brgy. Dulong Bayan II going southeast to point
440 in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 441,
southeast to point 442, northeast to point 443, north to point 444, northwest to point 445,
northwest to point 446, north to point 447, northwest to point 448, northwest to point
449, west to point 460, southwest to point 461, and southwest to point 439.

14) PRZ • The large portion starting from point 106 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going northwest to
point 107 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point
108, northwest to point 109, southwest to point 267, southeast to point 266, southeast to
point 265, southeast to point 264, northeast to point 263, southeast to point 262,
northeast to point 569, and northwest to point 106.

• The small portion starting from point 125 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going northeast to
point 195 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point
196, northeast to point 197, southeast to point 198, northeast to point 199, southeast to
point 200, southwest to point 202, southwest to point 203, southwest to point 204,
southwest to point 205, southwest to point 126, northeast to point 567, and northeast tot
point 125.
15) AGZ • The portion starting from point 1 in Brgy. Guinayang going southwest to point 2 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northwest to point 3, northwest to
point 4, southwest to point 5, southwest to point 6, southeast to point 7, south to point 8,
southwest to point 9, northwest to point 10, southwest to point 12, northwest to point 13,
northeast to point 14, southeast to point 15, and south to point 1.
16) FZ • The large portion starting from 252 in Brgy. Silangan going southwest to point 253 in
the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 388, south to
point 387, southeast to point 386, northeast to point 385, southeast to point 384,
northeast to point 383, southeast to point 382, southwest to point 381, southeast to point
380, northeast to point 379, southeast to point 378, southeast to point 377, southeast to
point 376, south to point 375, northeast to point 374, northeast to point 373, north to
point 372, northeast to point 371, northeast to point 370, northeast to point 369, north to
point 368, northeast to point 367, east to point 366, southeast to point 365, northeast to
point 364, southeast to point 363, northeast to point 361, southeast to point 360,
southeast to point 359, northeast to point 434, southeast to point 433, northeast to point
432, southeast to point 431, northeast to point 430, northwest to point 429, northeast to
point 428, southeast to point 427, northeast to point 426, northwest to point 425,
northeast to point 424, northwest to point 423, southwest to point 422, west to point 421,
northeast to point 420, northwest to point 419, northwest to point 418, northeast to point
417, northwest t point 416, west to point 415, southwest to point 414, southwest to point
413, northwest to point 412, northeast t point 411, southwest to point 410, southwest to
point 409, southwest to point 344, southwest to point 343, southwest to point 408,
southwest to point 407, northwest to point 406, southwest to point 405, northwest to
point 404, southwest to point 87, northeast to point 401, northeast to point 400,
southeast to point 399, southeast to point 398, southwest to point 397, northwest to
point 396, southwest to point 395, southwest to point 394, northwest to point 393,
northeast to point 392, northeast to point 391, northwest to point 390, southwest to point
389, and northwest to point 252.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 17

• The portion starting from point 347 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going northeast to point
353 in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 354,
southeast to point 355, southwest to point 356, northwest to point 357, and west to point

• The small portion starting from point 314 in Brgy. Silangan going northwest to point 315
in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 551,
northeast to point 316, northeast to point 317, northeast to point 318, southeast to point
319, southeast to point 320, southwest to point 321, northwest to point 322, northwest to
point 323, southwest to point 324, and southwest to point 314.
17) CZ • The large portion starting from point 71 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going southeast to
point 118 in western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 499,
southeast to point 500, southeast to point 120, south to point 568, southeast to point
127, southwest to point 496, southwest to point 495, northwest to point 494, northeast to
point 493, northwest to point 492, southwest to point 491, southwest to point 490,
northwest to point 119, northeast to point 497, northwest to point 498, southwest to point
128, northwest to point 182, and northeast to point 71.

• The portion starting from point 501 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan II going southwest to point
502 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 503,
northeast to point 504, and northwest to point 501.

• The portion starting from point 517 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going southwest to point
518, then going: west to point 519, northwest to point 520, northeast to point 516, east to
point 521, and northeast to point 517.

• The portion starting from point 510 in Brgy. Sta Ana going southeast to point 511 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 512, southwest to
point 513, west to point 514, northwest to point 515, and northeast to point 510.

• The small portion starting from point 505 in Brgy. Sta Ana going east to point 506 in the
western part of the municipal boundary, then going: south to point 508, west to point
509, and north to point 505.
18) TZ • All existing resorts and recreational area.

19) BZ • The portion starting from point 86 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going southeast to point
87 in the western part of the municipal boundary, then going: northeast to point 404,
southwest to point 403, southwest to point 402, and southwest to point 86.

• The portion starting from point 105 in Brgy. Guitnang Bayan I going southwest to point
251 in the southern part of the municipal boundary, then going: southeast to point 252,
southwest to point 253, southeast to point 254, southeast to point 255, south to point
552, south to point 256, southwest to point 559, southwest to point 257, northwest to
point 258, northeast to point 259, north to point 260, northwest to point 261, northwest to
point 232, northeast to point 569, and east to point 105.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 18

20) Sanitary • The portion starting from point 522 in Brgy. PintongBukawe going southwest to point
Landfill 523, then going: southwest to point 524, southeast to point 525, west to point 526,
southwest to point 527, southwest to point 528, southeast to point 529, northeast to
point 530, northeast to point 531, northeast to point 532, northwest to point 533,
northeast to point 534, north to point 535, northwest to point 536, northwest to point 537,
and northeast to point 522.



1 121.12401585900 14.70898498500 11 121.11342299300 14.69816510700
2 121.12265154800 14.70765841800 12 121.11295420300 14.69794182000
3 121.12198837300 14.70798162300 13 121.11251163100 14.69809135500
4 121.12176850700 14.71024172200 14 121.11669857000 14.72198413300
5 121.12121570500 14.71024201200 15 121.12489893300 14.71732235400
6 121.11870592900 14.70331986700 16 121.13557839500 14.69825518700
7 121.11988457600 14.70217133100 17 121.13716877700 14.69569054400
8 121.11951459200 14.69948106300 18 121.13630317700 14.69435180300
9 121.11829790800 14.69840550300 19 121.12706786300 14.69836710300
10 121.11487096400 14.69887357200 20 121.12763871700 14.69925456300

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 19

21 121.12840506300 14.69896715800 61 121.13506824500 14.70113200200
22 121.13031281000 14.70114715900 62 121.12575864300 14.70272765700
23 121.13149177400 14.70064905700 63 121.12490920300 14.70126059000
24 121.13208172500 14.70118442200 64 121.12443736800 14.70103125800
25 121.13847261200 14.71006239800 65 121.12388714300 14.70120374200
26 121.13945584800 14.71081513600 66 121.12325743100 14.69982656200
27 121.14042596500 14.71025254400 67 121.12056691500 14.69745441700
28 121.14267439700 14.71082513400 68 121.12003254600 14.69692016600
29 121.14389034400 14.71048957100 69 121.11739793100 14.69508482600
30 121.14088758800 14.70228890400 70 121.11619509500 14.68760475300
31 121.14124193400 14.70316876700 71 121.12041964600 14.68737477300
32 121.14033820400 14.70376241200 72 121.12309301500 14.68699853400
33 121.14004306900 14.70326515500 73 121.12502384100 14.69115874900
34 121.13982689300 14.70330355000 74 121.12522147200 14.69308381700
35 121.13980742100 14.70359054300 75 121.12049008300 14.69648204800
36 121.13906060800 14.70368665300 76 121.12092444000 14.69709189200
37 121.13892263900 14.70307450700 77 121.12976509900 14.69091699500
38 121.13558173500 14.70366958100 78 121.13247269200 14.69602046700
39 121.13607358600 14.70445371000 79 121.13319800400 14.69570456000
40 121.13330257000 14.70493362300 80 121.13052422100 14.69036510500
41 121.13547647900 14.70753478200 81 121.13540503900 14.68740280200
42 121.13273750700 14.70825382100 82 121.13691462600 14.68539901800
43 121.13373230800 14.70787060700 83 121.13676651900 14.68425715400
44 121.13364615000 14.70759563200 84 121.13645948400 14.68432310200
45 121.13383039400 14.70755965300 85 121.13644097800 14.68419157900
46 121.13433432900 14.70801375000 86 121.13686896000 14.68400509300
47 121.13185232900 14.70708248300 87 121.13808051100 14.68379003000
48 121.13406288400 14.70606482100 88 121.14024129700 14.68218641600
49 121.13244044800 14.70454714000 89 121.14261131800 14.68128815200
50 121.12997148600 14.70481160400 90 121.14441116100 14.68190285600
51 121.13035716400 14.70749467000 91 121.14528874400 14.68092776400
52 121.12829318400 14.70713231000 92 121.14418873700 14.67987020100
53 121.12599570000 14.70346199500 93 121.14464272800 14.67915246300
54 121.14197104000 14.69989624800 94 121.14711264900 14.68078312400
55 121.14183547800 14.69921474900 95 121.14707537700 14.68014939500
56 121.13587885400 14.70091629200 96 121.14449486800 14.67844107700
57 121.13471880800 14.69861605100 97 121.14359885900 14.67940422000
58 121.13364212900 14.69797669400 98 121.14366711300 14.68047438400
59 121.13512968400 14.69949894900 99 121.14461332500 14.68113744400
60 121.13466898500 14.70018578600 100 121.14442915700 14.68125115600

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 20

101 121.14250030000 14.68055880600 141 121.11957931300 14.67514260100
102 121.14064002200 14.68145078200 142 121.11225911800 14.67673101300
103 121.13985380800 14.68127787100 143 121.11072658700 14.67781174600
104 121.13970064800 14.68186986500 144 121.10993681000 14.67689083600
105 121.13774857400 14.68331790200 145 121.10950798000 14.67536375900
106 121.13626865300 14.68360575800 146 121.10842094200 14.67591103300
107 121.13568572300 14.68443715300 147 121.10896133100 14.67739587300
108 121.13622651000 14.68497492800 148 121.11188858700 14.68104798300
109 121.13607318600 14.68532178900 149 121.11475931600 14.68550092800
110 121.13455744300 14.68731361300 150 121.11503527800 14.68706963000
111 121.13029656000 14.68965973400 151 121.11291305600 14.68768290100
112 121.12963748200 14.68640165600 152 121.11292937200 14.68780157200
113 121.12895583700 14.68652161200 153 121.11303131000 14.68833333800
114 121.12959269500 14.69017572000 154 121.11320820800 14.68837151600
115 121.12597063000 14.69284425900 155 121.11509457800 14.68772009400
116 121.12558868000 14.69081167400 156 121.11626404000 14.69564979600
117 121.12368653900 14.68675897900 157 121.11349318800 14.69632079400
118 121.12209415400 14.68667253000 158 121.11358817500 14.69674684500
119 121.12100102800 14.68282540200 159 121.11591052200 14.69612827700
120 121.12400059600 14.68455869900 160 121.11609648600 14.69643981900
121 121.12471297300 14.68448657200 161 121.11612691700 14.69651081200
122 121.12531531900 14.68532328000 162 121.11657891800 14.69643405700
123 121.12485270100 14.68559075200 163 121.11659848000 14.69626185800
124 121.12531575500 14.68608856700 164 121.11760107600 14.69672052300
125 121.12675680600 14.68567447300 165 121.11795487900 14.69677774000
126 121.12603255800 14.68377192900 166 121.11931150100 14.69769539000
127 121.12480977500 14.68403226100 167 121.11937055700 14.69786754900
128 121.12067980000 14.68399038600 168 121.11906237900 14.69826798200
129 121.12032139900 14.67554817900 169 121.11901703200 14.69832690300
130 121.13119054700 14.67402128600 170 121.11952828900 14.69878581200
131 121.13341702000 14.67549080500 171 121.11960686400 14.69870924200
132 121.13360700000 14.67685685300 172 121.11984259900 14.69849866700
133 121.13031828200 14.68196462300 173 121.12233979200 14.70050624000
134 121.13067575000 14.68221222700 174 121.12336277100 14.70220845900
135 121.13096946800 14.68228711200 175 121.12407029900 14.70215068500
136 121.13243795800 14.68001268900 176 121.12786717200 14.70827090800
137 121.13439303600 14.67677269700 177 121.12945912500 14.70809783500
138 121.13403581400 14.67508687900 178 121.13260826900 14.71293899800
139 121.13130804700 14.67333066700 179 121.13354547900 14.71240639900
140 121.12014419800 14.67493903000 180 121.11253354900 14.67738406400

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 21

181 121.11964107000 14.67577632300 221 121.12042203400 14.70234150300
182 121.11905938800 14.68482557700 222 121.12026953900 14.70202590200
183 121.11603736500 14.68664822300 223 121.11866035100 14.69794968800
184 121.11584000800 14.68507948300 224 121.11754003700 14.69789286200
185 121.11286665400 14.68048590800 225 121.11602935000 14.69830974700
186 121.11113956500 14.67836638200
226 121.11571980900 14.69833142500
187 121.11306573100 14.69442630100
227 121.11390275000 14.69777402100
188 121.11364040900 14.68929620700
228 121.11191233800 14.69691404200
189 121.11014337800 14.68199657300
229 121.11184631500 14.68786216500
190 121.10778316800 14.67813776000
191 121.11371667900 14.68000928800
230 121.11206512900 14.68580643000
192 121.11213500500 14.67635820000 231 121.11034624600 14.68241368200
193 121.11109370100 14.67687526900 232 121.10998520700 14.68257169400
194 121.11078887600 14.67644494000 233 121.11175558700 14.68579223000
195 121.12720000900 14.68608482800 234 121.11146188200 14.68794474200
196 121.12784476600 14.68589913100 235 121.11150335200 14.69705641900
197 121.12824414200 14.68619785100 236 121.11376506400 14.69822016600
198 121.12863102600 14.68613784900 237 121.11580843700 14.69868293500
199 121.12878462500 14.68623940400 238 121.11739280800 14.69822296600
200 121.12903022400 14.68613164900 239 121.11849098900 14.69823675700
201 121.12888262400 14.68578496000 240 121.11936842300 14.69891789000
202 121.12851350900 14.68472093800 241 121.11965610400 14.69935539000
203 121.12808352500 14.68458964200 242 121.12075097000 14.70183911300
204 121.12777000900 14.68407563700 243 121.12089854400 14.70214036700
205 121.12615462300 14.68378355900 244 121.12325738700 14.70748945000
206 121.12930620100 14.68546186900 245 121.12501274500 14.70951890800
207 121.13002502800 14.68590987800
246 121.12521903800 14.70936813100
208 121.13033794300 14.68539552600
247 121.12355213400 14.70735297600
209 121.13080936000 14.68290209900
248 121.12109459800 14.70167920000
210 121.13176185800 14.68385219000
251 121.13695947400 14.68119718800
211 121.13197683600 14.68389392000
252 121.13758250700 14.67576806400
212 121.13225874500 14.68289529900
213 121.13156457600 14.68259077400 253 121.13743263900 14.67179822400
214 121.12995564100 14.68281289600 254 121.13827556300 14.66453944800
215 121.12875184900 14.68270594800 255 121.14183580000 14.65436066800
216 121.12799069300 14.68337001700 256 121.14185446000 14.65299817900
217 121.11372437200 14.69712407200 257 121.13705387700 14.64943456900
218 121.11763075600 14.69708617900 258 121.13680483500 14.64974872500
219 121.11718812900 14.69631895700 259 121.14121594800 14.65317793200
220 121.11677590200 14.69726597400 260 121.14119235000 14.65468460800

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 22

261 121.13776007400 14.66510176200 301 121.13733027600 14.71025439800
262 121.13618442600 14.67921268100 302 121.13792018700 14.71066060600
263 121.13461633500 14.68089662900 303 121.14837252800 14.65003029100
264 121.13436531800 14.68016496800 304 121.14669237600 14.64988786500
265 121.13335590600 14.68055297700 305 121.14638314900 14.65027548700
266 121.13300265500 14.68137108000 306 121.14594099100 14.65021836800
267 121.13160777500 14.68246144700 307 121.14552781500 14.64941507400
268 121.13630254900 14.64987983400 308 121.14533614500 14.64928605100
269 121.13580208000 14.65085587100 309 121.14347922800 14.64925850500
270 121.13457892000 14.65092832700 310 121.14284512500 14.64864188100
271 121.13195493200 14.64971015100 311 121.14226930800 14.64699208000
272 121.13105648400 14.65060030700 312 121.14042597900 14.64512780700
273 121.13460973500 14.65312373200 313 121.13750814800 14.64528739000
274 121.13359343500 14.65410006100 314 121.14886546800 14.65071714700
275 121.13184095400 14.65626778500 315 121.14879461200 14.65090175500
276 121.13316940700 14.65966778000 316 121.15044781200 14.65472952600
277 121.12912084000 14.66714597400 317 121.15199808500 14.65881802700
278 121.12928453800 14.66982917400 318 121.15366851600 14.65900825100
279 121.12458395600 14.67169713100 319 121.15737667400 14.65776217800
280 121.12364010900 14.67069319500 320 121.15823387600 14.65426997000
281 121.12375692300 14.66874164800 321 121.15711344300 14.65237781500
282 121.12275441800 14.66823995900 322 121.15525725700 14.65342655000
283 121.12039647400 14.66865731800 323 121.15219270600 14.65467695100
284 121.11905629300 14.67056644600 324 121.14990619600 14.65147857400
285 121.11936660000 14.67202990000 325 121.19147025100 14.69508779900
286 121.11812953900 14.67389592200 326 121.19306680400 14.69472774900
287 121.11709753000 14.67336552600 327 121.19349517700 14.69296365100
288 121.11647854100 14.67345193200 328 121.19579683800 14.69128766100
289 121.11532985200 14.67526049800 329 121.19364500900 14.68874848300
290 121.11410649700 14.67523240400 330 121.19447301800 14.68749224600
291 121.11432673300 14.67359649200 331 121.19610203100 14.68916493500
292 121.11273473000 14.67320984300 332 121.19769399300 14.68375278400
293 121.11123190500 14.67428675400 333 121.19692483600 14.68210927100
294 121.11118729000 14.67349757200 334 121.19603440800 14.68219970600
295 121.11069991000 14.67151762100 335 121.18980680500 14.68911038000
296 121.10944724800 14.67179084900 336 121.19155865400 14.69081289500
297 121.10978737100 14.67405785500 337 121.17181946800 14.70709389600
298 121.10582412000 14.67724520600 338 121.16729542400 14.70904868000
299 121.11132640700 14.68628259300 339 121.16551423800 14.71237894400
300 121.11118018200 14.68790100200 340 121.16421719000 14.71265249900

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 23

341 121.16407011800 14.71311177400 381 121.15247245900 14.66115184400
342 121.16911314200 14.71494483000 382 121.15445105300 14.66466607800
343 121.16925725000 14.71697114000 383 121.15267259800 14.66816485600
344 121.17200197900 14.71780933100 384 121.14717491000 14.66601603100
345 121.17370962500 14.71125371900 385 121.14514920600 14.66727285500
346 121.17230867200 14.71059470800 386 121.14266119500 14.66589926900
347 121.17410104900 14.65867995100 387 121.14066607600 14.66700656500
348 121.17144318300 14.65868131800 388 121.14069788900 14.66874040100
349 121.16868419900 14.65476602000 389 121.14126890700 14.67496279800
350 121.16592780700 14.65416533900 390 121.14362749100 14.67548748700
351 121.16418775500 14.65280340400 391 121.14397062000 14.67429151400
352 121.18783369800 14.66099321500 392 121.14225005500 14.67271416800
353 121.17507449800 14.66585502000 393 121.14175631300 14.66891194800
354 121.18360387500 14.66613852500 394 121.14261577000 14.66845703200
355 121.18684581200 14.66047744300 395 121.14519535100 14.66895765500
356 121.18165507700 14.65689427300 396 121.14927585100 14.67311631900
357 121.17963739400 14.65860338700 397 121.15205060000 14.67156003100
398 121.15679594800 14.67770308700
359 121.19673179600 14.65686765900
399 121.15367922700 14.68210556700
360 121.19543362100 14.66860410100
400 121.15348438500 14.68452113100
361 121.18891273800 14.66968567600
401 121.13867069500 14.68398040200
362 121.18688949600 14.67359744500
402 121.14302946300 14.70157970400
363 121.18519404200 14.67302483800
403 121.14691304800 14.71156385600
364 121.18114141900 14.67370961600
404 121.14825244400 14.71212500900
365 121.17822839700 14.67112902800
405 121.14988533800 14.71072492300
366 121.17347545400 14.67150809400
406 121.15283465700 14.71221769400
367 121.17072418200 14.67146230100
407 121.15400119000 14.71149946700
368 121.16467768100 14.66663579100 408 121.15486186600 14.71257507500
369 121.16462751600 14.66524874400 409 121.17285499400 14.71813457500
370 121.16295699400 14.66501076900 410 121.18888371900 14.72883601600
371 121.16197247000 14.66233295100 411 121.22227641500 14.72957164800
372 121.16054701600 14.66128167000 412 121.20246051300 14.70085657600
373 121.16125538900 14.65335072300 413 121.20505989700 14.69881212100
374 121.16079837900 14.65315015100 414 121.20719757500 14.69912590100
375 121.15979653700 14.65234494200 415 121.21006123700 14.70329890100
376 121.15956308900 14.65659362400 416 121.21135841800 14.70328337400
377 121.15899390500 14.65753149200 417 121.21387517900 14.69924898200
378 121.15854348600 14.65967460500 418 121.21369652100 14.69742681600
379 121.15663858500 14.66137866100 419 121.21394326900 14.69348059700
380 121.15418132600 14.66007931400 420 121.21629732400 14.68903020500

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 24

421 121.21502794300 14.67919605000 461 121.15786534900 14.68961824700
422 121.22214224200 14.67935197700 463 121.11798307800 14.68825041400
423 121.22301921200 14.68176178100 464 121.11997230700 14.68806957500
424 121.22710519000 14.68006463100 465 121.11842089900 14.68765079000
425 121.22633317700 14.67544418600 466 121.11532842000 14.68391267400
426 121.22691007100 14.67268860000 467 121.11796709600 14.68283351200
427 121.22627103700 14.67234484600 468 121.12123574100 14.68186855300
428 121.22473135300 14.67285334100 469 121.12363283100 14.68118811500
429 121.22231469500 14.66970508500 470 121.12550308700 14.68130946700
430 121.22265751900 14.66864053300 471 121.12606701900 14.67993889700
431 121.22228841700 14.66800713500 472 121.12807290400 14.67849694400
432 121.22123247200 14.66831903900 473 121.12815737500 14.67748091400
433 121.21538447500 14.66262355700 474 121.12966238400 14.67554760200
434 121.21276232700 14.66390782400 475 121.13212575200 14.67431693800
435 121.15345998800 14.70529514300
476 121.12911510800 14.67535724500
436 121.15520905400 14.70500699700
477 121.12763032500 14.67734647500
437 121.15519057500 14.70667150400
478 121.12759701200 14.67809743300
438 121.15376560600 14.70668201900
479 121.12553639900 14.67965360000
439 121.15679330000 14.68484789400
480 121.12538411300 14.68071484000
440 121.15889134400 14.68158204300
481 121.12344485300 14.68070056300
441 121.16375482500 14.68086120900
482 121.12169288100 14.68122986200
442 121.16964405500 14.67239100200
483 121.12055805400 14.67855778900
443 121.17911479200 14.67367531500
484 121.12060643100 14.67718263800
444 121.17896886100 14.67546906600
445 121.17337006900 14.67805615300
485 121.11987013400 14.67731874200
446 121.16969008300 14.68430073400 486 121.12000604500 14.67878945900
447 121.16954622500 14.68889255300 487 121.12111327300 14.68136387300
448 121.16486697200 14.68979274300 488 121.11757810400 14.68238471900
449 121.16463854200 14.69050318500 489 121.11519938800 14.68352158600
450 121.16629201600 14.69392665800 490 121.12191117200 14.68250774400
451 121.16782570400 14.69484389600 491 121.12243227400 14.68343573400
452 121.16775072400 14.69960784900 492 121.12309614300 14.68398538900
453 121.16558899400 14.69991551700 493 121.12385995000 14.68362847000
454 121.16393929500 14.70160031500 494 121.12343521600 14.68236045500
455 121.16140267300 14.69995673200 495 121.12444648700 14.68182507600
456 121.16210882800 14.69806215900 496 121.12476140700 14.68325491200
457 121.16328726100 14.69697080100 497 121.12173375500 14.68418144000
458 121.16320839000 14.69662647800 498 121.12106170400 14.68467067400
459 121.15976557500 14.69197976600 499 121.12199564200 14.68576308400
460 121.15976454600 14.69056398800 500 121.12300581000 14.68481033800

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 25

501 121.13207486100 14.69103138900 536 121.16420257000 14.69541552100
502 121.13072341400 14.69024109700 537 121.16399555700 14.69589379300
503 121.13267415400 14.68909944400 538 121.13300624100 14.67319441400
504 121.13340260000 14.69020333700 539 121.13280398700 14.67087444000
505 121.11393574900 14.69000045300 540 121.12886597900 14.67218314300
506 121.11437119000 14.68998974600 541 121.12810455100 14.67130274300
508 121.11435691300 14.68949719700 542 121.12725537000 14.67064820600
509 121.11392147200 14.68951504300 543 121.12781394500 14.67048270600
510 121.11536977500 14.69183485400 544 121.12787850200 14.67077926100
511 121.11566666300 14.69179496300 545 121.12898495200 14.67151689400
512 121.11672615900 14.69153603500 546 121.13305383000 14.67048182900
513 121.11666404800 14.69106987800 547 121.13343454400 14.67351564200
514 121.11556710300 14.69115852200 548 121.13321948800 14.67420248900
515 121.11531980700 14.69122095300 549 121.13181171900 14.67348583100
516 121.13856959400 14.68317830100 550 121.14613706500 14.65424273300
517 121.13985807300 14.68323897700 551 121.14932599900 14.65214261700
518 121.13977483500 14.68264108600 552 121.14184814500 14.65407797700
519 121.13860409200 14.68272332500 553 121.14355535000 14.65232726700
520 121.13846069300 14.68285113100 554 121.14579204300 14.65299351600
521 121.13900771900 14.68317371400 555 121.14556599500 14.65053077300
522 121.16448454400 14.69676109800 556 121.14431677800 14.65013816200
523 121.16284627700 14.69616148200 557 121.14085466200 14.65073302800
524 121.16208604000 14.69480518900 558 121.14061671600 14.65013816200
525 121.16252505000 14.69400212100 559 121.13972865400 14.65119386200
526 121.16368146800 14.69395572200 560 121.14511201600 14.66414271800
527 121.16355654600 14.69322403700 561 121.14552842200 14.66415461500
528 121.16163989100 14.69218540300 562 121.14588534100 14.66217966300
529 121.16190758000 14.69106467700 563 121.15032303600 14.65966933100
530 121.16392060400 14.69126098200 564 121.15016837100 14.65933620700
531 121.16487000900 14.69204263500 565 121.14598052000 14.66158479700
532 121.16521979000 14.69295277900 566 121.14512391400 14.66300057700
533 121.16458090400 14.69399141400 567 121.12607102800 14.68399710800
534 121.16485573200 14.69439830100 568 121.12399609500 14.68429394600
535 121.16483431700 14.69512641700 569 121.13680895600 14.68336628800

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 26

SECTION 4. INTERPRETATION OF ZONE BOUNDARIES. Where uncertainty exists with respect
to the boundaries of any of the zones in the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:

a) Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow the center of streets or
highways, street lines or highway right-of-way lines, such center line, street lines or highway
lines shall be construed to be the boundaries;
b) Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they so approximately follow the lot lines, such
lot lines shall be construed to be the boundaries;
c) Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately parallel to the center lines
or street lines of streets, or the center lines or the right-of-way lines of highways, such district
boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance thereforeas
indicated on the Zoning Map. If no distance is given, such dimension shall be determined by
the use of the scale of the Zoning Map;
d) Where the boundaries of a zone follows a railroad line, such boundaries shall be deemed to be
located in the middle of the main tracks of said railroad line;
e) Where the boundary of a zone follows a stream, lake or other bodies of water, said boundary
line shall be deemed to be at the limit of the political jurisdiction of the community of it be
located thereat, otherwise, the boundary shall be located at the bank or shore of the stream,
lake or river. Boundaries indicated as parallel to, or extension of features not specifically
indicated in the Zoning Map shall be determined by the scale of the Zoning Map;
f) Where a boundary line divides a lot or crosses an unsubdivided property properties, the
location of such boundary shall be as indicated in the Zoning Map, using the scale appearing
on such map.
g) Where a lot of one ownership, as of record at the effective date of this Ordinance, is divided by
the zone where the major portion of the lot is located. In case the lot is bisected by the
boundary line, it shall fall in the zone where the principal use falls;
h) Where the zone boundary is indicated as one lot deep, said depth shall be construed to be the
average lot depth of the lots involved within such particular city block. Where, however, any lot
has a depth greater than the said average, the remaining portion of said lot shall be construed
by the one-lot-deep zoning district if the remaining portion has an area less than fifty percent
(50%) of the total area of the entire lot. If the remaining portion has an area equivalent to fifty
percent (50%) or more of the total area of the lot, then the average lot depth shall apply to the
lot which shall become a lot divided and covered by two or more different zoning districts as
the case may be.


WITHIN A ZONE. In case it appears that in any given lot or structure within a zone there is a
variety or plurality of uses to which it is devoted, the following rules of interpretation shall apply:

a) The lot and/or building shall be classified as a conforming use that complies with the
regulations of the zone in which it is located, provided that the main or principal use of the land
and/or building is consistent with the allowable uses for such zone;
b) The use of the lot and/or building shall be classified as being that to which it is principally
devoted, for which purpose, the principal use shall be determined in accordance with the
following guidelines:
1) The use which causes the most significant social, economic, and/or environmental impact,
in terms of revenue-raising capacity, population, density, resource potential, or physical

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 27

effect on the adjacent and surrounding areas, shall be considered as the principal use of
the structure, regardless of the area of the land or building that is occupied by such uses;
2) In the absence of or in the event of any difficulty in interpreting the principal use as above
provided, then the principal use shall be considered as that to which the greater portion or
area of such land or building is devoted;
3) In case the mixed uses consist of two uses of similar nature but classified under different
zones due to density differences, the higher density use shall be considered as the use of
the property; in the event any use belongs to a higher category zone with more strict
regulations, the lot/building shall be construed as being devoted to such use.

In case of any remaining doubt as to the location of any property along zone boundary lines, such properly
shall be considered as falling within the less restrictive zone.



SECTION 1. GENERAL PROVISION. The uses enumerated in the succeeding sections are not
exhaustive nor all-inclusive. The Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA) shall, subject to
the requirements of this Section, allow other uses not enumerated hereunder provided that they are
compatible with the uses expressly allowed. The local government has the option to adopt, add, or exclude
any of these allowable land uses depending on the development plans and objectives of the municipality.

Allowance of further uses shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the land and the socio
economic potential of the locality with due regard to the maintenance of the essential qualities of the zone.

Specific uses/activities of lesser density within a particular zone (e.g., R-2) may be allowed within
the zone of higher density (e.g., R-3) but not vice-versa, nor in another zone and its subdivisions (e.g.,
General Commercial, C-1, C-2), except for uses expressly allowed in said zones, such that the cumulative
effect of zoning shall be intra-zonal and not inter-zonal.


zone or district is a medium-density residential zone, characterized by 21 to 65 dwelling units per hectare or
by medium-density housing with the usual community ancillary uses and support facilities designed for the
needs of a barangay scale.

The following are the allowable constructions/uses:

a) One-family detached dwelling

b) One-family semi-detached dwelling, e.g., duplex, rowhouse
c) Two-family detached dwelling
d) Two-family semi-detached dwellinge,g. duplex, rowhouse
e) Customary accessory use like:
1) Servants’ quarters
2) Private garage
3) Guardhouse

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 28

f) Home Occupation for the practice of one’s profession or for engaging in in-house businesses
or industries such as dressmaking, tailoring, baking, running a sari-sari store, barbers and
beauty shops, tailoring and dress shops, neighborhood convenience stores, retail drugstores
and the like, provided that:
1) Only members of the family residing within the premises shall be engaged in such home
2) The number of persons engaged in such business/industry shall not exceed five,
inclusive of the owner;
3) The use of dwelling unit for home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate
to its use for residential purpose by its occupants and for the conduct of the home
occupation, not more than twenty-five percent (25) of the floor area of the dwelling unit
shall be used;
4) As much as possible there shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building
or premises;
5) No home occupation shall be conducted in any accessory uses cited above;
6) No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volume than would
normally be expected in a residential neighborhood and any need for parking generated
by the conduct of such home occupation shall be met off the street and in a place other
than in a required front yard;
7) No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation which creates noise,
vibration, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses
outside the lot, if the occupation is conducted in a single-family residence or outside the
dwelling unit if conducted in a place other than as a single-family residence. In the case
of electrical interference, no equipment or process shall be used which creates visual
or audible interference in any radio or television receivers or causes fluctuation in line
voltage of the premises;
g) Home Industry Classified as cottage industry, provided that:
1) Such home industry shall not occupy more than 30 percent (30%) of the floor area of
the dwelling unit. There shall be no change or alteration in the outside appearance of
the dwelling unit and shall not be a hazard/nuisance;
2) Allotted capitalization shall not exceed the capitalization a set by the Department of
Trade and industry (DTI);
3) Such home industry shall consider some provisions as enumerated in numbers 5,6
and 7 of letter f, Home Occupation, this section.
h) Religious use
i) Multi-purpose/Barangay Hall
j) Sports club
k) Clinic, nursing and convalescing home health center
l) Drugstores, water station, soft drinks dealer
m) Plant nursery
n) Residential condominiums of medium and high rise types
o) Apartment houses, apartment hotels or apartels, and hometels
p) Multi-family dwellings
q) Boarding houses
r) Nursery, kindergarten, elementary schools and high schools
s) Branch libraries and museums

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 29

t) Clinics, hospitals, nursing or convalescing homes with not more than 50-bed capacity
u) Local civic centers, local auditoriums, halls and exhibition areas
v) Parks and playgrounds
w) Health, fitness and other recreational facilities such as health clubs/gyms, resorts, swimming
pools, clubhouses and similar uses except carnivals and fairs.
x) Bank branches, savings/loans/lending shops.
y) Retail of meat, fish, vegetables and other perishable goods, provided that the location is
outside the 200 m radius of existing wet & dry markets and it is within enclosed structure.

be used principally for socialized housing/dwelling purposes for the underprivileged and homeless as
defined in RA 7279 and in the Local Shelter Plan. The following uses are allowed:

a) All uses allowed in R-2 and R-3-MUZ Zone


(R-3-MUZ). An R-3-MUZ district is a mixed use and high-density residential zone characterized by 66
or more dwelling units per hectare or by mixed housing types and high-density and high-rise dwellings with
more than the usual community ancillary uses serving also the outlying areas, increasingly commercial in

The following are the compatible uses allowed therein:

a) All uses allowed in R-2 Zone
b) Hotels
c) Motels
d) Dormitories
e) Pension houses
f) Club houses and lodges
g) Recreational center establishments like
1) Swimming pools
2) Badminton courts
3) Gymnasium
h) Parking lots
i) Parking buildings
j) Cell Site / Cellular Towers(Must conform to HLURB Resolution No. R-626 series of 1998:
Approving the Locational Guidelines for base stations of cellular mobile telephone service,
paging service, trunking service, wireless local loop service and other wireless communication

A C-1-MUZ zone shall be for quasi-trade, business activities and service industries performing
complementary/supplementary functions to the Central Business District (CBD). Also allowed are
residential uses, mainly high density. Within the C-1-MUZ zone, the following uses are allowed:
a) All uses allowed in R-3-MUZ Zone
b) Offices like:
1) Office buildings
2) Office condominiums

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 30

c) Stores and shops like:
1) Department stores
2) Bookstore and office supply shops
3) Home appliance stores
4) Jewelry stores
5) Car shops
6) Photo shops
7) Flower shops
8) Neighborhood agora or shopping centers
d) Food markets and shops like:
1) Bakery and bake shops
2) Wine stores
3) Groceries
4) Supermarkets, wet & dry markets
e) Personal service shops like:
1) Beauty parlors
2) Barber shops
3) Spa and massage clinics
4) Dressmaking and tailoring shops
5) Boutiques
f) Recreational center establishments like:
1) Movie houses/Theaters
2) Playcourts, e.g., tennis, badminton, bowling, billiard
3) Swimming pools
4) Day and night clubs
5) Stadium, coliseums, gymnasium
6) Other sports and recreational establishments
g) Restaurants and other eateries
h) Short-term special educational institutions such as:
1) Dancing schools
2) Schools for self-defense
3) Driving schools
4) Speech clinics
i) Storerooms and warehouses, but only as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the
j) Commercial condominiums (with residential units in upper floors)
k) Commercial housing like:
1) Hotels
2) Apartments
3) Apartels
4) Boarding houses
5) Dormitories
6) Pension houses
7) Club houses
8) Motels
l) Other establishments such as:
1) Embassies/consulates

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 31

2) Libraries, museums
3) Filling stations/service stations
4) Purified Water Refilling Stations
5) Vocational and Technical schools
6) Convention centers and related facilities
7) Messengerial services
8) Security agencies
9) Janitorial services
10) Banks and other financial institutions
11) Radio and television stations
12) Building garage
13) Commercial job printing
14) Typing and photo engraving services
15) Repair of optical instruments and equipment and cameras
16) Repair of clocks and watches
17) Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems except metal
18) Transportation terminal/garage
19) Garage
20) Private garage
21) Plant nurseries
22) Scientific, cultural and academic centers and research facilities, except nuclear,
radioactive, chemical and biological warfare facilities
m) Repair shops such as:
1) House appliance repair shops
2) Motor vehicle and accessory repair shops
3) Home furnishing shops
n) Transportation terminals
o) Garage with repair
p) Publishing
q) Medium scale junk shop
r) Machinery display shops/centers
s) Gravel and sand
t) Lumber/hardware
u) Manufacture of ice, ice blocks, cubes, tubes, crush (except dry ice)
v) Manufacture of signs and advertising display (except printed)
w) Chicharon factories
x) Welding shops
y) Machine shop service operations (repairing/rebuilding, or custom job orders)
z) Repair of motorcycles
aa) Lechon or whole pig roasting
bb) Biscuit factories – manufacture of biscuits, cookies, crackers,candies and other similar dried
bakery products
cc) Doughnut and hopia factories
dd) Other bakery products not elsewhere classified
ee) Repackaging of food products, e.g. fruits, vegetables, sugar, and other related products
ff) Funeral parlors, mortuaries and crematory services and memorial chapels
gg) Parking lots, garage facilities

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 32

hh) Other commercial activities not elsewhere classified

A C-2-MUZ zone shall be for medium density mixed use and commercial development, allowing for a wider
range of business activities and service industries. It is intended to serve a wider neighborhood. Within the
C-2-MUZ zone, the following uses are allowed:

a) All uses allowed in C-1-MUZ Zone

b) General Hospitals, medical/health centers, multi-purpose clinics, day care centers


A C-2 district or the Central Business District (CBD), shall be for commercial uses such as retail and
wholesale trade, as well as professional, financial, recreational and personal services. Within the district,
the following kinds of establishments shall be allowed:

a) Offices like:
1) Office buildings
2) Office condominiums
b) Stores and shops like:
1) Department stores
2) Bookstore and office supply shops
3) Home appliance stores
4) Jewelry stores
5) Car shops
6) Photo shops
7) Flower shops
8) Neighborhood agora or shopping centers
c) Food markets and shops like:
1) Bakery and bake shops
2) Wine stores
3) Groceries
4) Supermarkets
d) Personal service shops like:
1) Beauty parlors
2) Barber shops
3) Spa and massage clinics
4) Dressmaking and tailoring shops
5) Boutiques
e) Recreational center establishments like:
1) Movie houses/Theaters
2) Playcourts, e.g., tennis, badminton, bowling, billiard
3) Swimming pools
4) Day and night clubs
5) Stadium, coliseums, gymnasium
6) Other sports and recreational establishments
f) Restaurants and other eateries
g) Short-term special educational institutions such as:

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 33

1) Dancing schools
2) Schools for self-defense
3) Driving schools
4) Speech clinics
h) Storerooms and warehouses, but only as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the
i) Commercial condominiums (with residential units in upper floors)
j) Commercial housing like:
1) Hotels
2) Apartments
3) Apartels
4) Boarding houses
5) Dormitories
6) Pension houses
7) Club houses
8) Motels
k) Other establishments such as:
1) Embassies/consulates
2) Libraries, museums
3) Filling stations/service stations
4) Purified Water Refilling Stations
5) Vocational and Technical schools
6) Convention centers and related facilities
7) Messengerial services
8) Security agencies
9) Janitorial services
10) Banks and other financial institutions
11) Radio and television stations
12) Building garage
13) Commercial job printing
14) Typing and photo engraving services
15) Repair of optical instruments and equipment and cameras
16) Repair of clocks and watches
17) Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems except metal
18) Transportation terminal/garage
19) Garage
20) Private garage
21) Plant nurseries
22) Scientific, cultural and academic centers and research facilities, except nuclear,
radioactive, chemical and biological warfare facilities
23) General Hospitals, medical/health centers, multi-purpose clinics, day care centers


The I-2 district shall allow non-pollutive/non-hazardous, non-pollutive/hazardous, pollutive/non-hazardous
and pollutive/hazardous manufacturing and processing establishments. Enumerated below are the
allowable uses.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 34

a) Non-pollutive/Non-Hazardous Industries
1. Drying fish
2. Biscuit factories – manufacture of biscuits, cookies, crackers and other similar dried
3. Doughnut and hopia factory
4. Manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti and vermicelli and other noodles
5. Other bakery products not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.)
6. Life belts factories
7. Manufacture of luggage, handbags, wallets and small leather goods
8. Manufacture of miscellaneous products of leather and leather substitute and n.e.c.
9. Manufacture of shoes except rubber, plastic and wood
10. Manufacture of slippers and sandals except rubber and plastic
11. Manufacture of footwear parts except rubber and plastic
12. Printing, publishing and allied industries and those n.e.c.
13. Manufacture or assembly of typewriters, cash registers, weighting, duplicating and
accounting machines
14. Manufacture or assembly of electronic data processing machinery and accessories
15. Renovation and repair of office machinery
16. Manufacture or assembly of miscellaneous office machines and those n.e.c.
17. Manufacture of rowboats, bancas, sailboats
18. Manufacture of animal drawn vehicles
19. Manufacture of children vehicles and baby carriages
20. Manufacture of laboratory and scientific instruments, barometers, chemical balance,
21. Manufacture of measuring and controlling equipment, plumb bomb, rain gauge, taxi
meter, thermometer, etc.
22. Manufacture or assembly of surgical, medical, dental equipment and medical furniture
23. Quick freezing and cold packaging for fish and other seafoods
24. Quick freezing and cold packaging for fruits and vegetables
25. Popcorn rice factory
26. Manufacture of medical/surgical supplies; adhesives tapes, antiseptic dressing,
sanitary napkins, surgical gauges, etc.
27. Manufacture of orthopedic and prosthetic appliances (abdominal supporter, ankle
supports, arch support, artificial limb, kneecap supporters, etc.)
28. Manufacture of photographic equipment and accessories
29. Manufacture or assembly of optical instruments
30. Manufacture of eyeglasses and spectacles
31. Manufacture of optical lenses
32. Manufacture of watches and clocks
33. Manufacture of pianos
34. Manufacture of string instruments
35. Manufacture of wind and percussion instruments
36. Manufacture or assembly of electronic organs
37. Manufacture of sporting gloves and mitts
38. Manufacture of sporting balls (not of rubber or plastic)
39. Manufacture of gym and playground equipment

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 35

40. Manufacture of sporting tables (billiards, pingpong, pool)
41. Manufacture of other sporting and athletic goods n.e.c.
42. Manufacture of toys and dolls except rubber and mold plastic
43. Manufacture of pens, pencils and other office and artist material
44. Manufacture of umbrellas and canes
45. Manufacture of buttons except plastic
46. Manufacture of brooms, brushes and fans
47. Manufacture of needles, pins, fasteners and zippers
48. Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems (except metal)
49. Manufacture of signs and advertising displays (except printed)
50. Small-scale manufacture of ice cream

b) Non-pollutive/Hazardous Industries
1. Manufacture of house furnishing
2. Textile bag factory
3. Canvass bags and other canvass products factory
4. Jute bag factory
5. Manufacture of miscellaneous textile goods, embroideries and weaving apparel
6. Manufacture of fiber batting, padding and upholstery filling except coir
7. Men’s and boy’s garments factories
8. Women’s, girls’ and ladies’ garments factories
9. Manufacture of hats, gloves, handkerchief, neckwear and related clothing accessories
10. Manufacture of raincoats and waterproof outer garments except jacket
11. Manufacture of miscellaneous wearing apparel except footwear and those n.e.c.
12. Manufacture of miscellaneous fabricated mill work and those n.e.c.
13. Manufacture of wooden and cane containers
14. Sawali, nipa and split cane factory
15. Manufacture of bamboo, rattan and other cane baskets and wares
16. Manufacture of cork products
17. Manufacture of wooden shoes, shoe lace and other similar products
18. Manufacture of miscellaneous wood products and those n.e.c.
19. Manufacture of miscellaneous furniture and fixture except primarily of metals and
those n.e.c.
20. Manufacture of paper stationary, envelopes and related articles
21. Manufacture of dry ice
22. Repacking of industrial products, e.g. paints, varnishes and other related products

c) Pollutive/Non-Hazardous Industries
1. Manufacture and canning of ham, bacon and native sausage
2. Poultry processing and canning
3. Large-scale manufacture of ice cream
4. Corn mill/rice mill
5. Chocolate and cocoa factories
6. Candy factories
7. Chewing gum factories
8. Peanuts and other nuts factories

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 36

9. Other chocolate and confectionary products
10. Manufacture of flavoring extracts
11. Manufacture of food products n.e.c. (vinegar, vetsin)
12. Manufacture of fish meal
13. Oyster shell grading
14. Manufacture of medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations
15. Manufacture of stationery, art goods, cut stone and marble products
16. Manufacture of abrasive products
17. Manufacture of miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral products (n.e.c.)
18. Manufacture of cutlery except table flatware
19. Manufacture of hand tools
20. Manufacture of general hardware
21. Manufacture of miscellaneous cutlery hand tools and general hardware n.e.c.
22. Manufacture of household metal furniture
23. Manufacture of office, store and restaurant metal furniture
24. Manufacture of metal blinds, screens and shades
25. Manufacture of miscellaneous furniture and fixtures primarily of metal n.e.c.
26. Manufacture of fabricated structural iron and steel
27. Manufacture of architectural and ornamental metal works
28. Manufacture of boilers, tanks, and other structural sheet metal works
29. Manufacture of other structural products
30. Manufacture of metal cans, boxes and containers
31. Manufacture of stamped coated and engraved metal products
32. Manufacture of fabricated wire and cable products
33. Manufacture of heating, cooking and lighting equipment except electrical
34. Sheet metal works, generally manual operation
35. Manufacture of other fabricated metal products except machinery and equipment
36. Manufacture or assembly of agricultural machinery and equipment
37. Native plow and harrow factories
38. Repair of agricultural machinery
39. Manufacture or assembly of service industry machines
40. Manufacture or assembly of elevators and escalators
41. Manufacture or assembly of sewing machines
42. Manufacture or assembly of service cooking ranges
43. Manufacture or assembly of water pumps
44. Refrigeration industries
45. Manufacture and assembly of other machinery and equipment except electrical n.e.c.
46. Manufacture and repair of electrical apparatus
47. Manufacture and repair of electrical cables and wires
48. Manufacture of electrical cables and wires
49. Manufacture of other electrical industrial machinery and apparatus
50. Manufacture or assembly of electric equipment, radio and television, tape recorders,
51. Manufacture or assembly of radio and television transmitting, signaling and detection
52. Manufacture or assembly of telephone, telegraphic equipment

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 37

53. Manufacture of other electrical equipment and apparatus n.e.c.
54. Manufacture of industrial and commercial electrical appliances
55. Manufacture of household cooking, heating and laundry appliances
56. Manufacture of other electrical appliances n.e.c.
57. Manufacture of electric lamp/fixtures
58. Salughterhouses/Abattoir (Class A & AA)

d) Pollutive/Hazardous Industries
1. Flour mill
2. Cassava flour mill
3. Manufacturing of coffee
4. Manufacturing of unprepared animal feeds, other grain milling n.e.c.
5. Production of prepared feeds for animals
6. Cigar and cigarette factory
7. Curing and redrying tobacco leaves
8. Miscellaneous processing of tobacco leaves n.e.c.
9. Weaving hemp textile
10. Jute spinning and weaving
11. Miscellaneous spinning and weaving mills n.e.c.
12. Hosiery mills
13. Underwear and outwear knitting mills
14. Fabric knitting mills
15. Miscellaneous knitting mills
16. Manufacture of mats and matting
17. Manufacture of garment and rags
18. Manufacture of cordage, rope and twine
19. Manufacture of related products from abaca, sisal, henequen, hemp, cotton, paper
20. Manufacture of linoleum and other surface covering
21. Manufacture of artificial leather, oil cloth and other fabrics except rubberized
22. Manufacture of coir
23. Manufacture of miscellaneous textile n.e.c.
24. Manufacture of rough lumber, unworked
25. Manufacture of worked lumber
26. Resawmill
27. Manufacture of veneer, plywood and hardwood
28. Manufacture of doors, windows and sashes
29. Treating and preserving of wood
30. Manufacture of charcoal
31. Manufacture of wood and cane blinds, screens and shades
32. Manufacture of containers and boxes of paper and paper boards
33. Manufacture of miscellaneous pulp and paper products n.e.c.
34. Manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet preparations
35. Manufacture of waxes and polishing preparations
36. Manufacture of candles
37. Manufacture of inks
38. Manufacture of miscellaneous chemical products

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 38

39. Tire retreading and rebuilding
40. Manufacture of rubber shoes and slippers
41. Manufacture of industrial and moulded rubber products
42. Manufacture of plastic footwear
43. Manufacture of plastic furniture
44. Manufacture of fabricated plastic products n.e.c.
45. Manufacture of table and kitchen articles
46. Manufacture of pottery, china and earthenware n.e.c.
47. Manufacture of flat glass
48. Manufacture of glass containers
49. Manufacture of miscellaneous glass and glass products n.e.c.
50. Manufacture of clay bricks, clay tiles and hollow clay tiles
51. Manufacture of miscellaneous structural clay products n.e.c.
52. Manufacture of structural concrete products
53. Manufacture of engines and turbines except motor vehicles, marine and aircraft
54. Manufacture of metal cutting, shaving and finishing machineries
55. Manufacture of wood working machineries
56. Manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repairing of food and beverage making machines
57. Manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repairing of textile machinery and equipment
58. Manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repairing of paper industry machinery
59. Manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repairing of printing, trade machinery and
60. Manufacture of rice mills
61. Manufacture of machines for leather and leather products
62. Manufacture of construction machineries
63. Manufacture of machines for clay, stove and glass industries
64. Manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repairing of miscellaneous special industrial
machineries and equipment n.e.c.
65. Manufacture of dry cells, storage battery and other batteries
66. Boat building and repairing
67. Manufacture or assembly of automobiles, cars, buses, trucks and trailers
68. Manufacture of wood furniture including upholstery
69. Manufacture of rattan furniture including upholstery
70. Manufacture of box beds and mattresses
71. Waste Disposal Facility
1) The Waste Disposal Facility shall be located within a reasonable distance from
residential, commercial and institutional zones.
2) Requirements set by Republic Act 8749 (CLEAN AIR ACT), Republic Act 9003
EMB must be complied with.
3) Only residual waste materials shall be disposedin the facility after such
materials have undergone the processes of segregation, recycling and
4) A site inspection shall be conducted to ensure that the proposed waste
disposal facility is not inconsistent with the adjacent land uses and will not
pose a hazard to the safety of the community in general.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 39

5) The sound maintenance of the facility shall be the sole responsibility of the
proponent and/or persons operating them.
72. Materials Recovery Facility (segregation, recycling, composting)

be exclusively for the use of the Municipal Slaughterhouse/Abattoir (Class “AAA”).

1) The Site and Location of slaughterhouse/abattoir shall be at least 200 meters from residential
areas, schools, churches and other places of assembly courts or public office. It should be
accessible to transportation.

2) Abattoirs/slaughterhouses should be at least 25 meters from markets and other food


3) Class “AAA” abattoirs/slaughterhouses are those with facilities and operational procedures
appropriate to slaughter livestock and fowls for sale in any market, domestic or international.

4) A written authority shall be secured from the local health and sanitation office by the applicant
at least 90 days before the intended date of operation, and a notice shall be posted in the
municipal hall to determine public opposition, if any, to the proposed abattoir.

5) Proper Waste disposal, odor control and other abatement procedures should conform to the
effluent standards and regulations of PD 984, otherwise known as the National Pollution
Control Commission Law.


institutional research zone will include institutional research facilities support for agriculture, forestry and
water management, to wit:

a) Scientific and academic centers and research facilities related to agriculture, forestry and
water management.


district is an institutional zone characterized by government as well as institutional and social services for
the entire community and characterized further by specialized governmental agencies providing institutional
and social services for the region or the country as a whole. In the GIZ, only the following uses shall be
a) Government centers – covering all national, regional, or local offices in the area
b) Colleges, universities, professional business schools, vocational and trade schools, technical
schools and other institutions of higher learning
c) General hospitals, medical/health centers, multi-purpose clinics, day care centers
d) Scientific, cultural and academic centers and research facilities, except nuclear, radioactive,
chemical and biological warfare facilities
e) Convention centers and related facilities
f) Religious structures, e.g. churches, seminaries, convents
g) Museums

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 40

h) Embassies/consulates
i) Student housing, e.g. dormitories, boarding houses
j) Other commercial activities related to Institutional establishments not elsewhere classified

is an institutional zone principally for particular types of institutional establishments governed by specialized
regulations. The following uses are allowed in the SIZ:

a) Welfare homes, orphanages, boys and girls town, home for the aged and the like
b) Rehabilitation and vocational training centers for convicts, drug addicts, unwed mothers,
physically, mentally and emotionally handicapped, ex-sanitaria inmates and similar
c) Penitentiary and correctional institution


(SUDZ).The SUDZ is an area governed by certain conditions and regulations to control physical
development. Only the following establishments shall be allowed in the special urban development zone:

a) Offices like:
1. Office buildings
2. Office condominiums
b) Shopping centers
c) Restaurants and other eateries
d) Commercial condominiums (with residential units in upper floors)
e) Parking lots
f) Parking buildings

area reserved for facilities for Research, Testing and Development concerning quality of life, environment,
health and wellness, soil, food, air, water, waste management, pollution, energy, mobility and
transportation, and anything related to preservation, regeneration, enhancement, protection, conservation,
and other activities necessary in sustaining the quality of life, to wit:

a) Scientific and academic centers and facilities for research, testing and development
concerning quality of life, environment, health and wellness, soil, food, air, water, waste
management, pollution, energy, mobility and transportation, and anything related to
preservation, regeneration, enhancement, protection, conservation, and other activities
necessary in sustaining the quality of life

and recreation zone is characterized by park facilities, amusement centers, resort establishments including
riverine resorts, playgrounds, scenic areas, and environmental conservation and protection areas, and
linear park-cum-embankments.

Only the following uses shall be allowed in the parks and recreation zone:

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 41

a) Open air or outdoor sports activities and support facilities, including low-rise studios,
gymnasiums, amphitheaters and swimming pools
b) Ball courts, race tracks, and similar uses
c) Memorials, monuments, kiosks, and other park structures
d) Pocket parks, gardens, parklets, promenades, plazas, playing fields and playgrounds
e) Resorts areas, e.g., beaches, including accessory uses
f) Sports clubs
g) Underground parking structures/facilities
h) Linear parks planted with shade trees
i) Mini-forest and tree groves
j) Cockpits
1) They shall be located in parks and recreation zones, and shall be at least two hundred
meters (200 m.) distant from the nearest residence or institutional use.
2) Adequate parking space and loading and unloading areas capable of accommodating
the maximum expected number of aficionados and spectators during major derbies
shall be provided.
3) The applicants shall have the duty of maintaining the premises in sanitary condition.
4) Other pertinent laws, rules and regulations of the national and local government shall
be complied with.

SECTION 16. AGRICULTURAL ZONE (AGZ). In the AG Zone, the following uses are permitted:

a) Cultivation, raising and growing of staple crops such as rice, corn, camote, cassava, and
the like
b) Growing of warm and temperate vegetables, mushrooms, and annual cash crops like
tobacco, ginger, pepper, pineapple, mongo, melons, singkamas, etc.
c) Mushroom culture, fishing and fish culture, snake culture, crocodile farming, monkey
raising, and the like
d) Customary support facilities such as palay dryers, rice threshers, storage barns, and
e) Ancillary dwelling units/farm houses for tillers and laborers
f) Agricultural research and experimentation facilities such as breeding stations, fish farms,
demonstration farms, etc.
g) Pastoral activities such as goat raising and cattle fattening
h) Home occupation for the practice of one’s profession or engaging in home business such
as dressmaking, tailoring, baking, running a sari-sari store and the like, provided that:
1. The number of persons engaged in such business/industry shall not exceed five (5),
inclusive of the owner;
2. There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building premises;
3. No home occupation shall be conducted in any customary accessory uses cited
4. No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volume than would
normally be expected in a residential neighborhood and any need for parking
generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall be met off the street in a
place other than the required front yard; and
5. No equipment or process shall be used in such occupation which creates noise,
vibration, glare, fumes, odors and electrical interference detectable to the normal

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 42

senses and visual or audible interference in any radio or television receiver or causes
fluctuations in line voltage off the premises.
i) Home industry classified as cottage industry, e.g., mat weaving, pottery making, food
preservation, etc. provided that:
1. Such home industry shall not occupy more than thirty percent (30%) of floor area of
the dwelling unit. There shall be no change or alteration in the outside appearance of
the dwelling unit and shall not be a hazard or nuisance;
2. Allotted capitalization shall not exceed the capitalization as set by the Department of
Trade and Industry (DTI); and
3. Such shall consider same provisions as enumerated in numbers 3, 4, and 5 of Home
Occupation, this section.
j) Backyard raising of livestock and fowl, provided that:
1. For livestock- a maximum of 10 heads
2. For fowl- a maximum of 500 birds
k) Slaughterhouses/Abattoirs (Class A)
1. Class “A” abattoirs/slaughterhouses are those with facilities and procedures of
minimum adequacy that the livestock and fowls slaughtered therein are suitable for
distribution and sale only within the city or municipality where the slaughterhouse is
2. Such shall consider same provisions as enumerated in numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5 of
Section 10- Use Regulations in Heavy Industrial Zone (I-3).
l) CARP-covered agricultural lands which includes:
1. CARP covered agricultural lands with Certificate of Land Ownership Awards (CLOAs)
already distributed to twenty three (23) Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries consisting of
17.7502 hectares.
2. Landholdings included in the Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) CARPER
Balance totaling estimated at around 308.7096 hectares gross area per title, with
298.0965 hectares CARPable portion as of March 2011.
m) Agriculture lands covered by DAR AO No. 02, Series of 2002, Section 4, which provides
that irrigated and irrigable lands are non-negotiable for conversion to other uses.
n) Private lands devoted to or suitable to agriculture regardless of agricultural products raised
or that can be raised therein (Section 4 of RA 6657 as Amended by Section 3 of RA 9700
specifically paragraph d).

development uses or activities shall be allowed unless in accordance with the Forestry Reform Code of the
Philippines (P.D.705 as amended by LOI 1260), pertinent regulations of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR), and the Comprehensive Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape
Management Plan (CUMRBLMP):

a) Orchard/agroforestry, silviculture/timber production, grazing/pasture and forest products

gathering, with these activities to be effected through any of the following schemes:
1) Contract Reforestation with ForestLand Management Agreement (FLMA)
2) Industrial Forest Plantation (IFP) (formerly Industrial Tree Plantation) with Industrial Forest
Management Agreement (IFMA)
3) Integrated Social Forestry Management (ISF) with Certificate of Stewardship Contract

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 43

4) Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) with Community-Based Forest
Management Agreement (CBFMA)
5) PrivateForestPlantation Development (PFPD) with PrivateForest Development Agreement
6) Pasture Development with Pasture Lease Agreement (PLA)
b) Access roads and foot trails, Small Water impounding Structure (SWIS), water reservoir/water
system, and other infrastructure necessary to facilitate the above activities.
c) Infrastructure and resettlement undertaken within the forest zone shall be consistent with the
provisions of the Forestry Reform Code and subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA), prior to the approval of such project in order to determine their environmental impacts
and social acceptability.

SECTION 18. USE REGULATIONS IN WATER ZONE (WZ). In the Water Zone which refers to the
rivers, creeks and ponds, the following regulations shall be observed.

a) The utilization of water resources for domestic and industrial use shall be allowed provided it is
in consonance with the development regulations of DENR, provisions of the Water Code, and
the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines, as amended, and provided further, that it is
subjected to Environmental Impact Assessment prior to the approval of its use.

b) Other uses such as recreation, tourism, fishing and related activities, floatage/transportation
and mining shall also be allowed provided it is in consonance with the provisions of the Water
Code, and the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines, as amended.

SECTION 19. USE REGULATIONS IN BUFFER ZONE (BZ).The Buffer Zone refers to yards,
parks or open spaces intended to separate incompatible elements or uses to control pollution/nuisance and
for identifying and defining development areas or zones where no permanent structures are allowed.

areas used as public and private cemeteries and memorial parks.



SECTION 1. DEVELOPMENT DENSITY. Permitted density shall be based on the zones’ capacity
to support development.

a) Residential Zones
1) Medium density residential zone (R-2) – In R-2 zone, allowed density is twenty-one to
sixty-five (21 to 65) dwelling units per hectare

b) Residential-Mixed Use Zones

1) High density residential – mixed use zone (R-3-MUZ) – R-3-MU zone, allowed density is
sixty-six (66) or more dwelling units per hectare.

c) All other zones

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 44

There is no fixed maximum density but should be based on the planned absolute level of
density that is intended for each concerned zone based on the comprehensive land use plan.

SECTION 2. HEIGHT REGULATIONS. Building height must conform to the height restrictions and
requirements of the Air Transportation Office (ATO), as well as the requirements of the National Building
Code, the Structural Code a well as all laws, ordinances, design standards, rules and regulations related to
land development and building construction and the various safety codes.

a) Residential zones
1) Medium density residential zones (R-2)- In R-2 Zones, no building or structure for human
occupancy whether public or private shall be higher than twelve (12) meters above highest
natural grade line in the property or front sidewalk (main entry) level; mid-rise dwellings are
four to seven stories.

b) Residential Mixed Use Zones

1) High density residential – mixed use zone (R-3-MUZ)- in R-3-MU zone, high rise units of
eight or more stories are allowed provided it conforms with the zone’s prescribed floor area
ratio (FAR). The FAR of an R-3-MU zone shall be based on the density of development
intended for the zone.

c) All other zones

There is no fixed building height limits except those prescribed by the Air Transportation Office
(ATO) and other government regulations. Within these zones, building heights shall be based
on the prescribed floor area ratio (FAR).


from the imposition of height regulations in residential and mixed use zones are the following: towers,
church steeples, water tanks and other utilities and such other structures not covered by the height
regulations of the National Building Code and/or The Air Transportation Office.

SECTION 4. AREA REGULATIONS. Area regulations in all zones shall conform with the minimum
requirements of the existing codes, such as:

a). P.D. 957 – the “Subdivision and Condominium Buyers’ Protective Law” and its revised
implementing rules and regulations.
b) B.P. 220- “Promulgation of Different Levels of Standards and Technical Requirements for
Economic and Socialized Housing Projects” and its revised implementing rules and regulations.
c) P.D. 1096 – NationalBuilding Code
d) Fire Code
e) Sanitation Code
f) Plumbing Code
g) Structural Code
h) Executive Order No. 648
i) Other relevant guidelines promulgated by the national agencies concerned

SECTION 5. ROAD SETBACK REGULATIONS.The following road setback regulations shall be


Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 45

Major Thoroughfare 30m Secondary Tertiary Road
Zoning Classification and above Road 6m and below
Diversion/Railways Provincial Municipal/Barangay
Residential 10m 10m 3m
Commercial 20m 10m 7m
Industrial 30m 25m 10m
Agricultural 20m 20m 7m
Institutional 20m 20m 10m
Parks and Recreation 10m 10m 3m
Forest 30m 25m 10m
Source : DPWH

SECTION 6. EASEMENT. Pursuant to the provisions of the Water Code:

a) The banks of rivers and streams and the shores of the seas and lakes throughout their entire
length and within a zone of three (3) meters in urban areas, twenty (20) meters in agricultural
areas, and forty (40) meters in forest areas, along their margins, are subject to easement of
public use in the interest of recreation, navigation, float age, fishing and salvage. No person
shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer than what is necessary for space or recreation,
navigation, floatage or salvage or to build structures of any kind.
b) Mandatory five-meter easement on both sides of the Marikina fault traces and such other fault
traces on the ground identified by PHIVOLCS.

SECTION 7. BUFFER REGULATIONS.A buffer of a least 3 meters shall be provided along the
entire boundary length between two or more conflicting zones allocating a minimum of 1.5 meters from
each side of the district boundary. Such buffer strip should be open and not encroached upon by any
building or structure and should be part of the yard or open space.


stipulated in the National Building Code (P.D. 1096) as amended thereto relevant to traffic generators,
advertising and business signs, erection of more than one principal structure, dwelling or rear lots, access
yard requirements and dwelling groups, which are not in conflict with the provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance, shall be observed.

Corporation’s transmission right-of-way may be utilized for agricultural purposes such as planting of crops
or plants, the height or which shall not exceed three (3) meters high.

Roads or open space within the right-of-way of the transmission line may be constructed with prior
clearance from the National Power Corporation. The NPC clearance is secured to determine the proper
ground-to-conductor safety clearance.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 46

For public safety, construction of houses and buildings, of whatever nature is strictly prohibited
within the right-of-way of the transmission line.

The transmission line of right-of-way varies in accordance with line voltage and with equal distance
measured from the centerline as follows:

Transmission Line Voltage Total Width of Right-of-Way in Meters

24/30 meters
115 KV (12/15 meters from the centerline on both sides)
30/40 Meters
230 KV (15/20 meters from centerline on both sides)
65 meters
500 KV (32.5 meters from the centerline on both sides)


OF THE MUNICIPALITY. Proposed developments such as residential and commercial condominiums,
residential, industrial, and commercial subdivisions, memorial parks, major tourism and recreational
facilities, training convention centers, educational institutions, and major infrastructure projects initiated
either by the private sector or the government such as flyovers, roads and bridges to be located within
critical areas as defined under Proclamation 2146 (Proclaiming Certain Areas and Types of Projects as
Environmentally Critical and Within the Scope of the Environmental Impact Statement System Established
under P.D. 1586) shall secure and submit to the local government of San Mateo an Environmental
Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the said
projects (Annex C.)

An ECC may be required by the local government of San Mateo, as it deems necessary, for other
projects to be located within critical areas not listed above.

The ECC shall contain therein a provision on the geo-technical viability of the location or site for the
proposed project. In the absence of such provision, the project proponent shall secure a geo-technical
clearance from the Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau.

The local government of San Mateo, through its Zoning Office, may impose other requirements it
deems necessary to ensure the safety and general welfare of the population residing within or adjacent to
the project location in question. These requirements shall cover new constructions as well as old built-lup
areas where signs of natural hazards are observed to exist.



SECTION 1. INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUES OR DESIGNS. For projects that introduce flexibility

and creativity in design or plan such as but not limited to Planned Unit Development, housing projects
covered by NewTown Development under R.A. 7279, BLISS Commercial Complexes, etc., the Zoning

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 47

Officer shall on grounds of innovative development techniques forward applications to HLRB for
appropriated action, unless the local government unit convened has the capacity to process the same.




Board as projects of national significance pursuant to Section 3 of E.O. 72. When a project is declared by
the NEDA Board as a project of national significance, the Locational Clearance shall be issued by HLRB
pursuant to E.O. 72.


issuance of Locational Clearance under Section 1. Article XI of this Ordinance, no environmentally critical
projects nor projects located in environmentally critical areas shall be commenced, developed or operated
unless the requirements of ECC have been complied with.

SECTION 3. SUBDIVISION PROJECTS. All owners and/or developers of subdivision projects

shall, in addition to securing a Locational Clearance under Section 1, Article XI of this Ordinance, be
required to secure a Development Permit pursuant to provisions of P.D. 957 and its implementing rules and
regulations or B.P. 220 and its implementing rules and regulations in the case of socialized housing
projects in accordance with the procedures laid down in E.O. 71, Series of 1993.



SECTION 1. DEVIATION Exceptions, variances or deviations from the provisions of this

Ordinance may be allowed by the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA) only when the
following terms and conditions are existing.
a) Variances

The property is unique and different from other properties in the adjacent locality and because of it
sequences, the owners/cannot obtain a reasonable return on the property.

This condition shall include at least three (3) of the following provisions:

 Conforming to the provisions of the Ordinance will cause undue hardship on the part of the owner
or occupant of the property due to physical conditions of the property (topography, shape, etc.)
which is not self-created.
 The proposed variance is the minimum deviation necessary to permit reasonable use of the
 The variance will not alter the physical character of the district or zone where the property for which
the variance is sought is located, and will not substantially or permanently injure the use of the
other properties in the same district of zone.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 48

 That the variance will not adversely affect public health, safety or welfare.
 The variance will be in harmony with the spirit of this Ordinance.

b) Exceptions
1) The exception will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare and is in
keeping with the general pattern of development in the community.
2) The proposed project shall support economic-based activities/provide livelihood,vital
community services and facilities while at the same time posing no adverse effect on the
3) The exception will not adversely affect the appropriate use of adjoin property in the same
4) The exception will not alter the essential character and general purposes of the district
where the exception south is located.

granting of exception and/or variance is as follows:

a. A written application for an exception or variance shall be filed with Local Zoning Board of
Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA), citing the section of this Ordinance under which the same is
sought and stating the ground/s thereof.
b. Upon filing of application, a visible project sign (indicating the name and nature of the proposed
project) shall be posted at the project site.
c. The local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall conduct preliminary studies on the
d. A written affidavit of non-objection of the project by the owners of the propertiesadjacent to the
project shall be filed by the applicant with the LZBAA at least fifteen (15 days) prior to the
decision for exception/variance. Adjacent pro9perties refer to lands/properties immediately
abutting the proposed project location as shown in Annex D.
e. In case of objection, the LZBAA shall hold a public hearing.
f. At the hearing, any party may appear in person, or be represented by agent/s. All interested
parties shall be accorded the opportunity to e heard and present evidence and testimonies.
g. The LZBAA shall render a decision within thirty(30) days from the filing of the application,
exclusive of the time spent for the preparation of written affidavit of non-objection and the
public hearing in case of any objection to the granting of exception/variance.



SECTION 1. LOCATIONAL CLEARANCE. All owners/developers shall secure a Locational

Clearance from the Zoning Officer or, in case of variances and exemptions, from the Local Zoning Board of
Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA) prior to conducting any activity or construction on their property/land.

SECTION 2. BUILDING PERMIT. No building permit shall be issued by the local Building Officer
without a valid Locational Clearance in accordance with this Ordinance.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 49

SECTION 3. NON-USER OF LOCATIONAL CLEARANCE. Upon issuance of a Locational
Clearance, the grantee hereof shall have oneyear within which to commence or undertake the use, activity
or development covered by such clearance on his property. Non-use of said clearance within said period
shall result in its automatic expiration and cancellation and the grantee shall not proceed with his project
without applying for a new clearance.

SECTION 4. CERTIFICATE OF NON-CONFORMANCE. A Certificate of Non-Conformance shall

be applied for by the owner of the structure or operator of the activity involved within six (6) months from
the ratification of the Zoning Ordinance by the Sangguniang Bayan (SB) and the
SangguniangPanlalawigan. Failure on the part of the owner to register/apply for a Certificate of Non-
Conformance shall be considered in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and is subject to fines/penalties.


building, structure or land at the time of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance may be continued,
although such uses do not conform to the provision of this Ordinance, provided:

a) That no such non-conforming use shall be enlarged or extended to occupy a greater area of
land than already occupied by such use at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance or moved
in whole or in part, to any other portion of the lot or parcel of land where such non-conforming
use exists at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance.

b) That no such non-conforming use which has ceased operation for more than one (1) year be
again revived as non-conforming use.

c) An idle/vacant structuremay not be used for non-conforming activity.

d) That any non-conforming structure, or structures under one ownership which has been
damaged may be reconstructed and used as before, provided that such reconstruction is not
more than fifty percent (50%) of the replacement cost.

That should such non-conforming portion of structure be destroyed by any means to an extent
of more than fifty percent (50%) of its replacement cost at the time of destruction, it shall not be
reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance.

e) That no such non-conforming structure may be moved to displaced any conforming use.

f) That no such non-conforming structure may be enlargedor altered in a way which increases its
non-conformity, but any structure or portion thereof may be altered to decrease its non-

g) That should such structure be moved for any reason to whatever distance, it shall therefore
conform to the regulations of the district in which it is moved or relocated.

h) The owner of a non-conforming use shall program the phase out and relocation of the non-
conforming use within ten (10) years from the effectivity of the Ordinance.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 50

i) All non-conforming uses duly covered by Locational Clearances at the time of the adoption of
this Ordinance shall be allowed to exist subject to conditions a – g of this Section.


shall be enforced and administered by the local chief executive through the Zoning Officer who shall be
appointed by the former in accordance with existing rules and regulations on the subject.


E.O. 72 implementing RA 7160 in relation to Section 5, Paragraphs a and d, and Section 7 of E.O. No. 648
dated 07 February 1981, the Zoning Officer shall perform the following functions, duties and

a) Enforcement

1) Act on all applications for Locational Clearances for all projects, to wit:
a) Issuance of Locational Clearance for projects conforming with this Zoning Ordinance;
b) Recommend to the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA) the grant
or denial of applications for variances and exemptions and the issuance of Certificate
of Non-conformance for non-conforming projects lawfully existing at the time of the
adoption of the Zoning Ordinance, including clearance for repairs/renovations on non-
conforming uses consistent with the guidelines therefore.
2) Monitor on-going/existing projects within their respective jurisdictions and issue notices of
violation and show cause order to owners, developers, or managers of projects that are
violative of the Zoning Ordinance and if, necessary, pursuant to Section 3 of E.O. 72 and
Section 2 of E.O. 71 refer subsequent actions thereon to the HLRB.
3) Call and coordinate with the Philippine National Police for enforcement of all orders and
processes issued in the implementation of this Ordinance.
4) Coordinate with the Municipal Attorney for other legal actions remedies relative to the

b) Planning

1) Coordinate with the Regional Office of the HLRB regarding proposed amendments to the
Zoning Ordinance prior to adoption by the Sangguniang Bayan and the


and effective implementation of the municipality’s Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance, the Municipal
Planning and Development Coordinator shall concurrently assume the position of Zoning Officer and
perform his aforementioned functions.

SECTION 9. ACTION ON COMPLAINTS AND OPPOSITIONS. A complaint for violations of any

provision of the Zoning Ordinance or any clearance or permits issued pursuant thereto shall be filed with
the LZBAA.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 51

However, oppositions to application for clearance, variance or exception shall be treated as a
complaint and dealt with in accordance with the provision of this section.


ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS. There is hereby created a LZBAA which shall perform the following
functions and responsibilities:

a) Act on applications of the following nature:

1. Variances
2. Exemptions
3. Non-conforming Uses
4. Complaints and opposition to application
b) Act on appeals on grant or denial of Locational Clearance by the Zoning Officer.
Decisions of the Local Zoning Board and Adjustment and Appeals shall be appealable to the


APPEALS (LZBAA) The Municipal Development Council shall create a sub-committee which shall act as
the LZBAA composed the following members.

a) Municipal Mayor as Chairman

b) Municipal Legal Officer
c) Municipal Assessor
d) Municipal Engineer
e) Municipal Planning & Development Coordinator (if other than the Zoning Officer).
f) Two (2) representatives of the private sector, nominated by their respective organizations and
confirmed by the Municipal Mayor. In the event of non-availability of any of the officials
enumerated above, the Sangguniang Bayan shall elect the number of its members as may be
necessary to meet the total number above set forth, as representatives.

For purposes of policy coordination, said committee shall be attached to the Municipal
Development Council.

SECTION 12. INTERIM PROVISION. Until such time that the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment
and Appeals shall have been constituted, the HLRB shall act as the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and
Appeals. As an appellate Board, the HLRB shall adopt its own rules of procedures to govern the conduct of
appeals arising from the administration and enforcement of this Ordinance.

SECTION 13. REVIEW OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. The Municipal Development Council
shall create a sub-committee, the Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC), that shall review the Zoning
Ordinance considering the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, as the need arises, based on the following

a) Change in local development plans

b) Introduction of projects of national significance
c) Petition for rezoning
d) Other reasons which are appropriate for consideration

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 52

Local Zoning Review Committee shall be composed of sectoral experts.

These are the Local Officials /Civic Leaders responsible for the operation, development and
progress of all sectoral undertakings in the locality, e.g.

a) Municipal Planning & Development Coordinator

b) Municipal Health Officer
c) Municipal Agriculturist
d) President, Association of Barangay Captains
e) Municipal Engineer
f) Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer
g) DistrictSchool Supervisor
h) Two (2) Private Representatives (Local Chamber of Commerce and Housing Industry)
i) Two (2) NGO Representatives

For purposes of policy and program coordination, the LZRC shall be attached to the Municipal
Development Council.

Review Committee shall have the following powers and functions:

a) Review the Zoning Ordinance for the following purposes:

1) Determined amendments or revisions necessary in the Zoning Ordinance because of the

changes that might have been introduced in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
2) Determine changes to be introduced in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan in the light of
permits given, and exceptions and variances granted.
3) Identify provisions of the Ordinance difficult to enforce or are unworkable.
b) Recommend to the Sangguniang Bayan necessary legislative amendments and to the local
planning and development staff the needed changes in the plan as a result of the review
c) Provide information to the HLRB that would be useful in the exercise of its functions.


Ordinance as a result of the review by the Local Zoning Review Committee shall be treated as
amendments, provided that any amendment to the Zoning Ordinance or provisions thereof shall be carried
out through an ordinanceof three-fourths vote of all the members of the Sangguniang Bayan. Said
amendments shall take effect only after approval and authentication by the SangguniangPanlalawigan.

SECTON 17. VIOLATION AND PENALTY. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this
Ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding P2,500.00 or an imprisonment for
a period not exceeding six (6) months or both at the discretion of the Court. In case of violation by a
corporation, partnership or association, the penalty shall be imposed upon the erring officers thereof.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 53

Ordinance shall be without prejudice to the applications of other laws, presidential decrees, letter of
instructions and other executive or administrative orders vesting national agencies with jurisdiction over
specific land areas, which shall remain in force and effect, provided that land use decisions of the national
agencies concerned shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the locality.

SECTION 19. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. Should any section or provisions of this Ordinance be
declared by the Courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the
Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid.

SECTION 20. REPEALING CLAUSE.All ordinances, rules or regulations in conflict with the
provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, that the rights that are vested upon the
effectivity of this Ordinance shall not be impaired.

SECTION 21. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon approval.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Page 54



R-2 - Medium – Density Residential Zone: Characterized mainly by a combination of low- and
medium-size dwellings consisting of duplexes, row-houses and apartments with the usual
community ancillary uses on a neighborhood scale having a density of 21 to 65 dwelling units
per hectare.

SHZ -Socialized Housing Zone: Principally used for socialized housing/dwelling purposes for the
underprivileged and homeless as defined in RA 7279 and in the Local Shelter Plan.


R-3-MUZ Medium Density Residential – Mixed Use Zone: Characterized by mixed use and high-
density residential area having 66 or more dwelling units per hectare or by mixed housing
types and high-density and high-rise dwellings with more than the usual community ancillary
uses serving also the outlying areas, increasingly commercial in scale.


C-1-MUZ – Minor Commercial-Mixed Use Area: Characterized by quasi-commercial and residential

developments engaged in retail trade and service industries performing
complementary/supplementary functions to the major commercial area, as well as residential
establishments, mainly highly density, with exception of ecologically, health-and safety-
sensitive activities.

C-2-MUZ – Major Commercial-Mixed Use Area: Characterized by medium density mixed use and
commercial development, allowing for a wider range of business activities and service

C-2- Major Commercial Area: Characterized by Commercial development either engaged in retail
and wholesale trade, professional, financing and related services ad recreational industries
forming the Central Business District (CBD).


I-2 - Medium Industrial Zone: Covers Industries which are classified as non-pollutive/non-
hazardous (NP/NH), non-pollutive/hazardous (NP/H), pollutive/non-hazardous (P/NH) and
pollutive/hazardous (P/H) manufacturing and processing establishments.


IRZ- Institutional Research Zone: Areas that will include institutional research facilities support for
agriculture, forestry and water management. These consist of scientific and academic centers
and research facilities related to agriculture, forestry and water management.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Annex B Page1

GIZ- General Institutional Zone: Characterized by concentration of government offices, educational
and health facilities, cultural, civic and religious structures on a local, provincial, regional or
national scale and other isolated institutional structures supplementary to the functions of
major institutional districts ordinarily on a local scale.

SIZ- General Institutional Zone: Characterized by particular types of institutional establishments

governed by specialized regulations.


SUDZ- Special Urban Development Zone: Areas that are governed by certain conditions and
regulations to control physical development.

SRZ- Special Reserved Zone: Areas that are reserved for facilities for Research, Testing and
Development concerning quality of life, environment, health and wellness, soil, food, air,
water, waste management, pollution, energy, mobility and transportation, and anything related
to preservation, regeneration, enhancement, protection, conservation, and other activities
necessary in sustaining the quality of life.


PRZ – Parks and Recreation Zone: Spaces designed for recreational pursuits and for the
maintenance of ecological balance of the community. These consist of parks and playgrounds,
zoos, outdoor sports facilities, botanical gardens, community plazas, and linear park-cum-


AGZ –AGRICULTURAL ZONE–Areas that can be used for growing staple crops like rice, corn,
cassava, tubers as well as cash crops like vegetables and legumes. They can also be used
for pastoral activities and are designated as a Strategic Agricultural and Fisheries
Development Zone.


FZ– Forest Zone: Covers areas that are devoted to multiple uses such as agro-forestry, orchards,
silviculture, grazing, tourism and recreation activities, fishing, infrastructure development, and
resettlement. This zone should be subjected to the development regulations for forest zones
drawn up by the DENRwhich observe the sustainable development principle and should
comply with the provisions of the Comprehensive Upper Marikina River Basin Protected
Landscape Management Plan (CUMRBLMP).


WZ – WATER ZONE: Bodies of water within the municipality which include rivers, streams, creeks,
ponds, canals, reservoirs, and other water impounding systems.

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Annex B Page2


BZ – BUFFER ZONE: Refers to yards, parks or open spaces intended to separate incompatible
elements or uses to control pollution/nuisance and for identifying and defining development
areas or zones where no permanent structures are allowed.

CZ – CEMETERY ZONE: Refers to areas used as public and private cemeteries and memorial

Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Annex B Page3


Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of San Mateo Annex C

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