common technique used to
produce mechanical and architectural
CAD drawings. Multiview orthographic
projection drawings allow the drafter
to represent a 3D drawing in a 2D
environment. Multiview drawings can
consist of up to six principal views:
front, back, top, bottom, left side, and
right side. Most multiview drawings
have three principal views, but more
views may be shown for complex
objects with lots of details.
þ Examine multiview orthographic projections and draw the six principal views.
Key Terms:
Ñ axonometric projection
back view
isometric projection
left side view
orthographic projection
plane of projection
bottom view line of sight projection theory
cabinet linear perspective right side view
cavalier line precedence six principal views
diametric projection multiview orthographic three-point perspective
front view projection top view
general oblique projection trimetric projection
glass box technique one-point perspective two-point perspective
Linear Perspective
A linear perspective (drawing) is a system that creates an illusion of depth on a flat sur-
face. All parallel lines in a linear perspective drawing use this system to unite all lines to a single
or multiple vanishing points on a horizon line. There are three types of linear perspective:
one-, two-, and three-point perspectives.
t One-point perspective is a projection system that uses a single vanishing point to cre-
ate the illusion of depth in a drawing.
t Two-point perspective is a projection system that uses two vanishing points to create
the illusion of depth in a drawing. Two-point perspective gives a more realistic view of an
object than 1-point perspective.
t Three-point perspective is a projection system that uses three vanishing points to cre-
ate the illusion of depth in a drawing. This system can have three types of perspective:
l Bird’s eye view
l Ground’s eye view
l Worm’s eye view
Axonometric Projection
An axonometric projection is a type of orthographic projection used to create a pictorial
drawing, where lines of sight are perpendicular to the plane of projection and the object is
rotated around one or more of its axes to show multiple sides. There are three types of
axonometric projections: isometric, diametric, and trimetric.
t Cavalier is a type of oblique projection where the receding side (depth) is scaled to
actual size.
t Cabinet is a type of oblique projection where the receding side (depth) is half the actual
t General is a type of oblique projection where the receding side (depth) is two-thirds the
actual size.
How is CAD Connected to
Tesla Automobiles?
Tesla, the maker of electric cars, used
Autodesk’s Alias Surface to streamline design and
engineering processes. Alias Surface is used to
visualize, render, surface, and draw. The software
helped Tesla deliver high-quality designs in a very
short period of time. Read the Autodesk Customer
Success Story, “Electric Dreams Come True,” at
https://damassets.autodesk.net/content/dam/ To perfect their plans, Tesla Motors create clay model
designs using Autodesk Alias software to make rapid
prototypes and CNC mills to produce the clay model designs.
Projection Theory
Projection theory is the principles used to graphically represent 3D objects and struc-
tures onto the six sides of the glass box. All projection theory is based on two variables: line of
sight and plane of projection.
t Line of sight is an imaginary ray of light between an observer’s eye and an object.
t Plane of projection is an imaginary flat plane or surface (surface of one of the box
sides) upon which the image created by the lines of sight is projected.
that accurately represent those of the object. Each view is a 2D flat image. The views are
defined according to the positions of the planes of projection with respect to the object. There
are three principal dimensions of an object: width, height, and depth. For any object:
t The front view illustrates the width and height dimensions otherwise known as the
frontal plane of projection. To determine which face of the object is the front view, the
drafter considers that the front view should:
l Represent the most natural position of use.
l Contain the most characteristic shapes.
l Have the longest dimensions.
l Show the fewest hidden lines.
t The back view illustrates the depth and height dimensions.
t The top view illustrates the width and depth dimensions otherwise known as the hori-
zontal plane of projection.
t The bottom view illustrates the width and depth dimensions otherwise known as the
horizontal plane of projection.
t Continuous object lines take precedence over all other lines. Continuous lines (or object
lines) are used to create the outline or the visible edges of an object.
t Hidden lines and cutting plane lines take precedence over centerlines. [NOTE: Hidden
lines show the concealed features of an object.]
t Centerlines indicate the midpoint of symmetrical objects.
t Phantom lines are a series of long dashes separated by pairs of short dashes. Phantom
lines indicate alternate positions of moving parts, repeated details, or referenced objects.
VISIBLE LINE takes precedence
over all other lines.
LINE take precedence over center
CENTER LINE does not have
PHANTOM LINE does not have
FIGURE 7. This image shows the priority that some lines have over other lines. (Image Courtesy:
Mark Smith, Industrial Technology Instructor, Reed-Custer High School, Braidwood, IL)
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