Appendix H Marine Magnetic Survey
Appendix H Marine Magnetic Survey
Appendix H Marine Magnetic Survey
Client Project
Client CMG
Rev0 28/11/2022 Fist issue of report JMA AR
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1. ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 6
4. LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
4.1. MARINE MAGNETICS (MM) LIMITATIONS .......................................................................................................... 7
4.2. SIDE SCAN SONAR (SSS) LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................... 7
5. FIELD LOGISTICS ................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1. PROJECT TIMELINE.............................................................................................................................................. 8
5.2. PROJECT PERSONNEL .......................................................................................................................................... 8
6. COORDINATE SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1. HORIZONTAL DATUM.......................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2. VERTICAL DATUM .............................................................................................................................................. 9
7. POSITIONING SYSTEM CHECKS ...................................................................................................................... 9
8. ACQUISITION ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
8.1. SURVEY VESSEL USED DURING SSS/MM ACQUISITION .................................................................................... 10
8.2. SURVEY VESSEL USED DURING SURFACE TO MM ACQUISITION ........................................................................ 10
8.3. POSITIONING AND NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................... 11
8.4. SIDE SCAN SONAR ............................................................................................................................................ 11
8.5. MARINE MAGNETOMETER (MM) ...................................................................................................................... 12
9. PROCESSING ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
9.1. SIDE SCAN SONAR (SSS) .................................................................................................................................. 13
9.2. MARINE MAGNETICS ........................................................................................................................................ 13
10. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ................................................................................................................................ 14
11. FOLLOW UP TARGET INVESTIGATIONS .................................................................................................... 15
12. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 15
13. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
14. DIGITAL PRODUCTS.......................................................................................................................................... 16
Site Overview. ............................................................................................................................................... 5
MM sensor line coverage. .............................................................................................................................. 6
Survey Vessel “Category 5” ........................................................................................................................ 10
Survey Vessel “Bluey” ................................................................................................................................ 10
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Table 1. Project Timeline ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Table 2. Project Personnel ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Table 3. Catategory-5 survey vessel specification ......................................................................................................... 10
Table 4. Bluey survey vessel specification ..................................................................................................................... 10
Table 5. Navigation Equipment...................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 6. Side Scan Sonar Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 11
Table 7. Marine Magnetometer Specifications............................................................................................................... 12
Appendix A.1 Magnetic Survey Lines Over Bathymetry
Appendix A.2 Magnetic Survey Lines Over Site Layout
Appendix A.3 Magnetic Sensor Altitude
Appendix A.4 Magnetic First Vertical Derivative with Targets
Appendix A.5 Magnetic Analytic Signal with Targets
Appendix A.6 Targets Over Bathymetry
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1. Abbreviations
The following abbreviations may be used in this document
1VD First Vertical Derivative
AGC Automatic Gain Control
GDA94 Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994
GNSS Global Navigation Survey System
kn Knots
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
MGA Map Grid Australia
m Metres
ms Milliseconds
m/s Metres per second
MBES Multi-Beam Echo Sounder
MM Marine Magnetics
QA Quality Assured
QC Quality Control
SSM Standard Survey Mark
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2. Introduction
During June 2022, Surrich Hydrographics was contracted to perform a marine magnetic survey for the purpose of
identifying ferrous objects on and beneath the seabed at the proposed project site for the “Mandorah New Marine
Facilities to Service Mandorah and Cox Peninsula Communities”.
In the deeper waters, the methodology consisted of towing a Side Scan Sonar (SSS) which in turn towed a neutrally
buoyant magnetometer. This approach allowed the magnetometer to be towed at a nominal altitude of 2m above the seabed.
The altitude of the magnetometer is derived from analysis of the SSS bottom track, and the side scan imagery is
navigationally fine-tuned to provide superior positioning for the magnetometer..
In the shallower waters, larger vessel access was restricted a small 4m polly craft was utilized to surface tow the
magnetometer. The altitude above the seabed was calculated using tides and supplied bathymetry.
Figure 1 shows the survey area and planned works supplied by the client. The existing jetty is visible to the south, and the
planned construction works consists of breakwaters, dredging, piling and a floating pontoon.
Site Overview.
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3. Scope and Methodology
The scope was for a magnetometer survey at Mandorah to target ferrous objects for follow-up investigation by divers
experienced in the search, identification, and recovery of objects on and beneath the seabed.
The scope included the requirement to identify hazards that may affect dredging and construction activities including the
potential for UXO objects. Surrich is not a registered UXO contractor, however we believe this survey provides an
excellent first investigation in the process of UXO risk management.
The survey areas were described as extending from North of Mandorah jetty to a distance of 50m beyond the new
breakwater locations. The grey lines in Figure 2 demonstrates the magnetometer sensor coverage achieved.
When operating in shallow coastal locations for ferrous object detection, we typically utilize a methodology where we
consider it is more important to travel slowly and get the magnetic sensor as close to the seabed, and thus as close to the
ferrous targets, as possible. We achieve this by towing a weighted SSS on a winch which is used to control altitude, then
the neutrally buoyant magnetic sensor is towed a fixed distance behind the SSS towfish. Operating the magnetometer in
in close proximity to a vessel, results in the magnetic field of the vessel being detected by the sensor. By operating in
smooth waters and conducting ‘graceful’ turns, the longer wavelength interference, or heading errors, including other
unwanted magnetic components including diurnal magnetic variations, may be filtered out during processing, leaving the
small wavelength anomalies from shallow sources including the ferrous objects being targeted. This methodology also
allows us to utilize the SSS imagery to refine the navigation of the magnetometer. Our methodology is contrary to some
scopes which require the magnetometer to be towed far enough behind the vessel to reduce the interference. We maintain
our methodology results in technically superior results for detection of small ferrous on this project.
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4. Limitations
4.1. Marine Magnetics (MM) Limitations
The marine magnetic method responds to man-made ferrous objects above and below the seabed, as well as magnetic
minerals in the geology.
The use of the term “ferrous” indicates a material ‘containing iron’ which typically exhibits a measurable magnetic field
in the presence of the Earth’s magnetic field. Some varieties of stainless steel are ‘austenitic’ meaning they are non-
magnetic and will therefore not be detectable by a magnetometer survey.
The magnetic method does not have the ability to locate all magnetically ferrous objects in a survey area. The response
from smaller objects may not be distinguishable from the background. The probability of detection decreases as iron
content becomes less and distance from the sensor increases.
Operating in high magnetic gradient areas, for example, around wharves and vessels, further reduces the ability of the
technique to detect target objects on the seabed. In the immediate vicinity of wharves and steel pilings effectiveness of the
method degrades to the level where the method becomes ineffective, and the ground should be inspected using diver search
Operating in close proximity to magnetic geological sources, for example in high susceptibility magnetic gravels, or very
shallow magnetic bedrock further reduces the ability of the technique to detect target objects on the seabed.
Quantitative interpretation relies on an accurately sampled field, however in practice, the inability to perfectly sample the
magnetic field vectors, as well as non-ideal, complex magnetic sources, strongly reduce the reliability of the calculated
target properties.
Operating SSS for object detection is a trade-off between range, resolution, and required accuracy. 100% imaging of the
seafloor at consistent accuracy is impossible. The position of the sensor and sonar beams are typically estimated using a
layback calculation and object detection and positioning in turns may be unreliable.
Supplied SSS mosaics should not be relied upon for detailed object detection. Target interpretation is performed in an
interactive software environment which allows analysis of all available information at the maximum resolution.
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5. Field Logistics
Work was conducted out of the Cullen Bay Marina. Acquisition was planned to take advantage of high tides.
Activity Dates
Mobilizing vessel (some delay waiting for freight to arrive) 9/11/2022 – 11/11/2022
Acquisition aboard Category 5 using the SSS/MM deployment method. 12/11/2022 – 13/11/2022
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6. Coordinate System
6.1. Horizontal Datum
The vertical datum is not a major consideration with respect to the results. For planning and presentation purposes a
topographic/bathymetric dataset was utilized from previous geotechnical seismic works conducted by Surrich
Hydrographics at the site. The supplied bathymetric file name was:
• “20170919 - Hydrographic_Drone Survey_ Geosciences Australia Combined 1m LAT-MGA94”
This dataset proved adequate for planning purposes however we note it is not complete and we noted shoals (IE shallow
rocks) in the hydrographic section of the dataset which were not adequately mapped providing a potential navigation
hazard if planning under vessel clearances based on the data and tide values.
The most relevant vertical datum for a magnetometry survey is simply the seabed itself and the height of the magnetic
sensor above the seabed.
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8. Acquisition
8.1. Survey Vessel used during SSS/MM acquisition
Name Category-5
Survey Certificate 2C
Table 3. Catategory-5 survey vessel specification
Name Bluey
Survey Certificate 2D
Table 4. Bluey survey vessel specification
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8.3. Positioning and Navigation Equipment
Offsets and configuration Antenna mounted directly above and line with the tow point.
Frequency 1600kHz
Range 20m
Altitude ~2m was the target altitude above the seabed (for magnetic purposes).
Actual altitude may vary according to risk.
Line spacing 4m
Notes The SSS was deployed via a cable counter on the survey vessel temporary
A frame. A proportional winch system was used for depth control.
Table 6. Side Scan Sonar Specifications
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8.5. Marine Magnetometer (MM)
Acquisition System Data logged to Edgetech JSF file stream, in addition to the manufacturers BOB
acquisition software.
Line spacing 4m
Acquisition Notes This sensor is neutrally buoyant and is assumed to tow directly behind the path of
the SSS.
When performing the surface tow, floatation was attached
Table 7. Marine Magnetometer Specifications
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9. Processing
9.1. Side Scan Sonar (SSS)
o Import SSS data from the Edgetech .jsf file into Sonarwiz processing software.
o Bottom track the SSS files and apply Empirical Gain Normalization to balance the intensities.
o Apply layback calculations:
o Smooth the logged ‘cable out’ distance.
o Fine-tune the layback calculation to improve the positional match between the SSS and the MBES.
o Work through each SSS waterfall image, identifying man-made debris type contacts only.
o Filter duplicate results down to a single target.
o Place observations in the “Description” field.
o Because there were few targets it was not necessary to apply classifications. (IE sort the targets into
different types).
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10.Discussion of Results
The processed results are presented in the following appendices:
• Appendix A.1 Magnetic Survey Lines Over Bathymetry
• Appendix A.2 Magnetic Survey Lines Over Site Layout
• Appendix A.3 Magnetic Sensor Altitude
• Appendix A.4 Magnetic First Vertical Derivative with Targets
• Appendix A.5 Magnetic Analytic Signal with Targets
• Appendix A.6 Targets Over Bathymetry
• Appendix B.1 SSS Mosaic with Targets
• Appendix B.2 SSS Targets Report
• Appendix C.1 MM Target Table with Calculated Properties
The data presented in the appendices are discussed herein:
• Appendix A.1 Magnetic Survey Lines Over Bathymetry
• Appendix A.2 Magnetic Survey Lines Over Site Layout
• Appendix A.3 Magnetic Sensor Altitude
These charts demonstrate good line coverage was achieved north of the existing jetty out to a distance of 50m beyond the
north and east from the planned rockwalls. Some additional data was recorded further north as it is advantageous to have
a good run in towards the navigation run lines to ensure the vessel has stabilized on the line. Additionally, it is useful to
map an increased area to get a better overview of the background when a relatively small survey site is being investigated.
With the available tides we were able to survey to approximately the 4m LAT contour utilizing the combination of a larger
vessel where we towed the sensors just above the seabed and smaller polycraft where we performed a surface tow of the
magnetic sensor over the shallows.
We were able to safely survey to approximately 10m out from the wharf in the wind and tide conditions, however
performing a magnetic survey immediately adjacent to a wharf becomes problematic due to the strong magnetic field of
the wharf itself. We recommend a manual search of the seabed where there is no data between the wharf and the supplied
data herein.
The magnetic target altitude of 2m was set by Surrich Hydrographics – no specification for this work was actually provided
by the client. It is our experience that this is a reasonable altitude to achieve good detection of smaller ferrous objects
down to roughly 10kg, however it is impossible to accurately specify detectable target size and detection limits because
some objects exhibit remnant magnetization, which can strongly enhance detectability (I.E. they behave more like a
We also recommended a line spacing of 5m, however we performed the work along a 4m spaced line plan to account for
deviations in the vessel tracking.
The sensor altitude was typically 2m or lower in the deeper waters (eastern half of the area), where the magnetometer was
deployed from the larger vessel with the assistance of the SSS to accurately track altitude above the seabed. On the western
half of the site we switched to a surface tow and the altitude was dictated by the height of the tide over the seabed. Within
the scoped survey area, the altitude was mostly very close to the specified 2m survey altitude although increased to 3m in
places (1m above the target altitude) during the surface tow.
• Appendix A.4 Magnetic First Vertical Derivative With Targets
• Appendix A.5 Magnetic Analytic Signal With Targets
These charts show the magnetic field in two different formats. Someone experienced in magnetometry will appreciate the
“First Vertical Derivative” as an effective product to enhance the near surface targets and supress deeper and longer
wavelength targets.
The “Analytic Signal” chart is a product designed to simplify the results and enhance those shallow anomalies with high
gradients. It is also utilized in the calculation of the magnetic properties.
During processing we also produced a product consisting of the “total field magnetics with background removed” however
while this was utilized in processing, the “first vertical derivative” proved to be a superior image for presentation.
Target picking was performed using all available data including the gridded results in addition to the profile results. Small
targets may have been picked from the profile data which do not have a noticeable anomaly in the gridded images. The
fact these targets are small make them no less significant than larger targets.
As target sampling and follow up has not been performed at this project site, it is difficult to ascertain how many of the
targets may be due to shallow geological sources.
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• Appendix A.6 Targets over bathymetry
This charts the identified magnetic and Side Scan Sonar targets over the supplied bathymetry. We understand the vertical
datum of the bathymetry is LAT although we have not independently verified the accuracy ourselves. We also consider it
to be incomplete and have observed it does not accurately map some of the shallowest rocks in the area.
This chart is useful for follow-up planning purposes and demonstrates that some of the areas may be examined on foot
during a suitable low tide.
• Appendix B.1 SSS Mosaic with targets
• Appendix B.2 SSS Targets Report
Appendix B1 shows the SSS mosaic and the SSS imagery extents acquired. For object detection the supplied mosaiced
image is typically not suitable for detailed analysis. Each acquired line of data is examined in detail using specialist
software and the target report contains the best imagery of any SSS targets/contacts detected.
• Appendix C1 Magnetic Targets Table
This table contains the calculated properties of the magnetic targets. These are indicative only and should only be used as
a very rough guide. The “mag depth” is below the seabed. The weights and depths may easily be twice or half of the
indicated values (or more!), and the numbers are incapable of separating out ferrous objects from geological sources.
• We believe the survey was performed to a high standard and our methodology was well suited to meet the survey
• We believe that many of the targets represent ferrous objects however we expect that there may also be geological
• Magnetic detection immediately adjacent to the wharf becomes problematic due to the strong magnetic field of
the wharf and risk involved in operating too closely to the wharf in wind and current. Therefor there is a section
of missing magnetic data adjacent, and on the north side of the wharf, where no magnetic data exists.
Pennella J. (1982) Magnetometer Techniques in the Detection of Projectiles. NAVEODTECHCEN Technical Report TR-
239, Navel Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Center, Indian Head Maryland.
Pawlowski J., Lewis R., Dobush T., Valleau N. (1995) An Integrated Approach for Measuring and Processing Geophysical
Data for the Detection of Unexploded Ordnance, Proceedings of SAGEEP 1995, Orlando Florida.
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14.Digital Products
The digital data has been supplied in the following directory tree:
+---0. Report
| SH20221103_November_2022_CMG_Mandorah_Marine_Magnetics_Report_rev0.pdf
+---1. MM_geotiff
| Appendix_A4_first_vertical_derivative_magnetic_imagery_and_targets.tif
| Appendix_A5_analytic_signal_magnetic_imagery_and_targets.tif
+---2. MM_ascii_targets
| Appendix_C1_Magnetic_Targets_Table_rev0.xlsx
+---3. SSS_geotiff
| Mandorah_MM_2022_10cm.tif
| Mandorah_MM_2022_5cm.tif
+---4. SSS_ascii_targets
| SSS_Contacts_ASCII_Table_rev0.csv
\---5. Bathymetry_3rd_Party_Supplied
20170919 - Hydrographic_Drone Survey_ Geosciences Australia Combined 1m
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Appendix B.2 – SSS Report Mandorah2022