Series : EABA€ SET-4
QP. Code 351
baie ster wana ae a sage
Roll No. rem we ara feet |
Candidates must write the Q.P. Code
on the title page of the answer-book.
par sta ar ai fs va ea Bafa GS 8 FI
sr i arfea ara ot sik Req e eta Sls SI Ora Te-yfermT HE-ges we FS |
paar sifa ax oi fis ga wera 25 wea 2 |
pee ea a oe PROT YS He A Ue, Fee af He a sets ores Fe |
we wera al aga & fore 15 frre ar ama fear ra @ | eva aT fare Yate A 10.15 aa
fen SIT | 10.15 FF 4 10.30 FA TH OH Hae wea BI FS oi ge ora H dh |
Set -Gferer HIS Se ae fra |
Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages.
QP. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written
on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate
Please check that this question paper contains 25 questions
Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book
before attempting it.
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 am. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 am, the
{candidates will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on
{the answer-book during this period. *
pcan ann AGE ARCA RE AGEING an |
a3 TRA tM
Arattta ara: Va Tee ETT FE + 30
Time allowed : 1% hours Maximum Marks : 30
351 Page 1 P.T.O.ose
arava freer:
(i) pra fies at ears a ae 1
(ii) FeveIIT 03 Get H fenttard 8, srata s-v, GS-A 3 TEA |
(iii) @S-COS arat wr 2 ait sae TTT BITC HOG FTE I
(B) WET TEM L TA TH Wes aT H MEF B | Fase at ahha WEA I Te GTA |
(@) RT AOS BIR 6 Bates H V7 S | Pea eas TET BT TR Shwe |
(iv) GE A17 stator é sit gam fava fafire wire Te 16 WET e |
(%) WET AGA T 1S TH We HHH WH w | aE Uh IT BHAT |
(@) HRT AGATA B18 a5 A 3a H 84 B | aI ea wea HIE |
(1) ¥e4 HEAT 19 B22 ae cha ate % 24 B | BIS a TET NAT |
(ve) Gs a 08 ater ara sik sat 08 Tera sree TET e |
PHM 23 425 5 IR sim % eH B | aig ah eH BITE |
(vi) afta separ F Re 7e Agent & sree wt |
(vii) sirafea are6h a1 TerhG W SPAT / Ter a TA fe TAT BL
as -U (8+ 2=5 sim)
fear 04 saat Ha fare 08 weal sar difsre | 1x3
af era tal & am ferflae, | 1
‘afer Fi aoid um fasta ferftae | 1
em Sen fore feet a arent wr sects SAT | 1
aah. Ape vi farfaw 1 1
TRI TAA A Page 2Bi
General Instructions :
(Please read the instructions carefully.
(ii) This question paper is divided into 08 sections, viz., Section-A, Section-B
and Section-C.
(iii) Section A is of 05 marks and has 06 questions on Employability skills.
(a) Question numbers 1 to 4 are one mark questions., Attempt any three
(b) Question numbers 5 and 6 are two marks questions. Attempt any one
(iv) Section B is of 17 marks and has 16 questions on subject specific skills.
(a) Question numbers 7 to 13 are one mark questions, Attempt any five
(b) Question numbers 14 to 18 are two mark questions. Attempt any
three questions,
(0) Question numbers 19 to 22 are three mark questions, Attempt any
two questions.
(v) Section C is of 08 marks and has 03 competency based questions.
(a) Question numbers 28 to 25 are four marks questions. Attempt any
two questions,
(vi) Do as per the instructions given in the respective sections
(vii) Marks allotted are mentioned against each section /question.
SECTION-A (8+ 2=5 Marks)
Answer any 08 questions out of the given 04 questions. 1x3=3
1. Write names of two Greenhouse gases. 1
Write any one characteristic of entrepreneurship. 1
3. Mention any two barriers to an entrepreneur. 1
4. Write full form of CNG. 1
ou [ DVN Page 3 Pro.351
Feu 02 seat Ha fare O1 wea aT Te ifs |
erea Serrafterar zara, aM € 7 (TET) 2
ware # “sia aie” A een ere 2 2
ws - ah (5+ 6+6=17 3m)
ferme 07 saat farrdt 05 seat ser Sifsre | 1x5=5
orga a 8 wh wi Preorers & fore saat feed a are as wr are fea | 1
tities an ga sreafire a are aanfera a are qa Faas ar am fafa | 1
ara wh Hi wp Peer ae fafa | 1
sa ara Praca ar are fafiay ot wetter wort Hang % Reva 8 aera? | 1
sraftaas bt afearfira aire | 1
_araReT wore eta a al fee | 1
ute tipster A ware a are feet 3 ware aor a ferflae | 1
feu 05 wea Ha fare 03 wes ar ifsc | 2x3=6
wafer fafira sarees sree 35s fee 2
adic Al Pega ste i durtea & aed a aaergy | 2
TRI TAA A Page 410.
Answer any 01 question out of the given 02 questions. 2x1
What are the common entrepreneurial competencies ? (any four) 2
What is the role of GREEN JOBS in the society ? 2
SECTION-B (5 + 6+ 6=17 Marks)
Answer any 05 questions out of the given 07 questions. 1x5=5
Write the name of the tank which is used to remove the ice from ice cane. 1
Write the name of pressure control which operates when the pressure of
compressor becomes excessive. 1
Write the function of a filter in the air-conditioning system. 1
Write the name of pressure control which protects from the leak of air in
the air-conditioning system. 1
Define Refrigerants. 1
Write the function of a blower in the air-conditioning system, 1
Write the name of the type of relay used in a domestic refrigerator. 1
Answer any 03 questions out of the given 05 questions. 2x3=6
Write the names of various commercial applications of refrigeration, 2
Explain the function of a capacitor in an electrical motor of compressor. 2
TRI TAA A Page 5 Pro.ose
16. R-12 W R-22 % varatas am ferfar | 2
17. rae woreh Hwa SA aT et a aefiepe fore | 2
18. Stew aie quan & fore saw Geen sraseTl | ara ferftae 1 2
Feu 04 seat Ha fara 02 wea Se aifare | 3x2=6
19, eres Vanfera Ht wera B A.H.U. rage | 3
20. aria vefteres & ait a ferftae 1 3
21, data arangger wea A eae eM are sree & ara feria | 3
22, caren sifare fas Sah aaa F gu ar org tirer be fea ara ea | 3
ws — eh
feu are O38 aaa a fare 02 seat ser ferftae | 4x2=8
23, weft wore t feara apr oar cert & fain attet ot caren sia | 4
24, aTgT ear? 2 fatias walter & ea A area soa hl caren sf | 4
25. Ua afte este apr amnifind rat siete ia | 4
ou [ DVN Page 616.
Write the chemical names of R-12 and R-22. 2
Give classification of fans used in air-conditioning system. 2
Write the names of safety devices used to protect the compressor motor. 2
Answer any 02 questions out of the given 04 questions. Bx2=6
Explain A.H.U, with the help of a neat sketch. 3
Write the properties of ammonia refrigerant. 3
Write the names of components used in a central A.C. plant. 3
Explain how the pasteurization of milk is carried out in a dairy plant. 3
Answer any 02 questions out of the given 03 questions. 4x2=8
Explain the different methods of leak detection in a refrigeration system. 4
What is brine ? Explain the uses of brine as a secondary refrigerant 4
Draw the layout of a cold storage and label it. 4
TRI TAA A Page 7ou [ DVN Pages