User's Manual
for the
Motor Controller Family
SACTERM V1.0.4.0
Piktronik d.o.o.
Cesta k Tamu 17
2000 Maribor
May 2015
SAC User's Manual Piktronik d.o.o.
Table of Contents
1.SACTERM - PC user interface...........................................................................................4
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................4
1.2 Establishing connection..............................................................................................4
1.3 User interface layout description................................................................................4
Toolbar schortcuts.........................................................................................................6
Menu options description...................................................................................................6
Load parameters [CTRL-O].......................................................................................6
Save parameters [CTRL-S].......................................................................................6
Copy all [CTRL-C].....................................................................................................7
General Options........................................................................................................7
Comm Auto Detect...........................................................................................7
Auto scan..........................................................................................................7
Double check parameters.................................................................................7
Language setting..............................................................................................7
Additional options.............................................................................................7
Read data [CTRL-R].............................................................................................8
Write data [CTRL-W].............................................................................................8
Read entire block [CTRL-SHIFT-R]......................................................................8
Manual [F1]...............................................................................................................9
About [F2]..................................................................................................................9
1.3.1 Diagnostics page.................................................................................................9
Read parameter log [CTRL-L].................................................................................10
Parameters page.........................................................................................................11
Parameter protection...................................................................................................12
Tools\ Parameter Locking...................................................................................12
1.4 Accessing the features............................................................................................13
1.5 Communication port settings....................................................................................13
2.1 Motor control set-up..................................................................................................14
2.1.1 Motor type selection..........................................................................................14
2.1.2 Motor parameters set-up...................................................................................14
2.1.3 Auto-tuning........................................................................................................15
Motor auto tuning....................................................................................................15
Mechanical sensor auto tuning...............................................................................16
2.1.4 Settings for the induction motor........................................................................17 Magnetizing inductance.............................................................................17 High speed mode (HSM) and Low speed mode (LSM).............................18 MAX RATIO ISQ/ISD.................................................................................18 MINIMAL ISD CURRENT..........................................................................18
1.1 Introduction
SACTERM is aimed for the communication with the motor controller SAC. This software
tool can be used for the following tasks:
● drive operation monitoring,
● parameter management (editing, uploading, downloading, saving and loading),
● controller history investigation.
SACTERM is a MS Windows program, which runs under Windows 98, Windows 2000,
Windows XP and Vista and requires .NET 2.0 framework to operate.
For the hardware connection between the motor controller and the PC computer see the
connection diagram for the motor controller SAC in the chapter 6.
Parameter page
Status bar
Fig. 1: SACTERM user interface showing parameter page
Starting SACTERM.exe opens the user interface with only the page Main available. In this
mode one can monitor the drive operation, but there is no user interaction possible.
Changing the controller/drive behavior is enabled when appropriate PIN code is entered
(See Accessing the features).
The main display is divided into Title bar on top, followed by Menu bar, and graphics
Toolbar. The main part of the user interface is divided into pages displaying controller
status and settings. Additional information and status bar is provided at the bottom.
Pages are divided into:
Main – Displays controller voltages, currents, temperatures, reference points..
Diagnostics – History of errors occurred to the controller.
Parameters – Controller parameter table (user level 1 and more)
Menu structure on the top depends on the operation mode and currently displayed page.
The Toolbar enables quick access to most commonly used features, such as reading /
writing parameters to disk. The additional buttons are provided for reading and writing the
parameters to the device.
The Main page (Fig. 9) gives access to the most important SAC variables such as
voltages, currents, RPM, temperature and potentiometer position.
The variables are presented in the
table form, where in the first
column is variable number,
followed by its name, current
value, unit and finally short
description. The data is refreshed
automatically periodically when the
controller is powered.
On the bottom of the Main page is
status line, which reports the
controller current activity
OFF). In case of controller faults,
they are shown in the red color.
Please see the error codes section
for possible errors
Fig. 2: SACTERM user interface - Main page
In the status line also warnings are shown, they occur when one of the operation points is
out of the optimal range. There are:
-Battery voltage too low, Battery voltage too high, motor temperature too high, controller
temperature too high, current overload, overspeed, power too high, battery current to high.
Toolbar schortcuts
Table 1.1: SACTERM Toolbar Icon Descriptions
Icon Description
Loads the parameters from a file [Ctrl-O].
Exits the application.
General Options
Auto scan
When the option is selected, the available list of communication channels are continuously
scanned when the controller is not detected. That feature enables to detect new SAC-USB
interface without restarting SACTERM.
Language setting
Language can be set from menu Tools/Options. Currently supported is English (Default).
A version in German language can be selected with choosing de-DE.
After the selection is confirmed, the application must be restarted for new settings to be
Additional options
Show all parameters checkbox. When this option is checked, all possible parameters are
available in parameters page, ready for inspection.
Menu shows available serial communication channels. Currently selected channel is
shown disabled. Different serial channel can be selected manually even when auto detect
is disabled in options.
Note: The serial interface should be connected before the terminal program is started in
order to recognize the new communication port and avoid unexpected behavior. It is not
recommended to disconnect the communication port while the program is running.
Manual [F1]
Document with this manual is displayed.
About [F2]
Note: The displayed information is possible to copy to clipboard in text format by using
menu File\Edit\Copy All or shortcut <CTRL+C>.
the history of changes is shown. The history one could copy to clipboard by context menu
(right mouse click and selection “copy-all”).
Parameters page
The parameters page shows the list of the parameters separated in groups. Each
parameter is described with its Number and Name, followed by its Value, Unit and finally
with Description. The parameter value can be changed between the minimum and
maximum value.
The values of the parameters are transferred from the controller when the device becomes
Online. If another set of parameters is already loaded, the message box appears allowing
reading the parameters from controller and replacing the data shown in SACTERM by
selecting Read. When Write is selected, the parameter values in SACTERM are
transferred to the controller and replace old. When Offline is selected, the program is
disconnected from the controller allowing changing parameters already loaded in
SACTERM, which does not change any values on the controller.
When the value is not available, the „?“ is displayed. Also when the value is lower than
minimal is shown with sign „_“ and when the value is higher than maximal, sign „-“ is
When parameter is out of range when loaded, it is represented with red background. At
load time the comparison with last loaded parameter set is performed. The parameters
which differ are marked with light blue background color. When there are no previously
loaded parameters, all are marked with light blue background color.
All visible parameters can be changed when the controller is Online, one at the time by
clicking to the cell in Value column, and entering new value. Successful change of the
value is displayed on the status bar.
The parameter changed is automatically changed in the controller. Parameters can be
changed also in the Offline mode, but they are not changed in the controller until it is back
Online again, and Write is selected.
Fig. 7: Parameter page displays the list of parameters along with their settings
Parameter protection
With firmware V1.41 and revision 187 there is a possibility to lock the parameters to user
group. The user with level under 25 can only change unlocked parameters or parameters
locked to his user ID. The user with level up to 90 can unlock the controller parameters
lock, or lock the parameters to his ID.
By clicking on LOCK, the parameters are locked to the ID which is in the same user group.
After performing change, the controller must be restarted.
Access level
Comm. Port
Fig. 9: SACTERM About window
1.5 Communication port settings
Serial port can be selected via menu Settings. Some newer notebooks are not equipped
with a COM port anymore. In this case it is possible to use the external COM port
connected to the USB interface. The operation in both cases is identical. Baud rate and
other communication parameters are set automatically.
Selected COM port (COM1, COM2, COM3, etc.) and communication status (Online /
Offline) are always visible in the status line on the bottom of the application window.
Please note that is necessary to start / restart SACTERM after you plug-in USB COM port
interface to the computer in order to succesfully recognize it.
Exit application SACTERM before unplugging the USB COM port interface to prevent
unstable operation.
2. Settings
Most of the motor controller functions (such as potentiometer settings, limits, etc) are the
same for both motor types. Of course, the difference is in the motor control and
consequently there are some parameters used only with the IM (in parameter editor they
are marked with *IM) and some parameters are used only with the PMSM (marked with
the *SM). Control for both motors also operate with different switching frequencies (see
the section 2.7).
Parameter IM PMSM
2.1.3 Auto-tuning
There are two automatic procedures,
– motor auto-tuning available for entire SAC family and
– mechanical sensor tuning:
– HALL sensor (SAC1, SAC4, SAC41 V1.40 onwards)
– Resolver sensor (SAC41 V1.41 only)
When performing the auto-tuning procedures, the motor shaft must be standalone and
able to turn freely.
Caution: During the auto-tuning procedure, the motor shaft will be turning.
Before starting auto-tuning procedure, the parameter 1.09 MAXIMAL STATOR CURRENT
must be set to nominal current of the motor or less.
In order to start the motor auto-tuning procedure, one has to set the parameter
OPERATING MODE to the value which equals the desired operating mode plus 100.
Example: The desired mode is speed control mode with potentiometer (OPERATING
MODE=0) .
Common steps:
In order to start the mechanical sensor auto-tuning procedure, one has to set the
parameter OPERATING MODE to the value which equals the desired operating mode plus
The mechanical sensor tuning procedure will set the parameter 4.17 PAR_K2_ROT
If the auto tuning procedure is not successful, the error message will be shown in the
SACTERM AUTO TUNING ERROR. That may occur when the mechanical sensor is not
operating correctly, is not properly connected, there was not correct parameter setting or
there was mechanical obstacle preventing smooth mechanical shaft turning.
Lm Rr
1. Set the parameter MINIMAL ISD CURRENT to 50% of the motor nominal current.
For example: if the nominal motor current was 40A, set the MINIMAL ISD
2. Run the motor at approx. 50% of the nominal speed with no load or at the constant
load and read the values imr and isd on the main screen. If the controller is properly
tuned to the motor, these two values should be approximately the same. If the
difference between the two parameters is less than 10%, the magnetizing
inductance is accurately set and you need to return the MINIMAL ISD CURRENT
value back to the original value. In this case the tuning procedure for magnetizing
inductance is concluded, otherwise follow the next step.
3. If the values imr and isd are more than 10% apart, then it is advisable to correct the
MAGNETIZING INDUCTANCE parameter. If the isd is greater than imr, then
MAGETIZING INDUCTANCE is too big, and in the opposite case the MAGETIZING
INDUCTANCE is to small. You need to multiply the MAGNETIZING INDUCTANCE
parameter by value and store the value back to MAGNETIZING
INDUCTANCE parameter.
4. Then reset the motor controller and spin the motor again to verify if the imr and isd
are not more than 10% apart now.
5. If both parameters do match, then you can set the MINIMAL ISD CURRENT
parameter back to the default value (2A) and this procedure is successfully
concluded. High speed mode (HSM) and Low speed mode (LSM)
The induction motor control operates with two algorithms. One is active at low speeds
(Low Speed Mode - LSM) and the other is active with the high speeds (High Speed Mode -
HSM). Selection between the two modes occurs automatically with regard to the current
motor speed and parameters SWITCH TO HSM and HYSTERESIS FOR SWITCH TO
The low speed mode is usually active between the zero speed and 75% of the nominal
speed (This is valid only when the nominal motor voltage approximately equals to the
U dc
supply voltage divided by 2 ( U n≈ ) and the maximal motor torque needed for
specific application is not greater than the nominal torque.). For the rest of the speed
range the high speed mode is used. For a custom motor the SWITCH TO HSM parameter
can be calculated as
U battery
SWITCH TO HSM =0.53⋅RPM nominal⋅
U nominal
If you intend to operate the motor with the torque greater than the nominal motor torque,
you may have to decrease the SWITCH TO HSM parameter even more. If this parameter
is to big, you will notice a sudden temporary or permanent lack of the torque at the motor
speed near the transition speed during the acceleration. If this parameter is too small, the
consequence could be instable operation i.e. over current error.
The other parameter HYSTERESIS FOR SWITCH TO HSM introduces hysteresis in order
to minimize the excessive switching between the two modes. Suggested value for this
parameter is 100 RPM.
Note: For proper operation, also the current controller parameters in HSM need to be
setup. Set the HSM current controller D and Q axis parameters to the same values as
LSM controller parameters.
sensor-less operation, but on other hand results in lower dynamic of the system. Normally
this value is the same as MINIMAL ISD CURRENT.
e r= m⋅e
constant speed with the other motor. Lets assume you have measured the effective
back EMF voltage e. The MAGNETIZING FLUX parameter can the be determined
⋅ ≈
e 10 6 e
as MAGNETIZING FLUX = ⋅7.8 , where p is the number of
pole pairs and RPM is motor speed (revolutions per minute).
With some motors it would be practically possible to reach speeds that are multiple base
speeds. With such high speeds it exists a great danger, that in the case, when the
controller would be for some reason shut down, the induced voltage would rise so high
that it could destroy the inverter. For that reason at the initialization phase the maximal
always checked if they are inside of the safe area. If this is not true, the maximal speed is
internally set to a lower value at which the motor can be safely operated.
The motor controller SAC is offering different operating modes. With the regard on the
command value input operating modes can be divided into the three groups:
● modes with potentiometer speed/torque command,
● mode with constant speed command value,
● modes with CAN communication1.
Additionally the speed control or the torque control mode can be selected. At least the
controller also offers auto-tuning mode, which is aimed for the automatic parametrization
of the controller.
Operating mode can be selected with the parameter OPERATING MODE. Behavior of
operating modes is not influenced by the motor type selection. Operating modes are listed
in the table 2.4.
Operating Description
0 Speed control operation with analog speed command
(potentiometer). (see the section 2.3)
1 Torque control operation with analog torque command
(potentiometer). (see the section 2.3)
2 CAN bus operation using standard 11-bit ID. Controller data is sent
only on remote request. (see the section 2.14)
3 CAN bus operation using extended 29-bit ID. Controller data is sent
only on remote request. (see the section 2.14)
4 CAN bus operation using standard 11-bit ID. Controller data is sent
periodically. (see the section 2.14)
5 CAN bus operation using extended 29-bit ID. Controller data is sent
periodically. (see the section 2.14)
6 Constant speed operation. Speed command has to be set with
parameter Commanded speed (see the section 2.11)
100-106 Motor parameter auto-tuning mode. It is the same regardless on
operation mode parameter. The difference is that after the
successfully finished auto-tununing procedure OPERATION MODE
parameter value automatically changes to Operating mode-100;
(see the section 2.1.3)
220-226 Mechanical sensor auto-tuning mode. It is the same regardless on
operation mode parameter. The difference is that after the
successfully finished auto-tununing procedure OPERATION MODE
parameter value automatically changes to Operating mode-220;
(see the section 2.1.3)
Speed/torque command
0 Max. negative
0 MIN. MAX. 1023 Pot. position speed/torque
Figure 2.3: Unipolar potentiometer mode
Max. positive
0 POT_MAX 1023 Pot. position
Max. negative
torque/speed POT_DEAD_ZONE
2.3.3 EV mode
This mode is suitable for use with electric vehicles. It works only with the torque mode. The
torque command value output from the potentiometer is bipolar, and this value can change
between the values given with parameters MAXIMAL BRAKING TORQUE and MAXIMAL
POSITIVE TORQUE quadratically with the potentiometer position, where the zero output
potentiometer position can be selected with the parameter NEUTRAL POTENTIOMETER
POSITION. The positive part is intended for acceleration and the negative for breaking.
The static characteristic here has a quadratic form (figure 2.5) . With such a form a
smooth starting from a place and the driving comfort are improved. All parameters needed
for this mode are shown in the table 2.6.The torque sign is depended from the direction
obtained from digital input or over CAN.
The integer result is limited between 1 (0.289 rpm/s) and 32767 (eg. 9487 rpm/s)
When firmware version is below 1.39, the slope limiter is not active when using CAN for
reference input.
Two different modes can be selected with the parameter REVERSE BUTTON/SWITCH
SELECTION (see the table 2.8).
0 The pushbutton is selected for direction input. To change the
direction with the pushbutton, the pushbutton has to be pressed for
more than 50 ms and then released.
1 The switch is selected for direction input. With the reverse switch
the forward rotation/torque corresponds to open switch contacts
(state OFF) and the reverse rotation/torque corresponds to the
closed switch contacts (state ON).
The actual rotation/torque direction depends on the motor connection to the controller. It is
possible to change the direction by swapping two of the motor phases.
The zone of reduction can be adjusted and applies on motor current. The actual battery
voltage zone when reduction is started at continuous current can be recalculated as:
I max
Similar the UBAT MIN ZONE (Parameter in SACTERM) is:
I max
where UMINZ1 is required voltage range where the current limitation is effective. Simplified
for typical maximal stator currents:
Approximately the same is true for the over-voltage protection. When the motor is running
in the generative mode and the voltage gets close to maximum-voltage limit, the torque
becomes limited in order to keep the voltage under the maximum-voltage limit.
Additionally to the under-voltage and over-voltage limits there exist under-voltage and
over-voltage trips as well. These two trips turn the motor controller off when the supply
voltage is either to low or to high for the safe operation of the motor controller.
The dynamic of the current limitation can be set with UBAT LIMIT FILTER, used to prevent
system oscillations due to battery voltage drop. Higher cutoff frequency enables faster
reaction, necessary to prevent voltage trip, but can cause system oscillations.
temperature sensor can either be connected to the controller via analog input provided for
the temperature measurement (SAC4 only!), or to the external device, which is sending
motor temperature signal via can bus.
The input source must be set with the parameter MOTOR TEMPERATURE SOURCE,
and sensor type with the parameter MOTOR TEMPERATURE SELECTOR. Adaptation of
the motor resistance (MOTOR TEMPERATURE SELECTOR=3) is available in firmware
version V1.39 and when motor temperature sensor is connected. It improves sensorless
operation in wide motor temperature range.
If you don't use any motor temperature sensor, you must set both parameters (MOTOR
the motor won't start. In that case there is no thermal protection of the motor.
I [ A]
I max
T [ °C ]
If the application requires only simple on/off operation at the given speed, the INP1 digital
input can be permanently connected to the GND and the drive can be started with START
input. In this case there will be no current consumption from the energy source when the
drive operation is not required.
Important: Constant speed operation only works with the parameter AUTO POWER OFF
DELAY set to zero, otherwise the inverter will not be enabled.
Parameter Description
SPEED REGULATOR GAIN Gain of the PI regulator
SPEED REGULATOR KI This value is inverse proportional to the integrating
2 standard ID, controller data are sent only on remote request
3 extended ID, controller data are sent only on remote request
4 standard ID, controller data are sent periodically
5 extended ID, controller data are sent periodically
There are some typical baud rates and corresponding CAN BAUD RATE PRESCALER
values presented in the table 2.14.
Other CAN bus timing parameters cannot be changed. They are set at
the following values:
● No. of sample points: 1
● Sample timing: @ 70% of bit time
● Synchronization jump width: 10% of bit time
In general the physical value can be calculated from the CAN value as:
y=m⋅x y min
y − y min
m= max ,
y , y min , y max : physical value, minimal physical value, maximal physical value,
x : scaled CAN variable.
Note for more detailed information please see the document “SAC CAN protocol”.
Due to the fixed point internal computing inside the motor controller the scaling is not
determined by parameters m and y min , but by two parameters A and B. For particular
physical value the scaling is determined with the following parameters:
Parameters A and B can be calculated using MS Excel with the file scaling.xls. One needs
only to enter minimal and maximal physical values and corresponding parameters are
calculated automatically. After calculating parameters A and B, these parameters can be
to motor controller.
There is a restriction with CAN scaling: an absolutely arbitrary scaling can not be chosen
due to the fixed point nature of calculation. For that reason
● parameter A cannot be smaller than 1000 and greater than 32767 and
● parameter B cannot be smaller than -32768 and greater than 32767.
So, if calculated parameters A or B are outside of these limits, the desired scaling can not
be implemented. In this case the range of physical value has to be changed so that
parameters A and B will be inside of the allowable boundaries.
Currently implemented variables sent from SAC controller are scaled using following
x= * x *−B ,where x is physical variable, x* is 16-bit integer scaled variable sent over
CAN, k* is scaling factor for that particular physical variable, A scaling factor parameter, B
scaling offset parameter.
Reciprocal to obtain scaled value from physical, the following equation should be used:
x *=k *⋅xB
Scaling factors for following variables are:
Variable k* B
Besides previously mentioned variables with configurable scaling the temperature scaling
is predetermined and defined with the equation:
Temperature[ C ]=TemperatureCAN −55
In general the maximal 16-bit valid CAN variable value is always 65534. Value 65535 is
reserved for non-valid data. For 8-bit data (like a temperature) the value 255 is reserved
for non-valid data.
CAN scaling as described is valid for both received variables from the motor controller and
sent variables to the motor controller.
2.14.3 Time-out
Time-out parameter CAN TIMEOUT determines time in which the next command value
(valid message with BaseID+1) has to be received. If time after the last received command
is greater than time-out time, the motor controller enters disabled state. Time-out in is set
in miliseconds.
When the firmware version is below V1.39, the timeout in seconds can be calculated
approximately with the following equation:
where T s= .
Note: Default value for SAC is around 1-1.5 s.
where T s= .
Note: The default value is set to 250 ms. The values under 150 ms, can produce
undesirable packet overflow on the GD display.
If BaseID is greater than the greatest possible ID for the selected mode, the upper bits will
be ignored (for example: if ID:0x4312a0 is entered for standard ID, the 0x431000 will be
ignored and the controller will use the ID: 0x2a0).
From firmware version 1.38 onwards, there are separated parameters for receiving and
sending addresses. In such a way there exists a possibility to control more than one
controller with single unit.
Default value CAN ID READ LOW is set to 100. Default value CAN ID WRITE LOW is set
to 102.
Message descriptions:
● General Enable/Disable (8-bit):
: 0x00: General Disable: Motor control disabled
: 0x01: General Enable: Enables the motor controller (under condition, that there are
no errors present)
: 0x02xx: Reverse rotation bit d9 in case of 16 bit (from V1.41 rev 156).
● Commanded value (16-bit) should contain either the motor speed command or the
motor torque command.
● Mode selector (8-bit) selects either the speed mode or the torque mode:
: 0x00 : speed mode
: 0x01 : torque mode
: 0x02 : EV mode with CAN
: 0x03 : Generator principle mode (torque)
● Power limit is the ability to reduce motor power (0-no limit , 127-maximum motor
power limit,128-no generator limit, 255-maximum generator limit) (valid after firmware
V1.41 revision 156)
● Temperature AD input (16-bit) should contain AD value from the motor temperature
● Motor Speed (16-bit) contains the estimated motor speed,
● Battery Voltage (16-bit) contains the battery voltage,
● Motor Current (16-bit) contains RMS value of the motor current,
● Status (16-bit) contains the error code (see the table of error codes) on lower 8 (0-7)
bits, bit8: reflects bridge_on status, bit9: relay_on, bit10:speed_mode,
● Motor temperature (8-bit) contains the motor temperature.
● Controller temperature (8-bit) contains the controller temperature.
● Digital Inputs + Potentiometer contains values of three digital inputs and potentiometer
● Analog Input ADC0 (16-bit) contains the value of 10-bit analog input ADC0
● Battery current (16-bit) contains estimated battery current
● Digital Inputs + Potentiometer contains values of three digital inputs and potentiometer
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
INP3 INP2 INP1 0 0 0 Potentiometer (0-1023)
Byte 3 Byte 4
● Analog Input ADC0 (16-bit) contains the value of 10-bit analog input ADC0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 ADC0 (0-1023)
Byte 5 Byte 6
Before using the CAN mode make sure the following parameters are set
● BaseID (upper 13 bits CAN BASE - ID HI PART and the lower 16 bits CAN BASE
● CAN TIMEOUT (values from 0 to 32000, zero means no time-out),
● scaling constants.
adjust the torque to obtain maximum available power. The MPPT algorithm stability
depends of the electro-mechanical dynamics of the system and can be stabilized via „1.24
BREAKING TORQUE“ used normally in EV operation. The value, set higher produces
better dynamics and tracking but more torque variation resulting to speed variation. Setting
this value too low can produce non optimal power point. Default value of „1 Nm“ is
obtained experimentally. When the parameter is set to zero, MPPT is disabled.
3. Errors
Errors are reported in two ways:
● with LED blinking2
● with the error message inside of the user interface 3
2 At every startup the led diode blinks shortly. This is for the test purpose and doesn't represent any error.
3 PC computer has to be connected in order to see these messages.
OVER CURRENT - Motor phase current has exceeded maximum limit. This error
occurs when the motor control is not properly setup.
OVER VOLTAGE – Voltage on the DC link has exceeded maximum limit. Please
check the voltage range of selected controller. Battery can not accept enough
energy during regenerating mode. Check the parameter 1,16 UBAT LIMIT FILTER
UNDER VOLTAGE – Voltage on the DC link is too low. Battery can not deliver
required energy. Check the battery filter parameter settings (1,16) and parameters
BATTERY VOLTAGE LOW AT START – Measured battery voltage is too low.
Please ensure that battery is correctly connected to power terminal of the
controller. If error still persists contact service.
might be broken, or potentiometer damaged. Also check the potentiometer
parameter settings.
POTENTIOMETER NOT ZERO AT START – At start the potentiometer must be
set to neutral position. Check the potentiometer parameter settings.
OVER TEMPERATURE – Controller temperature during operation has become too
high. In water cooled system please check the cooling. When the controller is air
cooled, the ambient temperature is too high for required output power.
UNDER TEMPERATURE – Ambient or coolant is too cold.
TEMPERATURE SENSOR ERROR – Controller temperature measurement error.
Send the controller to service.
CURRENT OFFSET ERROR – Problem with controller supply or battery power.
When the supply is constant during switch on, send the controller to service.
DC LINK CHARGING ERROR – Check the battery power supply. If error remains,
send the controller to service.
RELAY ERROR – Check battery power supply. If error remains, send the
controller to service.
PDPINTA (SHORTCUT OR MOSET/DRIVER ERROR) – Motor terminals shortcut,
voltages on the motor are too high. If error persists, send the controller to service.
BAD USER PARAMETER CRC – Parameters stored to the controller are
corrupted, check if parameter version corresponds to controller version. Load the
parameters using SACTERM. If error persists contact service.
BAD SYSTEM PARAMETER CRC – System parameters corrupted, send the
controller to service
BAD FLASH CRC – Firmware corrupted, send the controller to service.
WRONG PARAMETER VERSION – Parameters stored to controller are not
compatible with firmware, send the controller to service.
INVALID MOTOR TYPE – Wrong selected motor type. Check parameter 1,02
AUTOTUNING ERROR – Auto tuning not successful. Ensure that battery voltage
is constant during auto-tuning, that the motor is correctly connected to the
controller and can turn freely without any external load. If error persist, contact
technical support.
BOOST ERROR – Internal error, send the controller to service.
MOTOR OVER TEMPERATURE – Check the motor cooling and operation setting.
MOTOR TEMPERATURE SENSOR ERROR – Check the motor temperature
sensor connection or type or contact technical support.
STALL DETECTED – Check if motor is blocked at start, check the motor and
control parameter settings or contact technical support.
MOTOR OVERSPEED – Check if motor is rotating at start, check the motor and
control parameter setting or contact technical support.
COMMUNICATION SAC <-> DISPLAY – The device received no message in
specified timeout, or message was corrupt. Check if the reference message is sent
periodically within timeout limit. For safety reason, normally timeout should be
twice as reference period. If persists contact technical support. The error available
after V1.41 rev 203.
OVER CURRENT (HW) (SAC50 V1.42) – Hardware detected too high current. Could
be issue in wiring, motor or parameters.
OVER VOLTAGE (HW) (SAC50 V1.42) – The voltage rose above the limits. Battery
disconnected during the operation.
EXCESSIVE MOTOR PHASE VOLTAGE (SAC4 V1.42) – The motor phase voltages to
high, issue with measurement.
CPU ERROR (V1.41) - Contact technical support
4. Warnings
Warnings are showing the reason why the system is limiting the control output., the
value is close to the limit. Warning codes are binary encoded.
Warning Name
0 No warning
1 Controller temperature high
2 Motor temperature high
3 Battery voltage low
4 Battery voltage high
5 Overspeed
6 Overload
Note: Warnings are implemented from firmware version 1.41 revision 56.
5. Technical specifications
See data for individual controllers!
6. Connection diagram
See connection diagrams for individual controllers!