Class VII-2
Class VII-2
Class VII-2
Chapter One
1. A u t o t r o p h i c N u t r i t i o n : -
A mode of Nutrition in which an Organism Prepair complex organic Compound
from simple Substance present in there Surrounding
Example:-Green Plant Prepair their food from simple Substance like
Wat er, Cr bondiox ide, S un l ight , Chlor ophy le
The Word autotrophic is taken from Greek Word Auto and
Thrope. it's means self Nourishment.
Hetrotrophic Nutrition :- Amode of Nutrition in which an
orgnasim depend on other organism for food to survive .
Example: All non-Green plant and human being etc
Saprotrophic Nutrition :- A mode of nutrition in which an organic obtain
Nutrition from dead and decaying Material
Example :- Fungi, Bacteria etc
Water + Carbondioxide
Raw Materials for Photosynthesis
1. Carbondioxide :- The Plant obtain carbondioxide from
The Carbondioxide enters through the small
Pores present on the leaves is called Stomata.
The Stomata is Surrounded by special cells called
Insectivorous Plant :- Some of the plant like pitcher plant feed on insect for their
Nitrogen Requirement .The Insect are tropped in to the leaves and digested by the juice
released by plant .
Such Plant are called Insectivorous Plant
Cycling of Nutrients