Electrical Test Equipment

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Electrical Test Equipment

A device or instrument that is used to measure the current is called the ammeter.
The unit of the current is ampere. So this device measures the current flow in ampere is
named as an ammeter or ampere meter. The internal resistance of this device is ‘0’
however in practical; it has some amount of internal resistance. The measuring range of
this device mainly depends on the resistance value.

Figure 23: Ammeter

Operating Principle
The working principle of an ammeter mainly depends on resistance as well as
reactance. This device includes extremely less impedance because it must include less
amount of voltage drop across it. It is connected in series because the flow of current
within the series circuit is the same. The main function of this device is to measure the
flow of current with the help of a set of coils. These coils have very low resistance &
inductive reactance.

Ammeter Circuit Diagram

The construction of ammeter can be done in two ways like series and shunt. The
following circuit represents the basic circuit diagram and the connection of the ammeter
circuit in series and parallel are shown below.

Once this device is connected in series in the circuit, and then the total
measuring current will flow through the meter. Figure So the25:loss
Schematic diagram
of power occurs within
Figure 24:due to theirdiagram
Schematic internalammeter ammeter connecting in parallel
resistance & the measuring current. This circuit includes
less resistance
connecting so less voltage drop will occur within the circuit.
in series
The resistance of this device is kept small due to the reasons like the total
measuring current will flow throughout the ammeter and less voltage drop will occur
across the device.
When the high current flows through this device, the internal circuit of the device
will be damaged. To overcome this problem in the circuit, the shunt resistance can be
connected within parallel to the ammeter. If the huge measuring current supplies
throughout the circuit, the main current will pass throughout the shunt resistance. This
resistance will not have an effect on the function of a device.


The applications of ammeter include the following.

1. The applications of this device will range from the schools to industries.
2. These are used to measure the current flow in the buildings to ensure that the flow is
not too low or too high.
3. It is used in manufacturing and instrumentation companies to check the functionality
of the devices
4. It is used with a thermocouple to check the temperature.
5. Electricians frequently use these devices to check the faults of the circuits in the
1. Always turned off the power before connecting ammeter to a circuit.
2. An analog ammeter must never be connected in parallel with any of the circuit
components. if connected in parallel, the fuse in the ammeter will blow and may
seriously damage the meter or the circuit. also, never connect an ammeter directly to a
voltage source. If an analog voltmeter is connected in series with a circuit, a large
current can flow through the meter and might damage it.

A voltmeter is an instrument used to measure voltage or electrical potential
difference between two points in basic electric circuits. Analog voltmeters move a
pointer across a scale in proportional to the voltage of the circuit. Voltmeters may have
an accuracy of a few percent of full scale, and are used with voltages from a fraction of
a volt to several thousand volts.

Figure 26: Voltmeter

Operating Principle
Voltmeter works on the principle of Ohm’s law, which states that the voltage
across a resistance is directly proportional to the current passing through it. In order to
implement it in real time, we form the construction of a galvanometer, such that a coil is
suspended in a magnetic field.
We know that the current passing through the circuit also passes through the coil
and the needle that is attached to the coil which deflects on the reading scale moves,
and the movement of the needle is directly proportional to the current passing through it.
This construction is shown in the figure below:

Figure 27: current passing through the


In orders to convert this ammeter into a galvanometer, we attach a large

resistance in series with the coil of the galvanometer. This resistor acts to minimize the
coil interference with the circuit. Since according to ohms law the voltage is directly
proportional to the resistance, so the voltage consumed by the galvanometer is
minimized and a very accurate voltage drop across the circuit is measured.

Figure 28: Ammeter to

galvanometer diagram Figure 29: Measuring resistor using
Voltmeters are one of the most widely used measuring devices especially in
circuitry and hardware where very precise measurement is required.
1. They measure the voltage to ensure safety of the circuit and the components
2. They are used in circuit debugging to certify that the optimal value of the required
voltage is present and is available to each component.
3. They are used with cathode ray tubes to ensure best and accurate results.
4. They are used in laboratories for experimenting and testing purposes as well.
If an analog voltmeter is connected in series with a circuit, a large current can
flow through the meter and might damage it.

An ohmmeter can be defined as, it is one kind of electronic device mainly used
for calculating electrical resistance of a circuit, and the unit of resistance is ohm.
Electrical resistance is a calculation of how much an object resists allowing the flow of
current through it. There are different types of meters available with different sensitivity
levels such as micro, mega and milli-ohmmeters. The micro-ohmmeter is used for
calculating very low resistances with high precision at specific test currents, and this
ohmmeter is used in bonding contact applications.

Figure 30: Ohmmeter

Operating Principle

The working principle of ohmmeter is, it comprises of a needle and two test
leads. The needle deflection can be controlled with the battery current. Initially, the two
test leads of the meter can be shorted together to calculate the resistance of
an electrical circuit. Once the two leads of the meter are shorted, then the meter can be
changed for appropriate action in a fixed range. The needle comes back to the highest
point on the meter scale, and the current in the meter will be highest. An ohmmeter
circuit diagram is shown below.

Figure 31: Working principle of ohmmeter

Once the testing of the circuit is done then the test leads of the meter must be
detached. Once the two test leads of the meter are connected to the circuit then the
battery gets discharged. When the test leads get shorted then the rheostat will be
adjusted. The meter needle can be reached to the lowest position that is zero, and then
there will be zero resistance among the two test leads.

Types of Ohmmeter

The classification of this meter can be done based on the application in three
types namely series type ohmmeter, shunt type ohmmeter, and multi-range type
ohmmeter. The brief discussion of meters is given below.

1) Series Type Ohmmeter

In series type ohmmeter, the component which we want to measure can be
connected with the meter in series. The resistance value can be calculated through the
shunt resistor R2 using D’Arsonval movement which is connected parallel. The R2
resistance can be connected in series with the battery as well as R1 resistance. The
measuring component is connected in series by the two terminals A as well as B.

Figure 32: Series Type Ohmmeter

Whenever the measuring component value is zero then there will be a huge flow
of current through the meter. In this situation, the shunt resistance can be corrected until
the meter specifies the full-load current. For this current, the needle turns aside in the
direction of 0 ohms.
Whenever the measuring component is detached from the circuit then the circuit
resistance turns into the unlimited & flow of current in the circuit. The needle of the
meter deflects towards the infinity. The meter illustrates the infinite resistance when
there is no flow of current & the zero resistance once the huge flow of current through it.
Whenever the measuring component is connected in series with the circuit, and the
resistance of that circuit is higher, the meter needle will deflect in the direction of the left.
And if the resistance is little, then needle turn aside in the direction of right.

2) Shunt Type Ohmmeter

The connection of shunt type ohmmeter can be done whenever the calculating
component is connected in parallel with the battery. This type of circuit is used to
calculate the low-value resistance. The following circuit can be built with the meter, the
battery, and the measuring component. The measuring component can be connected
across the terminals A & B.

Figure 33: Shunt type ohmmeter

When the resistance value of the component is zero then the current in the meter
will become zero. Similarly, when the resistance of the component becomes vast then
the flow of current through the battery & the needle illustrates the full-scale deflection in
the direction of the left. This type of meter has no current on the scale in the direction of
left as well as the infinity spot in their right direction.

3) Multi-Range Ohmmeter

The multi-range ohmmeter range is very high, and this meter includes an
adjuster, and the range of a meter can be selected by an adjuster based on the

Figure 34: Multi range ohmmeter schematic diagram

For instance, consider we utilize a meter to calculate the resistance below 10
ohms. So initially, we need to fix the resistance value to 10 ohms. The measuring
component is connected with the meter in parallel. The resistance magnitude can be
decided by the deflection of the needle.


The uses of the ohmmeter include the following.

1. This meter can be used to ensure the continuity of the circuit which means if the
sufficient flow of current or huge flow of current through the circuit then the circuit will
be detached.
2. These are broadly used in electronic labs in engineering to test the electronic
Prior to connecting an ohmmeter to a circuit, make sure the power is turned off.

The wattmeter is an instrument which measures DC power or true AC power.

Figure 36: Wattmeter Schematic Diagram

Figure 35: Wattmeter
Operating Principle
The wattmeter uses fixed coils to indicate current, while the movable coil
indicates voltage Coils L11 and L12 are the fixed coils in series with one another and
serve as an ammeter. The two I terminals are connected in series with the load. The
movable coil Lv, and its multiplier resistor Rs, are used as a voltmeter, with the V
terminals connected in parallel with the load. The meter deflection is proportional to the
VI, which is power. Wattmeters are rated in terms of their maximum current, voltage,
and power. All of these ratings must be observed to prevent damage to the meter.

The applications of ammeter include the following.

1. As other measuring instruments, watt meters are also used extensively in electrical
circuit measurement and debugging.
2. They are also used in industries to check the power rating and consumption of
electrical appliances.
3. Electromagnetic watt meters are used to measure utility frequencies.
4. They are used with refrigerators, electric heaters and other equipment to measure
their power ratings.
Ampere-Hour Meter
The ampere-hour meter registers ampere-hours and is an integrating meter
similar to the watt-hour meter used to measure electricity usage in a home. Typical
ampere-hour meters are digital indicators similar to the odometer used in automobiles.
The amperehour meter is a direct current meter that will register in either direction
depending on the direction of current flow. For example, starting from a given reading, it
will register the amount of discharge of a battery; when the battery is placed on charge,
it will operate in the opposite direction, returning once again to its starting point. When
this point is reached, the battery has received a charge equal to the discharge, and the
charge is stopped. It is normally desired to give a battery a 10% overcharge. This is
accomplished by designing the ampere-hour meter to run 10% slow in the charge
direction. These meters are subject to inaccuracies and cannot record the internal
losses of a battery. They attempt to follow the charge and discharge, but inherently do
not indicate the correct state of charge. Similar to an ammeter, the ampere-hour meter
is connected in series. Although the ampere-hour meters were used quite extensively in
the past, they have been largely superseded by the voltage-time method of control.

Figure 38: Ampere Hour Meter

Power Factor Meter
A power factor meter is a type of electrodynamometer movement when it is made
with two movable coils set at right angles to each other. The method of connection of
this type of power factor meter, in a 3Φ circuit,. The two stationary coils, S and S1, are
connected in series in Phase B. Coils M and M1 are mounted on a common shaft,
which is free to move without restraint or control springs. These coils are connected with
their series resistors from Phase B to Phase A and from Phase B to Phase C. At a
power factor of unity, one potential coil current leads and one lags the current in Phase
B by 30°; thus, the coils are balanced in the position. A change in power factor will
cause the current of one potential coil to become more in phase and the other potential
coil to be more out of phase with the current in Phase B, so that the moving element
and pointer take a new position of balance to show the new power factor.

Figure 38: Power factor diagram

Figure 37: Power factor meter

A synchroscope indicates when two AC generators are in the correct phase
relation for connecting in parallel and shows whether the incoming generator is running
faster or slower than the on-line generator. The synchroscope consists of a two-phase
stator. The two stator windings are at right angles to one another, and by means of a
phase splitting network, the current in one phase leads the current of the other phase by
90°, thereby generating a rotating magnetic field. The stator windings are connected to
the incoming generator, and a polarizing coil is connected to the running generator. The
rotating element is unrestrained and is free to rotate through 360°. It consists of two iron
vanes mounted in opposite directions on a shaft, one at the top and one at the bottom,
and magnetized by the polarizing coil. If the frequencies of the incoming and running
generators are different, the synchroscope will rotate at a speed corresponding to the
difference. It is designed so that if incoming frequency is higher than running frequency,
it will rotate in the clockwise direction; if incoming frequency is less than running
frequency, it will rotate in the counterclockwise direction. When the synchroscope
indicates 0° phase difference, the pointer is at the "12 o'clock" position and the two AC
generators are in phase.

The multimeter is a portable single instrument capable of measuring various

Figure 39: Synchroscope
electrical values including voltage, resistance, and current. The volt-ohm-milliammeter
(VOM) is the most commonly used multimeter. The typical VOM has a meter movement
with a full scale current of 50 µA, or a sensitivity of 20 KΩ/V, when used as a DC
voltmeter. A single meter movement is used to measure current, AC and DC voltage,
and resistance. Range switches are usually provided for scale selection (e.g., 0-1V, 0-
10V, etc).

Figure 41: Digital Multimeter

Figure 41: Analog Multimeter

The megger is a portable instrument used to measure insulation resistance. The
megger consists of a hand-driven DC generator and a direct reading ohm meter. A
simplified circuit diagram of the instrument. The moving element of the ohm meter
consists of two coils, A and B, which are rigidly mounted to a pivoted central shaft and
are free to rotate over a C-shaped core. These coils are connected by means of flexible
leads. The moving element may point in any meter position when the generator is not in
operation. As current provided by the hand-driven generator flows through Coil B, the
coil will tend to set itself at right angles to the field of the permanent magnet. With the
test terminals open, giving an infinite resistance, no current flows in Coil A. Thereby,
Coil B will govern the motion of the rotating element, causing it to move to the extreme
counter-clockwise position, which is marked as infinite resistance.

Figure 43: Scematic diagram of megger

Coil A is wound in a manner to produce a clockwise torque on the moving
element. With the terminals marked "line" and "earth" shorted, giving a zero resistance,
the current flow through the Coil A is sufficient to produce enough torque to overcome
the torque of Coil B. The pointer then moves to the extreme clockwise position, which is
marked as zero resistance. Resistance (R1) will protect Coil A from excessive current
flow in this condition. When an unknown resistance is connected across the test
terminals, line and earth, the opposing torques of Coils A and B balance each other so
that the instrument pointer comes to rest at some point on the scale. The scale is
calibrated such that the pointer directly indicates the value of resistance being

Figure 44: Analog Megger

Figure 45: Digital Megger

Parts of Analog Multimeter

Figure 46: Parts of Analog Multimeter

Pointer – indicates the values read from the scale.
Scale – shows the value of what is being measured
Zero ohm adjuster – adjusts the pointer to the right side of the scale
Range Selector Knob – allows changing the function and scale
Test Probes – Positive probe (red) and negative probe (black) are used to connect to
the circuit or device under test.
Zero position adjuster - A device for adjusting the pointer position of an instrument or
meter to read zero when the measured quantity is zero.

1) ACV — is an AC voltmeter (enclosed with a red bracket) on upper-right side. It has 4

range of selections.

Here you can select:

a. 10 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 10 volts ac.
b. 50 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 50 volts ac but more
than 10 volts ac.
c. 250 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 250 volts ac but
more than 50 volts ac.
d. 750 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 750 volts ac but
more than 250 volts ac.

2) DCV — is a DC voltmeter (enclosed with a white bracket) on upper-left side. It has 6

range of selections.

Here you can select:

a. 0.1 — Select this range if the voltage to be measure is less than 0.1 volts dc. You may
have noticed how this range intersects with DCA (Dc ammeter section). Therefore it can
be also used as a a dc ammeter but only within this range.
b. 0.25 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 0.25 volts dc but
more than 0.1 volts dc.
c. 2.5 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 2.5 volts dc but
more than 0.25 volts dc.
d. 10 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 10 volts dc but more
than 2.5 volts dc.
e. 50 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 50 volts dc but more
than 10 volts dc.
f. 250 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 250 volts dc but
more than 50 volts dc.
g. 1000 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 1000 volts dc but
more than 250 volts dc.

3) DCA — is a DC ammeter (enclosed with a white bracket) on lower-left side. It has 4

range of selections.
Here you can select:
a. 50μ — Select this range if the current to be measured is less than 50 microampere.
b. 2.5m — Select this range if the current to be measured is less than 2.5 milliampere
but more than 50 microampere.
c. 25m — Select this range if the current to be measured is less than 25 milliampere but
more than 2.5 milliampere.
d. 0.25 — Select this range if the current to be measured is less than 250 milliampere
but more than 25 milliampere.
4) Ω — is an ohmmeter (enclosed with a white bracket) on lower-right side. It has 4
range of selections.

4) Ohmmeter — is an ohmmeter(enclosed with a yellow bracket) on lower-right side. It

has 4 range of selections.

Here you can select:

a. x1 — Select this range if the resistance to be measured is very low, ranging from 0
ohms (short circuit) to 1kΩ.
b. x10 — Select this range if the resistance to be measured is ranging from 10Ω to
c. x100 — Select this range if the resistance to be measured is ranging from 100Ω to
d. x1k — Select this range if the resistance to be measured is ranging from 1kΩ to 1MΩ.

There are several practice that you need to know while making it as a habit when
using a multi-tester.

1. Before using a multi-tester, make sure the pointer points to infinity position. It should
look exactly like the image above. By default, it should point exactly to infinity scale since
it was properly set by the manufacturer. If not, slowly turn the “zero position adjuster”
until it points exactly to infinity position.

2. Before using an ohmmeter (it doesn’t matter what range you have used), always short
the test pins (red and black) to test if the pointer points to zero resistance. If not, turn the
“zero ohm adjuster knob” until it points to zero.

3. Be careful in using an ohmmeter — make sure you are doing resistance measurement
and not voltage measurement. Ohmmeter’s internal circuit is powered by a 3v battery.
Accidental voltage measurement will amplify the current inside the circuit and can cause
severe damage.
4. Before doing voltage measurement, be sure to identify whether it is an AC (alternating
current) or DC (Direct Current) voltages.

5. Before doing voltage measurements, make sure you have selected the correct range
so that the voltage to be measured is lower than the range being selected.
How to read Multimeter

Ohmmeter Reading

Resistance scale is located in the top most part of a meter panel. You may have
noticed a descending order of number. From left (∞) to right (0). In practice, reading
values always starts from zero. Therefore we will read resistance values from right to left
which is zero (0) to infinity (∞) . resistance scale is located in the top most part of a meter
panel. You may have noticed a descending order of number. Since we will read
resistance values from right to left, see to it that the gaps between numbers are not
equally divided. Please don’t get so confused why it is not equal. In fact, it’s not a big
deal. After all what we need to learn is the value of each scale between each numbers.
Those small vertical lines that divide on each number is a scale. Each scale has a value
with respect to each nearest number.

Figure 47: Ohmmeter reading from right to left

To fully understand it, we will make a list of numbers from zero (0) to infinity (∞) with its
individual scale and value.

0–1 — is divided by 5 scales. Each scale has a value of 0.2 ohm. Therefore 0.2 ohm
multiplied by 5 scales is equal to 1 ohm.

1–2 — also divided by 5 scales. Each scale has a value of 0.2 ohm. Therefore 0.2 ohm
multiplied by 5 scales is equal to 1 ohm. Adding all the value from zero, we get a total of
2 ohms.

2–5 — is divided by 6 scales. Each scale has a value of 0.5 ohm. Therefore 0.5 ohm
multiplied by 6 scales is equal to 3 ohms. Adding all the value from zero, we get a total
of 5 ohms.
5–10 — is divided by 10 scales. Each scale has a value of 0.5 ohm. Therefore 0.5 ohm
multiplied by 10 scales is equal to 5 ohms. Adding all the value from zero, we get a total
of 10 ohms.

10–20 — is divided by 10 scales. Each scale has a value of 1 ohm. Therefore 1 ohm
multiplied by 10 scales is equal to 10 ohms. Adding all the value from zero, we get a
total of 20 ohms.

20–30 — is divided by 5 scales. Each scale has a value of 2 ohms. Therefore 2 ohms
multiplied by 5 scales is equal to 10 ohms. Adding all the value from zero, we get a total
of 30 ohms.

30–50 — is divided by 10 scales. Each scale has a value of 2 ohms. Therefore 2 ohms
multiplied by 10 scales is equal to 20 ohms. Adding all the value from zero, we get a
total of 50 ohms.

50–100 — is divided by 10 scales. Each scale has a value of 5 ohms. Therefore 5 ohms
multiplied by 10 scales is equal to 50 ohms. Adding all the value from zero, we get a
total of 100 ohms.

100–200 — is divided by 5 scales. Each scale has a value of 20 ohms. Therefore 20

ohms multiplied by 5 scales is equal to 100 ohms. Adding all the value from zero, we get
a total of 200 ohms.

200–500 — is divided by 4 scales. Each scale has a value of 75 ohms. Therefore 75

ohms multiplied by 4 scales is equal to 300 ohms. Adding all the value from zero, we get
a total of 500 ohms.

500–1k — is not divided by a scale. Therefore from 500, you will get the value of 1 kilo-
ohms (1K) by adding 500 ohms. So, it is very obvious that the gap between 500 ohms
and 1k is 500 ohms. Adding all the value from zero, we get a total of 1 kilo-ohms (1K)
1k-2k — is not divided by a scale. Therefore from 1K, you will get the value of 2k by
adding 1K. So, the gap is obviously 1 kilo-ohms (1K). Adding all the value from zero, we
get a total of 2 kilo-ohms (2K).

Any value that goes beyond 2K or 2 kilo-ohms value has a very high resistance
and exceed the x1 multiplier range of an ohmmeter. Please note that the highest
resistance scale is only limited to 2k or 2 kilo-ohm resistance. If you need to measure
resistance which is higher than 2 kilo-ohms, set the ohmmeter range to
higher multiplier range and so on.

What is a multiplier?
These are the 4 range of an ohmmeter, as you can see in the image below. An
ohmmeter is divided by four main settings.
a) x1 — select this range so that any value in the resistance scale is multiplied by 1.

b) x10 — select this range so that any value in the resistance scale is multiplied by 10.

c) x100 — select this range so that any value in the resistance scale is multiplied by 100.

d) x1k — select this range so that any value in the resistance scale is multiplied by 1k or
1 thousand.

Does each range is has its own sensitivity?

 x1 — has the lowest sensitivity
 x1k — has the highest sensitivity

What range should be used in resistance measurement?

 x1 — Select this range if you are measuring resistance below 2 kilo-ohms.
 x10 — Select this range if you are measuring resistance below 20 kilo-ohms.
 x100 — Select this range if you are measuring resistance below 200 kilo-ohms.
 x1k — Select this range if you are measuring resistance below 2 mega-ohms.

Figure 48: Range of ohmmeter


Value per scale = upper - lower

No. of lines

= 20 -10
Value per scale = 1

Counting from 10 to pointer

reading (per value is equal to 1)

15 ohms multiply by x1
the reading is 15 ohms

Value per scale = upper - lower

No. of lines

= 50 -30
Value per scale = 2

Counting from 30 to pointer

reading (per value is equal to 2)

40 ohms multiply by x10

Value per scale = upper - lower
No. of lines

= 100 -50
Value per scale = 5

Counting from 50 to pointer

reading (per value is equal to 5)

60 ohms multiply by x1000

the reading is 60000 ohms

Value per scale = upper - lower

No. of lines

= 5 -2
Value per scale = 0.5

Counting from 2 to pointer

reading (per value is equal to0.

3 ohms multiply by x10000

the reading is 30000 ohms

Voltmeter Reading

Voltmeter scale is located below the ohmmeter scale. Reading values of voltmeter
starts from left to right always starts from zero. Analog voltmeter is a linear scale
meaning it is divided into equally spaced segments.

Figure 49: Reading voltmeter from left to right

Here you can select:
a. 0.1 — Select this range if the voltage to be measure is less than 0.1 volts dc. You may
have noticed how this range intersects with DCA (Dc ammeter section). Therefore it can
be also used as a a dc ammeter but only within this range.
b. 0.25 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 0.25 volts dc but
more than 0.1 volts dc.
c. 2.5 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 2.5 volts dc but
more than 0.25 volts dc.
d. 10 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 10 volts dc but more
than 2.5 volts dc.
e. 50 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 50 volts dc but more
than 10 volts dc.
f. 250 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 250 volts dc but
more than 50 volts dc.
g. 1000 — Select this range if the voltage to be measured is less than 1000 volts dc but
more than 250 volts dc.

Figure 50: DCV Voltmeter range Figure 51: ACV Voltmeter range
Voltmeter range
0-10 V – the value per scale is 0.2
0-50 V – the value per scale is 1
0-250 V – the value per scale is 5
0-1000 – use the 0-10 range and multiply by 100
0-2.5 - use the 0-250 range and divide by 100
0-0.1 – use the 0-10 range and divide by 100

Value per scale = upper - lower

No. of lines

= 8-6
Value per scale = 0.2

Counting to pointer reading (per

value is equal to 0.2)
7 multiply by x100 (since it is in
the 1000 range)
the reading is 700 V.

Value per scale = upper - lower

No. of lines

= 150 -100
Value per scale = 5

Counting to pointer reading (per

value is equal to 5)

the reading is 125 V

Value per scale = upper - lower

No. of lines

= 10- 0
Value per scale = 1

Counting to pointer reading (per

value is equal to 1)

the reading is 5 V

Value per scale = upper - lower

No. of lines

= 4-2
Value per scale = 0.2

Counting to pointer reading (per

value is equal to0. 2)

the reading is 3 V.
Value per scale = upper - lower
No. of lines

= 200-150
Value per scale = 5

Counting to pointer reading (per

value is equal to 5)
175 divided by x100 (since it is
in the 2.5 range)
the reading is 1.75 V.

Note: Select the proper setting before using multimeter if it is DC or AC.


1. Explain the operating principle of voltmeter, ohmmeter and ammeter.

2. Explain the operating principle for a wattmeter, ampere-hour meter, power factor
meter, and synchroscope.

3. How to connect ammeter and voltmeter into the circuit?

Reading the voltmeter and ohmmeter.

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