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GP 03-06-01 Piping for Instruments Version 2.0.

2 January 2019

Piping for Instruments

GP 03-06-01

This Global Practice (GP) covers the piping associated with field instrument installations and instrument
air systems. Piping for sample transport and conditioning systems of process analyzers are covered by
GP 15-08-02. The layout of piping manifolds and sizing of block and bypass valves at control and
protective system valve stations are covered by GP 03-06-02.

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ExxonMobil (EM) hereby licenses the use of ExxonMobil Engineering Practices System (EMEPS) Global Practices (GPs) for use by any EM division, subsidiary, or
more-than-50% owned and in-fact operationally controlled affiliate. The GPs may be downloaded and modified as necessary for project and affiliate use. Written
permission from EM is not required. However, any modified GPs must be renumbered to a project-specific or affiliate-specific number to differentiate them from the
GPs on the EMEPS website. EM-operated Joint Ventures (JVs) may utilize the GPs to create project-specific or location-specific specifications. It is the responsibility
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GP 03-06-01 Piping for Instruments V 2.0.2 JAN 2019

Table of Contents
1. Required References ............................................................................................ 3
1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices ................................... 3
1.2. API–American Petroleum Institute................................................................ 3
1.3. ASTM–American Society for Testing and Materials ..................................... 3
1.4. BSI–British Standards Institution .................................................................. 4
1.5. ISA–The International Society of Automation ............................................... 4
1.6. ISO–International Organization for Standardization ..................................... 4
1.7. NFPA–National Fire Protection Association ................................................. 4
2. Definitions.............................................................................................................. 4

3. General Requirements .......................................................................................... 5

4. Mounting of Instruments and Access Requirements......................................... 6

5. Takeoff Connections ............................................................................................. 6

6. Connecting Piping and Tubing ............................................................................ 8

7. Thermowell Connections.................................................................................... 10

8. Flow Meters ......................................................................................................... 11

8.1. Orifice Meters ............................................................................................. 11
8.2. Displacement Meters and Turbine Meters .................................................. 12
9. Pressure Instruments ......................................................................................... 12

10. Level Instruments ............................................................................................... 13

10.1. Displacer and Float Type Instruments ........................................................ 13
10.2. Differential Type Instruments...................................................................... 13
10.3. Gauge Glasses........................................................................................... 13
11. Instrument Air Systems ...................................................................................... 14
11.1. Instrument Air Tubing ................................................................................. 14
11.2. Instrument Air Distribution System ............................................................. 15
11.3. Instrument Air Dryer ................................................................................... 15
Record of Change ....................................................................................................... 17

Attachment: Purpose Code Definitions.................................................................... 20

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GP 03-06-01 Piping for Instruments V 2.0.2 JAN 2019

1. Required References
This Section lists the Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall be used with
this document. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition.

1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices

GP 03-01-01 Upstream Piping Component Selection and System Design
GP 03-12-02 Valve Selection
GP 03-19-02 Upstream Piping Fabrication, Erection, Inspection, Testing, and
GP 15-04-01 Flow Instruments
GP 16-05-01 Lighting
GP 29-01-03 Material Selection for Upstream and Midstream Facilities and
GP 41-01-08 Compressed Air Dryer - Regenerative Type
GP 70-01-05 Upstream Fireproofing
GP 70-01-12 Upstream Human Factors

1.2. API–American Petroleum Institute

API MPMS 5.2 Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards - Chapter 5: Metering -
Section 2: Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Displacement
API MPMS 5.3 Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards - Chapter 5: Metering -
Section 3: Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Turbine Meters
API MPMS 5.4 Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards - Chapter 5: Metering -
Section 4: Accessory Equipment for Liquid Meters
API MPMS 14.3.2 Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids -
Concentric, Square-edged Orifice Meters Part 2: Specification and
Installation Requirements
API RP 552 Transmission Systems
API SPEC 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment
API SPEC 6D Specification for Pipeline and Piping Valves

1.3. ASTM–American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A 269 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless
Steel Tubing for General Service

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ASTM B 68/B 68M Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube, Bright Annealed

1.4. BSI–British Standards Institution

BSI BS EN ISO 5167-2 Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential Devices
Inserted in Circular Cross-Section Conduits Running Full - Part 2:
Orifice Plates
BSI ISO 14313 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Pipeline Transportation Systems
- Pipeline Valves

1.5. ISA–The International Society of Automation

ISA 7.0.01 Quality Standard for Instrument Air

1.6. ISO–International Organization for Standardization

ISO 5167-2 Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential Devices
Inserted in Circular Cross-Section Conduits Running Full - Part 2:
Orifice Plates
ISO 14313 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Pipeline Transportation Systems
- Pipeline Valves

1.7. NFPA–National Fire Protection Association

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code

2. Definitions
Term Description

Combustible Liquids As defined in NFPA 30 Chapter 4, Section 4.3 "Classification of

Liquids," a liquid with a flash point above 100 °F (38 °C), but restricted
in this GP to a liquid in a piping system with a design temperature at or
below its flash point. The margin in the design temperature ensures the
liquid will always be handled below its flash point.

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Term Description

Dangerous Materials As used in this Practice, dangerous materials shall include the following:
a. Toxic materials such as phenol, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine.
b. Highly corrosive materials such as acids, caustic, and other similar
c. Flammable materials (including light hydrocarbons lighter than
44 lb/ft3 [708.6 kg/m3]).
d. Boiler feedwater and steam, in systems requiring ASME Class 300
and higher flange ratings.
e. Oxygen in concentrations greater than 35 percent.
Flammable Liquids Includes liquids as defined in NFPA 30 Chapter 4, Section 4.3
"Classification of Liquids," as a liquid with a flash point of 100 °F
(38 °C) or below, but extended in this GP to include any liquid in a
piping system with a design temperature at or above its flash point.
Flammable Materials Flammable liquids; hydrocarbon vapors; and other vapors, such as
hydrogen and carbon disulfide, that are readily ignitable when released
to atmosphere.
Hazardous and Toxic Refer to applicable national codes and standards for definitions of
Materials hazardous and toxic materials.

3. General Requirements
1) [S] No fluids, except instrument air, potable water, and fresh air from a safe location, shall be piped
into the control house. Instrument air that is backed up by nitrogen shall not be piped into control
houses or other walk-in enclosed spaces.
2) [S] Downstream of the first isolation block valve, all piping, tubing, instruments, and instrument
accessories in contact with the process or any purge medium shall have a suitable
pressure/temperature rating and material for the service conditions.
3) [S] Valves and their respective control cabling, tubing, and associated field equipment that are
required to remain operable during a fire require fireproofing in accordance with GP 70-01-05.
4) [*] [O] Leak testing of instrument piping and tubing and air supply piping and tubing shall be in
accordance with the requirements of GP 03-19-02, Section 8.3 "Field Pressure Testing" and the
project specification. Leak testing of signal transmission systems shall be in accordance with ISA
5) Welding downstream of first isolation block valve is prohibited.
6) [S] Process connections shall be NPS ¾ minimum, with the exception of flange-mounted orifice plate
applications, where NPS ½ connections may be used.

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4. Mounting of Instruments and Access Requirements

1) [C] [O] The preferred instrument installation is close coupled (line mounted).
2) [S] [*] [M] All instruments, including thermocouples, shall be accessible for maintenance.
Instrument process connections that require maintenance shall also be accessible, including
accessories such as rod-out connections, condensate pots, and seal connections. Permanent platforms
for instrument maintenance are preferred. In cases where personnel safety is not compromised,
alternative methods of access may be approved by Owner's Engineer. All indicating instruments shall
be installed to be readable from grade and/or the related operational area according to GP 70-01-12,
Section 6.4.1 "Moving to and Workspace around the Local Instrument Locations."
3) Pressure and differential pressure instruments shall be supported by means other than the process
4) [R] When piping or platforms are subject to process or equipment induced vibrations (e.g., fluid
solids units, reciprocating compressors, lines in two-phase flow, hydraulic shock from rapid valve
action) a more stable location for the instrument mounting shall be selected. In addition,
piping/tubing bends shall be used to mitigate vibration. All instruments shall be installed with
sufficient mechanical bracing to preclude damage from fatigue, vibration, and incidental mechanical
5) [S] Insertion-type instruments shall be equipped with a blowout prevention device, such as a
mechanical stop or safety chain. This device must prevent the unintentional removal of the
instrument while under process pressure. Insertion-type instruments that are installed in a toxic or
flammable service and rely on a non-fire-resistant elastomer seal (Polytetrafluoroethylene [PTFE], for
example) for process pressure containment shall be equipped with a secondary seal that will prevent
the process fluid from being released in the event that the instrument is subjected to a fire.
6) [M] [O] In addition to any Vendor-supplied nameplate, each installed instrument shall be provided
with an identification nameplate containing the tag number and the process service description.
These nameplates shall be fabricated from a corrosion resistant material (16 U.S. gauge stainless steel
or equivalent is preferred) and shall be permanently and securely fastened to the instrument by either
stainless steel wire or drive screws. The identification nameplate shall be readable from grade or the
associated maintenance platform. If any process connection is not viewable from its associated
instrument, then a separate tag nameplate is required at each such process connection.
7) [R] Unless otherwise specified, flow meters shall be installed upstream of the associated control
8) [O] Provide lighting to the local instruments in accordance with GP 16-05-01.

5. Takeoff Connections
1) [M] [O] Process takeoff connections shall be as follows:
a) An isolation block valve shall be installed in each instrument takeoff connection, and shall be
located as close to the vessel or line as possible, consistent with manual opening and closing of
the valve. In no case shall the valve outlet be a distance greater than 9 in. (225 mm) from the
branch connection. The use of elbows between the takeoff point and the valve is prohibited.

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b) Takeoff connections, including the first valve, shall be in accordance with the line service
c) Joints between the header, takeoff fitting, nipple, and flange or valve shall be welded. Threaded
joints shall not be used. Takeoff valves shall be flanged or welded on the process piping side.
The outlet of the valve shall be suitable for connection to the instrument.
d) Nipple thickness and bracing of the branch shall meet the requirements in GP 03-19-02.
2) [A] [M] [O] Separate process takeoff connections shall be furnished for each instrument except as
follows, in which case separate block valves shall be provided:
a) Dual-range installations requiring two instruments
b) Pressure measurement associated with flow metering or suppressed range pressure instruments
All other proposals to use the same set of process takeoff connections for more than one instrument
shall require the approval of the Owner's Engineer.
3) [R] The minimum size of takeoff connections shall be per Section 3, Item (6). Where the line service
classification (including corrosion allowance) will result in an ID of less than 0.47 in. (12 mm), the
connection size shall be increased. Alternatively, a line service classification of alloy material with a
smaller required corrosion allowance may be used.
4) [R] For pressure vessels, a minimum NPS 2 nozzle-sized flanged valve with the same
pressure/temperature rating and metallurgy as the vessel shall be used. The outboard side of the valve
shall be suitable for connection to the instrument. Thermowells are excluded from this valve
5) [A] [O] [R] Connections to vessel bottom shall be avoided whenever possible. When this is not
possible, bottom connection shall extend into the vessel at least 3 in. (75 mm) beyond the inside of
the shell or vessel lining. All bottom connections shall be approved by the Owner's Engineer.
6) [A] [O] [R] Connections to vessel top shall be avoided whenever possible where the upper fluid is a
liquid. When this is not possible, a valved vent connection shall be furnished at the highest point in
the instrument piping. All top connections shall be approved by Owner's Engineer. Piping connected
to vessel nozzles shall be designed and installed to prevent fluid pockets or traps.
7) [O] Takeoff connections for pressure instruments shall be horizontal except for gauges, which can be
8) [O] Horizontal process takeoff connections for all differential pressure type flow meters are preferred.
Gas takeoffs may be installed from horizontal to 90 degrees above horizontal and liquid connections
from horizontal to 45 degrees below horizontal.
9) [O] The mounting location for differential pressure type flow instruments and pressure instruments
with relation to takeoff connections shall be as shown in Table 1.

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Table 1: Mounting Provisions

Instrument Location
Line Mounted Pedestal Mounted
Liquids Level with or below takeoff Below takeoff
Non-Condensing Gases Level with takeoff Above takeoff (1)
Steam/Condensing At least 2 in. (50 mm) below takeoff Below takeoff
Cryogenic Liquids Level with takeoff with the connection to the Above takeoff
instrument being beyond the 100% vapor point (usually
12 in. [300 mm]) from the line or vessel)
Note (1): If necessary to mount below takeoff connection, make takeoff horizontal and:
(a) for liquid filled vertical legs, provide fill connections and (for displacement type) seal pots,
(b) for gas filled vertical legs, provide heat tracing, knockout pots, or drain pots with drain
valves as dictated by the amount of condensate expected.

6. Connecting Piping and Tubing

1) [R] Connecting piping or tubing, between take-off connection (block valve) and instrument shall
meet the following requirements:
a) [A] As a minimum, upstream instrument tubing shall be seamless 316 or 316L stainless steel, as
defined by ASTM A 269 where service is not sour or highly corrosive. 303 SS and 304 SS or
carbon steel tubing shall not be used in any service. Use of other tubing materials shall be
approved by Owner's Engineer.
b) [S] In sour (H2S) or other corrosive services using compression fittings, the tubing, fittings, and
wetted parts of valves shall be alloy 825 or other higher corrosion-resistant alloy suitable for the
pressure and temperature.
c) Carbon steel piping shall use threaded or flanged joints. Seal welding of threaded connections,
where required, shall be in accordance with GP 03-19-02. Pipe shall be NPS 1/ 2 , seamless,
Schedule 80 minimum wall thickness. Fittings and valves shall be forged steel.
d) Tubing with compression fittings may be used for services at and below 5000 psi (34.5 MPa).
Threaded tube fitting connections shall not be seal welded. Tubing shall be seamless, 1/ 2 in. OD
minimum x 0.049 in. minimum wall thickness (or 12 mm OD x 1.5 mm minimum wall
thickness). Double-ferrule compression fittings shall be used.
e) Tubing systems used above 5,000 psi (34.5 MPa) shall use cone-and-thread type connections
(e.g., Autoclave) such as that shown in API SPEC 6A, Figure 5, "Test and Gauge Connector Ports
for 103.5 MPa and 138.0 MPa (15,000 psi and 20,000 psi) Rated Working Pressure."
f) [R] Instrument valve body, stem, and trim shall be the same material as the tubing, but in no case
less than 316 SS. Valve stems shall have blowout-proof designs. Stem packing and seat material

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shall be capable of withstanding the maximum temperature and pressure. 303 SS and 304 SS
shall not be used for any material of constructions.
g) [S] All tubing fittings and components in any tubing assembly shall be from the same
h) Standardization of tubing fittings for a given facility is strongly recommended. Tubing valves
should have integral bite-type tubing fittings that comply with the selected tube fittings.
i) When pipe is used for instrument pressure piping downstream of the first block valve, the piping
shall conform to the material specifications of the connected line or equipment.
j) All loads shall be accounted for in the design. Tubing and piping shall include flexibility to
accommodate the expected differential movement between connection points and between
support points.
2) [R] If the instrument connection is smaller than the connecting piping, then the connecting piping
shall be reduced at the instrument.
3) [O] Instrument piping and tubing shall be sloped between the takeoff connection and the instrument
when the instrument is mounted above or below the connection. The slope shall be at least 1:12 and
always in the same direction. Piping and tubing runs shall be designed and installed to prevent fluid
pockets or traps.
4) [C] Pipe and tubing bends shall be used in place of elbows where practicable.
5) [S] [E] [M] Drain, fill, and blowdown connections shall be provided as follows:
a) All pressure instruments (including gauges) shall have valving to isolate and vent/depressurize
the instrument.
b) All differential pressure instruments (including those used on differential pressure type flow meters
and level measurements) shall have valving to isolate, vent/depressurize, and bypass the instrument.
i) Where the service involves a dangerous material, a 4- or 5-valve manifold arrangement with
dedicated vent valve(s) shall be used.
ii) Where the service does not involve a dangerous material a 3-valve manifold may be used
with the transmitter body vent/drain valve providing the vent facility.
c) Instrument isolation, venting, and depressurization may be accomplished through use of a valve
manifold or by individual piping components.
d) [A] All O-rings used between an integrated manifold and an instrument shall be made of
graphite/Grafoil unless it is incompatible with the process fluid or another material with greater
resistance to chemical degradation when approved by Owner's Engineer.
e) [A] The packing used for integrated manifold valves shall be made of graphite/Grafoil unless it is
incompatible with the process fluid or another material is approved by the Owner's Engineer.
f) All sealed installations, including those with condensate legs or pots, shall be provided with fill
and drain connections.
g) All steam flow meter manifolds shall be provided with a valved blowdown connection where the
blowdown is external to any integrated manifold.
h) For "large" instruments containing toxic materials (i.e., those containing more than 61 cubic
inches or 1000 cc of material) the drain shall be routed to a closed system. The vent, if any, for
instruments containing toxic materials should be directed to a closed system or to a safe location
as determined by dispersion calculations.

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6) [M] Tees shall be used, to permit rodding, in any service where solids can build up at the takeoff
connection. Sufficient clearance shall be provided to allow the use of rodout devices.
7) [O] The minimum flow rates for purge systems at process takeoff connections shall be as shown in
Table 2.

Table 2: Minimum Flow Rates

Instrument Service Minimum Velocity Purge

Liquids 0.25 in./s, 6 mm/s Liquid Purge
Gas Solids: 24 in./s, 600 mm/s Gas Purge

Cracking 3 ft/s, 0.9 m/s Gas Purge

Coking 6 ft/s, 1.8 m/s Gas Purge
Flame Scanner Connections (1) 2 ft/s, 0.6 m/s Gas Purge
Note (1): [A] Higher velocities may be required to prevent sensor burnout. Each
installation shall be approved by Owner's Engineer.

8) [A] [O] The use of seal, condensate, and knockout pots shall be approved by Owner's Engineer.
9) [A] [M] Seal welding of instrument lead line connections downstream of the first block valve shall be
approved by the Owner's Engineer.
10) [S] [A] Quarter-turn valves shall not be used as the final valve to the atmosphere or in isolating
applications, unless the Owner's Engineer approves their use for selected services.
11) [R] Instrument valves shall meet the following requirements:
a) Bolted-body valves with stainless steel bolts shall meet the requirements of GP 03-12-02, Section
5.2, "Valve Materials," Item 7.
b) Valves with threaded body joints shall meet the requirements of GP 03-12-02, Section 5.1
"General Requirements," Item 4.

7. Thermowell Connections
1) [S] Thermowells in general process service shall use flange-mounted process connections.
2) [C] When approved by Owner's Engineer, thermowells in non-general process services may use
threaded thermowells where threaded fittings are acceptable (refer to GP 03-01-01) in sizes no less
than NPS 3/ 4 . For this item, "Non-general process services" shall be defined as services that do not
contain produced hydrocarbon or corrosive fluids. Examples of these are hydraulic oil, lube oil,
potable water, cooling media, cooling water (excluding seawater or produced water), compressed air,
nitrogen, or other inert gasses.
3) [M] Where the line classes require all fittings below NPS 2 to be of the socket-welded type,
thermowells shall be flanged, NPS 11/ 2 .

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4) [M] In alloy piping and lined piping (including cement-lined), thermowell connections shall be
flanged, NPS 11/ 2 .
5) [O] Seal welding threaded thermowells are not recommended due to metallurgical issues associated
with joining dissimilar metals and as well as long term corrosion issues.
6) [A] [C] The use of hub and clamp type connectors, such as Grayloc, Techloc, etc., in lieu of flanged
thermowell connections, is permitted with Company approval.
7) [O] The minimum pipe size for thermowell installation is NPS 4. For NPS 3 or smaller piping, the
line size shall be swaged to NPS 4.
8) [O] Thermowell connections shall be a minimum of 10 pipe diameters downstream of the junction of
two streams of different temperatures. For desuperheating stations, the thermowell connection shall
be located no closer than 20 pipe diameters downstream of the desuperheater. Where this is
impractical, the thermowell connection may be located after the first elbow downstream of the
9) When a check thermocouple is required in a separate thermowell, its thermowell connection shall be
located within 18 in. (450 mm) of the primary thermowell connection.
10) [O] Thermowell connections located in downcomers of towers shall be in liquid, and 2 in. to 4 in.
(50 mm to 100 mm) from the bottom of the downcomer.
11) [O] Thermowells located in vapor spaces of towers shall not be placed in dead spots, or between
webs or trusses. They shall be located as close as possible to the tray above.

8. Flow Meters
1) [A] All custody transfer applications and meter prover connections shall be approved by Owner's
2) [O] All valves used in a prover system that can provide or contribute to a bypass of fluid around the
prover of the meter or to leakage between the prover and the meter shall be double block-and-bleed
valves of the type identified as "Double Isolation and Bleed" within API SPEC 6D/ISO 14313 (BSI
ISO 14313), or the system shall be provided with valves and piping that are equivalent. A method for
checking valve leakage in the valve system shall be provided.

8.1. Orifice Meters

1) [A] [O] For custody transfer flow measurements and any other measurement that must meet legal
requirements (e.g., European Emission Regulations) or internal Company requirements (e.g.,
Hydrocarbon Control Practices or Measurement and Analysis for Production) the upstream and
downstream straight lengths shall meet the requirements of API MPMS 14.3.2 or ISO 5167-2 (BSI
BS EN ISO 5167-2), Table 3, "Required Straight Lengths between Orifice Plates and Fittings without
Flow Conditioners," Column A (zero additional uncertainty), as specified by the Owner's Engineer.
A beta ratio of 0.6 shall be assumed. The minimum size and pressure class orifice flanges shall be
NPS 2, Class 300. Smaller size shall be approved by Owner's Engineer.
2) For all other flow measurements where some additional uncertainty is acceptable then the upstream
and downstream straight lengths shall meet the requirements of ISO 5167-2 (BSI BS EN ISO 5167-

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2), Table 3 "Required Straight Lengths between Orifice Plates and Fittings without Flow
Conditioners," Column B (0.5% additional uncertainty). A beta ratio of 0.75 shall be assumed.
3) For specialized multi-hole orifice plates (conditioning orifice plates) the straight lengths and beta ratio
requirements shall be as specified by Vendor to achieve the uncertainty required by the application.
4) [O] If static pressure measurement is required for a compressible fluid, it shall be from a dedicated
tap whose location shall be in accordance with GP 15-04-01.
5) [O] Metering orifices shall be installed in horizontal lines where possible. If installed in vertical lines,
flow shall be upward for liquids and downward for gases and for vapors, both condensing and non-
6) Sample connections, vents, drains, etc. shall not be located within the straight run length requirements
of Section 8.1, Item (1).
7) Thermowell connections and pressure instrument connections for volume correction shall be installed
in accordance with API MPMS 14.3.2 or ISO 5167-2 (BSI BS EN ISO 5167-2).
8) [A] [R] Flow conditioners shall not be used without approval by the Owner's Engineer.

8.2. Displacement Meters and Turbine Meters

1) [A] [O] [R] Where vapor can occur or air can be entrained, an air eliminator shall be installed. A
combined air eliminator and strainer assembly may be used with approval by Owner's Engineer.
2) [O] The installation shall be designed to insure a liquid filled meter at all times.
3) [O] [R] Meters shall be provided with strainers to protect the meter from entrained solids. The mesh
of the strainers shall meet the requirements of the meter manufacturer. Taps shall be provided to
permit differential pressure measurement across the strainer.
4) [O] [R] Automatic flow limiters shall be installed where operating conditions might cause the meter
to exceed its maximum rated capacity.
5) A downstream thermowell connection for temperature measurement shall be provided for all
displacement and turbine meters in custody transfer or high accuracy applications.

9. Pressure Instruments
1) [O] Pressure differential instruments in gas service shall be located at or above the highest takeoff
connection so that both sensing lines will be self-draining. Measurement errors due to condensate in
the sensing lines shall be prevented by increasing the takeoff connection to NPS 1. Alternatives such
as heat tracing, insulation, and purging are also acceptable.
2) [O] Pressure takeoff connections on towers shall be located in the vapor space.
3) [O] Instruments mounted above the takeoff connection shall be protected from hot condensable vapors
above the instrument's design temperature by installation of a close-coupled siphon or liquid seal.
4) [R] Pressure instruments measuring a pulsating process (such as reciprocating pump or reciprocating
compressor discharge) shall be provided with a snubber or similar dampening device. Adequate
provisions shall be taken to protect against plugging of the snubber by viscous or corrosive fluids.

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5) [A] [O] Vessel connections for pressure differential transmitters or indicators shall not be used for
other purposes, such as drains or pumpout lines, without approval by Owner's Engineer.

10. Level Instruments

10.1. Displacer and Float Type Instruments
1) [M] Vents and drains from displacer and float chambers shall be as follows:
a) A drain valve shall be installed in the same centerline as the chamber, and shall be a NPS 3/ 4 gate
or ball-type valve.
b) The top of displacer chamber shall be furnished with a tapped NPS 3/ 4 and valved vent
connection. However, for top connected displacers, and for ball float chambers, a NPS 3/ 4 valved
vent connection shall be made in the top connecting line, adjacent to the chamber. This vent
connection must also be suitable to be used as a fill connection to allow on line testing of float
switches when they are in protective system service.
2) [O] When an external chamber is used in services where vaporization of the liquid is possible when
exposed to ambient temperatures, precautions like extra thick insulation shall be taken to minimize
3) [O] A stilling well shall be provided for all internally mounted displacer or float type level
instruments. The well shall be mounted plumb; shall be open-ended, drilled, or slotted along its entire
length; and shall have a smooth interior finish. A bar or rod shall be welded across the bottom of the
well to retain the displacer or float, should it become disconnected from the instrument shaft.
4) [O] External level instrument vessel connections and internal level instruments shall be oriented to
prevent impingement of entering streams. External level instruments shall be mounted plumb.
For displacers or floats subjected to turbulence, provisions shall be made for shielding the connections
or guiding the fluid to eliminate the effect of turbulence on the torque tube or float shaft assembly.

10.2. Differential Type Instruments

[O] Differential type level instruments in liquid service, except those with remote seals (preferred), shall
be installed as follows:
1) The instrument shall be installed level with the lower vessel connection. When the temperature of the
process fluid is higher than the maximum operating temperature for the instrument, the instrument
shall be located 12 in. (300 mm) below the lower vessel connection.
2) For upper impulse line dry-leg installations: A drain pot and valved drain at the low point shall be
installed. The upper impulse line shall be heated as necessary to ensure a dry leg.
3) [A] [R] On sealed transmitters in dirty and sticky fluid services, flushing or purging connections may be
required. Flushing rings (drip or bleed ring) shall not be used unless approved by the Owner's Engineer.

10.3. Gauge Glasses

1) [A] [R] Horizontal takeoff connection length (i.e., vessel connection, vessel isolation valve, and
outboard horizontal impulse line) shall not exceed 15 in. (375 mm). If longer lengths are required,
they shall be approved by the Owner's Engineer. All takeoff connection lines exceeding 15 in.

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(375 mm), and all takeoff connection lines subject to vibration (regardless of length), shall be braced
in two planes, per GP 03-19-02.
2) [S] [O] Where gauge glasses are specified for use in non-fouling processes where a toxic or
flammable vapor cloud may be formed in the event of gauge glass failure, the gauge glass piping shall
include a ball type (excess flow) check valve or similar device at each gauge glass column
connection. The design shall permit commissioning of the gauge glass column without the need for
external bypass piping.
3) [A] [M] [O] Separate vessel connections shall be installed for gauge glasses and each level
instrument. Pipe columns (bridles) may be used to minimize vessel connections when approved by
Owner's Engineer. When a pipe column (bridle) is used, a block valve shall be installed at each pipe
column (bridle) to vessel connection and at each instrument to pipe column (bridle) connection. Pipe
columns (bridles) shall not be less than NPS 2, Schedule 80 pipe for carbon steel or NPS 2, Schedule
40 pipe for stainless steel.
4) [O] If a pipe column (bridle) arrangement is used for a three fluid system (e.g., interface), a balance
line shall be connected between the vessel and the pipe column. The line shall be located so that the
point where it connects to the vessel is covered by the middle fluid for all expected fluctuations of the
middle fluid levels. If this cannot be achieved with one balance line, additional balance lines shall be
used. If the top vessel connection is not always submerged in the top fluid, balance lines will be
required for the top fluid also.
5) [*] [M] [O] Gauge glasses shall be provided to augment level instruments in liquid service, including
displacer, float, and differential pressure types. The visible range of the gauge glass shall equal or
exceed the maximum range of the level instrument. The requirement for gauge glasses is specifically
excluded for fluidized solid service. Other exclusions shall be specified by Owner's Engineer. Gauge
glasses shall not be used for gauging of tanks or vessels to determine inventory.
6) [O] Gauge glasses shall, if possible, be installed such that the mid-range of the gauge glass coincides
with the mid-range of its associated level instrument.
7) [S] Gauge glasses shall be located away from sources of damage such as roadways, work areas, and
mobile equipment lanes.
8) [M] [O] Gauge glasses shall be oriented with respect to walkways, platforms, ladders, or stairways so
that they are conveniently visible to operators and are readily accessible for blocking off, venting, and
draining for maintenance. If permanent lighting has not been specified for thru-vision gauge glasses,
the gauges shall also be positioned to be accessible for illumination from the rear and simultaneous
observation by an operator with a flashlight.
9) All gauge glasses shall be provided with a valved drain connection and a plugged cleanout connection
at the top.

11. Instrument Air Systems

11.1. Instrument Air Tubing
1) [A] [R] Single tube runs to field instruments and control valves shall use 3/ 8 in. (10 mm) diameter
0.035 in. (1.0 mm) wall thickness stainless steel tubing as a minimum. PVC covered copper tubing or
smaller bore stainless tubing may be used where approved by Owner's Engineer.

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Individual pneumatic signal lines generally shall not be supported from larger lines. However, in
remote locations, individual pneumatic signal lines may be supported by lines NPS 2 and larger.
Tubing shall be supported in accordance with the recommendations in API RP 552, Section 21,
"General Information on Pneumatic Systems" and Section 22, "Installation of Pneumatic Systems.
The method of support shall be approved. In areas exposed to potential mechanical damage,
pneumatic signal lines shall be protected by a continuous support (for example, a structural steel
angle or channel).
2) [O] [R] Each air-consuming instrument shall have a filter, a pressure reducing valve, and a pressure
gauge to indicate the reduced pressure. A combination filter regulator with gauge is acceptable for
such applications. Instruments on a filtered, regulated panelboard air supply are excepted from
having one set per instrument.
Filter body and regulator valve body (or combined filter-regulator body) shall be of metal
construction. Downstream tubing shall be stainless steel. Supply lines to instruments shall terminate
with shutoff valves not more than 36 in. (900 mm) from the instruments. Supply lines shall be
installed with sufficient flexibility to allow for normal piping/equipment movements. Tubing valves
in highly corrosive environments, marine (offshore), and chloride bearing environments shall have
Type 316 stainless steel bodies. Tubing valves shall have PTFE or graphite packing, stainless steel
stems, and PTFE stem tips or seats where tight shutoff is required.
3) [O] [R] Pneumatic actuator vents, solenoid valve vents, etc. shall be provided with screens to prevent
blockage and shall be installed to prevent the buildup of ice.
4) [R] Trays, ladders, separators, their supports, and other fittings shall be made of hot-dipped
galvanized steel or corrosion resistant aluminum (0.4% Cu max).

11.2. Instrument Air Distribution System

1) [M] [R] Instrument air branch supply lines shall be taken from the top of the header. Air supply
headers and laterals shall be arranged to allow air to be blown through a full size opening to facilitate
final cleaning of the air system. This should be located at the lowest point.
2) Instrument air distribution systems shall have block valves located as follows:
a) In each takeoff from the main distribution system to a unit, at the process unit area limits
b) In each branch line from a unit header
c) At each consumer
3) No more than six instruments shall be supplied from a valved branch line.
4) [A] [R] Instrument air piping distribution systems shall be flanged and welded piping systems with a
material meeting GP 29-01-03, unless otherwise approved by Owner's Engineer.

11.3. Instrument Air Dryer

[O] For instrument air systems delivered by oil-free compressors, the dryers, prefilters, and afterfilters
shall meet the requirements of GP 41-01-08. When other compressors are used, the following
requirements apply:
1) Air pressure at the exit of the afterfilter shall be 95 psig to 100 psig (650 kPa to 700 kPa), and dried to
a dew point at least 18 °F (10 °C) below the minimum specified ambient temperature.

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2) Prefilters shall be of the coalescing type and be capable of removing 98 percent of oil and water
droplets larger than 0.01 µm. Prefilters shall be located downstream of any connections for auxiliary
3) Dryer shall be either adsorptive heatless or heat regenerated type, sized for 110% design capacity, and
be provided with automatic cyclic operation. Heaters, coils, grids, valves, and similar components
shall be readily accessible for maintenance.
4) Afterfilter shall remove 98% of all particles larger than 0.3 µm.
5) Pressure drop through the entire filtering and drying system shall not exceed 10 psi (70 kPa).

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GP 03-06-01 Piping for Instruments V 2.0.2 JAN 2019

Record of Change
Version 1.0.0 Date: 06/01
Location Action Description
Initial Publish.

Version 1.0.1 Date: 02/03

Section 1.1 Addition Reference GPs were added for Upstream only.
Section 1.3 Addition Reference ASME PTC 19.3 was added for Upstream only.
Section 2 Addition Items (5) and (6) were added for Upstream only.
Section 3 Additions/ Items (2) and (4) were modified for Upstream only.
Items (3) and (8) were added for Upstream only.
Section 5 Modification Item (1) was modified for Upstream only.
Section 6 Additions/ Nine Items were added and/or modified for Upstream only.

Version 1.0.1 Date: 07/03

Global Practice version number and format updated to comply with new
process; however, original publish date remains, and no content was

Version 1.0.2 Date: 05/04

Replaced reference to GP 14-03-01 with GP 70-01-05. Replaced
reference in Section 2.2 Other Requirements.

Version 1.1.2 Date: 06/05

General From this version onward, revision bars in the right margin will be used
to identify technical changes from the last version of the GP.
Section 1 Modification Updated reference mnemonic from ASTM B 111 to ASTM B 111/B
111M. Updated reference titles.

Version 1.1.3 Date: 07/08

Upstream Replacement References to GP 03-20-01 replaced with GP 03-01-01.

Version 1.1.3 Date: 12/09

Upstream Owning Business Sector reviewed, updated, and advanced to Version
Only 2.0.0. Upstream maintains Version 1.1.3 until review of Owner's update.

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GP 03-06-01 Piping for Instruments V 2.0.2 JAN 2019

Version 2.0.1 Date: 12/10

Scope Addition Added reference to GP 03-06-02.
Section 1 Addition Added reference to ISO standards.
Section 1 Deletion Deleted references that are not used in the document.
Section 2 Addition Added definitions for combustible, dangerous materials, etc.
Section 3 Addition Added winterization requirements and reference to GP 03-09-01.
Section 4 Addition Added mounting options for close coupled instruments.
Section 6 Modification Provided more clarity on the drain fill and blowdown connections, and
requirements for manifolds
Section 10.3 Modification Changed the requirements for bypass valve requirements. Added the
requirements in Section 6.
Section 11 Modification Changed the minimum size of Instrument air tubing to be 3/ 8 in. from
0.25 in.
Upstream Upstream maintained Version 1.1.3 customizations and made the
Only following new customizations:
This GP has not yet been reviewed by Production.
Section 5, Item Addition Added clarification for vessel nozzles.
Section 6, Item Addition Added requirements for temperature and pressure.
Section 6, Item Addition Added tubing fittings requirements.
Section 7, Item Modification Added clarifications for thermowell installation requirements.
Section 8.1, Addition Added requirements for orifice flanges.
Item (1)
Section 11.2, Addition Added clarifications for blown air location.
Item (1)

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GP 03-06-01 Piping for Instruments V 2.0.2 JAN 2019

All Global Modifications To standardize the format of the Global Practices and to meet other
Practices requirements, the following changes have been implemented:
"For ExxonMobil Use Only" has been replaced with "For Company Use
A copyright waiver has been added in the first page Footer.
The definition of asterisks in the Scope has been deleted. The asterisk is
now defined in the Purpose Code attachment and is used within brackets
as other Purpose Codes.
Multiple paragraphs within a Section have been numbered.
The standard text for Required References has been modified.
The standard text for Additional Requirements has been modified.
The [S] Purpose Code has been modified.
The following Purpose Codes have been added:
[*] for additional information or decision required of Owner's
[A] for approval requirements before beginning work or finalizing

Version 2.0.2 Date: 01/19

General Modification Updated Purpose Codes, Rationales, references, and unit conversions and
clarified content throughout GP.

Section 2 Modification Modified definition of flammable liquids.

Section 5 Modification Item (1): Modified requirements for process takeoff connections.

Section 6 Modification Items (1) and (11): Modified requirements for connection of piping and

Section 11.2 Modification Items (3) and (4): Modified requirements for instrument air distribution

Section 11.3 Modification Modified compliance requirements for instrument air dryers.

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GP 03-06-01 Piping for Instruments V 2.0.2 JAN 2019

Attachment: Purpose Code Definitions

Code Description
* Assigned to paragraphs that require the Owner's Engineer to provide additional information or
make a decision.
A Assigned to paragraphs that require approval from the Owner's Engineer before the work may
proceed or the design is finalized.
C Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is reduced costs. Reduced cost in this context
refers to initial investment cost and does not include life cycle cost considerations. Life cycle
cost considerations are captured under reliability, maintainability, or operability purpose codes.
E Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is driven by environmental considerations.
Environmental considerations typically include specifications intended to protect against
emissions/leakage to the air, water, and/or soil. Deviations from the specifications contained
in such paragraphs require formal review and approval according to local environmental
I Assigned to paragraphs that provide only clarifying information, such as Scope statements,
definitions of terms, etc.
M Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to provide for maintainability of equipment
or systems. Maintainability provisions are those that facilitate the performance of maintenance
on equipment/systems either during downtimes or during onstream operations.
O Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to assure operability of equipment or
systems. Operability is the ability of the equipment/system to perform satisfactorily even
though conditions are off-design, such as during start-ups, process swings, subcomponent
malfunction, etc.
R Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to improve or assure the reliability of
equipment or systems. Reliability is a measure of the ability of equipment/systems to operate
without malfunction or failure between planned maintenance interventions.
S Assigned to paragraphs containing specifications/guidance where the primary purpose is the
avoidance of incidents impacting personnel safety, process safety, and the public in general
and/or involving responses to emergency situations. Any deviation from the specifications
contained in such designated paragraphs requires formal review and approval according to
local safety policy.
Personnel Safety: Refers to the prevention of incident-related personnel injuries or illness,
e.g., burns, cuts, abrasions, inhalation of or exposure to dangerous
substances, etc., that could result in medical treatment, restricted work,
lost-time incidents, or fatalities.
Process Safety: Refers to the prevention and control of process releases, fires, and/or
explosions that could result in damage to equipment, process disruption,
or personnel injury or illness.

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