Class VII-2

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Chapter One

Nutrition in Living Organism- Plant

Nutrition :- process of Nourishing or being Nourished is called Nutrition.
The Process of Obtaining and utilizing food is called Nutrition

Nutrients: The Substance that is needed to keep a living thing healthy

and alive are called Nutrients

Different types of Nutrients:-

1 Carbohydrates:- Provide energy to do work
2 Proteins:-Body Building Material
3 Fats:- Store food and Help to maintain Body temperature
4 Vitamins:- regulate hormones and protect us from disease
5 Minerals:- Help to build bones and teeth, Help to Protect from diseses
6 Water:- Dissolve and camy Nutrients , Remove Waste, Regulate Body
Flow Chart of Different mode of Nutrition
Mode of Nutrition

Autotrophic Nutrition Hetrotrophic Nutrition

1. A u t o t r o p h i c N u t r i t i o n : -
A mode of Nutrition in which an Organism Prepair complex organic Compound
from simple Substance present in there Surrounding
Example:-Green Plant Prepair their food from simple Substance like
Wat er, Cr bondiox ide, S un l ight , Chlor ophy le
The Word autotrophic is taken from Greek Word Auto and
Thrope. it's means self Nourishment.
Hetrotrophic Nutrition :- Amode of Nutrition in which an
orgnasim depend on other organism for food to survive .
Example: All non-Green plant and human being etc
Saprotrophic Nutrition :- A mode of nutrition in which an organic obtain
Nutrition from dead and decaying Material
Example :- Fungi, Bacteria etc

Parasitic Nutrition :-A mode of Nutrition in which an organism obtained

Nutrition from host body and harm them
Example:- Dodder
Holozoic Nutrition:- The word Holozoic is made from two
Holo--------- Whole
Zoics--------- of Animal.
Means the Animals which eat there food whole
Example:- Human being Amoeba etc.
Autotrophic Mode of Nutrition 9Photosynthesis)
The word of Photosynthesis is made up of combination of
two Greek Word.
1. Phos------Light
2. Synthesisynthesis-----Putting together
"The Process by Which plant and other
O other organism Prepair there food by


Water + Carbondioxide
Raw Materials for Photosynthesis
1. Carbondioxide :- The Plant obtain carbondioxide from
The Carbondioxide enters through the small
Pores present on the leaves is called Stomata.
The Stomata is Surrounded by special cells called

2. Water :-The water is absorbed by the root of plans

from the soil.
The Plant has special tube like network to carry water
from soil to different parts is called Xylem
Sunlight:- Plants use solar energy to Prepare is one of the important
raw onateraits for photosyathesis.

Chlorophyle:- A Green Pigment substance present in leaves called

chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps to capture solar energy. That energy is used by
carbondioxide and water to preapare food.
Product of Photosynthesis
Carbohydrate :-Carbohydrate is formad as initial Product Glucose
Formed Converted into starch.
Carbohydrate is the Compound of Carbon ,Hydrogen and Oxygen Some
of the Carbohydrate also Converted in to proteens and fats. Protein
Contains Nitrogen

Plant do not recive Nitrogen from Atmosphere. Some

Bacteria Convert Atmospheric Nitrogen in to usefull Nitrogeneous
Compound Which is used by plants. This Process is called Nitrogen

Oxygen:- Oxygen is Produce as one of the Mejor Product of photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis help to maintain CO2 Level in Atmosphere

Other mode of Nutrition
Non green plant do not prepair there food by photosynthesis such plant depend on
other plants for there food .

Example:- Cuscuta (Dodder Plant)

it is commenly known as aureble it is a proastic plant which fulfill there nutrition by host
plant and harm that plant

Insectivorous Plant :- Some of the plant like pitcher plant feed on insect for their
Nitrogen Requirement .The Insect are tropped in to the leaves and digested by the juice
released by plant .
Such Plant are called Insectivorous Plant

Symbiotic Relationship:- When two leaving organism are in

Close association with each other and both are benifited by by
each other are said to be in symbiotic Relationship
Example:- A relation between crow and cow/buffalow
Lichen :- a symbotic relation between fungas and algee.

A symbiotic relation between rhizobium Bactria and root of leguminous

The root nodes of leguminous plant has rhizobium Bactria which help
in nitrogen fixation instead root nodes provide food and shelter for Bactria
Peplenisnilg of soil:- The Nutrients present in soil is used by plant .it is
needed to full the requirement of Nutrients in the soil .The Micro-organic
help to maintain it by the process of decomposition .
Cycle of matter

Replenish Soil Organic Waste

Cycling of Nutrients


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