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SEMINAR VENUE; - SR 8 (07:00-08:00 PM)

QUESTION;-Globalization was assumed to have the ability to bail out Developing Countries
economies; however, it has only achieved to create disorder annihilation of those economies. Discuss.
Globalization have been explained by different scholars the followings are some definitions;-
Globalization is a spartial,homogenities spaces, that resulted due to the integrations of different
aspects of desplines into a global village, a new world order and peace dividend. It is a complex but
broader concept. In historical perspective Globalization imposed in mid of 1980’s however some scholars
explained it started during 16th century. In globalization it is a spatial reorganization of production,
theinterpenetrations of industries across borders, the spread of financial markets, the diffusion of identical
consumer goods to distant countries, massive transfer of population within the south as well as from south
and the east to west. Formation of communities in formerly neighborhood and emerging worldwide
preference for democracy.
Globalizationdescribes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have
become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and
trade. The term is most closely associated with the term economic globalization: the integration of
national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows,
migration, the spread of technology, and military presence. However, globalization is usually recognized
as being driven by a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural, political, and biological
factors. The term can also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture
through acculturation. An aspect of the world which has gone through the process can be said to be
Developing countries are countries with less development in case of sustainability, low
consumption, low technology, poor social services, poor living standard of people but they are in a
progressive toward improving such services that are essential in human life, some of the countries are
from Latin America, Africa and Caribbean.
The following are the four areas of globalization in order to get a sense of its impact on
development outcome in developing world;-
 Economic globalization;-This involves the movement of goods and services across the
borders into some degrees beyond the state control, Also it refers to closer integration of
the world economy and it measured by GNP ratios and international flows of foreign direct
investment (FDI), Those assures global market places and it emphasizes international
economic integration and transformation of production system in labor market.
 Political globalization;-This explain about the political land scape, it is a form of advocacy
of democratization and democracy in developing countries. It is coordinated by the US and
European Union (E.U). Based in consolidating democracy.
 Technological globalization;-This is the key aspect of globalization describing the effects
of new electronics communication which permits firms and other actions to operate
globally with much less regards for location, distances and border on other hand it
enhances the ability of states and organization to communicate has generally been
enhances, hence has been beneficed to processes of globalization.
 Cultural globalization;-This explain much concerning different norms and social values, in
globalization there is highly spread of westernization in the developing countries, this
includes western values like dressing, eating and living styles with interact much with that
of the developing countries.

In the development and imposition of globalization passes through various phrases which are;-

Phrase of Mercantilism (1415-16thc) this was a period of industrial capitalism, there was a period
dominated by the Primitive accumulation of capital through the use of various illegal ways like piracy,
plundering, looting of Natural and human resources as well as slave trade.

Phrase of Industrialization, this stage by industrial maturity stage, the established of infrastructures
that is, roads, railways, communication networks which aimed to exploit agricultural and mineral
resources to feed the industries in metropolis, and thus helped them to maximize their capital and earn
super profit. It was the time of Religions institution and cultural aspects.

Phrase of Neo-Colonialism, this stage dominated much by the new system of trade which was the
export of raw materials to abroad and importation of already manufactured goods to the developing
countries where acted as a market place. Financial system through the use of international monetary
institutions that is, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the use of World Bank (WB) that played part
in organize loans and debt to the developing countries. It also involved in the transfer of technology from
the advanced technological countries to the less developed countries, and in this stage there is sharing of
political affairs.
Phrase of Modern globalization, this phrase characterized by the intensive and extensive trans
nationalization of capital. Disintegration of communist system and the emergence of USA as a world
super power in militarism, economic and even technologically. Thus he becomes a rulerof the world. It is
the highest stage of globalization and dominated with production and spread of information technologies.

Globalization have brought a lot of disorders into the developing countries which are;-

Political instabilities and failure to develop workable political system, this is due to the
development prospects, such problem arose due the grabbing of power by unelected or military leaders,
due to the implantation of puppet leaders by the developed powers like Mobutu SeseSeko in DRC in 1960
with the help of US. Also labels are gain weapons and other force from the developed countries.

Environmental degradation and destruction, - the advent of global environmental challenges that
might be solved with international cooperation, such as climate change, cross-boundary water and air
pollution, over-fishing of the ocean, and the spread of invasive species. Since many factories are built in
developing countries with less environmental regulation, globalism and free trade may increase pollution
and impact on precious fresh water resources.

Gap increase between the rich and the poor, this is duetobrain drains problem. Opportunities in
rich countries drive talent away from poor countries, leading to brain drains. Brain drain has cost the
African continent over $4.1 billion in the employment of 150,000 expatriate professionals annually. Indian
students going abroad for their higher studies costs but after finishing their studies they get employed
there due to that makes the scarcity of professional workers. “The benefits of globalization are not
universal. The rich are getting richer and the poor are becoming poorer”.

Wide spread of human right abuses immorality, in Globalization it has bringa lot advancement in
technologies that is the use of internet where information are being spread all over the within a short time,
the use of cameras and different sources of information. Due to that, human rights like right to be
respected, freedom of speech and other rights are being violated for example women are being pictured
while they are naked and exposure those pictures in medias and internet, also there is the shouting of Porn
movies exposed in internet which contributes to disintegration or moral values.
De-industrialization and unemployment, this is due to the advancement of technology where by
human labor replaced by machine, works to be done by the six people are being done by the machine and
one operator as a result many people lost their jobs. In case of de-industrialization, the developing
countries like Latin America, Africa and Caribbean acted as a dump and market of the already
manufactured goods from the developed countries thus the domestic industries tends to be destructed.

Privatization and selling of public enterprises, within globalization the developed countries
through their power economically and financially, they tends to invest their capital into developing
countries as results it contributes the exploitation of the national treasury due to the less unequal contract
in different sectors for example in Tanzania about 80% of mineral sector revenue is taken by the outsiders.
In this aspect it reveals the Darwin theory i.e. Survive for the fittest and struggle for existence, the richer
maintain their richer and the poor maintain their poverty.

Terrorists have access to sophisticated weapons enhancing their ability to inflict damage. Terrorists
use the Internet for communicating among themselves. In this aspect through globalization many evils are
being done, many lives are being lost due to the massive killing of people because of the terrorist activities
which are being facilitated through the use of internets in the communication , For example bombing of
US embassy of Kenya and Tanzania during 1998.

Conclusion, The developing countries due to globalization have experiences a lot of effects both
negative and positive but negative are more than the positive, thus in order to get away from that trap
necessary initiatives of national policy of economic independence should be established, even though we
cant run away from globalization but we should walk in the global system and the policy market should be
guided by the principles of equality and alleviation of poverty. The south should cooperate to fight and
pressurize the north on issue of trade, education, health and other social-economic and political activities
that will mark the developing countries to have self-reliable.

Haynes, ed., (2005) Development Studies. England: Palgrave Macmillan

Internet:Wikipedia,Globalization.21 February 2011 at 12:49.

Tanzania journal of Development studies,Globalization and its impact on Tanzania, By Rogate R.

Mshana, German-Tanzania Network, Frankfurt 30.11.02

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