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BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014

BSI Standards Publication

Information technology
— Telecommunications
and information exchange
between systems — Local and
metropolitan area networks
Part 1AR: Secure device identity

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO/IEC/IEEE
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee IST/6, Data communications.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
© The British Standards Institution 2014. Published by BSI Standards
Limited 2014
ISBN 978 0 580 86408 7
ICS 35.110
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 April 2014.
Amendments issued since publication
Date Text affected

First edition

Information technology —
Telecommunications and information
exchange between systems — Local and
metropolitan area networks —
Part 1AR:
Secure device identity
Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications et échange
d'information entre systèmes — Réseaux locaux et métropolitains —
Partie 1AR

Reference number
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

© IEEE 2009
BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

© IEEE 2009
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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR was prepared by the LAN/MAN Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society
(as IEEE Std 802.1AR-2009). It was adopted by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information
technology, Subcommittee SC 6, Telecommunications and information exchange between systems, in parallel
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the maintenance of this document with participation and input from ISO/IEC national bodies.

ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology —
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks:

— Part 11: Wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications

— Part 1X: Port-based network access control

— Part 1AB: Station and media access control connectivity discovery

— Part 1AE: Media access control (MAC) security

— Part 1AR: Secure device identity

— Part 1AS: Timing and synchronization for time-sensitive applications in bridged local area networks

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— Part 15-4: Wireless medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications for low-rate
wireless personal area networks (WPANs)

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BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

Abstract: A secure device identifier (DevID) is cryptographically bound to a device and supports
authentication of the device’s identity. Locally significant identities can be securely associated with
an initial manufacturer-provisioned DevID and used in provisioning and authentication protocols to
allow a network administrator to establish the trustworthiness of a device and select appropriate
policies for transmission and reception of data and control protocols to and from the device.
Keywords: access control, authentication, authorization, certificate, LANs, local area networks,
MAC security, MANs, metropolitan area networks, PKI, port-based network access control, secure
association, secure device identifier, security, X.509

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2009 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 22 December 2009. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE and 802 are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.

PDF: ISBN 978-0-7381-6141-9 STD96035

Print: ISBN 978-0-7381-6142-6 STDPD96035

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

ii Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 802.1AR-2009, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks—
Secure Device Identity.

A secure device identifier (DevID) is a cryptographic identity bound to a device used for assertion of the
device’s identity. IEEE Std 802.1AR specifies

— globally unique per-device identifiers and the management and cryptographic binding of a device to
its identifiers,
— the relationship between an initially installed identity and subsequent locally significant identities,
— interfaces and methods for use of DevIDs with existing and new provisioning and authentication

IEEE Std 802.1AR can be used in conjunction with IEEE Std 802.1XTM [B2] and other IEEE and industry
standards that require a secure identifier or credential as part of authentication and provisioning processes
that establish trust in a device.1

This is the first edition of IEEE Std 802.1AR.

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The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex D.

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

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1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Relationship to other standards.................................................................................................... 2

2. Normative references .......................................................................................................................... 3

3. Definitions .......................................................................................................................................... 5

4. Acronyms and abbreviations .............................................................................................................. 7

5. Conformance ....................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Requirements terminology........................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement...................................................................... 9
5.3 Required capabilities.................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 Optional capabilities .................................................................................................................. 10
5.5 Recommended capabilities ........................................................................................................ 10

6. Secure Device Identifier Module ...................................................................................................... 11

6.1 What is a device? ....................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Components of a DevID module ............................................................................................... 11
6.3 DevID Service Interface ............................................................................................................ 14
6.4 DevID Management Interface ................................................................................................... 20
6.5 PKI hierarchy requirements ....................................................................................................... 22
6.6 Trust Model................................................................................................................................ 24

7. DevID Credential details .................................................................................................................. 27

7.1 DevID hierarchy credential fields.............................................................................................. 27
7.2 DevID credential fields .............................................................................................................. 27
7.3 Cryptographic Primitives ........................................................................................................... 31

8. Management Information Base ......................................................................................................... 33

8.1 Internet-Standard Management Framework .............................................................................. 33
8.2 Relationship to other MIB modules........................................................................................... 33
8.3 Structure of the MIB .................................................................................................................. 33
8.4 Security considerations .............................................................................................................. 35
8.5 Definitions for Secure Device Identifier MIB ........................................................................... 36

Annex A (normative) PICS Proforma .......................................................................................................... 47

A.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 47
A.2 Abbreviations and special symbols............................................................................................ 47
A.3 Instructions for completing the PICS proforma......................................................................... 48
A.4 PICS proforma for IEEE 802.1AR ........................................................................................... 50
A.5 Major capabilities and options ................................................................................................... 51
A.6 DevID Service Interface ............................................................................................................ 51
A.7 DevID Management Interface ................................................................................................... 52
A.8 DevID Supplied Information ..................................................................................................... 52

Annex B (normative) Implementing a DevID with a TPM .......................................................................... 53

B.1 DevID goals ............................................................................................................................... 53
B.2 DevID requirements................................................................................................................... 54

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

Annex C (informative) Scenarios for DevID ................................................................................................ 59

C.1 DevID use in EAP-TLS ............................................................................................................. 59
C.2 DevID uses in consumer devices ............................................................................................... 60
C.3 DevID uses in enterprise devices............................................................................................... 60

Annex D (informative) Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 63

Annex ( (informative) /LVWRISDUWLFLSDQWV .................................................................................................... 66

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

IEEE Standard for

Local and metropolitan area networks—

Secure Device Identity

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This standard is not intended to ensure safety, security, health, or
environmental protection in all circumstances. Implementers of the standard are responsible for
determining appropriate safety, security, environmental, and health practices or regulatory requirements.

This IEEE document is made available for use subject to important notices and legal disclaimers. These
notices and disclaimers appear in all publications containing this document and may be found under the
heading “Important Notice” or “Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Documents.”
They can also be obtained on request from IEEE or viewed at

1. Overview

IEEE 802® Local Area Networks (LANs) are often deployed in networks that provide publicly accessible
service access or that cannot be completely physically secured. The protocols that configure, manage, and
regulate access to these networks and network-based services and applications typically run over the
networks themselves. Secure and predictable operation of such networks depends on authenticating each
device attached to and participating in the network, so that the degree of trust and authorization to be
accorded to that device by its communicating peers can be determined.

Authentication of a human user, through a credential known to or possessed by that user, is often used to
authenticate users of devices such as laptop personal computers. However many of the devices that compose
a network are designed for unattended autonomous operation and might not support user authentication.
These include the routers and bridges that interconnect and provide access to the LANs. Further, the
previously common assumption that network access controls were to provide protection of the network
against abuse through unauthenticated and unauthorized access, while offering no protection to the
accessing devices, is now known not only to expose those devices but also the network itself. Failure to
provide devices that access the network with the mutual guarantee that they are connected to legitimate
network access points allows malicious devices to interpose themselves between the network and its
authenticated and authorized users, and effectively make use of the credentials of the latter. For these
reasons a secure device identifier, i.e., one that embodies an authentication credential that cannot be easily
removed or copied for use in a device under the control of someone who wishes to gain unauthorized access
to or attack the operation of a network, is highly desirable.

Protocols for configuring, managing and regulating access to a network depend on the existence of a device
identifier or human authentication of initial access to associate a device with an authentication credential.

Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved. 1

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

This results in a “chicken-and-egg” scenario, wherein these credentials often must be installed during an
expensive “pre-provisioning” process before actual deployment. Even when device credentials are deployed
in-place, the process is often interactive, involving a physically secured connection to the device being
deployed and a knowledgeable system administrator.

Secure Device Identifiers (DevIDs) are designed to be used as interoperable secure device authentication
credentials with Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and other industry standard authentication and
provisioning protocols. A standardized device identity facilitates interoperable secure device authentication
that helps simplify and standardize secure deployment and management of devices. This standard will be of
benefit to manufacturers of conformant LAN equipment, their customers, and users of LANs or LAN
services that are based on such equipment.

A device with DevID capability incorporates a globally unique manufacturer provided Initial Device
Identifier (IDevID), stored in a way that protects it from modification. The device may support the creation
of Locally Significant Device Identifiers (LDevIDs) by a network administrator. Each LDevID is bound to
the device in a way that makes it infeasible for it to be forged or transferred to a device with a different
IDevID without knowledge of the private key used to effect the cryptographic binding. LDevIDs can
incorporate, and fully protect, additional information specified by the network administrator to support local
authorization conventions. LDevIDs may also be used as the sole identifier (by disabling the IDevID) to
assure the privacy of the user of a DevID and the equipment in which it is installed.

1.1 Scope

This standard specifies unique per-device identifiers (DevID) and the management and cryptographic
binding of a device to its identifiers, the relationship between an initially installed identity and subsequent
locally significant identities, and interfaces and methods for use of DevIDs with existing and new
provisioning and authentication protocols.

1.2 Purpose

This standard defines a standard identifier for IEEE 802 devices that is cryptographically bound to that
device, and defines a standard mechanism to authenticate a device’s identity. A verifiable unique device
identity allows establishment of the trustworthiness of devices. This facilitates secure device provisioning.

1.3 Relationship to other standards

The present work has been undertaken to provide an identifier that is generally useful across IEEE 802
networks. It draws on and is informed by other standards that have been developed elsewhere for different
purposes. Where possible, this work attempts compatibility with the following standards:

a) Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

b) Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX)
c) Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)

For other standards that have influenced the development of this standard or are of general interest see the
bibliography (Annex D).

2 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

2. Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard (i.e., they must be
understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

ANSI X9.62-2005, Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry: The Elliptic Curve Digital
Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).2

IETF RFC 2578, STD 58, Structure of Management Information for Version 2 (SMIv2), McCloghrie, K.,
Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., Waldbusser, S., April 1999.3

IETF RFC 2579, STD 58, Textual Conventions for SMIv2, McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J.,
Case, J., Rose, M., Waldbusser, S., April 1999.

IETF RFC 2580, STD 58, Conformance Statements for SMIv2, McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D.,
Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., Waldbusser, S., April 1999.

IETF RFC 2986, PKCS #10: Certification Request Syntax Specification Version 1.7, Nystrom, M., Kaliski,
B., November 2000.

IETF RFC 3279, Algorithms and Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and
Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, Polk, W., Housley, R., Bassham, L., April 2002.

IETF RFC 3410, Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet Standard Management Framework,
Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., Stewart, B., December 2002.

IETF RFC 3447, Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications
Version 2.1, Jonsson, J., Kaliski, B., February 2003.

IETF RFC 3647, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Policy and Certification Practices
Framework, Chokhani, S., Ford, W., Sabett, R., Merrill, C., Wu, S., November 2003.

IETF RFC 4086, Randomness Requirements for Security, Eastlake 3rd, D., Schiller, J., Crocker, S., June

IETF RFC 4133, Entity MIB (Version 3), Bierman, A., McCloghrie, K., August 2005.

IETF RFC 4492, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS),
Blake-Wilson, S., Bolyard, N., Gupta, V., Hawk, C., Moeller, B., May 2006.

IETF RFC 4949, Internet Security Glossary, Version 2, Shirey, R., August 2007.

IETF RFC 5008, Suite B in Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), Housley, R., Solinas,
J., September 2007.

IETF RFC 5280, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
Profile, Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S., Housley, R., Polk, W., May 2008.

2ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor,
New York, NY 10036, USA (
IETF RFCs are available from the Internet Engineering Task Force Web site at

Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved. 3

BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

IETF RFC 5289, TLS Elliptic Curve Cipher Suites with SHA-256/384 and AES Galois Counter Mode
(GCM), Rescorla, E., August 2008.

IETF RFC 5480, Elliptic Curve Cryptography Subject Public Key Information, Turner, S., Brown, D., Yiu,
K., Housley, R., Polk, T., March 2009

ISO/IEC 15802-1:1995, Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between

systems—Local and metropolitan area networks—Common specifications—Part 1: Medium Access
Control (MAC) service definition.4

NIST FIPS 140-2, Annex C: Approved Random Number Generators.5

NIST FIPS 180-3, Secure Hash Standard (SHS), October 2008.

NIST FIPS 186-3, Digital Signature Standards (DSS), June 2009.

Standards for Efficient Cryptography (SEC), “SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography,” Certicom Research,

ISO/IEC publications are available from the ISO Central Secretariat, Case Postale 56, 1 rue de Varembé, CH-1211, Genève 20,
Switzerland/Suisse ( ISO/IEC publications are also available in the United States from Global Engineering
Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112, USA ( Electronic copies are available in the
United States from the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (http://
5NIST publications are available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Public Inquiries, NIST, 100 Bureau
Drive, Stop 3460, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899-3460, USA (
This document is available at

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BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014
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3. Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.7

aggregate device: A device containing multiple logical or physical devices.

authentication: The process of verifying an identity claimed by or for a system entity. Defined in RFC

authentication exchange: The two-party conversation between systems performing an authentication

NOTE—Examples of authentication exchange methods are Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and Simple
Authentication and Security Layer (SASL).9

authentication process: The cryptographic operations and supporting data frames that perform the actual

Authenticator: An entity that facilitates authentication of other entities attached to the same LAN.

binding: See: cryptographic binding.

certificate revocation list (CRL): A signed list of revoked certificates. Defined in RFC 5280.

certificate signing request (CSR): A signed message from the device to the Certification Authority (CA)
requesting a certificate be issued. This is a variant of the RFC 2986 defined CertificationRequest with
additional specifications to enable the use of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).

cipher suite: A set of one or more algorithms, designed to provide any number of the following: data
confidentiality, data authenticity, data integrity, replay protection.

client: The protocol entity that makes use of a service.

credential: A data object that provides authentication information such as a public key along with other
identity fields. The entity identified by a credential normally possesses a secret or private key that can be
used to prove its identity.

cryptographic binding: A data object constructed using cryptographic operations to combine a secret with
other arbitrary data objects such that it may be proven that the result could only be created by an entity
having knowledge of the secret.

cryptographic key: A parameter that determines the operation of a cryptographic function such as the
a) The transformation from plain text to cipher text and vice versa
b) Synchronized generation of keying material
c) Digital signature computation or validation10

The IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions is available at
Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
9Notes in text, tables, and figures are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement the standard.
This and other definitions in this clause have been drawn from ASC X9 TR1, Technical Report for ABA ASC/X9 Standards
Definitions, Acronyms, and Symbols, 2002.

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device: A device is any entity that has a single IDevID credential.

IEEE 802 Local Area Network (LAN): IEEE 802 LANs are LAN technologies that provide a MAC
Service equivalent to the MAC Service defined in ISO/IEC 15802-1:1995. IEEE 802 LANs include
IEEE 802.3TM (CSMA/CD), IEEE 802.11TM (wireless), and IEEE 802.17TM (resilient packet ring).
NOTE—In this standard, also referred to simply as LANs.

Initial Secure Device Identifier (IDevID): The Secure Device Identifier installed on the device by the

key: See: cryptographic key.

Locally Significant Secure Device Identifiers (LDevIDs): A Secure Device Identifier credential that is
unique in the local administrative domain in which the device is used.

Secure Device Identifier (DevID): A device identifier that is cryptographically bound to the device and is
composed of the Secure Device Identifier Secret and the Secure Device Identifier Credential.

Secure Device Identifier Credential (DevID Credential), Secure Device Identifier Certificate (DevID
Certificate): Synonym for a data object constructed using cryptographic operations to bind the DevID
Name and other data to the cryptographic keying material possessed by the device.

Secure Device Identifier Module (DevID Module): A logical security component that will securely store
and operate on one or more DevID Secret(s) and associated DevID Credentials.

Secure Device Identifier Root Credential Store: The database of root credentials for IDevID and LDevID
credentials that are stored and used by a DevID compliant solution. This is equivalent to the common Web
browser root store and may be shipped with the solution.

Secure Device Identifier Secret (DevID Secret): The private key portion of a public-private key pair
bound to a DevID Credential.

zeroization: A method of erasing electronically stored data, cryptographic keys, and critical stored
parameters by altering or deleting the contents of the data storage to prevent recovery of the data.
NOTE—Adapted from NIST Special Publication 800-57 [B32].11

The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex D.

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4. Acronyms and abbreviations

CA Certification Authority

NOTE—CA is also an abbreviation for secure Connectivity Association in IEEE Std 802.1AETM and
IEEE Std 802.1XTM.

CPS Certification Practices Statement

CRL Certificate Revocation List

CSR Certificate Signing Request

EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol

EAP-TLS EAP Transport Layer Security

EC Elliptic Curve

ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography

ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm

FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard

IP Internet Protocol

LAN IEEE 802 Local Area Network

LMI Layer Management Interface

MAC Media Access Control

MIB Management Information Base

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

PKCS Public-Key Cryptography Standards

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User Service

RFC IETF Request for Comments

RNG random number generator

RSA Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman cryptography algorithm

SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer

SHA Secure Hash Algorithm

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SMI Structure of Management Information

TLS Transport Layer Security

TPM Trusted Platform Module

WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

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8 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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5. Conformance

A claim of conformance to this standard is a claim that the behavior of an implementation of a Secure
Device Identifier (IDevID and LDevID) meets the requirements of this standard as they apply to the format
of the identifier, secure storage of it, and management of the identifier. Example uses of the DevID are
provided but are not limited to the discussions in this standard.

Conformance to this standard does not ensure that a system implementing the standard is secure, nor does it
ensure that the operation of protocols relying upon capabilities from this standard are immune to breaches by
an attacker.

5.1 Requirements terminology

For consistency with existing IEEE standards, requirements placed upon conformant implementations of
this standard are expressed using the following terminology:

a) shall is used for mandatory requirements

b) may is used to describe implementation or administrative choices (may means is permitted to, and
hence, may and may not mean precisely the same thing)
c) should is used for recommended choices (the behaviors described by should and should not are both
permissible but not equally desirable choices)

The PICS proforma (see Annex A) reflects the occurrences of the words shall, may, and should within the

The standard avoids needless repetition and apparent duplication of its formal requirements by using is, is
not, are, and are not for definitions and the logical consequences of conformant behavior. Behavior that is
permitted but is neither always required nor directly controlled by an implementer or administrator, or
whose conformance requirement is detailed elsewhere, is described by can. Behavior that never occurs in a
conformant implementation or system of conformant implementations is described by can not. The word
allow is used as a replacement for the cliche “support the ability to...,” and the word capability means “is
configurable such that....”

5.2 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

The supplier of an implementation that is claimed to conform to this standard shall complete a copy of the
PICS proforma provided in Annex A and shall provide the information necessary to identify both the
supplier and the implementation.

5.3 Required capabilities

A device for which conformance to this standard is claimed shall:

a) Contain an IDevID as specified in 6.2.1 (DevID credentials).

b) Contain the credential chain as specified in 6.2.1 (DevID credentials).
c) Support an RSA or ECDSA key as specified in 6.2.2 (Asymmetric cryptography).
d) Generate random numbers as specified in 6.2.4 (Random number generator).
e) Store an IDevID secret as specified in 6.2.5 (Storage).
f) Support the mandatory operations as specified in 6.3 (DevID Service Interface).
g) Support the DevID credential format as specified in Clause 7 (DevID Credential details).

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A device supporting Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to manage the capabilities of DevIDs
for which conformance to this standard is claimed shall:

h) Restrict access to SNMP version 3 and higher, and only in privacy/authentication mode as specified
in 6.3.12 (LDevID Credential insert).
i) Implement the MIB Management Interface as specified in 6.4 (DevID Management Interface).

5.4 Optional capabilities

A device for which conformance to this standard is claimed may:

a) Support LDevID credentials as specified in 6.2 (Components of a DevID module).

b) Store DevID secrets externally to the DevID module as specified in 6.2.5 (Storage).
c) Support the optional operations specified in 6.3 (DevID Service Interface).
d) Share an LDevID key pair among multiple LDevID credentials as specified in 6.3.12 (LDevID
Credential insert).
e) Externally generate the IDevID secret as specified in 6.5.1 (Creation of DevID secret).
f) Share the IDevID secret with LDevID credentials as specified in 6.5.1 (Creation of DevID secret).

5.5 Recommended capabilities

A device for which conformance to this standard is claimed should:

a) Include Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) hierarchy root credentials in an easily discovered location
as specified in 6.2.1 (DevID credentials).
b) Support at least one LDevID credential as specified in 6.2.1 (DevID credentials).
c) Encrypt externally stored secrets as specified in 6.2.5 (Storage).
d) Support the recommended operations as specified in 6.3 (DevID Service Interface).
e) Confirm that inserted LDevID credentials match this standards credential profile for LDevID
credentials 6.3.12 (LDevID Credential insert).
f) Publish the Certification Authority (CA) Certification Practices Statement (CPS) in the PICS as
specified in 6.5.1 (Creation of DevID secret).
g) Generate an independent LDevID secret as specified in 6.5.1 (Creation of DevID secret).
h) Generate IDevID secret internally as specified in 6.5.1 (Creation of DevID secret).
i) Report key generation mechanism in CPS as specified in 6.5.1 (Creation of DevID secret).
j) Document key exposure plans in their PICS as specified in 6.6.1 (Mitigating risks of key exposure).
k) Support identity hiding as specified in 6.6.3 (Identity Hiding).

The supplier for a device for which conformance to this standard is claimed should:

l) Have a unique issuer name in the IDevID as specified in 7.2.4 (issuer).

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6. Secure Device Identifier Module

This clause describes the logical components of the DevID Module. It provides the necessary context for
understanding the security requirements (and acceptable practical limitations on those requirements) for the
creation, use, maintenance, and deletion of DevID credentials. An overview of DevID credentials is
provided although the details of DevID fields are specified in Clause 7 (DevID Credential details).

Informative use cases are provided in Annex C as examples.

6.1 What is a device?

A device is any entity in an IEEE 802 LAN that seeks to obtain services from the network or provide
services on the network. A device is defined by having a single IDevID credential.

Multiple logical or physical devices may be contained within an aggregate device. Each of these logical or
physical devices will have its own unique DevID. The DevID used to identify the aggregate device may
depend on the context under which the identification of the aggregate device is done. The selection of a
DevID based on this context is beyond the scope of this document. Service interfaces defined in 6.3 do not
refer to aggregate devices.

The DevID module is a logical security component that stores and operates on the DevID secrets and
associated DevID credentials. The PICS shall describe the device the DevID module is identifying.

6.2 Components of a DevID module

The components of a DevID module are shown in Figure 6-1. Implementations may provide additional
functionalities. The DevID credential and DevID secret are used by the DevID module to prove the identity
of the device. It is imperative that the DevID secret is securely protected from access by any other entity.
The DevID credential is publicly available to any entity that wishes to verify the identity of a device.

6.2.1 DevID credentials

The DevID module shall include the IDevID and zero or more LDevIDs. At least one LDevID credential
should be supported.

The DevID module shall include the entire credential chain up to the root credential and should include the
root credential. For a shallow hierarchy this requirement could be met with only the IDevID credential on
the device. The root certificates should be shipped along with the device or made available by the solution
manufacturer in a reasonably discoverable fashion such as on the manufacturer’s Web site.

The DevID credential format shall be as described in Clause 7 (DevID Credential details).

DevIDs have to be explicitly created. IDevIDs are normally created during manufacturing or initial
provisioning, and can be generated internally in the DevID module or can be created externally and
subsequently transferred to secure storage within the DevID module. LDevIDs can be created at any time, in
accordance with local policies, and likewise can be created internally in the DevID module, or can be
created externally and transferred to the DevID module.

Following creation, DevIDs enter their active use lifetime, during which they can be used and maintained in
accordance with the administrative policies of the network and device owners possessing them. IDevIDs
remain in their active use state until the effective lifetime ends or the IDevID is disabled. LDevIDs can be
managed by the operations detailed in 6.3 (DevID Service Interface).

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Applications and Operating Systems

Management Interface Service Interface

DevID Module Storage

cryptography DevID secret(s)

RNG Credential chain

Hash Algorithms
DevID Credential

Figure 6-1— DevID components

A DevID (particularly an IDevID) continues to exist for as long as the DevID module it exists in remains
operational. In order to support the standard X.509 certificate format, a certificate expiry time is specified.
The GeneralizedTime value “99991231235959Z” is used for this purpose.

The CA certificates of the certificate chain shall conform to the IDevID specification as specified in 7.1
(DevID hierarchy credential fields).

6.2.2 Asymmetric cryptography

The DevID secret shall be either the secret portion of a RSA private-public key pair as defined in 7.3.1
(RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5) or the secret portion of an P-256 elliptic curve private-public key pair as defined in
7.3.2 (ECDSA).

Since the DevID secret is used only within the DevID module in which it is installed, the underlying
representation is a choice left to the implementer. Possible representations are discussed in 6.2.5 (Storage)
along with estimates of the storage requirements.

Techniques for finding a suitable DevID secret are discussed in IEEE Std 1363TM-2000 [B4] and NIST FIPS

6.2.3 Hash algorithms

The DevID Module shall contain an implementation of the hash algorithm as specified in 7.3.3 (SHA-256
hash algorithm).

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6.2.4 Random number generator

The system shall provide a strong random number generator (RNG) for the generation of all numbers
described as random in this standard. If a non-deterministic RNG (e.g., hardware RNG) is not available, the
system shall make use of sufficient entropy to create a good quality seed for a deterministic RNG and which
should be one of those listed in FIPS 140-2, Annex C: Approved Random Number Generators. Additionally
RFC 4086 provides a self-described “best current practice” document for producing random numbers.

6.2.5 Storage

DevID secrets shall be stored confidentially and not available outside the module. Encryption techniques
may allow storage space that is external to the module to be used. The DevID module service interfaces
must be used to access credentials and secrets so stored.

In practice, there are different ways in which the DevID secret can be stored. The most direct is to provide
hardware secured storage within the module for the IDevID secret (e.g., one-time programmable memory
embedded within the DevID module). Other implementation possibilities exist such as a nominally
unsecured storage location where the device's operating system restricts all access (software secured

When using an external storage mechanism, there will be additional overhead for the storage of encryption
keys; for example if AES 128-bit encryption is used, the 16-octet AES key must be stored within the DevID
module. If external storage is used, the protection method (possibly encryption) shall be documented in the

Example storage sizes for the DevID secret, as maintained in various formats, are listed in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1—DevID storage examples

Name Type Value

RSAPrivateKey The portable PKCS1 ~1188 The following are included in an

format, including RSAPrivateKey:
public and private
exponents and all version
associated modulus (INTEGER, n)
information. publicExponent (INTEGER, e)
privateExponent (INTEGER, d)
This is not size prime1 (INTEGER, p)
optimized. prime2 (INTEGER, q)
exponent1 (INTEGER, d mod (p–1))
exponent2 (INTEGER, d mod (q–1))
coefficient (INTEGER ((inverse of q) mod p)

RSA modulus (n) and Bits. ~(257 + The computed modulus (n = pq) and private
private exponent (d) 256) exponent (d).

ECPrivateKey The Standards for ~119 The following are included in an ECPrivateKey:
Cryptography Group version
format for an elliptic privateKey (OCTET STRING)
curve private key. parameters
This is for a publicKey (BIT STRING)
prime256v1 key.

Elliptic Curve Bits 32 Just the privateKey

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6.3 DevID Service Interface

The DevID module operational functionalities provide direct control over the device’s identity. Access to
these functionalities should be limited to the device administrator and owner as is appropriate for the device
and administration model. The details of the security considerations and resulting implementations are out
of the scope of this standard. Appropriate techniques might include role-based access control, user level
access, administrative level access, etc.

Operations included in 6.3 are core functionalities that make the DevID module useful for assertion of the
DevID identity. Examples of these operations in use are found in Annex C. Explicit encryption and
decryption operations are not included.

The DevID module shall implement a service interface that supports the following operations:

— Initialization
— Enumeration of the DevID public keys
— Enumeration of DevID credentials
— Enumeration of DevID credential chain
— Signing
— Enable/disable DevID credential
— Enable/disable of DevID key

The DevID module should implement the following operations:

— LDevID Key generation

— LDevID Key insertion
— LDevID Key delete
— LDevID Certificate Signing Request generation
— LDevID Credential insert
— LDevID Credential Chain insert
— LDevID Credential delete
— LDevID Credential Chain delete

The DevID module may implement the following operations:

— Addition of RNG entropy

The enumerated types shown in Table 6-2 are defined for the service interface.

Table 6-2—Enumerated key types

KEYTYPE_RSA The format of the key data shall be an RFC 3447 defined RSAPrivateKey.

KEYTYPE_ECC The format of the key data shall be an OCTET STRING of the ECDSA
private key. The FIPS recommended curve prime256v1 shall be supported.

NOTE—Insertion of replacement IDevID credentials is to be limited to the manufacturer operations and is out of scope
of this standard. Replacing the IDevID is tantamount to destroying the current device and replacing it with a new device
with the new IDevID credential.

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6.3.1 Initialization

The DevID module shall implement an initialization operation. When called this operation causes the DevID
module to prepare itself for use. For example any self-test operations necessary to comply with FIPS 140-2
[B31] would be performed at this time.

This operation is not expected to be exposed to the device administrator but rather to be used by the OS or
firmware to properly initialize the DevID module. The DevID module returns FALSE if its internal
consistency checks fail, if it detects a compromise of its protected data, or if it has been instructed to disable
access by an authorized management interface.

Inputs: None

Output: A binary value indicating availability (TRUE) or unavailability (FALSE) of

the other DevID Service Interface operations.

6.3.2 Enumeration of DevID public keys

The DevID module shall implement this operation. This operation allows the administrator to determine the
DevID keys installed in the DevID module.

All keys are indexed internally with an integer within [0..n–1], and the index of the key is returned as the
“keyIndex.” Any negative value of keyIndex is indicative of an internal error. The IDevID key shall always
be at index “0.” Operations on keys use the keyIndex to address a specific key.

The key material returned shall be limited to the public key material.

Inputs: None

Output: A table containing, for each key, the key’s keyIndex, a value indicating if the
key is enabled and the public key material itself.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.3 Enumeration of DevID credentials

The DevID module shall implement this operation. This operation allows the administrator to determine the
DevID credentials installed in the DevID module.

All credentials are indexed internally with an integer within [0..n–1], and the index of a credential is
returned as the “credentialIndex.” Any negative value of credentialIndex is indicative of an internal error.
The IDevID credential shall always be at index “0.” Additional operations on credentials use the
credentialIndex to address a specific credential.

Inputs: None

Output: A table containing, for each credential, the credential’s credentialIndex, the
associated key’s keyIndex, a value indicating if the credential is enabled and the
credential itself.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

NOTE—There is no correspondence between the keyIndex and credentialIndex other than that “0” indexes the IDevID

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6.3.4 Enumeration of a DevID credential chain

The DevID module shall implement this operation. This operation allows the administrator to enumerate a
credential chain associated with a specified DevID credential. The root certificate may be part of the chain.

Inputs: credentialIndex of the DevID credential for which the credential chain is

Output: A table containing each credential within the credential chain.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.5 Signing

The DevID module shall implement this operation.

This operation takes the DevID keyIndex on input so that the signing operation can be specified prior to the
availability of a DevID credential. This is useful when using the signing operation during enrollment

The currentEncoding specifies the current encoding of the data as specified in (RSA Signing) and (ECDSA Signing).

Inputs: keyIndex, currentEncoding, dataLength, dataOctets.

enum currentEncoding_t {PKCS1HASH_SHA256, PKCS1DIGESTINFO_OPAQUE,


Output: A value indicating success or failure of the operation, the signature.

This operation shall not be available via a remote management protocol. RSA Signing

If the key is an RSA key, then this operation shall generate a PKCS1 signature as defined in RFC 3447 with
the signature algorithm of RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, for maximum interoperability.

The currentEncoding specifies the current encoding of the data. The dataOctets are partially encoded for
RFC 3447 signing prior to calling this DevID module interface. A value of PKCS1HASH_SHA256
indicates that the dataOctets are a SHA256 hash of the original data as specified by RFC 3447 id-sha256.
The DevID Module will continue encoding the data, starting at RFC 3447 Section 9.2 step 2, by building
and padding the DigestInfo ASN.1 value and then building the full PKCS1 signature.

A currentEncoding value of PKCS1DIGESTINFO_OPAQUE indicates that the dataOctets are already

encoded into the equivalent of the RFC 3447 Section 9.2 step 2 specified DigestInfo. The DevID Module
will continue encoding the data, starting at RFC 3447 Section 9.2 step 3, by padding the dataOctet as
specified for the DigestInfo ASN.1 value, and then building the full PKCS1 signature.

NOTE—Some uses of PKCS1 specify an alternative to the RFC 3447 DigestInfo structure. For example TLS 1.1 RFC
4346 specifies “a 36-byte structure of two hashes (one SHA and one MD5).” The use of
PKCS1DIGESTINFO_OPAQUE provides support for this type of construct. It also provides a mechanism for
components leveraging the DeviceID Module to obtain PCKS1 signatures using legacy hash algorithms such as SHA-1
or MD5.

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If the key is an ECC key then this operation shall generate an ECDSA signature as defined in ANSI X9.62-
2005 with the signature algorithm as specified in RFC 4492 Section 5.10.

The currentEncoding value of ECDSADIGESTINFO_OPAQUE indicates that the dataOctets are a

computed hash of the original data. In order to use hash functions stronger than SHA-1, TLS ECC cipher
suites using SHA-256 and SHA-384 have been specified in RFC 5289. For HMAC-based cipher suites,
Section 3.1 of RFC 5289 should be used.

6.3.6 Enable/disable DevID credential

The DevID module shall implement this operation. The enable/disable operation is used by the administrator
to control the availability of DevID credentials. Disabling a specific DevID credential could have
subsequent authentication or authorization ramifications as the device will no longer be able to assert its
identity by using this credential. This operation allows the device administrator to prevent use of a particular
credential without disabling the associated DevID key, which might be in use by a different credential.

Re-enabling a disabled DevID credential makes it fully available. The credentialIndex of a disabled DevID
credential is only valid as input to this operation and the LDevID Credential delete operation (6.3.14).

Inputs: The credentialIndex of the DevID credential to be enabled or disabled. The

state (enable or disable) desired.

Output: A value indicating success or failure of the operation.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.7 Enable/disable DevID key

The DevID module shall implement this operation. The enable/disable operation is used by the administrator
to control the availability of DevID keys. Disabling a specific DevID key could have subsequent
authentication or authorization ramifications as the device will no longer be able to assert its identity by
using this key. This allows the device administrator to maintain a measure of privacy by limiting exposure of
the device’s cryptographic identity.

A disabled DevID key is not deleted or modified in any way while it is disabled (unless it is explicitly
deleted). Re-enabling a disabled DevID key makes it fully available. The keyIndex of a disabled DevID key
is only valid as input to this operation and the LDevID key delete operation (6.3.10).

Inputs: The index of the DevID key to be enabled or disabled. The state (enable or
disable) desired.

Output: A value indicating success or failure of the operation.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol

NOTE—Disabling a DevID key will render the credentials unusable, and they should also be disabled.

6.3.8 LDevID Key generate

The DevID module should implement this operation. This operation allows for the administrator to generate
additional LDevID key material within the DevID module.

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Key material shall be disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled before use; see 6.3.7 (Enable/
disable DevID key).

Inputs: Type of key specified as either KEYTYPE_RSA or KEYTYPE_ECC. The size

of the key material.

Output: A value indicating success or failure of the operation. The keyIndex of the
new key material.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.9 LDevID Key insert

The DevID module should implement this operation. This operation allows for the administrator to generate
additional LDevID key material and then insert it into the DevID module.

Key material shall be disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled before use; see 6.3.7 (Enable/
disable DevID key).

Inputs: Type of key specified as either KEYTYPE_RSA or KEYTYPE_ECC. The key

material. The size of the key material.

Output: A value indicating success or failure of the operation. The keyIndex of the
new key material.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.10 LDevID key delete

The DevID module should implement this operation. This operation allows the administrator to delete an
LDevID keypair by specifying its keyIndex. The DevID module may perform cryptographic zeroization on
LDevID key material as part of the key delete process.

After key deletion the LDevID credential is no longer useful, since the DevID module can no longer perform
associated signing operations. It is expected that the initiator of this operation will also delete any associated
LDevID credential.

This operation shall not affect the IDevID even if an LDevID uses the IDevID keypair. Additional
mechanisms beyond these runtime operations may be defined to support deleting of the IDevID key, which
is logically equivalent to decommissioning the device.

Inputs: The keyIndex

Output: A value indicating success or failure of the operation.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.11 LDevID Certificate Signing Request generate

The DevID module should implement this operation. The subjectname information for the Certificate
Signing Request (CSR) may come from the IDevID credential, although the device may support operations
to customize this behavior and the CA infrastructure is expected to have ultimate authority.

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If the key is an RSA key, then this operation shall generate a CSR using the RFC 2986 defined

If the key is an ECC key then this operation shall generate a CSR using the RFC 2986 defined
CertificationRequest with the use of a subjectPublicKeyInfo and signature as specified in RFC 3279 and
additionally described in 7.2.10 (subjectPublicKeyInfo) and 7.2.12 (signatureValue).12

Inputs: The keyIndex and the hashAlgorithm

Output: A value indicating success or failure of the operation. A CSR.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.12 LDevID Credential insert

The DevID module should implement this operation. This operation allows LDevID credentials to be
installed into the LDevID module. LDevID Credentials can be installed at any time. Multiple LDevID
credentials may be associated with the same keypair.

There is no stateful mapping between a previously generated CSR and the resulting LDevID credential.
Because of this it is possible for a network management system to generate a locally significant LDevID
credential based entirely upon the IDevID credential presented by the device, allowing low-end devices to
support LDevIDs without also needing to support key generation. There is no mapping between the IDevID
credential fields and the LDevID credential fields.

The DevID module shall confirm that the inserted credential contains a public key that matches an existing
DevID Module private key. The DevID module should confirm that the inserted credential is an LDevID as
in 6.2.1 (DevID credentials). LDevID credentials are disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled
before use; see 6.3.6 (Enable/disable DevID credential).

Inputs: The LDevID credential

Output: A value confirming that the DevID credential has been successfully stored.
The credentialIndex is returned if the operation is successful. The keyIndex of the
matching key.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.13 LDevID Credential Chain insert

The DevID module should implement this operation. This operation allows the admistrator to insert a
credential chain associated with a particular LDevID credential.

Inputs: The credentialIndex of the LDevID credential; and the chain associated with
the credential.

Output: A value confirming that the credential chain has been stored.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

2986 refers to the signature of the certification request, which is equivalent to the RFC 5280 specified
signatureValue for certificates.

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6.3.14 LDevID Credential delete

The DevID module should implement this operation. This operation allows the administrator to delete a
LDevID credential by specifying its credentialIndex. This operation implicitly performs an LDevID
Credential Chain deletion. This operation does not remove the associated key material.

The DevID module may perform cryptographic zeroization on LDevID credential material as part of the
credential delete process. Attempts to specify an IDevID credentialIndex shall result in a FALSE return
value as the IDevID credential shall not be deleted.

Inputs: The credentialIndex

Output: A value confirming that the DevID credential has been removed.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.15 LDevID Credential Chain delete

The DevID module should implement this operation. This operation allows the admistrator to delete a
credential chain associated with a particular LDevID credential. This operation must occur before the
credential itself is deleted.

Inputs: The credentialIndex of the LDevID credential this chain is currently associated

Output: A value confirming that the credential chain has been deleted. If there is no
current credential chain, this operation returns success.

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.3.16 Addition of RNG entropy

The DevID module may implement this operation. This operation adds additional entropy to the RNG state
to provide adequate entropy to support the desired security strength.

Inputs: Number of bytes of input, an array of <=256 bytes

Output: None

This operation may be available via a remote management protocol.

6.4 DevID Management Interface

This subclause defines management operations that provide support for centralized supervision of DevID
devices. These facilities include inventory control, configuration and auditing capabilities.

Definition of a protocol to access the management operations is not in the scope. An SMIv2 MIB for these
management operations is defined in Clause 8 (Management Information Base). A DevID module
supporting SNMPv3 shall implement a management interface with authentication and privacy modes
activated that supports the following operations.

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Inventory control operations (see Table 6-3):

Table 6-3—Management Interface Inventory control operations

Obtain enumerated list of raw public keys 6.3.2

Obtain enumerated list of DevID credential 6.3.3, and select fields

information where for each credential the from 7.2
following are indicated:
— sha1 hash of the certificate
— certificate serial number
— issuer
— subject
— HardwareModuleName
— sha1 hash of the public key

Configuration operations (see Table 6-4):

Table 6-4—Management Interface Configuration operations

Enable/disable DevID credential 6.3.6

Enable/disable DevID key 6.3.7

Auditing operations (see Table 6-5):

Table 6-5—Management Interface Auditing operations

For each private key a count of how many signing 6.3.5


Count of key generations 6.3.8

Count of key insertions 6.3.9

Count of key deletions 6.3.10

Count of CSR operations 6.3.11

Count of credential insertions 6.3.12

Count of credential deletions 6.3.14

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These operations have not been specified as part of the DevID Management Interface although they are
appropriate for other management interfaces (see Table 6-6):

Table 6-6—DevID Service Interfaces that are not specified as part of the MIB

Enumeration of DevID credentials 6.3.3

Enumeration of DevID credential chains 6.3.4

LDevID key generation 6.3.8

LDevID key insertion 6.3.9

LDevID key delete 6.3.10

LDevID CSR generation 6.3.11

LDevID credential insertion 6.3.12

LDevID credential chain insertion 6.3.13

LDevID credential delete 6.3.14

LDevID credential chain delete 6.3.15

Addition of RNG entropy 6.3.16

6.5 PKI hierarchy requirements

Every DevID shall be unique within the scope of DevIDs issued by the CA responsible for a particular
domain of use. DevIDs for distinct devices shall have an unique subject name as described in 7.2.8 (subject)
and 7.2.9 (subjectAltName). Two DevIDs may be considered the same if they have the same issuer and
subject name but different serial numbers (7.2.2).

The DevID module requirements imply infrastructure elements to obtain signed DevID credentials. The
DevID Module communicates with a manufacturer’s infrastructure for signing the IDevID. Communication
with the manufacturer’s CA can involve network communication between the manufacturing facility and
any secure facilities chosen by the manufacturer to host their signing infrastructure. This can involve a wide
area network (WAN), Virtual Private Network facilities, or complex Registration Authorities or other
infrastructure elements.

Defining these mechanisms is out of scope of this standard. A lower security hurdle, and lower cost
infrastructure, could be achieved by stationing a manufacturing CA in the manufacturing area. The CA
Certification Practices Statement (CPS) as specified in RFC 3647 should be published in the PICS A.8
(DevID Supplied Information).

Similarly an LDevID credential implies the existence of a local CA. This can include a complex PKI
hierarchy with Registration Authorities, etc., or a lower cost infrastructure that could be instantiated by
single local CA. The appropriate cost and security trade-offs are out of scope of this standard.

The service interface discussed in 6.3 (DevID Service Interface) provides simple mechanisms sufficient for
integration with whatever certificate generation infrastructure is chosen by the manufacturer/owners to
create IDevID/LDevID certificates.

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Figure 6-2 shows the DevID trust hierarchy. DevID credentials are issued by either the manufacturing CA
infrastructure or a local CA. Each DevID credential provides a signed assertion of either the IDevID secret
or an LDevID secret.

(PKI hierarchy optional) (PKI hierarchy optional)

Manufacturing Certificate
Local Certificate Authority

LDevID Credential(s)
IDevID Credential


LDevID Secret(s)
IDevID Secret

DevID Module

Figure 6-2—DevID trust hierarchy

6.5.1 Creation of DevID secret

The DevID secret can be generated internally in the DevID module, or can be generated by an external entity
and securely installed in the DevID module. The manufacturer of the DevID module shall disclose whether
IDevID key generation is internal or external to the DevID module.

NOTE—Externally generated keys that are not managed appropriately can compromise the security of the system. In
particular, taking care to clear any residual key material for externally generated keys after insertion into the DevID
module is strongly encouraged.

The IDevID secret may be shared between the IDevID and an LDevID, but the administrator of the device
should be able to generate an independent LDevID secret to meet the identity hiding requirements indicated
in 6.6.3 (Identity Hiding).

The quality of the key generated greatly influences the quality of the DevID credential. Poor randomness
during key generation can lead to easily determined DevID secrets. The DevID secret should be generated
within a DevID module using the RNG specified in 6.2.4 (Random number generator). If sufficient entropy
is not available during manufacturing the IDevID secret may need to be generated externally.

The key generation mechanism and IDevID signing mechanisms associated with a particular DevID module
should be reported in any CPS published for the issuer CA. The security inherent in the system used may be
reflected in any subsequent certifications pursued for the devices in question, for example FIPS 140-2 [B31].

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6.5.2 Creation of DevID credentials

To obtain an IDevID credential the DevID module shall first have a DevID secret as per the discussion in
6.5.1 (Creation of DevID secret). Generation and insertion of the IDevID credential itself is out of scope of
this standard and is expected to occur during manufacturing.

To obtain an LDevID credential the DevID module shall first have a DevID secret as per the discussion in
6.5.1 (Creation of DevID secret). At that point a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) may be generated as
specified in 6.3.11 (LDevID Certificate Signing Request generate). The CSR is transported to the local PKI
hierarchy to be signed. The specifics of this enrollment operation are out of scope of this standard. The
resulting LDevID credential is inserted into the DevID module using the “Insert LDevID Credential”

6.5.3 Validation of DevIDs

The DevID is an X.509 credential and can be validated using the RFC 5280 defined mechanisms. IDevIDs
are intended to have very long validity periods even exceeding what would normally be cryptographically
acceptable. The manufacturer is not required to provide a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) although the
validator may do CRL checking if the manufacturer provides CRLs. The validator may verify CRLs for
LDevIDs as necessary.

In order to validate a DevID credential, the validation process must support the validation of the
cryptographic primitives specified in 7.3 (Cryptographic Primitives) and the decoding of X.509 certificates
using the distinguished encoding rules, as described in RFC 5280.

The protocols used for the exchange of information between the DevID module and the verifier are not
specified by this standard. TLS is an example protocol that implements this exchange as discussed in C.1
(DevID use in EAP-TLS).

6.6 Trust Model

DevID credentials provide a method for network entities to authenticate each other. Authentication using
DevIDs may be one-way (e.g., the network may control access of devices to services from the network), or
mutual, in which case entities in the network authenticate themselves to each other. Authorization using
DevIDs may limit the network(s) that a given device may obtain services from to only those network(s) that
are specified in a solution-specific access control mechanism. For example a DevID enabled solution may
include an access control list of device types, device serial numbers, LDevIDs, or other distinguishing
credential values that are cryptographically bound to the credential and may be checked when making
authorization decisions. The manufacturer shall describe in the PICS which distinguished subject name
fields contain identifiers that are appropriate for authorization, auditing, or other purposes. The
authentication and authorization mechanisms themselves are out of the scope of this standard.

The IDevID is signed by a credential that is held by the manufacturer and is part of a larger hierarchy. There
is no global root and there are no requirements on the depth of the PKI hierarchy.

When asserting device identity, the LDevID should be used if it exists and is enabled. Enabling or disabling
the DevID module functionalities as a whole shall always be under control of the device administrator.

Validation of a DevID credential provides authentication of the device in question. This is expected to be
paired with an authorization mechanism.

When a DevID enabled network validates a DevID credential a DevID root credential store is used.
Solutions that use the DevID to determine device identity are expected to support local configuration of the

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DevID Root Credential Store. This enables the solution administrator to manipulate this root store by adding
or removing root credentials for various manufacturers or LDevID devices that are authorized to be on their
network. The solution administrator is expected to examine the CPS published for the device manufacturer’s
CA and the PICS proforma published for the DevID-compliant devices before adding manufacturer root
credentials to their root store or authorization mechanism.

6.6.1 Mitigating risks of key exposure

If the manufacturer’s signing credentials are compromised it would be possible for an attacker to create
“fake” IDevID credentials. To mitigate this DevID enabled solutions are expected to either support installing
LDevID credentials during deployment or to provide a mechanism to add IDevID public key specifics to the
solution’s authorization mechanisms. This limits any risk due to compromised root keys to only during
DevID secured device deployment, which is a substantially smaller window of opportunity. The
manufacturer is expected to use the same mechanisms they would use for any other high priority security
vulnerability found in their product line when announcing potentially compromised signing credentials.

A compromised IDevID private key would allow an attacker to generate “clones” of the device. If any
devices have the same keypair, even if they have different identities in their IDevIDs, they can spoof each
other because they have knowledge of the same secret key. Use of a one-time authorization mechanism tied
to LDevID enrollment prevents cloned or attacker devices from joining the network.

6.6.2 Security Objectives

DevIDs are used to authenticate access to networks. They do so using cryptographic data and operations.
Some of this data is private. The DevID secret shall be stored and used within a controlled boundary (the
cryptographic boundary) and protected from plaintext access by entities outside the cryptographic boundary.
A DevID module shall satisfy the following security objectives:

a) Confidentiality: DevIDs contain one or more private cryptographic key(s), unique to that instance of
DevID, that are to be protected from disclosure outside the cryptographic boundary. Failure to
protect this data from external disclosure results in a compromised DevID that is no longer
guaranteed to be bound to the device.
b) Integrity: The integrity of the public and private cryptographic keys and private identifier data is
essential to ongoing use of DevIDs. Failure to protect the integrity of this data results in
identification data that will no longer be useful for device authentication purposes.
c) Availability: A device compliant with the standard is shipped with an IDevID, which is available for
device authentication via the runtime operations.
d) Privacy: The owner of the device can either disable the DevID module or use (multiple) LDevIDs to
maintain privacy.

NOTE—Availability is prioritized over Privacy. The IDevID is enabled when the device is shipped and the owner has
the ability to enable privacy by disabling the DevID module.

6.6.3 Identity Hiding

The IDevID shipped on a device could be used to track that exact device, which could violate the privacy of
the device owner. For this reason, the device administrator shall be able to disable DevID module
functionality through operations to disable access to all of the credentials or keys. Additionally the device
administrator may wish to maintain the anonymity of the device but not disable the DevID functionality; to
support this configuration the administrator shall be able to disable access to the IDevID private key and
credential in favor of any indicated LDevID.

There is no DevID credential field that allows differentiation between an LDevID and an IDevID generated
by an unknown manufacturer.

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7. DevID Credential details

This clause describes the fields of the DevID credentials in detail. DevID credentials are a specified subset
of RFC 5280 certificates. Solutions leveraging the DevID credential are expected to validate these
credentials as specified in RFC 5280.

7.1 DevID hierarchy credential fields

The credentials used to build the PKI hierarchy (e.g., CAs) for DevID credentials shall conform to the
general specification for DevID credentials indicated in 7.2 (DevID credential fields) with the following

— The CA credentials shall include the “basic constraints” extension indicating the CAs of the PKI
hierarchy are CAs as specified in RFC 5280. Use of critical extensions is discussed in more detail in
7.2.13 (extensions).
— The CA credentials shall include the “subjectKeyIdentifier” as specified in RFC 5280.

7.2 DevID credential fields

Table 7-1 summarizes the information presented in a DevID credential.

7.2.1 version

The version of the X.509 certificate. Valid DevID certificates shall identify themselves as version 3.

7.2.2 serialNumber

Certificate serial number, a positive integer of up to 20 octets. The serialNumber identifies the certificate,
and shall be created by the CA that signs the DevID certificate. The serialNumber shall be unique in the
scope of DevID certificates signed by the CA. This will typically be different from any manufacturer serial
numbers or other unique identifiers associated with the equipment in which the DevID is installed.

7.2.3 signature

The identity of the signature algorithm used to sign the DevID certificate. The field is identical to the value
of the signatureAlgorithm field [7.2.11 (signatureAlgorithm)].

7.2.4 issuer

The name of the signer of the DevID. This can be the name of the manufacturer, a third party CA, a network
operator, a standards certification agency, or an end user organization.

The organization issuing the IDevID shall endeavor to ensure that the issuer identification is unique and
well-known within the field of application, for example a trademarked organization name, Web address,
ticker symbol, DNS domain name, etc. Because uniqueness cannot be guaranteed, the issued DevID
credentials contain the authorityKeyIdentifier extension as specified in 7.2.5 (authorityKeyIdentifier), and
the CA certificates in the DevID certificate chain contain the subjectKeyIdentifier extension as detailed in
7.1 (DevID hierarchy credential fields). Adding authorityKeyIdentifier and subjectKeyIdentifer facilitates
certificate path building, which is necessary to validate DevID credentials. The Issuer field is predominately
useful as a user interface mechanism.

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Table 7-1—DevID credential fields summary

Field name RFC 5280 type Value Subclause reference

version INTEGER v3 7.2.1

serialNumber INTEGER Positive integer 7.2.2

signature AlgorithmIdentifier RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 or 7.2.3


issuer Name Name of issuing CA 7.2.4

authoritykeyidentifier KeyIdentifier A unique value that matches 7.2.5

the subjectKeyIdentifier of the
issuer’s credential

notBefore Time Creation time of DevID

notAfter Time Expiry time of DevID

subject Name Name of the DevID device 7.2.8

subjectAltName GeneralNames Additional name elements for 7.2.9

the DevID device

subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo The DevID public key 7.2.10

extensions Extensions Key usage and non-critical 7.2.13


signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 or 7.2.11

ECDSA signature

signatureValue BIT STRING DevID certificate signature 7.2.12

The LDevID issuer name is chosen by the administrator of the local PKI hierarchy and is expected to be
unique within the local solution although 7.2.5 (authorityKeyIdentifier) and 7.1 (DevID hierarchy credential
fields) still apply.

7.2.5 authorityKeyIdentifier

To optimize building the correct credential chain, the non-critical Authority Key Identifier extension shall be
populated with a unique value as recommended by RFC 5280 and shall be included in all DevID certificates.

7.2.6 subjectKeyIdentifier

The Subject Key Identifier extension should not be included in DevID certificates.

NOTE—As specified in 7.1 (DevID hierarchy credential fields), the non-critical Subject Key Identifier extension of the
CA certificates is populated with a unique value as recommended by RFC 5280. This facilitates certificate path building,
which is necessary to validate DevID credentials. The DevID certificate itself does not contain the Subject Key Identifier
extension both to conserve space and because it is not used when building certificate paths.

7.2.7 validity

The time period over which the DevID issuer expects the device to be used.

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All times shall be stated in the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) time zone. Times up to and including
23:59:59 December 31, 2049 UTC shall be encoded as UTCTime as YYMMDDHHmmssZ. Times later
than 23:59:59 December 31, 2049 UTC shall be encoded as GeneralizedTime as YYYYMMDDHHmmssZ. notBefore

The earliest time a DevID may be used. This shall be the time the DevID is created. notAfter

The latest time a DevID is expected to be used.

Devices possessing an IDevID are expected to operate indefinitely into the future and should use the value
99991231235959Z.13 Solutions verifying a DevID are expected to accept this value indefinitely. Any other
value in a DevID notAfter field are expected be treated as specified in RFC 5280.

7.2.8 subject

The DevID subject field shall uniquely identify the device associated with the particular DevID credential
within the issuer’s domain of significance. The formatting of this field shall contain a unique X.500
Distinguished Name (DN). This may include the unique device serial number assigned by the manufacturer
or any other suitable unique DN value that the issuer prefers. In the case of a third-party CA or a standards
certification agency, this can contain the manufacturer’s identity information.

The subject field’s DN encoding should include the “serialNumber” attribute with the device’s unique serial

7.2.9 subjectAltName

The non-critical DevID subjectAltName extension may supplement the subject field identity information as
specified in RFC 5280 by containing a hardwareModuleName as specified in RFC 4108 [B22].

7.2.10 subjectPublicKeyInfo

The DevID subjectPublicKeyInfo field shall indicate the public key algorithm identifier and the public key
in the specified algorithm format as specified in RFC 3279 [B10] and RFC 5480. The structure of the
subjectPublicKeyInfo field is shown in Table 7-2.

The algorithm identifier for RSA keys is specified in RFC 3279 as rsaEncryption:

rsaEncryption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {

iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-1(1) 1 }

RSA does not require the use of additional parameters; therefore, the parameters field is omitted. The
RSAPublicKey format is as specified in RFC 3279 and included here for convenience:

RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {

modulus INTEGER, -- n
publicExponent INTEGER } -- e

This value corresponds to one second before the year 10 000; note the creation of an opportunity for the Y10K bug fix industry.

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Table 7-2—subjectPublicKeyInfo data structure

For RSA: subjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {

subjectPublicKeyAlgorithm Algorithm Identifier,
publicKey RSAPublicKey }

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {

algorithmIdentifier "rsaEncryption",
parameters "absent" }

For ECDSA: subjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {

subjectPublicKeyAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
publicKey ECPoint }

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {

algorithmIdentifier "id-ecPublicKey",
parameters ECParameters}

The algorithm identifier for ECDSA signature keys is specified in RFC 5480 as id-ecPublicKey:

id-ecPublicKey OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-x9-

62(10045) keyType(2) 1 }

ECDSA requires the use of certain parameters with the public key. As specified in RFC 5480 the parameter
structure is:14

ECParameters ::= CHOICE {

-- implicitCurve NULL
-- specifiedCurve SpecifiedECDomain

The namedCurve choice, which allows all the required values for a particular set of elliptic curve domain
parameters to be represented by an object identifier, shall be used. The object identifier for the P-256 curve

ansip256r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-x9-

62(10045) curves(3) prime(1) 7 }

The ECDSA public key is as specified in RFC 5480 and included here for convenience:


Implementations shall support the uncompressed form and may support the compressed form of the ECDSA
public key. The hybrid form of the ECC public key from ANSI X9.62-2005 shall not be used.

7.2.11 signatureAlgorithm

The DevID signatureAlgorithm field shall indicate the CA signature algorithm used to sign this certificate as
specified in 7.3.1 for RSA and 7.3.2 for ECDSA.

RFC 5480 updates the textual names of the parameters previously defined in RFC 3279 (e.g., EcpkParameters is ECParameters,
ecParameters is specifiedCurve, implicitlyCA is implicitCA), although the underlying structures are consistent.

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7.2.12 signatureValue

The CA’s signature of the DevID certificate is computed using the CA’s private 2048-bit RSA or 256-bit
ECC certificate signing key using the algorithm identified in 7.2.11 (signatureAlgorithm).

When using RSA keys the DevID certificates shall be signed by the CA using the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5
algorithm identified in 7.3.1 (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5).

When using Elliptic Curve keys the DevID certificates shall be signed by the CA using the ECDSA
algorithm identified in 7.3.2 (ECDSA). The structure for ECDSA signatures is as per RFC 5480 and is
included here for convenience:

Ecdsa-Sig-Value ::= SEQUENCE {


7.2.13 extensions

The optional extensions field defined in RFC 5280 shall not be used for critical extensions in any IDevID
credential with the exception of the keyUsage extension. The non-critical extensions included are specified
in 7.2.5 (authorityKeyIdentifier) and 7.2.9 (subjectAltName).

The key usage field defined in RFC 5280 is intended to restrict the associated key material to only the
specified usages. The intention of an IDevID is to provide a long lived credential useful for identifying the
device in any future protocol uses. Restrictions applied during issuance may limit the future usefulness of
the DevID. If a critical keyUsage extension is included in the IDevID, it shall include digitalSignature as
defined in RFC 5280. The keyUsage extension may include keyEncipherment.

The optional extensions field defined in RFC 5280 should not be used for critical extensions in any LDevID
credential. As specified in RFC 5280 a network solution that uses the LDevID credentials and encounters a
critical extension it does not understand will signal an error and fail validation of the LDevID credential.

7.3 Cryptographic Primitives

7.3.1 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5

The RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 signature method is defined in RFC 3447. The algorithm shall be either
sha1WithRSAEncryption or sha256WithRSAEncryption. The algorithm identifiers are:

sha1WithRSAEncryption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2)us(840)

rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-1(1) 5 }

sha256WithRSAEncryption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2)us(840)

rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-1(1) 11 }

Support for sha1WithRSAEncryption is included for maximum interoperability but is not recommended.
When the sha1WithRSAEncryption or sha256WithRSAEncryption algorithm identifiers appear in the
algorithm field as an AlgorithmIdentifier, the encoding must omit the parameters field. That is, the
AlgorithmIdentifier shall be a SEQUENCE of one component, the object identifier
sha1WithRSAEncryption or sha256WithRSAEncryption.

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7.3.2 ECDSA

The ECDSA signature method is defined in NIST FIPS 186-3 by reference to ANSI X9.62-2005. If
implementing ECDSA, the SHA-256 message digest algorithm and the P-256 elliptic curve as defined in
FIPS 186-3 Annex D, D.1.2.3, shall be used.

The signature algorithm shall be ecdsa-with-SHA256 as specified in RFC 5008. The algorithm identifier is:

ecdsa-with-SHA256 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-X9-

62(10045) signatures(4) ecdsa-with-sha2(3) 2 }

When the ecdsa-with-SHA256 algorithm identifier appears in the algorithm field as an AlgorithmIdentifier,
the encoding shall omit the parameters field. That is, the AlgorithmIdentifier shall be a SEQUENCE of one
component, the object identifier ecdsa-with-SHA256.

7.3.3 SHA-256 hash algorithm

The hash algorithm used by the DevID module shall be the SHA-256 secure hash algorithm as defined in
NIST FIPS 180-3.15

The underlying ASN.1 structures fully support algorithm agility.

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8. Management Information Base

This clause defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management
protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects for creating and managing
secure device identifiers, based on the specifications contained in 6.3. This clause includes a MIB module
that is compliant to SMIv2.

While this standard specifies MIB modules for use by DevID modules and entities that interact with them,
there is no attempt here to define how the DevID module can be used to add security to SNMP.

8.1 Internet-Standard Management Framework

For a detailed overview of the standards that describe the current Internet-Standard Management
Framework, refer to Section 7 of RFC 3410.

Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or
MIB. MIB objects are generally accessed through the SNMP. Objects in the MIB are defined using the
mechanisms defined in the Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB
module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in RFC 2578, RFC 2579, and RFC 2580.

8.2 Relationship to other MIB modules

8.2.1 Relationship to the Entity MIB

A system implementing this MIB module shall implement the entPhysicalTable defined in RFC 4133, the
Entity MIB. The Entity MIB describes the managed objects used for managing multiple logical and physical
entities managed by an SNMP agent. The entPhysicalIndex points to each physical device with DevID
capability managed by an SNMP agent.

8.3 Structure of the MIB

A single MIB module is defined. Objects in the MIB are arranged into groups. Each group is organized as a
set of related objects.

These objects are necessary to implement the DevID Management Interface described in Clause 6.4. The
three MIB tables correspond to the groups of control operations described in 6.4 Table 6-3, Table 6-4, and
Table 6-5.

Table 8-1 contains cross-references between the objects defined in Clause 6 and Clause 7 and the MIB
objects defined in this clause.

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Table 8-1—Managed object cross-reference table

MIB object(s) Reference

DevID Mgmt Objects

devIDPublicKeyCount 6.3.2

devIDPublicKeyTable 6.3.2

devIDPublicKeyIndex 6.3.2

devIDPublicKeyEnabled 6.3.2

devIDPublicKeyAlgorithm 7.2.10

devIDPublicKeyPubkeySHA1Hash 7.2.10

devIDPublicKeyErrStatus Indicates an error of any key

operations. See 6.4.

devIDCredentialTable 6.3.3

devIDCredentialIndex 6.3.3

devIDCredentialEnabled 6.3.3

devIDCredentialSHA1Hash 7.2

devIDCredentialSerialNumber 7.2.2

devIDCredentialIssuer 7.2.4

devIDCredentialSubject 7.2.8

devIDCredentialSubjectAltName 7.2.9

devIDCredentialPubkeyIndex 6.3.3

devIDCredentialErrStatus Indicates an error of any

credential operations. See 6.4.

devIDStatisticsTable 6.4
devIDStatisticKeyGenerationCount 6.4

devIDStatisticKeyInsertionCount 6.4

devIDStatisticKeyDeletionCount 6.4

devIDStatisticCSRGenerationCount 6.4

devIDStatisticCredentialInsertionCount 6.4

devIDStatisticCredentialDeletionCount 6.4

The DevID Service Interfaces described in 6.4 Table 6-6 are not included in the MIB.

34 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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8.4 Security considerations

SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security. SNMPv3 shall be used. Use of
SNMPv3 without invocation of its cryptographic mechanisms (for authentication and privacy) is not
consistent with the security goals of this standard. If those mechanisms are compromised, the management
interface operations defined in 6.4 might be accessed.

There are management objects defined in this MIB module with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write.
Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. The support for SET
operations in a non-secure environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on network
operations. The objects and their sensitivity/vulnerability is described in Table 8-2.

Table 8-2—Sensitivity/vulnerability of read-write objects

MIB object(s) Vulnerability

devIDPublicKeyEnabled An enabled public key may expose the device’s public key
material. A disabled public key may restrict the device from
identifying itself to a necessary resource.

devIDCredentialEnabled An enabled credential may expose the device’s credential

information. A disabled credential may restrict the device
from identifying itself to a necessary resource.

Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a MAX-ACCESS other than not-
accessible) may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to
control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly to even encrypt the values of these
objects when sending them over the network via SNMP. The objects and their sensitivity/vulnerability is
described in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3—Sensitivity/vulnerability of read-only objects

MIB object(s) Vulnerability

devIDPublicKeyCount Exposes network identity infrastructure details

devIDPublicKeyAlgorithm Exposes the key algorithm

devIDPublicKeyPubkeySHA1Hash Exposes identifying information

devIDPublicKeyErrStatus Exposes errors providing potential indication of problems

that could be used by an attacker

devIDCredentialCount Exposes of network identity infrastructure details

devIDCredentialSHA1Hash Exposes identifying information

devIDCredentialSerialNumber Exposes identifying information

devIDCredentialIssuer Exposes identifying information

devIDCredentialSubject Exposes identifying information

devIDCredentialSubjectAltName Exposes identifying information

devIDCredentialPubkeyIndex Exposes identifying information

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Table 8-3—Sensitivity/vulnerability of read-only objects (Continued)

MIB object(s) Vulnerability

devIDCredentialErrStatus Exposes errors providing potential indication of problems

that could be used by an attacker

devIDStatisticKeyGenerationCount Exposes network identity infrastructure details

devIDStatisticKeyInsertionCount Exposes network identity infrastructure details

devIDStatisticKeyDeletionCount Exposes network identity infrastructure details

devIDStatisticCSRGenerationCount Exposes network identity infrastructure details

devIDStatisticCredentialInsertionCount Exposes network identity infrastructure details

devIDStatisticCredentialDeletionCount Exposes network identity infrastructure details

8.5 Definitions for Secure Device Identifier MIB

In the following MIB definition, if any discrepancy between the DESCRIPTION text and the corresponding
definitions in Clause 6 or Clause 7 occur, the definitions shall take precedence.

-- Definitions of managed objects supporting IEEE 802.1AR Secure Device


PhysicalIndex, entPhysicalIndex


36 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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LAST-UPDATED "200906250000Z"
ORGANIZATION "IEEE 802.1 Working Group"
"This is the management module of the Secure Device Identifier
(DevID) for managing IEEE 802.1AR. As specified in the current
IEEE 802.1AR draft document.
This is the management module of the Secure Device Identifier
(DevID) for managing IEEE 802.1AR. A DevID is cryptographically
bound to a device, and supports authentication of the device's
identity. Locally significant identities can be securely
associated with an initial manufacturer-provisioned DevID and
used in provisioning and authentication protocols to allow a
network administrator to establish the trustworthiness of a
device and select appropriate policies for transmission and
reception of data and control protocols to and from the device.
A device indicates any entity in an IEEE 802 LAN that seeks to
obtain services from the network.
The use of a Secure Device Identifier (DevID) in a DevID module
allows network entities to associate a DevID credential with
devices that participate or wish to participate in authenticated
access to one or more networks.
A device with DevID capability incorporates a globally unique
manufacturer provided Initial SecureDevice Identifier (IDevID),
stored in a way that ensures it will remain unmodified in the
absence of both unrestricted access to the device and
extraordinary efforts by an attacker.
The device may support the creation of Locally Signification
Device Identifiers (LDevIDs) by network administrator. Each
LDevID is bound to the device in a way that makes it impossible
for it to be forged or transferred to a device with a different
IDevID without knowledge of the private key used to effect the
crytographic binding. LDevID can incorporate, and fully protect,
additional information specified by the network administrator to
support local authorization conventions. LDevIDs may also be
used to entirely replace IDevIDs in such a way as to assure the
privacy of the user of a LDevID and the equipment in which it is
Every device has exactly one (IDevID) and zero or more LDevIDs.
The number of LDevIDs depends upon the capabilities of the DevID
module and on the administrative policy of the network(s) in
which the device is used"
REVISION "200906250000Z"
"Published as part of IEEE standard 802.1AR"
::= { iso (1) iso-identified-organization (3) ieee (111) standards-
association-numbered-series-standards (2) lan-man-stds (802)
ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) 17 }

devIDMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ieee8021DevIDMIB 0 }

devIDMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ieee8021DevIDMIB 1 }

Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved. 37

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devIDMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ieee8021DevIDMIB 2 }

-- Textual Convention
STATUS current
"This textual convention is used to define the error state
of a devID operation.

The value none(1) which means no error, indicating a successful

operation. The value internalError(2) is used to display an system

DevIDAlgorithmIdentifier::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"This textual convention is used to define the algorithm type for
the public key."

-- Management Objects for DevID
devIDGlobalMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { devIDMIBObjects 1 }

devIDMgmtMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { devIDMIBObjects 2 }

devIDStatsMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { devIDMIBObjects 3 }

-- DevID global objects

-- DevID Mgmt Objects
devIDPublicKeyCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This gives the total number of DevID
public keys installed in the DevID module."

38 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.2"

::= { devIDMgmtMIBObjects 1 }

-- DevID public key Table
devIDPublicKeyTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A table containing the public key, the keys
keyIndex, a value indicating if the key is
enabled. This allows the administrator to
determine the DevID keys installed in the
DevID module. The maximum number of entries
in this table is limited by the value of
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.2"
::= { devIDMgmtMIBObjects 2 }

devIDPublicKeyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DevIDPublicKeyEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry containing DevID public key,
the keys keyIndex, a value indicating
if the key is enabled"
INDEX { entPhysicalIndex }
::= { devIDPublicKeyTable 1 }

DevIDPublicKeyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

devIDPublicKeyIndex Unsigned32,
devIDPublicKeyEnabled TruthValue,
devIDPublicKeyAlgorithm DevIDAlgorithmIdentifier,
devIDPublicKeyPubkeySHA1Hash SnmpAdminString,
devIDPublicKeyErrStatus DevIDErrorStatus

devIDPublicKeyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295 )
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"All keys are indexed internally with this
object. The value of this object is within
This is the keyIndex and operations on
keys will use the keyIndex to address a
specific key. The IDevID key shall only be
at index 0.
Any error in retrieving a key will be displayed
in the devIDPublicKeyErrStatus object."

Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved. 39

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REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.2"

::= { devIDPublicKeyEntry 1 }

devIDPublicKeyEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The enable/disable state of this public key. This setting
persists across restarts."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.2"
::= { devIDPublicKeyEntry 2 }

devIDPublicKeyAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DevIDAlgorithmIdentifier
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The DevID PublicKey Algorithm field shall indicate
the public key algorithm identifier. This object
identifies the public key algorithm as either
rsaEncryption or idecPublicKey"
"IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, 6.3.2 and 7.2.9"
::= { devIDPublicKeyEntry 3 }

devIDPublicKeyPubkeySHA1Hash OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The SHA1 Hash of this DevID public key."
"IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, 6.3.2 and 7.2.9"
::= { devIDPublicKeyEntry 4 }

devIDPublicKeyErrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DevIDErrorStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The displays the status of an operation on
the public key. The default value is none
which means no error, indicating a successful
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.2"
DEFVAL { none }
::= { devIDPublicKeyEntry 5 }

devIDCredentialCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current

40 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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"This gives the total number of DevID
credentials installed in the DevID module."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.2"
::= { devIDMgmtMIBObjects 3 }

-- DevID Management Table
devIDCredentialTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A table of current DevID credentials, where
for each certificate the following are indicated:
sha1 hash of the certificate, section7 defined
fields of cert serial number, issuer, subject,
HardwareModuleName, and pubkey."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.3"
::= { devIDMgmtMIBObjects 4 }

devIDCredentialEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DevIDCredentialEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry containing DevID Credential information"
INDEX { devIDCredentialIndex }
::= { devIDCredentialTable 1 }

DevIDCredentialEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

devIDCredentialIndex Unsigned32,
devIDCredentialEnabled TruthValue,
devIDCredentialSHA1Hash SnmpAdminString,
devIDCredentialSerialNumber SnmpAdminString,
devIDCredentialIssuer SnmpAdminString,
devIDCredentialSubject SnmpAdminString,
devIDCredentialSubjectAltName SnmpAdminString,
devIDCredentialEntityIndex PhysicalIndex,
devIDCredentialPubkeyIndex Unsigned32,
devIDCredentialErrStatus DevIDErrorStatus

devIDCredentialIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295 )
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"All credentials are indexed internally with
this object. The value of this object is within
This is the credentialIndex and operations on
credentials will use the credentialIndex to address

Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved. 41

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a specific crdential. The IDevID credential shall

only be at index 0. Additional operations on credentials
use the credentialIndex to address a specific
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.2"
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 1 }

devIDCredentialEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The enable/disable state of this credential. This setting
persists across restarts."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.3.6"
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 2 }

devIDCredentialSHA1Hash OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The SHA1 Hash of this DevID credential."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 7.2.2"
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 3 }

devIDCredentialSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..20))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The serial number of the credential."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 7.2.2"
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 4 }

devIDCredentialIssuer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The issuer field of the credential."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 7.2.4"
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 5 }

devIDCredentialSubject OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The subject field of the credential."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 7.2.8"
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 6 }

devIDCredentialSubjectAltName OBJECT-TYPE

42 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The subjectaltname field of the credential"
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 7.2.8"
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 7 }

devIDCredentialEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PhysicalIndex
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This refers to the entPhysicalIndex in
entPhysicalTable to identify the associated
physical entity."
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 8 }

devIDCredentialPubkeyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Has the appropriate devIDPublicKeyIndex
value from devIDPublicKeyTable to identify
the public key information."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 7.2.9"
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 9 }

devIDCredentialErrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DevIDErrorStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The displays the status of an operation on
the credential. The default value is none
which means no error, indicating a successful
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.2"
DEFVAL { none }
::= { devIDCredentialEntry 10 }

-- DevID statistics table
devIDStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A table containing statistics information."
::= { devIDMgmtMIBObjects 5 }

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devIDStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DevIDStatisticsEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry containing DevID statistics."
INDEX { entPhysicalIndex }
::= { devIDStatisticsTable 1 }

DevIDStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

devIDStatisticKeyGenerationCount Counter32,
devIDStatisticKeyInsertionCount Counter32,
devIDStatisticKeyDeletionCount Counter32,
devIDStatisticCSRGenerationCount Counter32,
devIDStatisticCredentialInsertionCount Counter32,
devIDStatisticCredentialDeletionCount Counter32

devIDStatisticKeyGenerationCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This gives the total number of additional
LDevID key material generation within the
DevID module.
Discontinuities occur at system restart and
counter rollover."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.8"
::= { devIDStatisticsEntry 1 }

devIDStatisticKeyInsertionCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This gives the total number of additional
LDevID key material generation followed by
an insertion within the DevID module.
Discontinuities occur at system restart and
counter rollover."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.9"
::= { devIDStatisticsEntry 2 }

devIDStatisticKeyDeletionCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This gives the total number of LDevID keypair
deletions within the DevID module.
Discontinuities occur at system restart and
counter rollover."

44 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.10"

::= { devIDStatisticsEntry 3 }

devIDStatisticCSRGenerationCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This gives the total number of
Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
generation as defined in RFC2986.
Discontinuities occur at system restart and
counter rollover."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.11"
::= { devIDStatisticsEntry 4 }

devIDStatisticCredentialInsertionCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This gives the total number of LDevID
credentials installed into the DevID module.
Discontinuities occur at system restart and
counter rollover."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.12"
::= { devIDStatisticsEntry 5 }

devIDStatisticCredentialDeletionCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This gives the total number of LDevID
credentials deletions into the DevID module.
Discontinuities occur at system restart and
counter rollover."
REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1AR 6.4, and 6.3.14"
::= { devIDStatisticsEntry 6 }

-- Conformance Information Definition
::= { devIDMIBConformance 1 }


::= { devIDMIBConformance 2 }

STATUS current
"Module Compliance for this mib."
MODULE -- this module

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::= { devIDMIBCompliances 1 }

STATUS current
"A collection of objects providing public key
manageability, credential manageability and stats."
::= { devIDMIBGroups 1 }


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Annex A


PICS Proforma16

A.1 Introduction

The supplier of a protocol implementation that is claimed to conform to this standard shall complete the
following Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma.

A completed PICS proforma is the PICS for the implementation in question. The PICS is a statement of the
capabilities and options of the protocol that have been implemented. The PICS can have a number of uses,
including use

a) By the protocol implementer, as a checklist to reduce the risk of failure to conform to the standard
through oversight.
b) By the supplier and acquirer—or potential acquirer—of the implementation, as a detailed indication
of the capabilities of the implementation, stated relative to the common basis for understanding
provided by the standard PICS proforma.
c) By the user—or potential user—of the implementation, as a basis for initially checking the
possibility of interworking with another implementation (note that although interworking can never
be guaranteed, failure to interwork can often be predicted from incompatible PICSs).
d) By a protocol tester, as the basis for selecting appropriate tests against which to assess the claim for
conformance of the implementation.

A.2 Abbreviations and special symbols

A.2.1 Status symbols

M Mandatory
O Optional
O.n Optional, but support of at least one of the group of options labeled by the same numeral n is
X Prohibited
pred: Conditional-item symbol, including predicate identification (see A.3.4)
¬ Logical negation, applied to a conditional item’s predicate

A.2.2 General abbreviations

N/A Not applicable

PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

Copyright release for PICS proformas: Users of this standard may freely reproduce the PICS proforma in this annex so that it can be
used for its intended purpose and may further publish the completed PICS.

Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved. 47

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A.3 Instructions for completing the PICS proforma

A.3.1 General structure of the PICS proforma

The first part of the PICS proforma, implementation identification and protocol summary, is to be completed
as indicated with the information necessary to identify fully both the supplier and the implementation.

The main part of the PICS proforma is a fixed-format questionnaire, divided into several subclauses, each
containing a number of individual items. Answers to the questionnaire items are to be provided in the
rightmost column, either by simply marking an answer to indicate a restricted choice (usually Yes or No), or
by entering a value or a set or range of values. (Note that there are some items in which two or more choices
from a set of possible answers can apply; all relevant choices are to be marked.)

Each item is identified by an item reference in the first column. The second column contains the question to
be answered; the third column records the status of the item—whether support is mandatory, optional, or
conditional; see also A.3.4. The fourth column contains the reference or references to the material that
specifies the item in the main body of this standard, and the fifth column provides the space for the answers.

A supplier may also provide (or be required to provide) further information, categorized as either Additional
Information or Exception Information. When present, each kind of further information is to be provided in a
further subclause of items labeled Ai or Xi, respectively, for cross-referencing purposes, where i is any
unambiguous identification for the item (e.g., simply a numeral). There are no other restrictions on its format
and presentation.

A completed PICS proforma, including any Additional Information and Exception Information, is the
Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement for the implementation in question.

NOTE—Where an implementation is capable of being configured in more than one way, a single PICS may be able to
describe all such configurations. However, the supplier has the choice of providing more than one PICS, each covering
some subset of the implementation’s configuration capabilities, in case that makes for easier and clearer presentation of
the information.

A.3.2 Additional Information

Items of Additional Information allow a supplier to provide further information intended to assist the
interpretation of the PICS. It is not intended or expected that a large quantity will be supplied, and a PICS
can be considered complete without any such information. Examples might be an outline of the ways in
which a (single) implementation can be set up to operate in a variety of environments and configurations, or
information about aspects of the implementation that are outside the scope of this standard but that have a
bearing on the answers to some items.

References to items of Additional Information may be entered next to any answer in the questionnaire and
may be included in items of Exception Information.

A.3.3 Exception Information

It may occasionally happen that a supplier will wish to answer an item with mandatory status (after any
conditions have been applied) in a way that conflicts with the indicated requirement. No preprinted answer
will be found in the Support column for this; instead, the supplier shall write the missing answer into the
Support column, together with an Xi reference to an item of Exception Information, and shall provide the
appropriate rationale in the Exception item.

48 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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An implementation for which an Exception item is required in this way does not conform to this standard.

NOTE—A possible reason for the preceding situation is that a defect in this standard has been reported, a correction for
which is expected to change the requirement not met by the implementation.

A.3.4 Conditional status

A.3.4.1 Conditional items

The PICS proforma contains a number of conditional items. These are items for which both the applicability
of the item itself and its status if it does apply—mandatory or optional—are dependent upon whether or not
certain other items are supported.

Where a group of items is subject to the same condition for applicability, a separate preliminary question
about the condition appears at the head of the group, with an instruction to skip to a later point in the
questionnaire if the Not Applicable answer is selected. Otherwise, individual conditional items are indicated
by a conditional symbol in the Status column.

A conditional symbol is of the form “pred: S” where pred is a predicate as described in A.3.4.2, and S is a
status symbol, M or 0.

If the value of the predicate is true (see A.3.4.2), the conditional item is applicable, and its status is indicated
by the status symbol following the predicate: the answer column is to be marked in the usual way. If the
value of the predicate is false, the Not Applicable (N/A) answer is to be marked.

A.3.4.2 Predicates

A predicate is one of the following:

a) An item-reference for an item in the PICS proforma: The value of the predicate is true if the item is
marked as supported, and is false otherwise.
b) A predicate-name, for a predicate defined as a boolean expression constructed by combining
item-references using the boolean operator OR: The value of the predicate is true if one or more of
the items is marked as supported.
c) A predicate-name, for a predicate defined as a boolean expression constructed by combining
item-references using the boolean operator AND: The value of the predicate is true if all of the items
are marked as supported.
d) The logical negation symbol “¬” prefixed to an item-reference or predicate-name: The value of the
predicate is true if the value of the predicate formed by omitting the ¬ symbol is false, and vice

Each item whose reference is used in a predicate or predicate definition, or in a preliminary question for
grouped conditional items, is indicated by an asterisk in the Item column.

Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved. 49

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A.4 PICS proforma for IEEE 802.1AR

A.4.1 Implementation identification


Contact point for queries about the PICS

Implementation Name(s) and Version(s)

Other information necessary for full identi-

fication—e.g., name(s) and version(s) of
machines and/or operating system names

NOTE—The terms Name and Version should be interpreted appropriately to correspond with a supplier’s terminology
(e.g., Type, Series, Model).

A.4.2 Protocol summary, IEEE Std 802.1AR-2009

Identification of protocol specification IEEE Std 802.1AR-2009, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan
Area Networks—Secure Device Identity

Identification of amendments and corrigenda

to the PICS proforma that have been com- Amd. : Corr. :
pleted as part of the PICS
Amd. : Corr. :

Have any Exception items been required?

(See A.3.3: The answer Yes means that the No [ ] Yes [ ]
implementation does not conform to
IEEE Std 802.AR-2009.)

Date of Statement

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A.5 Major capabilities and options

Item Feature Status References Support

Does the implementation:
IDEV Contain an Initial Device Identifier (IDevID) M 6.2.1 Yes [ ]
DEVIDF Include specified fields in all DevIDs M 6.2.1 Yes [ ]
CHAIN Contain an IDevID certificate chain M 6.2.1 Yes [ ]
KEYRSA Support RSA asymmetric cryptography O.1 6.2.2 Yes [ ] No [ ]
KEYECDSA Support ECDSA asymmetric cryptography O.1 6.2.2 Yes [ ] No [ ]
STOR Meet the minimum requirements for secure storage M 6.2.5 Yes [ ]
DEVSI Meet the minimum requirements for the service M 6.3 Yes [ ]
EDEVSI Provide for some or all of the LDevID service O 6.3 Yes [ ] No [ ]
interface functionalities
CHAINF Include specified additional fields for DevID M 7.1 Yes [ ]
certificate chains
SERIALNUM Does the subject name field include the unique O 7.2.8 Yes [ ] No [ ]
device serial number?
HWMODNAME Does the subjectAltName field include the device O 7.2.9 Yes [ ] No [ ]
SNMPV3 Support access to the MIB using SNMP v3 O Clause 8 Yes [ ] No [ ]

A.6 DevID Service Interface

Item Feature Status References Support

SI-1 Initialization M 6.3.1 Yes [ ]
SI-2 Enumeration of the DevID public keys M 6.3.2 Yes [ ]
SI-3 Enumeration of the DevID credentials M 6.3.3 Yes [ ]
SI-4 Enumeration of the DevID credential chain M 6.3.4 Yes [ ]
SI-5 Signing M 6.3.5 Yes [ ]
SI-5 Enable/Disable DevID credential M 6.3.6 Yes [ ]
SI-7 Enable/Disable DevID key M 6.3.7 Yes [ ]
SI-8 Enumeration of the DevID credential chain M 6.3.4 Yes [ ]
SI-9 LDevID Key generation O 6.3.8 Yes [ ] No [ ]
SI-10 LDevID Key insert O 6.3.9 Yes [ ] No [ ]
SI-11 LDevID Key delete O 6.3.10 Yes [ ] No [ ]
SI-12 Is it possible to remove the IDevID X 6.3.10 No [ ]
SI-13 LDevID Certificate Signing Request generation O 6.3.11 Yes [ ] No [ ]
SI-14 LDevID Credential insert O 6.3.12 Yes [ ] No [ ]
SI-15 LDevID Credential chain insert O 6.3.13 Yes [ ] No [ ]
SI-16 LDevID Credential delete O 6.3.14 Yes [ ] No [ ]
SI-17 Addition of RNG entropy O 6.3.16 Yes [ ] No [ ]

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A.7 DevID Management Interface

Item Feature Status References Support

MI-1 Enumerated list of raw public keys SNMPV3:M 6.4 Yes [ ]
MI-2 Enumeration of the DevID credentials SNMPV3:M 6.4 Yes [ ]
MI-3 Enable/Disable DevID credential SNMPV3:M 6.4 Yes [ ]
MI-4 Enable/Disable DevID key SNMPV3:M 6.4 Yes [ ]
MI-5 For each key a count of Signing operations SNMPV3:M 6.4 Yes [ ]
MI-6 For each key a count of LDevID Certificate Signing SNMPV3:M 6.4 Yes [ ]
Request generations
MI-7 A count of LDevID Key generations SNMPV3:M 6.4 Yes [ ]
MI-8 A count of LDevID Key insertions SNMPV3:M 6.4 Yes [ ]
MI-9 A count of LDevID Key deletions SNMPV3:M 6.4 Yes [ ]

A.8 DevID Supplied Information

Item Feature Status References Support

ENTITY What device is being identified 6.1 S_
ESTOR What encryption mechanism is used if external storage is O 6.2.5 S_
KEYEXP What notification method will be used if a credential M 6.6.1 S_
signing key is suspected of being compromised
KEYGEN What are the key generation mechanisms and associated M 6.5.1 S_
IDevID signing mechanisms for the IDevID credential
ISSUER What is the basis for the belief that the issuer name is M 7.2.4 S_
CPS What is the CA’s CPS O 6.5 S_
AUTH What distinguished subject name fields contain identifiers M 6.6 S_
that are appropriate for authorization, auditing, or other
purposes. How are these parsed?

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Annex B

Implementing a DevID with a TPM

The Trusted Computing Group (TCG) has defined a Trusted Platform Module (TPM), which provides a
device with a “root of trust” for security services. Central to the capabilities of a TPM is the notion of device
identity and the support of multiple cryptographic keys that can be bound to the device and used in
communication protocols to authenticate that device.

The TPM specification version 1.2 is available from the Trusted Computing Group.17 The TPM
specification provides support for the core capabilities of a DevID module as defined by this standard, and
this appendix aims to review how those capabilities match DevID module goals and requirements. There
may be multiple ways of implementing a DevID module using the capabilities of a TPM, and this annex will
discuss some of the more important aspects in using a TPM as the basis for implementing a DevID module.

B.1 DevID goals

The goals of a DevID module are discussed in the purpose and scope of this standard. In summary these
include specifying a unique per-device DevID that ships with the device as an initial credential, protecting
the binding of this DevID to the device, defining a means of adding a locally significant credential, and
using the credential in authentication exchanges. The TPM meets these goals in the following ways.

B.1.1 Initial DevID

DevID compliant devices have exactly one Initial Secure Device Identifier (IDevID). This includes a DevID
Credential and a DevID Secret that are used inside of the module to prove identity of the device during
authentication exchanges.

A TPM can be procured with an Endorsement Key (EK) and associated Endorsement Certificate signed by a
trusted third party (typically the TPM manufacturer). This provides a unique credential that is bound to the
device in which a TPM is embedded. This specifically allows an authenticator to establish trust remotely in
a TPM post-deployment operation in the field, and to further establish trust in the properties of TPM keys
generated post-deployment in order to certify them online and remotely.

However the TCG specifications do not allow for an EK to be used as an identity for authentication purposes
(i.e., digital signature operations) because of privacy concerns. Therefore a device manufacturer that would
want to include an initial identity in the device for digital signature purposes would have to initialize the
TPM and create a further identity credential during the manufacturing process. In this situation, the TPM
would be controlled by the manufacturer, and mechanisms within the device are needed to prohibit the user
from reinitializing the TPM. This process is different from the typical model used by the TCG for PC Client
TPMs where the owner of the equipment initializes the TPM.

B.1.2 Protecting the DevID and its binding to the device

A DevID module is cryptographically bound to a device using cryptographic operations to combine a secret
with other specified data objects such that it may be proven that the result could only be created by an entity

Available at

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having knowledge of the secret. The DevID secret is securely protected from access by any other entity and
kept within the cryptographic boundary of the DevID module.

A TPM can generate and/or protect cryptographic keys and control their use for digital signature operations.
In particular a TPM can control the keys that it generates and can prevent them from ever being available
outside of the TPM itself. This supports the implementation of a DevID module with a TPM in a way that
uniquely binds a cryptographic identity to a device in which that TPM is embedded.

B.1.3 Adding locally significant credentials

A DevID compliant device may optionally support the creation of Locally Significant Device Identifiers
(LDevIDs) by a network administrator. Each LDevID is bound to the device and cannot be forged or
transferred to another device without the knowledge of the private key used to create the cryptographic

The TPM supports the creation and usage of an unlimited number of protected non-migratable asymmetric
key pairs. These key pairs can be used to support the creation of multiple TPM-protected locally significant
credentials. Non-migratable asymmetric key pairs are locked to a given TPM, are never duplicated, and
must be created by the TPM within the cryptographic boundary. These key pairs are the basis for the
LDevID secret and are bound to the TPM through the AIK key creation process.

B.1.4 Using the DevID credential in authentication exchanges

DevIDs are designed to be used as authentication credentials with industry standard authentication protocols
such as the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). The validation of a DevID credential relies upon
particular cryptographic operations supported by the module and in particular the capabilities of the
mandatory signing operation.

TPMs are used today in a number of different industry standard authentication protocols including EAP.
However, specific usage of a TPM key in an authentication protocol requires compatibility of the
cryptographic algorithms used in the protocol. DevID module cryptographic algorithms are discussed in

B.2 DevID requirements

The requirements of a DevID module are described in Clause 5. These include providing storage for the
DevID secret and credential, RSA or ECC key pairs, SHA-256 hashing, a random number generator, and
support for mandatory operations. The TPM meets these requirements in the following ways.

B.2.1 Storage

DevIDs are required to be stored on the device in a way to prevent the removal of the identifier from the
device and allowing use with another device. In particular the DevID secret is stored in a protected fashion.

Protected storage of secrets is a core function of the TPM. It supports the creation, import, and controlled
usage of an unlimited number of asymmetric cryptographic keys in a single TPM. The asymmetric keys can
be stored internally within the TPM in a small, non-volatile storage area or they may be wrapped and stored
externally. The TPM uses a storage root key that is always internal to the module to protect secrets using
asymmetric cryptography. An unlimited number of additional asymmetric storage keys may be created.

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B.2.2 Asymmetric secret

The DevID secret must be either an RSA private-public key pair of length 2048 bits or a P-256 Elliptic
Curve private-public key pair.

The TPM requires the support of the RSA algorithm up to 2048-bit key sizes. The TPM does not currently
support ECC algorithms.

B.2.3 Hashing

DevID specifies that the hash algorithm used for all credentials shall be SHA-256.

The TPM currently supports SHA-1 as a required hash algorithm. However, it is possible for the user of the
TPM to generate and insert a different hash for signing operations. In order to support the DevID
requirement of hashing with SHA-256, the device using the TPM must use the PKCSv1 DER encoding
interface and insert an externally generated SHA-256 hash.

B.2.4 Random number generator

DevID specifies an internal RNG with 128-bit strength that meets the requirements of NIST Special
Publication 800-90 [B33]. The RNG is used for signature generation, key generation, and cryptographic
authentication protocols.

The TPM predates the NIST specifications, but can be enabled to meet the requirements. The TPM includes
a command that allows the addition of entropy to its RNG engine, which can be used in such a way to seed
the RNG as required. The TPM has a general purpose interface to retrieve random numbers from the RNG,
which may be useful for devices implementing DevIDs and using them in authentication protocols.

B.2.5 Service interface

The DevID module specification provides a service interface that enables operations and control over the
device’s identity. The device itself should follow the principle of least privilege and limit access to these
operations in such a way to support the device’s administrative model. The following operations are

B.2.5.1 Initialize

The DevID module needs to be reset, initialized, and enabled for run-time operation. It may be possible to
add additional entropy to the RNG during this process.

The process of initializing a TPM involves several steps that must be protected and precede the equivalent
steps of initializing a DevID. A factory fresh TPM must be initialized, enabled, and taken ownership of.
Taking ownership involves setting the TPM ownership authorization data, used to control and authorize key
TPM commands and functions. Since the IDevID is intended to be permanently bound to the device, the
owner of a TPM implementing an IDevID must protect the interface to TPM clear operations so that the
contents of the TPM are not erased. Once owned, the TPM power-on start-up procedures and TPM enable/
disable functions support the requirements of a DevID initialization operation. It is possible to include input
to the RNG entropy.

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B.2.5.2 Enumeration

The DevID module supports enumeration of the DevID public keys, credentials, and credential chains. The
firmware managing the TPM can support these operations using the appropriate TPM interfaces to retrieve
relevant data.

B.2.5.3 Signing

The DevID module requires the support of a signing operation that uses the available cryptographic
functions exclusively by the local device during authentication protocols. The cryptographic functions
include public key cryptography using RSA or ECC keys and SHA-256 hashing. The signing operation
should not be allowed to be executed remotely.

The TPM is typically used with the RSA RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 signature algorithm including SHA-1.
However, the TPM further specifies how to format the input of the signature operation to allow alternative
hash functions. It will be necessary to use the RSA PKCS1v1.5_DER scheme to achieve compatibility with
the DevID requirement for hashing with SHA-256. ECC is currently not supported by the TPM.

The local controlling firmware is responsible for preventing remote execution of the signing operation.

B.2.5.4 Enable/disable keys and credentials

Subclause 6.3 specifies the ability to enable and disable individual DevID keys and/or credentials, thus
preventing the device from asserting that particular identity during authentication exchanges.

Individual DevIDs implemented by a TPM module are managed by the operating firmware interfacing to the
TPM. Since a DevID secret and credential involve an active key hierarchy within the TPM, it will be
necessary for the operating firmware to present individual DevID enable/disable operations. The TPM itself
supports enable and disable operations, but these will globally enable or disable the TPM and should not be
exposed to the user of the device.

B.2.5.5 Key pair generation

The DevID module supports the creation, addition, and deletion of key pairs in order to provision and revoke
LDevIDs. Key pairs are either created internally or passed in through a secure interface. Key pairs may also
be removed from the DevID module to support zeroization.

The TPM supports the creation, addition, and deletion of RSA key pairs. Typically key pairs are internally
generated, but they may also be passed into the TPM using a wrapping function that is secured by a TPM
parent key. TPM version 1.2 supports the concept of transport protection that facilitates the establishment of
a secure channel between the TPM and secure processes to provide confidentiality and integrity protection
of commands sent to the TPM. Transport security can be used to authorize critical operations such as the
deletion of LDevID key pairs.

B.2.5.6 Certificate Signing Request

DevID modules support the ability to generate a Certificate Signing Request. The firmware managing the
TPM can support this operation.

B.2.5.7 Insertion and deletion of credentials and credential chains

LDevID credentials and their associated chains are installed or removed from the DevID module using the
insert and delete operations. An existing key pair is associated with the credential during these operations,
but the key pair is managed separately.

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There is minimal non-volatile storage within the TPM itself, so credentials and certificates will typically be
stored externally. The TPM can protect this external storage using the sealing functions if desired, or the
controlling firmware of the DevID implementation can support these operations directly without
cryptographic support.

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Annex C


Scenarios for DevID

DevID credentials are expected to be used during cryptographic identification and authentication protocols.
As indicated in 1.1, this standard describes interfaces and methods for the use of DevIDs with existing
provisioning and authentication protocols. It does not provide a normative definition of such a protocol.

This annex specifies how to use DevID for common device identification scenarios.

C.1 DevID use in EAP-TLS

Identification of network devices is often by an IEEE 802.1X EAP method. Many EAP methods, such as
EAP_TLS, use X.509 client credentials and thus a DevID could be used. Additionally IEEE Std 802.1X
[B2] indicates EAP-TLS support for devices that support this standard.

A device that uses a DevID module with RSA-based credentials for client identity during an EAP-TLS
exchange can be expected to use the operations defined in 6.3 (DevID Service Interface) as follows:

a) 6.3.3 (Enumeration of DevID credentials) to determine the available and enabled DevID credentials.
How the EAP-TLS implementation chooses the appropriate DevID credential is solution specific.
b) (RSA Signing) to perform the signing operation during the TLS handshake.

Because the DevID module only supports a signing operation, the TLS cipher suite must be
TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA or one of the ECDSA cipher suites listed in RFC 5289.

A simplified EAP-TLS mutual authentication negotiation is shown in Figure C.1. For simplicity, assume
that the authenticator also provides the authentication service. In the second exchange of the protocol, the
authenticating peer identifies itself with a name. This name might, or might not, be related to the identity it
will present during the TLS negotiation. In the fourth exchange of the protocol, the peer sends a client_hello
to the authenticator. Part of this message is a random number (“nonce”) that the client chooses to detect
attempts to deceive it by substituting, altering, or replaying messages during the negotiation. This highlights
an important feature of the DevID module: the provision of a cryptographic quality random number
generator for use in the protocol. In the fifth exchange, the server responds with its own nonce, a copy of its
DevID certificate including its unique name and public cryptographic key, and a request for the client to
send its unique DevID certificate. After receiving server_hello_done, the client responds with its DevID
certificate and certificate_verify message to prove possession of the DevID secret key. The client then
installs the newly derived symmetric key, turns on encryption on its transmission channel, and sends the
authenticator its finished message (over the secure channel) that includes a secure hash of the messages in
the exchange. The authenticator derives and installs the encryption keys and turns on decryption in its
receiver. The contents of the decrypted finished message validate that all of the messages the client sent and
received were authentic (received as-sent, without error). If validation is successful, the authenticator can
trust the authenticity of all subsequent data sent by the client over the secure channel. It now sends a
change_cipher_spec message to the client and enables encryption on its transmission channel. The
authenticator computes the hash of all messages it sent and received throughout the handshake protocol with
its authenticating peer and sends those in its finished message over the encrypted channel. Both parties have
now identified and validated the identity of each other using the DevID certificate and DevID secret.

The use of EAP-TLS or a similar EAP method is expected but not mandated by this standard.

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Authenticating peer Authenticator



EAP-Request/EAP-Type=EAP-TLS (TLS Start)

EAP-Response/EAP-TYPE=EAP-TLS (TLS client_hello)

(TLS server_hello,
TLS certificate,
TLS certificate_request,
TLS server_hello_done)

(TLS certificate,
TLS certificate_verify,
TLS client_key_exchange,
TLs change_cipher_spec,
TLS finished)

(TLS change_cipher_spec,
TLS finished)


EAP-Request/EAP-TYPE=EAP-TLS (EAP-Success)

Figure C.1—Example EAP-TLS exchange

C.2 DevID uses in consumer devices

End users are not expected to directly use the IEEE 802.1AR device identity. Instead the DevID is expected
to be used by a home networking access point or router. These devices provide network connectivity to all
devices on the home network and also provide security mechanisms such as passwords or Web-based

Often routers and access points also include a mechanism for limiting which devices can join the network
through configuration of a list of allowed MAC addresses or other device identifying information. The IEEE
802.1AR device identity can be used as a secure form of identity for these purposes. Vendors that include
human readable identity information within the DevID subject field, or use a machine readable
serialNumber attribute, or the subjectAltName hardwareModuleName, can provide integrated solutions with
interfaces that are both more user-friendly and more secure than current MAC address-based solutions.

C.3 DevID uses in enterprise devices

In an enterprise environment the IEEE 802.1AR device identity is expected to be used to enroll the device
into a local security infrastructure. During enrollment the device only needs to be authorized via a simple
procedure, thus reducing the costs associated with having trained staff deploying all devices. Similar to the

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consumer-use space, the existence of a human-readable and easily understood device-identifier bound to a
cryptographic identity provides a building block for this type of usage.

An illustrative example is an IEEE 802.1X network with strict authentication and authorization for devices
on the corporate network leveraging a central database such as an AAA server. Administration of this
database may be restricted to system administrators or it may be exposed to general employees using a Web
page or other common technology, such that this central database contains the approved manufacturers and a
list of the DevIDs of authorized devices. Authorizing new devices to be on the network can be done by
inserting human readable DevID subject-name information into this central database. This can occur while
devices are off-line. For example, the DevID subject-name can be listed on the bill of sale (for devices being
drop shipped to a final destination) so that database entries can be entered on completion of the order.
Alternatively, it can be done by employees entering the information into the database via a configuration
Web page after purchasing an approved device from a retail establishment.

The distinctions between this and the consumer use case predominately have to do with the authorization
interface on the “router or access point” infrastructure. In the consumer use case this is envisioned as a
relatively simple Web-driven interface, whereas in the enterprise environment a backend AAA server and
potentially complicated “importing of bill of sale information” is supposed.

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Annex D


[B1] Fowler, M., UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language, Third Edition.
Boston: Pearson Education Inc., 2004.

[B2] IEEE Std 802.1XTM, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks—Port-Based Network
Access Control.18, 19

[B3] IEEE Std 802.2TM-1998 [ISO/IEC 8802-2:1998], Information technology—Telecommunications and

information exchange between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks—Specific
requirements—Part 2: Logical link control.

[B4] IEEE Std 1363TM-2000, IEEE Standard Specifications for Public-Key Cryptography.

[B5] IETF RFC 787, Connectionless data transmission survey/tutorial, A. Lyman Chapin, July 1981.20

[B6] IETF RFC 2104, HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, H. Krawczyk, M. Bellare, and
R.Canetti, February 1997.

[B7] IETF RFC 2279, UTF-8, A transformation format of ISO 10646, F. Yergeau, January 1998.

[B8] IETF RFC 2865, Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS), C. Rigney, S. Willens, A.
Rubens, W. Simpson, June 2000.

[B9] IETF RFC 3232, Assigned Numbers: RFC 1700 is Replaced by an On-line Database, J. Reynolds,
January 2002.

[B10] IETF RFC 3279, Algorithms and Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, W. Polk, R. Housley, L. Bassham, April 2002.

[B11] IETF RFC 3411, An Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Management Frameworks, D. Harrington, R. Presuhn, B. Wijnen, December 2002.

[B12] IETF RFC 3412, Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP), J. Case, D. Harrington, R. Presuhn, B. Wijnen, December 2002.

[B13] IETF RFC 3413, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Applications, D. Levi, P. Meyer, B.
Stewart, December 2002.

[B14] IETF RFC 3415, View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP), B. Wijnen, R. Presuhn, K. McCloghrie, December 2002.

[B15] IETF RFC 3416, Version 2 of the Protocol Operations for the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP), R. Presuhn, J. Case, K. McCloghrie, M. Rose, S. Waldbusser, December 2002.

IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscat-
away, NJ 08854, USA (
19The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IETF RFCs are available from the Internet Engineering Task Force Web site at

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[B16] IETF RFC 3417, Transport Mappings for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), R.
Presuhn, J. Case, K. McCloghrie, M. Rose, S. Waldbusser, December 2002.

[B17] IETF RFC 3575, IANA Considerations for RADIUS, B. Aboba, July 2003.

[B18] IETF RFC 3576, Dynamic Authorization Extensions to Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
(RADIUS), M. Chiba, G. Dommety, M. Eklund, D. Mitton, B. Aboba, July 2003.

[B19] IETF RFC 3579, RADIUS Support for Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), B. Aboba, P.
Calhoun, September 2003.

[B20] IETF RFC 3580, IEEE 802.1X Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Usage
Guidelines, P. Congdon, September 2003.

[B21] IETF RFC 3748, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), L. Blunk, J. Vollbrecht, B. Aboba, J.
Carlson, H. Levkowetz, June 2004.

[B22] IETF RFC 4108, Using Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) to Protect Firmware Packages, R.
Housley, August 2005.

[B23] IETF RFC 4133, Entity MIB (Version 3), A. Bierman, K. McCloghrie, August 2005.

[B24] IETF RFC 4346, The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol, Version 1.1, T Dierks, E. Resoria,
April 2006.

[B25] IETF RFC 5216, The EAP-TLS Authentication protocol, D. Simon, B. Aboba, R. Hurst, March 2008.

[B26] ISO 6937-2:1983, Information processing—Coded character sets for text communication—Part 2:
Latin alphabetic and non-alphabetic graphic characters.21

[B27] ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994, Information processing systems—Open Systems Interconnection—Basic

Reference Model—Part 1: The Basic Model.22

[B28] ISO/IEC 8824:1990, Information technology—Open Systems Interconnection—Specification of

Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) (provisionally retained edition).

[B29] ISO/IEC 8825:1990, Information technology—Open Systems Interconnection—Specification of

Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) (provisionally retained edition).

[B30] ISO/IEC TR 11802-2:1997, Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange

between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks—Technical reports and guidelines—Part 2:
Standard Group MAC addresses.

[B31] NIST FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, 2002 December 3.23

ISO publications are available from the ISO Central Secretariat, 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse, Case Postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20,
Switzerland ( ISO publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American
National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (
22ISO/IEC publications are available from the ISO Central Secretariat, Case Postale 56, 1 rue de Varembé, CH-1211, Genève 20,
Switzerland/Suisse ( ISO/IEC publications are also available in the United States from Global Engineering
Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112, USA ( Electronic copies are available in the
United States from the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (http://
NIST publications are available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Public Inquiries, NIST, 100 Bureau
Drive, Stop 3460, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899-3460, USA (

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

[B32] NIST Special Publication 800-57, Recommendation for Key Management—Part 2: Best Practices for
Key Management Organization, March 2007.

[B33] NIST Special Publication 800-90, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using
Deterministic Random Bit Generators, E. Barker, J. Kelsey, June 2006.

Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved. 65

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

Annex E

IEEE list of participants


At the time this standard was submitted to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval, the IEEE 802.1
Working Group had the following membership:

Tony Jeffree, Chair

Paul Congdon, Vice Chair
Mick Seaman, Chair, Security Task Group
Max Pritikin, Editor

Zehavit Alon Romain Insler Joseph Pelissier

Jan Bialkowski Pankaj K. Jha David Peterson
Rob Boatright Abhay Karandikar Hayim Porat
Jean-Michel Bonnamy Prakash Kashyap Karen T. Randall
Paul Bottorff Hal Keen Josef Roese
Rudolf Brandner Keti Kilcrease Derek J. Rohde
Craig W. Carlson Doyeon Kim Dan Romascanu
Weiying Cheng Yongbum Kim Jessy V. Rouyer
Rao Cherukuri Philippe Klein Jonathan Sadler
Jin-Seek Choi Mike Ko Ali Sajassi
Don O. Connor Vinod Kumar Joseph Salowey
Diego Crupnicoff Bruce Kwan Panagiotis Saltsidis
Claudio Desanti Kari Laihonen Satish Sathe
Zhemin Ding Ashvin Lakshmikantha John Sauer
Linda Dunbar John Lemon Koichiro Seto
David Elie-Dit-Cosaque Michael Lerer Himanshu Shah
Janos Farkas Marina Lipshteyn Nurit Sprecher
Donald Fedyk Gael Mace Kevin B. Stanton
Norman Finn Ben Mack-Crane Robert A. Sultan
Robert Frazier David Martin Muneyoshi Suzuki
John Fuller Alan McGuire Michael J. Teener
Geoffrey Garner James McIntosh Patricia Thaler
Anoop Ghanwani Menucher Menuchery Oliver Thorp
Franz Goetz John Messenger Manoj Wadekar
Yannick Goff Gabriel Montenegro Yuehua Wei
Eric Gray Matthew Mora Brian Weis
Karanvir Grewal John Morris Martin White
Craig Gunther Eric Multanen Bert Wijnen
Mitch Gusat Paul Nikolich Michael D. Wright
Stephen Haddock Kevin Nolish Chien-Hsien Wu
Asif Hazarika David Olsen Ken Young
Charles Hudson Donald Pannell Glen Zorn
Glenn Parsons

66 Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

The following members of the balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have voted for
approval, disapproval, or abstention.

Thomas Alexander Marco Hernandez Jessy V. Rouyer

Butch Anton Atsushi Ito Randall Safier
Hugh Barrass Raj Jain Joseph Salowey
Tomo Bogataj Tony Jeffree John Sargent
William Byrd Shinkyo Kaku Bartien Sayogo
James Carlo Piotr Karocki Mick Seaman
Juan Carreon Stuart J. Kerry Gil Shultz
Peng Chen Chad Kiger Christopher Sonnek
Keith Chow Yongbum Kim Kapil Sood
Charles Cook Shen Loh Amjad Soomro
Russell Dietz William Lumpkins Thomas Starai
Thomas Dineen G. Luri Rene Struik
Sourav Dutta Jonathon McLendon Walter Struppler
Donald Eastlake, 3rd Gary Michel Robert A. Sultan
C. Fitzgerald Michael Montemurro Joseph Tardo
Yukihiro Fujimoto Jose Morales William Taylor
Venkatasubramaniyan Ganesan Andrew Myles Patricia Thaler
Devon Gayle Michael S. Newman Mark-Rene Uchida
Michael Geipel Nick S. A. Nikjoo Dmitri Varsanofiev
Randall Groves Satoshi Obara Prabodh Varshney
C. Guy Hayim Porat Brian Weis
Joseph Gwinn Max Pritikin Michael D. Wright
John Harauz Karen T. Randall Kunpeng Wu
John Hawkins Robert Robinson Oren Yuen

Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved. 67

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 9 December 2009, it had the following

Robert M. Grow, Chair

Thomas Prevost, Vice Chair
Steve M. Mills, Past Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary
John Barr Alexander Gelman David J. Law
Karen Bartleson Jim Hughes Ted Olsen
Victor Berman Richard H. Hulett Glenn Parsons
Ted Burse Young Kyun Kim Ronald C. Petersen
Richard DeBlasio Joseph L. Koepfinger* Narayanan Ramachandran
Andy Drozd John Kulick Jon Walter Rosdahl
Mark Epstein Sam Sciacca

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:

Howard L. Wolfman, TAB Representative

Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative
Michael Janezic, NIST Representative

Lorraine Patsco
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development

Michael D. Kipness
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development

68 © IEEE 2009 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E)

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ICS 35.110
ISBN 978-0-7381-6141-9
Price based on 68 pages

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