002 Ews12533
002 Ews12533
002 Ews12533
Appendix 2 to
ESA AO/1-12533/24/NL/RK
Prepared by ESA
Document Type SOW - Statement of Work
Reference ESA-TDE-TECMPE-SOW-2024-002866
Issue/Revision 1.0
Date of Issue 18/09/2024
Status Approved
ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For ESA Official Use Only
Appendix 2 to
ESA AO/1-12533/24/NL/RK
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 4
1.1 Scope of the Document .............................................................................................................4
1.2 Applicable and Reference Documents ....................................................................................4
1.2.1 Applicable Documents (ADs)......................................................................................................4
1.2.2 Reference Documents (RDs) .....................................................................................................4
1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations ...................................................................................................5
4 DELIVERABLES ITEMS............................................................................ 12
4.1 Documentation Deliverables ...................................................................................................12
4.2 Hardware Deliverable(s)...........................................................................................................14
4.3 Software, Model(s) and Data Deliverable(s) ..........................................................................14
Appendix 2 to
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1.1 Scope of the Document
This document describes the activity to be executed and the deliverables required by the European
Space Agency (“ESA” or the “Agency”) in relation to Disruptive propulsion technologies for CubeSat
It will be part of the Contract and shall serve as an Applicable Document throughout the execution of
the work.
[AD01] ESA Space Debris Mitigation Requirements, ESSB-ST-U-007 Issue 1, 30 October 2023
[RD04] Clean Space blog, The Clean Space blog – The Right Way is the Clean Way (esa.int)
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Propulsion capabilities are indeed crucial to enhance utilization potentials of CubeSats. This is because
CubeSat Propulsion enables a wide range of new missions where specific capabilities are required,
permitting tasks such as orbit changes, drag compensation/station keeping/altitude maintenance,
formation flying, proximity operations, precise attitude control, collision avoidance maneuvers and
disposal at End of Life. CubeSat Propulsion technology also enables ambitious new missions in Earth
orbit, such as constellation of Telecom and Earth Observation flying in formation or operation in VLEO
and deep-space exploration missions to the Moon, Mars or Asteroids.
Market analysis forecast the launch of over 2000 CubeSats in this decade [RD 06]. The portion of
CubeSats using propulsion is forecast also to increase, especially in response to the increase in
CubeSats sizes and to new Space Debris Mitigation guidelines/standards. Indeed, to ensure
sustainability in LEO, it is paramount to foreseen availability of reliable propulsion systems for End-of-
Life disposal, especially (but not only) for those CubeSats planned to operate at high altitudes where
natural decay is not sufficient to guarantee re-entry within the time recommended by more recent debris
mitigation regulations (disposal within 5 years, with a success rate between 90 and 95% at end of
The development of propulsion technology for CubeSats in Europe is ongoing and various chemical
and electric propulsion systems are commercially available or in development. However, existing
propulsion technologies for CubeSats (chemical or electric) have limited proven performance which
may prevent full exploitation of future CubeSats for multiyear lifetimes. For example, they may consume
too much power, or deliver too low thrust, or have a low specific impulse, or a limited lifetime, or
low/unproven reliability, etc.
ESA, the National Agencies, and the European Commission are all deeply involved and committed on
CubeSat Propulsion technology, both as initiators of developments and users of this technology for new
missions. The ambition is to gain/maintain competitiveness of European products in the worldwide
market by ensuring the availability of qualified, reliable, cost-effective European CubeSat Propulsion
systems capable to respond to future mission needs. Thanks to previous works, important progress has
been made on propulsion system for CubeSats but more recent de-orbiting requirements for net zero
pollution strategy for objects in space by 2030 [AD01, FCC 5 years rule, etc] were not addressed.
This activity targets the development of a disruptive propulsion system for CubeSats which may
overcome those limitations.
2.2 Objective
The objective of this activity is to develop a disruptive propulsion system for CubeSats de-orbiting.
This propulsion system can be chemical or electric. In either case, the system shall include all necessary
propulsion equipment (e.g. thruster, propellants, tank, valves, filters, sensors, power processing units
with firmware/software, mechanical or electronic pressure regulators and thruster pointing mechanisms
when relevant, pipework, harness).
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Preliminary requirements for this CubeSat propulsion system are defined in Appendix 1.
The starting TRL is assumed to be 2 and the TRL required at completion of this TDE contract is ≥ 4.
3.1 Work Logic
The work is organised in 4 tasks:
• Task 1: Propulsion System Requirements Definition
• Task 2: Propulsion System Design Definition and Justification
• Task 3: Propulsion System Breadboard Manufacturing and Testing, including performance
characterisation and endurance test
• Task 4: Generation of Development Plan for follow-up development and qualification.
o This SoW
• Task Description
Starting from the preliminary requirements of this SoW (Appendix A) and the one included in AD01, the
Contractor shall define a complete, self-standing and traceable set of requirements for the CubeSat
propulsion de-orbiting system.
The Contractor shall also define the requirements for the critical equipment/components of the
propulsion system (e.g. thruster, tank, valves, pressure/temperature sensors, filters, pipework and
harness, as well as neutraliser, valve driver and power processing unit, regulator and thruster pointing
mechanism when applicable).
The Contractor is recommended to consult with commercial CubeSat integrators to consolidate these
requirements, particularly with regards with interfaces with AOCS and Power subsystems.
In the absence of specific requirements provided by commercial CubeSat integrators, the Contractor
can refer to the guidelines reported in the Handbook on CubeSat Propulsion [RD05] and/or in the
Engineering Guidelines for ESA IOD CubeSat projects [RD09], e.g. for vibration/shock loads,
temperatures range, TID, SEE, etc.
The requirements shall be at a sufficient level of detail to demonstrate, by means of a final compliance
statement, that the activity objectives are met.
All the specified requirements shall be potentially achievable with the envisaged design solution and
with documented evidence (e.g. analysis, simulations, measured test results).
The requirements may be organised following guidelines available in RD05. The verification method (A
= Analysis, and/or I = Inspection, and/or T = Testing) for each requirement shall be listed and justified.
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The Contractor shall deliver a Technical Requirements Document (TRD) for the CubeSat propulsion
de-orbiting system [D-01] for approval by the Agency at the Requirements Review.
[D-01] Technical Requirements Document (TRD) for the CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting
o Output of Task 1
• Task Description
The Contractor shall design the CubeSat propulsion system for de-orbiting in response to the
requirements defined in [D-01].
Detailed and quantified trade-off between potential design solutions shall consider, as a minimum, the
following aspects:
• Maximum power consumption, minimum Thrust and minimum Specific Impulse
• Mass, volume
• Minimum Delta-V, minimum Total Impulse
• Operational/environmental constraints
• Complexity and ease of implementation
• Reliability
• Cost and lead time
• Potentials for industrialization and large production.
In proposing the design solution, the Contractor shall provide documented evidence and justification
(e.g. with analysis, simulations, test results) that the technical requirements specified in Task 1 are
potentially achievable.
The Contractor shall deliver a Design Description and Justification Document [D-02] for the flight
CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting system for approval by the Agency at the Design Review. This
document shall contain preliminary:
• design description of each component and the system,
• drawings and schematics of each component and the system,
• description of software/firmware,
• details of any trade-offs performed with rationale for down-selection,
• qualification/verification status of all equipment included in the propulsion system,
• mass and power budget,
• results from analyses performed in support to design justification, e.g.:
o Performance analysis including:
▪ nominal and worst-case, BOL and EOL, estimation/mathematical equations of
Thrust as function of power or pressure and of ISP as function of power or
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[D-01] Design Description and Justification Document for the CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting
• Task Description
The Contractor shall manufacture, assemble and integrate (MAI) a Breadboard of the CubeSat
propulsion system for de-orbiting in all its entireness. This may deviate to certain extent from the flight
design agreed in Task 2.
The Contractor shall ensure that adequate documentation is available prior to start of any MAI activities.
Such documentation shall describe all steps of the MAI process and shall be delivered to the Agency
in a form of a MAI Plan for the CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting system [D-03]. This document shall give
an overview of the incoming materials, components and manufacturing operations for the propulsion
system and inspection points and shall include description of all facilities and tooling necessary to
manufacture the hardware.
The Contractor shall deliver to the Agency the Interface Control Document [D-04] for the CubeSat
propulsion de-orbiting system. This document shall define all the external and internal interfaces, e.g.
mechanical, thermal, electrical, fluidic and communication interfaces.
The Contractor shall deliver to the Agency the User Manual [D-05] for the CubeSat propulsion de-
orbiting system.
The Contractor shall deliver to the Agency a Test Plan & Specification [D-06] for approval at Test
Readiness Review (TRR). The Test Plan shall include a comprehensive list of tests necessary to prove
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the achievement of a TRL ≥ 4 in addition to test objectives, pass/fail criteria, description of test set-up,
test facility, EGSE, FGSE, test diagnostics, test software, test procedures, test schedule.
• Propulsion system Endurance Test of 300 hours and 200 ON/OFF cycles for electric propulsion
or life test for chemical or cold gas propulsion with performance test at completion.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the procurement of the propellant and all the necessary test
equipment, Electrical/Fluidic/Mechanical Ground Support Equipment, test diagnostics (thrust balance,
beam diagnostics, pressure/temperature sensors) and test software (no flight software) required for
A Test Readiness Review (TRR) shall be convened prior to commencing testing to review the readiness
of the propulsion system under test and of the test procedures, test set up, test software, test facility,
EGSE, FGSE, test diagnostics and test personnel. Testing shall not commence until authorization is
given by the Agency at TRR.
At completion of testing and prior to the disassembly of the test set-up, the Contractor shall present to
the Agency the preliminary test results and confirm all data are available to evaluate compliance to test
objectives during a Post Test Review (PTR) meeting.
The Contractor shall deliver to the Agency for approval the Test Report [D-07]. In this document the
Contractor shall compare the test results with the results from the performance models included in DDJ,
design analyses, and provide explanations of any discrepancies.
In the case of minor performance shortfalls, the Contractor shall identify corrective actions (including
any eventual re-design, manufacturing and test) that are necessary to make the design compliant with
the requirements.
The Contractor shall deliver to the Agency for approval a Statement of Compliance to TRD [D08].
A Test Review Board (TRB) shall be convened at the completion of testing to review the test results
and confirm accomplishment of test objectives.
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[D-01] MAI Plan for the for the CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting system.
[D-01] Interface Control Document for the for the CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting system.
[D-01] User Manual for the for the CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting system.
[D-01] Test Plan & Specification for the for the CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting system.
[D-01] Test Report for the for the CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting system.
• Task Description
The Contractor shall review the achieved test results and provide an assessment, with justification, of
the TRL achieved.
The Contractor shall deliver a Development & Verification Plan [D-08] for approval by the Agency. This
Development & Verification Plan shall include lessons learnt from this development and the product
development roadmap detailing the further development steps that will be necessary to prepare the
technology for commercial exploitation, including:
• actions (if any) to recover performance non-compliances with respect to TRD,
• estimated budget and schedule for each of the identified future development steps, including
• approach to life demonstration,
• processes qualification plan.
[D-01] Development & Verification Plan for the CubeSat propulsion de-orbiting system.
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4 Deliverables items
4.1 Documentation Deliverables
All documentation deliverables mentioned hereunder (including all their constituent parts) shall be
delivered in electronic form in a format agreed by the Agency and as per the requirements stated in
Section 5.4 below.
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Final Report
The Final Report shall provide a complete description of all the work done during the activity and shall
be self-standing, not requiring to be read in conjunction with reports previously issued. It shall cover the
whole scope of the activity, i.e. a comprehensive introduction of the context, a description of the
programme of work and report on the activities performed and the main results achieved.
For Phased Contracts, a Final Report shall be produced at the end of each Phase in accordance with
the above definition, describing the work and results of that Phase and previous Phases. It becomes
the Final Report in case the Agency decides not to proceed with the subsequent Phase(s).
The Technical Data Package consists of the final versions of all approved technical documents,
delivered during the execution of the activity.
For a Contract with Phases, the Technical Data Package shall be provided at the end of a Phase if the
Agency decides not to proceed with the next Phase.
The Executive Summary Report shall concisely summarise the findings of the Contract. It shall be
suitable for non-experts in the field and should also be appropriate for publication. For this reason, it
shall not exceed five (5) pages of text and ten (10) pages in total (one thousand five hundred (1500) to
three thousand (3000) words).
Photographic Documentation
Appendix 2 to
ESA AO/1-12533/24/NL/RK
The Contract Closure documentation is a mandatory deliverable, due at the end of the Contract (or at
the end of a Phase in case the Agency decides not to proceed with the following Phase(s)). For the
avoidance of doubt, “end of the Contract” shall mean the finalisation of a series of tasks as defined in
the Statement of Work attached to this Contract. The contents of the Contract Closure Documentation
shall conform to the layout provided in Error! Reference source not found. hereto.
The Contractor shall deliver the following hardware items to the Agency.
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5.1.2 Access
a) During the course of the Contract, the Agency shall be afforded free access to any plan,
procedure, specification or other documentation relevant to the programme of work. Areas and
equipment used during the development/testing activities associated with the Contract shall also
be available for inspection and audit.
b) The Contractor shall notify the Agency at least three (3) weeks before the start of any test
programme, or as mutually agreed, in order to enable the Agency to select those tests that it
wishes to witness. The Agency shall notify the Contractor of its visit at least one (1) week in
b) The minutes shall clearly identify all agreements made and actions accepted at the meeting
together with an update of the Action Item List (AIL) and the Document List.
Appendix 2 to
ESA AO/1-12533/24/NL/RK
reference to the minutes of the meeting at which the action was agreed and the AIL will record
generation date, due date, originator and the person instructed to take action. The AIL shall be reviewed
at each Progress Meeting.
b) The Contractor shall present an up-to-date chart for review at all consequent meetings,
indicating the current status of the Contract activity (WPs completed, documents delivered, etc.).
c) Major modifications of the schedule shall be contractually binding only if approved in writing by
the Agency’s representative for contractual and administrative matters.
b) The Contractor shall present an up-to-date risk register in its Progress Reports for review at
Progress Meetings.
Appendix 2 to
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b) The final presentation shall take place at the Agency’s premises, to a public audience, within
twelve (12) months of Contract closure. During the course of the activity, the Agency will decide
on the format for the final presentation (e.g. dedicated meeting, conference, specific event).
Preference shall be given to a specific event where technologies related to a specific technology
domain or technology theme are presented together.
d) The Contractor shall give to the Agency prior notice of any meetings with Third Party(ies) to be
held in connection with the Contract. The Agency reserves the right of participation in such
e) With due notice to the Contractor, the Agency reserves the right to invite Third Party(ies) to
meetings to facilitate information exchange.
f) For all meetings with the Agency, the Contractor shall ensure that proper notice is given at least
two (2) weeks in advance. For all other meetings, the Contractor shall inform the Agency, which
reserves the right to participate. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring the participation of
its personnel and those of the Subcontractor(s), as needed.
g) For each meeting, the Contractor shall propose an agenda in electronic form and shall distribute
an electronic version of the presentation given at the meeting.
b) All documentation deliverables mentioned hereunder (including all their constituent parts) shall
be delivered in electronic form by email to Technical Officer in native format and as a searchable,
indexed and not encrypted PDF.
c) The documentation shall be sent to the Technical Officer in electronic format not later than two
(2) weeks before the documentation is to be presented.
d) All documents shall bear the appropriate copyright notice as specified in the Contract. In all
cases, this shall include the ESA activity name, ESA Contract number, deliverable number, date,
status (draft), version and/or revision number. The information shall be repeated consistently in
the header or footer of every page.
e) DMS (Data Management System) address: tecdms@esa.int. Please note that all finalised (i.e.
reviewed and approved by ESA in their final version) documents resulting from a technology
Contract shall be electronically sent by the Contractor to D/TEC’s Data Management System
(DMS) using the e-mail address tecdms@esa.int. This applies not only to the final
documentation such as the Final Report or Summary Report but to all approved output
documents (TNs, Progress Reports, etc.).
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Additional progress meetings may be requested either by the Agency or the Contractor.
For each meeting the Contractor shall propose an agenda in electronic form and shall compile and
distribute hand-outs of any presentation given at the meeting.
• Date: T0 + 2 months
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• Date: T0 + 6 months
• Date: T0 + 11 months
• Date: T0 + 16 months
• Date: T0 + 18 months
• Location: ESTEC
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7.1 Customer Furnished Items
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The CubeSat propulsion system can be chemical or electric. In either case, the system shall include all
necessary propulsion (e.g. thruster, propellants, tank, valves, filters, sensors, power processing units
with firmware/software, mechanical or electronic pressure regulators and thruster pointing mechanisms
when applicable, pipework, harness).
A.2. Requirements
SOW-REQ-1 The CubeSat propulsion system shall be compatible with CubeSats that fall primarily
between 6U and 16U (however, if applications for larger CubeSats up to 27U are identified, this range
may be considered), operating in LEO, 450-650km orbital region with nominal mission duration of 3 to 7
years and re-entry capability within 5 years.
SOW-REQ-2 The CubeSat propulsion system shall be able to deliver a minimum delta-V > 80m/s (to be
confirmed at RR following consultation with CubeSat integrators).
SOW-REQ-3 The CubeSat propulsion system shall deliver thrust within the range of 0.3-4mN if electric
propulsion and up to 1N if chemical propulsion or cold gas thrusters (to be confirmed at RR following
consultation with CubeSat integrators).
SOW-REQ-4 The CubeSat propulsion system shall have a wet mass not heavier than 3-6kg, depending
on the CubeSat form factor.
SOW-REQ-5 The CubeSat propulsion system shall occupy a volume no larger than 2-4U depending
on the CubeSat form factor.
SOW-REQ-6 The CubeSat propulsion system shall consume less than 50-70W, depending on the
CubeSat form factor, if intended for continuous operation with peak power consumption of less than 80-
SOW-REQ-7 If electric, The CubeSat propulsion system shall be capable of more than 10000 ON/OFF
cycles (to be confirmed, depending on thrust level).
SOW-REQ-8 The CubeSat propulsion system shall use low toxicity propellants, namely:
• propellants not requiring use of SCAPE suits or oxygen masks for handling
• propellants not including toxic substances that could be placed on the REACH list of substances
of very high concern (e.g. carcinogens, mutagens, substances that cause harm to reproduction,
SOW-REQ-9 The CubeSat propulsion system shall have a reliability higher than 0.9 (TBC).
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Note: AD[01] specifies a probability of successful disposal higher or equal to 0.9, which includes all the
deorbiting subsystem contributors. The target reliability for the propulsion subsystem should therefore
target higher threshold (to be consolidated at RR following consultation with CubeSat integrators).
SOW-REQ-10 The CubeSat propulsion system shall include passivation capability at EoL.
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Caption 1
• The added value of this technology for the targeted application (ESA mission, commercial application,
etc.). Caption 2
• Text.
Next steps:
• Future plans for this activity. Please mention type of application (ESA mission, commercial
application, etc.) and need date (e.g. Flight qualification by 2057). Is there a follow-on technology
activity targeted/approved/funded (by which Programme)? Shall be coherent with Target TRL
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Replace “Programme & Reference” with a unique Activity identifier, e.g. TDE T111-222DD, ITI A000xxxx, GSTP G61x-xxxDD.
Target TRL and required finalisation date of the technology (not of the activity).
If the consortium is too large, just indicate the prime Contractor and replace “Contractor(s):” by “Prime:”.
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