Lesson Planning Submitted To The Student

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Daily Instructional Plan

Grade/Year: Subject Area: Date:




Content The learner demonstrate understanding of the 20th century music

Standard styles and characteristics features.

Performance The learner creates musical pieces using a particular style of the
Standard 20th century.

Learning The learner listens perceptively to selected 20th century music.



1. Analyze the different genre of Philippine Popular music

within the key characteristics and influential artists;
2. Appreciate the Philippine Popular Music through listening
and singing.

3. Perform a chosen piece of Philippine Popular Music through

vocal performance, demonstrating proper technique, and
expression consistent with the style of the music.


Topic: Philippine Popular Music



Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos Book (pg.76-80)

Materials :
Slide presentation, Visual Materials ( pictures and video)

Time Duration: 45 Minutes

A. Routinary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Let us all stand up for a prayer, and may I call the (The students stand up for the
ass. Class representative to lead the prayer!” prayer)

“Let us pray!”

“Good morning class!” “Good morning Ma’am”

“Before you take your seat, please pick up the pieces (Students will pick up the papers
of paper and arrange your chair” and arrange the chairs)

“Thank you, you may now take your seat!”

“Class representative, may I know who is absent for

today?” “None Ma’am”

“Very good! I’m glad to know that nobody is absent for

today’s class!”

B. Warm - up/ Energizer

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Before we start to our lesson, let’s have an energizer

first. I called this game “FIND YOUR PAIR”. I have a list
of paired items written here in a piece of paper. All you
need to do is find your partner, a person who have
match with your item. Example the item written in your
paper is “soy sauce” you need to find your match which
is the “vinegar”. You can ask yes or no question to your
classmate. For example, are you vinegar? Your
classmate can response yes or no. I encourage you all
to move around and ask question to your classmate for
you to find your match. Students who can find their
match first will win, and get a reward from me after the
class. “
Understood class?

Alright let’s start!

(Students response)

“Yes Ma’am”

C. Review of Previous Lesson

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Now, let’s have a short review about our last topic.
I prepared a game called “GUESS ME”, I will show you (Students response)
a pictures and you will guess what the pictures all about.
Are we clear? “Yes Ma’am”

Alright, let’s start!

(The teacher will flash the pictures)

Based on the picture, what was our topic last time?

(Students will raised their hands)
Okay students 1, what was our topic last time?

That is correct! Student 2: Ma’am, our topic last

time is all about Popular Music.

(Students will raised their hands)

Student 1: Disco Ma’am.

Based on the picture, what genre is being showed?

Who want to answer?

Student 2, what’s the answer?

Very good answer.

The next picture is one of the genre of popular music

and one the famous artist is Michael Jackson, what
genre is this?
(Students will raised their hands)
D. Activity
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

This activity is called “toss info”.

I have here candies on my hands, some of this contain
questions written on a piece of paper. I’ll toss this
candies, and you need to catch only one candy per
student. At the count of three, open the candy and read
and answer the question. (Students response)

Is that clear? “Yes Ma’am”

(Teacher toss the candy) (Students catch the candies)

In a count of three open your candy, in 1, 2, 3. (Students will open their candy)

Please, raise your hand to those who got the question.

(Students 4, 5, 6, and 7 raised their

Alright, student 4 can you please read and answer your Student 4: Who is the song
question? composer of Tell I Met You?

Very well said student 4! “Angeline Quinto Ma’am”

Okay next question, can you read and answer student Student 5: Sarah Geronimo is a
5? Filipino singer and actress. Known
for her musical versatility and
Very good! performances, give one of the
famous song of Sarah G.

Next, student 6 tell us the question you got and your (Student answer)
Student 6: Nowadays, one of his
Great job, your answer is correct. song quickly became one of the
most trending in YouTube and
TikTok Philippines, and the song
entitled “Palagi”. Who is the song
writer and composer of song
Okay last but not the least, student 7 please stand up
and share your question you got and answer. “Tj Monterde Ma’am”

Student 7: One of the country’s

most renowned balladeers and
composers, he is popularly dubbed
as the “King of Philippine Christmas
Very good! Carols”.

“Jose Mari Chan Ma’am”

E. Analysis
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Based on the activity we have, what do you think our
lesson for today? (Student 8 raised a hand)
Any idea from the class?

Yes, Student 8? Student 8: Ma’am, our lesson for

today is all about Philippine
Excellent! Popular Music.

Class, our lesson for today is Philippine Popular music.

Do you have any idea what Philippine Popular Music all
about? Students raised their hands)
Please raised your hand.

Okay, Student 9 can you share your idea about the Student 9: Philippine Popular
Philippine Popular Music in the class? Music refers to a popular music in
the Philippines originating from the
Very well said student 9! OPM genre.

Let’s enumerate some styles of OPM.

First is ballad. (Student raised their hands)
Any idea about Ballad music class?
“Student 10: Ballad music refer to
Yes, student 10? an emotional love song”

Very good!

I’ll be playing a music video, observe what’s the

emotion of the musician when he sing it.

(Video presented on the TV screen)

( Students raised their hands
What have you observed about the music video, and answer)
anyone from the class?
“The song is all about love”
Excellent observation! “ The song is emotional”

Alright! These are the well-known artist of this genre. If

you know them raise your hands.
( Students raised their hands
(Teacher flash the pictures) and answer)

 Pelita Corrales
 Ryan Cayabyab
 Jose Mari Chan
 Lea Salonga
 Regine Velasquez Alcasid
 Ogie Alcasid
 Gary Valenciano
 Sharon Cuneta

Great job class!

F. Abstraction
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“For our generalization, what are the five Philippine

Popular Music genre. Who wants to answer? ( Students will raise their hand)

Yes student 11, can you give two of the genre does Student 11: Philippine Rock Music
Philippine Popular Music has? and Ballad Music, Ma’am.

Very good!
What else class? ( Students will raise their hand)

Yes, Student 12? Student 12: Pop Music, Manila

Sound, and Pinoy Rap Music.
Great job class! You’re answers are all correct.

I have a question to you class!

(Students will raised their hands)
How does music help you as a student?
Student 13: Music is big help for
Yes, student 13? me as a student, when I’m listened
to music while studying it helps
improve my concentration and
music is my stress reliever.
Thank you, nice answer!

G. Application/ Assessment
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Since we’re already done to our discussion, let’s move

on to our next activity “Let Sing OPM”.

For the mechanics of our game, I will divide you into

two groups. Each group must choose one of the
Philippine popular music song to sing in class, and
you’re free to choose what music style you want to
perform. You may also incorporate movement or dance
that complements the music, also analyze what is the
genre/style of the song you chose, and who is the
singer. I will give you 10 minutes to prepare and practice
for your presentation, and you will be graded based on
the criteria.

Is it clear class? (Students answer)

“Yes Ma’am”

Okay, your timer start now! (Students practice and perform the
H. Assignment/Agreement

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“For your assignment with the same group, choose

one of the Filipino music artist and create a music
video to be pass by next week.

Any questions regarding on your assignment?

“No Ma’am’
That’s all for today, thank you for your cooperation.
Goodbye class and God bless everyone.
“ Goodbye Ma’am”

Prepared by:

Ms. Mayca V. Datoon

MAPEH, Practice Teacher




SONG CHOICE The song choice is The song choice is The song choice is The song choice is
highly relevant to the somewhat relevant to marginally relevant to not relevant the
theme and supports the theme, but may the theme, but may theme and does not
the overall message not fully support the not fully align with the support the message.
effectively. message. message.

COOPERATION Performs with high Performs with good Performs with some Performs with little
AND confidence, excellent confidence, confidence and confidence, poor
COORDINATION coordination, and coordination, and coordination but coordination, and
strong stage stage presence. lacks strong stage weak stage
presence. presence. presence.

EXPRESSION AND Performance is highly Performance is Performance shows Performance lacks

CREATIVITY expressive and expressive and some expression and expression and
creative, effectively shows creativity, creativity but lacks creativity, failing to
conveying the song’s conveying the song’s consistency. convey the song’s
emotion. emotion well. emotion.



MUSICAL The song choice is The song choice is The song choice is The song choice is
ACCURACY highly relevant to the somewhat relevant to marginally relevant to not relevant the
theme and supports the theme, but may the theme, but may theme and does not
the overall message not fully support the not fully align with the support the message.
effectively. message. message.

COORDINATION Performs with high Performs with good Performs with some Performs with little
AND STAGE confidence, excellent confidence, confidence and confidence, poor
PRESENCE coordination, and coordination, and coordination but coordination, and
strong stage stage presence. lacks strong stage weak stage
presence. presence. presence.

RESEARCH AND Research is thorough Research is complete Research is basic Research is

UNDERSTANDING and well-presented, and well-presented, and presentation incomplete and
showing deep showing good shows limited presentation shows
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the minimal
song and its cultural song and its cultural song and its cultural understanding of the
significance. significance. significance. song and its cultural

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