1.Nutrition is the process of obtaining food and utilizing it for the
growth and development of the body.It is of two types:- Autotrophic and hetrotrophic nutrition. 2. Autotrophic nutrition: The term autotroph is derived from the greek words-auto meaning self, trophos meaning nutrition. The organisms which can make their own food from simple inorganic substances like water, carbon dioxide are called autotrophs. All green plants are autotrophic and prepare their food by the process of photosynthesis. 3. Photosynthesis: The process by which green plants synthesize their own food with the help of carbon dioxide from atmosphere, water and minerals from soil, in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll is called photosynthesis.(photo means light, synthesis means putting together). 6CO2 + 6 H2O Sunlight C6 H12O6 + O2 Carbon Dioxide + water Chlorophyll Glucose + oxygen ● Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in the leaves of the plant which help to trap the energy of sunlight for photosynthesis. ● Carbon Dioxide is taken in by small pore like structures called Stomata present on the surface of leaves. 3. Heterotrophic Nutrition: The term heterotroph is derived from the greek words hetero meaning others trophos meaning nutrition. The organisms which depend on other organisms - directly or indirectly on plants for their nutrition are called heterotrophs. Egs. Non green plants like bacteria, Fungi( Mushrooms, Bread mould) 4. Depending on their mode of nutrition animals are classified as : a) Herbivores: Animals which eats plants b) Carnivores: animals which eat the flesh of other animals c) Omnivores: animals which feed on plants as well as flesh of other animals 5. Heterotrophic plants have other modes of nutrition: a) Parasitic: Plants which derive their nutrition from a host plant as they cannot synthesize their own food..Eg. Cuscuta (dodder) b) Saprophytic: Plants which derive their nutrition from dead or decomposing organic matter.Eg. Fungi-Mushroom c) Symbiotic:The mode of nutrition in which two organisms are dependent on each other and the relationship is mutually beneficial to both. Eg Lichens (algae & fungi) d) Insectivorous: Plants which derive their nutrition from insects as they grow in soil which is deficient in Nitrogen are called insectivorous plants.They have both autotrophic as well as heterotrophic mode of nutrition. Eg. Pitcher Plant 6. Farmers add manures & fertilizers to soil to replenish the nutrients. Leguminous plants like gram,beans,peas have bacterium Rhizobium which directly fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and thus the farmer does not need to add nitrogenous fertilizers to the soil where legumes are grown.