Wireless Sensor Actor Networks
Wireless Sensor Actor Networks
Wireless Sensor Actor Networks
Energy efficiency , which cover the power conservation
and power management schemes.[11], Scalability, which is
the ability of the network protocol to manage high degree of a
network, Transmission Media, The using of the proper
transmission media depend on the application environment,
availability of suitable simple and low cost effective solutions
which can adapt to the region for monitoring and actuating
tasks[12], Environment, The environment of application
influences the nodes specification and overall the network
issues. For remotely scattered area or inaccessible locations,
nodes need to be in suitable size, media of communication and
power resources need to be fully adequate the tasks. Node
Costs, The cost of a single node must be low as possible with
efficient performance, Fault Tolerance; the WSAN should
continue flow the information in spite of some failure within
the network’s nodes.
Also, WSAN must have these extra features: Self healing,
self organizing and acceptable probability of connectivity
Figure 3. Agricultural WSAN Architecture between network nodes. To create a WSAN that has the ability
to implement several types of application, the above features
and the target application must be combined in an optimizer
One of the most important parameter with WSANs is the decision unit that optimized the frame work parameters.
life time, the network must adapt a good strategies for
minimizing the overall power consumption especially with V. AGRICULTURAL WSAN PHYSICAL ASPECTS
sensor nodes that worked within limited power supply. Thus, WSAN faces challenges within agricultural fields due to
will enable the network to work for long time and reduces the deploying of nodes for wide area and reliable link connectivity
cost of maintain nodes with new power resources. Fig. 4 within crop canopies. WSAN must have the ability to work
depicted the structural of senor/actuator node. All the node with various ranges of environments, such as open fields,
tasks managed by the microcontroller, sensors which gather orchard, with simple flat or complex topography and with
the data of the environment, the collected data forwarded to different range of weather conditions. All of these factors
the transceiver unit to be sent wirelessly to the main node. The affect the quality of the radio propagation and hence the
transceiver unit can be in ON or OFF status depending on reliability of the network [13]. In greenhouses the radio signal
controller decision. Power supply can be mainly the battery has to pass through many obstacles and the link power will
and can be combined with solar panel as a recharging source depend on crop growth and the terrain, beside, node spacing
of the batteries. The overall nodes must have the mode of and antenna height [14]. A signal power of 10 to 20dB higher
sleeping and wake up to sustain the life of the network. than the sensitive limit of the receiver is an accepted value for
link quality [14]. Atmospheric conditions are widely affects
the communication links [14] and causes of signal lost. The
Current studies surveyed shows that it is not fully effects of moisture due to humidity, precipitation and wetting
integrating all the factors driving the design of sensor actor on signal propagation must be considered. Investigate the
networks, while almost, all studies focus on optimizing one or propagation of radio signals in potato field using motes of
more issues at a time [6]. The main features of a WSAN that 433MHz has been studied by Goense and Thelen, their
must be considered when designing a network are: experimental results show that a better propagation under wet
conditions and higher relative humidity and rain provides
increased in signal strength within receiver side [15]. In
contrast, experiments carried out with 916 MHz motes showed
opposite behavior [16]. Ambient temperature affects the
battery life of nodes. Lower temperature shows that battery
life decreases and measurements in nodes become more
erroneous when power supply voltage goes below a certain
threshold [17]. Therefore, it is necessary to, as possible, to
isolate changes in battery voltage from affecting the
measurement accuracy. The density of the leaves in the crop
will change over time and will result in attenuation of the
propagate signal above the cross canopy [16-19]. When there
Figure 4. WSAN nodes (a) Actor Node, (b) Sensors Node are less leaves the message rate increases [22].
VI. AGRICULTURAL WSAN APPLICATION AREAS Remote PC monitoring system based on WSN has been
Recently, the advances in technology allow the fusion of developed by Liu et al., their system consist of a group of
wireless sensor actor networks (WSANs) with variety of sensor nodes where used to measure the light, temperature and
applications such as agriculture microclimate control, building soil wetness and a GSM module, a management software and
and home automation, and early detection of disaster, medical a PC . The whole system used to gather the information from
health monitoring, chemical and biological attack, and the sensor nodes and forward it for the PC that contains the
environmental monitoring. Wireless sensor network (WSN) analysis part [31]. RFID technology with spectral imaging
shares main application areas within WSANs. Currently there has been integrated with a remote sensing system by Yang et
is a great interesting within WSN that combine actor node al. The multi spectral imaging system was used for remote
(WSAN) for monitoring, analysis and decision making with monitoring of the canopy of cabbage seedlings. Greenhouse
variety of fields like agricultural, military, medical, humidity, temperature and lighting conditions were measured
environmental and industrial fields. The fusion of WSANs and reported to the remote base station [32]. Many other
with these applications will facilitate significantly in researchers investigates greenhouse parameters based on
automation process of sensing and acting tasks by the network sensing network of star or mesh topologies, the main aspect is
base station. An overview of main application areas for which to monitor and management of the environment within the
WSANs are proposed, is stated below: greenhouse to enhance the productivity and control the
The sensing of parameters change and hence controlling it, diseases spreading within the crops [33].
is one of the crucial task of agriculture applications which is WSAN for agricultural field and greenhouse is the most
to be implemented with a wireless sensor actor network which advances in the development of the monitoring system carried
that includes variety types of controlling and sensing tasks by normal WSN to a system that can react to environment
such as ventilation, heating, CO2, dew point and many other changes and offer a control and adjusting on the environment
parameters that affects the crops. Irrigation and nutrition parameters through using of dedicated devices which
systems of crops have to sense the environment of crops connected to actor nodes. The network of sensing and actor
precisely in order to conclude a true decision for actor nodes nodes provides a complete solution for crops monitoring and
that actuate these systems. Studying of the agricultures environment control.
environment for a specified application must be provided VII. RELEVANT WSAN APPLICATIONS
within WSAN to conclude the optimal solution for the WSAN
design [20-22]. The fusion of WSAN in precision agriculture WSAN has been emerged also in many other applications
leads to increase productivity, efficiency and profitability. and the adopting of this technology has been widely increased
The real time monitoring and acting will help in fully during recent years. The early prediction of natural disasters
analyzing and controlling of the crops due to tuning of such as floods and earthquake will help in limits its affects.
environment parameters that affects crop growth inside a Security and surveillance application implemented within
greenhouse. The immediate information gathered from the network of sensor and actor nodes provides real time
fields will provide a solid database for planters to adjust their monitoring and protecting systems that provide valuable help.
strategies at any time based on immediate sensed data of the Also Structural and eruptions of volcano are relevant
crops [23]. Applications like plant monitoring, irrigation and application of environment protection and control. Therefore
climate control are easier to implement with the WSAN [24- these applications require real-time monitoring acting
26]. One of the most important applications of agricultural technologies. Hence, environment monitoring for emergency
WSAN is the automation of greenhouse environment. WSAN services is a typical domain which can benefit from networked
which combines two types of nodes of sensing and actuating tiny sensors and actor node that build sensing and controlling
are essential for greenhouse monitoring and control. Crop aids [34]. Health monitoring applications [35][36] using WSN
conditions inside the greenhouse such as dew point, climate can improve the existing health care and patient monitoring.
and soil wetness do not depend on natural factors. Thus, the Patients and disabled people have crucial neediness for
implementation of such monitoring and control network is WSANs to assist them through monitoring, warning and
easier than outdoor applications. The earliest application of acting systems. Medical health care concerns with a remote
WSN in a greenhouse was reported in the year 2003 using monitoring of human physiological data, tracking and
Bluetooth technology [27]. A distributed greenhouse system monitoring of doctors and patients inside a hospital beside
for monitoring and controlling using Zigbee has been drug administrator to achieve flexible and efficient health care
presented by Gonda and Cugnasca [28]. Yoo et al. Show the and system in hospitals [37]. Recently there are increased
results of real implementation of WSN to monitor and control demands for home automation applications. Controlling lights,
the melon and cabbage crops. Their experimental work done washing machine, electric consumption, heating system and
with melon and cabbage [29]. A network of sensor developed monitor a sleeping baby. Nowadays, Home power controlling
by Lea-Cox et al. which measure the temperature , electrical through acting on full controlling of power within the home or
conductivity , substrate water leaf wetness and daily building is highly recommended and supported by many
photosynthetic radiation in real time. Their works produce developers and researchers. Smart homes have the capacity to
more benefits in terms of enhance plant growth and reduction acquire and apply knowledge about human surroundings and
of disease problems [30]. adapt it in order to improve human experience. Real time
relative positioning system is one of the most important of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on
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any moving or static objects. According to that movement and 2003; pp. 1350-1355.
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Using of current WSN topologies, protocols with modified International Conference on Mechtronic and
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